Feb/Mar 2012

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Feb/Mar 2012 Vol. 3 Issue 1

Police Log

Closeup of developing trichomes. Photo by Bubbleman for Cannabis Culture magazine (used by permission). FREE MARC EMERY!



We l co m e To Pa r a d i se N ew G r ow Q & A C o l u m n !

Current OMMP Statistics

Oregon Green Free Har vest Fest

Many Uses of Hemp Recipes: Cannabis Cooking Oil Canna Hummus

Rogue Fam Jam Helping Local Charities and Music

Study Shows Smoked MJ Not So Bad For Lungs

10 th Ann ua l O M C A Aw a r d s

42 WA Lawmakers Petition DEA

RADE Hounds Josephine County


Fighting Propaganda W i t h Fa c t s

Cannabis Indica

Arizona Gov. Gives In Book Review:

MAMAs Promoting Education and Regulation CHL Case De n i e d !

Connecting the Medical Cannabis Community Across Oregon


Oregon Cannabis

In This Issue

Page 2

Medical News

Oregon News MAMAs Promotes Education and Reghulation, Not Prohibition

Page 4

CHL CASE Denied!

Page 4

RADE Hounds Josephine County Residents

Page 5

Rogue Fam Jam: Supporting Local Charities With Local Music

Page 5

Reggae Rocks Historic Provolt Venue

Page 6

10th Annual Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards

Page 7

Letter to the Editor

Page 7

Oregon News Nugs - News From Around The

Cannabis Connection

Beaver State

Page 8

Oregon Green Free Harvest Fest

Page 8

I-Five O - Oregon Marijuana Police Log

Page 9

JAMA: Long-Term Exposure To Cannabis Smoke Is Not Associated With Adverse Effects On Pulmonary Function

Page 16

Israeli Researchers Recommend Medical Marijuana

Page 16

A Look At Medical Marijuana

Page 17

Current OMMP Statistics

Page 17

Industrial Hemp Many Uses of Hemp

Page 18

Recipes Cannabis Cooking Oil

National News

Air Crisp Peanut Butter Snack Crisps

42 Members of WA Legislature Ask DEA to Reschedule Marijuana

Page 11

Arizona Governor Gives Up Medical Marijuana Fight

Page 11

Book Review - Cannabis Indica: The Essential Guide To The

Page 12

Canna Hummus

All on Page 19

No Bake Cookies

Cultivation Mr. Jenkins Journal - Indoor Grow Lighting

World's Marijuana Strains

Lawyer: Marijuana Dispensaries Should Ignore Federal Threat

Page 12

Fighting Propaganda with Facts

Page 13

National News Nugs - News From Around The

Page 14

Welcome To Paradise: Q & A Cultivation Tips From Experts at Paradise Supply


Page 20

Page 21

Events An Assortment of Oregon Events Around The State

Page 23

Clinics & Information A Listing of Oregon Clinics, Organizations, and Cannabis Friendly Businesses

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MAMA's Promotes Education and Regulation, Not Prohibition By Jennifer Alexander Oregon Cannabis Connection Sandee Burbank, Founder and Director of MAMA’s (Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse), believes children should be taught about drugs at an early age. The 67-year old grandmother has witnessed harm caused by both legal and illegal drugs throughout her life. She has experienced the harsh reality of strict marijuana laws in Texas and Minnesota, and the increased liberty under decriminalization and medical marijuana laws here in Oregon. Through her own experiences, she sees the need for increased education about all drugs, which include those drugs often ignored by our society, such as caffeine or chemicals under the sink.

When asked what motivated her to get involved with reform, she recounts her experiences growing up surrounded by substance abuse. “They over-medicated my grandmother so much that I lost the ability to communicate with her years before she died, because of the drugs.” Tobacco was heavily promoted in the 50’s when Sandee was a child and both her parents were heavy smokers. Before the age of twelve, Sandee was hospitalized twice with upper respiratory infections which she attributes to the second-hand smoke. “My mother and mother-in-law

Oregon News

Cannabis Connection

ended up dying of emphysema from using cigarettes,” she explains, remorsefully.

CHL Case Denied!

In the 60’s, Sandee had a “beer and wine bar” in Houston, Texas. In Texas, at that time, the drugs of choice were largely alcohol and the “white powders.” As people chose cannabis, she noted there were fewer problems. After a car accident in 1962 that caused “pain that never went away,” compounded by other injuries over the years, she was prescribed a variety of different drugs. These included valium for anxiety, and even stronger drugs for pain. “I tried them; I just didn’t like them… I just walked away from them all. Cannabis made me feel better.”

By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection Jackson County Sheriff Mike Winters and Washington County Sheriff Rob Gordon lost their appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) early this year. The decision by the court was made in January after a “Brief for Respondents in Opposition” was submitted by Willis' attorney, Leland Berger.

