Jun/Jul 2012

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Police Log

Jun/July 2012 Vol.33Issue Issue31 Vol.

Scan for OCC Online

Ca n n a b i s Restaurant Opens in Ashland

Charges Filed in Last Fall's Raids

Dutch Court Upholds Coffee House Ban

Product Review: Halo Rx Glass Bubbler and Bing

Southern Oregon Music Scene

Connecticut Becomes 17th Legal MJ State


Close-up of a flask attached to a XTR-1000 extractor. You can see ALL the plant resins collecting at the bottom. See page 11 for the full story on the original ice water extractor. Photo courtesy Reinhard Delp.



Book Review: The Official High Times® Cannabis Cookbook©

Pelosi Supports MMJ

O b a m a & C o m p a ny B l ow i n g S m o ke

SO-NORML Leading The Way For Four Years

Rosenblum Wins Oregon AG Race!

Ice Hash Battle Heats Up

Connecting the Medical Cannabis Community Across Oregon

In This Issue

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Cannabis Connection

Industrial Hemp

Oregon News Rosenblum Wins, Holton Whines

Page 3

The Hemp Plant

Page 18

Four Years of Cannabis Leadership in Southern Oregon

Page 3

Drug Czar Claims Hemp Fiber Contains THC

Page 18

Oregon's First True Cannabis Restaurant Opens In Ashland

Page 4

Recipes Simple Cannabutter

Page 12

Chicken and Andouille Ganja Gumbo

Page 19

Page 5

Caprese Salad

Page 19

Apple Jam, One Love Festival, and Other Events Rock Southern Oregon

Page 7

Hempseed Yogurt Fruit Salad

Page 19

Oregon News Nugs - News From Around The

Page 8

Federal Charges Shed More Light On Raids Last Fall

Page 5

Product Review: Halo Rx Glass Bubbler and Bing

Beaver State

I-Five O - Oregon Marijuana Police Log

Female and Feminized Marijuana

Page 20

Welcome To Paradise: Q & A Cultivation Tips

Page 21

Page 9

National News

From Experts at Paradise Supply

Connecticut Becomes 17th Medical Marijuana State

Page 10

Former Speaker Pelosi Stands Up To Obama

Page 10

Ice Hash Battle Heats Up

Page 11

Dutch Court Upholds Ban On Freigners Buying Marijuana

Page 12

Book Review: The Official High Times® Cannabis

Page 12

Editorial: Obama And Company Blow Smoke

Page 13

National News Nugs - News From Around The

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How To Order Cannabis Seeds On The Internet

Page 21

Events An Assortment of Oregon Events Around The State

Page 22

Clinics & Information A Listing of Oregon Clinics, Organizations, and Cannabis Friendly Businesses

Page 23


Medical News


Studt Confirms: Marijuana Helps With MS

Page 16


Marijuana and Autism Survey - NORML and UF4A Collaboration

Page 17


Study: Cannabis Use Associated With Lower Mortality Risk In Patients With Psychotic Disorders



Cannabis Connection

Oregon News 4 Years of Cannabis Leadership in Southern Oregon

Rosenblum Wins, Holton Whines By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection After substantial concerns in the marijuana community about the outcome of the Oregon Attorney General (AG) race, as it turns out, we had less to worry about than we thought. Ellen Rosenblum gave her Democrat challenger, Dwight Holton, a shellacking in the Primary Election. Garnering over 64% of the vote, and with no Republican opponent, she is an essential “shoe-in” as AG. In fact, Governor Kitzhaber may appoint her as the interim AG, once current Attorney General Kroeger steps down this summer. Rosenblum, who is poised to become the first woman AG in Oregon state history, was supported by former Gov. Barbara Roberts, and Former Attorney General and President of U of O Dave Frohnmayer. Though receiving little support from Oregon's newspapers or law enforcement groups, Rosenblum did get a boost from the medical marijuana activists across the state, and nationally, with financial contributions and vocal opposition to Holton's campaign. Holton, who had been the acting United States Attorney for the District of Oregon until last year, had support from nearly all the District Attorneys and law enforcement groups across the state, as well as most of the prominent newspapers, including The Oregonian and Statesman Journal. He also raised a significant amount of money early on, and some pundits actually considered him the favorite. The majority of his financial support came from East Coast supporters, which is where Holton grew up, went to college, and began his career. These points

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By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection

Ellen Rosenblum (D), celebrating her victory in Oregon's Attorney General election.

became an effective message for the Rosenblum campaign, drawing a comparison between Holton's East Coast education, connections, and financial backing and Rosenblum's local roots, her degree from the University of Oregon, and local financial support. When later polling numbers showed a significant lead for Rosenblum, Holton's attacks began to ramp up. Holton's campaign shifted focus to the support his opponent received from pro medical marijuana groups, telling U.S. News and World Report just 4 days before the election, "The thing that I find kind of shocking is that Ellen would go to a special interest group, any special interest group, and say, 'I'm not going to enforce the laws that regulate you,' and then raise money off it, which is exactly what she's done with marijuana legalization advocates,"

Southern Oregon NORML (or SONORML) was founded in 2008 by a small group of citizens that were looking for a organization in Southern Oregon that would represent the local cannabis community of patients, caregivers, and growers. The group was headed up by cannabis leaders Lori and Lee Duckworth, who would become local activists, and, in Lori's case, a media spokesperson for many in the region. In 2009, they opened their first physical location was in a small building on Riverside Ave. in Medford, Oregon, they quickly found a better location, with more space, right next door to the Federal Courthouse! They have been located in that space for 3 years now, much to the chagrin of the local federal officials. They are know the Southern Oregon Cannabis Community Center, as well.

Photo: Keith Mansur, OCC The start of the 2012 Global Marijuana March, passing in front of the Federal Courthouse in Medford. The SOCCC is in the small beige building on the far left.

have been so successful. The first services that SO-NORML provided were Oregon Medical Marijuana Program information and document services, referral service for patients to local clinics to get their recommendation, resource center, and more. They even opened a smoking lounge for patients to medicate on-site, one of the very first of its kind in the state.

Holton's attacks came after discovering contributions to the Rosenblum campaign by a few pro marijuana groups, including the national group Drug Policy Action, and an Oregon group, Citizens For Sensible Law Enforcement. In all, contributions to Rosenblum's campaign from pro marijuana interests totaled as much as 185,000, according to The Statesman Journal.

Eventually, it A full chapter of the became more National Organization apparent that for the Reform of patients began Marijuana Laws (or going without NORML), their medicine when membership local raids on predominately covers cannabis grows Jackson and started to occur. As Josephine counties, far back as 2009, but some others from they organized neighboring counties Photo by Keith Mansur, OCC protests against also belong to the The SOCCC crew at the OMCA Awards last year. raids, and helped group. At over 300 They received the 2011 Freedom Fighter award. patients who were members, they are a victimized by law enforcement in the significant voice in the region, and have raids. Many lost their entire crop, and had many positive effects in the cannabis SO-NORML helped them access medicine. community for all of Oregon.

Rosenblum supports the medical marijuana laws in Oregon, stating during her campaign “ As Attorney General, I will make marijuana enforcement a low priority, and protect the rights of medical marijuana patients.” Cont. on Page 4

Originally founded by 11 active or interested members of the cannabis community, there are only 3 left of the original group participating, Lori and Lee, and Scott Averill. Lori has been the executive director from the inception, and has been one of the main reasons they

Duckworth told OCC, “We saw support was being needed...when the raids were happening, patients were going without their medicine. That's where I said, 'What about the patients that just lost their medicine'.” Cont. on Page 6

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Oregon News “dispensing” medication, including food, and went into effect only four months after opening.

Oregon's First True Cannabis Restaurant Opens In Ashland By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection Two enterprising men in Ashland, Oregon made a courageous decision in April and decided to open a restaurant that serves food medicated with cannabis. Open only to Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) patients and caregivers, Earth Dragon Edibles Restaurant and Lounge opened to much hoopla in April, and held a Grand Opening on April 27th, with every media outlet around showing up and interviewing the owners and clients.

Proprietor Kevin Wallace, adding cannabis infused oil to a Mongolian grill dish

The proprietors, Michael Shea and Kevin Wallace, opened Earth Dragon to fill a need in the community for quality foods medicated with cannabis. Having a background in cannabis edibles for a while, they decided to open a “brick and mortar” place where they can offer the many products they created. They're also offering a few new dishes they cooked up, which are made on site and to the patients specifications. The location also has space in the back for patients to vaporize or smoke cannabis, as well as drink refreshments and watch T.V. Another restaurant opened a few years ago in Colorado, The Ganja Gourmet, but they were more of a “club” or “lounge” atmosphere. Ganja Gourmet not only did not make any food on site, all medication amounts were predetermined in each dish. They also were forced to offer all items on a “to-go” basis when Colorado passed a law forbidding any medicating on-site. It applied to any place

The decor is more that of a restaurant, and not a lounge or club.

What separates Earth Dragon from any other cannabis club is their food, and their ability to add 3 levels of medication in some dishes. With a large Mongolian grill on site, they offer typical Mongolian grill dishes, in different sizes, and with different amounts of cannabis medication available, or none at all (they thoroughly clean the grill between dishes). By using cannabis infused grape seed oil, they are able to apply different amounts to offer different strength dishes to patients. 2 Patients, Darryl and Dave, were there enjoying meals, and had traveled over from Klamath Falls. When they heard on the news of the grand opening, they decided to visit the new restaurant. They were trying the spaghetti that was offered and Customers Dave and Darryl, speaking with a TV reporter. said, “It's really good.” Another visitor, and friend of the owners, explained how the owners operate the restaurant. He said, “They are stressing responsibility with all their clients that come in.” He added, “It shouldn't be any different than any bar in town.” In addition to the grill and the spaghetti, they also offer a stew made with garbanzo beans that was excellent. They have many types on pre-medicated dishes, including, cookies, honey, candies, and more, including Shea's amazing caramels, with a nice size dose of medicine. They only accept “donations” for their meals, and have suggested prices, trying to stay within the bounds of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act, which does not allow anyone to “sell” marijuana, only be reimbursed for the material cost of production. Of course, there are concerns from some officials about medicating on site, and the overall legality of their restaurant and lounge. The Ashland Police chief, Terry Holderness, explained to the Ashland Daily Tidings, “If they're running a business in violation of medical marijuana laws, we'll put Cont. on Page 7

Rosenblum Wins When asked to clarify her comments, she said, “I think that the attorney generals and DAs and anyone else in leadership positions in government have to set priorities for the department that's under their watch...that's what I meant by that.” As early as the Eugene City Club debate, way back on March 16th, the candidates were asked if they would defend the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act...“vigorously”. Rosenblum said, “Absolutely. Its the law that is on the books, its the law that the people passed. It provides for many of our vulnerable citizens to obtain medicine that they need to cope with very difficult diagnosis that they have. I am an Oregonian, I lived here when that law passed. I understand the culture of the State and why we need to have that law.” When she explained her background, and her vision, of the Oregon Attorney General's office, she defended the rights of Oregonian's, stating, “[That's] what Attorney General's office is all about, state government, state courts, not federal courts.” But, Dwight Holton's ideas were very different. He stated, “It's the Attorney Generals job is to defend the laws on the books, however, I would join with the many people...who are anxious to look at modifications of that law. The OMMP, as it is currently running, I believe is a 'trainwreck', because its putting marijuana in the hands...of kids who are not using it for pain management purposes.” At the same time Holton was accusing Rosenblum of caving into special interest groups, he was receiving many campaign contributions of his own from special interests he supports. Many of these groups represent Law Enforcement or Union groups and include Multnomah County Prosecuting Attorneys Association and Service Employees International Union (SEIU).

Cannabis Connection Rosenblum's support from the medical marijuana community came after she had already vowed to back Oregon's laws, and not infringe on patients' rights. Most of her financial contributions Brent Kenyon of Southern from Oregon Alternative Medicine with Rosenblum marijuana on election night. advocates came after she had stated her beliefs, due in no small way to the fact that Holton supports the program's curtailment. Her feelings on the issue are deep seeded, and lived here when the OMMA was enacted, unlike Holton. Longtime activist and Owner of Southern Oregon Alternative Medicine, Brent Kenyon, was able to attend Rosenblum's victory celebration on election night, and had a chance to speak with her, albeit briefly. He told OCC, “She's not going to spend any taxpayer dollars pursuing people that are legal under state laws.” “She shows interest in working with the cannabis community to better our law, based on what the voters of Oregon want to see, not what law enforcement decides,” Kenyon said. Kenyon hopes that Rosenblum will be proactive in finding solutions to Oregon's medical marijuana program, even including a solution to safe access. Knowing how Holton behaved as US Attorney for Oregon, the medical marijuana movement in Oregon was not going to let Holton run roughshod over the program Oregonian's put in place over 13 years ago. The election of Ellen Rosenblum was a defining moment in Oregon's future, and the future of medical marijuana, not just in Oregon, but possibly nationwide.

Cannabis Connection

Federal Charges Shed More Light On Raids Last Fall By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection Charges were lodged by Federal officials against Ten people involved in three of the Medical Marijuana garden raids last fall in Jackson County, OR., which was reported in the Oregon Cannabis Connection's Dec/Jan Issue. With specifics outlined in the court documents, more light has been shed on the cases.

Oregon News September 2011 showed approximately 198 marijuana plants growing on a property in the 6500 block of Tolo Road in Central Point. They then flew over the Tolo Road property again in October 2011 and spotted only 70 marijuana plants. When they raided the grow, they found only a few plants left, and the rest apparently harvested. Only a few pounds of medicine was found at the grow site. Records say a subsequent search of Hisamoto's Ashland home yielded more than a 200 pounds of processed marijuana. Law enforcement officials tracked down several of the group's patients and many said they never received their medical marijuana from Hisamoto. Officials indicated that patients explained that Hisamoto told them his gardens had been damaged by mold and also that he had been "ripped off" and had no medicine for them.

Six People involved in farms planted on Table Rock Rd. and E. Gregory Rd. were all charged with felony drug charges in May. Two of those Apparently, in two charged were of these raids, there Brian Simmon's, was a trail of illegal who operated activity out of state, Brian's Green providing federal Thumb, on E. dump truck is loaded at the E. Gregory Rd. officials probable Gregory Rd., and A raid last fall. 455 plants were growing in the cause to conduct one operated by garden. their operations. In Cliff Ruhland on the third, the grower seemed to have been Table Rock Rd.. Both were apparently tied targeted strictly from the aerial surveillance to the landowner of Brian's former evidence obtained by law enforcement. residence, Mike Peru. Peru and his son Although, if you steal from patients, you were illegally trafficking medicine to will receive no sympathy from me. Washington state, according to documents,. In fact, the affidavit said that a search of Peru's home in Edgewood, WA, turned up a ledger which contained the names "JJ," "Cliff" and "Dad"; under each name were dollar amounts ranging from $1,000 to over $62,000. Peru later told Washington police he was making money on Oregon medical marijuana, according to the court documents. He also admitted moving marijuana from Oregon to sell in Washington In the Tolo Rd. raid, charges were filed at the end of May against Robert Hisamoto and four others. Court documents indicated aerial surveillance in August and

My initial observation in December is still accurate, that all these gardens were very large. But, The raids at Brian's Green Thumb and Cliff's shows you that illegal activity beyond the scope of the OMMP is dangerous, too. The cautious patient may want to stay out of the illegal drug market and keep a small garden, too. As the cases proceed, and others are possibly charged, Oregon Cannabis Connection will keep you updated.

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Product Review: Halo Rx Glass Bubbler and Bing By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection A new company in Portland, Oregon is producing a new line of amazing pipes that are effective, unusual, and scientific! Halo Rx Glass Designs is operated by professional glassblowers Rhone Laird and Jenna Strong. According to their website, they...“Specialize in scientific smoking devices that are designed to be ergonomically correct and reduce harm intake”. I was skeptical at first, especially since I am not a huge fan of water pipes, per say, but was willing to give them a try. They claim a lot in that statement, so I approached with a cautious attitude. They also actively promote them for use with medical cannabis by medical cannabis patients. That I especially like! They say there pieces speak for themselves, and they definitely did.

