Dec/Jan 2011-12

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Oregon Cannabis

Connection Connecting the Medical Cannabis Community Across Oregon

DEA Sweeps Across Washington


Dec/Jan 2011-12 Vol. 2 Issue 6

DEA GO AWAY! Southern Oregon Rocked By Multiple Raids

Cedars-Sinai Denying MMJ Patient Transplant

Clinic Manager Sentenced

Har vesting, Dr ying, Manicuring, and Curing By Dr u West

Two Gove r n o r s Pe t i t i o n D E A How To Apply For An OMMP Card - FAQ's Banking Problems Threaten Colorado P r og r am

Hemp Strengthens L eve e s ! Recipes: Happy Puppy Chow Space Perogies

CMA Calls For Legalizing Marijuana FIVE


Police Log

O p -Ed : D e a r M r. Ob a m a

MMJ Cardholder Sues Over Gun Rights Legalizing MMJ Does Not Increase Use in Youth

The DEA raids a medical marijuana garden in Jackson County, Oregon. Photo by Keith Mansur of Oregon Cannabis Connection.

In This Issue

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Medical News

Oregon News Dea Go Away! Jackson County OMMP Gardens Hit

Cannabis Connection

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By Multiple Federal Raids

Cedars-Sinai Denying Transplant To Medical Marijuana Patient With Inoperable Liver Cancer

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Facebook Lawsuit Forces To Become

Page 6

I-Five O - Oregon Medical Marijuana Police Log

Page 7

Legalizing Medical Marijuana Does Not Increase Use Among Youth

Brenda Thomas of THCF Sentenced

Page 7

Medical Board Of Medical Malfeasance

Page 15

Beaver State

Page 8

California Medical Association Calls For Marijuana Legalization

Page 16

How To Apply For An OMMP Card - FAQ's

Page 9

Oregon Green Free Helping Connect Cardholders

Page 9

OCC 1st Annual Harvest Party

Page 9

Oregon News Nugs - News From Around The

Industrial Hemp Hemp Strengthens Levees!

Page 17

Hemp As A Fuel / Energy Source

Page 17

National News Dea Sweeps Across Washington With Dispensary Raids

Page 10

Is Obama's Drug Policy Worse Than Bush's? The War On Medical Marijuana Escalates

Page 10

Op Ed: A Letter To President Obama

Page 11

2 Governors Petition DEA

Page 11

Medical Marijuana Reduces Traffic Deaths, Alcohol Use, Study Says

Page 11

Space Perogies

All on Page 19

English Toffee

Cultivation Page 12

Pot Cardholder Sues Over Gun Rights

Page 12

Page 12

National News Nugs - News From Around The Country

Oven Roasted Potatoes Happy Puppy Chow

Banking Problems Could Kill Medical Marijuana In Colorado

UNH Forensic Botanist Sets Up National Databank For Marijuana DNA


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Oregon Cannabis Connection is Oregon's only statewide, Oregon focused cannabis newspaper. Please read, enjoy, and patronize our advertisers since their support enables us to bring you this service. Visit us online at

Harvesting, Drying, Manicuring, and Curing

Page 20

Dru West - Author Secrets Of The West Coast Masters

Mr. Jenkins Journal - Organics vs. Synthetics

Page 21

Winter Soil Prep - By Mr. Fixit of Oregon Organiks

Page 21

Clinics & Information A Listing of Oregon Clinics, Organizations, and Cannabis Friendly Businesses

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Oregon News

addresses were used at the grow location. In fact, some growers in the plot were only responsible for 40 or 50 plants, but the total number of plants grew to over 400, eventually.

DEA Go Away! Jackson County OMMP Gardens Hit By Multiple Federal Raids

James and Ashley voiced their concerns with the landowner (also Ashley's Uncle), Keith. Ashley explained, “He started renting holes [to growers]...Once more and more plants kept coming, we said [to Keith] 'Once you go over 100, that's when the DEA gets involved', and that's what we kept telling him.”

By Keith Mansur OCC Southern Oregon was rocked by multiple federal raids during the harvest season. The DEA, with help from the Jackson County Sheriff's office, began their assault on Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) gardens in Sam's Valley on August 24th . Over the ensuing 2 months, they raided at least 4 more gardens in Jackson County, confiscating and destroying both plants and medicine of hundreds of OMMP patients. The first raid on August 24th occurred with very little attention, and maybe that is the way the DEA wanted it. A garden located in Sam's Valley, just north of Central Point, Oregon, was served a search warrant and swarmed with federal agents. The agents detained the people at the address, pulled up all 97 the plants in the garden, destroyed all the medicine, and arrested no one. Typical DEA actions. One problem, though...the search warrant was for a different house located up the street, that was also growing under the OMMP program! The DEA raided the wrong house, without apologies. “The address was wrong on the search warrant, and they executed the raid anyway,” said, Lori Duckworth of Southern Oregon Cannabis Community Center (SOCCC). She was alerted to the extent of this first raid after subsequent raids were heavily publicized, due in a large part to SOCCC. Dozens of their members were registered at the raided sites. That is publicity the DEA does not need right now. One has to wonder what happened to that story. The next raid happened a few weeks later on September 27th. A large garden in Gold Hill, Oregon, was the target. With over 400 maturing plants, it was a much larger garden than the previous one raided. It was also located only steps away from I-5, though a very tall fence completely blocked the garden from public view.

Cannabis Connection

James pointed out that their portion of the grow was only a portion of the entire garden. He said, “We had 42 plants,” pointing them out on the search warrant photos. There were a number of different growers growing at the location, including their neighbor that was detained in her skivvies.

Clockwise from top: 1)The entire garden at James and Ashleys 2)A stump the DEA left behind 3)James and Tiger looking at the now destroyed garden. 4) The tall fense obscuring the garden

The DEA pulled onto the property, which accommodates up to 5 different rental addresses, just after 9:00AM, with automatic weapons drawn and a real “drug-deal” attitude, according to James and Ashley, renters and one of the families growing at the location. Afraid that they might shoot his dog Tiger, James went to the front door to call him off. James explained to Oregon Cannabis Connection, “I know they would have shot my dog...I get to the door, with my pajama pants still in my hands and trying to get dressed.” He added, “They all point their guns at me when they see me open [the screen] door...They pulled me out, turned me around, and handcuffed me.” Ashley added, “I hear them yelling at him, so that's when I hurried and got up with the baby. I came out and stuck only one hand up because I 'm holding [the baby] in the other, and they say 'put both hands up', and I say, 'I really can't'.” After feebly attempting to handcuff the one-armed Mom holding her son, they decided to let her sit in the swing in the front yard for the duration of the raid, obviously unwilling to deal with her baby. Their neighbor was also “detained” by the

agents. She was held in her underwear, outside, for quite a while before being allowed to dress and sit near Ashley. Ashley described the situation, saying, “They dragged her out in her bra and underwear, she didn't even make it to the door...She was out there 30 minutes before they brought her a blanket, sitting out front, with the freeway right there.” One of the federal agents was reckless enough to “accidentally” discharge his weapon during the raid. The agent was promptly removed The bullet James dug from the area. from the ground, Ashley and James discharged "on explained, “One of accident" by the DEA. the officers was tying his shoe, went to stand up, and his gun went off...There was a bunch of officers around him and they all jumped back...then the main guy came over and talked to him, and I think he had to leave.” James was able to dig the now deformed bullet from 12 inches deep in the ground after the raid. Though the garden had numerous plants, many different growers and as many as 5

Ashley's frustration with the DEA was evident when she explained their hypocritical reasoning, explaining, “They're saying they came out here because people are selling on the black market. Well, when you take people's medicine, what are they going to have to do? They're going to have to go on the black market and buy it, because they just took all their medicine.” The next target for the DEA was Brian's Green Thumb Farm on E. Gregory Rd. in Central Point, Oregon. On October 5th, the DEA again showed up in full force, weapons drawn, and proceeded to detain people and raid the garden of 460 plants. Anthony, one of the lead growers at the location who wasn't at the site during the raid, said Brian's girlfriend and 2 growers were confronted by automatic weapons when the DEA arrived, and immediately detained. When Brian returned to the property, he voluntarily offered his identity to police and was also handcuffed and detained. Utilizing the tenants own equipment at first, and eventually an excavator and dump trucks contracted from local companies, they systematically dismantled the garden. Anthony said, “They attempted to use our equipment, but I don't think they were having to much success with it...They thought they were going to get the job done quicker.” The contracted dump trucks, which included Rock-N_Ready and TJ Smith

Oregon News

Cannabis Connection

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“It's kind of an insult. Why are you here if you're not taking it all?” Patients that were protesting at the raid were allowed to come on the property after the police left, and many helped to collect the medicine left behind. Local TV News cameras also showed footage of the volunteers, and an interview with Cliff after the raid. Cliff, of course, was not arrested.

A dump truck leaving Brian's Green Thumb during the raid. Notice the uncovered load of cannabis! Photos: Keith Mansur

DEA Go Away! Cont. from Page 4 Trucking, hauled over a dozen loads to Dry Creek Landfill, where it was destroyed, presumably . At least one load was not covered at all during the 8.5 mile trip, plainly exposing the bouncing buds to any passerby or driver, especially one that paused to sniff the air. They also simultaneously raided another site located on Dark Hollow Rd. which was a previous address for Brian. About 60 plants were being grown at that location, but by the new tenants, according to Lori Duckworth of Southern Oregon Cannabis Community Center (SOCCC). He had apparently moved out and the property was rented to another, unfortunate, OMMP grower. The personal property that was confiscated, beyond the medicine, was a bit hap hazard, too. Though they didn't leave any medicine behind, as in one of the other raids, they did leave some vehicles, grow light equipment, fertilizers, and other products used in the “manufacture” of medical marijuana.

scene, both Medford Area Drug Gang Enforcement team members working with the DEA. The previous year, they had done a compliance check on the garden, so he believes they knew he was not a threat. Cliff explained to OCC, “They already knew me personally, so that's why they didn't show up with the armored vehicles and stuff.” He added, “Two of them did a compliance check last year, and there didn't seem to be a problem.” He also indicated this year was his first year growing on such a large scale. The agents treated Cliff fairly well, although he was handcuffed. One officer engaged him in polite conversation while

At one point, 7 Sheriff's deputies were on site to control the small, yet vocal, crowd of a whopping 8 or 10 people! Deputy Beatty even confiscated a cell phone from an OCC employee, indicating that he had not been notified of being audio recorded. With a quick call to Paul Loney, Attorney at Law, we discovered he had no authority to do that. The use of a cell phone, apparently, is obvious enough to a 12 year old that you are being audio How many Sheriff's does it take recorded. to control a crowd of eight? The deputy, after consulting with the Jackson County DA's office on his radio in his patrol car, did give back the phone. Of course, he made it seem like he did have the authority, and he was just doing the employee a favor...and then proceeded to read the statute in order to back up his point. Paul Loney even suggested a complaint to the Sheriff's office would be in order! The final raid occurred on Tolo Rd. on Oct 20th. In this case, the DEA arrived at the garden and all but 17 plants had been harvested. Lori Duckworth of SOCCC explained “There was originally about 198 plants but most had been harvested. Only 17 were left when they raided the grow site.” According to the Medford Mail Tribune, The DEA proceeded to get another search warrant for the residence of the person responsible for the grow site, Rob, and found drying and processed marijuana at his home in Ashland, Oregon. Rob, the owner of a local martial arts studio, refused to consent to a search of

A volunteer picks up some of the 20 or more pounds of cannabis left behind at Cliff's.

Anthony explained, “They took the generator for our water system, but they didn't take our water truck...They took a T-Bird that didn't run but left a T-Bird that did run.” In some cases, the DEA vandalized the equipment that was left behind. Anthony pointed out, “They cut the cords to the [grow light] ballasts....they thought they were making things so they wouldn't be used again, but with our knowledge we know how to rewire things.”

The following week, the DEA hit a grow site on Table Rock Rd., out near Lower Table Rock. Again, they rolled in at about 9:00 in the morning, and detained a number of A driver climbs atop a people at load of ripped up plants the grow preparing to cover the site. The load. site had about 100 plants, plus some clones, according to Cliff, the properties resident.. The DEA's attitude was possibly a bit more reserved in this raid. Fortunately, or not, Cliff had an encounter last year with 2 of the officers at the

other agents proceeded to rip apart the garden. They used the same excavator and dump trucks from the previous raids, hauling large loads of medicine to the same landfill in eastern Jackson county. But in this raid they left behind many, many pounds of usable marijuana, some buds 2 feet long or more. The plants were ripped so violently from their pots that the string mesh supports for the plants sliced off buds and branches everywhere. Some were trampled by the excavator, but many others were simply left laying in the grass and dirt at the base of the plants.

The same dump truck pictured to the left pulling into the Dry Creek Landfill in Jackson County. Do you think they just buried it?

Cliff was appalled by the DEA actions, especially since they left behind so much of the “controlled substance” they were supposedly there to confiscate. He said,

his business, which led the DEA to request a warrant for his business as well. No charges have been levied in this case either, following the DEA's modus operandi. A few organizations in Southern Oregon got together and arranged support and donations of medicine for local patients affected by the raids. Spearheaded by SOCCC and Lori Duckworth, they Lori at Southern were joined by The Oregon Cannabis Greenery in Community Center Ashland, Human Collective in Tigard, and THCF Clinic in Grants Pass. They are collecting and dispersing medicine from donors across the state, at no charge. 75 pounds were collected and dispersed in the first 45 days, and they will continue the program throughout the year. SOCCC also organized a protest and media event in Medford that took place Oct 19th, just before the raid on Tolo Rd. A large group of over 100 marched around downtown Medford chanting “DEA GO AWAY!” and “SOMETHING SMELLS FUNNY, WINTERS WANTS OUR MONEY.” Pausing at the Jackson county courthouse, Sheriff's office, and Federal building, the march finished at SOCCC at 332 W. 6th Street, where patients and activists spoke to the media, including the local newspaper and several local TV stations. Many patients made themselves available to the media for interviews, including Beverly, who was a victim of the raids. Explaining her feelings about the SOCCC media event, she said, “[They're] bringing awareness to the community. I think it's awesome. That's what the community needs to know.” Beverly was not happy with the DEA raids which occurred, saying, “It's not a crime. Go after the real criminals. This Cont. on Page 6

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Oregon News Facebook Lawsuits Force To Become

DEA Go Away! Cont From Pg 5 is not a crime. This is a plant that was put on earth.” She added, “This helps me stay off five or six medications.”