She laughs as she recalls a party before she started using cannabis, where her friends were listening to Sandee Burbank, Founder and Director of MAMA, the Beatle’s White Album with her grandson Isaiah. “Revolution 9”, “I was the last in my peer group to use it [marijuana]. time, Sandee learned that her husband I thought they were all crazy!” But, after was on a list of “people they should be trying marijuana, she said she was watching out for” at his workplace. The “amazed” at how it made her feel. turning point for Sandee, however, came with a huge sting operation involving the In 1974, she moved to Oregon from Texas. now-notorious informant Marc Caven. With wonder still lingering in her voice, she explains, “[The] The News-Register’s 2005 article “This laws were so different here. You mole’s still for hire” explains that in 1981, could possess an ounce of multiple law enforcement agencies hired cannabis, and it was a hundred Caven to perform sting operations. Caven dollar fine, that was it! Where I advertised high paying construction jobs, had left, it was like life in prison but would then suggest that “it would if you had three seeds...that help applicants’ prospects if they could kind of thing.” She was already hook him up with a bit of using cannabis at that time, methamphetamine or marijuana.” High and says, “In retrospect, I was treating my Times also reported on the story, dubbing anxiety.” it “The Sinsemilla Snitches”. Sandee says there was only one snitch, though – Marc As time went by, she began to realize, and Caven – and her blood still boils talking even shared with friends that marijuana, about the scandal. “That ratfink is still “Actually turns down the volume on my out there, a multiple-convicted felon,” she pain.” While she clearly appreciated these says. (Caven was arrested in the70’s on benefits to using cannabis, she discounted multiple charges, including theft, larceny, it at the time, “It was just kind of a side unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, and effect, I didn’t really think about it. I contempt of court, according to the News thought I was a bad girl because I was Register). using something illegal.” Caven’s work as a paid informant resulted In the early 80’s, some local friends were in dozens of arrests in Umatilla, busted with marijuana. About the same Cont. on Page 6

The brief, which is an argument against the appeal, explained why the court should not hear the case. It was an answer to the argument submitted by the Sheriff's and their legal counsels last year in a “Petition for a Writ of Certiorari”, which is a legal way to say “appeal to the Supreme Court”. The case revolved around the Sheriffs' denial of a concealed handgun license to legal Oregon medical marijuana patients. Under the federal Gun Control Act, it is a felony for someone using a Controlled Substance to possess a firearm. And, of course, marijuana is a schedule 1 substance, the most controlled level. The Sheriff's lost the case and every appeal, including in our own state Supreme Court. The Sheriff's argued that federal law should preempt state law, and also that the OMMP program creates an obstacle to enforcing the federal law. Leland Berger explained to OCC, “Jackson county and Washington county argued that the federal Gun Control Act, which prohibits an illegal drug user from possessing a firearm, impliedly preempted the Oregon Concealed Handgun Law as construed by the courts, or that it created an obstacle to the enforcement of the federal law.” The doctrine of commandeering was the basis for their denial, and Berger's argument to the court. Berger explained, “The doctrine of commandeering says the federal government cannot enact a law that interferes with a state creating a defense to

Cont. on Page 7

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RADE Hounds Josephine County Residents By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection Josephine County, Oregon's Rogue Area Drug Enforcement team, or RADE, has been accused of targeting medical marijuana grows that are in compliance, and even bending the truth in cases involving OMMP cardholders. Lead by Detective H. Ray Myers of the Grants Pass Police Department, the RADE team has had a steady increase in Federal funds to help fight their perceived war, starting at 84,000 dollars in 2008/2009, to over 105,000 dollars for for the most recent grant, helping to fuel the angst against RADE, Det. Ray Myers, and lending credence to his moniker, “Rabid” Ray!

My question...is it “usable marijuana” as soon as its harvested? And, could the RADE team allow the growers a few weeks to disperse the medicine to their patients? Maybe not. The most obvious case to shine some light on is that of Brenda Thomas, the director of the The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation (THCF) clinic in Grants Pass. Thomas is serving a 16 month prison sentence after Myers team “RADEd” her property. There are a few issues surrounding the case, which made little news during the trial. The first glaring problem jumps out of the original Search Warrant Affidavit submitted to the judge by Oregon State Police trooper Johnson (also a member of RADE). He describes his “expertise” and “training” in the portion of his report entitled “Factual Information”. Trooper Johnson, after 6 ½ pages of his glowing resume, training experience, and seemingly unsurpassed knowledge, actually wrote the following: “Marijuana plants grow in three basic types: Sativa, is the male plant and usually described as tall and sparse; Rudeialis, is the desired female plant and is short and spiked; Indica, is the homogeneous plant and usually described as a medium sized bushy plant.” What? Lets check this “Factual Information”: “Marijuana can grow in three basic types”......Actually, they are separate “sub-species”, not “types”

Image reportedly from a Kuwaiti Newspaper

Lets look at some cases recently, and what those involved have to say about RADE and Det. Myers. You can start by looking at the RADE Statistic report from 3rd quarter of 2011, where direct reference is made to “compliance” issues. The report states, “There were some investigations involving OMMP growers in compliance with program regulations, but the shear volume of ‘bud' from some larger plants placed many growers' out-of-compliance as soon as the plants were harvested.”