Halo Rx Glass has placed a few pieces at the World Famous Cannabis Cafe in Portland, for members to try out. Rhone told OCC about a member at the Cafe, who is blind, and his experience with one of the pieces. “One of these pieces actually fit well in his hand, and he said it's the first piece that he can actually clean by himself, because of where the front air vent is located.” The “shower head” at the base of the Bubbler's down-stem allows the air to diffuse into smaller bubbles, which allows for significant cooling to occur. Rhone explained to OCC, “Instead of allowing the water to go down in one large bubble, it presses it into finer bubbles, shooting it out sideways, so you can use less water. It gives a better transfer level.”

The Bubbler, with front vent and carbed insert. The showerhead down-stem is very effective.

When I received the pieces, I was surprised by their size. Both the Bubbler and the Bing were on the smaller side, the Bing especially. They also came with glass Vapor Wands to avoid using a butane lighter to ignite the medicine. Both utilized heavy duty 14mm glass stems, where the bowl fits on the Bing, and as a front vent on the Bubbler. Obviously sturdy, they were shipped Postal Service in a pretty tight box packed only in paper. The Ergonomically Correct Bubbler with Shower Head Down-stem, as Rhone called it, is absolutely great. I have been using it a lot, and have been very pleased. On first hold, it fit very comfortably in the hand, as the name implies.

With the small holes in the down-stem, regular cleaning is needed, which was part of the plan. Rhone said, “The shape, the size, and everything...to kind of push people into a better habit of cleaning their pieces more often.” A clean piece is more effective and

efficient. The Bubbler also has a large front vent, with a hollow fitting that has two very small holes as a carb. These holes act as a gentle vent to allow air to reach closer to the bottom of the reservoir, providing more cooling of the smoke. It is intended to stay in, but I pulled it to clear the pipe when sharing big, fat bowls. A “snap” size bowl would allow it to stay in place. Rhone explained, “You get an equal amount of oxygen vs. medication with the carb.” The Bing was very ergonomic, too. Small and easy to hold, it fit well in the hand and hand small indents to provide small grip points. The indents were functional in another way, Cont. on Page 6

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Oregon News

Cannabis Leadership Cont. From Pg. 3 In 2010, at the height of the M74 campaign, SO-NORML teamed up with the Institute for Cannabis Therapeutics (ICT) and launched a statewide campaign called “Protect Your Rights”. They traveled over 3000 miles crisscrossing Oregon to deliver their message to all that would listen. OCC wrote about the tour in our Aug/Sept 2010 issue. ICT's Christine McGarvin, founder of the non-profit research organization, was one of the primary organizers of the tour, and a friend of Lori's. She is moving to Alaska and requested that Lori take over as President of ICT. She gladly accepted her offer. Lori explained what ICT does, saying, “It's a research and analytical organization. We're going to be gathering data and research questionnaires from renewing patients and patients who are [cancer] survivors.” A longtime gun owner and daughter of a Marine, Lori and SO-NORML also entered the fray over marijuana patients and Oregon Concealed Handgun permits. The case, Winter's vs. Willis, was an attempt by the Jackson County Sheriff , Mike Winters, to deny a concealed handgun license to a OMMP cardholder, Cynthia Willis, based on the Federal Laws against marijuana. The case was eventually rejected by the Oregon Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court. See the story in our Aug/Sept 2011 Issue. Lori was repeatedly interviewed about the subject by local TV and Newspapers, and was on the front page of local papers more than once. When she stood up for gun owners rights, she gained more notoriety, and even statewide fame. In 2010, NORML's national office was concerned over the lounge and cannabis which was available at the center for reimbursement. NORML explained to Lori that, according to the charter by-laws, distribution of cannabis at a NORML

Lori Duckworth (right) of SO-NORML and SOCCC in Medford at the Global Marijuana March May 5th. She humbly accepts praise from Cynthia Willis during the event.

facility is not allowed. By this time, the Oregon NORML chapter had opened it's World Famous Cannabis Cafe in Portland, Oregon, which also had cannabis available on site. This became a dilemma for the national office, since Madeline Martinez, who founded the Cafe', was the president of Oregon NORML and also on the national NORML board of directors. That point was brought up a conference call with NORML leaders in Washington D.C., who summarily dismissed it as irrelevant. In the conference call , Lori defended her club, and position, and told the NORML leaders, “My community needs me and this organization, and if you think that Oregon has this law and we aren't going to be realistic about using this law as a stepping stone to legalization and helping the community where we live, you are sadly mistaken. So, if you want the Southern Oregon NORML chapter, you can have it.” Expecting the worst, the board of directors formed a new organization, the Southern Oregon Cannabis Community Center (SOCCC). They switched all control and money over to the new organization, SONORML became more of an identifying name than a true organization. They still use SO-NORML often to identify the club, and apparently have not lost their charter with the national NORML organization, yet. In 2011, the raids were increased in the area, with 5 large Federally backed raids in Jackson County and at least 3 major

raids in Josephine County, all told it involved over 300 patients and their medicine. SOCCC stepped up to the plate again, with as many as 100 of their own members affected. They arranged a phone tree alert system for cardholders and members, organized media events with local TV and Newspapers to speak out against the raids, and provided a depository of medicine for patients who were affected, all donated by caring individuals in the OMMP who were unaffected by the raids. Lori became worried when she got some resistance from anti-marijuana supporters, and even resistance within the cannabis community. Some black market or out-of-compliance growers were not happy with her outspokenness, and for a while she was concerned. Angry attitudes emerged for a while, but, after a few months, things settled down. She told us, “I have to say, I have more positive reactions in the community than I do negative.” The Freedom Fighter Award was given to SO-NORML/SOCCC at the 2011 Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards at the World Famous Cannabis Cafe. Awarded each year to an individual or organization that fights for Oregonian's cannabis rights. The SOCCC group won the award for the support of patients in Southern Oregon during the raids in 2011. As mentioned before, they provided raid alerts, media attention, arranged medicine donations, and other support for those affected. SOCCC has also been arranging the local Global Marijuana March each year in Medford. Every year people gather to listen to music, hear from speakers, and march through Medford. The March is always the first Saturday in May and starts at SOCCC, goes in front of the Federal Courthouse, through downtown, and back to Alba Park. More recent projects launched by SOCCC include a food bank and clothing bank, and Utility Assistance program. Though their office is located in Jackson County, they donate a large portion to the Josephine County food bank, through the State of Jefferson Band. Lori said, “We take 50% of our food bank and donate it once a year at the annual State of Jefferson Food Drive in Grants Pass.” She added, “That's what really sparked our Jackson County project.” After 3 years of involvement, this year they are a main event sponsor of the Jefferson State Hemp Expo and run the Hemposium tent, where lively and informative discussions and classes about cannabis and hemp are conducted. Last year, information about different referendums and legislative actions was discussed, and this year will be even better, with political events, hemp information, and classes. Don't miss the 3 day JS Hemp Expo Aug 24, 25, and 26th! They stepped out of the box by sponsoring a section of I-5 under the Oregon Highway Clean-up Program. SO-NORML/SOCCC have sponsored the section between Medford and Phoenix for the past 2 years, and arrange trash pick-ups 4 times a year. They also get their name posted on the highway, getting a little extra exposure! Adding yet another plate to the table, Lori recently Cont. on Page 8

Cannabis Connection

Halo Rx Review Cont. From Pg 5. well in the hand and hand small indents to provide small grip points. The indents were functional in another way, providing a wavy turbulence to the flow of air leaving the piece. Another ingenious deign, the Bing's stem is a vent, basically, with a bowl fitting into the top. A small amount of water is added, which fills the base and a small part of the stem, to just under a diffuser disk in the main chamber. A very small amount of water, for sure. Once you draw on the pipe, the more water moves into the main chamber from the stem and a “rolling” motion occurs in the water. Like a churning wave, or a “haystack” for you river Kayakers, the smoke and water roll in the chamber, providing an amazing cooling effect. With a gentle pull on the bowl, the chamber is evacuated rapidly, and smoothly, directly into your lungs. Rhone said, “The Cannabis Journal of Therapeutics said...the down-stems were not working, [people] weren't getting good transfer levels, so basically with that rolling movement you are getting the highest amount of agitation possible with the lowest amounts of A custom "fish" piece water by Halo Rx Glass possible.” They offer many pieces in many different sizes, including custom work, but the majority of their items are easy to handle, and functional first. Much larger 400 or 500 dollar pieces are made with similar features, but Rhone explained, “We wanted to make them hand held, and a little more portable. They are a lot less expensive, too, and more easily affordable for the medical patient.” I loved them both. They definitely lived up to the claims. They were ergonomic, increased flavor, decreased temperature, created more efficient hits, and are easy to clean. The Bubbler was one of the most comfortable pipes I have ever held, and provided a very smooth and effective result. The Bing blew my mind. The action of the water in the chamber is amazing, and it cooled the medication down instantly. I would recommend either piece, and would believe their other products are likely just as effective. As we mentioned, pieces are also available for a “test hit” at the World Famous Cannabis Cafe at 322 SE 82nd Ave. in Portland. Halo Rx Glass can be found at their Facebook page, where images of their pieces are posted. Look for their glass to begin appearing in more and more locations, including many more places than just head shops. If you are interested in a piece, or carrying them at your business, visit them at http://www.facebook.com/HaloRx , or call them at 503-875-7952.

Cannabis Connection

Apple Jam, One Love Festival, and Other Events Rock Southern Oregon By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection Southern Oregon has become a mecca for great music, having great local bands and attracting dozens more from around the state. This spring, the region saw many venues host events, from pubs and bars around the region, to unique places like Applegate River Lodge and the Jackson Wellsprings, residents in the area were treated to great music, venues, and good vibes. 2 other locations were in the town of Provolt, located near the town of Williams in the Red Eye of The Herbal Crew at Applegate Provolt Community Center. Valley. Though it is a very small town, they have a community center that hosts many concerts, and a General Store, which hosts the annual Apple Jam festival. We (Kristi and I) attended a small concert at the Provolt Community Center May 12th, arranged by Dragon's Lair, that featured the State Of Jefferson Band and The Herbal Crew, both local. It was a great night, with a fire burning outside, no rain, and a Dragon's Lair vending booth, with amazing glass and clothing.

State of Jefferson playing at Apple Jam on Friday, with the illuminated sign above.

A week later was Apple Jam at the Provolt General Store, about 50 yards away from the Community Center. This event lasted 2 days and included a dozen bands. The event is in its 3rd year, and is

Oregon News

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organized by the Karrgo Bossajova band, and Blake in particular. State of Jefferson played on Friday for the first time ever at Apple Jam, and also 100 Watt Mind, with their soulful Rock sound. The music went on until dark, when a lighted sign illuminat ed above the stage Blake of Karrgo Bossajova, reading... organizers of Apple Jam. Karrgo closed out the night Saturday. APPLE JAM. Karrgo Bossajova finished off the night, as the crowd swelled to its largest of the event. A few hundred people, at least, attended the event over the 2 days. Camping on site is available at this event, too. Many vendors were there, including one making delicious, oven baked pizza! Look for the festival each year in May.

MJ Restaurant Cont. From Pg. 4 Alcyon Massive, enjoying his set at the One Love Festival in Ashland..

their bassist, is absolutely amazing! Glad to see Eevton is doing well, and they are playing again. They are one of my favorite bands, and Southern Oregon is glad to call them locals!

Memorial Day weekend brought a new event to the Jackson Wellsprings in Ashland, Oregon. A popular venue for earth-loving people in the area, it was a great site for the first annual Gathering Of The Peaceful One Love Indubious closing the night out, here performing Festival. Robert Roskind, author and one of 2 songs with Alcyon at One Love Fest. event organizer, brought great music, This summer will bring a number of great vendors, and peaceful people together for events to the Southern Oregon region, the day-long event. including the Hope Mountain Barter Fair, David Kai The Jefferson State played, Music Festival and coming up Food Drive, The from the Jefferson State Hemp Bay Area Expo, and many, many in more! Always check California. with the Provolt He Community Center for commented shows. Thanks to all Robert Roskind, that he those that organize really addressing the David Kai, performing at Ashland these events, you are crowd at the One loves One Love Festival. Love Fest he set up. adding yet another Southern reason that Southern Oregon! Synergy rocked the Wellsprings, Oregon is the best place to live! too, providing their great rhythms and exciting the crowd. Rocker-T, also from California, provided a unique Reggae sound, and dropped the beat for a few quick, spontaneous raps by any willing performer that stepped up. Very cool. He was preceded by local favorite Alcyon Massive. Alcyon, who always gets the crowd dancing, did a great set, and then played a few songs with Indubious, including his new hit Oregon Sunset. “This is our first time playing together in a long time,” Evton B., of Indubious, said. Indubious played a long set, into the night, dropping their funky reggae sound. Skip Wicked,

together a case and submit it to the district attorney," They also reported Holderness indicated, “he doubts the business can do so legally.” Shea explained to OCC, “We want to create an environment where people don't feel bad about their Kevin (left) and Michael, choice of founders of Earth Dragon, cannabis as a with some of their medicine," available dishes.. Shea said. "We are not a back alley. It's a friendly environment for people who are cardholders to medicate responsibly." Earth Dragon Edibles Restaurant and Lounge is open 11AM to 7PM, daily. They will be extending their dinner hours in a few weeks, until 9PM. They are located at 1662 Siskiyou Blvd in Ashland, Oregon. Their phone is (541) 488-6873. Update: As feared, the Ashland City Attorney forced Earth Dragon to stop providing their medication in their foods, themselves. However, patients are allowed to bring in their own infused oil or butter to be used in dishes. They can also provide medicine that Earth Dragon can infuse for them, and leave on-site for use in their foods. The container is stored with their membership number, and only used in their food. Medicating on site is still allowed, as long as the patient provides the medication.

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Oregon News Joseph Morretti, 47, was arrested on charges of Possession of a Controlled Substance (Marijuana) with purpose to deliver, and possession of drug paraphernalia by Benton County Narcotics Investigators last week.

Oregon News Nugs Coos Courthouse Smelling Skunky The atmosphere at the Coos County Courthouse this spring is a bit “heady”. Blame it on the pot in the evidence lockers and too little ventilation. The coastal county had to shut down its aging garbage burner in March, so marijuana confiscated in drug cases has stacked up in the sheriff’s evidence lockers. On warm days, the aroma wafts through the building. That’s led to complaints and a buzz of comment in the three-story courthouse. “I didn’t know I could come into the courthouse and get a contact high,” County Commissioner Cam Parry joked in an interview with The World of Coos Bay. Recently, the sheriff’s office got rid of most of a 10-pound stockpile by combining it with a forester’s waste burn. But the county still lacks a regular way to dispose of the marijuana evidence. Pot is harder to store than other evidence such as prescription drugs or methamphetamine, said Detective Sergeant Dan Looney. “Marijuana takes up a lot of room and, because it’s so strongsmelling, it’s hard to store it anywhere without getting complaints,” he said.

Arkansas Man Mailed Pot From Oregon, Had Minor Daughter Pick It Up A Gentry, Arkansas man is accused of mailing himself marijuana from Oregon and having his 17-year-old daughter pick it up at the post office. Thats right, his minor daughter!

According to Capt. Mike Sydoriak, investigators received a tip from Gentry Police of a package coming through the US Postal Service from Oregon believed to contain pot. On May 23, investigators intercepted the package at the Gentry Post Office. A sheriff’s K9 sniffed the package and gave a positive alert, indicating drugs were inside, Capt. Sydoriak said. The US Postal Service obtained a search warrant for the package which revealed two large canning jars full of marijuana. The next day, police say a 17-year-old girl arrived to pick it up. She told authorities her parents sent her. Police say Morretti later admitted to purchasing the marijuana in Oregon and mailing it to himself. He also told police he sent some of it via United Parcel Service (UPS). No kidding? Bright fella! In all, deputies seized about 5.5lbs of marijuana with a street value of $27,500, according to Capt. Sydoriak.