Local TV News reporters, cameras in hand, covering the media event at SOCCC. The Greenery is dividing up medication donated by Rick Maughs (In doorway at top of pic)

Protesters marching in Medford from Federal Building to the Jackson County Jail

“I have a written document from my grower of how much [medicine] I was supposed to get, and they're going to honor this, and I think it's just awesome.” She added, “It's a blessing to have such a family. Right after the raid I was basically out...and when I came down here, they got one of those jars and took up a great big collection for me.” Terry was also one of the many patients left without their medicine. I met her at the

A group of cardholders at SOCCC, all were registered with one of the raided grow sites.

roadside protest at Cliff's grow site, and later spoke with her at the SOCCC media event. She explained to us how medical marijuana helps work together with her pain relief drugs, explaining, “I have a pain contract with pain specialists, and I am only allowed so many pain pills a day. The

medical marijuana is an immediate pain reliever.” She added, “It also takes away the anxiety, and any stress that I may have, which adds to the pain. It also helps me sleep when my regular medication wont do that.” Terry is also upset with the DEA actions. She said, “I have no medical marijuana because of the raids, and to find another grower to take me know, it's just ridiculous.” She added, “I look at it this way, I am a PTSD survivor of the DEA. I'm a PTSD survivor of many things, and this just adds one more [to deal with].” Tim is yet another patient from one of the raids, and participated in the march in Medford, and the media event. He drove by the garden on E. Gregory Rd., just by chance, on the day of the raid. When he slowed down in front of the property, a television news reporter approached, and Tim asked what was going on. The reporter said it was a marijuana garden being raided, and asked Tim's thoughts, and Tim replied, “It sucks, I'm one of his patients.” Understandably upset, when the reporter raised his camera, Tim said, “No, no, right now, just get the camera out of my face.” He then drove past the Jackson County Sheriff at the scene, standing in the driveway. He explained to OCC, “I just had to be a smart ass, so I slowed down and said, 'Why don't you leave us alone and go after these meth labs.'” When the officer asked him to hold on, he drove away, befuddled. One common theme in these raids, besides the DEA, is the large scale of all the Cont. on Page 18

By Keith Mansur OCC When Jay and his friends in Oregon launched they never thought about much more than helping the medical cannabis community have a nationwide social network of their own. After a short time, the website took off and they now have thousands of users. But recently, the “Coca Cola” of social networks, Facebook, forced a name change by the blossoming start-up. They are now

Jay, Kristina, and Kevin founded, formerly, to provide an open and non-judgmental forum for those interested in cannabis. Jay said, “Our website provides a way for medical cannabis cardholders in the various states to connect with one another in a way that is different than we have done before.” He added, “What we've done here is given people a way to knock on each others doors, twenty four hours a day, instantly.” With recent closures of cannabis clubs, in Oregon, but especially in other states like Washington, California, Montana and Colorado, the communication between patients, caregivers, and growers is more important than ever. Jay explained, “Cannabis clubs closed down, resource centers that are brick and mortar closed down, but we still need a place to communicate, to share information, and have a place to connect with one another.” is not intended to be a website to buy and sell cannabis. When asked if people can purchase cannabis on the site, Jay explained, “No, there's no purchasing cannabis on the website, there's no pricing of cannabis on the website, that's against the terms of service.” He added, “If you have extra medication that is available for reimbursement, [under] Oregon law, by all means, make a friend and make it happen.” It is up to the subscriber to make

Cannabis Connection the website. Posts that are in violation of the terms of service are immediately removed, and the poster may be banned from the site for extreme violations. Jay and his partners support Youcannect, a free service, mostly with their own money. He said, “We keep this site going with [money] out of my pockets, out of Kevin's pockets, out of Kristina's pockets, and sometimes out of our good friends' pockets, this isn't about making money for us.” They are not yet offering advertising on the site, but they intend to in the future. Jay said, “We will be asking for advertisers because, as we do increase in members, so do our server costs, and our moderating costs.” He added, “We keep the site open to be a benefit to the community.” As for the Facebook comparison, Jay explained, “We are completely different than Facebook, in the sense that Facebook is a place to connect with your friends and co-workers, where Youcannect is a place to connect with people specifically in the niche market of medical cannabis.” Yet, it is a social network, similar in many ways to Facebook, which became a problem a few months ago. Facebook threatened at least 2 other domains using “book”, including sites like Songbook and Teachbook, preventing Songbook from ever even launching, and suing Teachbook. Jay said, “Any online social networking website that was using the word “book” inside the domain name...was [going to be] attacked and shut down, or told not to open.” Budbook got the message, and with their limited resources, decided the proactive approach was best. They re-branded their site, from to, and avoided the wrath of Facebook and their armies of attorneys. “They were really concerned about trademarking the name.” He added, “We didn't want to continue with a website that we were never going to be able to fully use as a business [name].” Adding over 300 new users a month, is growing. Jay said they hope to continue growing quietly and “organically”, and continue offering a meeting place online for the medical cannabis community. If you are interested in checking out their website, visit and see what it is all about!

Cannabis Connection

Oregon News Two separate traffic stops Nov 17th (OSP)

I-Five-O Oregon Marijuana Police Log



Oct 9th Tualatin (OSP) An Oregon State Police trooper's traffic stop Oct 9th for a cell phone law violation near Tualatin led to the discovery of over 26 lbs of marijuana, two pounds of Hashish, and the arrest of a Seattle, Washington man. At approximately 6:45 p.m. an OSP senior trooper stopped a 1999 Honda Civic displaying Washington license plates northbound on Interstate 5 near milepost 292 after seeing the driver talking on a cell phone. The driver was identified as a resident of Seattle, Washington. Subsequent investigation with the assistance of an OSP drug detection canine led to the discovery of approximately 26 pounds of marijuana and two pounds of Hashish concealed inside the car. The suspect was taken into custody without incident and lodged in the Clackamas County Jail on charges of; Unlawful Possession and Distribution of Marijuana and Unlawful Possession and Distribution of Hashish. His bail was set at $100,000. OR/CA Border Nov 3rd (OSP) An Oregon State Police (OSP) trooper's traffic stop early Nov 3rd on Interstate 5 just north of the Oregon / California border led to the arrest of a Bend-area man after the trooper discovered approximately 42 pounds of marijuana in the car's trunk. The OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation.

At approximately 2:25 AM, a trooper stopped the driver of a 2011 Honda Pilot for a traffic violation on Interstate 5 northbound at milepost 281. A subsequent search of the vehicle led to the discovery of four pounds of marijuana and 32 pounds of THC candy. THC is the active ingredient in marijuana. The operator of the Pilot was a man from Cottonwood, CA. He was taken into custody for Possession and Distribution of Marijuana and lodged in the Clackamas County Jail. A traffic stop made by a trooper in The Dalles led to another Marijuana seizure later that afternoon. A trooper stopped the driver of a 1995 Acura Integra for a violation on Interstate 84 eastbound at milepost 94. A search revealed two pounds of Marijuana. The operator, a man from Salt Lake City, UT, was arrested for Possession of Marijuana. He was lodged in the Northern Oregon Correctional Facility in The Dalles. Nov 27th Roseburg (OSP) A traffic stop south of Roseburg on Nov 27th led to the seizure of approximately 8 pounds of marijuana and pending charges for a Washington man. Oregon State Police (OSP) Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation. At approximately 12:25 a.m. an OSP trooper stopped a 1993 Honda Accord displaying Washington license plates for a speed violation northbound on Interstate 5 near milepost 120. The driver was identified as a resident of Marysville, Washington. Subsequent investigation related to the traffic stop led the trooper to discover approximately 8 pounds of marijuana inside two duffel bags in the car's trunk. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $20,000. The suspect is facing charges in Douglas County Circuit Court for Unlawful Possession and Delivery of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana.

Lakeview District Oct 20th Lakeview (OSP)

At approximately 6:25 a.m. an OSP trooper stopped a rented 2010 Chevrolet Aveo displaying Washington license plates southbound on Interstate 5 near milepost 1 for a traffic violation. The lone occupant was identified as man, age 42, from Bend. Subsequent investigation with the assistance of an OSP drug detection canine led to the discovery of approximately 42 pounds of vacuum sealed marijuana inside the trunk. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $100,000. The suspect was arrested and lodged in the Jackson County Jail for Unlawful Possession, Distribution, and Manufacture of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana.

An Oregon State Police (OSP) trooper's traffic stop Oct 20th on Highway 395 north of Lakeview in Lake County led to the arrest of an Idaho man after trooper discovered over 8 pounds of marijuana inside the man's van. OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation. According to an OSP Sergeant, on October 20, 2011 at approximately 10:06 a.m. an OSP trooper stopped a 2004 Kia Sedona van displaying Idaho license plates for a traffic violation on Highway 395 near milepost 78. The driver was identified as a resident of Caldwell, Idaho. Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop with the assistance of an OSP drug detection canine led to the discovery of

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over 8 pounds of marijuana inside a duffle bag on a rear seat of the van. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $20,000. The suspect was taken into custody and lodged in the Lake County Jail for Unlawful Possession, Distribution and Manufacture of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana. R.A.D.E. Statistics ROGUE AREA DRUG ENFORCEMENT TEAM INVESTIGATION STATISTICS FOR JULY SEPTEMBER 2011 Statistics released by the Rogue Area Drug Enforcement (RADE) team for investigations conducted between July 1 and September 30, 2011 shows the interagency team opened 39 investigations during the three-month period. The investigations led to the arrest of 33 people with additional arrests anticipated. During the third quarter of 2011, RADE investigations led to the seizure of: * Approximately 4 1/2 lbs of methamphetamine * 40 lbs of processed marijuana * Over one ounce of heroin and small amounts of cocaine and ecstasy * Thirteen firearms * Several hundred pounds of marijuana from 655 marijuana plants found at illegal indoor and outdoor growing operations According to Sergeant Jim Johnson, the RADE team cases included investigations of individuals associated with Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) including growers illegally distributing marijuana to people other than OMMP patients for profit, locally and outside of Oregon. Johnson noted there were some investigation s involving OMMP growers in compliance with program regulations, but the shear volume of 'Bud' from some larger plants placed many growers' out-of-compliance as soon as the plants were harvested. Additionally, the high quality of marijuana produced in southern Oregon made it a very profitable commodity and some growers stepped outside the original intent for OMMP and illegally sold marijuana. One noteworthy case not involving OMMP was a joint investigation by Oregon State Police and federal partners. Following a trooper's traffic stop involving suspects attempting to deliver two pounds of methamphetamine, RADE executed a search warrant and seized two additional pounds of methamphetamine, cocaine, a firearm and cash. Several suspects were arrested associated with this investigation. The inter-agency RADE team is comprised of personnel from Grants Pass Department of Public Safety, Oregon State Police, Josephine County Sheriff's Office, Josephine County District Attorney's Office, and Josephine County Community Corrections.

Brenda Thomas of THCF is Sentenced By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection Brenda Thomas, the office manager of The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation clinic in Grants Pass, was sentenced to 16 months in the Oregon State Penitentiary for her conviction in July of the manufacture, sale, and distribution of marijuana. Her attorney, Foster Glass, and her brother, Rick Maughs, are planning to appeal. Thomas was charged when the Rogue Area Drug Enforcement (R.A.D.E.) team raided her residence, where she had a medical marijuana garden. A recent Brenda, at the THCF Clinic aquaintance office in September talking to OCC. that she entrusted the entire grow operation to, Thomas Bletco, turned states evidence against her in exchange for a greatly reduced charge. Bletco walked, and was later arrested in California on hashish charges. Thomas took the blame for all the plants in the garden, even though only a portion were registered with her as the grower. Thomas also had evidence of perjury her attorney attempted to provide to the judge, but the judge was set on making her an example. According to Lori, one of Thomas' supporters at the sentencing, “The judge had his mind made up. They even read posts to a Oregon activist email forum in the courtroom that showed Thomas' posts about Ray Meyers, calling him 'Rabid Ray'.” Detective Ray Meyers, a Grants Pass police officer and member of R.A.D.E., was one of the officers participating in Thomas' case. He had hostile words with Dar, Thomas' partner during the bust, indicating he thinks the OMMP is a joke and that he will do whatever he can to shut it down. As one can imagine, Thomas' opinion of Meyers is not, shall we say, say the least. According to an article by local Grants Pass reporter Jeff Barnard of AP, Josephine Circuit Court Judge Pat Wolke told Thomas, “he was imposing the sentence to show people that using the Oregon medical marijuana law to cover up illegal drug dealing will be punished.” Thomas denies all allegations of illegal drug dealing, and indicated during the trial, and afterwards, that Bletco was lying to save his own butt. More on this and other stories about “Rabid” Ray Meyers and the Southern Oregon law enforcement officials bucking the OMMA in upcoming issues of OCC.!

See how hemp stabilizes levees! Pg. 17

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Oregon News Four votes from the court are required to carry the case onto the final docket. 10,000 cases sent to the SCOTUS in a given year, but only about 200 prompt a formal ruling. The request for the brief indicates the court has a serious interest in the case, but does not ensure it will be accepted. They are likely interested in the constitutional questions brought up by the case, considering many medical marijuana states could face similar legal issues.

Oregon News Nugs Serene Dreams Raided in Hillsboro Another Oregon medical marijuana dispensary was raided in Washington County on November 4th, their second such raid in the past year. The Serene Dreams Medical Greens dispensary in Hillsboro was raided by the Westside Interagency Narcotics (WIN) team, the same drug enforcement team that raided Aloha's Wake and Bake Cannabis Cafe during the summer. Although Serene Dreams was providing medicine only to registered patients in the Lobby of Serene Dreams Oregon Medical Image from Marijuana Program, they had to become members of the club. Police say they are violating important rules about the OMMP by providing marijuana to users for whom they are not registered caregivers or growers, which is one interpretation of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act. “Additionally, the prices charged were well above street value. The OMMP does not allow for a profit to be made,” Washington County Sheriff’s Office Sgt. Bob Ray told the Oregonian. ”The way the law is written, you can’t make a profit by selling it to them,” Ray said. “These people take parts of the law, and because one thing in it is legal, maybe they figure, anything is legal.” According to Ray, no arrests have been made, but some will be likely due to their long and intensive investigation is given to the Washington County District Attorney.

Supreme Court Moves Forward on Winters' MMJ Handgun Permit Case The three year long battle for medical marijuana patients civil right to carry a handgun in Oregon has passed the first screening of cases for the Supreme Court Of The United States (SCOTUS). Leland Berger received a letter from SCOTUS dated Sept 30th asking him to prepare a response to the argument submitted by Jackson County Sheriff Mike Winters, and his legal counsel, Ryan Kirchoff. Berger is the attorney for Cynthia Willis, the applicant who was denied her concealed weapons permit. The response, called a “BRIEF FOR RESPONDENTS IN OPPOSITION”, is a document that SCOTUS only requests from cases they are considering to add to the docket for this year. The document has strict requirements, for binding and type of paper, so only a couple of publishers in the U.S. can print and bind the brief, which runs upward of 1,000 dollars to produce. Berger was assisted, greatly, by Attorneys David T. Goldberg of Donahue & Goldberg in New York, and John Elwood of Vinson and Elkins in Washington, DC. Kudos to University of Virginia's Law School's Supreme Court Clinic students that did a ton of research, as well.

Justin James Bridges Injured by Police During Occupy Portland Raid Medical cannabis activist, Occupy Portland sign language interpreter, and musician, Justin James Bridges was injured by the Portland Police when they cleared out the Occupy movement from Chapman Park on November 13th. Bridges had been there, providing interpretation services for the deaf and streaming his internet radio station from the protest when the police moved in. While in the hospital recovering from his injuries, Bridges spoke to Portland Mercury's Sarah Justin James Bridges Mirk, explaining, performing at Hempstalk “The cops came in in September. and started pushing people and destroying things.” He added, “I turned around and told everyone that was standing by watching to get their video tapes out because they were violating our rights and we have to protect our rights. When I turned back around, I got caught in the crowd and my back got pushed up against a concrete trash can and I fell on to the ground.”