“Sativa, is the male plant”....WRONG. Sativa is, some might say, the MOST desired species of the plant! “Rudeialis, is the desired female plant”....WRONG AGAIN. Not only is it misspelled (should be Ruderalis), it is the least desirable sub-species, with very low THC content. Also, the term for a “desired female plant” is sensimilla! “Indica, is the homogeneous plant”...WRONG once again! Not sure

Detective H. Ray Myers of the Grants Pass PD

what this means, but I have not heard of ANY cannabis described as homogeneous. “Indica” is, others might say, the MOST desired species. In fact, most strains today are a combination of Sativa and Indica.

So, I would say its a grand slam of misinformation! Impressive! What else in his glowing resume and “Factual Information” could also be so woefully inaccurate? One has to wonder. Another issue that Thomas' supporters decry is that she was targeted for being the manager of THCF clinic in Grants Pass. The attitude of Det. Myers was apparent during the search of Thomas' home. Darlene Johnston, Brenda's partner, explained what Myers said to her when they were leaving after the raid in 2010. “He said, straight up, that he will do what ever it takes to shut this program down within the next two years.” When she asked him, “why two years?” He replied, “Because, I believe it will be legal in the next two years.” Myers denies saying it, and even went so far as to say the exact opposite in his Incident Report. Myers wrote, on Page 8, “Mrs. Thomas and Ms. Johnston both thanked us for being so kind.” Johnston took offense to that, telling OCC, “Oh no, that's bull shit!” She added, “He'll do what ever it takes... Those boys need to be brought down, some way, some how, because they are just going to keep doing it and doing it.” Cont. on Page 10

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Rogue Fam Jam Supporting Local Charities With Local Music By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection One of Southern Oregon's rising stars has put together a ongoing charitable event for Southern Oregon. Michelle Bellamy, an up and coming local musician and young philanthropist, has organized Rogue Fam Jam to showcase local musical talent and raise money for family and community oriented charities in the region. Now in their third year, Photo: Ezra Marcos they are drawing Michelle Bellamy and Julie large O'Dwyer during a summer crowds, and Fam Jam event. helping many wonderful, local organizations. Michelle explained how Rogue Fam Jam started. “Fam Jam has just kind of 'organically' come together,” She said. During her birthday in 2009 she had a party at “Tease”, a bar in Ashland, which was owned by her friend, Julie O'Dwyer. She explained “I just wanted my friends to come and jam with me.” The Jam became a recurring event at “Tease”, but only netting enough funds to cover expenses. She explained, “It was fun, but it just needed a different direction.” Eventually, they decided too turn it into a benefit concert, and Rogue Fam Jam was born. Cont. on Page 10

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Reggae Rocks Historic Provolt Venue By Justin Jenkins Oregon Cannabis Connection A while back a group of friends invited me to a concert. They told me it was going to be at the Provolt Community Center, which I’ve never had the pleasure of attending. I’ve passed it a few times on fun little cruises through the back country never really giving it a second glance. What they didn’t tell me at the time was who we were going to see. If you’re a lover of Reggae, like me, you probably know a few of the masters. The historic Provolt Community Center in Provolt, OR. Many great But I Reggae bands and Rock bands couldn’t frequent the venue. believe my eyes when we arrived and none other than Sister Carol was playing with special guests Synergy and The Herbal Crew! You must check her out if you haven’t yet as her Jamaican dancehall inspired music is something to behold. Her fantastic stage presence instantly makes you realize you’re bearing witness to a legend. Not only that but the next weekend I was able to catch Jamaican Reggae artist Anthony B with special guests Selecta Stronghold, Zamunda, Delly Ranx, and The Herbal Crew (damn those guys get around!) I encourage you to look up Anthony B, he is a master of his genre with enough energy to share with crowd. I was hooked instantly to this place. I started to chat with a few folks there for the show about the Community Center. Jillian from the Hippie Chix told me that

“I’ve seen more talent here than I saw working on the Sunset Strip in LA!” It was explained to me that this place is a beacon of light in the area, the plethora of musicians that graced these walls is immense from the current locals like Alcyon Massive, State of Jefferson, and Frankie Hernandez. But also world famous entertainers including Collie Buds, Jah Sun, and I even heard a rumor that the Grateful Dead even played here! I promise you I’ll do a little investigating of this place to get back to you with a little article about its vast history! I would love to hear your personal history of the Provolt Community Center, who you’ve seen there, how much fun you had, whatever it is let me know! E-mail at justinthejenkins@hotmail.com

MAMAs Cont. From Pg 3. Douglas, and Wasco counties. Sandee explains that with the rough economy, Caven was able to lure people in with jobs that paid more than double the minimum wage. Many who were arrested were simply trying to get a job, not trying to sell marijuana. A 1984 High Times article, in which Sandee Burbank was interviewed, stated “When Caven’s victims managed to scrounge up a little weed, they were busted and offered clemency if they would turn over their suppliers.” The outrage over the sting operations led to the creation of the Committee to Investigate Fraudulent Law Enforcement (CIFLE). The group publicized the unethical situation with Caven through the town halls, at the capitol and in the media, and most of the charges were dropped. Sandee says that CIFLE taught her “the power of the media.” She also says that Caven has continued to work as an informant, “He’s still out there preying on people.” In 2005, a similar sting