OMMP Patient Numbers Drop Oregon Health Authority figures show the number of patients dropped 5 percent from 58,311 on Oct. 18 to 55,167 on April 1. The agency’s figures show the total number of grow sites is largely static at about 35,500. But the number of sites for one patient grew by 5 percent, from 24,052 to 25,241. Meanwhile, the number of sites serving five

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or more patients dropped 26 percent, from 1,694 to 1,258. The decline was even bigger for sites serving 10 or more patients. It went from 241 to 153, a drop of 36 percent. For sites growing for 15 or more patients, it went from 53 to 24, a drop of 55 percent.

Sen. Merkley Angry over Obama Drug War Budget President Barack Obama has included language in one segment of his proposed budget for 2013 that’s being hotly contested by U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley (D) of Oregon. Merkley and others who oppose the proposed change fear it’ll boost the fortunes of Mexican drug cartels while endangering Wallowa County residents and other U.S. citizens living near national forests. Although the 2013 version set to go in force in October 2012 would increase federal spending $1.7 billion beyond 2012 figures, one proposed cutback “would effectively surrender our national forests in Oregon and along the West Coast to these drug traffickers,” says Merkley in an April 26 press release aimed at top officials on the Senate Committee on Appropriations. At stake is the National Guard Counterdrug Program that, in Oregon and six other states, provides air surveillance flights to uncover large marijuana grow operations on federal lands or Photo by Good Jobs, remote public Green Jobs lands. During the summer of 2011, two large outdoor marijuana growing operations were busted in Wallowa County, one of them considered to be the largest ever discovered in the state of Oregon. That one growing operation alone purportedly boasted marijuana worth more than a quarter billion dollars at street value. In addition to the dangerous characters who often operate grow operations and the argument that marijuana is less that a healthy drug for anyone to smoke, the federal Office of National Drug Control Policy argues that for every acre where marijuana is grown, approximately 10 more acres are polluted with toxic chemical fertilizers and herbicides. Steen says Air National Guard helicopters are one of the best ways to locate marijuana grows, which almost always are located in extremely remote sites.

Cannabis Leadership Cont. From Pg. 6 joined me on Rogue Cannabis Radio as my new co-host, every Tuesday night from 7:00 to 9:00PM on www.kskq.org in Ashland, Oregon. The show brings you cannabis news, information, and events, as well as music with a cannabis theme. Tune in and enjoy the show! SO-NORML and SOCCC have been an important part of the Southern Oregon cannabis scene for 4 years, Lori, speaking with the and provided news during a raid . invaluable services to the local cannabis community and the entire state. They have become an integral part of every significant discussion about cannabis in Oregon. They are a welcome voice, and represent a large number of cannabis patients in the Oregon Emerald Corner! Find the Southern Oregon Cannabis Community Center and SO-NORML at 332 W. 6th St. in Medford, OR. There phone number is 541-7791448 and are open weekdays. Visit them online at www.so-norml.com for more information.

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I-Five-O Oregon Marijuana Police Log

Oregon News Sheriff's office for assistance. A subsequent investigation and search led to the discovery of 17 pounds of Marijuana and 32 ounces of THC oil. Estimated value of the controlled substances is approximately $40,000.



The suspect was taken into custody and lodged in the Clackamas County Jail for Unlawful Possession and Delivery of a Controlled Substance-Marijuana. The female was not charged and was released at the scene.

April 18 – Canyonville (OSP) A traffic stop by Oregon State Police (OSP) south of Canyonville led to the arrest of an Idaho man after a trooper found approximately 10 pounds of marijuana inside the vehicle. The OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation. On April 18, 2012 at approximately 9:30 a.m. an OSP trooper stopped a 1989 Dodge Caravan displaying Idaho license plates northbound on Interstate 5 near milepost 90 for a traffic violation. The trooper contacted the lone occupant identified as a man from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Subsequent investigation with the assistance of an OSP drug detection canine led to the discovery of approximately 10 pounds of marijuana in the van. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $25,000. The suspect was taken into custody and transported to the Douglas County Jail. Following booking he was cited to appear at a later date in Douglas County Circuit Court for Unlawful Possession and Delivery of a Controlled Substance Marijuana.

The OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation. residents of Monmouth and Corvallis. Subsequent investigation with the assistance of an OSP drug detection canine led to the discovery of approximately 6 1/2 pounds of marijuana and other evidence inside the vehicle. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $16,000. Both men were arrested and lodged in the Douglas County Jail for Unlawful Possession and Delivery of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana. May 10 – Wilsonville (OSP) A traffic stop by an Oregon State Police (OSP) trooper led to the seizure of 17 pounds of Marijuana near Wilsonville. A Central Point man was arrested and lodged in jail. On May 10, 2012, at approximately 11:26 PM, an OSP senior trooper stopped a 2003 Ford Escort with Washington license plates on Interstate 5 at milepost 284 northbound for two traffic violations.

April 20 – Canyonville (OSP) Two men were arrested April 20th during a traffic stop by Oregon State Police (OSP) along Interstate 5 about ten miles south of Canyonville when troopers found over 6 pounds of marijuana inside their vehicle. The OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation. According to Lieutenant Douglas Ladd, at approximately 7:30 a.m. an OSP trooper stopped a 2003 GMC Yukon sport utility vehicle displaying Utah license plates for a traffic violation northbound on Interstate 5 near milepost 88. The two occupants were identified as being

The driver was identified as a resident of Central Point. There was a female passenger in the vehicle. The trooper called a narcotics canine handler from the Washington County

See our Industrial Hemp Section on page 18!

Lakeview District May 8 - Klamath Falls (OSP) A Bend-area man is in jail after Oregon State Police found 107 pounds of marijuana inside his SUV . The 23-year-old was pulled over on Highway 97 just north of Klamath Falls for a traffic violation. The officer searched the vehicle and discovered marijuana. In total, 107 pounds of marijuana was located in the 2000 Dodge Durango. The estimated street value of the pot is more than $250,000. The suspect was arrested for Unlawful Possession and Delivery of a Controlled Substance and was lodged at the Klamath County Jail. May 11 – Lakeview (OSP) An Oregon State Police (OSP) traffic stop four miles north of Lakeview led to the arrest of a Veneta-area man and the seizure of over 60 lbs of marijuana. According to an OSP Sergeant, on May 11, 2012 at approximately 10:45 a.m. A trooper stopped a rented white 2012 Ford Focus four-door displaying Nevada license plates for a traffic violation southbound on Highway 395 near milepost 138. The driver was identified as a resident of Veneta, Oregon. Subsequent investigation led to the discovery of approximately 61 pounds of marijuana inside the car's trunk. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $150,000. COLBY is scheduled to appear at a later date in Lake County Circuit Court for

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Unlawful Possession and Distribution of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana. The OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation.

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Connecticut Becomes 17th Medical Marijuana State Advocates Applaud New Law While Citing Problems Like A Prohibition On Patient Cultivation By Steve Elliott Toke Of The Town Patient advocates applauded Governor Dannel Malloy on June 1st for signing the country's 17th state medical marijuana law. The Connecticut legislature passed HB 5389 on May 4, despite ongoing federal Justice Department intimidation in medical marijuana states. The passage of the Connecticut medical marijuana law comes as the Obama Gov. Dan Malloy of Administra- Connecticut. tion is engaged in an unprecedented level of attack against patients and their providers. Paramilitarystyle raids on dispensaries and threats of criminal prosecution and asset forfeiture by U.S. Attorneys are among the methods used to obstruct implementation of state medical marijuana laws.

National News advocates to help pass the Connecticut law. "We hope other states follow Connecticut's lead in passing medical marijuana laws so that patients are not left unprotected and vulnerable to law enforcement actions." While advocates welcome the protections provided in the bill, there are a number of problems they've also cited, including a prohibition on patients cultivating their own medical marijuana. In states such as New Jersey and Delaware, where the law has relied entirely on centralized medical marijuana distribution, federal intimidation has prolonged implementation and prevented patients from being able to safely and legally obtain their medication.

By Oregon Cannabis Connection U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (DCalif.) on May 2nd released a statement pushing back against the Obama administration's interference with medical marijuana laws in California and beyond. Her statement comes after medical marijuana advocates delivered a petition earlier that day calling on Pelosi to defend patients from ramped up federal enforcement measures.

In addition to obstacles erected by the federal government, HB 5389 saw resistance from certain Connecticut lawmakers. For instance, during deliberations State Senator Toni Boucher (R-Bethel) introduced dozens of restrictive amendments. Although a handful of amendments made it to the floor for a vote, including limiting the law to terminal patients, all of them were fortunately rejected.

Connecticut follows the states of Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, as well as Washington, D.C., Cont. on Page 13

I am pleased to join organizations that support legal access to medicinal marijuana, including the American Nurses Association, the Lymphoma Foundation of America, and the AIDS Action Council.

Minority Leader and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a strong message to Obama on the medical marijuana issue.

Pelosi joins a number of other political figures -among them Barney Frank, Ron Paul and Pat Robertson -- who have advocated recently in favor of leaving the issue of medical marijuana to the states. Her full statement reads: Access to medicinal marijuana for individuals who are ill or enduring difficult and painful therapies is both a medical and a states' rights issue. Sixteen states, including our home state of California, and the District of Columbia have adopted medicinal marijuana laws -most by a vote of the people. I have strong concerns about the recent

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actions by the federal government that threaten the safe access of medicinal marijuana to alleviate the suffering of patients in California, and undermine a policy that has been in place under which the federal government did not pursue individuals whose actions complied with state laws providing for medicinal marijuana. Proven medicinal uses of marijuana include improving the quality of life for patients with cancer, HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and other severe medical conditions.

Another contentious issue for advocates regarding the new Connecticut law is an overly restrictive list of qualifying medical conditions. For example, the qualification list excludes chronic pain, which is the condition for which the vast majority of patients in the U.S. use medical marijuana. However, there is a provision of the law that allows for the review and acceptance of additional medical conditions.

The law will take effects on October 1. "We are encouraged that state officials are standing up to federal intimidation and moving ahead with the passage of important public health laws," said Steph Sherer, executive director of Americans for Safe Access, which worked with local

Former Speaker Pelosi Stands Up to Obama

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Medicinal marijuana alleviates some of the most debilitating symptoms of AIDS, including pain, wasting, and nausea. The opportunity to ease the suffering of people who are seriously ill or enduring difficult and painful therapies is an opportunity we must not ignore. For these reasons, I have long supported efforts in Congress to advocate federal policies that recognize the scientific evidence and clinical research demonstrating the medical benefits of medicinal marijuana, that respects the wishes of the states in providing relief to ill individuals, and that prevents the federal government from acting to harm the safe access of medicinal marijuana provided under state law. I will continue to strongly support those efforts.

Cannabis Connection

National News Inferior Extractions

Ice Hash Battle Heats Up By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection Most of our readers are probably familiar with the ice water extraction method for making hashish, or as we like to say, cannabis extraction. The bags which almost all people use are available online from a multitude of companies, and range from “3 Bag Systems” to elaborate “8 Bag Systems”, all of them promise to produce top results, with different grades of product in each bag.

The “Bubble Hash” Scam What most people do not realize is the behind the scene legal battle that has been waging for years over the rights to this method of extraction, or that they are making inferior hash with this method. An industrious inventor, longtime cannabis user, and...for lack of a more descriptive word...Hippie, Reinhard Delp, introduced the cannabis world to his invention, the XTR 420, in 1997 at the High Times Cannabis Cup© in Amsterdam.

His method has one significant difference to the typical “Bag” method, which makes his system superior. His process catches everything in a flask at the bottom of his machine...almost nothing is lost. Delp explained, “If you take a twenty micron bag, everything under 20 microns goes to the drain. You can easily check it by dripping it on a glass plate and then you can scrape it off [when it dries].” It is actually pretty logical. Most of the trichome's resin glands stay together A Typical multi-bag system in the ice advertised on the internet. Legally, they are likely water infringing on Delp's Patent. process, which basically makes them very cold, and brittle, so they release from the leaves. But, many of the glands get broken, allowing the precious crystals and oils inside to be released into the water. Using a 20-25 Micron bag (usually the smallest mesh bag in an elaborate “8 Bag System”) will not catch these lost oils, and it is lost as a by product of production...tossed right down the drain! Delp uses a single 150 micron screen in his system, and always uses fresh or slightly wilted leaves, never dry. The fresh leaves are flexible and hold together much better allowing very little, if any, contamination of the final product. After a hour or so, with the mixer running, the extraction begins to slowly “sink” down a tube into a flask, by gravity. The oils sink to the bottom, all collecting in the flask. Once the oils settle, excess water is poured off and the final extraction is poured through a 4-5 micron coffee filter, allowing as little of the oil to escape as possible.

Delp's 1997 US Patent

The years following would see the introduction of dozens of new “Bag” systems based on the method he introduced, with slight variations which would allow manufacturers to sell “8 Bags Systems” to produce supposedly top quality extractions. Delp, however, had a patent pending on the process by 1997. The “method patent”, as Delp calls it, covers the basics of ice water extraction, with agitation, through a micron screen, in order to catch the resins of many types of plants, including cannabis. Unlike a product patent, his patent covers all similar methods using his technique, not simply his product. By 2006 he had full patents in Canada, Europe, and the U.S., and just recently was awarded a large monetary judgment in Canadian Federal Court against one of the defendants, Green Harvest Inc. His patent has stood up so far, and many companies using his method may be violating the law.

Delp said, “They end with a 20 micron screen, and if you look under a microscope, you will see that the trichomes don't only exist in one piece, like a mushroom...everything else is fractured in crystals. There's small crystals, there's big crystals.”

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cannabis icon in Amsterdam, and had been promoting her dry screen “Pollinator” machine for years. She was very interested in Delp's XTR 420 extractor machine. During a visit with Delp, she took a phone call from renowned author Robert Clarke, who was still working on his now famous book “Hashish”. The book was printed the following year, in 1998. She explained Delp's ice water method to him, and he apparently said to Mila in response...“Yuk!”.

be involved, to promote the machine. Jansen did allow Delp to display and demonstrate his XTR 420 extractor in her booth at the 1997 Cup. During his time in Amsterdam, Delp said he was eventually confronted by Clarke, who told him his extraction was beyond what the usual cannabis consumer could handle. Delp explained, “The first thing he says is...'We cannot publish this', and when I asked why, he said, 'it's too strong for the people'.” Delp said, “I essentially told him off.”