Cannabis Connection Almost immediately the police began manhandling him. He also told the Mercury, “The police grabbed me by my legs and pulled me through the mud," says Bridges. "They started saying I was resisting arrest and started beating me. They tried to pick me up and I couldn't feel my legs, they were screaming at me because I couldn't walk...I was beat, they took away my first amendment right to peacefully assemble. They didn't even charge me or arrest me.” Sgt. Pete Simpson told KGW News, “Nobody knew what happened with him, he went down...” When asked if Bridges was beaten, Simpson told KGW News, “Not at all, we haven't seen any evidence of that or video of that, if it exists, we would like to see it...what we did is we dragged him out of a very difficult situation, to get him back and get him out of potential danger.” Bridges, who moved to Oregon from Texas a few years ago, has returned to Texas since he was released from the hospital. Due to his previously broken back, and aggravation due to the police abuse, he is having trouble walking and using a wheel chair at times. He plans on returning to Portland in a few weeks, as it was a previously planned trip. Videos of the incident are available online, just google, “justin james bridges injured”

"Brother Bob" Dies in Jail 71 year old Robert Melvin Walker, also known as “Brother Bob” local long-time Medical marijuana advocate and founder of, a resource site dedicated to helping others acquire their Oregon Medical Marijuana card was found dead on November 26th. Police are reporting it as an apparent suicide. He was found unresponsive in his cell at the Coos County Jail about 5:35 a.m. Friday by a deputy serving breakfast, according to the Oregon State Police. Emergency medical personnel, who were called to the jail and started CPR, pronounced him dead shortly after. Walker was in police custody because of a Nov. 7 incident where he was charged with first-degree assault and attempted murder after a 40-year-old man who was riding his bicycle on Highway 101 near Bandon was shot. Walker and the shooting victim knew each other and allegedly had an ongoing dispute, according to police. An onongoing investigation is taking place, and police are not releasing much information as they await autopsy results. Brother Bob has been a fixture in Oregon’s Medical marijuana movement since 1999, and the hole he left behind will be a difficult one to fill.

Cannabis Connection

Oregon News

How To Apply For An Oregon Medical Marijuana Card FAQ's From Southern Oregon Cannabis Community Center (SOCCC) 1. What medical conditions are covered by the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP)? Currently, these are the only conditions for which one can get a Medical Marijuana card in Oregon: 1. Malignant neoplasm (Cancer) 2. Glaucoma 3. Positive status for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 4. Agitation due to Alzheimer’s Disease 5. A medical condition or treatment for a medical condition that produces for a specific patient one or more of the following: Cachexia, Severe pain, Severe nausea, Seizures, including but not limited to seizures caused by epilepsy, Persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to spasms caused by multiple sclerosis.

2. What forms are needed to apply? Oregon law requires that all Medical Marijuana applicants complete the following: 1. 311 Application Form 2. Physicians Recommendation Form In addition, you must provide the following at the time that you apply: A. Legible photocopies of OREGON ID for each person named in the 311 application (Patient, caregiver and/or grower) B. A check or money order for 200.00 unless you are currently receiving benefits from Food Stamps, Oregon Health Plan (100.00) or SSI (20.00). If you are enrolled in one of those three programs you will need to send your money and a copy of the award letter you got when you became eligible for the program. In addition, a new $50 fee was added for cardholders who designate a grower to produce their cannabis, rather than growing their own.

3. Who can sign the Physician's Recommendation Form? MD's and DO's are the only medical professionals who are empowered to sign a recommendation for Medical Marijuana. They must be currently licensed in Oregon.

4, If my doctor does not sign the Recommendation, how can I get a card? Having your own doctor sign the recommendation is less expensive, but not always possible. If your primary care physician cannot, or will not sign the recomendation form, you may send your medical records to one of the clinics

Oregon Green Free Helping Connect Cardholders By Justin Jenkins OCC An Oregon Medical Marijuana Program caregiver card, issued by the Oregon Health Authority (formerly DHS)

throughout Oregon which has doctors who will sign it. They must review your files, conduct a non-invasive exam and meet with you regarding use of Medical Marijuana. All you need to do is have your primary care office make copies of your file which you can either have sent directly to one of the clinics, or hand carry them if you would rather not have your primary care physician know that you are considering using Medical Marijuana.

5. Do I need to name a caregiver? Under Oregon law, a caregiver may be named by a patient, but it is not required. This is not the same as the state caregivers who are paid for caring for elderly or sick people. The Medical Marijuana caregiver is an adult who assists the patient in those activities that they cannot perform for themselves because they are limited due to their disability. Caregivers can assist patients in getting medication (transporting it), making medibles or other forms of the medicine, helping the designated grower if needed, trimming the plants, etc. Caregivers cannot consume Medical Marijuana just because they possess a Caregiver card. No patient should name a caregiver that he or she does not personally know. Caregivers have access to a patient's medicine, and should be someone trustworthy and reliable. The caregiver position exists to allow adults who are around patients and their medication to be protected from prosecution in the event of a law enforcement encounter.

6. Do I need to name a grower? Yes. You must name a grower at the time that you apply. If you have not yet found a grower, put down your own name and address in the grower blank. Once you find a grower, you must then submit a change form to update the state records.

7. Do I have to be 18 to participate in the Medical Marijuana Program? Oregon law provides for patients who are not yet 18. The form for a minor applying as a patient can be found HERE, and must be completed by a parent or legal guardian. This must be submitted with the regular application as described above. Caregivers and growers must be at least 18 years old.

As most medical marijuana patients understand, finding a grower is one of the most difficult things to deal with. Dealing with the rigmarole of finding somebody you can trust can be quite nerve-racking. Fortunately for those in the Portland/Salem area, you now have a new friend. Oregon Green Free’s new Grower Matching Program is a new program started by Robin Warner, with help from Sarah Duff, which helps take the headache out of finding a grower or a patient. Tired of hearing all the patients’ horror stories of waiting months for poor quality medicine, Warner began this program as a way to ensure that patients and growers abide to the laws, which will inevitably build a better relationship between the two. By providing a meeting space, and mediation in the process, Warner maintains a safe atmosphere for both the patient and the grower alike, “All the growers in my program are good. Most are good hearted and believe in what they do for the patient, but I also know there are scrupulous growers out there that take advantage of patients.” Utilizing a signed agreement between the patient and grower, a couple criteria must be met. First, grower must provide quality medication on or about the same time every month, and must remain in compliance of the OMMP. Second, patients must give two week notice before changing grower, must be willing to wait, as good things take time, and may not go to the grow site without permission. Cont. on Page 22

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OCC 1st Annual Harvest Party By Justin Jenkins OCC In the almost year and a half since Oregon Cannabis Connection has been around, we've never had the opportunity to show our readers how much they mean to us. Not just any simple thank you would suffice, for our success lies squarely in you, the reader’s hands. No, what we felt would be the proper thank you would be a kick ass party, or what we so aptly dubbed, “Oregon Cannabis Connection’s First Annual Harvest Party”. On November 12th, folks from all around the southern valleys, and at least one very lucky gentleman from Idaho, gathered for food, fun, music, and of course a good old-fashioned OMMP smoke out. This year’s festivities, located at The Venue in Medford, were hosted by me, the accidental emcee. The evening began with Publisher/Editor of the Oregon Cannabis Connection, Keith Mansur and I taking the stage. We welcomed and greeted the attendees as they poured in, thanked our sponsors, and brought up the first band of the evening, Karrgo Bossajova, from Ashland. In their own words, “Karrgo Bossajova is a funky bundle of love. We incorporate rock, funk, jazz, blues, heavy, psychedelic; practically everything we can to create unique sounds that can only be described as Karrgo Bossajova.” They were an absolute perfect way to start out the evening and get things rolling. The second group to hit the stage was Takilma, the 2010 unsigned band of the week for the week of 4/20. With their very tight and controlled rock’n roll stylings, they once again proved to us why they are a local favorite. Cont on Page 18

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DEA Sweeps Across Western Washington With Dispensary Raids

National News federal agents along with local law enforcement, but is refusing to provide any further details, reports Curtis Cartier at Seattle Weekly. DEA spokesman Jodie Underwood told KOMO News that search warrants were being executed, but declined to say how many.

By Steve Elliott Toke Of The Town

Emily Langlie, a spokeswoman for Western Washington U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan, wouldn't comment but said she would have information later in the day.

Federal Drug Enforcement Administration agents raided medical marijuana collectives in Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia, Puyallup, Rochester, and Lacey, Washington, as a coordinated raid swept across the Puget Sound region on November 15th.

Disturbingly, local sheriff's departments appear to have taken part in the raids, despite the fact that medical marijuana has been legal in Washington state for 13 years. One of the raided dispensaries in Seattle was Seattle Cannabis Co-op in Crown Hill. A resident of the area said he saw DEA agents armed with a shield and a battering ram outside the dispensary about 11:10 a.m., and a young woman in handcuffs. Another report received by Toke of the Town confirmed the presence of federal agents in both the Ballard and Rainier locations of SCC.

The DEA raided dozens of dispensaries across Washington. This image was taken by someone driving by one of the raids.

Patient advocates and legal defense groups report that at least nine dispensaries have been raided, according to The Seattle Times. Ben Livingston of the patient advocacy group Cannabis Defense Coalition said he's spoken with several dispensary owners and defense attorney Aaron Pelley, who confirmed raids were occurring.

Seattle Cross on Capitol Hill was also hit Tuesday morning, according to Wes Abney, editor of Northwest Leaf, a local medical marijuana newspaper. And legalization group Sensible Washington told KOMO that searches have been conducted Tuesday at Seattle Cannabis Co-Op in Rainier Valley, at G.A.M.E. Collective's White Center and West Seattle locations, Seattle Cross on Capitol Hill, Tacoma Cross, and Lacey Cross, among others.

"I'm in shock because now I have no pain medicine," said patient Cameron Christenson outside of Seattle Cannabis Co-op on Rainer Avenue, reports David Rose at Q13 Fox News. "I can think of 100 crack houses in town -- why don't you go raid those?"

Dispensaries in King, Piece and Thurston counties were targeted for unknown reasons, reports KING 5 News, which flew over three separate businesses that were raided: the G.A.M.E. Lounge in White Center, and The Herbal Connection and Evergreen Medicinal, both in Puyallup.

"It means people are going to have to go back out on the street and you don't know what you're getting," Christenson said. "It's going to be a nightmare."

The operators and employees of the dispensaries are being "detained and questioned," Thurston County Sheriff's Lt. Greg Elwin said mid-day Tuesday.

The DEA has also confirmed the raids, reportedly performed by about a dozen

Deputies are in the

Is Obama's Drug Policy Worse Than Bush's? The War on Medical Marijuana Escalates By Phillip Smith Signaling an intensification of federal government targeting of medical marijuana providers, the four US Attorneys in California announced October 7th a new campaign of "coordinated enforcement actions targeting the illegal operations of the commercial marijuana industry in California." The announcement came at a Sacramento news conference. The federal prosecutors said their enforcement actions would rely on pursuing civil forfeiture lawsuits against properties where dispensaries are located, threatening letters to dispensary landlords, and criminal prosecutions. The prosecutors said recent dispensary busts in Fresno, Los Angeles, Sacramento and San Diego were part of the enforcement campaign. The feds said that enforcement actions would vary across regions of the state and that they would be working with federal law enforcement and local officials to crack down. The Department of Justice in Washington made clear that this was not an instance of prosecutors going off the reservation. "The actions taken today in California by our US Attorneys and their law enforcement partners are consistent with the Department's commitment to enforcing existing federal laws, including the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), in all states," said Deputy Attorney General James Cole. "The department has maintained that we will not focus our investigative and prosecutorial resources on individual patients with serious illnesses like cancer or their immediate caregivers. However, US Attorneys continue to have the authority to

Cannabis Connection prosecute significant violations of the CSA, and related federal laws." Medical marijuana supporters were quick to charge the Obama administration with waging a renewed war on them and reneging on its promises to not interfere in states where medical marijuana is legal. "Aggressive tactics like these are a completely inappropriate use of prosecutorial discretion by the Obama administration, " said Joe Elford, chief counsel with Americans for Safe Access (ASA), Kinda freaky, huh? the country's largest medical marijuana advocacy group. "President Obama must answer for his contradictory policy on medical marijuana." On the campaign trail and in the White House, President Obama pledged that he was "not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state [medical marijuana] laws." "It is unconscionable that the federal government would override local and state laws to enforce its will over the will of the people," said ASA spokesperson Kris Hermes. "States must be allowed to enforce their own laws without harmful interference from the Obama administration." "The Obama administration's latest moves strongly suggest that their medical marijuana policies are now being driven by overzealous prosecutors and the antimarijuana ideologues who dominated policymaking in past administrations," said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. "Barack Obama is betraying promises made when he ran for president and turning his back on the sensible policies announced during

Cont. on Page 14

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You'll Find us at Most every MMJ Clinic in Oregon, Most Smoke and Pipe Shops and Many other locations across Oregon! Visit us Online at

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Op-Ed: 2 Governors A Letter to Petition DEA President Obama By Keith Mansur By Justin Jenkins OCC


Gov. Chris Grgoire of WA

Medical Marijuana Reduces Traffic Deaths, Alcohol Use, Says Study By Steve Elliott

Š2011 Village Voice Media Full Size Poster available online at

Gov. Lincoln Chafee of RI

Cont. on Page 14

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Banking Problems Could Kill Medical Marijuana In Colorado By Steve Elliott Colorado medical marijuana business owners are desperately writing letters to every bank in the country asking if they can please, oh please, just have a bank account. About 150 dispensary owners across the state are looking for banks that will take their accounts, said Tanya Garduno, president of the Colorado Springs Medical Cannabis Council and owner of Medical Cannabis Center, reports Monica Mendoza at InsuranceNewsNet. The medical marijuana industry has already survived regulations, licensing, security and thick stacks of almost impenetrable rules and legalese. But the banking issue "could be the deal breaker," Garduno said. "We have to account for everything -- sales, patient lists -- trying to put this together with no bank could really kill us." The last bank in Colorado to openly welcome dispensaries' business -- the Colorado Springs State Bank -- sent notice to the shops almost two months ago that they had until the end of September to clear out their accounts. That ban is owned by parent company Herring Bank, based in Texas. "Everyone is trying to make it work on a cash basis," Garduno said. "It's going to be a funky next three months. I'm sure there will be folks that will shut down." Medical marijuana businesses in Colorado

National News Springs have generated about $23 million in sales and contributed $580,533 in sales taxes so far this year. That's a 52 percent increase over last year's numbers, and a sign that the industry continues to grow. But most bankers won't touch medical marijuana dispensaries with a 10-foot pole. Banks fear federal charges of money laundering and drug trafficking. While use and sale of medical marijuana are legal in Colorado, the federal government does not recognize any legal use for cannabis. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), one of three banking regulators, hasn't issued guidance for banks doing business with medical marijuana dispensaries. But federal law does require banks to report "suspicious activity." And in June, U.S. Deputy Attorney General James Cole issued a memo to U.S. Attorneys in medical marijuana states saying "Persons who are in the business of cultivating, selling or distributing marijuana, and those who knowingly facilitate such activities, are in violation of the Controlled Substances Act, regardless of state law." Colorado dispensary owners are planning to fight. They plan to push for changes in federal law to take marijuana off Schedule I, which officially means it has no accepted medical uses, a high potential for abuse and addiction, and is too dangerous to use even under medical supervision -- you know, like heroin. (Even cocaine and methamphetamine are considered by the U.S. federal government to be Schedule II drugs -- officially "less dangerous" than marijuana.) The dispensary owners and supporters want changes in banking rules that would allow banks to work with medical marijuana businesses without fear of conflicting with federal regulations. And when the Colorado Legislature goes into session in January, they will push for a change in state law that would allow them to open their own bank, one that does not require federal insurance. "There is a slight chance they will pass," Black said. "But, I think we are knocking at the door." Without bank accounts, dispensary owners don't have access to ATM machines and are paying bills in cash or are buying prepaid credit cards. The dispensaries will be begging for a bank until federal laws change, according to Garduno. "We need to cut off the short term bleeding," Garduno said. "We will call every bank in the country to find a bank to give us a shot." Used by permission from Copyright 2011 Village Voice Media.

