Retirement Redefined
MAR/APR 2022
! p U k Drin
r a perfect fo g in k o lo e ’r u o Whether y st craft beer, ie d n e tr e th r o i martin r for you! u o p e th s a h e n Ocala’s bar sce
Challenging Puzzles | Seafood Recipes | Cuisine Queen
Check out Homosassa State Park before they’re gone for the season.
Good Neighbors Out & About Claudia O’Brien’s amazing artwork is an awesome second act.
You bet on the Rotary’s derby ducks downtown, didn’t you?
“She gave me a hug after her MRI was done.” At Radiology Associates of Ocala, we put our all into every patient from every walk of life—elderly adults, recovering athletes, and for our MRI technologist Sellymar, individuals with Down syndrome. When one of these patients was too nervous for her MRI, Sellymar was determined to make her feel as comfortable as possible. Sellymar met her patient where she was, walked her through every step of the scan and eased her into the exam room when she was ready. At the end of the MRI, her patient rushed to give Sellymar a hug, and she left her appointment as proud of herself as Sellymar was.
When it comes to medical imaging, you have the power to choose a provider that cares. Choose RAO. 352-671-4300
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Join Charisse Rivers on her radio show “Retirement Coffee Talk” each weekend: SATURDAY: 9am-10am on WXJB 99.9 FM 8:30am-9:am on WSKY 97.3 FM 11am-12pm on WSKY 97.3 FM SUNDAY: 8am-9am on WSKY 97.3 FM 12pm-1pm on WSKY 97.3 FM
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32 departments 8
The Editor’s Desk
Good Start
My Florida
Out & About
Just My Type
Out & About
Good Health
Cuisine Queen
Plan Ahead
All in the family. By Dean Blinkhorn Quick looks at our community. By JoAnn Guidry & Cynthia Brown A festival of flowers. By Melody Murphy Grandview World Nights. By Steve Floethe Writing a novel. By Mary Ellen Checking out the wildlife. By Dean Blinkhorn A duck derby downtown. By Steve Floethe Add life to your years. By Cammy Dennis
features 20
All the latest dining news. By Paula DiPaula “Seafood” in a new way. By Family Features Lots of reasons to get out of your easy chair. What are you waiting for?
Puzzle Page
Spend a few minutes with the crossword or Sudoku.
Inside The Artist’s Mind
Claudia O’Brien’s beautifully fantastic art allows her to “disconnect from the real world” into a space where the tiniest detail can reveal amazing depths and layers. BY RICHARD ANGUIANO
on the cover
Drink Up!
Ocala’s drinking establishments are diverse—and growing! Whether you’re looking for a private speakeasy or a trendy spot for a craft cocktail, Ocala’s scene has the pour for you. WRITTEN & COMPILED BY CYNTHIA BROWN & DEAN BLINKHORN
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
The marriage of
Art & Technology
MAGAZINE MAR/APR 2022 Publisher—Art Director Trevor Byrne
We have cutting edge
a e lthy S H g n i mi er at
for our laboratory cases.
Dean Blinkhorn
Project Manager Cynthia Brown
Richard Anguino, Cammy Dennis, Mary Ellen, JoAnn Guidry, Melody Murphy, Paula, Danielle Veenstra
Photographers Steve Floethe John Jernigan
Proofreaders Karen Bradley Sally Tinkham
Advertising Sales Carol DeWitt
(302) 377-9142
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Becky White
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Distribution Heidi Justice
PA R T N E R :
Located right outside of Golf Cart Accessible! On Top of the World
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
Published bi-monthly by Good Life Publishing Inc. • (877) 622-5210 ©2022 Good Life Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. No part may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Unsolicited material will not be returned. Publisher is not responsible for advertisers’ claims or content of advertisements.
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the editor’s desk
by dean blinkhorn []
All In The Family
’ve been fortunate over a 23-year local publishing career to have assembled an amazing team of wonderful writers. Most of the time, they’re busy telling other people’s stories, so I’m sure it’s a little weird when they’re the ones being interviewed instead. This issue includes a short piece on Mary Ellen Saladino’s wonderful new romance book and a longer profile on Claudia O’Brien’s cool second act as an artist. They’re both super-talented. I FIRST MET CLAUDIA O’BRIEN—and her age-defying husband Steve—more than 20 years ago when I was editor of another local magazine. They scheduled an appointment, asked to see me, and then offered their services as an all-in-one writer/photographer duo. They were charming enough, but to be honest, most of the clips I saw of Claudia’s best work were from her newspaper career. Steve I knew I could use immediately. I thanked them both and got back to work. When I had a spare hour later in the week, I started looking through Claudia’s archives more carefully. They had just moved to Ocala, and Claudia had simply dropped off a few Tupperware bins of her clippings. I started digging. The first few boxes were more of the same. I was beginning Mary Ellen Saladino to think that, while I really clicked with Claudia’s and Claudia completely authentic O’Brien are both personality, she might not be the right fit for a local super-talented. lifestyle magazine. And then I opened the very last container, the one literally at the bottom of the stack. It was filled with Claudia’s fascinating and quirky stories of people from all walks of life. She not only told their stories expertly, but she also captured their spirit as well—and in some amazingly tight word counts. In other words, she was exactly what I was looking for, someone to take over our magazine’s front-of-book section, which needed 4-6 pages of fascinating and quirky short features. Husband Steve could take the pictures. This arrangement, one that extended into Ocala’s Good Life, lasted 20 years. In local publishing, that’s an eternity. Whenever I talked to people out in the community, Claudia and Steve’s names were the ones that came up most often. I didn’t know then that I had hired ambassadors for my publications. I am honored once again to showcase Claudia and Steve’s talents for our readers’ enjoyment, this time with the
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
camera lens pointed in the opposite direction. Thank you both for all the great memories. NEXT UP IS MARY ELLEN SALADINO. She first appeared in Ocala’s Good Life as a cover subject. She had written a humorous piece on being a “reluctant gardener,” and I knew right away that her funny, sardonic style was one to corral for what was then a new publishing venture. Almost immediately, her popular column, “Just My Type,” appeared in this magazine. She hasn’t missed an issue since. But the best part about Mary Ellen isn’t her funny take on living the good life in a gated senior community, it’s her warmth, kindness, and wonderful personality. I can’t imagine an issue of this magazine without her remarkable words. She also is a name I hear often in the community—admittedly, for a while it was for her, shall we say, unusual hairstyle. But it was mostly for how genuinely nice she was and how her words had a humorous impact on our readers’ lives. Thank you for all the great stories.
Now we’re happy to share your stories.
All the best,
Everyone who knows me well is aware that I love music of all kinds, so...
What’s Dean Playing? Jefferson Starship, “Greatest Hits (Ten Years And Change)”—Get ready for their March 26 concert at the Reilly with this excellent compilation that also includes some of their biggest Starship hits like “Sara” and “We Built This City.” Even better are “Find Your Way Back,” Layin’ It On The Line,” and “No Way Out,” AOR jams of the highest order. Suzy Bogguss, “20 Greatest Hits”— One of the top female country artists of the ‘90s, this set covers her Capitol period superbly, especially “Outbound Plane” and her cover of John Hiatt’s “Drive South.” Be sure to get a ticket for her March 18 show at the Orange Blossom Opry in Weirsdale. The Kingston Trio, “Capitol Collectors Series”—Most of the folk legend’s best tracks are here, including “Tom Dooley” and “Seasons In The Sun.” They also play the Orange Blossom Opry in Weirsdale, with their show scheduled for March 27.
HCA Florida Ocala Hospital and HCA Florida West Marion Hospital are a part of HCA Florida Healthcare, the largest healthcare family in the state. HCA Florida Healthcare is uniting an expansive network of hospitals, physician practices, innovative technologies, and other facilities across the state—under one name to create a connected and collaborative healthcare experience for you and your family. You may have visited or seen one of our hospitals or physician practices in the past, and soon you will be able to recognize how we are related to each other under our new name.
good start
Written & Compiled By JoAnn Guidry & Cynthia Brown
OGL’s Mary Ellen Pens A Novel
or the past 10 years and counting, Ocala’s Good Life readers have been entertained by the insightful and humorous musings of Mary Ellen Saladino’s “Just My Type” column. The good news is that Mary Ellen has published her first novel under her pen name M.E. Saladino. The Love Letter Ghost is an historical/paranormal romance novel and was launched, appropriately enough, this past Valentine’s Day. At the center of the story is a magical fountain pen and the ghost of its 1908 original owner. Alexander Sullivan, the ghost, channels his spirit through his fountain pen to help current owner and novelist Conrad “Mac” MacConnell write love letters to win back Angie, who broke off their engagement. But Sullivan, who writes in flowing calligraphy, isn’t totally an altruistic ghost and has his own hidden agenda. Throw in Angie’s meddling Italian family and her childhood nemesis, Bianca, who seizes the opportunity to make a move on Mac. Well, no one ever said that a romance goes smoothly. Mary Ellen knows all about the twists, turns and magic of love stories. “I had an old fountain pen and I started thinking about the life of the person who maybe had owned it at one time. That was my jumping-off point and then the love story grew out of that,” says Mary Ellen. “I started writing it in 2008, but once I became part of the Freedom Library Writers group, I started learning more and kept working on the book.” But as Mary Ellen points out, “Life gets in the way, so I put the book away. Then in 2016, my husband Bob died, and I didn’t even think of the book for a long time.” As fate would have it, it was love that led Mary Ellen to finishing and then publishing her book. “I was very blessed to find love again and on February 14, 2020, I married Carmine Saladino,” says Mary Ellen. “Carmine asked me to read him some of the book and right away he encouraged me to pursue my dream of publishing it. Through a Facebook friend, I found a publisher and now I’m so excited that my dream of becoming an author has come true.”
WANT TO KNOW MORE? The Love Letter Ghost is available for digital purchase on and in paperback at It’s also available at Kobo,, and Goodreads. Mary Ellen is hoping to schedule some book signings, so keep checking Ocala’s Good Life for any updates. No word yet if she’ll be signing books with a haunted fountain pen.
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
Candler Hills Golf Club Ranked #10
On Top of the World’s Candler Hills Golf Club was ranked #10 on GolfPass’s Golfers’ Choice 2022 Best Golf Courses In Florida list. Nearly 70,000 Florida golfers voted in the annual GolfPass ranking. GolfPass reviewers rate courses based on six subcategories, including course layout and off-course amenities, to arrive at the Top 25 overall. Photo: On Top Of The World Communities
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” —Robert Louis Stevenson
UPCOMING PROGRAMS All programs and events are free to attend unless otherwise noted. All programs are subject to cancellation as deemed necessary.