Delp now believes Clarke added to the chapter in his book, “High Tech Hash Making” after the initial printing, and after seeing Delp's process in 1997. In the chapter, Clarke At the following explains Delp's Delp's original diagram from the XTR 420 is on year's Cup, the left. Jansen's Ice-O-Lator bag diagram from ice water Jansen 1998 is on the right. The similarities are more method, under than a coincidence. introduced her the auspices of own ice water “Sadu Sams Secret”. Sadu Sam is also extraction system, the Ice-O-Lator® bags, David Watson, aka. Skunkman, the man utilizing a very similar ice water who claims to have introduced Skunk#1 to extraction. Since her system was slightly the Netherlands in the 1980's and founder different, the belief was that no patent of Hortapharm, with Clarke. Hortapharm infringement was occurring. One glaring is GW Pharmaceutical's only supplier of mistake was to use Delp's drawings for cannabis for creation of Sativex®. her instructions with her bags, which were practical duplicates of his own. Delp believes the recall of the first issue is evidence of the re-write, but Clarke 's Others quickly followed suit producing publisher denies it. Red Eye Publishing, nylon screen ice water bags, including the operated by famous author, editor, and famous Bubble Bags® and the publisher Mel Frank, explained in a Resinizer®. At a later Cup in aggressive correspondence to Delp that Amsterdam, Jansen actually had a the first run had faulty binding, and had dispute with Mark Richardson, aka. been recalled for that reason only. He Bubbleman, of Bubblebags®, accusing also adamantly defends Clarke, him of stealing her ideas. explaining that he had knowledge of the technique long before Delp patented the All of the bags, including those on the method. market today, use only a 20 micron bag as the final filter, or larger. They all waste Eventually, Mila Jansen and Pollinator precious resin, washing it away. Co. signed a contract with Delp to be his exclusive dealer in Europe, and took Joe Pietri, author of King of Nepal, possession of a hundred XTR 420s, his included a chapter in his most recent original proprietary machines. The edition of his book covering the brewing contract also covered any “equipment conflict. He reports on the political using the ice water method of extraction” nature of the deception, Delp indicated that publicity was also to writing, “At the Cup, Cont. on Page

He is right. According to Cannabis Culture magazine, trichomes come in three basic structures; Bulbous, appearing closest to the leaf surface with the smallest being as small as 15 microns, Capitate-Sessile, which are larger globules with no stalk measuring 25 to 100 microns, and Capitate-Stalked, which are the most abundant mushroom shaped glands on the leaf, and measure from 150 to 500 Microns! So, think about this. If the biggest, baddest trichomes are up to 500 microns in size, what happens when they go through the 150 micron screen? Answer...they break apart...into smaller crystals and break up in the water. And what about the already small glands that occur on the leaves...those 20 micron particles, or smaller? Answer...they also are suspended in the water. If you are using bags....right down the drain! The Politics and The Rip-Off While in Amsterdam at the Cup in 1997 Delp spent time with Mila Jansen at her store, The Pollinator Co. Jansen is a

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National News

Dutch Court Upholds Ban On Foreigners Buying Marijuana

Book Review: The Official High Times Cannabis Cookbook

By Steve Elliott Toke Of The Town

By Keith Mansur & Kristi Anderson Oregon Cannabis Connection

A Dutch court on April 27th upheld a new law banning foreigners from buying marijuana in coffee shops in the Netherlands, possibly ending decades of "weed tourism" for which Amsterdam and other cities have become world-famous. A Dutch judge in the Hague ruled that the new law is legal. The move to ban foreigners from buying cannabis is being fought in the city of Amsterdam, where the coffee shops are a major tourist draw and where many shops owners have vowed to ignore the law once it comes into effect. The conservative government of the Netherlands seems hellbent on turning back the clock to a darker time in Dutch history -- a time when the cannabis trade was underground and people had to depend on the black market for marijuana. According to expert observers, the ripples could reverberate internationally. "If tolerance ends or gets limited in the Netherlands, then politicians all over the world will say things like 'Tolerance failed in Holland,' and use that as an excuse to enforce their anti-cannabis propaganda, opinions and laws," well-known Dutch cannabis blogger Peter Lunk told Toke of the Town. A group of the coffee shops had mounted a challenge to the government ban, launched after city officials in the southern Netherlands had claimed "increased levels of drug-related crime," reports Antony Faiola at the Washington Post. The decision, taken by the conservative government in power, means that coffee shops in the south must stop selling cannabis to foreigners to May 1. The coffee shops will be allowed to introduce a "weed pass" for Dutch citizens, who will be legally permitted to keep buying marijuana. The plan will expand to other Dutch cities -including popular cannabis destination Amsterdam -- by January 1, 2013, according to authorities.

Dutch protesters taking to the streets May 1st in Amsterdam. The recent decision is has been met with resistance.

The Netherlands is continuing to move toward tighter controls on the sale of marijuana -- for which it has had a "tolerance" policy for years -even as other countries, including the United States, seem increasingly friendly to the legalization of cannabis. Lawyers for the Netherlands' roughly 600 cannabis cafes argued that excluding foreigners from the shops while allowing Dutch citizens to buy marijuana was illegal under national anti-discrimination laws. They vowed on Friday to appeal the case. "This is a bad decision not only for the foreigners who can be discriminated against now, but also for the image of the Netherlands in other countries," said Maurice Veldman, attorney for a group of coffee shops that challenged the ban. "We are not a free country anymore because our government asks us to discriminate." Michael Veling, 56, owner of the 420 Cafe in Amsterdam's red light district, said he was outraged by the court's decision. Veling, also chairman of the Dutch Union of Cannabis Retailers, said coffee shop owners in the city Maastricht, where the law comes into effect next week, were preparing to ignore "this ridiculous law" and were "ready to be arrested." "We have tourists that just want to have a smoke," Veling said. "If they're not going to get it, they will ask Dutch people who actually have a pass for the coffee shop to buy it. Or they fall in the hands of the illegal street sellers. Reprinted by permission from www.tokeofthetown.com. © 2012 Village Voice Media

High Times® magazine has released their first cannabis cookbook. Amazingly enough, they have never released one before, until Elise McDonough collaborated with the editors of High Times® and produced a smashing book, The Official High Times® Cannabis Cookbook. McDonough, who has worked for High Times since 2002, compiled a wide array of recipes from a number of different contributors., including Subcool, the WAMM baking club, and even Dennis Peron. The recipes range from Sativa Shrimp Spring Rolls with Mango Sauce to Psychedelic Spanakopita (A Mediterranean spinach pie) and cover a wide range of different ethnic dishes. The book begins by giving a pretty comprehensive breakdown, covering the genetics of different strains, the different cannabinoids and their effects, and what to expect when ingesting cannabis. Advising users how they can be effected, and what to expect, is a good way to prepare the reader, especially if they have not eaten cannabis before. The effects can be very different from smoking. In the first chapter, McDonough shows how to make an array of oils, butters, tinctures, and other mediums, to allow infusion of cannabis into recipes. Gone are the days of grinding up an 1/8th of weed and pouring it into brownie mix. Now cooks use infused products to cook with, allowing dishes to be medicated without being gritty and nasty. She provides slow simmering recipes you can do in a crock pot for 8 hours or more, and faster ones with a double boiler that take as little as 45 minutes. She also provides a “Marijuana Flour” recipe from WAMM, or Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana in Santa Cruz, CA. It's a simple process, using a silk screen to create a kind of flour made of Kief. The flour is then substituted in baking for about ½ the flour that is called for in the recipe. The appetizers are eclectic, and range from Obama's Sativa Samosas, a wonderful puff pastry filled with Talapia and covered in a Mango sauce, to Kind Bud Bruschetta with Pot Pesto, a yummy introduction with THC olive oil Pesto and medicated balsamic vinegar on top! The Munchies chapter covers more ethnic dishes, including Tom Yum Ganja, an interesting take on Tom Yum Gai, a Thai classic, using finely chopped cannabis (which works in a soup). The Chicken And Andouille Ganja Gumbo uses the simple cannabutter listed earlier, and is chocked full of veggies and meat. You will find it in our Recipe section in this issue. Chapters 4 and 5 cover High Holiday treats and Stoner Sweets. From Holiday dishes like Wake and Bake Eggnog French Toast and Grandma Purp's Laid-back Latkes, to sweet treats such as Ganja Buttercream Frosting and Vegan Cannabis Carrot Muffins, these chapters have many great recipes. McDonough finishes her book with a chapter on cocktails, with recipes for smoothies, bhang, and hot chocolate. She also mentions raw

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cannabis juice, a popular new trend for many, which provides cannabinoids without a psychoactive effect. Her recipes include a Lawnmower and Bonghitter's Mota Mojito. Photography was done by Sara Remington, who captured the dishes beautifully. Utilizing some form of cannabis with every dish she photographed, she creatively suggested the dish was medicated with a bud, a smoking pipe, or a cannabis leaf. Every shot is a winner. Elise McDonough and High Times magazine has put together a winner. With this book in your kitchen, you will be confident in your cannabis culinary capabilities, and be very happy while you are cooking!

Simple Cannabutter (Use with Gumbo Recipe on Pg 19) This is an easy, quick way to infuse cannabis into butter on your stove top. Be sure to use salted butter since it has a higher smoke point, and don’t leave your saucepan unattended! You can make this cannabutter relatively quickly, and use it in any of the recipes in this book. Makes 1/2 cup 1/2 cup (1 stick) salted butter* 1/4 ounce cannabis buds, finely ground *To make cannamargarine, simply substitute margarine for butter in this recipe 1. Melt the butter on low heat in a saucepan. Add the ground buds, and simmer on low heat for 45 minutes, stirring frequently. 2. Strain the butter into a glass dish with a tight-fitting lid. Push the back of a spoon against the plant matter and smash it against the strainer to squeeze out every drop of butter available. When you’re done, discard the plant matter. 3. Use your cannabutter immediately, or refrigerate or freeze until it is time to use. You can easily scale this recipe up for larger batches of cannabutter. One pound of butter (4 sticks) can absorb 1 ounce of cannabis, but you may want to simmer for up to 60 minutes. Drizzle this cannabutter over freshly cooked pasta or popcorn for instant satisfaction. Reserve large batches in the fridge or freezer for use in recipes. Note: For medical patients, I would recommend using two ounces of cannabis for each pound of butter, effectively making a double-strength cannabutter.

Cannabis Connection

National News answer to a complex problem on a bumper sticker, you know you probably don't have much of an answer.”

Editorial: Obama and Company Blow Smoke This past Spring was full of comments from the Obama administration on drug policy and much of the usual rhetoric was used, along with some flat out lies. From Joe Biden, speaking in South America, to Gil Kerlikoske spewing on C-SPAN, and even Obama himself, getting real "Cool" with Rolling Stone, the usual talking points were accentuated with a few outright lies. Joe Biden, in a statement last March while visiting Mexico to discuss the Drug War, laid out the first lie. He stated to Notimex, "In every country that has experimented with the legalization or decriminalization of drug consumption, the part of the population that consumes illegal substances grows." But, AFP reported a fact which exposes Biden. It is the evidence from the 10 year long experiment in drug legalization in Portugal: “There is no doubt that the phenomenon of addiction is in decline in Portugal," said Joao Goulao, President of the Institute of Drugs and Drug Addiction, in a press conference to mark the 10th anniversary of the law. The number of addicts considered "problematic" -- those who repeatedly use "hard" drugs and intravenous users -- had fallen by half since the early 1990s, when the figure was estimated at around 100,000 people, Goulao said. Gil Kerlikowske, the Director of the White House Office On National Drug Control Policy (otherwise known as the US Drug Czar) appeared on C-Span in an interview and the Center For American Progress on May 1st. In the interview and Q&A that followed, Kerlikowkse repeatedly made misleading statements and comments repeatedly, providing the largest barrage of nonsense from the administration. When referring to the “two extreme views” of the drug war debate, Kerlikowske characterized the legalization movement as being a group of, “very vocal, organized,

well funded advocates who insist that drug legalization is a 'Silver Bullet' for addressing our nations drug problem.” He then describes the “other side” as, “Those who insist that a law enforcement only 'War On Drugs' approach...is the way to create a drug-free society.” But, the marijuana movement is not particularly well organized, as Oregon, California, and Washington have shown. A couple of national organizations with a few million dollars between them hardly constitutes being “well funded”. But, he is right on the vocal part. We marijuana activists can be VERY VOCAL! Also, any belief that we can have a drugfree society is a pipe-dream (pun intended)! The number of Americans that believe a “War On Drugs” approach is going to produce a drug free society is likely a very, very small number. The truth is that Law Enforcement gets a lot of money from this war, and they want to keep it coming. Kerlikowske went on to explain the basis of the Obama administrations “Third Way” drug policy, stating, “The Obama Administration strongly believes neither of these approaches is humane, they are not compassionate, not realistic, and probably most importantly, they are not grounded in science. The approaches also do not explain the complexity of our nations drug problem, or reflect what science has shown us over the past two decades. When ever you can put the

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Not humane? Not compassionate ...or realistic? Not grounded in science? Does Kerlikowske really believe that impeding the distribution of From Libertarians 4 Freedom medical marijuana is humane or compassionate? Does he believe that Portugal and Switzerland's drug policies have no scientific basis? I think he knows the answer but is too beholden to special interests to say it.

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Connecticut Cont. from Pg. 10 in passing medical marijuana laws. Maryland, which doesn't have an actual medical marijuana law, does have a patient affirmative defense; i.e., you have to actually get arrested for cannabis for the law to kick in. At that point, you can present your medical paperwork and hopefully get the charges dismissed. Reprinted by permission from www.tokeofthetown.com. © 2012 Village Voice Media

As for the bumper sticker comment, I think he needs to check with the Obama campaign. “Change We Can Believe In” seemed to be effective for Obama in 2008. It even had me thinking it was true. Science actually entered the conversation when Kerlikowske sang the praises of NIDA's research, saying,”NIDA, The National Institute on Drug Abuse, is the source of 85% of the worlds research on drug abuse.” What he forgot to mention is that NIDA will not study, or authorize any study, that does not treat a controlled substance as a “substance of abuse” making the study of cannabis impossible. The truth about NIDA's research, as it pertains to marijuana, is explained by Dr. Donald Abrams M.D., Chief of Hematology Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital and Professor of Medicine at University of California San Francisco. He explains, to Reason.tv, the difficulty of obtaining marijuana for clinical studies on AIDS wasting syndrome. He said, “They have a congressional mandate only to study substances of abuse as 'substances of abuse', and hence could not give me marijuana to study.” Cont. on Page 15

Romulan. Photo by Keith Mansur, OCC

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National News Nugs

National News Dan Nichols was paroled in 1991. His father was denied parole for his 85-year-sentence in a high-profile hearing last month.

Four Tons Of Marijuana Found Floating In Pacific Ocean

“Mountain Man” Dan Nichols Arrested “Mountain man" Dan Nichols was arrested May 22nd on drug charges following a monthslong search that came nearly three decades after he and his father kidnapped a world-class athlete. Nichols was taken into custody after phoning the U.S. Marshals Service and saying he would be in the Walmart parking lot in Butte, Montana between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., ButteSilver Bow Sheriff John Walsh said. Nichols showed up as promised in a 1982 red Honda Prelude with Bozeman license plates and was arrested without incident. Walsh said, "He basically turned himself in." Nichols failed to appear in court in March on charges of drug possession and intent to distribute during a rock concert last August in Three Forks, and Jefferson County officials issued a warrant for his arrest. Federal prosecutors became involved in April, charging Nichols with participating in a medical marijuana organization in Helena accused of illegally growing and distributing more than $1.7 million in pot. The co-founders of that operation, Montana Cannabis, are either facing federal drug charges or have made plea deals. It was not immediately clear where Nichols had been living the past few months. In 1984, Nichols and his father, Don Nichols, kidnapped biathlete Kari Swenson. Don Nichols planned to make the then 22-year-old Swenson his son's wife. Don Nichols was convicted of killing Swenson's would-be rescuer, Alan Goldstein, while Dan Nichols was convicted of shooting Swenson in the rescue attempt. Swenson survived the shooting and the Nichols eluded authorities for five months until they were arrested by Madison County Sheriff Johnny France.

Someone, somewhere, is in for a really rough morning after losing track of millions of dollars worth of inventory on May 20th. Orange County Harbor Patrol found 8,068 pounds of marijuana floating off the coast of Dana Point in Orange County, Calif., that afternoon. They were tipped off to the bales, floating 15 miles from shore, at around noon. Local authorities spent the rest of the evening hauling 180 bales of pot onto their boats and unloading it at Dana Point Harbor. Jerry Conlin, a spokesperson for the U.S. Border Patrol, told The Huffington Post that the discovery was "not normal" because officials didn't see a boat or high-speed chase near the abandoned bales. "To find that much out there floating in the water is not normal," said Conlin. "There have been no arrests made at this moment, and there's no vessel that's been seized. It is an ongoing investigation." Conlin, who has been working for the Border Patrol for seven years, says he's never seen a haul like this. The U.S. Border Patrol estimates that the discovered marijuana is worth $4.03 million. A combination of federal, state and law enforcement authorities worked together to recover the marijuana. It was then turned over to the U.S. Border Patrol, according to an official statement from the agency.

Federal Appeals Court Says Dispensary Bans Are Okay. On Monday, May 21st, a federal appeals court ruled that cities do not violate the rights of the disabled when they ban dispensaries. A threejudge panel of the US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco rejected a claim by patients from Costa Mesa and Lake Forest that those cities' efforts to close dispensaries violated the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The bans were challenged by disabled residents who had doctors' recommendations for pot to ease severe pain. In a 2-1 ruling, the appellate panel said it sympathized with those users but federal law banning marijuana use doesn't exempt the disabled. The law does not protect the use of drugs banned by the federal government, the court held.

Cannabis Connection Currently in Colorado and most other states, drugged-driving convictions depend on officer observations; actual impairment, rather than an artificial cut-off point like 5 ng/ml, is the determining factor. Copyright 2012 Village Voice Media. From www.Tokeofthetown.com and reprinted by permission.

