GOD in Creation
catholic ENCAMPMENT July 28 - aug 3 2019
-Exclusive Encampment Patch and T-shirt -Earn up to five badges in a week -Immersive spiritual evening programs
Join other catholic troops, in a week of Scouting, and Register today at SSRLV.org
come home to lost valley in the summer of 2019.
What’s better than Catholic Units holding Summer Camp together at Lost Valley in 2019? Spend a week soaking up the beauty of nature while exploring your faith as a Catholic! Your days will be filled with all of the exciting adventures of summer camp, with your evenings reserved for reflection, inspiration from spiritual leaders, and so much more.
Lost Valley prides itself on it’s top-notch customer service, merit badge programs, evening programs, & opportunities for older scouts. -High Adventure climbing - Paint-ball target shooting -Nature Conservation - Mountain boarding - Pistol shooting - ATV riding -Zip lining
GOD in Creation
Scouts and friends of all denominations are welcome to partake in this experience! Learn what it means to be Catholic and foster your relationship with God.
You may have thoughts or plans for next year already in the works, however, Preview Weekend is an opportunity not to be missed. Discover what you could be missing from Lost Valley in the Summer of 2019.
Have you ever imagined going to summer camp with catholic troops? Fellowship with the catholic scout community. What better time than Lost Valley’s 55th Anniversary of Summer Camp? The Valley offers a wide variety of activities to be enjoyed with friends from other troops during the encampment.
• Reconciliation • Dynamic Speakers • Religious Art • Engaging small group leaders • Worship ministry • Adoration • Dramas and Skits • Outdoor Chapel - Self contemplation • Mass
Sept 14-16 2018
PRE VIE W WE EKE ND All of our Troops together on the Grace side of camp DURING July 28-aug 3. Attend preview weekend, to be entered into a drawing for 2 free adults FOR SUMMER 2019.
catholic ENCAMPMENT July 28 - aug 3 2019
Preview the
Sept 14-16 2018-16 Register today at ssrlv.org
Visit us to preview the adventures lost valley has to offer for summer 2019. A week at Lost Valley will energize your faith and lead you to a personal encounter with Jesus. what will you experience in a weekend?
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catholic GOD in ENCAMPMENT Creation