MORNING BEGINNERS STEP AEROBICS E.D. Croskey Recreation Center | 1510 NW Fourth St. Thursdays | Now-April 28 | 8:30-9:30 a.m. Setup your workout with this fun aerobics class! This is a beginner friendly program that will have you moving to good music while learning the basics of step aerobics. FOREVER YOUNG SENIOR AEROBICS | AGES 50+ E.D. Croskey Recreation Center | 1510 NW Fourth St. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays | Now-May 30 | 10-11 a.m. | 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. All moves are performed in a chair for efficient and low impact movements. This fun class focuses on aerobics, conditioning, strengthening, and increasing flexibility while grooving to your favorite tunes. SENIOR BINGO | AGES 50+ Eighth Avenue Adult Activity Center | 830 NE Eighth Ave. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays | Now-Aug. 31 | 1-2:30 p.m. Enjoy your favorite game of BINGO with friends, food, and music. Please bring $2 in quarters, nickels, and dimes. RETRO SOUNDS PRESENTED BY FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK Downtown Ocala Friday | March 4 | 6-9 p.m. Event festivities include over 30 artist displays, live entertainment, free family art activities and extended shopping hours. Retro Sounds is traveling back to the 1960s era of Motown featuring a musical performance by The Motowners, bringing back your favorite hits from The Temptations, Four Tops, Smokey Robinson and more! Dress up in your fab ‘60s threads and join us for a car show and fun activities.
PAW-BLO PICASSO PAINT PAW-TY | AGES 18+ Tuscawilla Art Park | 215 NE Fifth St. Saturday | March 12 | 10 a.m.-Noon Bring your pup and join us for a paint paw-ty! We will provide all necessary art supplies and guide you and your pooch through turning your dog’s paw print into a beautiful piece of art to take home. This program is in partnership with K-9 Fit Club of Central Florida. $10 CARDS AND FRIENDS | AGES 50+ Eighth Avenue Adult Activity Center | 830 NE Eighth Ave. Saturday | March 12 | 2-7 p.m. If you play Bid Whist, Spades, Hand and Foot, or Pinochle, come on out for an afternoon of fun, fellowship, and laughter. $3/person.
AL CAPONE’S DINNER AND SHOW | AGES 50+ Eighth Avenue Adult Activity Center 830 NE Eighth Ave. Thursday | March 24 | 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Join us for a trip to Kissimmee to enjoy an interactive musical dinner and show about the adventures of Al Capone. Registration fee includes charter bus transportation, buffet meal and theater admission. $62/person.
OFF YOUR ROCKERS SENIOR DAY SOCIAL: SENIOR PROM | AGES 50+ Eighth Avenue Adult Activity Center | 830 NE Eighth Ave. Tuesday | Apr. 12 | 1-3 p.m. Come dressed to the nines, bring your dance partner (or meet a new one!) and join us for our themed social dances! This event is sponsored by CarePlus.
LUNCH WITH THE ARCHAEOLOGIST Fort King National Historic Landmark 3925 E Fort King St. Thursdays | Mar. 17 | Apr. 21 | 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Bring a lawn chair, pack a lunch, and join us as the Archaeologist talks about Fort King and the artifacts that have been found on-site as well as a Q&A session.
MINIBUS TRIP: BUTTERFLY RAINFOREST AT THE FLORIDA MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY | AGES 50+ Eighth Avenue Adult Activity Center | 830 NE Eighth Ave. Thursday | Apr. 21 | 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Participants will enjoy the beauty of the museum and the butterfly rainforest exhibit. $14/person includes transportation by minibus with lunch on your own. Pre-register by April 18.
PARADE OF SENIOR SERVICES | AGES 50+ College of Central Florida | 3001 SW College Rd. Friday | March 18 | 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Over 30 agencies will be on site for this wellness information fair to answer your questions! Vendors supply information about recreation, city, county, state, and federal government services and much more.
LEVITT AMP OCALA MUSIC SERIES Webb Field | 1501 NW 12 Ave. Fridays | Apr. 22-Jul. 1 (excluding May 27) | 7-9 p.m. The 2022 Levitt AMP Music Series (in partnership with the Marion Cultural Alliance and the City of Ocala) returns for its fifth year featuring 10 FREE concerts! Enjoy an eclectic musical lineup and food trucks. Bring your blanket or chair.
Tuscawilla Park 800 NE Sanchez Ave. Monday | Apri. 25 | 9 a.m.-Noon Hook up with us for a few hours of fishing fun at this catch and release fishing event. Dress comfortably, bring your sunscreen, and fishing poles. We will provide lunch, prizes, and bait. Transportation not included. ORANGE BLOSSOM OPRY SHOWCASE | AGES 50+ Eighth Avenue Adult Activity Center 830 NE Eighth Ave. Thursday | March 24 | 5:30-10 p.m. Come out for an evening of entertainment with old friends while making some new ones! $18/person includes transportation, but dinner is on your own. Pre-registration is required. Trip location/dates/prices are subject to change. AFTER DARK IN THE PARK: DREAMGIRLS (2006) Tuscawilla Art Park | 213 NE Fifth St. Friday | March 25 | 8-9:40 p.m. Be sure to bring a blanket or chairs to sit on. Concessions available for purchase like snacks, popcorn, and soda. Simply show up, get comfortable and enjoy the show. REPLANT DAYS: SPRING Ocala Wellness Community Garden Saturday | March 26 | 8:30-10:30 a.m. Get your hands dirty planting fall seasonal seeds. For more information about the garden and how to purchase your own garden plot, visit
BARBARA LEE CRUISE | AGES 50+ Eighth Avenue Adult Activity Center | 830 NE Eighth Ave. Wednesday | May 11 | 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Join us for a cruise down the St. John’s River and enjoy a unique way to experience the local wildlife. $80/person includes a chef prepared meal, live entertainment, dinner shows and mysteries. FOOT LOOSE LINE DANCING Eighth Avenue Adult Activity Center | 830 NE Eighth Ave. Tuesdays | 11 a.m. Noon This fun class is for anyone who loves to dance, whether you are experienced, or new to the dance floor. You will learn the basic steps of many soul and line dances while getting a workout at the same time. REJUVENATE WITH THE ARTS | AGES 50+ Eighth Avenue Adult Activity Center | 830 NE Eighth Ave. Second and fourth Tuesdays of the month 10 a.m.-Noon Get crafty with these fun DIY workshops to renew and discover your artistic abilities. Create your own project to take home. A new design every session! $5/person/class.
Register for programs at or call 352.368.5517
good start GOOD HEALTH:
Is Olive Oil A Super Oil?
OTOW Lions Club’s Good Deeds
ounded in 1987, the On Top Of The World Lions Club continues to make a difference every day in the Ocala community. “Our main focus is on the children and veterans of Marion County,” says OTOW Lions Club Chair Estelle Michelson, who has been a member since retiring to OTOW in 2000. “We collect and distribute food, clothes, and toiletries to veterans and women and children in shelters. Those include the Ritz Veterans Village and Arnette House, among others.” Another project is a quarterly donation of socks, books, and stuffed animals to the Children’s Emergency Unit at AdventHealth. For Thanksgiving, the group adopts families from a local elementary school and veterans’ families, delivering baskets to them with everything needed for a Thanksgiving dinner. OTOW Lions Club partners with Toys for Tots during the Christmas season to collect gift items for children. The club also belongs to “Wreaths Across America,” buying and then placing wreaths on local veterans’ graves. “We also collect donated eyeglasses and hearing aids to be refurbished. The eyeglasses are refurbished and then sent with missionaries to third-world countries,” says Michelson. “The hearing aids are sent to the University of Florida, where they are refurbished. If someone needs a hearing aid and has no insurance that would pay for it, they can contact us and we’ll refer them to a local doctor who works with us.” In addition to several fundraisers a year, the OTOW Lions Club also collects old cell phones and ink cartridges to recycle for money to spend on projects. “There is so much need in our community,” says Michelson. “We try to do our part to help fulfill those needs as much as we can. And we appreciate any support to help further our work.”
WANT TO KNOW MORE? Contact Estelle Michelson at (352) 861-7358.
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
Adding olive oil to your diet could lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Researchers studied the health and diet of 60,582 women and 31,801 men in the United States from 1990 to 2018. Those who said they consumed more than half a tablespoon of olive oil daily had a 19% lower risk of all causes of death. They also had a 19% lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those who rarely or never had olive oil. Those who consumed olive oil daily also reduced their risk of death from neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease by 29%. Researchers also found olive oil use was associated with a 17% lower death risk from cancer and 18% lower risk of death from respiratory disease. Researchers also found that even having as little as a teaspoon daily was associated with a 12% reduced risk of death from all causes. Source: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
good start March 1985
What the hell did you do with your day before I retired?
1985 Volkswagen GTI
“Ever since the VW GTI first appeared (1976 in Europe, 1982 over here), the name has symbolized a special brand of motoring: practical and energy-conscious as the 1980s demand, yet quick and high-spirited. This was sensible fun, enthusiast driving with a low profile.” Source:
Price Check
The Top 10 Hits 1 We Are The World–USA For Africa 2 One More Night–Phil Collins 3 Crazy For You–Madonna
The Box Office
4 Nightshift–Commodores
5Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment–$55,600,000 Mask–$48,230,162 The Breakfast Club–$45,875,171 The Care Bears Movie–$22,934,622
6 I’m On Fire–Bruce Springsteen
Mar. 9: National False Teeth Day— You might be surprised to know that dentures have existed since the 7th century B.C. Etruscans from ancient Italy were the first to fabricate dentures from animal and human teeth.
Mar. 31: Manatee Appreciation Day— Did you know manatees weigh as much as 1,200 pounds but survive on seagrass alone? And that they have no natural enemy except humans? This day is celebrated to appreciate, learn more about, and protect the bloated beanbag look-alikes from deadly human activities. Check out to see how you can help!
Gallon of Gas $1.20 Gallon of Milk $2.26 New Car $9,005.00 First Class Stamp $0.20 Dozen Eggs $0.80 Ground Beef per lb. $1.39 Average Income $23,618.00
5 Material Girl–Madonna 7 Rhythm Of The Night–DeBarge 8 Lover Girl–Teena Marie 9 Obsession–Animotion 10 Missing You–Diana Ross Source:
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
Apr. 9: National Unicorn Day— The unicorn was spotted in early Mesopotamian artwork and was often noted in myths and stories deriving from China, Greece, and India. They often make appearances on birthday cakes and children’s clothing. And let’s be honest—quite a lot of us adults still dig them, too!