332 West 6th Street Medford, OR 97501 Ph - (541) 779-1448

Pot Card Holder Sues Over Gun Rights

Cannabis Connection

UNH Forensic Botanist Sets Up National Databank For Marijuana DNA From University of New Haven

The U.S. government unconstitutionally prohibits people who hold state-issued medical marijuana cards from buying guns, says a medical technician who was not allowed to buy a gun for self-defense. S. Rowan Wilson sued the U.S. attorney general and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Federal Court, challenging Section 922(g)(3) of the federal criminal code, which "prohibits law-abiding adults who have obtained medical marijuana cards pursuant to state law from lawfully purchasing what the Supreme Court has called 'the quintessential self-defense weapon' and 'the most popular weapon chosen by Americans for self-defense in the home,'" (citing District of Columbia v Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 128 S. Ct. at 2818.) Wilson, a medical tech and professional caregiver who holds a master's degree and wants to go to med school to become an osteopath, obtained a medical marijuana card so she could use the drug to treat severe menstrual cramps. She tried to buy a Smith & Wesson .357 magnum this month in Moundhouse, Nev., but the dealer told her he "was prohibited from selling her the firearm, any other firearm, or even any ammunition" because she had a medical marijuana card.

A University of New Haven forensic scientist is setting up a national databank for marijuana DNA that will permit law enforcement to track where the drug originated when an arrest is made. Heather Miller Coyle, an associate professor in the Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences, is a forensic botanist. She also has developed a new method for collecting the marijuana‘s genetic fingerprint that makes it easy for law enforcement on the scene of a case to collect the samples. The DNA mapping initiative will allow law enforcement personnel for the first time to track where marijuana came from and link it to criminal organizations such as drug trafficking organizations in Mexico, growers in Canada or gangs in the United States. The database would be similar to the one run by the FBI for humans. That database, called CODIS, or Combined DNA Index System, allows law enforcement to collect samples from a crime scene and evaluate the DNA profile against a computerized database of samples to assist in the identification of suspects in a crime.

The dealer had received a notice from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which "specifically forbade the sale of any firearms or ammunition to any person possessing a state-issued medical marijuana registry card," according to the complaint. "This blanket ban violates the constitutional rights of thousands of responsible, law-abiding American citizens," Wilson says. "Defendants have prohibited a certain class of law-abiding, responsible citizens from exercising their right to keep and bear arms," and have enacted policies with the "specific intent of denying the 2nd Amendment rights of persons who have registered to use medical marijuana pursuant to and in accordance with state law. "Defendants have deliberately banned such persons from purchasing handguns, or firearms of any kind, from federally licensed firearms dealers." Wilson says her severe menstrual pain "is often debilitating," and leads to "further painful side effects, such as severe nausea and cachexi," or wasting syndrome. She says she obtained her medical marijuana card after she "met with dozens of patients that have communicated to her their positive experiences with medical cannabis." "Most of the individuals Ms. Wilson has encountered certainly do not fit the commonly portrayed, narrow-minded stereotype of a marijuana user," the complaint states. Cont. on Page 14

“Such a databank and signature mark would be a welcome tool for police and law enforcement agencies,” said Frank Limon, New Haven chief of police. “It’s probable, in some cases, that conspirators of the overall operation may escape investigation and prosecution. The link between production and distribution would aid us in establishing conspiracy cases against the whole operation – not just the dealers and buyers. This would effectively connect the dots to street level narcotics distribution.” The marijuana database Coyle is developing would give police an investigative lead to trace the origin of the marijuana and help lead to the human sources for its distribution. “Plant DNA is like the DNA found in humans – it retains its lifelong genetic profile,” says Coyle, whose work on the project included UNH students Lindsay Allgeier, Jennifer Nabozny, and Nicholas Shirley, among others. Matching DNA to plants grown on public lands in California, for example, could demonstrate that the crop was planted by people with ties to specific drug organizations . “If one person has a suitcase of marijuana and another person has bags of it, we will be able to tell Cont. on Page 22

Cannabis Connection

National News department 'Deputy Probation Officer, Mohave County Probation Department' with [his] endorsement of a California ballot proposition posted on-line [sic] on September 13, 2010.”

National News Nugs

Miller is asking for compensatory and punitive damages for constitutional violations, wrongful firing, interference with contract, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Judge Won't Stop Federal Crackdown On Medical Marijuana By Steve Elliott A federal judge has rejected the request of medical marijuana providers to stop U.S. Attorneys from filing charges against them or seizing their property. U.S. District Judge Sandra Brown Armstrong ruled in her Oakland courtroom that the medical marijuana collectives hadn't shown they would suffer "immediate, irreparable harm" without the court order, reports Henry K. Lee of the San Francisco Chronicle. "The court is sensitive to the desires of individuals to use medical marijuana with a doctor's recommendation, as permitted by California law," Armstrong wrote in her 27-page ruling, filed this week. "Nevertheless, marijuana remains illegal under federal law, and in Congress' view, it has no medicinal value." The judge also said she doubted that the collectives would win lawsuits trying to stop the Obama Administration's crackdown on dispensaries.

reports High Times. Vendors were asked to remain at their booths while attendees left. High Times has announced that the event will continue Wednesday night with a scheduled concert at the Melkweg a concert hall in Amsterdam, followed by a full day of the expo -including Cannabis Cup voting -- at the Borchland (Borchlandweg) on Thursday, the final day of the competition.

"No attendees were arrested and attendees are not the targets of the police presence," High Times claimed on its website. "Police entered the expo to ensure that all vendors were in compliance with tax laws and a 500-gram limit for cannabis that's enforced in the Netherlands. "Only one vendor has been identified as potentially over the limit, and if so, only slightly," High Times said.

he DOJ had claimed "those who possess, grow and distribute medical marijuana in compliance with state law will not be prosecuted nor their property seized," lawyers for the plaintiffs said.

A probation officer from Mojave County, Arizona, was fired illegally, according to his lawsuit, for signing a petition supporting Prop. 19, the California Initiative to legalize marijuana that was on the ballot last November.

Used by permission from Copyright 2011 Village Voice Media

High Times Cannabis Cup Shut Down By Cops In Amsterdam By Steve Elliott The 24th annual High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam, for the first time in its history, has been raided by Dutch police. According to reports, attendees were searched as they left the event. The unprecedented raid comes as a wave of more conservative cannabis policies and attitudes engulfs the Netherlands. In a video posted to YouTube, police can be heard announcing the event was being shut down and that attendees are subject to search,

The Discovery Channel is now airing a reality series about Oakland’s Harborside Health Center, the nation’s largest medical cannabis dispensary. Premiering on December 1st, It is broadcast on Thursday nights at 10:00 PM on Discovery Channel. .

Probation Officer Loses Job For Supporting Marijuana Legalization

Joe Miller lives in Needles, California, and was one of 32 law enforcement officers and retired officers who signed a letter in June 2010 entitled, "Law Enforcers Say Control and Tax Cannabis to Protect Public Safety,” reported Courthouse News. Miller said, “I was terminated not because my service was inadequate, but because my views on drug policy didn't align with those of Mohave County or my superiors in the Probation Department.” He added, “As law enforcement agents and public servants, we swear to uphold the Constitution and it's only fair for our government to respect our First Amendment rights as well.” Miller is represented by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Arizona. The letter had a disclaimer stating that he was not speaking on behalf of the county, but the complaint said, in part, “The Notice of Dismissal states, among other things, that Mr. Miller 'fail[ed] to maintain neutrality in action and appearance when [he] gave permission to the Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) organization to include [his] job title and

wake of the threats. Of the roughly one-third of the dispensaries still operating, 20 are expected to close soon, according to federal officials. But, more letters from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in San Diego were mailed to dispensaries that remain open, according to a lawyer who represents the dispensaries. US Attor ney Laura Duffy

Alex Kreit, a law professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego and former head of the city of San Diego’s now-defunct task force on medical marijuana, told Sign On San Diego, “I think that the places operating now are assuming that there’s probably going to be a few federal prosecutions, and they are just keeping their fingers crossed hoping that it’s not them.”

That "misunderstanding" has since been "resolved," according to organizers, leaving us to wonder why such details weren't all taken care of beforehand.

Used by permission from Copyright 2011 Village Voice Media

The DOJ announced the crackdown at an October news conference with all four of California's U.S. Attorneys in attendance.

“Weed Wars” Premieres on Discovery Channel

The intervention by Dutch law enforcement started over a "misunderstanding" about a permit application filed by the venue to host the event, according to organizers. That led police clearing the expo and reportedly searching attendees as they left.

Marijuana distributors, patients and dispensary landlords filed lawsuits in all four of California's federal districts in October, accusing the Department of Justice of violating an agreement to not go after them if they complied with state law.

The lawyers argued that the federal government had made a "binding commitment" to follow that policy when it settled a suit last year by a dispensary in Santa Cruz. They said the government is violating that settlement -- and breaking the law -- with its crackdown on dispensaries by threatening to prosecute landlords.

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In 2004, Oakland became the first city to license medical cannabis outlets. Harborside, founded by Steve DeAngelo, serves over 80,000 patients. It recently extended its reach with a second location in San Jose. In addition to DeAngelo and his staff, “Weed Wars” will follow the journey of the plant itself — from seed germination to harvesting, profiling growers and farmers along the way. “Weed Wars fearlessly pulls back the curtain on a once illegal and still controversial world,” explained Discovery executve VP Nancy Daniels, adding, “Like Gold Rush or Deadliest Catch, these are guys pursuing their own version of the American Dream.”

Dispensaries Shut Down in California following Oct. 7th US Attorney Letter. The threat of a crackdown has come to fruition in California, following a threatening letter sent Oct. 7th to dispensaries and their landowners across the state. Sign On San Diego recently reported that, as of November 25th, 139 of 222 dispensaries in San Diego County have closed in

In Sacramento, the US Attorney's office sent about 50 letters and a spokesman said that some have indicated they intend to close down. The Los Angeles and San Francisco would not release specific numbers on how many providers closed in those areas.

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Page 14

DEA Sweeps WA Cont. from pg. 10 process of making arrests, as well, Elwin claimed, though he wouldn't be specific about how many people have been arrested so far. KING 5 News crews also went to raids at The healing Center and Olympia Patient Resource Center, both in Washington's capital city of Olympia. Some of the raided dispensaries are in Graham, Parkland, and Spanaway, according to Pierce County Sheriff Detective Ed Troyer. Two shops in Lacey (Cannabis Outreach Services and Lacey Cross) and one in Rochester (Triple D's) were also raided, reports Jeremy Pawloski at The Olympian.

"Our narcotics task force has been conducting an ongoing investigation for about the past five months into the medical marijuana dispensaries in Thurston County," Elwin said. "Today, that investigation culminated with five search warrants." Elwin said he had heard of "similar investigations" in King and Pierce counties that were also "culminating" on Wednesday, November 16th. "This is yet another example of the Obama Administration breaking their promise to leave patients and providers alone when they are abiding by state medical marijuana laws," activist Don Skakie, with the legalization group Yes End Penalties Washington (YEP WA) told Toke of the Town Tuesday afternoon. "Clearly, they were lying to us." Printed by permission from ©2011 Village Voice Media.

National News Obama's Drug Policy Cont. From Pg. 10 his first year in office. Instead of encouraging state and local authorities to regulate medical marijuana distribution in the interests of public safety and health, his administration seems determined to recriminalize as much as possible. It all adds up to bad policy, bad politics and bad faith." Large medical marijuana dispensary operations are not health care providers but criminal organizations hiding behind patients, the prosecutors claimed Friday. "Large commercial operations cloak their moneymaking activities in the guise of helping sick people when in fact they are helping themselves," said Benjamin Wagner, US Attorney for the Eastern District of California. "Our interest is in enforcing federal criminal law, not prosecuting seriously sick people and those who are caring for them. We are making these announcements together today so that the message is absolutely clear that commercial marijuana operations are illegal under federal law, and that we will enforce federal law." "The California marijuana industry is not about providing medicine to the sick," claimed Laura Duffy, US Attorney for the Southern District of California. "It's a pervasive forprofit industry that violates federal law. In addition to damaging our environment, this industry is creating significant negative consequences, in California and throughout the nation. As the number one marijuana producing state in the country, California is exporting not just marijuana but all the serious repercussions that come with it, including significant public safety issues and perhaps irreparable harm to our youth." The prosecutors said they had sent out "dozens" of threat letters to dispensary and grow-op landlords in the past few days. In the Southern and Eastern districts, they targeted building owners, while in the Central district they sent letters to landlords "in selected cities where officials have requested federal assistance." In the Northern district, they targeted their threat letters to landlords of dispensaries within 1,000 feet of schools or parks, but warned "we will almost certainly be taking action against others." The prosecutors also said they had already filed seven civil forfeiture complaints against properties where landlords allow dispensaries to operate. One complaint alleged that an Orange County strip mall had eight dispensaries and that recalcitrant city officials had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to shut them down. One letter targeted the landlord for the Marin

Alliance for Medical Marijuana (MAMM) in Fairfax, which has been operating with the support of the city and without complaint since 1996. In a letter to MAMM's landlord, the US Attorney for Northern California warned that the dispensary was operating within a "prohibited distance of a park." The letter threatened MAMM's landlord with up to 40 years in federal prison, seizure of his property, and forfeiture of all rental proceeds for the last 15 years if he doesn't evict MAMM. Similar letters have gone out to other dispensary landlords warning them of pending federal action because their tenants are too close to schools. The dispensaries are operating in accord with California law, which treats them like liquor stores and bars them from operating within 600 feet of a school, but federal law imposes additional penalties for the distribution of controlled substances with 1,000 feet of schools, playgrounds, and public parks. MAMM is situated more than 600 feet but less than 1,000 feet from Bolinas Park in Fairfax. "This is nuts," said Greg Anton, attorney for the Marin Alliance and its director, Lynnette Shaw. "There's a dispensary near where I live that sells guns, narcotics, alcohol and tobacco and it's full of children. It's called Walmart, and it's safe. So is Lynnette's place. She's proven that over 15 years." "This is an outrageous abuse of law enforcement resources for the DOJ to use property forfeiture to enforce meddlesome, nanny-state regulations," said California NORML director Dale Gieringer. "The federal government has no business dictating local zoning decisions. No one has any problems with the Marin Alliance except the bureaucrats in Washington." The DEA is also along for the ride. "The DEA and our partners are committed to attacking large-scale drug trafficking organizations, including those that attempt to use state or local law to shield their illicit activities from federal law enforcement and prosecution," said DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart. "Congress has determined that marijuana is a dangerous drug and that its distribution and sale is a serious crime. It also provides a significant source of revenue for violent gangs and drug organizations. The DEA will not look the other way while these criminal organizations conduct their illicit schemes under the false pretense of legitimate business." And so is the IRS. "IRS Criminal Investigation is proud to work with our law enforcement partners and lend its financial expertise to this effort," said IRS chief of criminal enforcement Victor Song. "We will continue to use the federal asset forfeiture laws to take the profits from criminal enterprises." Cont. on Page 16

OREGON CANNABIS CONNECTION is a bi-monthly publication for the medical cannabis community in Oregon. Published by K2 Publishing Co. in Medford, Oregon, we strive to inform the public on the value of medical marijuana, as well as provide news, information, and opinions concerning marijuana laws, legalization, and medicine. All information in our publication is intended for legal use by adults only. Our publication is advertiser supported and over 28,000 copies are distributed FREE at over 200 locations throughout Oregon.