Cannabis Connection

operation took place in Yamhill County that resulted in dropped charges as well when Caven’s past came to light. Shortly after CIFLE, Sandee and a friend attended a meeting at Reed College to learn more about the Oregon Marijuana Initiative, which sought to repeal criminal penalties (L to R) Sandee with Jennifer, John, and Jacob for cultivation and possession of marijuana for those who are at least the local college and social events to 18 years old. She was nearly 40 years old involve the community. They also work by then, and had young children at home. closely with law enforcement, and contact “There were a whole bunch of college kids them when they have extra medicine in and they were pretty idealistic about how order to locate people who have reported things are supposed to be,” she recalls. thefts of their medical marijuana, so they Sandee and her friend were considering can make a donation. And they have a leaving, thinking that the kids “had a lot compassion grant for those who make less to learn about life.” than $500 per month. But, instead, she became one of the three chief petitioners for the Oregon Marijuana Initiative (OMI) and traveled the state gathering signatures and promoting the effort. Reception throughout the state was strong, and Sandee was hopeful about passing the OMI. “We actually got enough signatures to get it on the ballot, but they put together a faulty signature sample,” she says. They took it to court to contest it, and won a half-million dollar law suit. In 1986, the effort ultimately failed with only 26.33% support. Sandee points out that the current 2012 initiative from the Oregon Marijuana Policy Initiative, Initiative 24, is similar to the OMI from the 80’s: She explains, “That is what I really like about OMPI right now; it’s got 21 and older and it’s Constitutional and the other one was statutory, but it’s pretty much the same thing. It would make it legal for adults to use cannabis and grow it for themselves.” After the OMI failure, Sandee pursued an educational angle. “We needed to approach it from an all-drugs perspective. And we were interested in not only medicine or illegal drugs, but we were interested in drugs going into our water; the chemicals under our sinks; the chemicals in our make-up.” Focusing on this educational approach, MAMA’s was born in Sandee’s living room with only seven people. The main theme was that drug policy should be based on “regulation and education.”

They have organized trips to the zoo and other fun locations for children with the help of “local heros” – the volunteers who chaperone the children. And, MAMA’s empowers the children to organize for themselves. Sandee shared that they allowed local troubled children to organize their own dance. Local stores make donations for the children, as well. MAMA's focus is on community building. While MAMA’s does try to ensure that medical marijuana patients are informed of the political environment in Oregon by sending out monthly newsletters and alerts when action could impact them, she says that MAMA’s is not a political organization. Those who formed MAMA’s raised their children with a focus on this educational angle. Sandee says that her own children often traveled with her to Salem, went petitioning with her, and experienced her activism first-hand. Another family involved with MAMA’s has four generations that have been

(Clockwise from top) Portland Clinic Bend Clinic The Dalles Clinic

MAMA’s promotes educating people about all drugs. They include a Drug Consumer Safety Program, education about alcohol use and metabolization, and how emergency rooms can save lives in an overdose situation. The clinic also assists patients, whose average age is 58, with obtaining a medical marijuana card. Unlike many other medical marijuana clinics, MAMA’s is “neutral,” says Sandee. She wants the patient to feel comfortable, and says visiting a medical marijuana clinic “need not be a counter culture experience.” A clinic appointment lasts 90 minutes, and includes the doctor as well as education about cannabis - including how to use it, potential interactions, and the laws surrounding its use. MAMA’s is also active in the community, hosting Drug Consumer Safety events at

raised in this same way. She explains, “Even though the kids can kind of be bored with us for awhile, when they get to the point that they are having their own children, they come back around and start to look at things differently.” Sandee wants to see the laws change and is personally involved with politics. She has been on the Advisory Committee for Medical Marijuana (ACMM) since it was founded in 2005, and is very active in lobbying to change the marijuana laws. She says that she would like to have more time to play cards with her grandchildren, write a letter, or call a friend, but she explains, “[I] cannot let go of the compulsion to educate and work social justice.” Cont. on Page 9

Oregon News

Cannabis Connection

The crew from SO-NORML, the Freedon Fighter Award winners. (below)

Tenth Annual Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards By Anna Diaz Oregon NORML Board of Directors The tenth annual Oregon Medical Cannabis Awards (OMCA) brought together medical cannabis growers, patients and caregivers from all over the state. The Holiday Bazaar included local vendors from the Pacific Northwest with a wide variety of wares that ranged from functional glass art to custom made teas, and vintage jewelry. Highlights throughout the day included a legal panel featuring attorneys Paul Loney and Lee Berger, a grow seminar featuring Danny Danko, Senior Cultivation Editor for High Times and surprise guest Dru West from the West Coast Masters with John and Bob’s Grow Green Smart Soil Solutions. Nickie Gates’ Sustainable Fashion Show brought panache and style as the finale of the day event. Winners did not have to wait long for results thanks to David Bram, creator of the scoring method used by the OMCA. Using a bar code system that ensures anonymity, Dave is the “Price

The OMCA winners of trophy's and ribbon's.