Apr. 27: National Pigs in a Blanket Day—And whom shall we thank for all this? In 1957 Betty Crocker’s Cooking for Kids published the first simple recipe for the taste treat. The rest is history! Source:
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My Florida Festival Of Flowers
By Melody Murphy []
lorida was made for springtime. On April 2, 1513, Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León sighted the coast of the Sunshine State and came ashore, the first known European to do so. He called this green and blossoming land La Florida because it was Easter season, which the Spaniards called Pascua Florida (Festival of Flowers). While the legend that Juan was searching for the Fountain of Youth is purely a myth, it’s certainly believable that eternal youth could be found in an ever-blooming, endlessly green land of sunshine and clear turquoise waters. More than three centuries later, Florida became the 27th state in the Union on March 3, 1845. Both historic milestones occurred in springtime. This seems entirely correct. Spring is the most beautiful time of year in Florida. We start it early and celebrate it as long as we can. What looks like spring elsewhere begins here in January (if not sooner). First, the Japanese magnolias, elegant orchid-colored blossoms unfurling on small ornamental trees with slim, graceful branches. They’re also called teacup magnolias and saucer magnolias, making them a regular tea ceremony of a tree. Then come the camellias: rosy-red, white, pale-pink perfection, ruffly or candy-canestriped. Though not quite perfect to me, as they lack scent, they’re still welcome spots of color in a landscape frost-burned gray and brown by our few cold snaps. There is something modest and morally upright about a camellia bush—or perhaps I think that because they stood like stately sentinels in my grandmother’s yard and were planted in my own by a similar lady who ruled my house before me. Camellias belong in the yards of church ladies who sing in the choir and will
Spring is the most beautiful time of year in Florida. We start it early and celebrate it as long as we can.
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
bring you a casserole in times of trial. Valentine colors continue in February: delicate sprays of redbud, wild plum trees blooming like the white lace that edges a Valentine heart. An ancient wild plum tree stood, bent as a dowager, along the rutted lane that ran by my mother’s old house. It always bloomed around Valentine’s Day. Then the stealthy creep of azaleas begins. First an early blossom or two in late January, if the weather’s warm, then a few more in February, still somehow unobtrusive. Then it always seems like one morning we wake up and boom, all the azaleas in Florida have bloomed overnight in a riotous explosion of color, like the signal was given at 3am and every bud fired into flower as if shot out of a cannon. By the first of March there are massed banks of brilliant bloom everywhere: magenta and coral and fuchsia, white and pink and scarlet. When I think of azaleas, I think first and almost exclusively of the formosa variety, that vibrant reddishpurple shade of fuchsia-magenta. Perhaps this is also due to what grew in both grandmothers’ yards, hedging their houses. Insidious wisteria soon twirls its dangerous tendrils around anything that stands still, dangling its aggressively sweet lavender festoons from ferocious vines like bunches of grapes. Wisteria will crush the ruins of old houses and strangle a strong fence. Next, roadsides and fields begin to be blanketed by phlox in a profusion of pinks and purples and rampant reds, a crazy quilt of color. Then spring’s palette shifts from scentless Valentine hues to fragrant white. Dogwoods blossom in mid-March, their ivory petals scented like old-fashioned soap flakes, drifting to earth on chilly gusts of spring wind. My favorite scent, surely the fragrance of heaven itself—orange blossoms—hovers like a glorious chord over blooming groves. It’s warmer now, and time to drive slowly with your windows down to enjoy the golden air. April arrives as jasmine takes over trees and fences in clouds of tiny starlike white flowers along country roads. The scent is like being slapped in the face by Scarlett O’Hara. Snow-white gardenias show off in yards as their heady perfume wafts on the breeze. Late in the month, magnolias appear high in the tall trees, their grand creamy-white blooms releasing a faint lemony fragrance into the air. They will reign into summer. In Florida, our Festival of Flowers is an endless celebration. Juan knew what he was doing when he named us.
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5 Dagny & David Moreno
5 Darren & Katy Rudd
5 Linda & Kay Rains
Grandview World Nights
5 Don & Sharon McGin
Horse lovers were treated to two elegant evenings of majestic draft horsepower at Ocala’s World Equestrian Center in February. Hundreds turned out to watch the wagon pulling power of Clydesdales, Belgians and Percherons as they competed in the All Breed Grandview World Nights Six Horse Hitch Championship. Judging was based on the historical accuracy of the restored freight wagons along with horse conformation, manner of going, and even the craftmanship of the harnesses used.
5 Judy & Kirk Hempel
Photos By Steve Floethe
5 Butch & Maryann
5 Janet & Rich Luthman
3 Dee & Buzz Polek
5 Kelsey Hecker, Erin Murphy, Robin
& Les Boileau
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
5 One of the many hitches of the competition
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Inside The Artist’s Mind Claudia O’Brien’s beautifully fantastic art allows her to “disconnect from the real world” into a space where the tiniest detail can reveal amazing depths and layers. BY RICHARD ANGUIANO • PHOTOS BY STEVE FLOETHE
laudia O’Brien’s name should be familiar to Ocala’s Good Life readers through her years of work as a contributing writer. Last year, Claudia retired from freelance writing but still pursues creative outlets: photography and digital art. “I’m kind of glad I don’t have deadlines anymore,” says Claudia, 78. “I wanted to be able to spend more time with my grandchildren and my art.” Claudia’s career in media dates to the early 1960s in her native Miami. She met her husband of 55 years,
Steve Floethe, also an Ocala’s Good Life photographer, in the newsroom of WCKT TV (now WSVN 7) in Miami. She was a newsroom assistant, and he was a fledgling reporter and the host of weekend interview programs. Steve’s career as an anchorman and TV reporter took the couple to Sarasota, Panama City; Albany, GA; and Fort Myers. Along the way, Claudia worked as a newspaper reporter covering hospitals and writing feature stories and later founded a public relations firm. The couple’s busy schedule also included bringing up a
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
daughter, Joanie, and a son, Brian. Claudia’s foray into photography and digital art has its roots in the couple’s travels in the U.S. and Europe. “We always had cameras in the house,” she says. “In Sarasota in the 1970s, I took a photography course at a vo-tech school. I had written for papers for many years and now I could take pictures.” CLAUDIA BEGAN PURSUING photography in a more artistic vein around the time she and Steve moved to Ocala
in 2001. She exhibits her work in the online gallery She’s also a member of the Artist Alley Alliance and exhibits her art in the Ocala group’s local and regional shows. Claudia’s photography shows an eye for the obscure, as in “Gaper,” an image she took in the Zuiderzeemuseum in the Netherlands. The photo is a close-up of a colorful, gargoyle-like creature, grimacing with a pill on its tongue, of the sort that adorned buildings in the 17th century and advertised pharmacies in the days of widespread illiteracy. She also seems to have a knack for capturing the serendipitous with her camera. “Devotion,” shot in a pasture near her home in Ocala, shows two Brahman cattle as one nuzzles the other. “The universe,” says Claudia, “picked a good day for me to take pictures there.” Meanwhile, her eye for detail, particularly in nature, is perhaps the most prevailing characteristic of Claudia’s work. A trip to Keukenhof, the famed garden in the Netherlands, at tulip time, generated her series, “Tulip Centricity.” Claudia took pictures with a small
Tulip Centricity II
pocket camera, training its tiniest lens on the interiors of an array of tulips. “I could easily either slip it completely inside or if the petals were partly opened, I could gently lean against them,” she recalls. “There was a way for regular light to get in and I was trying to avoid that.” The results depict the vivid colors and patterns of the interiors of tulips, each as individual as a fingerprint. “I didn’t use a flash,” says Claudia. “The sunlight came through the petals and that’s what gave it its color. I might have shadowed or deepened the color somewhat. But it was pretty much as it was first taken.” THE ADVENT OF PHOTO EDITING software took Claudia into the realm of digital art. Her usual process is to take an image from a photo—sometimes incorporating only its basic figures— and playing with color, line weight and shadow in the editing programs Adobe Photoshop and Topaz Studio. “I have to teach myself,” says Claudia of the editing software. “I don’t do well reading the manual. The harder the time I
have learning when I teach myself, the more I understand something and the more I end up using it.” Often, she creates digital art from otherwise throwaway images she snapped years before and filed away. One example is a favorite of Claudia’s, the series “Circles and Flowers,” inspired by a photo Claudia took in a field of strawflowers in Ireland. “This was about 20 years ago, and I wasn’t thinking professionally at that time,” she recalls. “I just wanted to get a good photo, but it came back and
Claudia O’Brien’s foray into photography and digital art has its roots in her travels in the U.S. and Europe. I thought, ‘Ugh, this is not much of anything.’ There was no center of interest, really.” “When I was working with it and experimenting digitally, the centers of the strawflowers ended up being what I used for the circles,” adds O’Brien. The result is a series of three abstracts with swirling movement and shadows, each with a unique mood according to color selection. Another work, “Glimpses in the Night,” sprang from what Claudia calls a
Circles and Flowers II OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
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“very bad” picture she took with “a cheapo camera” through a car window of a storage building in Sarasota. “It really wasn’t usable,” she admits, “without turning it into a full-on abstract collage image.” “Glimpses in the Night” scraps the original photo’s perfect right angles and somewhat antiseptic color scheme of black, white, and fluorescent light green. In its place are vertical lines intersecting at odd angles with parallel horizontal lines, waves resembling those nature etches in rock formations over eons, and hues dominated by amber, orange, brown, and black. CLAUDIA SOMETIMES BEGINS WITH something other than a visual image. She took a quote from Robert Toth, a sculptor and painter, as inspiration for her most recent work, “Whirlpool of Imagination.” Toth’s quote is “Artistic creativity is a whirlpool of imagination that swirls in the depths of the mind.” In “digital oils,” Claudia created a swirl of aqua, purple, light blue and green, with accents of gold and brown. Claudia says she finds her membership in Fine Art America rewarding. According to the site she has 461 followers and has had 193,510 visitors to her gallery. “You get to know people from all over the world, mostly other artists,” says Claudia. “Somebody will see something, and they want to know how you did it. It’s strange to call it a fellowship, but that’s what it is. If someone comments on my art, I’ll always go and see their site.” The site not only displays artists’ work, but it also allows them to sell their pieces in various formats, including canvas prints, framed prints, posters, metal prints, wood prints, and tapestries, among others. Claudia also markets her work on the site in formats including coffee cups. She says her best-selling works include “Moon River,” an abstraction of one body of water emptying into another in Belgium, in mostly deep blues accented by a yellow moon; and “You Belong Among the Wildflowers,” named after a Tom Petty lyric, a gold-toned photo of a Marion County wildflower that buyers often put on cell phone covers. Along with the camaraderie with other artists, interaction with art lovers and a modest stream of income that results from her work, Claudia says she also enjoys benefits on many personal levels, including emotional and physical. “I’ve always liked being outside with nature and to see things that maybe other people didn’t see or see things in a way that perhaps other people don’t see them,” says Claudia. “Without getting into details, we’ve had some hard times in our family, and it has become my refuge,” she says of her art. “If I can get my responsibilities out of the way and lock myself in a room with my computer, it’s great. Sometimes you just want to shut the door and disconnect from the real world.”