Distributors needed! All issues are provided free. Subscriptions are available within the U.S.A for 3.00 per issue. Please visit to subscribe. To advertise or distribute, please contact Keith at 541-621-1723. Next issue is February 10th, advertising deadline is Jan 21st

Cannabis Connection

Gun Lawsuit Cont. from pg. 12 The gun dealer who refused to sell her the pistol cited a Sept. 21 letter from the BATF to all federally licensed gun dealers, which "specifically instructed [them] to deny the sale of firearms or ammunition to any person whom the licensee is aware possesses a card authorizing such persons to possess and use marijuana under state law," the complaint states. Wilson says a questionnaire she filled out when trying to buy the gun asked, "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana, or any depressant, stimulant, or narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance?" She says she left that question blank, but the gun dealer told her that "he could not sell her a firearm without jeopardizing his federal firearms license, since he had actual knowledge that Ms. Wilson possesses a state-issued medical marijuana registry card." Wilson says U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and the directors of the BATF are violating her rights under the 2nd and 5th Amendments. She wants the pertinent regulations declared unconstitutional, including 18 U.S.C. §§ 922(g)(3), 922 (d)(3) and 27 C.F.R. § 478.11. She also seeks compensatory and punitive damages. She is represented by Charles C. Rainey with Rainey Devine, of Henderson, NV.

Op-Ed: Mr. Obama Cont. from pg. 11 cohesive in our vote as we are united. At a time when legalization alone has polled at 50%, and Medical Marijuana is polling at over 70%, you continue this War. These policies that are in place have lost public support, and will continue to loose support as the last generation ages. Never so obviously has the side you’re on been so clear in this war of attrition. I will admit though, the way YOU fight this war is different than any of your predecessors’ strategy of shock and awe, smash and grab on individuals. No, your war has been cold, calculating, and scheming; utilizing what I call the “lawyers” approach to war, not as much guns and grenades but pens and judges. Perhaps you’re patting yourself on the back at its success, but so are the cartels in Mexico. You give us grief, you gave them guns. You may have won the support of those on the black market, but those of us on the side of wanting legitimacy are balancing on a precipice. Those on one side of the fence may not, and likely, will not ever vote for you, but Progressives like me are put in a horrible place. In a midterm election with no other choice but choosing between you on the left or a multitude on the right, all of our options leave a bad taste in my mouth, a wretched flavor of ineptitude and bile. My disappointment in you and the War you continue has forced my hand and forced my pen. You still have time to convince me otherwise, but doubts persist. You have less than one year Mr.Obama, one year to turn these disastrous policies around. Bravery is not standing behind those who are wrong; bravery is using the truth to lead.

Cannabis Connection

Medical News Legalizing Medical Marijuana Does Not Increase Use Among Youth,

Cedars-Sinai Denying Transplant to Medical Marijuana Patient with Inoperable Liver Cancer Sixty-three year-old medical marijuana patient Norman B. Smith was diagnosed with inoperable liver cancer in 2009 and sought treatment from the internationally lauded Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. Smith's oncologist at Cedars-Sinai, Dr. Steven Miles, approved of his medical marijuana use as a means to deal with the effects of chemotherapy and pain from an unrelated back surgery. In September 2010, Smith became eligible for a liver transplant, but after testing positive for marijuana in February he was removed from the transplant list. Smith's cancer was in remission until just recently, but now he is scheduled to undergo radiation treatments in the winter. Medical marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA) issued a letter November 17th urging the Cedars-Sinai Transplant Department to promptly re-list Smith for a liver transplant. The letter also urges Cedars-Sinai to change its transplant eligibility policy. "Denying necessary transplants to medical marijuana patients is the worst kind of discrimination," said ASA Chief Counsel Joe Elford, who also authored the letter to Cedars-Sinai. "CedarsSinai would not be breaking any laws, federal or otherwise, by granting Norman Smith a liver transplant, and it's certainly the ethical thing to do." Smith is not the only medical marijuana patient in the U.S. being denied a transplant. At least one other Cedars-Sinai patient reported to ASA in 2008 that they had been kicked off the transplant list because of their legal medical marijuana use. Over the past four years, ASA has received numerous reports of patients being purged from transplant lists across California, as well as in other medical marijuana states like Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington. In 2008, Seattle resident and medical marijuana patient Timothy Garon died after being denied a liver transplant by the University of Washington Medical Center. A year later, in 2009, Big Island resident and medical marijuana patient Kimberly Reyes died at Hilo Hospital after being denied a liver transplant. Cedars-Sinai is demanding that Smith not only abstain from marijuana use for at least six months, forcing him to undergo random toxicology tests, but he is also required to participate in weekly substance abuse counseling over the same period. Although Smith was within two months of receiving a transplant before he was de-listed, he will be put at the bottom of the list even after satisfying the policy requirements. "ASA seeks to change this harmful and uncompassionate policy not

Says Rhode Island Hospital Study

The findings from a study on whether legalizing medical marijuana in Rhode Island will increase its use among youths will be presented by a Rhode Island Hospital physician/researcher.

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles

only for Smith's benefit, but also for the benefit of numerous other medical marijuana patients who are being made to suffer unnecessarily as a result of political ideology," said Elford. Between January 2010 and October 2011, Smith took part in a rare clinical trial to combat his liver cancer. The trial, which included only 60 people worldwide, involved weekly infusions and daily pills. Smith also smoked medical marijuana during this time, but stopped in August 2011 to try to adhere to the transplant eligibility requirements. Smith was the only patient in the entire 93-week trial who had a successful remission, earning him the moniker of "Miracle Man." Because of the cancer's return, Smith may not have six months to live. However, instead of re-listing him for a transplant, Cedars-Sinai is scheduling him for radiation treatment. "Norman Smith's life hangs in the balance between his desperate need for a liver and an anti-marijuana sentiment that informs a misguided and lifethreatening transplant policy," continued Elford. Smith not only has the support of his oncologist and other Cedars-Sinai staff, but also his psychologist, who wrote a strong letter of recommendation that Smith be approved for a liver transplant. Nonetheless, Dr. Steven D. Colquhoun, the director of Cedars-Sinai's Liver Transplant Program compared Smith's legal medical marijuana use to "substance abuse." In a letter sent to Smith in May, Dr. Colquhoun indicated that the liver transplant center "must consider issues of substance abuse seriously since it does often play a role in the evolution of diseases that may require transplantation, and may adversely impact a new organ after a transplant." Despite Dr. Colquhoun's assertions and Cedars-Sinai's restrictive policy, an independent study has shown that marijuana use has no adverse impact on the survival rate of transplant recipients.

Lead author Esther Choo, M.D., M.P.H., will present the findings of the study at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition on November 2. Choo, an emergency medicine physician with Rhode Island Hospital, and her coauthors explain that the state-level legalization of medical marijuana has raised concerns about increased accessibility and appeal of the drug to youth, who are most vulnerable to public messages about drug use and to the adverse consequences of marijuana. Their study was performed to assess the impact of medical marijuana legalization in Rhode Island in 2006. The researchers compared trends in adolescent marijuana use between Rhode Island and Massachusetts using a self-report called the Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System. In their study, they included surveys completed between 1997 and 2009. Based on their analysis of 32,570 students, they found that while marijuana use was common throughout the study period, there were no statistically significant differences in marijuana

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use between states in any year. Choo says, "Our study did not find increases in adolescent marijuana use related to Rhode Island's 2006 legalization of medical marijuana; however, additional research may follow future trends as medical marijuana in Rhode Island and other states becomes more widely used."

Medical Board and Medical Malfeasance By Dr. Phil Leveque The Oregonian newspaper and its continual reports of malfeasance amaze me. The latest headline report in the Oregonian states, Prescriptions May Play Role in Opioid Abuse by Joe Rojas-Burke. In the first place, opioids such as Demeral, Fentanyl, Methadone etc., are not derived from opium but act like it. That's why they are called opioids. In other words, like opiates, which are derived from opium. These include Morphine, Codeine, Heroin and Oxycodone. Even the Nursing Handbooks of Drugs pages 51 and 359 fail to state the distinction. So does Mr. RojasBurke. Even the drug package inserts seem to use opioids for all narcotics. All of this being said, let's get back to the article. Joe Rojas-Burke writes that Oxycodone and Hydrocodone killed 14,000 Americans in 2008. More than heroin and cocaine combined! By the way marijuana NEVER killed anybody in 5,000 years of use. Rojas-Burke reports that Oregon is one of the states with the greatest opiate use at 6.8% which is only exceeded by Oklahoma with 8.1%. Oregon is one of the leading states of doctors prescribning these drugs. Another statistis is that in Oregon the tendency is toward the most potent drugs such as Dilaudid and Oxycontin, the real KILLERS.

Cont. on Page 16

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Medical Malfeasance Cont. from Pg 15 I wrote a story about this for the Oregonian more than fifty years ago. Oregon has three of the most dangerous industries; fishing, lumbering and construction. These produce massive amounts of severe injuries and deaths. Another factoid is the statistic that in the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) 70% or at least 35.000 patients use medical marijuana for severe pain. These patients do not use Oxycontin, etc. One rather strange part of the article is a statement by Jary Schnabel, Oregon Pharmacy Board Executive Director, who says, "The entrenched way of providing medical care: doctor visits once or twice a year; is a problem for chronic pain patients". He says, "The ideal is a team-based treatment with nurses, social workers and pharmacists, (but no physicians) staying in contact with patients between doctor visits." Is that a good idea with non physicians looking over the shoulder of doctors? To think that all of this obvious medical malpractice; narcotic drug prescriptions is occurring right in front of the Oregon Medical Board is astounding. Considering that it is factual and known to the CDC and also the federal government. In the meantime, the Oregon Medical Board is hassling medical marijuana doctors and their patients indirectly. At the same time, marijuana/cannabis never killed anybody.

Medical News California Medical Association Calls For Marijuana Legalization By Steve Elliott It's a breakthrough: The first statewide medical association has endorsed marijuana legalization. The California Medical Association (CMA) on October 16th officially recommended the legalization and regulation of cannabis. The decision was based on a white paper which concluded physicians should have access to better research, which is not possible under current policies. The paper, available at news/cmacannabis-tac-white-paper101411.pdf, is a thoughtful study and response to an important issue. CMA said it is the largest physician group in California -- and the first statewide medical group -to take this official position. "CMA may be the first organization of its kind to take this position, but we won't be the last," said James T. Hay, M.D., president-elect of the organization. "This was a carefully considered, deliberative decision made exclusively on medical and scientific grounds."

CAN ANYBODY EXPLAIN THIS? Dr. Phillip Leveque has degrees in chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology and minors in physiology and biochemistry. He was a Professor of Pharmacology, employed by the University of London for 2 years, during which time he trained the first doctors in Tanzania. After training doctors, he became an Osteopathic Physician, as well as a Forensic Toxicologist. Before any of that, Phil Leveque was a Combat Infantryman in the U.S. Army in WWII. He suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder more than 60 years after the war, and specialized in treating Veterans with PTSD during his years as a doctor in Molalla, Oregon. Visit for more articles by Dr. Leveque.

"As physicians, we need to have a better understanding about the benefits and risks of medicinal cannabis so that we can provide the best care possible to our patients," Dr. Hay said. CMA's Board of Trustees, a representative body of physician delegations across the state, adopted the policy without objection. The federal government currently lists cannabis as a Schedule I drug. That most restrictive of all possible classifications has made it almost impossible to research and study marijuana. Part of the policy adopted by CMA emphasizes that it should be rescheduled, in addition to being legalized. "There simply isn't the scientific evidence to

understand the benefits and risks of medical marijuana," said Paul Phinney, M.D., CMA board chair. "We undertook this issue a couple of years ago and the report presented this weekend is clear -- in order for the proper studies to be done, we need to advocate for the legalization and regulation." The CMA Council on Scientific Affairs (which is a much friendlier CSA than the Controlled Substances Act) developed a set of medical cannabis recommendation guidelines for physicians indicating the limited conditions for which the medicinal use of marijuana may be effective. According to the CMA, current literature is inadequate, cannabis dosage is not well standardized and side effects may not be tolerated. CMA's newly adopted policy also advocates for the regulation and evaluation of recreational cannabis. "We need to regulate cannabis so that we know what we're recommending to our patients," Dr. Phinney said. "Currently, medical and recreational cannabis have no mandatory labeling standards of concentration or purity. First, we've got to legalize it so that we can properly study and regulate it." Physicians are currently only allowed to "recommend" medical cannabis, not "prescribe" it, due to its status as a Schedule I controlled substance, by definition supposedly having no medical value. They have been stuck in this uncomfortable position since California's voters legalized medical marijuana in 1996. "California has decriminalized marijuana, yet it's still illegal on a federal level," Dr. Hay said. "That puts physicians in an incredibly difficult legal position, since we're the ones ultimately recommending the drug." CMA said it advocates for the regulation of medical cannabis to allow for wider clinical research, accountable and quality controlled production of the substance and proper public awareness. The physician group also recommends the legalization of recreational cannabis so that states may regulate widely used marijuana for purity and safety. "Our physicians have looked at this issue closely and carefully over a significant period of time," said Dustin Corcoran, CMA chief executive officer. "After months of research and collaboration, they have chosen to adopt this forward thinking, medically sound policy that will only further their ability to properly treat patients." Used by permission from Š 2011 Village Voice Media.

Cannabis Connection

Obamas Drug Policy Cont. from Pg 14 Octobers announcement of a federal crackdown is just the latest in a series of moves against medical marijuana providers by the Obama administration. The Department of the Treasury has been busily scaring banks into shutting down the accounts of providers in California and Colorado, the Department of Justice is aggressively prosecuting dispensary operators in Montana and elsewhere, and the IRS is attempting to drive dispensaries out of business by denying them standard business expense deductions -- Oakland's Harborside Health center was just this week hit with a $2.5 million tax bill after the IRS disallowed its standard business deductions. Meanwhile, the administration has continued to block federal approval of medical marijuana, with the DEA recently rejecting a nine-year-old petition to reschedule pot, saying it would only accept large-scale, controlled FDA trials. But at the same time, the DEA has acted to block such trials by refusing to allow a private production facility to supply marijuana for medical research. The only existing source for marijuana for research purposes is the National Institutes on Drug Abuse, but it recently blocked a request for marijuana to study its effects on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, saying it has no intention of allowing studies that would develop marijuana for medicinal purposes. "How can the Obama administration say that it's fine for sick people to use this proven medicine, and yet tell them they can't have any legal place to get it?" asked Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project. "Medical marijuana isn't going away. Over 70% of Americans support making medical marijuana legal, and 16 states allow it." But not the federal government. Not under George Bush and, it is increasingly clear, not under Barack Obama. With Obama facing no challengers in the Democratic primary and with reform-friendly Republicans unlikely to win the Republican nomination, it appears that medical marijuana is going to be condemned to wander through the political wilderness for the foreseeable future. The question now becomes whether any sort of response can stem the federal onslaught, and just what that response might be. Or does the dispensary scene just wither away and die?

Don't Miss our Cultivation Section on pages 20 thru 22!

