How to stay persistent when you want to give up in business

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How to Stay Persistent When You Want to Give up in Business

Kevin Ocasio

How to Stay Persistent When You Want to Give up in Business Do you remember the time when you felt so excited to start an online business and make money? You bought a domain, got a host, and followed every step needed to create a blog. Of course, you are aware that the journey of entrepreneurship is hard but you know that with the right mental attitude, everything will pay off. However, along the way, things start to change. After a few months of investing in your business, your drive to push through slowly fades. You become overwhelmed with doubt as the little voice inside you asks, “Is entrepreneurship really for me?”

Achieving Certain Requires Persistence



Persistence is the most important trait that separates successful from nonsuccessful entrepreneurs. When the odds are against you, you still have the drive to continue the race anyway. You face every shameful event that entrepreneurship throws at you. You’ve chosen to ignore the nay sayers and all sorts of criticism because in the future, something bigger awaits. A professor at Harvard Business School named Rosabeth Moss Kanter quoted that “Everything can look like a failure in the middle.” People start out positive the first time he sets business goals. Then things get pretty messy in the middle.

How to Stay Persistent When You Want to Give up in Business

How to Stay Persistent When You Want to Give up in Business Everything can look like a failure in the middle. ~Kanter's Law Click To Tweet Tough, in-the-middle-of-the-journey , situations present you with only 2 choices: Throw in the towel and declare defeat Persist and make mid-course adjustments If you choose defeat, you certainly will fail. Choose persistence, you get an extraordinary chance at success.

Stay Persistent… But How? Building persistence doesn’t happen in an instant. Because believe me, it’s much easier to sit back and stay within your comfort zone. If you’re serious about mastering persistence because you desire to see yourself succeed in business, here are 6 effective tips to help you.

1. Know your WHY Every hopeful entrepreneur starts a business for a sole reason. What pushed you to venture into entrepreneurship? Whether you want to see yourself in a job you love, achieve a better financial future, or build your own destiny, keep reminding yourself of your original purpose. Deeply rooted reasons help you stay driven than shallow ones. Your “why” must be in line with your personal values.

2. Maintain discipline Discipline is the kind of order that sets you free . How to Stay Persistent When You Want to Give up in Business

How to Stay Persistent When You Want to Give up in Business Isn’t it that if you put yourself under certain constraints to achieve something bigger, you feel good later on? People who laze away feel trapped by their poor habits. If maintaining discipline now gives you freedom tomorrow, do it. Make time for your priorities. Get rid of excuses so you can get things done.

3. Get help if you must Perhaps the reason why you want to give up is that you feel you cannot handle everything on your own. No matter how you try to maximize your schedule, Delegation doesn’t come naturally for a lot of business owners. But the truth is, you’re not the best at everything. If you want your blog to grow, you need to offload some of your tasks to people who can effectively do them. Not only will this help you meet your business goals, this also gives you time for relaxation.

4. Celebrate daily victories You may not realize it but your small daily wins can make all the difference in your future success. When you’re trying to pursue a dream, it’s important to pause every now and then to enjoy your progress. One of the reasons people stop in the middle is that they never feel satisfied with where they are. If you realize how far you’ve come, your motivation improves. Progress is so powerful. So make sure that you set realistic daily business goals and celebrate them when you reach them.

How to Stay Persistent When You Want to Give up in Business

How to Stay Persistent When You Want to Give up in Business 5. Bounce back immediately How do you respond when something doesn’t work well for you? Building a successful business entails a lot of risks – from investing in an online system to finding the right team. The only way for you to know whether something is worth your while is to test it. If it fails, don’t get stuck in negativity. Pull yourself up and focus on the next step . In case you made deliberate mistakes, lazed off, or missed some great opportunities, figure out how to bounce back. Learn from your failures.

6. Excel through continuous learning Persistent entrepreneurs have something in common. They’re lifelong learners. If you seriously want your business to expand, you have to open up your mind. There will be many times in your career when you come across concepts that contradict your beliefs. Adapt to current trends so your business will thrive in today’s modern world. Challenge yourself to fill yourself each day with new learnings. Become a student of life.

Final Word The world has too many intelligent and talented people but only a select number of persistent individuals. If you feel like giving up, remind yourself that no one has become victorious by throwing in the towel.

How to Stay Persistent When You Want to Give up in Business

How to Stay Persistent When You Want to Give up in Business How about you‌ Are you meeting your entrepreneurial challenges with persistence? What do you do when you feel stuck in the middle? I’d love to hear your opinions in the comments below.

How to Stay Persistent When You Want to Give up in Business

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