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just my t y pe
by Mary Ellen []
The Book In You
ournalist Christopher Hitchens is quoted as saying, “Everyone has a book in them.” But the sad reality is that most people don’t even realize it’s there. For those that do, life gets in the way, and unfortunately, their dream to write a book remains just a dream. I’m somewhere in between, having discovered quite by accident, and late in life, that I had an entire story tucked away in my mind, waitin. So you may be wondering how I managed to retrieve this work of fiction from my subconscious and get it published. Let me begin by stating the obvious. It wasn’t easy. When I first put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, I thought I could complete the manuscript in one year. Then I would surely get a literary agent to represent me, and my book would be flying off store shelves in a few months. What happened is that it took three years for me to complete a first draft, and several years of revising before I had a suitable version to submit to agents. Talk about a rude awakening. I must confess if I had known how difficult an undertaking it was and how much time and work went into crafting a novel, I may not have done it. Thankfully, I had no idea what I was getting into and forged ahead anyway. Now, for me, life did get in the way, especially when my late husband’s health began to fail. His care took top priority, and 14 years will have passed from the time I started writing my book to the launch date of February 14, 2022. Those 89,000 words remained on my hard drive for years until recently when my WH (wonderful husband) encouraged me to edit and polish my manuscript and get it published. By sharing this I don’t mean to discourage anyone from writing their memoir or novel. It’s just that you shouldn’t have unrealistic expectations. Keep working
I had an entire story tucked away in my mind, waiting in the wings to one day take center stage.
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
towards your goal. Don’t ever give up. Having said that, thanks to the ease of digital submissions, the publishing world has drastically changed. Gone are the days when you would mail a hard copy of your entire manuscript to a publisher for consideration. In the current traditional method, a literary agent now acts as gatekeeper, and most publishers will not accept submissions without an agent. Again, thanks to the digital age, literary agents are inundated with hundreds of submissions. And if you don’t grab their interest in your query letter within the first few sentences, I can tell you from experience, they politely pass. So why am I publishing now? During the years that my work languished on my computer, the path to publication has detoured slightly, and the traditional route with an agent is not the only way to go anymore. Although self-publishing was always available, the stigma of that do-it-yourself method indicated to some that you weren’t good enough to get representation. Not true. There are pros and cons to each process, and self-publishing has grown in popularity and is an appealing option for many authors. Last year, a friend recommended a New York-based hybrid/publisher. I researched the company, found many positive reviews, and decided to sign a contract. Part traditional and part self-publishing, the staff does most of the heavy lifting—such as book cover design, editing, and formatting for digital editions— and fit my needs with a budget I could afford. I got plenty of personal attention with one-on-one Zoom meetings and prompt responses to all my calls and emails, to name just a few of the services they provided. Will my novel be a best-seller? Who knows? But now I have something to show for my years of work. I hope it makes you laugh, and sections of the story might make you cry, but mostly my goal is to entertain. And for you to enjoy the ride as you read The Love Letter Ghost.
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‘The Main Attraction Is Its Rotund Stars’ Story & Photos By Dean Blinkhorn
One of the coolest state parks is only about an hour away on Florida’s Nature Coast. The fresh seafood, the nearby monkey island, and dirt-cheap prices are merely a bonus. 26
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
WHY GO? Who doesn’t want to see a manatee—those roly poly, Barney-like underwater sea creatures that we adore—any time of the year? The other animals there are pretty cool, too, especially the birds of prey you can see at close range. A LITTLE HISTORY: The park has been a tourist attraction for more than a century when the train would stop to let passengers rest at the springs. Then for almost 40 years, it was a small regional attraction until the county purchased the property in 1984 to be preserved as a wildlife sanctuary for future generations.
WHERE TO EAT (PART 1): The park itself has limited dining options, so my suggestion is to get a hearty breakfast at Red’s on your way. Regular readers of Ocala’s Good Life will already know that we love the place for good reason. Their country breakfasts are hearty, delicious, and served quickly. I’d recommend an omelet, a plate-sized blueberry pancake, or their biscuits and gravy. Be sure to tell ‘em we sent you. WHAT TO DO: I hadn’t been to the park for nearly 20 years and I was amazed at how well it’s been kept in my absence. This is obviously a labor of love for the numerous volunteers and park officials who work there on a regular basis. After a leisurely pontoon boat ride down Pepper Creek, a unique elevated boardwalk leads you through the park’s numerous animal exhibits. Spend some time with each one, take some great pictures of Florida’s wildlife, and read the information on each species. We learned a lot in our short time there and enjoyed talking with the knowledgeable guides. We liked the birds of prey exhibit the most, a fascinating peek into these winged hunters’ lifestyle. You’ll know exactly why the American Bald Eagle is our nation’s symbol by witnessing its intelligence, majestic grace, and beauty from a mere ten
feet away. Fascinating. Later, a visiting hawk from the nearby preserve swooped down and seemed to pose for the curious onlookers and amateur photographers on a comfortable fencepost for about 10 minutes. He wasn’t in any hurry—and neither were we. You’ll also see plenty of birds, reptiles, and gators, but the main attraction is its rotund stars— the protected West Indian manatees. The underwater observatory in the main spring is a great way to see the floating tourists who are merely snowbirds at the park, but the thrice-daily shows and education centers will provide a memorable encounter with its full-time residents. You’ll be a manatee expert in no time! NEARBY ATTRACTIONS: The Yulee Sugar Mill ruins are an interesting detour on your way to dinner in Homosassa. According to floridastateparks. org, the park houses the remnants of the “oncethriving 5,100-acre sugar plantation” with its 40foot limestone masonry chimney, rusting iron gears, and a huge cane press. The mill supplied sugar products for southern troops during the Civil War. WHERE TO EAT (PART 2): By now, you’re probably ready for an early dinner, so head into Homosassa to the Florida Cracker Kitchen & Monkey Bar. The two-story building also houses a bar with generous seating for a sunset cocktail and overlooks the docks and a charming monkey island. Yes, you read that correctly. Get to the restaurant early to request a window seat to watch the primates’ antics during dinner. We enjoyed seeing them running, jumping, and playing on the ropes and swings. Since Homosassa is a fishing village, we opted for the seafood, although their burgers come highly OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
recommended. Also on their delicious regional menu is a vast array of salads, fry baskets, and the aforementioned burgers. The Ponte Vedra Salad features jumbo shrimp and avocado, the Gator Basket has gator tail with a signature breading, and the Cattle Drive burger has Angus beef and a sweet barbecue sauce. They also open early for breakfast, so consider a massive omelette, some shrimp ‘n’ grits, or a griddle cake with bananas. I mean, you are at the Monkey Bar after all! WHERE TO SHOP: Just past the sugar mill are a couple of locally owned art shops, both worth discovering, and several fish markets right on the river. The state park also has a pretty extensive gift shop where you can probably find
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
a manatee emblazoned upon virtually every type of novelty trinket. Who knew they made manatee shot glasses? HOW TO GET THERE: This isn’t the most scenic drive in Central Florida, but it’s pleasant, quick, and with little traffic. Your best bet is to take SR200 west to the county line and look for CR491 on the right just past Red’s. (You’ve read my tip already, right?) Turn right on SR44 in Lecanto and then left on CR490 west into Homosassa Springs. Pick some good tunes—or a new audiobook—and the drive will be over before you know it.
Send your favorite daycation destination to and maybe it’ll be featured in an upcoming issue. Or if you want to keep your getaway all to yourself, that’s okay too. | 352-351-1606 | 500 NE 9th Street
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5 Annetta & Gershon Clarke
5 Kent & Lesli Cameron
5 Jim & Sue Southworth
3rd Annual Marion Rotary Duck Derby
d Lincoln Sheppard
5 Caryn Abadie an
Hundreds of eager spectators lined the shoreline of Lake Tuscawilla in early February in hopes of winning a big dollar prize. The event was the third annual Marion Rotary Duck Derby with the proceeds benefiting the Discovery Center and other local charities. A total of 4,325 ducks were adopted, with a single duck going for $5 and multiple duck adoptions going for $25 and $100.
5 Arlin Amlee and Cand
y Dicanso
Photos By Steve Floethe
5 Martha Slemmer and Tonja Wilder
5 Leslie & Shirley Isaacs 5 Sandra Carter, Bill Mott and Neva Null, with Leah Bella
5 Charlotte Elbert, Robert & Kathryn
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OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
Thirsty Cobbler [downtown]
DRINK UP! Ocala’s drinking establishments are diverse—and growing! Whether you’re looking for a private speakeasy or a trendy spot for a craft cocktail, Ocala’s bar scene has the pour for you.
