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From the Publisher
Accolades and Highlights
GARDS TO RECENT ACCOLADES. We may have a small staff here at Ocala Magazine, but it is a talented one for sure. I could not have been more proud than I was at the recent Florida Magazine Association awards in which our crew took home five awards ranging from excellence in writing, photography and design to best overall magazine. The awards included first place for Best Design: Department. Since taking over at Ocala Magazine, I’ve been able to experience the many wonderful highs as well as the pitfalls commonplace in this industry. That is why it means so much to see those who go to the mat every day with their creative skills be recognized in such a way.
At the awards, OM finished third place for Best Overall Magazine which is quite a feat for our staff and all those who contribute on a regular basis. To be mentioned right alongside other stalwarts such as Boca Magazine, Club Traveler and Sarasota Magazine is a big honor and quite humbling.
Of course, no one here does anything for awards; instead, it’s all about bringing to Ocala compelling stories, visual constructs and insight into this wonderful area we call home. We hope our readers enjoy the magazine as much as we enjoy producing it.
At the awards, OM took home the following:
• Best Overall: Magazine, 3rd place • Best Design: Department, 1st place (‘Pulse’ by Jessi Miller and Carlton Reese) • Best Photography: Cover, 2nd place (June 2021, Ralph Demilio) • Best Writing: Public Service Coverage, 3rd place (‘The Covid Curse’ by Brad Rogers) • Best Overall: Design, 3rd place (Jessi Miller)
Congratulations to all our staff!
THIS MONTH’S CHARITY SPOTLIGHT falls on the Ocala Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Center and I think what a worthwhile cause it is to provide aid and comfort to women who have been battered. The man who lifts his hand against a woman is among the lowest there is and as such it is society’s duty to care for the victims of these abusers.
Inevitably the victims are more than just the women themselves as innocent children are often caught up in the pain, and that’s where the center is able to provide a safe haven for all involved. It’s not just shelter – there is also much-needed psychological counseling, legal help, sustenance and more.
It’s sad that such an organization has to exist in our society, but it is sorely needed. Hopefully, the day will come when such help is not in dire need, but until then the funding and volunteer help from citizens is crucial. Thankfully, the citizens of Ocala have always been and will continue to be the sort that keeps organizations like the Ocala Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Center a beacon of hope so many in distress.
I WANT TO SEND OUT A HAPPY BIRTHDAY message to two special mothers out there, both named Sharon. September is the birth month of my mother, Sharon Glassman, and my oldest child’s mother, Sharon Raye. I am blessed to have both these ladies in my life and especially my mother for giving me life. They both deserve all the happiness in the world!
OM's 2022 FMA Charlie Awards

Dr. Judy Wilson, CEO of Ocala Domestic Violence/ Sexual Assault Center