Cannabis Connection

Industrial Hemp

Hemp Strengthens Levees: Prohibition

Page 17

pyrolysis facilities need to be within 50 miles of the energy crop to be cost effective, many new local and rural jobs will be created, not to mention the employment opportunities in trucking and transportation. Hemp vs. Fossil Fuels

Has Worsened Flooding By Waves Forest Dikes and levees have been used for thousands of years to protect settlements and farmlands from floodwaters. Originally, hemp was widely used on levees for reinforcement. Hemp was widely recognized as ideal for erosion control. Hemp’s roots hold the soil and rock from washing away. Water might overtop the levee, but it is rarely able to open large gaps.

Pyrolysis facilities can use the same technology used now to process fossil fuel oil and coal. Petroleum coal and oil conversion is more efficient in terms of fuel-tofeed ratio, but there are many advantages to conversion by pyrolysis.

This principle was understood and used in the early days of the American levee system. It still is followed in India and elsewhere, though many countries have caved under pressure from transnational resource monopolists, exerted through their proxies in the US government, and eliminated or greatly reduced hemp cultivation.

2) Ethanol, methanol, methane gas, and gasoline can be derived from biomass at a fraction of the cost of the current cost of oil, coal, or nuclear energy, especially when environmental costs are factored in. Each acre of hemp could yield about 1000 gallons of methanol.

Bangladesh offers a chilling example of this. The country’s name actually means “hemp land people”, but in 1964 they were coerced into halting hemp production, and it’s been downhill for their topsoil ever since. Without hemp protecting their slopes, millions of tons of topsoil have washed away and out to sea. People who’ve tried to follow the topsoil out onto the unstable deltas where it’s accumulated, basically at sea level, have been repeatedly displaced by flooding, with many lives lost, all due to the suppression of hemp. A flooded village in

Most of the Bangladesh. Floods in recent “ditch weed” years have worsened, which is likely due, in part, to the found in elimination of hemp on levees. many American floodplains spread from the hemp that originally was planted on the levees to strengthen them. In modern times buffalo grass is commonly used, but it’s a poor substitute. Willows are better, but not as effective as hemp, and they take longer to establish.

1) Biomass has a heating value of 5000-8000 BTU/lb, with virtually no ash or sulfur emissions.

Decortication with a conveyor belt and combine harvester: agricultural machines with a new function in the production of hemp bast would be part of a new economy based on hemp.

Hemp was a vital part of the original design of our flood-control system. When we are forced to leave out a crucial component of a large-scale engineering project, we might as well be building bridges out of tinfoil. In this century alone, thousands of citizens have lost farms, homes and lives to floods caused by the failure of levees with no hemp to protect them. They are yet another major group of casualties of hemp prohibition.

Hemp as a Fuel / Energy Source

Many Americans still have trouble understanding why hemp needs to be fully legalized. The leveeprotection issue is a piece of the story that they should be able to appreciate, if enough hemp activists help spread the news.

Hemp seed oil can be used as is in bio-diesel engines. Methyl esters, or bio-diesel, can be made from any oil or fat including hemp seed oil. The reaction requires the oil, an alcohol (usually methanol), and a catalyst, which produces biodiesel and small amount of glycerol or glycerin. When co-fired with 15% methanol, bio-diesel fuel produces energy less than 1/3 as pollution as petroleum diesel. Energy and Fuel from Hemp Stalks through Pyrolysis

Thanks once again to Dave Seber for bringing this to our attention. Waves Forest is a DJ on radio and co-host of the show 'Soul Washing Sounds' 2PM to 5PM on Sunday afternoons. and a longtime Hemp advocate and activist. He lives in Josephine County, OR.

By Jeremy Briggs

3) When an energy crop is growing, it takes carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air, and releases an equal amount when it is burned, creating a balanced system, unlike petroleum fuels, which only release CO2. When an energy crop like hemp is grown on a massive scale, it will initially lower the CO2 in the air, and then stabilize it at a level lower than before the planting of the energy crop. 4) Use of biomass would end acid rain, end sulfer-based smog, and reverse the greenhouse effect. Coal

Biodiesel fuel from Hemp Seed Oil

Unlike petroleum reserves, America has enough coal to last 100-300 years, but burning it for electricity puts sulfur (toxic to every membrane in which it comes in

Pyrolysis is the technique of applying high heat to biomass, or organic plants and tree matter, with little or no air. Reduced emissions from coal-fired power plants and automobiles can be accomplished by converting biomass to fuel utilizing A hemp field in Alber ta, Canada. Hemp is still not legal to grow in the U.S. and must be impor ted from other pyrolysis technology. The process hemp producing nations. Notice the hawk at the top of can produce, from lingo-cellulosic the photo. Image from gbrojges at material (like the stalks of hemp), charcoal, gasoline, ethanol, noncontact, especially the simplest life forms - into the air, condensable gasses, acetic acid, acetone, methane, and which leads to acid rain, which lills 50,000 Americans, methanol. Process adjustments can be done to favor charcoal, pyrolytic oil, gas, or methanol, with 95.5% fuel- and 5,000 - 10,000 Canadians, annually, and destroys the forests, river, and animals. to-feed ratios. Around 68% of the energy of the raw Charcoal can be created from biomass through biomass will be contained in the charcoal and fuel oils -pyrolysis (charcoaling), which has nearly the same renewable energy generated here at home, instead of heating value in BTU as coal, virtually without sulfur. overpaying for foreign petroleum. Pyrolysis facilities can run 3 shifts a day, and since

Cont. on Page

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Page 18

Hemp for Fuel Cont. from Pg 17 Biomass can also be co-fired with coal to reduce emissions. Ethanol and Methanol Ethanol is a water-free, high-octane alcohol which can be used as fuel to drive cars. Under current conditions, use of ethanol-blended fuels such as E85 (85% ethanol and 15% gasoline) can reduce net emissions of greenhouse gases by as much as 37.1%. Ethanolpowered vehicles do suffer in performance (barely), but ethanol is effective as a fuel additive because it helps engines burn cleaner. Once pyrolysis f acilities are up and running, converting biomass into charcoal for electrical power plants, it will be more feasible to build the complex gasifying systems to produce ethanol and/or methanol from the cubed biomass, or to make highoctane lead-free gasoline from the methanol using a catalytic process developed by Georgia Tech University in conjunction with Mobil Oil Corporation. Ethanol is currently being used as a fuel additive, replacing toxic methyl tertiary ether (MTBE). Ethanol producers are currently providing only 1% of America's liquid fuel. Soon though, as new development processes are researched, and with the use of hemp, the plant worlds number one producer of biomass, the cost of this alternative fuel will give petroleum vigorous competition. Hydrolysis: A process whereby cellulose is converted to fermentable glucose, which holds the greatest promise for production and feedstock, because it could produce 100 gallons/ton. Tim Castleman and the Fuel and Fiber Company are researching this technology. Their method extracts the high-value bast fiber as first step. Then the remaining core material (mostly hurd) is converted to alcohol (methanol, ethanol), and then to glucose. Hydrolysis could produce 300,000 to 600,000 tons of biomass per year per facility, if each facility could process input from 60,000 to 170,000 acres. Gasification: A form of pyrolysis which converts

Industrial Hemp biomass into synthetic gas, such as ethanol, and low grade fuel oil with an energy content of about 40% that of petroleum diesel. This process is good for community power-corporation and people seeking self-sufficient energy needs. A small modular bio-powered system is in place in the village of Alaminos in the Philippines, using gasification techniques for energy. Anaerobic Digestion: A process of capturing methane from green waste material (biomass). This process is toxic, but well suited for distributed power generation when colocated with electrical generation equipment. Boiler: Biomass can also be burned in a boiler, but this energy has a value of $30-50 ton, which makes it impractical due to the higher value of hemp fiber, unless used on a local small scale, and in remote rural applications. Hemp Produces the Most Biomass of Any Plant on Earth. Hemp is at least four times richer in biomass/cellulose potential than its nearest rivals: cornstalks, sugarcane, kenaf, trees, etc. Hemp produces the most biomass of any crop, which is why it is the natural choice for an energy crop. Hemp converts the sun's energy into cellulose faster than any other plant, through photosynthesis. Hemp can produce 10 tons of biomass per acre every four months. Enough energy could be produced on 6% of the land in the U.S. to provide enough energy for our entire country (cars, heat homes, electricity, industry) - and we use 25% of the world's energy. To put which in perspective, right now we pay farmers not to grow on 6% (around 90 million acres) of the farming land, while another 500 million acres of marginal farmland lies fallow. This land could be used to grow hemp as an energy crop. Conclusion The most important aspect of industrial hemp farming, the most compelling thing hemp offers us, is fuel. Right now we are depleting our reserves of petroleum and buying it up from other countries. It would be nice if we could have a fuel source which was reusable and which we could grow right here, making us completely energy independent. Petroleum fuel increases carbon monoxide in the atmosphere and contributes heavily to global warming and the greenhouse effect, which could lead to global catastrophe in the next 50 years if these trends continue. Do you want to find out if they are right, or

do you want to grow the most cost effective and environmentally safe fuel source on the planet? Using hemp as an energy and rotation crop would be a great step in the right direction.

Cannabis Connection Winters should have said...DEA GO AWAY! To help raid victims, please contact SOCCC at 541779-1448, The Greenery at 541-295-2974, THCF at 541-244-4000, or the Human Collective at 503-2083042

Hemp Seed Oil Hemp seed oil has historically been used as lamp oil. It is said to shine the brightest of all lamp oils. Hemp seed oil lit the lamps of Abraham Lincoln, Abraham the prophet, and was used in the legendary lamps of Aladdin. Anything which can be made from fossil fuels can be made from an organic substance like hemp. Toxic petrochemicals can be replaced with hemp oil. Hemp oil can be made into anything with an oil base, including paint, varnish, detergent, solvent, and lubricating oil. The advantage of these product is that they are earth friendly and biodegradable, and do not destroy ecosystems around them like petrochemicals do. Until the 1930s most paint and varnishes were made with non-toxic hemp oil. Hemp paint provides superior coating because hemp oil soaks into and preserves wood, due to its high resistance to water. Hemp oil is a good base for non-toxic printing inks. Soy is currently made into inks, but soy ink requires more processing and takes longer to dry than hemp oil based inks. Reprinted by permission from Visit their site for more Hemp information.

DEA Go Away Cont from Pg. 6 gardens. Only one of the gardens was under 100 plants, and only by 3 plants. It was also the wrong address, so the actual target may have had even more. Two of the raided gardens had over 400 plants! Most locations also had 10 feet (or more) between plants, making a plant count from an aerial photo quite easy. The other obvious commonality is the Jackson County Sheriff. Mike Winters was complicit in attacking Oregon citizens by assisting in these raids. He should be upholding Oregon law, not helping the Feds in order to fund his office with Federal drug war money.

Harvest Party Cont from Pg. 9 We were also proud to bring our third band, Big Dub & J. Mack down from Portland, with special guest Danny Hay Davis and Tim Pate of Cannabis TV, playing a very special acoustic set of their now infamous medicated hip-hop sound. Frankie Hernandez, one of Oregon’s most talented adopted children, brought to the stage with him his wonderful message of peace and love, which sounded an awfully lot like reggae, only better...come on, this is Frankie we’re talking about! After a few of his own tunes, while being backedup by members from the band State of Jefferson. SOJ finished off the night, and the rest of them joined in. These guys make up a real “super-group” and we were honored to have them play for us. In between wrangling bands, I did what any of our cardholding attendees did, and headed out back to the medication tent donated by Brent Kenyon of Southern Oregon Alternative Medicine and operated by our friends, and sponsors, The Greenery from Ashland. Easily one of the best parts of the entire evening; the tent was always filled (although it was hard to see everyone through the haze). The last time I saw that many roaches I had to call an exterminator. We were also lucky enough to have Chris Hurley of Fire & Water, another one of our main sponsors blowing glass for us that evening, live. Actually taking the time to blow the top prize piece for our raffle, Chris actually used his own custom color for the piece, an amazingly beautiful smoky violet color with dichro. Cont. on Page 22


Cannabis Connection

Medical cannabis consumption can be unpredictable, always start with a quarter serving and give it time. Effects can take up to an hour and sometimes longer. If you have doubts, you should contact a cannabis clinician about dosage.

Space Perogies

Oven Roasted Potatoes By Linn-Benton Ganja Girls Ingredients: 1/8 cup medicated olive oil 4 Tablespoon Canna Butter 1 tablespoon minced garlic 1/2 teaspoon dried basil 1/2 teaspoon dried marjoram 1/2 teaspoon dried dill weed 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon dried parsley 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 large potatoes, peeled and cubed (works well with Yukon gold and red potatoes too!) Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (245 degrees C). In a large bowl, combine oil, melted/softened butter, garlic, basil, marjoram, dill weed, thyme, oregano, parsley, red pepper flakes, and salt. Stir in potatoes until evenly coated. Place potatoes in a single layer on a roasting pan or baking sheet.

Roast for 30 to 40 minutes in the preheated oven, turning occasionally to brown on all sides.

Ingredients: A couple of packs of lasagna noodles 10 large potatoes 1 large pack of OLD cheddar cheese. MUST BE OLD 1 pound of bacon 1 or 2 large onions 1 cup bud butter (or normal butter if you want) 1 tub sour cream Directions: Cut bacon into nice thin slices. Put into frying pan with bud butter and finely chopped onions. Simmer on medium heat until bacon is cooked and onions are a dark golden brown. You may need to add more butter to the mixture to keep it wet. Peel, chop and boil potatoes. Once complete, strain and make into mashed potatoes (butter milk and salt/pepper). Shred the OLD cheddar cheese and add to mash potatoes and mix well. Cook noodles as directions on package. Put layer of butter bacon onion mixture on bottom of rectangle metal baking pan(lasagne pan). Then put a layer of noodles, then a layer of potato/cheese mixture, then layer of bacon butter, noodles, potato/cheese and so on until the pan is full. Bake for 30 minutes at 350degrees. Good hot out of the pan with sour cream on top as well as awesome when you got munchies and just have time to go to the fridge and cut out a square. Good hot and cold.

Page 19

Happy Puppy Chow English Toffee By Gloria

By Kristi Anderson - OCC



1 18 oz. jar crunchy peanut butter 12 oz. chocolate chips ½ cup canna butter 1 large box Crispix cereal 1 box powdered sugar

1 cup canna butter 1 cup sugar 2 Tblsp water 1 tsp vanilla 5 or 6 thin milk chocolate candy bars chopped pecans

Directions: In medium microwavesafe bowl, combine canna butter, peanut butter and chocolate chips and microwave on high for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring once during cooking, until mixture is melted and smooth. Place the cereal in another large bowl and pour the melted mixture over the cereal. Stir until the cereal is thoroughly coated. Pour the powdered sugar into a large plastic food bag. Pour the coated cereal into the powdered sugar and shake until it is well covered with the sugar. Pour the cereal onto wax paper to cool and dry. Store in tightly covered containers at room temperature.

Directions: Cook in a heavy skillet. Blend canna butter, sugar and water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it reaches a light brown color. Add vanilla and pour into a buttered platter. Let stand for a short time, then place chocolate bars on top while candy is still hot (so they will melt)Íž spread over toffee. Sprinkle with chopped pecans. Place in refrigerator and break into pieces when cold.

New Recipes In Every Issue! & A Special Thanks To Our Contributors!


Page 20

will need to gently free these branches from the SCROG net in order to remove them.

Harvesting, Drying, Manicuring, and Curing

3.Cut what remains of the main branches off at the stalk. It will also be necessary to unweave these branches from the SCROG net. 4.You will now have 8 branches ready to trim. Working with one of the eight branches at a time, re-examine each one and remove any additional leaves that don’t have many crystals on them.