Written & Compiled By Cynthia Brown & Dean Blinkhorn
DOWNTOWN THE TIPSY SKIPPER—The Tipsy Skipper aims to be one of Florida’s best craft cocktail bars. Located downtown next to the Marion Theatre, The Tipsy Skipper is a boutique tiki-themed upscale lounge, featuring rotating and seasonal handcrafted cocktails along with secret menu items hidden throughout the town. You Must Try: The Pearl Diver, a sort-of Hot Buttered Rum that comes in a signature ribbed glass and features whipped butter, sugar, spices, and three different rums. 48 South Magnolia Avenue 352-282-0377
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined ANTI-MONOPOLY DRUG STORE SPEAKEASY—Located inside The Lodge and true to past speakeasy history, you must have a password for entry. They offer craft and traditional cocktails and a limited appetizer menu. Follow them on Facebook for history lessons on prohibition and to obtain the password. You Must Try: The Pink Lady, a classic, ginbased cocktail with grenadine that gives this distinctive drink its namesake color. 36 South Magnolia Avenue 352-289-1390 (The Lodge)
THE THIRSTY COBBLER—Created by the owners of Ivy on the Square this speakeasy brings history to life. Specialty cocktails, trendy true-to-era atmosphere, password (from Facebook) required for entry. You Must Try: The Soul-less, a delightful honey/ginger combination. 11 East Fort King Street 352-622-5550 MUTINY OCALA—Inviting all pirates, punks and scallywags, Mutiny is a pirate-themed tavern/gastropub located in the heart of downtown. Punk music, food, and a specialty beer list. You Must Try: One of the beers on tap,
like the Hammer of the Shaolin, an imperial stout with a whopping 10.75% APV. 46 South Magnolia Avenue THE COURTYARD ON BROADWAY—Located on Broadway Street right in the heart of downtown Ocala, The Courtyard offers beer, wine, and a tapas bar. Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere in the outside courtyard, hung with bistro lights and a fire pit. Play video games, giant Jenga, or even giant beer pong! You Must Try: Something from their generous wine selection. Just ask the server for a suggestion based on your tastes and you might find a new favorite! 120 Southwest Broadway Street 352-354-2029 O’MALLEY’S ALLEY—Ocala’s classic Irish pub on the downtown square. Drink specials every night, daily lunch specials, and live acoustic music inside or on the large outdoor patio. You Must Try: A pint of Guinness would be quite appropriate. 24 South Magnolia Avenue 352-351-2172
You Must Try: An eight-bottle boutique wine tour held on the third Wednesday of INFINITE ALE WORKS—An the month in the upstairs lounge, which is award-winning brewery that specializes accompanied by specialty hors d’oeuvres. in Belgian inspired beers. Check out their 36 Southwest 1st Avenue website for the most up-to-date draft list 352-369-9858 containing over 20 assorted flavors. Food, live music, patio, growlers, and a beer club. You Must Try: One of their own creations like Witfinite, a Belgian-style wheat that’s a two-time “Best Florida Beer” medal winner. 304 South Magnolia Avenue 352-512-0212 THE KEEP DOWNTOWN—Upstairs, the red-carpet lounge is where patrons eat, relax, enjoy live entertainment, sip wine, and socialize. The menu offers light and delicious items including sandwiches, salads, pizza, and desserts. The retail wine shop offers elegant, custom gift baskets for corporate and personal gift giving. The store also sells premier wines, champagnes, and wine accessories. Downstairs in the rear section is a cozy, Mediterranean-style outdoor patio. Patrons are welcome to enjoy premium cigars and hookahs.
Tipsy Skipper [downtown] Photo: John Jernigan
Bankstreet Patio Bar [downtown]
Yellow Pony Pub OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
Yellow Pony Pub [West Ocala] Photo: Ethan Tweedie
THE TERRACE ON THE SQUARE— Enjoy amazing views of historic downtown Ocala from the outdoor terrace located on the second story of the Hilton Garden Inn while being served high-end cocktails, beer, wine, and specialty foods. Entertainment nightly. You Must Try: A mimosa with their Sunday Brunch overlooking the Downtown Square. 120 East Silver Springs Boulevard 352-581-6060 THE BLACK SHEEP ON BROADWAY—The Black Sheep on Broadway is a cozy take on a traditional gastropub. Located in the heart of Ocala, enjoy music, craft beer, a full liquor bar, and a creative food menu. You Must Try: This gastropub has many great beers, including several varieties by Sailfish Brewing Company. 128 Southwest Broadway Street
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
352-622-1207 BANK STREET PATIO BAR—Located in a former bank building, Bank Street offers locally sourced fresh food, craft beers, and cocktails in an upscale atmosphere with nightly entertainment. You Must Try: A glass from the awesome wine menu or a specialty craft cocktail like Rita’s A Hottie, a blend of white tequila, mango, jalapeno, and salt. 120 East Fort King Street 352-877-8667 THE CORKSCREW—A unique winery and brewery experience where you are the cellar master. Begin the brewing process on site and in as little as 4-8 weeks you are ready to bottle and label your very own custom wine or beer! You can also enjoy a glass of custom wine or craft beer in the new cellar.
You Must Try: This one’s on you. Pick your wine varietal and preference and come back in 4-8 weeks to try your own unique selection. 16 Southwest Broadway 352-402-0158
EAST OCALA FLYING BOAT TAPROOM—Two airline pilots that have a passion for the “Golden Era” of flying boats along with the love of craft beer recently opened this unique spot. Combine that with a young, talented chef with a passion for creating the best homemade wood-fired pizza accompanied with unique dishes and a drive for providing the best service possible. This taproom features 28 of the finest beers Florida brewers have to offer, plus the aforementioned wood-fired pizza, and
other special cuisine. You Must Try: They always have 28 of the finest Florida brews on tap. Look for Hey Hefé, a delicious Hefeweizen from Ellipsis Brewing in Orlando. 9672 Southeast 58th Avenue 352-545-2337 MILLER’S ALE HOUSE—A local restaurant and sports bar known for generous portions, low prices, warm service, and shareable appetizers served in an atmosphere that includes more than 60 TVs; large, open-air patios; beckoning bars; and spacious booths and tables. There are over 35 beers on tap; a vast selection of signature cocktails; and all-day, everyday drink specials. You Must Try: An easy hangout with great all-day prices like the 5-for-$19.99 bucket special or the $14.99 margarita pitchers. 305 Southeast 17th Street 352-620-8989 MAE BEER & TAPAS—Four brothers with a passion for Latin food and craft beer have come together to create this Ocala gem. Try specialty Margaritas, Sangria, IPAs, and domestics in this cozy spot. A must try? The Mexican Street corn!
You Must Try: An excellent selection of distinctive wines and beers along with an amazing menu of small bites, so order what you like and ask your server for the perfect pairing! 4901 East Silver Springs Boulevard, Suite 503 352-877-8500
WEST OCALA THE CRAZY CUCUMBER—An eatery and bar with a relaxed atmosphere and a warm modern industrial vibe. The perfect place for lunch, drinks with friends, dinner with family or date night. Karaoke every Thursday on the patio and happy hour every day from 2-7pm. You Must Try: They have lots of great beers and wines, but the specialty drinks are a lot of fun. Try The Bitch Slap, a rumbased drink with a tasty blend of peach, pineapple, and orange juices. 4414 Southwest College Road 352-390-6969 HIATUS BREWERY—A brewpub that features on-site crafted brews where you can preorder growlers to go also offers
a full-service restaurant with handhelds, wings, flatbreads, and pretzels larger than your head. Check out the screen upon entering for all the most current brews. You Must Try: Get a four-pack crowler of Time Stands Still, an American bock based on a turn-of-the-century recipe that’s both dark and sweet. 6230 Southwest College Road 352-509-4867 JUNIPER GENERAL STORE—At the Juniper General Store, the goal is to offer customers the best products made as locally as possible. While sipping on an espresso-based drink, wine, or craft beer, you can shop their carefully curated provisions and gifts. Having a get-together? Bring in your own appetizers and meals to The Flying Boat Tap Room [East Ocala]
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
Juniper General Store [West Ocala]
Crazy Cucumber [West Ocala]
enjoy at their huge gathering table. You Must Try: They have an amazing coffee bar, but drink-wise their beer selections on tap are the main attraction. If they have it, look for Aw Jeez by Angry Chair Brewing, a fruited sour of strawberries, raspberries, vanilla, and cinnamon. 6998 US Hwy. 27, Suite 112 352-509-4006 YELLOW PONY PUB—Located at the World Equestrian Center’s hotel and boasting an outdoor patio and fireplace, The Yellow Pony offers shareable starters, pub fare, traditional draft beers, bourbon, and whiskey. A globally inspired pub and garden, The Yellow Pony pairs craft beer and creative cocktails with fresh ingredients. Whether joining for a quick lunch, a cold beer, or dinner with friends, you are sure to have a wonderful time in this vibrant social space. You Must Try: The Rosemary Lavender Smash, which uses EG Rosemary Lavender Vodka, lime, and lavender syrup. Be sure to ask for an order of the fish ‘n’ chips, too! 8510 Northwest 17th Lane 352-414-7865
Travis Arenburg, partner at Juniper General Store Photo: John Jernigan
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
MARCH 29, 2022
MARCH 30 - APRIL 1, 2022 352.861.9712 8137 SW 90th Terrace Road Ocala, Florida 34481
of Marion County Feel better. Live better.
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
Good Health
By Cammy Dennis []
Here’s To Years In Your Life And Life In Your Years!
iving a full life could very well mean that you are also going to live a long life. By enriching your life through physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual pursuits, you are also fostering behaviors that support longevity. The science on longevity is clear—although there are genetic influences, the majority of the factors that affect how long and how well you will live are dictated by your lifestyle. FAMILY TREE: Although we know that genetics plays a role in longevity, there is a lot more to the story than lucky genes. Health-related behaviors almost always trump genetics when it comes to living a long, healthy life. Everyday choices, especially regular exercise and a diet high in nutrients, play a big part. Other wellness dimensions that nurture emotional, intellectual, and spiritual wellbeing are also especially important. Dr. Thomas Perls, a professor of medicine and geriatrics at Boston University School of Medicine, was the founding director of the New England Centenarian Study. This study observed that older adults with healthy lifestyles were able to compress their disability and improve quality of life. Dr. Perls notes that perceptions of aging typically portray sentiments such as, “The older you get, the sicker you get. But really it is the older you get the healthier you’ve been!” RESILIENCE: Stress and anxiety to a certain extent are normal. Our bodies and brains are designed to manage these challenges. However, too much stress or chronic stress can be a serious detriment to health. A positive attitude bolsters resilience and helps to manage stress, and possessing positive emotions is associated with living longer. People with a “half-full” perspective typically live seven years longer than
The state of your mind will affect the state of your health.
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
the “half-empty” folks. This is due to optimistic, upbeat attitudes helping to increase the feel-good brain chemicals that combat stressors. Additionally, a positive outlook typically translates into healthy behaviors, better nutritional choices, and higher levels of participation in physical activity. The state of your mind will affect the state of your health. SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT: Countless studies demonstrate that strong social connections can add years to your life. Since we have established that our mental state affects the physical processes in our bodies, it makes sense that the enjoyment derived from socialization boosts the positive effect in our brains. The unfortunate flipside to this is that isolation and loneliness can damage our health. Social detachment has been shown to increase levels of cortisol and inflammation in the body, causing the same harm as stress. “The stress of isolation can weaken people’s immune systems,” Lisa Berkman, director of the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies says. “However, people with strong social connections tend to have better health behaviors, like eating healthy foods and being physically active.” MINDFULNESS: It is both extremely difficult and important to be able to shut off the world around us. Time, the great measurement that drives our daily lives, is hard to push aside. I encourage you to look for opportunities to surrender your smartwatch and allow your mind to empty. Once upon a time, we lived by the sunrise, sunset, and seasons. Now every minute ticks away and can underscore the stressors we are fighting to tame. We can train ourselves to become more mindful. Take a moment to ponder what you are grateful for, take notice of what the sunshine feels like on your skin, process what you feel when you hear birds welcoming the day, and savor special memories with loved ones. These are life’s precious moments that with attention can turn ordinary into awe-inspiring. Being mindful is one of the most important drivers of living well. By making a deliberate effort to “put life in your years,” you are probably also “adding years to your life.” Cammy Dennis is the fitness director for On Top of the World communities and The Ranch Fitness Center & Spa. She lives the lifestyle she promotes and has trained for triathlons throughout the state, aerobics while living in Tokyo, and various weightlifting events.
