Simple Tricks To Get Free Blog Traffic From Twitter
Kevin Ocasio
Simple Tricks To Get Free Blog Traffic From Twitter When I started using Twitter, I immediately realized its potential to help me build hundreds to thousands of readers for the content I create on this blog. Twitter connects brands and people. It builds relationships. Valuable content that’s tweeted always gets a lot of engagement. Here are three amazing Twitter facts you need to know for your marketing: Twitter has more than 300 million active users. 80% of Twitter users have mentioned a certain brand. An average Twitter user follows 5 brands. Twitter will be here to stay. Now that you know that Twitter has the potential to bring tons of visitors to your blog, what are e ective ways to hold your audience’s interest using the platform? I’ve listed some of the best and easiest ones below. I hope you get to do them as soon as possible.
How To Drive Blog Traffic Using Twitter An essential step to amplify every content you create is to make it shareable, regardless of the devices that your readers are on. The simplest way to do this is to place a Twitter share button on each of your posts. I do this using a WordPress plugin called Social Warfare. Social sharing buttons work by allowing readers who enjoyed your content to spread it on social media for free. By installing these buttons that feature share counts, you raise brand awareness and build social proof.
2. Use relevant hashtags. Hashtags help your content reach wider audiences on Twitter, especially to those who are not your followers yet. Hashtags help people easily nd a content they might be interested in.
Simple Tricks To Get Free Blog Traffic From Twitter
Simple Tricks To Get Free Blog Traffic From Twitter According to Bu er Social, Tweets that inc lud e hashtags get higher levels of engagement than those without them. This is a 50% increase among brands to be exact.
Since you are creating branded hashtags, make sure to use terms that are related to your topic and business. Twitter for Business recommends that you use only up to 2 hashtags per tweet.
3. Add a link to your blog in your Twitter bio. Your bio is the rst thing that people notice when they check out your page on Twitter. Increase the chances for people to visit your blog by adding a blog link in your bio. My screenshot below shows the link to Ileane Smith’s blog in her profile. You can better optimize your Twitter bio by following the tips below:
Show people what you do or what you specialize in . Add relevant hashtags on certain keywords in your bio that people in your niche often mention. For example, if your blog caters to aspiring writers, include the hashtag #writers. Incorporate more than one link (a second link) to a site other than your blog. This can be your Facebook page or a speci c landing page where you want people to check out your latest offer. Feature your awards , the books you have written, and other significant milestones.
4. Follow relevant, minded people.
If you are building your brand on Twitter, make sure to follow people you know will value your tweets . These people are bloggers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and authors who specialize in the same niche. Since I use Twitter to promote my blog posts, I follow content marketers, SEOs, and social media experts. I get retweets and from people who care about the same things.
Simple Tricks To Get Free Blog Traffic From Twitter
Simple Tricks To Get Free Blog Traffic From Twitter Each time someone retweets one of my blog posts, it gets shown in front of a wider audience. These people can be my potential blog visitors.
Twitter shows you recommendations which you might be interested in. You can also check some of your followers to see if they follow relevant people.
5. Make it visual. It’s no longer a surprise that tweets with photos drive more engagement. Bu er claimed that when they included images in their tweets, they received 150% more retweets.
One of the most creative ways to drive tra c to your blog is to tweet an interesting quote taken (from one of the lines in your blog post) along with the link to your post. This gives your audience a sneak peek of what your content is about. Tweets with quotes perform well. They get a 54% chance of being retweeted.
Before You Go My list here only shows some of the many ways for you to use Twitter to drive tra c to your blog. I’ll be posting more strategies soon, so stay tuned. How do you use Twitter to drive blog tra c? I would love to know them. Comment below!
Visuals are eye-catching and outperform plain text. Make sure to choose quality images. If you don’t capture your own images, you can download photos from free stock photo sites. To brand them and add captions, use a simple photo editing tool like PicMonkey.
6. Pull a quote from your blog post.
Simple Tricks To Get Free Blog Traffic From Twitter