Waterhouse” of the Awards and the first to know the results. First Place went to a strain called “Mad Scientist” grown by Ray Bowser, a first-time entrant. Second Place saw the return of David Verstoppen for his strain, “Medicine Woman.” Third Place went to last year’s winner, Jessi James for their “Blueberry” strain. Ribbons are also awarded for Appearance, Potency, Taste, Aroma and Smoothness. Complete results are available at www.rainbeaux.net/omca. Green Leaf Lab tested entries for THC and CBD for the first time this year. David Verstoppen’s Medicine Woman had the highest THC level at 23.9%, and Lloyd Kern’s “Williams

Paul Loney, the Dr. Rick Bayer Award winner

Wonder” had the highest CBD with1.06%. The OMCA also recognizes activists in the medical cannabis movement with the Freedom Fighter of the Year and Dr. Rick Bayer Awards. When the DEA started raiding medical cannabis gardens in Southern Oregon, Lori Duckworth and SO-NORML exposed the tactics of law enforcement and founded the RADICAL team, a collaboration of Southern Oregon groups. RADICAL team members detail the raids and report them via the internet, local news reports and drug policy forums. At harvest’s conclusion, a total of nearly 300 patients had lost their gardens. The RADICAL team donated nearly 75 pounds of medicine to those in need, making Lori and Southern Oregon NORML the Freedom Fighters of the Year. Paul Loney received the Dr. Rick Bayer Award for his years of service to the medical cannabis community. Paul Loney has served as Oregon NORML’s Legal Counsel for twelve years. He also has a private legal practice with offices in Portland and Ashland. He developed the legal blueprint for the first American cannabis café, “Oregon NORML’s Cannabis Café;” his practice runs the gamut of legal issues associated with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act.

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CHL Case Denied a state criminal law.” He added, “All that a concealed handgun license does is create a defense to the charge of an unlawful weapon concealed on your person...If you have a concealed handgun license, then its a defense.” Berger also explained why the “obstacle to enforcement of federal law” argument does not hold water, either. He Leland Berger, Atty. explained, “Just wearing his trademark because you are tye dye, at the Oregon medical Medical Cannabis marijuana Awards legal seminar in 2010. cardholder does not mean you are an illegal drug user. You don't have to possess medical marijuana to be a medical marijuana cardholder.” Berger also brought up another, related case, that was recently won by attorney Brian Michaels. Berger explained, “Brian won a case... [which] held that the Sheriffs cannot use the [OMMP] registry to check against concealed handgun licenses...that it is not an appropriate use [of the registry].” What is left for the Sheriffs? Not much. After spending over 3years, and tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars, they have no options left. Berger explained, “Once you have been denied a Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Supreme Court, there are no other courts to which one can appeal.” Over 10,000 cases are sent to SCOTUS annually, but only about 200 receive a formal ruling.

The evening ended with one of Portland’s hottest bands, Hot Tea Cold, who provided an excellent party groove. Special Guest Diane Fornbacher, Managing Editor for SKUNK Magazine came to cover the event and reported on facebook, “ Superb times, amazing strains, delicious banquet, out of control talented bands, hilarious comedian/host, caring business owners, green flea market, lots of laughter and sharing. Can’t wait to come back.”

Letter to the Editor: Dear Oregon Cannabis Connection, I am writing to you to congratulate you on the success of the Oregon Cannabis Connection and thank you for your hard work bringing the cannabis plant, and the people who associate with it, a public forum for Oregonians to tell our stories and educate each other. It is an important and vital service you provide and because of that importance I would like to offer some constructive criticism concerning your article about the raids in southern Oregon. Given that, even now, we know little more than we did then about the raids and why some farms were raided and others were spared. I felt that the author stepped over the line between reporting on facts and giving opinion by making conclusions about the plant counts being the main reason for the raids. There were other factors that reasonable people could agree were possible factors in why some farms were chosen. Just a few that weren't mentioned were: Close proximity to I5 and the Rogue Valley Airport; All raided gardens were maxed out (6 plants per patient); and, the fact that there were possibly hundreds of other gardens in the valley with plant counts over 99 that were not raided. To be fair to your reporters it was an emotional time and it is easy to form conclusions in the heat of the moment. As the cannabis world continues to transition more and more into mainstream society, it is important for all of us to represent the plant and ourselves in truthful and respectful ways. I believe we should hold ourselves and each other to high standards and promote universal truths and positive examples by our actions. Opinions are for editorial pages and I want to thank you for the opportunity to give mine. Keep up the good work. James in Jacksonville, OR

Trichomes very nearly ripe, some might say they are already!