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99.7 FM Ocala/The Villages OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
cuisine queen
by Paula []
Kotobuki, Cody’s & Cactus Jack’s
he big news in local restaurant news is Kotobuki Japanese Steakhouse Restaurant saying farewell after a 36-year tenure. Not only has staffing been challenging and food prices rising but so has rent. As noted by the owners, they and the landlord could not come to an agreement. The good news is that Shawn McEuen, the third proprietor during the run, hopes to reopen in a new location with the same staff. Kotobuki was a restaurant dinosaur that outlasted hardships others have seen over the years. Lorito’s Italian Kitchen, 352-629-1383, opened in 1970 and still operating, is another. So when is Cody’s Original Roadhouse near OTOW and Mellow Mushroom in Downtown Ocala going to open? No one really knows, but Cody’s may be opening sooner, featuring more than their other stores, including nightly entertainment and a putting green to enjoy while waiting for a table. In the Mellow Mushroom building, the other two restaurants have been announced as Mooyah Burgers, Fries & Shakes and Shuckin’ Shack Oyster Bar. More on those as opening nears. Cactus Jack’s, 352-685-2244, is a fun bar in Salt Springs that is now serving burgers, salads, appetizers, and more. You’ll enjoy their $6 Bloody Marys on Sundays that can almost be considered a meal. Last visit, my drink had two quail eggs, bacon, shrimp, pickles, peppers, cheese, and olives. Check out their 30th An-
Enjoy a beautiful view of gorgeous oaks or sit at the horseshoe bar where all the locals love to meet and dine.
nual Chili Cook Off on March 26th in Salt Springs with boot-stompin’ live music. It’s totally worth the easy drive. Franco’s at River Run in Dunnellon off of US Hwy. 41 in the Rainbow Springs Club should be open by now. Enjoy a beautiful view of gorgeous oaks lining what used to be a golf course. Sit at the horseshoe bar where all the locals love to meet and dine indoors or outdoors. More on their menu and entertainment next issue. The Juniper General Store, 352-509-4006, featured on our cover this issue, has partnered with Golden Spoon Award winner La Cuisine, 352-433-2570, Ocala’s French restaurant. Aside from creating your own charcuterie board, you can now grab a gourmet sandwich to enjoy with your wine or beer or take it to go. Tidbits: Yesterday’s Restaurant, 352-484-0193 opened in Ocala Palms. The owners used to run Silver Springs Diner, which is closed as of this writing. Ocala’s newest Breakfast Station, 352-509-7694, opened on SR 200 in Steeplechase Plaza. Enjoy delicious and reasonably priced breakfasts and lunches with a Bloody Mary or Mimosa. Grated and Cured Grazing Boxes & Boards, 352-362-0596, feature beautifully arranged charcuterie boards. They make great gifts and something the receiver won’t have to dust! Social Springs Nutrition, 786-269-1858, is a coffee shop but so much more. Enjoy smoothies, protein waffles, Acai bowls, and more. Antojitos, 352-653-0081, is the latest Mexican restaurant on the west end of Ocala. The menu features light fare or as the name implies, snacks, and you’ll be too tempted not to pass it up after seeing their food photos on Facebook. Sugar Moon Bake Bar, 786-501-6161, offers the most beautiful confections that are too pretty to eat, but you will! If you are truly out to impress and want to send a “sweet” message, then order custom-made cookies or any of their delicious creations that come in an old-fashioned box with string and a wood spoon. Almost every restaurant mentioned here has a Facebook page, so look them up by name for hours, location, and, oh, those delicious pictures!
Got A Hot Tip For The Cuisine Queen? E-mail me at
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
Enjoy fresh air dining at Red’s
Outdoor Patio!
Bring your appetite! Great American food in a warm, friendly atmosphere! For breakfast, you can’t beat Red’s–fluffy pancakes, perfect
eggs, hot coffee. And there’s a reason why folks will wait for a table during lunch! Homemade hamburgers so big you can barely get your mouth around ‘em, delicious soups and salads. Don’t be fooled by the address–Red’s is just past Stumpknockers on SR 200. Come see what so many have already discovered about Red’s!
Breakfast & Lunch
Menu Items Include: Eggs, Pancakes, French Toast, Bacon,
8411 North Carl G Rose Hwy, Hernando Directions: Take SR 200 west. Located 1/4 mile past the Withlacoochee river
Homemade Burgers & Fries, Country Fried Steak, Meatloaf, Soup, Salads, Wraps, Sandwiches
(352) 344-4322
Royal Salmon with Romesco Sauce and Aioli
A New Way To Seafood Next time you plan to make fish the focus of your menu, look for sustainably farmed seafood. Aquaculture Stewardship Council has enforced the world’s strictest and highest standards for seafood farming since 2010. Today, it is transforming the seafood industry with a new level of certification for farmed seafood.
ONE-PAN JAPANESE SALMON WITH SWEET POTATO Servings: 2 Marinade: 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1/4 cup tamarind sauce 1/2 tablespoon Dijon mustard 2 tablespoons sesame seeds 1 tablespoon honey
1 sweet potato, cut into rounds 2 tablespoons coconut oil, divided 1 tablespoon sesame seeds sea salt 8 spears broccolini 2 salmon fillets (4 ounces each) brown rice, for serving One-Pan Japanese Salmon with Sweet Potato
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
Preheat oven to 400 F. Line tray with baking paper. To make marinade: In bowl, whisk sesame oil, tamarind sauce, Dijon mustard, sesame seeds and honey until combined. Place sweet potato on baking tray and drizzle with 1 tablespoon coconut oil. Toss to coat. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and sea salt. Roast 25 minutes. Remove tray from oven and add broccolini. Drizzle with remaining coconut oil and sea salt. Place salmon fillets in middle of tray and drizzle with marinade. Bake 12-15 minutes, or until cooked to desired doneness. Serve with brown rice.
Recipe courtesy of MOWI on behalf of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council Servings: 2 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided 2 Atlantic Salmon MOWI Royal portions salt, to taste pepper, to taste 1 red pepper, cut into long strips 2 cups small potatoes, cooked and cut in half 1 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1/2 cup garden peas 1 tablespoon chopped tarragon Romesco Sauce: 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil 2 cloves garlic, smashed 1/4 cup slivered almonds, toasted 1/4 cup hazelnuts 1 slice white bread, crust removed 1 large roasted red pepper 1/4 cup tomato puree 1 teaspoon sherry vinegar salt black pepper
Aioli Sauce: 1 cup mayonnaise 1-2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 lemon, zest and juice salt white pepper lemon wedges, for garnish Preheat oven to 400 F. Place large skillet over medium-high heat and add 1 tablespoon olive oil. Season salmon portions with salt and pepper, to taste, and place skin sides down in pan. Cook 2-3 minutes until skin is crispy. Place on sheet pan, skin sides up, and bake 6-7 minutes. Remove from oven and let rest. In same skillet, add remaining olive oil then add peppers and potatoes. Cook 6-7 minutes until peppers soften and potatoes start to caramelize. Add paprika, cayenne and peas; stir and cook 2 minutes. Add tarragon. To make romesco sauce: In clean pan, heat olive oil and gently fry garlic, nuts and bread until toasted. In blender, process red pepper, tomato puree and vinegar until smooth. Add toasted nuts and bread; process to desired consistency. To make aioli: In bowl, whisk mayonnaise, garlic, olive oil, lemon zest and juice, salt and pepper. Place several spoonfuls of aioli on plate. Top with potatoes, peppers and salmon, skin side up. Top with romesco sauce.
Recipe courtesy of MOWI on behalf of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council Servings: 2 2 pieces of MOWI Pure portions salmon 1 cup wild rice 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 clove garlic, sliced 1/4 cup red onion, diced 1 cup pumpkin or butternut squash, diced 1 tablespoon lemongrass, finely chopped 1 1/2 tablespoons red curry paste 1/2 cup coconut milk 1 tablespoon fish sauce 1/4 cup tomatoes 4 shrimp 1 lime, quartered 2-3 cilantro leaves, for garnish Cut salmon into 1/2-inch cubes. Cook rice according to package instructions. In large skillet, heat coconut oil over mediumhigh heat. Add garlic, onion and pumpkin or squash; saute 5 minutes, or until onions are translucent. Mix in lemongrass and curry paste. Cook 2-3 minutes, or until fragrant. Add coconut milk, fish sauce and tomatoes; mix thoroughly. Add shrimp and salmon; cook until done. Serve with rice and lime quarters. Sprinkle with cilantro. Salmon and Shrimp Coconut Curry OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
PLAN AHEAD NOTE: Due to Covid 19, events are subject to cancellation or rescheduling. Please check with the venue’s website for updates. WRITTEN & COMPILED BY CYNTHIA BROWN
Do you have an event that you’d like to include in our calendar? Email your submissions to FARMERS MARKET—A wonderful selection of fresh seasonal produce from local growers as well as baked goods, plants, hand-made soaps, and much more! Every Thursday from 9am– 1pm. The Town Square at Circle Square Commons. OCALA DOWNTOWN MARKET—Every Saturday rain or shine from 9am to 2pm to shop from a variety of vendors including produce from local farmers, goat and dairy products, meats, honey, seafood, soaps and so much more. Downtown Ocala. SE 3rd St. and SE 3rd Ave. REJUVENATE WITH THE ARTS—Second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Get crafty with these fun DIY workshops to renew and discover your artistic abilities! A new design every session! $5. 10am-12pm. Eighth Avenue Adult Activity Center, 830 NE Eighth Ave. or 352-368-5517. WEEKENDS AT THE WINERY—Come out and enjoy the expansive vineyard green, including delicious food from some of the area’s best live entertainment, food trucks, and of course your favorite Lakeridge wines by the glass at the outdoor bar. Every Saturday and Sunday. 12-4pm. Lakeridge Winery. or 800-768-9463.