New York Judge Suffering from Cancer Makes Plea for Medical Marijuana Proposed Marijuana DUI Bill Fails Again In Colorado By Steve Elliott of Toke of the Town A marijuana DUI bill failed again on May 15th to clear the Colorado Senate, once again being voted down. The DUI bill has been a rollercoaster for the past two years, reports Michael Roberts at Denver Westword, perhaps due at least partially to the fact that there’s no solid science supporting the proposed limit of five nanograms per milliliter (5 ng/ml) as being at all correlated with actual driving impairment. Failure of the bill once again in the Colorado Legislature (for the third time) may have reverberations all the way to the U.S. West Coast, since an identical DUI limit — 5 ng/ml — currently threatens to derail a semi-legalization initiative, I-502, in Washington state. The DUI bill, HBS-1005, reportedly lost on a 217-7 stand-up vote in the Senate, according to Denver activist Timothy Tipton. After the Senate voted down the bill on the informal stand-up vote, an effort to revive it failed on a 17-17 split because one key supporter was absent, according to Nunn, Colorado-based activist Rev. B. Baker. The tie couldn’t be broken, despite several attempts to do so, reports Michael Roberts at Westword. The missing vote was that of Sen. Nancy Spence (R-Centennial), who supported the DUI bill but was on vacation. Spence also the deciding vote on a nearly identical bill in the Legislature’s regular session. The marijuana DUI bill now won’t be coming back until at least the next legislative session in 2013.

“Inhaled marijuana is the only medicine that gives me some relief from nausea, stimulates my appetite, and makes it easier to fall asleep. The oral synthetic substitute, Marinol, prescribed by my doctors, was useless,” writes Reichbach in The New York Times, “rather than watch the agony of my suffering, friends have chosen, at some personal risk, to provide the substance.” He said that he uses marijuana before dinner as it gives him “the ammunition in the battle to eat”. And a few puffs before bed gives him the desperately needed sleep. “States that legalized medical marijuana had higher rates of marijuana use. Future research needs to examine whether the association is causal, or is due to an underlying common cause, such as community norms supportive of the legalization of medical marijuana and of marijuana use,” writes Magdalena Cerdá in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. They had studied the relationship between state level approval of marijuana and its use. “I implore the governor and the Legislature of New York, always considered a leader among states, to join the forward and humane thinking of 16 other states and pass the medical marijuana bill this year. Medical science has not yet found a cure, but it is barbaric to deny us access to one substance that has proved to ameliorate our suffering,” wrote Reichbach in the in The New York Times.

National News

Cannabis Connection

Ice Hash Battle

at big payoff. His Patent Pending goes back to 1997 in the U.S., Canada, and Europe, and he could collect royalties in the millions.

Enforcement and Payback the inventor withstood the offer for exclusive licensing to the pharmaceutical industry and the urgent requests to keep his method a “secret” because the extract is too strong, people can not handle it.”

With his patent finally official in Canada in 2006, Delp finally filed suit against Fresh Headies Internet Sales Ltd., makers of Bubble Bags®, and Green Harvest Inc., sole importer of Mila Jansen's Ice-O-Lator® bags, XXXTractor Inc., and a Canadian distribution company, Crystal Mountain Products.

The original XTR-420 (left). The more recent XTR-1000. Onlyone 150 Micron screen is used, and gravity does the rest. Photos: Keith Mansur for OCC

Pietri also writes, “A Dr. Geoffrey Guy, who would later go on to establish GW Pharmaceuticals, came up to the inventor [Delp] and told him he would never have to work again. The smartest thing the inventor ever did was to apply for the patent before-hand, being fully aware of the impact it would make in Amsterdam.” Pietri has been actively campaigning for Delp, attending a later High Times Cannabis Cup© in Amsterdam in 2007. At the Cup, Pietri was chased out, and wrote an update entitled, “Ice Wars: Update Bubble Bags Greatest Ripoff in Cannabis History”. In it he explains, “After I published Ice Wars and got a booth on the annual cannabis cup 07 in Amsterdam, Trans High Corp., who ran the venue, allowed Skunkman, aka David F. Watson, to personally pin up warrants with my picture, calling me a snitch.” He later explains that he was, “banned from the THC Expo.” Watson and Clarke eventually founded Hydropharm® and partnered with GW Pharmaceuticals®, inventors of Sativex® cannabis spray. One has to wonder if they are using, or have ever used, Delp's ice water extraction method to create Sativex®, which has now become a multimillion dollar drug available worldwide. If that is the case, Delp could be looking at

Green Harvest chose not to go through discovery in the case, and chose instead to have the court impose a default judgment, which came to over 470,000 Canadian dollars, and destruction of any bags they currently had on hand. The others still fighting the case and the trial and final decision will likely be later this summer. Fresh Headies have actually filed a counter suit against Delp and could not be reached for comment.

Delp explained to OCC, “[Green Harvest] didn't want to talk about it because [they] knew it all, and they would rather take the...default [judgment] from the court rather than saying under oath, 'That's what happened'.” OCC also reached out to Mila Jansen, and received no comment back.

very northern edge of Mendocino County, and the center of the Emerald Triangle. A German immigrant, Photos: Keith Mansur, OCC he lives on a beautiful 80 Hash from 5 different strains. acre spread All bubble when put to flame. at the end of a long and rough county road, miles from the nearest town. From his home you can easily see Humboldt and Trinity to the north, the other 2 counties comprising the famous triangle. He produces both his XTR 1000 (the up-todate extractor system he has developed) and his Grobots locally. The Grobots are a “forced flowering” system to cover plants, depriving them of light and making them start to flower before they normally would. From warehouses in nearby towns, he assembles his Grobots and distributes them everywhere, along with his XTR 1000. Eventually, Delp hopes to see restitution for his patented process of ice water extraction. He believes he has always been reasonable, only wanting a small royalty for his idea and patent. He told OCC, “They took 8 years of my patent by not giving [royalties] to me.”

Cont. from Pg. 13 NIDA may be a great source of substance abuse data, but it makes them biased in their opinions and policies when applied to studies showing beneficial results from a controlled substance. This is not science or research, but more akin to public policy measures. Kerlikowske Acknowledges that the federal government spends over 193 Billion annually on “fighting” drug addiction, and that a significant portion of that is in the criminal justice system. He Explained their new approach, saying it would be, “One that treats drug addiction as a disease and promotes a criminal justice system where a drug related crime is addressed in a fair and equitable manner for every American He later added, “We cannot arrest our way out of the drug problem” He also talked of how they intend to “reform the public health and safety system” to push “intervention” before it reaches the criminal justice system.

He also responded to an online question from Steve Fox at MPP. Fox wondered why Kerlikowske supports policies preventing marijuana use by consenting adults, considering it is safer than alcohol.

The Costs and The Payoff

For the past 30 years or more, Delp has lived in California. He lives very modestly, yet in a beautiful location at the

Obama Blows

Are there reforms that can be made? Can they be more fair and equitable? If you can't arrest your way out of the problem, and you want to be fair and equitable, maybe we should start by removing marijuana from the CSA. It seems a good way to save a lot of money, effort, enforcement, and misery.

Dubbed the “Queen of Hashish”, Jansen was quoted in a small article in High Times magazine in March 2003, entitled 'Lady of Hashish. In it she admits that Delp used the ice water and screen method first, saying, “The only people that were ahead of me were Sam the Skunkman (Watson) and the inventor of the Extractor (Delp), a big expensive machine, but the first to use a screen, water, and ice.”

Delp also noted that this battle has been expensive. According to Delp, he has spent upwards of $200,000 on fighting the case. He thinks that the Canadian case, if it goes his way, will set a precedent and allow him to press forward in Europe and the United States. He has spent most of his expendable income fighting the legal battle.

Page 15

Reinhard Delp, speaking with Keith of OCC, at his property in Mendocino, CA.. Photo: Kristi Anderson, OCC

He wants a 10% royalty on products using his method, which could include all the ice water extraction techniques using a screen to produce the end product. Manufacturers should take notice. The bottom line, Delp was visionary. The method he spells out is simple, ingenious, and patentable! He was smart enough to write down the process, draw images, and explain the “method” of extracting resins from plants using ice water, and then submit it for a patent. That was forward thinking, and smart business, as Dr. Guy had apparently indicated to Delp in Amsterdam in 1997. Delp succinctly summed up, not only his battle, the entire war over cannabis in recent years...legally, economically, and politically, explaining, “It's the end of prohibition, and there's gonna' be Kennedy's and there's gonna' be Capone's.” You can find Reinhard Delp's most recent extractor, the XTR 1000, at www.icecold.org. Information on his Grobots forced flowering system is available at www.grobots.com. Call 1-800547-6268 for information on both. Read the Oregon Cannabis Connection and find out the results of the case when it becomes available. Stay connected!

Don't Miss our Cultivation Section Starting on Pg. 20!

Kerlikowske answered, “There are no good reasons to legalize marijuana. I often hear about tax, regulate, and control as an answer, and then I look at prescription drugs, which as I mentioned, take over 15,000 lives a year, let alone the number of people that come into emergency departments, and the number of people that are treated. Prescription drugs are already taxed, they're already regulated, they're already controlled, and we do a very poor job of keeping them out of the hands of abusers, misuser, and young people. So, I don't think we can do a very good job with a substance that can...easily evade the tax scheme because it doesn't take rocket science to grow marijuana.” Amazing answer. He avoided the question all together, and somehow brought the death of over 15,000 people each year...from PRESCRIPTION DRUGS, into the discussion! In the end, his only real reason...TAX EVASION!!!! The Rolling Stone's interview of Obama further exposed the administrations propensity to lie, especially when it comes to marijuana. In the interview, Obama explained his reasoning on his marijuana policy, stating, “I can't nullify congressional law. I can't ask the Justice Department to say, 'Ignore completely a federal law that's on the books. What I can say is, 'Use your prosecutorial discretion and properly prioritize your resources to go after things that are really doing folks damage. As a consequence, there haven't been prosecutions of users of marijuana for medical purposes.” This statement is simply not true. First, medical marijuana user's ARE going to jail, with help from the federal law enforcement. Also, the

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Page 16

Study Confirms: Marijuana Helps With Multiple Sclerosis By Steve Elliott Toke Of The Town Researchers Note Cannabis Impacts Cognitive Function -- But So Do Other MS Drugs Smoking marijuana cuts spasticity and pain that's resistant to conventional treatments in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), although it does have some cognitive effects as well, a small clinical trial has unsurprisingly confirmed. Spasticity scores on the modified Ashworth scale dropped by an average 2.74 points more with smoked cannabis than with a placebo, researchers at the University of California San Diego found, reports Crystal Phend at MedPage Today.

A difference or two or more points is considered clinically meaningful on the 30-point Ashworth scale which covers mobility of elbows, hips, and knees, report Jody Corey-Bloom, M.D., Ph.D., and colleagues at UCSD. The researchers reported their findings online in CMAJ. Besides the positive effects on spasticity, pain scores decreased by about 50 percent as well, the researchers reported. "We saw a beneficial effect of smoked cannabis on treatmentresistant spasticity and pain associated with multiple sclerosis among our participants," Corey-Bloom said. The findings regarding smoked marijuana support anecdotal evidence from many MS patients who say smoking the herb relieves spasticity, the researchers noted. About 400,000 pepole in the United States have MS,

Medical News

Cannabis Connection

an unpredictable, often disabling chronic disease in which the protective coating around nerve fibers starts breaking down.

with 63 percent of them being female. More than half needed walking aids, and 20 percent used wheelchairs.

The disease attacks the myelin, which is wrapped around the nerves of the central nervous system, and among other symptoms, cash cause loss of balance, impaired speech, extreme fatigue, double vision and paralysis, reports Paul Irish at The Star.

Pain scores, though relatively low at the start, with an average 12 or 13 points on the 100point Visual Analogue Scale, fell an additional 5.28 points on average with medical marijuana compared to a placebo.

Cont. From Pg. 15

Not surprisingly, according to researchers, smoking marijuana also "reduced cognitive function acutely," that is to say it got people stoned. Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test scores measured 45 minutes after smoking were down 8.67 points more with cannabis than with a placebo.

The Weed Blog's TJ Green reported on a Huffington Post article in which a short, but vital, comment by Attorney General Holder was made at the White House Correspondents Dinner, which contradicts the President's view.

The body naturally produces cannabinoids, a group of chemicals also found in marijuana. Studies have suggested that the cannabinoid receptors on our cells help regulate muscle spasticity, reports Amy Norton of Reuters. But trials that focus on orally administered cannabinoids have had mixed results, according to the researchers. "Any reductions in spasticity have generally only been seen on subjective ratings," Corey-Bloom and colleagues noted. "We've heard from patients that marijuana helps their spasticity, but I think a lot of us thought, 'Well, it's probably just making you feel good,' " said lead researcher Dr. Corey-Bloom. "I think this study shows that yes, [marijuana] may help with spasticity, but at a cost." The "cost," according to Corey-Bloom and colleagues, is that pot smoking causes fatigue and dizziness in some users, and generally slowed down people's mental skills soon after using cannabis. That seems a pretty cheap "cost" to me -- I'd even go so far as to call it a "good deal." The trial included 30 MS patients with treatment-resistant spasticity randomized to double-blind use of a placebo cigarette or smoked cannabis, once daily for three frays with crossover after an 11-day washout period. The average age of participants was 50 years,

However, "the clinical significance of this result is uncertain; despite the transient decrease in scores, patients were still within normal ranges [emphasis added] for their ages and levels of education," the investigators pointed out. But conventional, pharmaceutical treatments for MS may also affect cognition, making such arguments -- when used against cannabis -- seem rather specious. "It is worth noting that conventional treatments, such as baclofen and tizanidine hydrochloride, may also affect cognition, although published data are scarce," the researchers noted. For comparison with marijuana's 2.74-point drop in Ashworth scores of spasticity, in a previous study, sublingual tizanidine hydrochloride (Zanaflex) resulted in a threepoint decline in Ashworth scores after a week of treatment; oral tizanidine showed a 1.81point decline compared with a 1.19-point decline with placebo in prior studies. "Larger, long-term studies are needed to confirm our findings and determine whether lower doses can result in beneficial effects with less cognitive impact," the researchers suggested. Reprinted by permission from www.tokeofthetown.com . © Village Voice Media 2012.

Read the OCC Online at www.oregoncannabisconnection.com

Obama Blows President holds all the power he needs to stop the war on cannabis.

The piece said, 'Attorney General Eric Holder was a guest of The Huffington Post at the correspondentsdinner. Before it began, a HuffPost reporter noted to Holder that Obama's reference to 'congressional law' was misleading because the executive branch could simply remove marijuana from its 'schedule one' designation, thereby recognizing its medical use. “That's right,” Holder said. TJ went on to explain, “Obama or Holder could end the war on medical marijuana at any moment. He also pointed out the portion of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), specifically USC Sec. 811(2), which applies to Mr. Holder and his powers. It says he can, “remove any drug or other substance from the schedules if he finds that the drug or other substance does not meet the requirements for inclusion in any schedule.” The use of marijuana as a medicine is allowed by 16 states and the District Of Columbia, over a thousand scientific studies show the effective use of marijuana as medicine, upwards of 150 million Americans have tried marijuana, including the President, and over half of Americans think it should be legal. So, now that the truth is out there, and their lies are exposed, we should keep hammering away at the Obama administration to take the next step, remove cannabis from the CSA. He needs to go farther than just supporting its medical use, and do the right thing, legalize marijuana!

Next Ad Deadline is July 21st for our Aug/Sept Issue. Call us Today (541) 621-1723 or visit oregoncannabisconnection.com

OREGON CANNABIS CONNECTION is a bi-monthly publication for the medical cannabis community in Oregon. Published by K2 Publishing Co. in Medford, Oregon, we strive to inform the public on the value of medical marijuana, as well as provide news, information, and opinions concerning marijuana laws, legalization, and medicine. All information in our publication is intended for legal use by adults only. Our publication is advertiser supported and over 28,000 copies are distributed FREE at over 200 locations throughout Oregon.

Distributors needed! All issues are provided free. Subscriptions are available within the U.S.A for 18.00 per year. Please visit www.oregoncannabisconnection.com to subscribe. To advertise or distribute, please contact Keith at 541-621-1723. Next issue is Aug 10th, advertising deadline is July 21st

Cannabis Connection

Medical News

Page 17

therapeutic use of medical cannabis.