To submit your comments (300 words or less), email them to: info@oregoncannabisconnection.com

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Oregon News Nugs Students say, “Put Marijuana Legalization on the Ballot in 2012” From The Weed Blog Oregon’s Students for Sensible Drug Policy chapters seek unity in the legalization movement by hosting a conference to rally behind a single marijuana legalization initiative. In order to propel the Oregon marijuana legalization movement forward, Oregon’s SSDP chapters have come together to host a ‘2012 Cannabis Law Reform Conference,’ on February 25, at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, OR. “Through the 2012 Cannabis Law Reform Conference, we hope to inspire unity of purpose and coordination among the various competing marijuana legalization initiatives in Oregon,” says SSDP State Coordinator Sam Chapman. Currently, Oregon has three initiative campaigns competing for signatures, fundraising, and volunteers, all hoping to qualify for the November ballot; the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA), Sensible OR, and Measure I-24, also known as the Oregon Marijuana Policy Initiative (OMPI). Unfortunately, not one of these campaigns is close to the required amount of signatures necessary to get marijuana legalization on the ballot by the July deadline. With only six months remaining, Oregon’s SSDP chapters will express the growing need for cooperation among these competing campaigns. “This conference is not going to be about fingerpointing and past failures, but handshaking and the future successes,” says Chapman. “It’s time to move forward together, and take the necessary steps to give Oregonians the chance to vote on this issue in November.” During the conference, Oregon SSDP will

Oregon News put on a neutral, nonconfrontational debate between the initiatives, in order to Sam Chapman in the Hemposium educate tent during a sweltering the public Hempstalk last September and Oregon’s SSDP members about the different aspects of each campaign. “Today’s youth are tired of being prosecuted by draconian drug laws that are blatantly discriminating based on age, class, and race.” says Chapman. “We are tired of getting arrested, losing scholarships, and losing our futures over a relatively harmless substance, one that contributes far less mental, physical and social harm than alcohol.” The conference will be held on Saturday, February 25th, from 1:00pm-5:00pm, at Lewis & Clark Law School, in Portland, OR

Brewer was originally arrested under suspicious circumstances, which we covered in “Another Medical Marijuana Patient Railroaded” back in our Aug/Sep 2010 issue. The “wet” and uncured marijuana that was seized molded, ruining almost the entire seized amount. The only recognizable amount produced in his trial was just over 40 grams, or one and a half ounces! Brewer is planning a civil lawsuit against the Medford P.D., he will ask for 15 million dollars. We will be covering this more in depth in our next issue, including the possible legal precedence it may set.

OMMP Window Service Closing Josh Brewer's Charges Dropped! The Oregon Attorney General John Kroeger sent an answering brief to Josh Brewer, answering an appeal of his felony conviction stemming from a September 2009 arrest. The brief completely tossed out the case, citing a lack of evidence. It said the State had not proven there was enough useable marijuana to convict. They only showed there to be 41 ounces of useable marijuana, which was well within the limit of 2 cardholders at the residence. In reference to the additional marijuana which had been seized, the brief said, “...The State also seized a large quantity of marijuana that had been hanging from the ceiling, weighing 42 ounces...although the officer testified people generally hang up their marijuana to dry and cure, there was no evidence about whether the hanging marijuana was actually dried or useable.” In other words, half the evidence is not usable. His conviction is overturned!

The Manager at the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) told Todd Dalotto that the OMMP office at the Portland State Office Building will be closing its application services in early March, for good. Instead, the office will have a secure dropbox positioned outside the office. The issue was discussed at the last ACMM meeting, at length, said Todd Dalotto, who is the Vice-Chair of the Advisory Committee on Medical Marijuana (ACMM). The reasons include security (due to large volume of cash transacted), they're currently understaffed and there is a state-wide hiring freeze on. On the bright side, said Dalotto, “In about 6 months they will be set-up for secure online application processing. If you have any suggestions for improving service to cardholders, given the window closure, please email the ACMM at ohd.acmm@state.or.us or sign up to speak at the next ACMM meeting in Salem (location TBA) on March 1st 10am-2:30.

Cannabis Connection

Oregon Green Free Harvest Fest By Sarah Duff Oregon Green Free On December 17th , Oregon Green Free held our Holiday Harvest Fest at Club Paesano in Gresham celebrating another excellent fall harvest. It was appropriate that we held the event during the season of sharing because that is what Oregon Green Free does best, all year round. Our mission to serve cardholders, and empower them to help and share with other cardholders, was evident everywhere you looked. The event is a fundraiser, but we still managed to be very giving while also raising money to keep Oregon Green Free functioning. We had more volunteers than ever with 75 people working to put on the event for roughly 250+ people. Some generous person donated 6 Christmas Nebula 9 Glass bubblers and Trees to Oregon Green glass pieces for the winners Free that were offered for free to gracious families. Oregon Chef donated food boxes to people whose tears told me they really needed whatever help they could get. DewBBie1974 and Vape Mistriss baked several hundred medicated goodies, along with some of the left over samples that were extra from our medicine competitions that were donated to volunteers and other patients in need. People brought and exchanged clones, including the Outdoor First Place winner, Blue City Diesel. There was more than enough food to feed everyone there as much as they wanted to eat. We had amazing vendors such as Brothers with Glass, Urbage Designs, Gayle’s Beaded Beauties, The Purple Leaf and The Portland Canna Connection. The legendary Granny Storm Crow was there spreading the truth about cannabis. The I 24 petition to stop people from going to jail for personal use and cultivation of cannabis was circulated. Fabulous music was provided by DJ Kut Throat and Jordan Beckett, which kept our toes Cont. on Page 13

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two Fail to Appear warrants from Yamhill County, Oregon.