Through May
FIRST FRIDAY ART WALK— Located in Downtown Ocala, the art walk takes place the first Friday of every month and is free to the public. Festivities include over 30 art displays, live entertainment and performances, downtown shopping, and restaurants.
Mar. 1- Apr. 7
THERAPEUTIC PLEASE PASS THE PEAS COOKING CLASS—A hands-on opportunity to learn new skills and make new friends while preparing a meal. Participants will learn about nutrition, meal planning, budgeting and safe food handling. Classes are held the first Thursday of each month and participants must register one week in advance of each class. $5 per person. 4:15-5:30pm. Barbara G. Washington Adult Activity Center, 210 NW 12 Ave. ocalafl. org/recpark or 352-368-5517.
Mar. 5 & Apr. 2
FREE FIRST SATURDAY— Practice the art of staycation by visiting the Appleton on Free First Saturday, which means no admission fee to see the permanent collection and special exhibitions. You can also kick back and enjoy the beautiful outdoor spaces with large-scale sculpture perfect for selfies. Appleton Museum. or 352291-4455.
March 3-6
OCALA RV SHOW—The largest RV Show of the region! Hundreds of new RVs of all types on display from 9 local dealers. Tons of RV product and accessories vendors. Gift cards given away daily! $5. 9am-5pm. Florida Horse Park.
March 3-20
UNDERNEATH THE LINTEL—An eccentric Dutch librarian finds a battered travel guide in the return bin, 113 years overdue. Checked out by only the initial “A.” in 1873, the book has notes in every language scrawled in the margins and a clue hidden in its pages. The librarian embarks on a quest around the world and centuries into the past to seek the mysterious borrower’s identity. It’s a tale full of twists and turns. $30. Ocala Civic Theatre. or 352-236-2274.
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
March 5
GALLERY TOUR WITH SUSAN MARTIN—Join artist Susan Martin for a tour of her solo exhibition “Garden Party,” featuring large-scale photorealist paintings of plant life. Tours are free as part of Free First Saturday; no reservation needed to attend. 11am, 2pm. Appleton Museum. or 352291-4455. BOWIE AND GLASS RETURN—The return of one of our favorite collaborations in the history of the Ocala Symphony Orchestra: the indelible music of David Bowie and composer Philip Glass. The OSO and the Voltron Collective team up to bring you Glass’ “Symphony No. 4 Heroes” juxtaposed with the Bowie songs that inspired it. Originally presented in spring of 2019, this has been the most-requested repeat concert. $15-40. 7:30pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352-351-1606. HOME IMPROVEMENT EXPO—Are you looking for a way to make improvements to your home? Come ask the experts! A variety of experienced home improvement professionals will be on hand to offer suggestions on how to make simple changes that will not only update the appearance of your home but will increase its value. Live in On Top of the World? Representatives from the community will also be onsite to answer any questions regarding your home and what may be required if you are considering modifications to the exterior of your home. This event is free and open to the public. 9am-1pm. Circle Square Cultural Center. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL— Have a “berry” good time at the annual Habitat-Ocala Strawberry Festival. This event provides visitors a family-fun atmosphere with vendors, games, rides, bounce houses, a car show, a pet contest, a pie-eating contest,
entertainment, and lots of strawberries. Supporting Habitat for Humanity of Marion County. 9am-5pm. McPherson Complex, 601 SE 25th Avenue.
March 5-6
FLORIDA SPRINGSFEST— History, science, sustainability, fun, music, mermaids, food, and friends, all for $2 park admission! Plus glass-bottom boat rides all weekend (not included with park entry fee). 10am-4pm, Silver Springs State Park. floridaspringsfest.
March 6
OCALA VEG FEST—Come see how easy it is to find healthy plant-based foods. Find local sources of eco-friendly and cruelty-free products. Learn about the science behind the benefits of a plant-based diet. Featuring expert speakers, cooking demos, vendors, and animal rescues with entertainment and activities for the whole family! 10am-3pm. Ocala Downtown Market, SE 3rd St. and SE 3rd Ave.
March 8
ZINNIA U RETIREMENT EVENT—Meet Charisse Rivers, financial planner, radio show host, and founder of Zinnia Wealth Management at this financial educational workshop. 6-8pm. College of Central Florida, Ewers Century Center. 3001 SW College Rd., Building 40, Room 107. zinniawealth. com or 352-368-3680. INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES—The College of Central Florida Ira Holmes International Film Series will screen Italian comedy classic “Boccaccio ’70” starring Sophia Loren and European leading ladies Romy Schneider and Anita Ekberg. Both films will be shown at 2pm at the Appleton Museum of Art, 4333 E. Silver Springs Blvd., and at 7pm, at the CF Ocala Campus, 3001 S.W. College Road, Building 8, Room 110. Films at the Ocala Campus are free and open to the public. Films at the Appleton are free to all museum and film series
Mar 9-10
STAYIN’ ALIVE: ONE NIGHT OF THE BEE GEES—Expect blockbusters such as “Night Fever,” “Jive Talkin’,” “How Deep Is Your Love,” “You Should Be Dancing,” “Nights on Broadway,” and “Stayin’ Alive.” Tickets from $32. 7pm. Circle Square Cultural Center at On Top of the World. or 352854-3670.
March 10
CHRIS BOTTI—For over two decades, Grammy Awardwinning master trumpeter and composer Chris Botti has amassed a spectacular variety of honors on his way to becoming the largest-selling instrumental artist in America. $60-150. 7:30pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352-351-1606. LADIES NIGHT MARKET—A market showcasing Ocala female business owners, food trucks, a mobile bar, and over 40 vendors. Please bring a non-perishable food item or hygiene products, pet food, or prom dresses. Multiple nonprofit agencies in will be in attendance collecting items. 5-9pm. Ocala Downtown Market. 310 SE 3rd St.
March 11
KEVIN NEALON—He’s best known for his nine-year stint as a cast member of NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” and has received critical acclaim for his role in the Showtime series “Weeds.” Kevin currently stars on the CBS-TV comedy series “Man With A Plan,” produces and hosts digital series “Hiking with Kevin,” and tours his stand-up globally. $20-55. 7:30pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352351-1606.
March 12
CAST AND BLAST EXPO— Enjoy hundreds of booths dedicated to hunting, fishing, boating, camping, and general outdoor. The expo is held inside with concessions available. Pre-registration is free at and all other registration fees will be
donated to conservation efforts. 9am-6pm. World Equestrian Center. REILLY NOIR PRESENTS THE CARLOS VIZOSO BAND—High-energy smooth jazz and funk highlighting the music of David Sanborn, Eric Marienthal, and Grover Washington Jr. $20 or $150 VIP includes: 4 admission tickets, reserved table in a great location, first round of drinks, and table service for the evening. 7:30pm. NOMA Black Box Theatre. Reilly Arts Center. or 352351-1606. FLEA MARKET—The Ocala 200 Lions Club will be holding a flea market and collecting non-perishable food items for Interfaith Emergency Services and pop top rings from cans for Ronald McDonald House. Please consider bringing a couple of food items to donate. There will be a variety of vendors on hand as well as food and drinks available for sale. As always, all proceeds generated by the Ocala 200 Lions Club will be used for community projects throughout the year. 8am-1pm. Bank OZK parking area, located at 8375 SW Hwy. 200. bartorobert@
March 17
FLEETWOOD MAC’S RUMOURS—Experience Classic Albums LIVE as they perform the music of Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumours.” Note for note, cut for cut! $20-$55. 7:30pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352351-1606.
March 18
SEANTMUSIC GLOBAL MUSIC SERIES: ROCK MEETS REGGAE— Experience an exciting innovation in entertainment featuring live percussion and the hottest DJs with the SeanTMusic Global Music Series. Guests are encouraged to feel the music and participate with drums, dancing and more! $15. 7:30pm. NOMA Black Box Theatre. Reilly Arts Center. or 352351-1606.
Take a mysterious journey with the play
UNDERNEATH THE LINTEL baedeker's travel guide
A long-overdue book. A long-overdue life. Not all who wander are lost.
members; nonmembers pay museum admission. Films may contain mature content. filmseries.
Live on stage
ma rc h 3 -20 at
Volume 1
(352) 236-2274 4337 E. Silver Springs blvd. Ocala, FL 33470
Tickets $30 for adults $15 for 18 and younger
We love bugs
to death. With over 30 years experience, Brick City Pest Control serves Ocala and Marion County. Whether your problem is with termites, ants, chinch bugs, bed bugs, or just garden-variety bugs, we’ll protect your home and family… guaranteed. Call (352) 732-4244 for your free inspection, and we’ll love your bugs to death. Rand Hollon Owner
March 18-19
SOUTHEASTERN PRO RODEO—Get ready for two jam-packed performances
( 3 5 2 ) 7 3 2- 4 2 4 4 • w w w. b ri c kc i t y p e s t . c o m
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
NOTE: Due to Covid 19, events are subject to cancellation or rescheduling. Please check with the venue’s website for updates. and Schubert’s incredible B minor symphony, “The Unfinished.” $15-40. 7:30pm and 3pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352351-1606. RAINBOW SPRINGS ART FESTIVAL—Featuring artists with many talents, including painters, sculptors, metalworkers, stained glass artists, mosaic artists, jewelers, photographers, and many more. Food vendors will be on hand, and the band, Kenny & the Heads will perform at noon on March 19. 10am-5pm. 20804 West Pennsylvania Avenue, Dunnellon. or 352445-8547.
March 22
SPRING STRINGS CONCERT FEATURING THE HARP TWINS April 9 Exciting, comedic, and interactive family-friendly performances creating a unique concert experience for audiences of all ages with identical twin harpists Camille and Kennerly Kitt. $27. 4pm. Sholom Park. filled with exciting competition in saddle and bareback bronc riding, tie down roping, steer wrestling, team roping, barrel racing, and the most dangerous eight seconds in any sport, bull riding. Gates open at 5:30pm, rodeo starts at 7:30pm. Southeastern Livestock Pavilion, 2200 NE Jacksonville Road. or 888744-8499.