Marijuana and Autism Survey – NORML and UF4A Collaboration By Allen St. Pierre NORML Executive Director Over the last five years there have been numerous media reports about the anecdotal use of cannabis to help autistic children. Two brave women, one on the east coast the other the west, have been at the forefront of this effort to help scientifically explain why cannabis appears to be so helpful. Marie Myung-Ok Lee wrote about her experience in Rhode Island, a state with medical cannabis laws, in 2009. Soon after, inspired by Marie’s writings, Mieko Perez Hester and her son had a similarly positive experience with treating his autism in California. Mieko, soon after going public about their experience, was invited onto ABC’s Good Morning America. The reply from parents around the country to these charter members of the NORML Women Alliance experience as parents using cannabis as a therapy for their autistic children has been overwhelming and inspired the need to perform proper scientific research to possibly develop cannabinoid-based treatments for autism in both children and adults. To help accomplish this Mieko established The Unconventional Foundation for Autism (UF4A), which is asking the NORML community of hundreds of thousands of cannabis consumers and patients to help with a scientific survey today. The NORML community has joined UF4A in this remarkable journey and fight, and has offered to help solicit feedback through the survey.

Amidst a highly controversial setting, one California mother is sharing her autistic son’s triumphant and life-saving journey with the world. Single mother of three, Mieko Hester Perez was watching her young son, Joey, succumb to various combinations of 13 different prescription drugs that ravaged his body and internal organs. Joey weighed only 46 pounds, and was in a battle for his life. Read more: www.uf4a.org In 2009, The Unconventional Foundation for Autism (UF4A) was formed. UF4A is lighting a path in hopes that others may benefit from alternative therapies that may be available to other families on the Autism Spectrum. Mieko helped create a survey to help solidify and amplify her results and the level of help the Foundation can provide. At UF4A, we believe providing the most

accurate information to medical professionals for research purposes will pave the way for clinical trials for unconventional treatments. We seek to solidify and further the fundamental understanding we have in regards to the effectiveness of cannabis alleviating symptoms along the Autism Spectrum. The information collected in the survey will be used to further guide families, new patients, doctors and lawmakers in making informed and proper decisions for themselves and our community. SURVEY LINK: If this survey applicable to you or a loved one, we invite you or them to fill out the form UF4A Treatment of Persons on the Spectrum with Cannabis. To fill out the survey, visit http://blog.norml.org/category/cat-activism/ Reprinted from www.norml.org. ©2012 NORML

Target: Persons on the autism spectrum currently using or interested in using cannabis as a safe and effective medication to treat autism. With more than 1 in 88 children affected, autism is the fastest growing developmental disability in the United States. Currently, there is no medical detection or cure for autism; however, there are pharmaceutical and therapeutic treatments that have proven to be effective in treating the condition. Among the safest and most remarkable is the

See our Clinics and Information Listings on Page 23! Find the products & services you need in one convenient place.

Study: Cannabis Use Associated With Lower Mortality Risk In Patients With Psychotic Disorders From NORML The use of cannabis is associated with lower mortality risk in patients with schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders, according to a forthcoming study to be published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research. An international team of investigators from the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Inje University in South Korea assessed the impact of a lifetime history substance use on mortality in 762 subjects with schizophrenia or related disorders. Researchers reported, “[W]e observed a lower mortality risk-adjusted variable in cannabis-users compared to cannabis nonusers despite subjects having similar symptoms and antipsychotic treatments.” Authors speculated that the association between marijuana use and decreased mortality risk may be because “cannabis users may (be) higher functioning” and because “cannabis itself may have some health benefits.” They concluded: “To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies to examine the risk of mortality with cannabis and alcohol in people with PD (psychotic disorders). This interesting finding of decreased mortality risk … in cannabis users is a novel finding and one that will need replication in larger epidemiological studies.” NORML Board Member Dr. Lester Grinspoon, psychiatrist and former Harvard Medical School professor, similarly noted that the study’s findings, though promising, require replication in separate trials. “In reading the cannabis literature over the years, I have learned to be somewhat skeptical about any single report and to maintain a ‘wait and see’

posture as new data eventually flesh out the reality,” he said. To date the association between cannabis use and psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia is not well understood. While some studies have associated cannabis use with higher cognitive functioning – including better performance on measures of processing speed and verbal skills – other research has implied that cannabis use, particularly heavy use at an early age, may precipitate or exacerbate the disease in those already vulnerable to it. Other experts have criticized this purported link to be “overstated” and not “particularly compelling,” noting that increased levels of cannabis use by the general public has not yet been positively associated with proportionally rising incidences of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders. For more information, please contact Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director, at: paul@norml.org. Full text of the study, “Alcohol and cannabis use and mortality in people with schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders,” will appear in the Journal of Psychiatric Research. For additional information on cannabis use and mental illness, please see the NORML white paper, “Cannabis, Mental Health, and Context,” available online at: http://norml.org/library/cannabis- mentalhealth-and-context-the-case-for-regulation. Article from NORML weekly news release.

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Industrial Hemp

The Hemp Plant

Cannabis Connection

Drug Czar Claims Hemp Fiber Contains THC

National Association of Industrial Hemp The hemp plant is harvested for its fibers, seed, seed meal and seed oil.

By Steve Elliott Toke Of The Town

Hemp is a distinct variety of the plant species cannabis sativa L. Due to the similar leaf shape, hemp is frequently confused with marijuana. Although both plants are from the species cannabis, hemp contains virtually no THC (delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the active ingredient in marijuana.

Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske has a response(ish) to a petition sent to the White House supporting the legalization of hemp. In his "response," Gil reveals either a stunning ignorance about hemp, or a shocking propensity to tell a whopper.

Hemp cannot be used as a drug because it produces virtually no THC (less than 1%), where marijuana produces between 5 - 20 % THC.

What We Have to Say About Marijuana and Hemp Production By Gil Kerlikowske, Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy

Hemp Agronomic Characteristics Hemp is a bast fiber plant similar to flax, kenaf, jute and ramie. Long slender primary fibers on the outer portion of the stalk characterize bast fiber plants. An annual plant that grows from seed, hemp can be grown on a range of soils, but tends to grow best on land that produces high yields of corn. The soil must be well drained, rich in nitrogen, and non-acidic. Hemp requires limited pesticides because is grows so quickly and attracts few pests. In northern latitudes, hemp is usually planted between early March and late May. Hemp averages between 2 - 4 meters in height in about four months of growth. Hemp crops are harvested at different times for different hemp products. Harvesting stalks for high quality primary fiber occurs as soon as the crop is in flower. Harvesting for seed production and stalks occurs 4 - 6 weeks after flowering, when male plants begin to shed pollen.

A large Hemp field in Canada. Hemp is one of the versatile plants known. Photo: W ikipedia

Primary Hemp Fiber The valued primary fibers are contained around the hollow, woody core of the hemp stalk. These long, strong fibers that grow the length of the hemp stalk are considered bast fibers Hemp fiber possesses properties similar to other bast fibers (flax, kenaf, jute and ramie) and excels in fiber length, strength, durability, absorbency, antimildew and antimicrobial properties. Once a hemp crop has matured and been harvested, hemp primary fibers are separated from the hemp stalk through the "retting" process. For "dew retting", the cut stalks are left in the field for several weeks to allow natural humidity and bacteria to decompose the fiberbinding pectins. Other ways to separate the fiber from the core are: water retting, warm water retting and chemical retting. When the retting process is complete, the fibers are readily separated from the core, and processed for

specific products. Primary fibers are long-staple length fibers, averaging 8 � (20 cm) in length. These hemp fibers can be spun and woven to a fine, crisp, linen-like fabric and used for apparel textiles, home furnishing textiles and carpeting. Antimildew and antimicrobial properties make them very suitable for sails, tarps, awnings, and floor coverings. Primary fibers can be cut to shorter staple lengths to accommodate a variety of spinning systems. Hemp fiber blended with wool, cotton, linen or other fibers, adds strength, durability, absorbency and breathability, making hempblended fabrics cool and comfortable to wear and touch.

Core Fiber Core fiber is derived from the sturdy, wood-like hollow stalk of the hemp plant. Sometimes referred to as "hurds", it is up to twice as absorbent as wood shavings, making it an excellent animal bedding and garden mulch. It can be easily blended with lime to create a strong yet lightweight concrete or plaster. Its high cellulose content means it can be applied to the manufacturing of plastics. Like primary fiber, it is biodegradable and possesses antimildew and antimicrobial properties.

U.S. Legal Definitions Custom Regulations of the United States, Official US Custom House Guide, 1987. sec. 302.58 --CR-360. MARIJUANA STATUTORY PROVISIONS Controlled Substances Act, Food & Drug Admin (1970) Chapt. 22, Sec. 802-15 Definitions: (a) MARIHUANA. The term 'marihuana' means all parts of the plant Cannabis sativa (L.), whether growing or not, the seeds thereof, the resin extracted from any part of such plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or or preparation of such plant, its seeds or resin; BUT SHALL NOT INCLUDE the mature stalks of such plant,. fiber provided from such stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of such plant., any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture or preparation of such mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber. oil or cake or the sterilized seed of such plant. which is incapable of germination..... http://naihc.org/hemp_information/hemp_defined. html

Read the OCC Online at oregoncannabisconnection.com

America's farmers deserve our Nation's help and support to ensure rural America's prosperity and vitality. Federal law prohibits human consumption, distribution, and possession of Schedule I controlled substances. Hemp and marijuana are part of the same species of cannabis plant. While most of the THC in cannabis plants is concentrated in the marijuana, all parts of the plant, including hemp, can contain THC, a Schedule I controlled substance. The Administration will continue looking for innovative ways to support farmers across the country while balancing the need to protect public health and safety. The amounts of THC found in industrial hemp -- even in the flowers -- are so minute as to be meaningless, since the trichomes contain a preponderance of CBD instead. But the amounts of THC found in hemp fiber are so low as to be undetectable -- that's why hemp fiber products are legal in the United States. "Extracting THC from industrial hemp and further refining it to eliminate the preponderance of CBD would require such an expensive, hazardous, and time-consuming process that it is extremely unlikely anyone would ever attempt it, rather than simply obtaining high-THC marijuana instead," according to Dr. David P. West, Ph.D., for the North American Industrial Hemp Council. "I did a lot of work on this and I can't believe the response that the White House gave," said petition author Tom Murphy of Vote Hemp. "I briefed the guy at ONDCP who wrote the response and I'd bet money and give you odds that this response is not what he wrote," Murphy told Toke of the Town Tuesday afternoon. "He knew the difference!" So... Seems Gil is either quite misinformed about hemp, or is still lying his ass off. The latter's actually not unlikely, since, as head of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Kerlikowske is forbidden by law from supporting cannabis legalization. That's right: there are actually laws in place to prevent the implementation of better and saner policies, at least when it comes to the War On Marijuana. Reprinted by permission from www.tokeofthetown.com. Š2012 Village Voice Media.


Cannabis Connection

Chicken and Andouille Ganja Gumbo Caprese Salad By Dave Miss From The Official High Times® Cannabis Cookbook© See the book review on page 12 for Simple Cannabutter recipe used in this dish. Ingredients: 2 large yellow onions, chopped (reserve the ends) 3 green bell peppers, seeded and chopped 8 ribs celery, sliced (reserve the trimmings) 8 cloves garlic, minced One 16-ounce bag of frozen okra 5 quarts organic chicken stock 1 pound Andouille sausage 1 (4- or 5-pound) chicken, cut into bite-size pieces 2 tablespoons Simple Cannabutter, at room temperature (see recipe on page 12) 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1/4 cup all-purpose flour 2 dashes quality hot sauce 1 teaspoon fresh thyme 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon black pepper 2 bay leaves Sea salt (the sausage and butter may be a little salty, so hold back and add salt at the end or not at all) 3 to 4 cups cooked long-grain rice 4 to 6 leaves fresh basil, torn into small pieces 1 handful fresh parsley, chopped Crusty bread, for serving

By Marie J. Burke Author of Treating Holistically with Cannabis© Ingredients: 2 Large fresh mozzarella balls 1 Handful of fresh chopped basil 1 Handful of micro greens (or your favorite salad) 2 Tablespoons of balsamic glaze 2 Large Heirloom tomatoes (or your favorite large tomatoes) 2 – 3 Tablespoons of canna oil Salt and pepper to taste Directions: First Take the micro greens and make sure they are nice and clean and place them in the middle of a large platter. Next, take the mozzarella and tomatoes and slice about a quarter inch thick. Now alternate the tomatoes and mozzarella in a pattern over the micro greens. Next drizzle with canna oil and balsamic vinegar glaze. Now sprinkle with chopped basil and salt and pepper.

1.Wash the chicken and pat dry. Reheat your pan over medium heat, and add the chicken pieces skin-side down. Cook 5 minutes per side, until brown. Set aside.

New Recipes In Every Issue!

2.Now turn up the heat to medium-high and melt 1 tablespoon cannabutter, then add half of the chopped veggies. Sauté until the onions are translucent and everything else is a bit soft. Remove the sautéed veggies and set aside. Reserve the pan; you’ll use it again soon.

& A Special Thanks To Our Contributors!

6.Use a glass measuring cup to scoop out 2 cups of liquid and add it to the hot sauté pan that held the roux. You want to get all of the flavor and psychoactive sauce from that pan, so use your wooden spoon and scrape all the bits off the sides and bottom. Pour it back into the big pot. Add a couple healthy shots of hot sauce. 7.Once the mixture has come up to boil, reduce the heat to medium-low. Add your thyme, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and bay leaves. Now, add 3 cups water to thin out the gumbo. 8.It needs to simmer for about 11/2 hours. Stir it up every now and then. After 50 minutes, add the andouille sausage and the oil from the bottom of the bowl. 9.Before you serve, remove any chicken bones and bay leaves from the gumbo. Taste and season with sea salt if desired. 10.To serve, scoop some rice into the bottom of a bowl, and ladle the gumbo on top. Garnish with the basil and parsley, and serve with crusty bread. You can freeze what you don’t immediately eat.

3601 NE MLK Blvd, Portland (503) 933-7662 - Dine In/Take Out

By Todd Dalotto From The Hemp Cookbook©

2 cups soy yogurt 1 heaping tablespoon fruit jam of your choice ¼ cup hempseed oil 1 heaping tablespoon bee pollen 1 mango sliced thin or mushed, depending on ripeness 1 apple, cut into bite-sized wedges 1 navel orange, peeled and wedged 2 bananas, sliced into bite-sized pieces 1 cup in-season berries

Meanwhile, cut the andouille sausage into 1/4-inch-thick slices. Heat up a large sauté pan over high heat, then add the sausage and lower the heat to medium. Some store-bought Andouille is cooked (read the package) so just heat it through and brown it. Uncooked sausage from the butcher must be cooked for about 10 minutes, until the outside is brown and slightly crunchy. Remove the sausage from the pan, leaving the sausage grease. Set the sausage aside in a bowl.

5.After about 5 minutes, pour the contents of the pan into the simmering chicken stock mixture. Next, add the cooked chicken pieces, and bring the gumbo to a boil.

Hempseed Yogurt Fruit Salad


Next, add the chicken stock to a big stock-pot over high heat. Add the reserved onion ends and celery trimmings. Bring the stock to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium-low.

4.Now, you will make the roux by adding flour to the really flavorful grease and butter in the previously used sauté pan. This browned flour, oil, and cannabutter mixture is the basis for a gumbo with deep, rich Cajun flavor. Turn the heat to medium and add the oil. Use a wooden spoon to gently stir in the flour, mixing until the flour dissolves. Stir the roux, constantly scraping the bottom and sides of the pan. After 10 minutes of stirring, slowly add the remaining 1 tablespoon of cannabutter. Continue to stir for another 10 to 20 minutes, until the roux has turned the color of dark chocolate milk. Now, add the uncooked veggies. Mix the veggies into the roux until they are well coated.