By Dru West Author of: The Secrets of the West Coast Masters: Uncover the Ultimate Techniques for Growing Medical Marijuana There are two easily identifiable indicators that your plant is ready for harvest, the most noticeable of which being pistils on the buds. When the flowers reach maturity, the un-pollinated pistils will shrivel up and turn reddish-orange. This means the plant has gone too late into the season without reproducing and is now ready to be harvested as medicine. The potency of the medicine is a result of the effort the plant made to attract pollen by producing an abundance of resin glands or trichomes. The less noticeable of the two indicators is the shape and color of the trichomes, but with the aid of a magnifying glass or a jewelry loupe you can observe them. Another way of viewing the trichomes is to use a digital camera. Any decent hand held point-and-shoot digital will work. Just zoom Trichomes!

These buds will need to be moved to a dar k dr y place before they will begin to dr y

When the plant reaches maturity the heads of the trichomes will begin to inflate and take on the shape of a light bulb. The trichomes that started off translucent can also begin to become a bit cloudy or even take on a reddish hue. This is your second indication that the flowers are mature and ready for harvest. If the plant is not finished, keep it watered and leave it for a few more days until you notice these indicators. 1 Harvesting

2 Drying You will need to properly dry your buds before you can use them as medicine. When they are wet (freshly harvested), buds are about 70% water. Smoking or consuming wet or non-dried marijuana can be bad for your health and should be avoided. You have waited all this time to harvest, now wait a little longer for the bud to dry so you

The way we always determine if the medicine is dry enough to be manicured and used is if the stems simply snap and break in half when you bend them. Typically this will take at least 7-10 days to occur. Please don’t get impatient and smoke your marijuana while it is still wet. Good things come to those who wait. 3 Manicuring Once the buds are well dried, you can easily trim off all the small, crystal covered “sweet leaves”. Be sure to save these leaves because they are very useful for making potent hash or honey oil later on. Cut the manicured buds off the stems leaving as little stem as possible. At this point the buds are ready to consume and will be very effective as medicine. However, you can still make your medicine even better and healthier. 4 Curing Your Medicine Caption: You will need about four or five of these big jars to cure the medicine from each one of your plants. There is a widespread misconception about what curing really is and exactly how it is done. To understand this process you must first understand what it is you are trying to do.

Once your plants are well flushed and all of the indicators say they are finished, you can begin to harvest them. West Coast Masters like to begin right when the lights come on in the bud room, as there is an old wives tale that the bud will be more potent at this time. We can’t prove whether this is true or not, but the absence of evidence is not necessarily the evidence of absence, and the bud is always amazing so we all continue to do it. Instructions

in the best you can on the bud and snap a picture. Now when you go to view the image in the camera or on your computer you will be able to zoom in on the trichomes and really see the detail.

5.Use a clothesline or something similar to hang the branches. Hook one of the low sub-branches onto the line and allow the buds to hang facing downwards (PIC).

drying buds. Not too hard but just enough to keep the air moving around them. This will prevent any mold or mildew from occurring and speed up the drying process.

1.Start by removing all the fan leaves from the plant, leaving all the small crystal covered leaves on the buds intact. Once all the fan leaves are removed you can begin to remove the branches one section at a time. 2.Cut the main branches between the fourth and fifth sub-branches (PIC). You

Curing is the process of extracting chlorophyll from the Left to right: 1. Dried bud whose large fan leaves were cut off at harvest. 2. Trim off all the smaller fan leaves. 3. Bud with only crystal covered buds. Chlorophyll is “sweet leaves”. 4. Finished, trimmed bud, ready for curing. what gives plants their green color and can really enjoy your first impression. is an important factor for photosynthesis, since its function is to absorb light and turn The area in which you dry your buds should it into energy. It does not, however, taste always be three things: dark, dry, and well good. ventilated. It must be completely dark because, just like roses in a flower vase, the After marijuana has been harvested and buds are still alive, at least for the next dried, microorganisms in the air will begin couple days. Light will confuse the buds to break down the unnecessary chlorophyll into thinking they are still growing and will as time goes by. The by-product of this complicate the drying process. Light can process is ammonia, which explains why also degrade the cannabinoids, decreasing bags of grass clippings from the lawn take their potency. on that smell after they sit in the garage for a while. Be sure that the temperature stays between 65°F to 70°F at all times and that the To cure your buds is to extract the ammoniahumidity does not exceed 50%. In humid producing chlorophyll. This can be done in areas you should consider the use of a a controlled fashion by containing your dehumidifier. buds in airtight glass jars. This will Make sure there is a fan blowing on the

accelerate the rate of the curing process by trapping the multiplying microorganisms inside the jars.

Instructions 1.Loosely fill the jars with your buds and seal the lids. 2.Place them in a dark, cool place like a closet or a cupboard. 3.Allow the jars to sit undisturbed for five days. 4.Then open the jars and let them air out for a couple hours. You should begin to detect hints of ammonia. 5.Allow the jars to sit undisturbed again for one week then repeat Step 4. 6.Keep repeating steps 4 and 5 until you can no longer detect any traces of ammonia. This is the point in which your buds are properly cured and ready to be used as potent medicine. Cont. on Next Page

Call (541) 621-1723 or visit

Cannabis Connection

Harvesting, Drying 7.Enjoy your medicine! If you have followed this book to the letter you should now have in your possession one of the finest gifts Mother Nature has to offer. For more information check out my book, “Secrets of the West Coast Masters: Uncover the Ultimate Techniques for Growing Medical Marijuana” at

Cultivation thing”. Truth is, there are not many growers who do this just to feel good, far from it. It does have many bonuses (not just that deliciously intoxicating stench coming from your nutrient barrel mmmm….). Because of the large size of the nutrient molocules Organics stay in the soil longer and are less likely to be washed away. One benefit of this is deeper rooting systems e.g. In Organic soils there is better stratification of nutrients because water does not flush the nutrients down deeper into the soil causing accumulation and build up to the point of burning delicate new root tips.

Winter Soil Prep Mr. Fix It Oregon Organics

By Justin Jenkins OCC With this year’s growing season behind us, and the current trimming season firmly in place, we now have time to witness the fruits of our labor. Long and lanky Sativas, chubby and chunky Indicas, and hybrids of every shape and size will be snipped, clipped, chopped, and preened into nugs so beautiful you wanna wrap that shit in a bow and send some home to Mama. But before you do, I want you to hold up that Blue Dream (I know that’s what you have, everybody does) look deep into its beautiful Trichome eyes and ask it, “How did you get here?” I know that’s some pretty heavy stuff, but so is the question “Who is also aware of the tremendous risk involved in faith – when he nevertheless makes the leap of faith – this [is] subjectivity … at its height.” (Søren Kierkegaard) Now you may be asking yourself “Why is this asshole getting so philosophical? I planted a seed, added water, and voila: Stanky Dank”. But I ask you; neigh, I beg you to get deep, deep into the soil that is. You see, when it comes to nutrients I find an individuals choice is now more based in morals and personal philosophy than fact and perhaps it is just a leap of faith. It’s the holy trinity of the cultivator’s conflict: One uses organic, the second uses synthetic, the third uses both. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Who knows? Is it the organic guy? Maybe. When using Organics exclusively it leaves a person with feeling of “I didn’t break one off inside Mother Earth’s ass today, and that’s a good

Now we come to the third little piggy whose house was built with organic and synthetic. Depending on which side of the scale you’re on this can also be a very beneficial method of growing. Those who build a base soil entirely with organics end up having a much more stable platform from which to grow. Remember the size of the molecule? This helps ensure there is no early burning of the root tips of the delicate new little girl. But in times of emergency, or for that much needed pre flowering boost synthetics can be useful. Yes, organics are slower, it is a fact. If a deficiency arises and things are looking dire do not be afraid to “syn” a little. It may save your crop. How do I personally feel you ask? Organic, damn near vegan. The reason I say this is only because if growing were a religion, it would be a matter of faith. If you take the time, have the patience, and know what’s going into it, it clears your conscience. And honestly, if you build a compost soil over the course of a year or so, and of course you should get it tested before you use it, you may not even need to add ANY fertilizers at all.

Organic matter can be added to your soil at any time in the form of compost. Fresh manure and all those leaves in your yard can be added to the compost pile and then use the resultant compost when ready.

I mulch my leaves so they are broken down and composted much faster that way. I do it by running my lawnmower over them numerous times. This does a great job.


Mr. Jenkins Journal

the top 8 - 10 inches of soil.

Fresh, un-composted manure may contain disease organisms that could contaminate plants, so must never be spread on the soil when crops are present. Applied now, however, it will break down and harmful organisms will die, before the area is planted again next spring.

Unfortunately, because of the larger size nutrient uptake can be slow. Beneficial bacteria, fungi, and micro organisms are necessary for the break-down of these nutrients and can take a while to be available for uptake, unless you have well aged soil. How bout’ the guy down the block that uses synthetics? The use of synthetics does have its own benefits as well. One of the best things going for synthetics is instant access and availability for nutrient uptake in the roots. As I mentioned before its all about the size of the molecule. This also comes as a benefit in cold weather crops. A plant's pores, in the roots and the veins that run throughout the plant, do constrict in cold weather (e.g., smaller molecule = easier travel). Size is also a factor on the grand scale of the plant itself, when used properly in the right amounts. Massive plants are possible using either organic or synthetic nutrients. Bodybuilders can reach staggering muscle mass on their own, but steroids will pump them up with more beef than a steak eatin’ competition. Ask any insecure man and he’ll tell you size does matter.

Page 21

When your soil is clear, you can start your soil improvement. Three soil amendments are needed in a productive garden, lime, organic matter, and fertilizer. This is the best time of the year to work on the first two. Most of our Western Oregon soils are naturally acidic, needing lime to make it more neutral. Add lime about every other year. For every 100 square feet: As a rule of thumb, use 4 pounds of lime on sandy soil, 6 pounds on loamy soil and 8 pounds on clay, or heavy soil. Blend it into

Don't add fertilizers at this time. They will get washed out and into our water system contaminating it. Not something we need to do. Wait until a month before you plan to plant your crop to add any fertilizers. Organics are best to use at this time as they get a head start on breaking down and getting the microbes going in the soil and making it ready for your plants to get a great start. I like to add humic acid at this time and work it into the soil. One other thing. Over winter those pesky spider mites take up refuge in your houseplants and indoor gardens. Take the time now to get rid of them and you will be ahead of the game come spring and summer when the heat hits and they really take off. A little prevention goes a long way.


Page 22

linked to such health problems as dependency, lung disease, depression and other problems. .

Marijuana DNA Cont. from Pg. 12 if it came from the same batch.” Although DNA typing has been used for crops in the United Sates, its collection has been done in a science lab rather than in the field. Using Coyle’s system modeled after human identification system, now with plant DNA, collection now can be completed on a “collection card” or a treated piece of paper that effectively provides the lab with a smear of material to be tested. The card allows police to smear the plant on the card in the field, store it, mail it or process it. No bulk samples of the marijuana are collected and the drugs found on the scene can be destroyed. “One major advantage of using collection cards is that it takes the marijuana sample from a usable drug form to a nonsmoking drug format, making research and storage at universities possible,” she says. Marijuana is a controlled substance and illegal under federal laws. Some states have passed the use of marijuana for medicinal uses which allows for an affirmative defense if arrested by law enforcement. States like Connecticut where possession of small amounts have been decriminalized can be obtained for medical uses. Even though people with recommendations for marijuana can grow it at home, they still are at risk for prosecutions under the Controlled Substances Act.

Coyle is a geneticist who earned her Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire. She has worked both for the pharmaceutical industry in high throughput screening research and the Connecticut state forensic science laboratory Development of the marijuana DNA database allows her to combine her background and training in a new way, she says. A leader in experiential education, the University of New Haven provides its students with a valuable combination of solid liberal arts and real-world, hands-on professional training. Founded in 1920, UNH is a private, top-tier comprehensive university with an 82-acre main campus. The university has an enrollment of more than 5,900: approximately 1,700 graduate students and more than 4,200 undergraduates, 70 percent of whom reside in university housing. The university offers 75 undergraduate and graduate degrees through the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Business, the Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences, the Tagliatela College of Engineering and University College. University of New Haven students study abroad through a variety of distinctive programs.

Oregon Green Free Cont. from Pg. 9 Lastly, neither side can be involved with or be a part of any part of law enforcement. If you are in the northern metro areas, and are in need of either patients to partake of your beautiful bounty or if you’re looking for that talented grower of medicated masterpieces, feel free to contact Robin Warner and Sarah Duff; they will be sure to treat you with the care and respect that you deserve. What are the costs? There is a one time service fee and a state fee, in case you change growers. The service fee is $100, but there are some discounts based on your income, veteran status, etc. Grower Patient Matching Program 503-254-1081 10209 southeast division street #B Portland, OR 97266 Mon-Wed 10-3 Thurs/Fri by appointment

OCC Harvest Party Cont. from Pg. 18 Our three part raffle included Fire & Water’s donated sherlock, and a wonderful array of other prizes. Many items were donated by Chez Boutique, and State of Jefferson donated a huge stack of their new CD, Hooserdromi, signed by the band. Operation Pipe Dreams, also one of our main sponsors, donated two, large Dee Lee made water pipes.

Coyle’s project has been funded with more than $100,000 from the National Marijuana Initiative (NMI) and the National High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Program (HIDTA). The NMI and the HIDTA work together, along with federal, state, and local law enforcement in the detection, disruption and investigations of domestic marijuana trafficking focusing on priorities such as public lands, indoor cultivations activities, medical marijuana/dispensaries, undercover internet programs and forensics. Marijuana is the most common illegal drug used in the United States and has been

In between announcing winners of the raffle and bands to the stage, we also welcomed guest speakers to address the crowd. Lori Duckworth, of Southern Oregon Cannabis Community Center (SOCCC), spoke about the DEA raids, how they were affecting our community and what we can do to help. If you are interested in

Events Calendar Red Sled Bazaar & Fill The Sled Food Drive Now Until December 24, 2011 Sherwood, OR The Red Sled Bazaar has been in located in Sherwood, Oregon since 1996, and creatively displays over 75 Artisans, Crafter's and Vendors. A few popular items are Snowmen, Santa, Ornaments, Furniture, Wreaths, Gourmet foods and fabulous locally designed Jewelry! Come see why so many have discovered the Red Sled Bazaar and made it part off their Holiday tradition! Open Mon-Sat 10-6, Sun 11-5 The 2011 Red Sled Bazaar will be located next to Target in Sherwood, Off Tualatin-Sherwood Rd and across the parking lot from Red Robin! **FILL THE SLED FOOD DRIVE** The Red Sled is proud to be teaming up with The Oregon Food Bank. More than ever the Food Bank has a real need for nonperishable foods- help us fill our Giant Red Sled and bring in your food donations to the show! For more info, go to The Polar Express Now Until December 28, 2011 110 Railroad Ave. Mt. Hood Railroad Hood River, OR 97031

Cannabis Connection helping any of the victims of the recent raids, or are a victim yourself, please contact them by calling (541) 779-1448, or stop by the SOCCC at 332 W. 6th Street in Medford. We also welcomed Paul Loney, Attorney, to the microphone. He educated us on what we can do to remain safe when dealing with law enforcement, and boy did it come in handy. Unfortunately, we were targeted by Medford PD, with multiple people pulled over and at least two DUII arrests for cannabis intoxication. It was obvious their intentions were not to ensure our safety, but to harass. Fortunately though, a huge thank you goes out to Cross Security and their ever vigilant man in charge, Hiam, for everything they did. They were complete gentlemen who treated all of our guests with upmost dignity and deep respect; unlike our local law enforcement. As people wandered around, it was wonderful to see them all enjoying the food provided by Ed Gunther, a wonderful spread of beef brisket, ribs, chicken, and multiple side dishes. Many were shocked at the quality of the food, expecting cold cuts, or finger foods. Good people, good music, good food, and good buds. What else more can be said about our premiere event? Well, “thank you” for starters. Thank you Brent Kenyon for your sponsorship; not only with Southern Oregon Alternative Medicine (S.O.A.M.), but Operation Pipe Dreams as well. Your generous donations are the main reason the night was possible. A big thank you also goes out to The Greenery, the OMMP tent was easily the “high”-light of the evening, and compassion is most definitely your passion. Thank you Paul Loney for your words of advice, hopefully your words helped keep some of us safe. Thanks again, Lori and SOCCC for sponsoring and informing people at the event. Thanks to Chez Boutique for your dazzling light shows and wonderful gifts. And, thank you to The Gypsy Blues Bar for providing us with financial support and a home base from which we concocted this strange brew. These people and businesses are the only reason this event happened. As our sponsors, they provided us with the ability to do this for you, and it is our hopes that you’ll all be back for next years Oregon Cannabis Connection Harvest Party. Watch for it in early November!