I-Five-O Oregon Marijuana Police Log



Jan 9th Sutherlin (OSP) An Olympia, Washington man was arrested when an Oregon State Police (OSP) trooper stopped his car after the man hit a deer along Interstate 5 near Sutherlin and found approximately 23 pounds of marijuana. The man continued driving seven miles after hitting the deer before the trooper stopped the car and later arrested him after finding the marijuana. On January 9, 2012 at approximately 9:00 p.m. an OSP trooper was conducting a traffic stop northbound on Interstate 5 near milepost 135 when he heard a vehicle collide with a deer just south of the stop location. The vehicle, a 1998 Chevrolet Monte Carlo displaying Washington license plates, continued northbound past the trooper without stopping to inspect the damage. Thinking it was odd the vehicle didn’t pull over after hitting the deer, the trooper ended the traffic stop and overtook the Chevrolet near milepost 142 where he stopped it and contacted the driver, age 26, from Olympia, Washington. Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop, with the assistance of an OSP drug detection canine unit, led to the discovery of approximately 23 pounds of marijuana in the car’s trunk. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $57,000. The suspect was arrested and lodged in the Douglas County Jail for Unlawful Possession and Delivery of a Controlled Substance – Marijuana. Jan 30th Roseburg (OSP) An Oregon State Police (OSP) traffic stop near Roseburg led to the arrest of a Newberg-area man after an OSP trooper discovered over 5 lbs of marijuana in the vehicle. On January 30, 2012 at approximately 1:00 a.m. an OSP trooper stopped a 1987 Chevrolet S10 displaying Oregon license plates northbound on Interstate 5 near milepost 119 for a traffic violation. The driver was identified as being from Newberg, Oregon. Subsequent investigation led the trooper to find that the suspect was transporting over 5 lbs of marijuana with the vehicle. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $13,000. The suspect was arrested as a Fugitive from Justice because he was wanted on a felony Fail to Appear warrant out of Shasta County, California. He was also arrested on

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He was cited to appear in Douglas County Circuit Court for Unlawful Possession and Delivery of a Controlled Substance – Marijuana.


Jan 26th - 28th Douglas County (OSP) Three different traffic stops by Oregon State Police (OSP) troopers between Jan 26 and 28 led to the arrest of three people and the seizure of a total of nearly 12 pounds of marijuana along Interstate 5 in Douglas County. Estimated total value of the seized marijuana is $30,000. According to OSP, the first traffic stop occurred January 26, 2012 at approximately 10: 13 p.m. on Interstate 5 northbound near milepost 121. The trooper stopped a 2009 Nissan Xterra and contacted the driver, a woman, age 36, from Monterey Beach, California. Subsequent investigation led to the seizure of approximately 6 pounds of marijuana found inside the vehicle. The second stop occurred January 27th at approximately 7:45 p.m. on Interstate 5 northbound near milepost 119. The trooper stopped a 1996 BMW two-door driven by a resident of Talent, Oregon. With the assistance of a drug detection canine, two pounds of marijuana was found inside the vehicle. (Note the Feb 2nd incident – this person turned on them) The third stop occurred January 28th at approximately 4:50 p.m. on Interstate 5 northbound near milepost 90. The trooper stopped a 1993 Oldsmobile driven by a resident of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Subsequent investigation led to the seizure of nearly 4 pounds of marijuana found inside the vehicle. The first two were both cited and released to appear at a later date in Douglas County Circuit Court. The Idaho resident was lodged in the Douglas County Jail for Unlawful Possession and Distribution of Marijuana. Feb 2nd Ashland (MADGE) An Ashland, OR man was arrested on Feb 3rd for over 440 pounds of Marijuana. A tip from a Douglas County led investigators to the operation. The raid was performed by Medford Area Drug and Gang Enforcement (MADGE). Investigators seized 137 pounds of usable marijuana and 306 pounds of dried, unprocessed marijuana from a home along the 200 block of East Valley View Road in Ashland. The resident claimed the home

See our Industrial Hemp section! Page. 18

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was an Oregon Medical Marijuana Program grow site for eight cards. For each card, an OMMP site is allowed 11/2; pounds, and were allowed up to only 12 pounds at the site. The resident was arrested on charges of unlawful distribution, manufacture and possession of marijuana. He was being held in lieu of $50,000 bail at the Jackson County Jail. Investigators learned about the grow site earlier in the week during a Douglas County traffic stop in which two pounds of marijuana were seized by Oregon State Police. OSP determined the drugs had originated at the Ashland address