Medical cannabis consumption can be unpredictable, always start with a quarter serving and give it time. Effects can take up to an hour and sometimes longer. If you have doubts, you should contact a cannabis clinician about dosage.

book available at www.sunnycabanapublishing.com

Directions: In a large bowl, combine the onions, bell peppers, celery, and garlic. Let the okra thaw for a while by submerging the bag in warm water until it is at room temperature.

3.From the simmering chicken stock, remove and discard the onion tops and celery trimmings. Add the sautéed veggies and half the okra to the stock. Put the remaining okra in the bowl with the leftover uncooked veggies.

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Directions: Combine the soy yogurt, jam, hempseed oil, and bee pollen. Stir well until smooth. Stir in the fruits and serve. Note: I like to sprinkle with raw, shelled hempseeds. Serves two.

Page 20


Female and Feminized Marijuana

Welcome to Paradise

Remove any pests or diseased vegetation manually if possible. Use fingers or soft wet sponges to remove eggs.

Growing Q & A Column

Natural Predators: Use natural predators such as Lady Bugs, Predatory Nematodes and Praying Mantis.

By Green Man Female marijuana is different than feminized marijuana. During the 1960's and 1970's some cannabis breeders took to experimenting with Colchicine. Colchicine, a powerful mutagen for both man and beast, stops cell duplication, while the cellcore duplication continues the same. The end result is a doubling or more of the chromosome set. This treatment can be beneficial to marijuana because it enforces many properties such as higher production of thc and resistance to disease. What also resulted, when gender chromosomes doubled, is that male or female chromosomes appear manifold, called Hermaphrodites. What's the plant to

Cannabis Connection

Natural Sprays: A Male marijuana plant!

become? It becomes all at once. The result is called feminized or effeminate marijuana seed. Genetically, a cannabis plant is more or less predisposed to become male or female. This is regulated by 2 chromosomes everyone knows as the X and Y chromosomes. A plant with 2 XX chromosomes becomes female. A plant with an X and Y turns into a male. Plants have hormones that regulate it's functioning, of which gender is one of those functions. The hormone balance is genetically determined, and partly influenced by environmental factors. An example is when plant roots get damaged. The roots will produce a substance that in turn slows down leaf growth. The result is male flowers. When discussing hormone balance you get FEMALE SEED or feminized marijuana: a female is a plant with XX or only female chromosomes. When you have a seed with just X chromosomes, you are certain this seed will grow into a plant that is genetically female. To achieve the XX only plant: a female plant is forced by a hormone called Gibberellic Acid to produce male flowers, the pollen created contains only X chromosomes, when you offer this pollen to another female plant you can be absolutely certain to get seeds which are 100% XX.

More answers from our experts at Paradise Supply. If you have questions to submit, send them to info@oregoncannabisconnection.com. Question. What is a good way to prevent pests early on in the cycle, and keep them off throughout my grow season?

Chemicals: Answer. The best way is to follow a logical progression of pest control. There are vast differences between indoor and outdoor gardening, however many of the same steps apply to both.

As a last resort, chemical pesticides can be used where legal, however, we recommend that products be chosen carefully if being used on a plant that will be consumed

Prevention: Cleanliness- no dead leaves or trash in or around growing area. Use “new” soil. (Indoors) Have one “indoor” and one “outdoor” set of tools. Cultivate disease resistant plants. Many hybrid cultivars are great producers but lack pest and/or disease resistance. Keep healthy plants and cull those that lack vigor. Use companion planting if possible.

Once again this seed is called FEMALE SEED. Gibberellic Acid can be found online. It takes years for an individual to achieve the proper plant hormone manipulation to get 100% female XX seed. Supplies therefore fluctuate and there are many different strains available worldwide.

Use the most benign pesticides first. Example products would be Aura, SNS217, Purespray Green or SM90. Apply your foliar spray early in the morning or during the first hour of light cycle. Rotate your application of pesticide every two weeks, using one product for approximately two weeks then switch to another. This prevents the pests from building immunity through successive generations.

Control your environmental conditions. (Indoors) No animals in your garden area. Our beloved pets can be wonderful transports for pests. ( indoors and out) Manual removal:

Question. How dry should my soil get between watering. Answer. It is a good idea to let your soil dry to a point between waterings. The roots need oxygen and if water is constantly covering the roots they will drown. Conversely, if you let the soil get too dry the roots will also dry out and die. It is good to find a happy medium. Smaller plants will transpire (moving water from the root zone out the stoma on leaves.) less than large plants so you will need to adjust you watering accordingly; e.g. small plants=less water more frequent/ large plants=more water less frequent. Question. Is it okay to clone plants straight in soil? Or should I get a cloning machine ? Answer. Cloning can be done a number of ways. While a cloning machine can improve clone production, it is a good idea to learn the basics before

Cont. on Next Page

Cannabis Connection

Welcome To Paradise investing in a machine. Cloning straight into soil is not the best method either. Using a cloning media like Oasis Cubes, Rapid Rooters or rock wool will give you a higher success rate than soil. Always use clean instruments to take cuttings and make sure your cloning agent (powder, liquid, or gel) is fresh. If you are cloning into soil try to choose a soil with a low nitrogen content, something designed to start seeds or a soil-less mix. Once you learn the basics, cloning machines can help, but the also require a bit more maintenance. P.h. must be maintained between 5.5 – 6.5 and water temp must be between 65-75 in a clone machine. To submit questions, email info@oregoncannabisconnection.com

LED Grow Lights Make Growing Marijuana Easy... Or Do They? By Steve Elliott Toke Of The Town For patients who need medical marijuana, the progress of LED grow lights has been closely watched. The lights, which promise greater energy efficiency and lower heat than their high pressure sodium and metal halide cousins, have gained increasing visibility in the cannabis community.

Cultivation outperform HPS grow lights (the current standard for growing marijuana) in almost every way. For one, LEDs use significantly less electricity than HPS bulbs, plus they only give off a fraction of the heat. "HPS grow lights are often at the heart of many growing problems, especially when marijuana plants are grown in a small closet or cupboard," said Nebula Haze, grower and cofounder of GrowWeedEasy.com. "The heat given off by an HPS grow light quickly builds up and can seriously hurt and even kill a marijuana plant if the hot air is not vented out through an exhaust system." The fact that HPS lights produce excessive heat is one of the major reasons why there's so much interest in LED grow lights. In contrast with HPS lights, LED lights do not require the installation of expensive ducting or a ventilation system to control the heat. In fact, according to the manufacturers' specifications, most LED lights can be plugged into a standard electrical outlet and turned on immediately in any small space, with no worries about uncontrollable temperature changes. So LEDs use less electricity and produce less heat than regular grow lights; why is there a controversy? "The question for any real-life pot farmer is this," Nebula answered. "Do LED grow lights really work for growing marijuana? Marijuana plants require a very specific type of light to grow. Can you still produce the prized THC-laded cannabis flowers using only one of these LED light systems?" To solve this puzzle, Nebula Haze joined forces with fellow grower endive, from GrowMedical420.com. The two of them recently released a review and case study of their attempts at growing marijuana with LED grow lights. "Our goal is to share the straight facts about LED grow lights," Nebula said. "We know how important it is for patients (who have a doctor's rec) to successfully grow medical marijuana and treat their debilitating disorders. "No one wants to lose a crop of medicine because you bought the wrong lights," Nebula said. "This kind of information just isn't out there for medical marijuana patients, which spurred me and endive to put together this marijuana LED review for other growers." You can read the full LED Grow Lights review at www.tokeofthetown.com

LEDs (short for light emitting diodes) were first invented in 1927. More efficient than nearly any other type of artificial light, these diodes were too weak to be a contender for growing plants until recently. But continuing research has resulted in LED lights that are more powerful than ever before. Within the last few years, many LED grow light systems have sprung up on the market for indoor gardeners. Some claim the LED grow light technology may finally put the cultivation of a few marijuana plants within reach of anybody who has a few extra bucks and a spare closet. On paper, LED grow lights seem to

Reprinted by permission. ©2012 Village Voice Media.

How To Order Cannabis Seeds On The Internet By Johnny Green The Weed Blog One of the most common questions that I get via e-mail or when I meet people at events is, ‘how do I order marijuana seeds online?’ You can order just about anything else on the internet, so ordering cannabis seeds seems like a logic thing. People in medical marijuana states have a hard time getting seeds and clones, so knowing where to go online to get marijuana seeds is a handy thing to know. Always check your local laws when considering ordering marijuana seeds. Laws vary from area to area. All the people I know that have gone the ‘ninja route’ and ordered seeds have never had any problems You may have noticed a new banner on our pages. Herbies seeds is a new supporter of TWB, and since Herbies helps keep us churning out important marijuana news and information, please support Herbies in return. It’s like the marijuana internet ‘circle of life.’ If you aren’t a Lion King fan, you should visit Herbies site anyways, because Herbies have the best quality marijuana seeds from the world’s most respected cannabis seed producers. And if that doesn’t do it, consider that Herbies has the lowest prices for marijuana seeds online. Some of my friends already have TGA Subcool Dairy Queen seeds on the way! It’s like opening up a whole new world of marijuana goodness. Herbies even has a currency calculator on their site so us ‘Yanks’ will know how many green backs it costs to bring elite strains to our areas. Below is more information about Herbies: Celebrating over 20 year’s this April of trading cannabis seeds to the world, our dedicated sales team have developed a broad and detailed knowledge of the seeds industry and are here to help you. Why not call today 27/04/2012? on 01553 767285. Seed orders can also be placed over the phone. At Herbies seeds we consider customer satisfaction and security an absolute priority. To ensure maximum on-line safety, all orders placed today 27/04/2012 will pass through a secure server utilising 256 bit encryption. All April orders will be despatched in a very discreet, protective packaging. All UK orders placed on 27/04/2012 will be posted via Royal Mail 1st Class Signed For Delivery, and will arrive within 48 – 72 hours of payment being received (excluding Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays)

Page 21

All International Orders placed on the 27/04/2012 are posted via Royal Mail International Signed For Delivery, and arrive approximately 5 working days after receipt of payment. Orders received on 27/04/2012 before 2 p.m UK time are usually despatched on the same day, ensuring that you receive your order in the quickest time possible. Please Note : You must be 18 or over to use Herbies site, please read their terms and conditions for further details. Copyright 2012 The Weed Blog. Reprinted by permission from www.theweedblog.com.


Page 22

Cannabis Connection

Events Calendar June / July 2012 Taste of Summer

28th Annual Summer Kite Festival

June 9, 2012 Downtown Jacksonville Jacksonville, OR 97530

June 23 - 24, 2012 D-River Wayside State Park Lincoln City, OR 97367

Spend the day in Jacksonville celebrating the beginning of another Britt Festival summer. The afternoon will include live music, food from local restaurants, demonstrations by the artists of Art Presence, a wine walk featuring several local wineries, childrens activities on the courthouse grounds and street performers! Make a day or a weekend of it in Jacksonville. For more info, call (541) 779-4807 or go to www.brittfest.org.

Lincoln City, named by Kitelines Magazine as one of the best placesto fly kites in North America, celebrates with three kite festivals each year, two outdoors and one indoors. Situated on the 45th parallel, Lincoln City is positioned at the ideal point for mixing warm equatorial air and cold polar air, which creates ideal winds for outdoor flying. In addition, the clean air flowing directly off the ocean is preferred by kite flying experts, and novices will see a difference in their abilities as well. The 28th Annual Summer Kite Festival, will be held June 23rd & 24th, 2012 at the DRiver State Wayside from 10am to 4pm. Kite-flying demonstrations, kid’s events, kite-making workshops, running of the Bols and more! For more info, call (541) 996-1274 or (800) 452-2151 or visit the website at www.oregoncoast.org.

Medford Cruise June 10 - 17, 2012 Locations Vary Medford, OR 97501 Classic cars at their finest. Mark your calendar now to come join the fun in downtown Medford at Hawthorne Park, and feast your eyes on a variety of classic cars 1972 and older. This week-long event includes live entertainment, show and shine, cruise and much more. For more info, call (541) 608-8527 or go to www.medfordcruise.org.

The Gypsy's 3rd Annual Beerfest and Medford Celebration June 16, 2012 205 W. 8th Street Medford, OR 97501 C'mon down to the parking lot on the corner of Holly and 8th Streets next to The Gypsy. Enjoy samples from a myriad of microbreweries. If micro isn't your thing, then there's always yellow, fizzy beer. Live music from Groove Deville from 2ish-4ish, and The HippyCrites from 5ish-7ish. Performance times are subject to change. We will also be filling food barrels for Access to help feed local families. So bring 3 cans of food and receive $2 off your admission that will include a commemorative pint glass that you keep. Bring cases if your feeling generous ;) Food vendors will be present for those who need to get there munch on. And we will be raffling off beer paraphernalia throughout the day! Bring a friend.....or 3....or 5. For more info call (541) 770-1212.

Battle of the Bones

consideration, please email info@oregoncannabisconnection.com

Waldport's Annual July 3rd Fireworks July 3, 2012 620 NW Spring Street Waldport, OR 97394 Enjoy a spectacular display of fireworks over Alsea Bay beginning at dusk on July 3rd. You’ll find plenty of sandy beach to enjoy the view surrounding Alsea Bay. Parking at Patterson State Park; or, park in Waldport and view the festivities from the Historic Alsea Bay Bridge Interpretive Center or along Keady Wayside. For more info, call (541) 563-3241 or go to www.waldportchamber.com.

Red, White and Boom

June 23 - 24, 2012 555 Twin Creeks Loop Central Point, OR 97502

July 4, 2012 1 Peninger Rd. Central Point, OR 97502

Battle of the Bones is a fierce barbecue competition between the best barbecue chefs on the West Coast. It is a family focused event with kid friendly activities, live musical performances Friday, Saturday and Sunday, as well as a craft beer and wine tasting competition! 2012 will be the first year that our barbecue event is sanctioned by PNWBA! Battle of the Bones will be the same great event that the public has experienced in the past; however, we will now be backed by an established barbecue association. PNWBA will enforce the rules for the barbecue teams and will assure that all judging is performed consistently with their established barbecue standards. The competition is about to get more fierce! Entry to the event is free, but if you want to sample barbecue, microbrew or wine, you will need to purchase a tasting ticket. $2 Ribs will be sold from the Foundation booth throughout the event. For more info, call (541) 664-3321 ext. 265 or go to www.battleofthebones.com.

Bring your friends and family to the Jackson County Fairground for the biggest fireworks show ever in Southern Oregon. Children will have the opportunity to participate in exciting games leading up to the firework show, and a leer jet will perform an exciting flyover to kick off the fireworks. For more info, call (541) 7794847 or go to www.medfordchamber.com.

Tacoma Hempfest 2012 - Community Picnic and Gathering June 30, 2012 Wright Park 501 S. I Street Tacoma, WA 98402

To submit your event for

criminally ticket our glass vendors, we will still come back and assemble to celebrate our rights. Come as you are, but we would love to see a field full of folks doing the things that people do when they go to a picnic. Let's have a great time in the park. For more info, go to www.facebook.com/events/409628545729180.

An unpermitted, non commercial gathering of private citizens, who support the cannabis plant and protest federal prohibition of this harmless plant. Please come and support Tacoma Hempfest, show Tacoma that this event is wanted, and that their restriction of free trade is unwanted. Show the Tacoma PD that even if they

Oregon Berry Festival July 20 - 21, 2012 721 Northwest 9th Ave. Portland, OR 97209 Come down to the Ecotrust Building in Portland,to taste and buy some of the season’s best berries and also sample amazing products made with Oregon’s berry bounty. There will be ice creams, pies, cobblers, jams, strawberry shortcake plus the unexpected taste treat like Marionberry BBQ sauce, red raspberry beer, cranberry chocolates, natural blueberry soda and much more. This is a fun family event with a children’s activities, live entertainment, chef cook-off and a chance to eat your fill of Oregon berries. For more info, go to www.oregonberryfestival.com.

Emerald Empire Hempfest July 20 - 22, 2012 Maurie Jacobs Park Eugene, OR The purpose of the Emerald Empire Hempfest is to unite our citizens in calling for sweeping reforms in America's laws against cannabis and hemp. This is a

uniquely valuable plant: it provides high levels of key nutrients, relieves symptoms for patients suffering from an array of medical conditions, and can be made into environmentally positive products such as clothing, paper, paint, biodegradable plastics, and replacements for fossil fuels. Please join us in the fight to roll back prohibition and increase production and usage of one of the world's most beneficial plants! For more info, please go to www.emeraldempirehempfest.com or call Dan "Dank" Koozer at (541) 517-0957.

