How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog
Kevin Ocasio
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog
When you’re trying to grow a successful blog that ranks high in search engines, you’ve probably used a ton of SEO strategies. If there’s a metric you should pay close attention to, that’s your Dom ain Authority (abbreviated as DA) . As one of the most important numbers in the SEO language, your Domain Authority score predicts how likely you are to get a top ranking. Thankfully, Moz developed DA to help websites gauge their perform ance against other online competitors, despite Google’s ever-mysterious algorithm. DA is measured on a scale of 0-100, with 100 being the highest DA possible. Here’s what Moz says about DA:
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog
Investing in strategies to enhance your DA positively impacts everything you care about on your blog. Below are the huge benefits of having a good DA score: Greater chance at ranking More blog traffic Increase in natural, quality backlinks Higher conversions and sales Unfortunately, nearly 100% of newbie bloggers are completely unaware of their domain authority and its immense value. Bloggers quit along the way because they never see good results despite their efforts in producing content. If they only knew about DA.
Factors That Authority
According to Moz, m ore than 40 signals are considered when calculating a blog’s domain authority.
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog These include but are not limited to the number backlinks pointing to a blog, their DA scores, quality content, and MozTrust and MozRank scores. Improving your domain authority score requires a combination of efforts. And you don't get instantaneous results.Click To Tweet Sounds hard? Well, not really! Once you get the ball rolling and as long as you stay consistent with your efforts, you’ll start seeing improvements in a few days, weeks, or months. However, do remember that increasing your DA to 30 or 40 is easier. The competition gets tougher when you’re trying to aim for at least 50. T o check the progress of your DA score, you can use Moz’s Mozbar or Open Site Explorer. So, are you ready to boost your domain authority starting today? Read on.
Simple but Powerful Ways to Boost Your DA Let’s see how you can improve your DA using these 10 powerful tips.
#1 – Create high-quality content Content will always be king. If you want a better DA and to rank higher, write and publish content that attracts a wide readership. A good piece of content has the following elements and characteristics: Explains a topic in detail Includes relevant keywords Stays on-topic Quality, compelling images How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog Google ranks informative, original, in-depth, and interesting content. Each time you create one on your blog, make sure that it answers your readers ’ needs .
#2 – Get backlinks from different quality domains
If you engage in link building practices, a good strategy would be to diversify your links. What does this mean? This means that if you guest post or submit your domain to web directories, it would be best to get as many links as possible from different sources. You’ll only be wasting your efforts if you keep posting on a single website. Google loves diversification . Multiple backlinks from various authoritative sources drastically improve your DA.
#3 – Clean up bad backlinks
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog It’s important to have a clean backlink profile. Some bad backlinks are easy to discover and some are difficult. The most obvious ones are the comments you get from totally irrelevant, spammy, and foreign language websites. Sometimes, you get comments along the lines of “great post,” “love the article!” Don’t be fooled . Unless you prefer to outsource your backlink analysis to a freelancer who’s skilled in SEO, check your backlink profile regularly using Majestic. If you’re getting a lot of bad links, you need to contact the owners of the sites that linked to yours and request them to delete the links. If they don’t respond, disavow the links.
#4 – Practice internal linking Internal linking is an essential DA boosting strategy that’s often overlooked by most blog owners. But really, do your internal links matter that much? O f course! Remember that Google crawls the web by following links. Linking from one article to another on your blog gives it structure. Moreover, it tells Google that you have other great pieces of content that deserve to rank. In other words, by doing internal linking, you give power to your pages. To maximize internal linking to boost your domain authority, follow these tips:
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog Link to relevant posts on your blog Use follow links Don’t over optimize an anchor text Link to your old pieces of content
#5 – Don’t ignore your technical SEO Work on the technical SEO aspects of your blog. Don’t just focus on writing great content. Maximize other areas that take your DA score higher. Check out these tips: Optimize your website speed Optimize your alt tag and title tag Build a sitemap for your blog Use a responsive blog theme Get rid of duplicate content If you think dealing with technical SEO is too hard or if you don’t have the time, you can always ask help from SEO freelancers.
#6 – Let your website grow old Sites are like wine. The older they get, the greater their domain authority scores. So be patient! Websites that have been around for at least 3 years are more likely to rank. Find out the age of your domain by using this free tool by While age matters in DA, it’s important to constantly update your blog with quality content.
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog As long as you continue following good SEO practices, you are sure to reap the rewards over time. I designed an infographic to sum m arize the details in this article:
Over to You Hopefully, this article has given you a lot of useful information when it comes to ranking your blog. So you see, understanding and boosting your domain authority isn’t so hard after all. Just remember to be consistent and patient.
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog For m ore SEO tips, check out m y other blog posts. If you have anything to add to this list, share your thoughts in the com m ents below!
How to Increase the Domain Authority of Your Blog