March 19
WIND-FM THE WILDFLOWERS: TRIBUTE TO TOM PETTY AND THE HEARTBREAKERS—The Wildflowers will take you back to the late ‘80s when hits like “American Girl” and “Free Fallin’” topped the charts and ruled the airwaves. You’ll be entertained by so many of the iconic Petty songs including “Refugee,” “You Got Lucky,” “Learning to Fly,”
and more. Tickets from $15. 7pm. Circle Square Cultural Center at On Top of the World. or 352854-3670. YARD SALE—Multiple items for sale including furniture, clothing, decor, books, small appliances, flowerpots, pet supplies, and more. All donations will benefit women and children in Ocala. 8am2pm. Grace Episcopal Parish House, 503 SE Broadway Street. For more information contact Elaine at write2elaine@ or carolyn at
March 19-20
THE UNFINISHED—The winners of the Young Artist Competition, Kye Richardson (12) and Elisabeth Thomashoff (20) take the stage with the OSO along with Samuel Coleridge-Taylor’s “Ballade”
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
ZINNIA U RETIREMENT EVENT—Meet Charisse Rivers, financial planner, radio show host, and founder of Zinnia Wealth Management at this financial educational workshop. 6-8pm. College of Central Florida, Beverly Hills. 3800 S. Lecanto Hwy. Lecanto. Building C4, Room 103. or 352-3683680.
March 25
HOTEL CALIFORNIA: THE ORIGINAL TRIBUTE TO THE EAGLES—Their tribute performances have taken them around the globe and thrilled hundreds of thousands of Eagles fans from Japan to Texas. $20-35. 7:30pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352-351-1606.
March 25-26
SHOW STOPPERS COLLECTOR CAR AUCTION—A group of automotive enthusiasts dedicated to putting you behind the wheel of your dream iconic car. With a variety of cars to keep everyone excited and the thrill of the auction, this is the event you’ve been waiting for. 11am- 6pm. General admission: $35 for both days; $25 for one day. Bidder sign-up available online at showstoppersauction. com. Please contact Steve Mahaded with any event questions at 352-857-6946 or by email at bidder@ World Equestrian Center.
March 26
When founding member Paul Kantner formed Jefferson Starship in the ’70s, he envisioned the band as a cast of musical adventurers, contributing to his epic concept albums and eventual deep catalog of rock classics. $2075. 7:30pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352351-1606. THE LORDS OF 52ND STREET: LEGENDS OF BILLY JOEL—The Lords of 52nd Street are New York’s favorite band. They sold more than 150 million records and helped establish Billy Joel’s formidable sound. And they continue to perform their legendary hits still to this day. Tickets from $30. 7pm. Circle Square Cultural Center at On Top of the World. or 352854-3670.
March 26-27
OCALA HOME SHOW— Everything for in and around your home. Offerings include exterior treatments like windows and doors, kitchen and bath, pools and spas, furniture and interior design, landscaping and sustainable energy alternatives. Cooking seminars with professional chefs will be offered throughout the weekend. This event is open to the public and admission is free. 407-273-7469 or visit World Equestrian Center.
Mar. 28-May 5
STUDENT ART EXHIBITION—The College of Central Florida will showcase the talent of its Visual Arts and Digital Media students in the annual show that provides student artists an opportunity to present their work in a professional environment. The exhibition will be on display at the CF Webber Gallery. 10 am-4pm Monday-Thursday and admission is free. 352-8542322, ext. 1664.
March 29
INTERNATIONAL FILM SERIES—The College of Central Florida Ira Holmes International Film Series will screen beloved American drama “To Kill a Mockingbird” starring Gregory Peck, the film adaptation of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of
racial injustice in the segregated South. Both films will be shown at 2pm at the Appleton Museum of Art, 4333 E. Silver Springs Blvd., and at 7pm, at the CF Ocala Campus, 3001 S.W. College Road, Building 8, Room 110. Films at the Ocala Campus are free and open to the public. Films at the Appleton are free to all museum and film series members; nonmembers pay museum admission. Films may contain mature content. filmseries.
Mar. 30-Apr. 1
OCALA OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT—The Charity Pro-Am Tournament held at Candler Hills Golf Club has raised over $663,000 since 2008. Proceeds benefit local charities, Interfaith Emergency Services and Hospice of Marion County.
April 1
PINK FLOYD’S DARK SIDE OF THE MOON—Experience Classic Albums LIVE as they perform the music of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon. Note for note, cut for cut! $2055. 7:30pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352351-1606. ELTON DAN & THE ROCKET BAND: AN ELTON JOHN TRIBUTE—Elton Dan & the Rocket Band pays tribute to one of the all-time greatest artists ever: Elton John! Elton Dan’s piano playing has a way of engaging you in the full “Elton” experience. Before you know it, you will be captivated by his incredible band including backup singers and thrilled with the over-the-top costumes and high energy performances just like Elton in days past. Tickets from $28. 7pm. Circle Square Cultural Center at On Top of the World. or 352-854-3670.
April 2
CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT—The Queen of Peace Knights of Columbus, Council 9649, is hosting its Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Royal Oaks Golf Course. Registration begins at 7:30am followed by a shotgun start at 8:00am. Registration fee is $65.00 per person and includes complimentary morning coffee and donuts, golfers buffet lunch, and golf with cart. Par
3 Hole-in-One prizes include $10,000. Proceeds will permit the Knights to continue their support of local Marion County charities.
April 2-24
BUTTERFLY & BLUEBERRY FESTIVAL—Saturdays and Sundays through April. Butterfly tent and spring garden, live bee display, hayride, train ride, farm animals, corn crib, blacksmith shop, horseshoes, hay slide, checkers, country store, and music. $6-8. Sat 10am-6pm. Sunday 12-6pm. Timberline Farm. 3200 SE 115th St. Belleview. or 352-454-4113.
friendly performances creating a unique concert experience for audiences of all ages with identical twin harpists Camille and Kennerly Kitt. $27. 4pm. Sholom Park. DUNNELLON BOOMTOWN DAYS—Boomtown Days will feature food, craft, business and children’s games vendors, music, a car show, and pageants for local youth including the Queen and King of the Rainbow, Prince and Princess, and Little Mr. and Miss Dunnellon, and even a Boomtown Babies pageant. 9am-8pm. Dunnellon Historic District. 352-489-2320.
April 4
April 9-10
April 7
April 15
KENNY G—One of the bestselling artists of all time with global sales totaling more than 75 million records. See him for one night only in the Reilly’s intimate performance hall. $45$135. 8pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352351-1606. ZINNIA U RETIREMENT EVENT—Meet Charisse Rivers, financial planner, radio show host, and founder of Zinnia Wealth Management at this financial educational workshop. 6-8pm. College of Central Florida, Ewers Century Center. 3001 SW College Rd., Building 40, Room 107. or 352-3683680.
April 8
THROUGH THE YEARS WITH THE KENNY ROGERS BAND—The actual band that backed Kenny Rogers for 40plus years realized that there is still a tremendous demand for the songs that Kenny made so famous and felt that this show “Through the Years” would be a way they could honor Kenny and keep his legendary career alive. Celebrate the music and the memories of all the megahits of Kenny’s legendary career plus more. Tickets from $32. 7pm. Circle Square Cultural Center at On Top of the World. or 352854-3670.
April 9
SPRING STRINGS CONCERT FEATURING THE HARP TWINS—Exciting, comedic, and interactive family-
21ST CENTURY ANTHOLOGY—The OSO’s maestro is often asked, “What works written today will be played in 100 years?” This concert is his answer! $15-40. 7:30pm and 3pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352-351-1606. REILLY NOIR PRESENTS LONGINEU PARSONS—One of the world’s finest trumpet players. As a protégé of the great cornetist Nat Adderley, Longineu expands the gospel as a multi-instrumentalist performing on the trumpet, flugel horn, African recorder, flute, multiple percussions, and vocals. $20 or $150 VIP includes: 4 admission tickets, reserved table in a great location, first round of drinks, and table service for the evening. 7:30pm. NOMA Black Box Theatre. Reilly Arts Center. or 352351-1606.
April 16
HOT CARS AND COOL CATS CAR SHOW—Come meet the tiger Maximus and have some family fun while raising money to assist in supporting Endangered Animal Rescue Sanctuary. This show is free for spectators and only $10 to register a vehicle in the show. 2250 NE 70th Street (Hwy 326), Ocala. or 352-266-2859.
April 22
BÉLA FLECK & ABIGAIL WASHBURN—“The king and queen of the banjo” (Paste Magazine), have a musical
partnership like no other. Béla Fleck is a fifteen-time Grammy Award winner who has taken the instrument across multiple genres, and Abigail Washburn a singer-songwriter and clawhammer banjo player who re-radicalized it by combining it with Far East culture and sounds. $35-65. 7:30pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352-351-1606.
April 23
WIND-FM HIGHWAY TO HELL: THE ULTIMATE AC/ DC TRIBUTE & ABSOLUTE DEF LEPPARD—Have you ever imagined what it would be like if legendary bands AC/ DC and Def Leppard toured together? Experience iconic costumes, insane audience interaction, and a stage show like no other with two tributes in one night! Tickets from $15. 7pm. Circle Square Cultural Center at On Top of the World. or 352854-3670. EARTHFEST: CELEBRATE ARBOR DAY—Gain a handson learning experience meeting local and regional organizations that promote conservation and sustainability. Enjoy live music, food trucks and craft vendors lakeside in beautiful Tuscawilla Park. 10am-2pm. Tuscawilla Park, 800 NE Sanchez Ave. or 352-6298447.
April 24
HANDEL’S MESSIAH— Choir master and conductor Joshua Mazur returns to lead the combined orchestra and choir through Handel’s “Messiah” and selections from Handel’s “Water Music.” $1540. 3pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352-351-1606.
April 29
ASSISTED LIVING: THE MUSICAL—In the opening scene, a newly departed couple discovers that their son “pulled their plugs” to get his Dad’s vintage Corvette, but the couple doesn’t mind! The show romps through the “best years of their lives” at Pelican Roost, an active senior living community, where 70-something is the new 20-something (only with looser skin!) $15-35. 7:30pm. Reilly Arts Center. or 352-351-1606.
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
OCALA’S GOOD LIFE retirement redefined
Solution to ENIGMA: “Endeavor to so live that when you die even the undertaker will be sorry.” — Mark Twain
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Dr. Renny Edelson and his entire team welcome you to come by and see all of the new, exciting changes happening at each location.
Space is limited, so please call to reserve your seat.
Wednesday March 30th @ 6:30PM Bulletproof Your Neck & Lower Back Wednesday April 13th @ 6:30PM 5 Ways to Start Living Younger
Ocala East
Ocala West
Buffalo Ridge
(Next to railroad tracks) 942 SE 17th Street Ocala FL 34471
(Jasmine South) 7668 SW 60th Ave.,#500 Ocala, FL 34476
(in The Villages) 3614 Wedgewood Ln The Villages, FL 32162