7th Annual Tayberry Jam August 3 - 5, 2012 Cougar Mountain Farm Saginaw, OR The Tayberry Jam is a farm benefit to help build an educational resort that is dedicated to the study and practice of sustainable living. The venue is centered in our organic, terraced orchard surrounded by second growth and old growth forest, native oak meadows and views of the southernmost end of the beautiful Willamette Valley. 3 days of music, "green vendors, organic food and fun for all! For more info, go to www.tayberryjam.com.

10th Annual State of Jefferson Music Festival August 5, 2012 Riverside Park Grants Pass, OR All ages community music festival starting around noonish. Food - Music - Artists - Vendors. Benifit for Josephine County Foodbank. Free admission with 5 cans of food or donate from your garden. Also, bee keeping forums held from noon until 4pm.

8th annual Northwest World Reggae Festival August 10 - 12, 2012 Bob's Ranch Marcola, OR The 8th Annual Northwest World Reggae Festival will be welcoming conscious musical artists from seven countries performing ROOTS - ROCK - REGGAE! Family and friends will experience the jubilation and positive energy of this growing community. And it doesn’t stop with the music. Forget about the world outside while participating in diverse activities such as sunrise yoga, African dance classes, daily youth soccer camp, musical performances for and by the youth, visual arts displays, live painting and a growing green community spirit. Learn about local non-profit organizations and fair trade/sustainable businesses, re-fuel with a variety of delicious organic foods and explore fair trade crafts from more than 50 vendors, showcasing ideas to inspire your mind and energize your soul.

Seattle Hempfest August 17 - 19, 2012 3130 Alaskan Way W. Seattle, WA Seattle Hempfest is founded in the belief that the public is better served when citizens and public officials work cooperatively in order to successfully accomplish common goals. Seattle Hempfest's objective and purpose is to educate the public on the myriad of potential benefits offered by the Cannabis plant, including the medicinal, industrial, agricultural, economic, environmental, and other benefits and applications. In particular, Seattle Hempfest seeks to advance the cause of Cannabis policy reform through education, while advancing the public image of the Cannabis advocate or enthusiast through example. For more info, go to www.hempfest.org.

Jefferson State Hemp Expo 2012 August 24 - 26, 2012 3833 Holland Loop Rd. Cave Junction, OR 97523 Three day music festival and educational hemp exposition featuring speakers and hemp industry advocates, 30 + regional and national music acts on two stages. Jefferson State Music Festival and Hemp Expo is founded on the belief that through awareness, education, and the cooperation and coordination of citizens and public officials, many complex social issues can be solved. The objective and purpose is to host a world class music event that provides outlets for cannabis advocates to educate the public on the many potential benefits and uses of the cannabis plant. This includes religious, medicinal, industrial, agricultural, economic, environmental, and all other practical applications. For more info, go to www.jeffersonstatehempexpo.com.

Hempstalk 2012 September 11 - 12, 2012 Kelly Point Park N. Marine Dr. and Lombard St. Portland, OR Portland's annual Hempstalk Festival in Portland, Oregon advocates decriminalization of marijuana for medicinal, industrial, and recreational use. Founded in 2005 by the Hemp and Cannabis Foundation, the festival takes place the weekend after Labor Day in September, and features food vendors, live music, guest speakers and information booths. This public event has always been free to attend. For more info, call (503) 235-4606 or go to www.hempstalk.org.

Cannabis Connection CLINICS, CO-OPS, & ORGS 45TH PARALLEL GROUP 1343 S.W. 30th Street Ontario, OR 97914 (541) 889-6147 AFFORDABLE INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 403 NE Casper St. Roseburg, OR 97470 (541) 672-8366 Fax(541) 672-1798 office@doctor-george.net ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL CHOICES 4867 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-5579 Fax (503) 282-1272 www.altmedchoices.com ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL SPECIALTY CLINIC, LLC Silverton Clinic Now Open! Cards - Exams - Classes - Free Vital Signs All Staff Are RN's-Discreet & Professional Call (503) 307-5840 ANDREW JONATHAN DORFMAN, MD board certified in family medicine secure electronic records, $100 - $130 fee home visits available if needed southern OR and northern CA ajd.md@live.com (541) 512-5445 BROTHER'S CANNABIS CLUB 1615 SE 12th Ave. Portland, OR 97214 (503) 894-8003 CANNA MEDICINE A Grower And Patient Co-op Serving The Salem/ Corvallis Area (503) 339-6352 www.cannamedicine.org CANNA RELIEF Hand Crafted Organic Cannabis Infused Healing Lotion www.getcannarelief.com CHRONIC CARE, INC. 570 Lawrence St. Suite 101 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 344-1688, Fax (541) 344-8110 www.chroniccareinc.com CLOUD NINE CLUB 651 High St. Suite #8 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 363-4435 COLUMBIA GORGE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 1302 A Street Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 436-4161 COOS COUNTY CO-OP 3682 Tremont Ave. North Bend, OR 97459 (541) 751-0005 HERBALIST FARMER 16323 SE Stark St. Suite 2 Portland, OR 97233 (503) 309-2937 www.herbalistfarmer.org

Clinics & Information

MERCY CENTERS 1469 Capital St. NE, Suite #150 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 363-4588 www.mercycenters.org MT. HOOD WELLNESS CENTER 14325 SE Stark Portland, OR 97233 (971) 279-4116 www.mthoodwellness.com NATIONAL GREEN FRIENDS RC 7958 SE Foster Portland, OR 97206 Mon-Sat 12pm-8pm (503) 777-2355 www.nationalgreenfriends.com OREGON ALTERNATIVE, LLC. 169 S. Old Pacific Hwy. Tri-City, OR (Myrtle Creek Area) (541) 863-4173 OREGON GREEN FREE OGF OMMP Resource Center 10209 SE Division St. Bldg. B Portland, OR 97266 (503) 760-2671 fax: (503) 345-1157 www.oregongreenfree.net OREGON GREEN FREE Mid-Valley Chapter midvalley.ogf@gmail.com (541) 704-7052 message OGF SOUTH CHAPTER (541) 210-8790 www.oregongreenfree.net OREGON MEDICAL CANNABIS UNIVERSITY 2900 SW Cornelius Pass Rd. Ste. 548 Hillsboro, OR 97123 (503) 649-2999 www.omcu.net OREGON NORML PO Box 16057 Portland, OR 97292-0057 (541) 239-6110 www.ornorml.org PATIENTS CHOICE CLINIC SERVICE 332 W. 6th St. MEDFORD, OR 97501 Ph(541) 499-5431 Fax(877) 885-9910 732 N. 11th St. KLAMATH FALLS, OR (541) 205-6968 RIP CITY REMEDIES 3325 SE Division St. Portland, OR 97202 (503) 235-6000 www.ripcityremidies.com ROGUE RIVER HERBAL PAIN MANAGEMENT 106 E. Main St. Rogue River, OR 97537 (541) 582-9150 www.rrherbalcenter.com ROSE CITY WELLNESS CENTER 6016 NE Glisan Street Portland, OR 97213 (503) 384-2251

HUMAN COLLECTIVE 11509 SW Pacific Hwy. Tigard, OR 97223 (503) 208-3042 www.humancollective.org

SOUTHERN OREGON ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 836 E. Main St. #6, Medford, OR 97504 (541) 779-5235 Fax (541) 779-0479 www.southernoregon alternativemedicine.com

INSTITUTE FOR CANNABIS THERAPEUTICS 332 W. 6th St. Medford OR 97501 (541) 779-1448 Fax (541) 779-1665 instituteforcannabistherapeutics.com

SOUTHERN OREGON CANNABIS CLUB 1457 NE 6th St. # B Grants Pass, OR 97526 (541) 660-0209 sommclub@gmail.com

LINN-BENTON OMMP RESOURCE CENTER Uniting Patients, Caregivers and Growers 30942 A Ehlen Dr. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2507

SOUTHERN OREGON CANNABIS COMMUNITY CENTER 332 W. 6th St. Medford OR 97501 (541) 779-1448 Fax (541) 779-1665 www.so-norml.org

MAMA MOTHERS AGAINST MISUSE AND ABUSE www.mamas.org 3 Locations: PORTLAND OR 5217 SE 28th Ave. (Steele & 28th) (503) 233-4202 Fax (503) 233-8266

THCF THE HEMP AND CANNABIS FOUNDATION www.thc-foundation.org 2 Locations: PORTLAND, OR 105 SE 18th Ave (503) 281-5100 (800) 723-0188

THE DALLES, OR 319 E. 7th. St. (541) 298-4202 Fax (541) 296-2983

GRANTS PASS, OR 558 NE F St. #1 (541) 244-4000 (800) 723-0188

BEND, OR 454 NE Revere St. (503) 233-4202

THE GREENERY 280 E. Hersey St. #20 Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 295-2794 www.ashlandgreenery.org

VOTER POWER OF OREGON www.voterpower.org 3 Locations: PORTLAND, OR. 6701 SE Foster (503) 224-3051 EUGENE, OR 687 River Ave (503) 224-3051

Page 23

JACK HERER WEBSITE www.jackherer.com

EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES ANEVAY ORGANIC SOILS 3650 Alley Ln. Medford, OR 97501 (541) 601-2136

MEDFORD, OR 1708 W Main St (541) 245-6634

CANNATEST Know What's In Your Medicine Testing for Full Profiles Including: CBD-CBN-THC-THCV-CBG-CBC www.canna-test.com

WILLAMETTE VALLEY COMPASSION COALITION Tiff's Get Your Hemp On 4192 Liberty Rd. South Salem, OR 97302 (503) 362- HEMP (4367)

CHILLIGANS 1463 SE Stephens Roseburg, OR 97470 (541) 733-9695

SILVER SPOON 8521 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Portland, OR 97219 (503) 245-0489 www.silverspoonpdx.com SMOKEY'S NOVELTIES & GIFT SHOP 2080 Lancaster Dr. NE SALEM, OR 97305 (503) 339-7320 SOUTH CASCADE ORGANICS LLC 100% Organic Earth, Friendly Enzymes Find Store Near You At www.socascade.com/SFL-100.html www.socascade.com

WORLD FAMOUS CANNABIS CAFE 322 SE 82nd Ave. Portland, OR 97216 www.usacannabiscafe.org

DRAGON HERBARIUM 4638 S.W. Beaverton- Hillsdale Hwy Portland, OR 97221 (503) 244-7049 www.dragonherbarium.com

YOUR HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL CLINIC 3482 Liberty Road S. Salem, OR Ph. (503) 391-8388 Fax (503) 363-0276 www.yhamd.com

DRAGON'S LAIR 210 Northwest 6th Street Grants Pass, OR 97526 (541) 479-5617 www.dragonslairglass.com


GREEN LIFE GARDENING Indoor Gardening Supplies 51538 S. Hwy 97, Ste 5 (La Pine Square) La Pine, OR 97739 (541) 536-1191

VICTORIA'S STATION THE STATION , LLC 120 Galice Rd. Merlin, OR 97532 (541) 471-1396

HIGH HOPES FARM Statewide Services For OMMP Patients, Growers & Caregivers (541) 890-9357 www.highhopesfarm.com

X-TRACTOR Professional Filter Extraction System (541)761-4293 kim@x-tractor.com

BREEZE INSURANCE SERVICES Medical Marijuana Coverage Contact Dan DeChynne - NW MGR (360) 975-1384 dandechynne@gmail.com www.scottsherwoodins.com GREEN LEAF LAB The Northwest's Premier Cannalysis™ Laboratory (503) 250-2912 www.greenleaflab.org PAUL LONEY, ATTORNEY Practicing Medical Marijuana Law (541) 787-0733 paultloney@gmail.com PROPERTY BOUNDARY QUESTION? Discreet Professional Land Surveyer Serving Oregon & Northern California Call for free estimate (541) 474-1081 Survey@charter.net SUNRISE ANALYTICAL LLC Test For THC (503) 625-6593 www.sunriseanalytical.com WOODFIRST - W. COAST MBL SAW MILL Your Logs To Lumber, And Quality Slabs, Custom Furniture, Tree Falling, Trades Considered. Insured Chris Johnson (541) 892-0323

NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS NORML AND THE NORML FOUNDATION 1600 K Street, NW Suite 501 Washington, DC 20006-2832 (888) 67-NORML (888-676-6765) (202) 483-5500 www.norml.org AMERICANS FOR SAFE ACCESS 1322 Webster Street, Suite 402 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 251-1856 www.americansforsafeaccess.org YOUCANNECT.COM (Formerly Budbook.org) Your Medical Marijuana Online Community www.youcannect.com DRUG POLICY ALLIANCE 925 15th Street NW, 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20005 (202) 216-0035 www.drugpolicy.org MARIJUANA POLICY PROJECT P.O. Box 77492 Capitol Hill Washington, DC 20013 (202) 462-5747 www.mpp.org STUDENTS FOR SENSIBLE DRUG POLICY www.schoolsnotprisons.com U of O chapter contact samuelc@uoregon.edu TOKE OF THE TOWN www.tokeofthetown.com Village Voice Media

MAGIC MUSHROOM / OREGON GIFTS "Look For The Giant Mushrooms" Next to I-5, Exit 136 Sutherlin, OR 97479 (541) 459-7481 MARY'S INDOOR GARDEN DESIGN 2000 SE 87th Ave. Portland, OR 97216 (503) 820-1617 OGF GRATEFUL GARDEN SUPPLY (503) 715-0120 www.gratefulgardensupply.com OPERATION PIPE DREAMS 2021 W. Main St. Medford, OR 97501 (541) 773-3165 www.myspace.com/ operationpipedreams OREGON ORGANIKS Your Wholesale Oregon Organic Garden Supplier www.oregonorganiks.com ORGANIC GLASS ART 164 Market Ave. Coos Bay, OR 97420 (541) 808-0577 PANDORA'S BOX www.pandoraspipes.com 5 Locations: UMATILLA, OR 1300 6th St. #E (541) 922-9237 EUGENE, OR 2001 Franklin Blvd. (541) 485-7375 ROSEBURG, OR 1425 SE Stephens (541) 672-7473 KENNEWICK, WA 5300 W. Clearwater (509) 396-9700 RICHLAND, WA 960 George Washington Way (509) 943-7473 PARADISE SUPPLY 560 N.E. "F" St. Grants Pass, OR (541)955-7224 PUFFIN STUFF – OMMP SERVICES 1040 Crater Lake Ave. Ste A Medford, OR 97501 (541) 499-0489

THE PIPELINE 2 locations: ALBANY, OR 97321 1907 Pacific Blvd SE (541) 981-2364 LEBANON, OR 97355 732 Park St. (541) 258-3139 www.myspace.com/albanypipeline

APPAREL STONED MADE CLOTHING Hand Made Oregon Apparel www.stonedmade.com

LIBATIONS & CUISINE MACK & DUB'S BREAKFAST CLUB 4200 NE Martin Luther King Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 (714) 603-5644 MACK & DUB'S EXCELLENT CHICKEN & WAFFLES 3601 NE Martin Luther King Blvd. PORTLAND, OR 97211 (503) 933-7662 www.mackanddub.com PLEW'S BREWS 8409 N. Lombard St. Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-2243 www.plewsbrews.com THE GYPSY 205 W. 8th St. Medford, OR 97501 (541) 770-1212

ENTERTAINMENT KSKQ COMMUNITY RADIO 89.5 FM "Home Grown" Radio Streaming Live at KSKQ.com 330 East Hersey St, Ste #2 Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 482-3999 STATE OF JEFFESON BAND Performing At Festivals, Concerts, Special Events, And More! Organizers of Jefferson State Hemp Expo www.stateofjefferson.org THE HERBAL CREW Delivering Good Music, Positive Vibes & An Irie Feeling All Over Oregon! Check Website For Information www.theherbalcrew.com THE ROGUE NEW ROCK 96.9 FM Southern Oregon's Local Music Show "Off The Hook" with Wendy King Sundays at 7pm www.969therogue.com

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