Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster
Kevin Ocasio
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster Does it take you forever to write a single blog post? Do you feel envious of bloggers who seem to write super fast? Time is of the essence for people who want to make money blogging. And if you’re still in your first year of blogging, creating content in less time can be tough – not to mention other online marketing tasks you need to fulfill (building traffic, growing your email list, SEO). You need to go through a period of adjustment. But what if you’ve blogged for over a year now and still haven’t seen any improvement with your speed? Perhaps you need to change some of your old habits or the way you plan and write content. In this post, you’ll discover simple techniques that will help you blog fast without sacrificing the quality of your content. Let’s get started.
1. Plan a list of topics ahead of time. A practice that will waste so much of your precious time is deciding on your topic the moment you start writing Doing this is counterproductive for several reasons.
One, you’ll end up rushing things for the sake of having something to write about. Two, you lack a source of inspiration for these topics and you haven’t figured out either whether they’ll interest your readers.
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster Three, you’ll produce content that lacks depth because you haven’t really done a lot of research. Follow these methods for planning your topics in advance: Listen to relevant podcasts – You’ll find listening to podcasts during your free time rewarding. You’ll get tons of great ideas for your future posts. Go for podcasts created by industry experts. iTunes offers hundreds of thousands of them for free.
Check the table of contents in an ebook – You’ll find hundreds to thousands of Amazon ebooks in your niche. Simply type your keyword/s in the search box to get suggestions. Chapter titles can be excellent sources for topics. Keep your ideas in a file – Whether you use your journal or a free app like Wunderlist Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster , it doesn’t matter. What’s essential is that you’re able to jot down your ideas when inspiration strikes. Keep all your ideas in one place to maintain organization.
2. Change your internal dialogue. Sometimes, the reason why you can’t get stuff done is that you doubt your capabilities. Have you experienced quitting because you thought something won’t work out? If you think you’ll suck at writing, you’ll really suck. If you think it will take 10 hours for you to craft a 1,000-word blog post, most likely you’ll finish at the 11th hour. But if you tell yourself you’re going to write with enthusiasm and make it in less than 5 hours, it will happen. You’ll have more control over your life once you choose to tell yourself positive stories. What can you do to change your internal dialogue? Avoid making comparisons – There may be times when you compare yourself to other bloggers. You’ll never succeed writing like your favorite industry experts simple because you aren’t them. Create brand authenticity. Use your unique voice. Be in a positive mood before you write – Want to know a simple productivity hack? Be happy. Happiness and productivity go hand in hand in helping you reach your goals. To be in a positive mood, exercise or read some motivational quotes.
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster 3. Set a timer. A popular advice for writing blog posts faster is using a timer. Timers are known to help people get things done. You can use a classic egg timer or your smartphone’s stop watch – whichever works best for you. Here are reasons why using a timer to write faster works every time: You’re forced to stay committed – I realized that not setting a timer tempted me to constantly check my phone and take lots of unnecessary breaks. Knowing that you have a time limit compels you to set aside distractions to focus on your blog post. You’ll enjoy well-deserved breaks – If you’ve felt guilty taking work breaks, most likely you haven’t made effective use of your time writing. 100 words in 2 hours? You’ve got to be kidding me. You’ll build your momentum – For writing tasks that are less appealing, using a timer set to over 15 minutes allows you to push through and gain momentum. Try the simple 15-minute momentum building strategy each time you feel tired and less motivated to write. Having a timer in place enables you to be more mindful of what you’re doing. You procrastinate less and focus more, allowing you to speed up your work.
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster
4. Use simple words. If you think that including big words in your writing makes you a better blogger, you’re making a huge mistake. Those long minutes of thinking about which smarter sounding terms to use for your post are actually useless. Aside from the fact that using simple words makes you create content faster, your writing will appeal to readers of all levels. Remember that people appreciate a piece of content that conveys clear messages. Below are examples of complex words (left) and their simple alternatives (right):
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster Assist – Help Utilize – Use Ectomorphic – Skinny Stupendous – Amazing Prepossessing – Beautiful Anent – About Some writers use difficult terms to sound badass. But in reality, complex words lessen the effectiveness of your content. Why would customers want to do business with you when they can’t understand what you’re saying?
5. Practice. The ultimate solution to blog faster is to always practice. Being able to master a skill doesn’t happen overnight. Whether it’s mastering the placement of your keyboard letters or developing your writer’s voice, constant practice is the key to success. Remember that the more often you do something, the easier it gets to perform the same thing in the future. Repetition works by increasing the activity of your brain cells (neurons). The process of myelination happens, improving the efficiency of your brain to master a skill.
Final Thoughts Stick to the 5 tips I’ve mentioned in this blog post as you write content daily.
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster And if you ever hit a writing wall, don’t force yourself to dwell on your piece. Feel free to put it aside and come back to it after you’ve refreshed your focus.
Stop Wasting Time: 5 Incredible Tips To Write Your Blog Posts Faster