December / January 2011-12

Read along with the story as the train makes its magical roundtrip journey to the North Pole. Meet Santa and enjoy caroling, hot cocoa, a treat and a special gift for each child. Kids are encouraged to wear their pajamas! Please check our website for specific dates, times and ticket prices. For more info, call (800) 872-4661 or go to Christmas Fantasy Trail at Wenzel Farm Now until December 29, 2011 19754 S. Ridge Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045

Famous for its beautiful 7 acre botanical gardens and Japanese lily pond. The gardens shine with over a quarter million lights. 4pm - 9:30 pm every night. ($5 parking fee per vehicle). For more info, call (541) 888-3732 or (541) 2690215 or go to Magical Musical Christmas Murals Now Until January 5, 2011 Downtown Grants Pass Grants Pass, OR 97526

24th annual. Live music. Fireworks and ski late! For more info, call (503) 222-BOWL or toll free (800) SKIBOWL or go to

Take a Christmas walk through a lighted, wooded "Fantasy Trail", decorated with thousands of lights for your Christmas enchantment. Be sure to visit our walk through 40 foot castle with Christmas scenes. Also, walk through a tunnel, maze, crooked house, suspension bridge and more. Bonfire nightly! Refreshments are available. For more info including times and admission fees call (503) 631-2047 or go to

Looking for a festive activity to entertain the kids or holidays guests? Try visiting downtown Grants Pass where a series of banquet-table-sized fiber optic murals create an old-fashioned Christmas with a technological twist. For more info go to,

Oregon Wine, Food & Brew Festival January 13-14, 2012 Oregon State Fairgrounds, Americraft Cookware Center 2330 17th St. NE Salem, OR 97303

Winter Whale Watching Week December 26, 2011 - January 1, 2012 Hwy 101 N Sea Lion Caves, Cooks Chasm, Cape Perpetua Florence, OR 97439

Featured attractions are: Oregon Vineyards and Wineries, Oregon Brews, Craft Beers and Spirits. Northwest Fine Arts, Artists and Displays. Oregon Culinary Features, Demonstrations and Classes. Live entertainment. Fun and festive atmosphere. For more info, go to

25th Annual Holiday Lights at Shore Acres Now Until December 31, 2011 89814 Cape Arago Hwy Charleston, OR 97420

Trained volunteers will be present at 26 sites along the Oregon Coast as gray whales pass by on their way south to the birthing lagoons of Baja, Mexico as part of their 12,000-mile annual

migration. For more info, go to New Year's Eve Fireworks Extravaganza at Mt. Hood Skibowl December 31, 2011 87000 E. Hwy 26 Government Camp, OR 97028

Southern Oregon Wedding Expo January 21 - 22, 2012 Medford Armory 1701 S. Pacific Hwy. Medford, OR 97501 One of the biggest bridal shows in southern Oregon! Over 85 vendors with everything from cakes to invitations, dresses to unique venues and photographers to entertainment ideas. There is something for anyone planning a wedding. Fashion shows scheduled daily. For more info, call (541) 476-8558 or go to Oregon Truffle Festival January 27-29, 2012 Eugene, OR The 7th Annual Oregon Truffle Festival will be held in and around Eugene Oregon over three brisk winter days from January 27-29, 2012. Created to celebrate the magnificent Oregon truffles as they reach the peak of ripeness in their native soil, it is the first festival of its kind in North America, dedicated to sharing the experience of the chefs, foragers and fans of Oregon's wild truffles, from their hidden source in the forest to their glory on the table. For more info, go to

Cannabis Connection CLINICS, CO-OPS, & ORGS 45TH PARALLEL GROUP 1343 S.W. 30th Street Ontario, OR 97914 (541) 889-6147 ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL CHOICES 4867 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-5579 Fax (503) 282-1272 ANDREW JONATHAN DORFMAN, MD board certified in family medicine secure electronic records, reasonable fees home visits available if needed southern OR and northern CA (541) 512-5445 ASHLAND ALTERNATIVE HEALTH, LLC 180 Clear Creek # 103 Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 488-2202 CANNA RELIEF Hand Crafted Organic Cannabis Infused Healing Lotion CHRONIC CARE, INC. 570 Lawrence St. Suite 101 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 344-1688, Fax (541) 344-8110 COLUMBIA GORGE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 1302 A Street Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 436-4161 COMPASSION CENTER 2055 West 12th Avenue Eugene, OR 97402-3522 (541) 484-6558 COOS COUNTY CO-OP 625 Virginia Ave. Suite 9 North Bend, OR 97459 (541) 294-8529 INSTITUTE FOR CANNABIS THERAPEUTICS PO Box 4058 Medford, OR 97501 (541) 393-8494 LINN-BENTON OMMP RESOURCE CENTER Uniting Patients, Caregivers and Growers 30942 A Ehlen Dr. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2507 MAMA MOTHERS AGAINST MISUSE AND ABUSE 3 Locations: PORTLAND OR 5217 SE 28th Ave. (Steele & 28th) (503) 233-4202 Fax (503) 233-8266 THE DALLES, OR 319 E. 7th. St. (541) 298-4202 Fax (541) 296-2983 BEND, OR 454 NE Revere St. (503) 233-4202 MERCY CENTERS 1469 Capital St. NE, Suite #100 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 363-4588 MT. HOOD WELLNESS CENTER 14325 SE Stark Portland, OR 97233 (971) 279-4116 NATIONAL GREEN FRIENDS RESOURCE CENTER 7958 SE Foster Portland, OR 97206 Mon-Sat 12pm-8pm (503) 777-2355 OREGON ALTERNATIVE, LLC. 169 S. Old Pacific Hwy. Tri-City, OR (Myrtle Creek Area) (541) 863-4173 OREGON GREEN FREE OGF OMMP Resource Center 10209 SE Division St. Bldg. B Portland, OR 97266 (503) 760-2671 fax: (503) 345-1157

Clinics & Information

OREGON GREEN FREE Mid-Valley Chapter (541) 704-7052 message OGF SOUTH CHAPTER (541) 210-8790 OREGON MEDICAL CANNABIS UNIVERSITY 2900 SW Cornelius Pass Rd. Ste. 548 Hillsboro, OR 97123 (503) 649-2999 OREGON MEDICAL HELP Everything OMMP Clinic Directory|News|Forums|Classifieds And More... OREGON NORML PO Box 16057 Portland, OR 97292-0057 (541) 239-6110 PATIENTS CHOICE CLINIC SERVICE 332 W. 6th St. Medford, OR 97501 Ph(541) 499-5431 Fax(877) 885-9910 PORTLANDSTERDAM UNIVERSITY Locations in Portland, Eugene, and Medford (503) 788-2349 PORTLAND ALTERNATIVE CLINIC INC. 816 NW Hoyt St. Portland, OR 97209 Ph(503) 477-5643 Fax(888) 243-9356 Dr. Sandra Camacho Can See You Today RIP CITY REMEDIES 3325 SE Division St. Portland, OR 97202 (503) 235-6000 SOUTHERN OREGON ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 836 E. Main St. #6, Medford, OR 97504 (541) 779-5235 Fax (541) 779-0479 www.southernoregon SOUTHERN OREGON CANNABIS CLUB 1457 NE 6th St. # B Grants Pass, OR 97526 (541) 660-0209 SOUTH COAST COMPASSION CENTER OF BANDON 49045 Hwy 101 & Beach Loop Junction Bandon, OR 97411 (541) 551-0568 SOUTHERN OREGON CANNABIS COMMUNITY CENTER 332 W. 6th St. Medford OR 97501 (541) 779-1448 Fax (541) 779-1665 THCF THE HEMP AND CANNABIS FOUNDATION 2 Locations: PORTLAND, OR 105 SE 18th Ave (503) 281-5100 (800) 723-0188 GRANTS PASS, OR 558 NE F St. #1 (541) 244-4000 (800) 723-0188 THE AURORA CLINIC 1847 E. Burnside Portland, OR 97214 (503) 232-3003 THE GREENERY 280 E. Hersey St. #20 Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 295-2794 THE HELP CLINIC 425 Madison, Ste G Corvallis, OR 97333 Ph(503) 858-5663 Fax(503) 405-7322 TLC MEDICAL CENTER 455 W. Corey Ct., Roseburg, Oregon 97470 (541) 440-1934 Fax (541) 440-1943 VOTER POWER OF OREGON 3 Locations: PORTLAND, OR.

6701 SE Foster (503) 224-3051 EUGENE, OR 687 River Ave (503) 224-3051

Page 23

DRAGON'S LAIR 210 Northwest 6th Street Grants Pass, OR 97526 (541) 479-5617

MEDFORD, OR 1708 W Main St (541) 245-6634

HIGH HOPES FARM Statewide Services For OMMP Patients, Growers & Caregivers (541) 890-9357

WILLAMETTE VALLEY COMPASSION COALITION Tiff's Get Your Hemp On 2795 12th St. SE Salem, OR 97302 (503) 362- HEMP (4367)

HIGHWAY 420 6418 SE Foster Rd. Portland, OR 97206 (503) 572-5266

WORLD FAMOUS CANNABIS CAFE 322 SE 82nd Ave. Portland, OR 97216 YOUR HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL CLINIC 3482 Liberty Road S. Salem, OR Ph. (503) 391-8388 Fax (503) 363-0276

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MEDFORD CAR CARE 1400 Avenue G White City, OR 97503 (541) 601-8581 GREEN LEAF LAB The Northwest's Premier Cannalysis™ Laboratory (503) 250-2912 OREGON GREEN LAB Cannabis Testing Services. Drop Locations Statewide. PAUL LONEY, ATTORNEY Practicing Medical Marijuana Law (541) 787-0733 SUNRISE ANALYTICAL LLC Test For THC (503) 625-6593 WOODFIRST West Coast Mobile Saw Mill Your Logs To Lumber And Quality Slabs And Lumber Call Chris Johnson (541) 892-0323

NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS NORML AND THE NORML FOUNDATION 1600 K Street, NW Suite 501 Washington, DC 20006-2832 (888) 67-NORML (888-676-6765) (202) 483-5500 AMERICANS FOR SAFE ACCESS 1322 Webster Street, Suite 402 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 251-1856 YOUCANNECT.COM (Formerly Your Medical Marijuana Online Community DRUG POLICY ALLIANCE 925 15th Street NW, 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20005 (202) 216-0035 MARIJUANA POLICY PROJECT P.O. Box 77492 Capitol Hill Washington, DC 20013 (202) 462-5747 STUDENTS FOR SENSIBLE DRUG POLICY U of O chapter contact TOKE OF THE TOWN Village Voice Media JACK HERER WEBSITE

EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES DRAGON HERBARIUM 4638 S.W. Beaverton- Hillsdale Hwy Portland, OR 97221 (503) 244-7049

JIM'S PIPE DREAMS 175 Hwy. 101 Waldport, OR 97394 (541) 563-5033 KLAMATH GLASS BLOWERS 1040 East Main St. Klamath Falls, OR 97601 (541) 850-8556

STONEY GIRL GARDENS Seed Company U.S.A. (503) 788-2349 SUNNY GIRL GARDENS Premium Organic Soil (503) 788-2349 THE PIPELINE 2 locations: ALBANY, OR 97321 1907 Pacific Blvd SE (541) 981-2364 LEBANON, OR 97355 732 Park St. (541) 258-3139

MAGIC LAND 1461 SE Stephens Roseburg, OR 97470 (541) 733-9695

TONY'S SMOKE SHOP 1318 Northwest 9th St CORVALLIS, OR (541) 753-0900

MAGIC MUSHROOM / OREGON GIFTS "Look For The Giant Mushrooms" Next to I-5, Exit 136 Sutherlin, OR 97479 (541) 459-7481

VICTORIA'S STATION THE STATION , LLC 120 Galice Rd. Merlin, OR 97532 (541) 471-1396


X-TRACTOR Professional Filter Extraction System (541)761-4293

OPERATION PIPE DREAMS 2021 W. Main St. Medford, OR 97501 (541) 773-3165 operationpipedreams OREGON ORGANIKS Your Wholesale Oregon Organic Garden Supplier ORGANIC GLASS ART 164 Market Ave. Coos Bay, OR 97420 PANDORA'S BOX 5 Locations: UMATILLA, OR 1300 6th St. #E (541) 922-9237 SUTHERLIN, OR 123 W. Central Ave. (541) 459-1133 ROSEBURG, OR 1425 SE Stephens (541) 672-7473 KENNEWICK, WA 5300 W. Clearwater (509) 396-9700 RICHLAND, WA 960 George Washington Way (509) 943-7473 PARADISE SUPPLY 2 locations: ROSEBURG, OR 2141 Airport Rd. # 8 (541)672-4955 GRANTS PASS, OR 560 N.E. "F" St. (541)955-7224 PUFFIN STUFF – OMMP SERVICES 1040 Crater Lake Ave. Ste A Medford, OR 97501 (541) 499-0489 SILVER SPOON 8521 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Portland, OR 97219 (503) 245-0489

APPAREL GARMENT ART Direct to Garment Printing Custom Artwork Creations, Embroidery (541) 234-7639 STONED MADE CLOTHING Hand Made Oregon Apparel

LIBATIONS THE GYPSY 205 W. 8th St. Medford, OR 97501 (541) 770-1212 PLEW'S BREWS 8409 N. Lombard St. Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-2243

ENTERTAINMENT ERIC SKYE Adventuresome Acoustic Jazz Guitar KSKQ COMMUNITY RADIO 89.5 FM "Home Grown" Radio Streaming Live at 330 East Hersey St, Ste #2 Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 482-3999 STATE OF JEFFESON BAND Performing At Festivals, Concerts, Special Events, And More! Organizers of Jefferson State Hemp Expo THE ROGUE NEW ROCK 96.9 FM Southern Oregon's Local Music Show "Off The Hook" with Wendy King Sundays at 7pm THE VENUE COMMUNITY CIVIC CENTER 1029 Narregan St. Medford, OR 97501 (541) 622-6086 Ph/Fax (877) 779-7995

SMOKEY'S NOVELTIES 285 Liberty Rd. NE, #160 (in Liberty Plaza) Salem, OR 97301 (541) 851-1563 ST. JOHN'S CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL Head Shop 8959 N. Lombard St. John's, OR 97203 (360) 852-0084

Painting By Laurie Mansur

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