Lakeview District Jan 10th Lakeview (OSP) Three Utah men are facing marijuanarelated charges in Lake County, Oregon following a traffic stop west of Lakeview during which an Oregon State Police (OSP) trooper seized approximately 26 pounds of marijuana. According to a Sergeant with OSP, on January 10, 2012 at approximately 9:25 p.m. an OSP trooper stopped a rented 2012 Chevrolet Suburban displaying Utah license plates for a speed violation on Highway 140W near milepost 95. Three male Utah resident occupants were identified. Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop led to the discovery of approximately 26 pounds of marijuana in the rear area of the vehicle. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $65,000. The three men were later cited and released to appear in Lake County Circuit Court for Unlawful Possesion of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana.

Lester Grinspoon particularly inspired Sandee in a speech about social justice. As he highlighted many issue, from slavery to women’s rights, Sandee says he noted, “Each issue made it better, it didn’t fix it, but it made it better.” Sandee still finds the work rewarding. “Now that I am getting older, and I see the passion that my own children in their 30’s have about this issue, I know it’s not going to die with me. I think that they are going to pass that same thing on to their own children….I wouldn’t change anything. I would do it all over again.” MAMA’s is available online at www.mamas.org. MAMA’s online calendar lists weekly classes and monthly social events, and the newsletter keeps members updated on upcoming conferences, ACMM meetings and other news of interest. Sandee maintains a blog at http://frommysideofthemirror.squarespace.c om and can be reached at mama@mamas.org. MAMA’s has locations in Bend, Portland, and The Dalles. Bend 454 NE Revere Avenue 503-974-1210 10 am to 4 pm (Mon-Fri) The Dalles 319 E 7th Street 541-298-4102 10 am to 4 pm (Mon-Fri) Portland 5217 SE 28th Avenue 97202 503-233-4202 10 am to 5 pm (Mon-Fri)

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Oregon News

Cont. From Pg 5.

D.A. Rafael Caso, and the RADE team. Brenda is doing a lot of her own work on the case, along with her brother Rick Maughs, Matt Nischke, and others. They are hoping to have her case heard on appeal, and overturned.

In fact, the new manager of the THCF Clinic in Grants Pass, Eileen, feels like she is being harassed more by the police. She told OCC, “I feel like I have been followed since I have worked here, and even more so since I took over.” Darlene believes she has been even more directly threatened.

In another case involving Det. Myers, RADE, and D.A. Caso, evidence appeared to be similarly destroyed before the order was signed. In that case, they raided an OMMP grow, weighed wet marijuana, then proceeded to destroy the evidence, except enough to prosecute the case.

RADE Hounds

Police photo from Thomas raid

Plant yields and evidence issues have been questioned, as well. In the Thomas case, Det. Myers reported that he took a sample off a single, “average” branch, stripping from it 223 grams of “useable” marijuana, which is a half-pound of medicine. He then proceeded to count the branches still drying, coming to 198 branches, totaling 98 pounds! A half pound of medicine, average, per BRANCH! Matt Nitscke, a Thomas supporter and investigator, said, “Are you going to tell me every single branch off of [these] marijuana plants weighed a half-pound!” Nitscke also indicated they never even weighed it, and just used Myers' “guesstimate”. They then destroyed the evidence before trial, and even before getting permission to do so, according to the dates on the reports and the motion to destroy the evidence. Det Myers put in his report that they destroyed evidence, but it happened a few weeks before the motion was made by Deputy District Attorney Rafael Caso. It did not matter to Caso, who works closely with the RADE team. An appeal for Thomas is being put together, and they hope to show a pattern of inappropriate behavior towards OMMP patients and growers by Det. Ray Myers,

The marijuana seems to have been destroyed weeks before the Motion to Destroy was signed. The report says they began destroying evidence as early as October 20th, yet the motion was not made until Nov 10th, and not signed by the judge until November 15th. Also, the defendant had not yet been assigned a public defender when it was destroyed. In this raid, they actually left 12 plants in the ground, all of which were the most difficult to Mark Wichers sits on his converted truck, the same access. The grower explained spot RADE made him sit while they raided his garden to OCC, “They yanked all but 12 plants out, because we had another grower that was not there at the time.” Being afraid to deal with any marijuana at that point, he eventually harvested them and gave the medicine to the other grower. Another case in Cave Junction last October was an example of a “compliance check” performed by the RADE task force. A legal OMMP grow near Succor creek was raided after the grower, Mark Wichers, was held at his gate and warned that he better comply with their “inspection”. The police even indicated that if he was “in compliance”, he would not be bothered. Beyond the fact that Myers was wearing a vest with another officers name on it, Wichers told OCC how Myers conducted himself. Wichers explained that they had no search warrant, and that Detective

Cannabis Connection

Myers said to him “We have probable cause on you...one plant can be five and a half pounds and you are only allowed one and a half pounds, so I have probable cause on you right now.”

On October 8th, before the 2010 election, Myers wrote in opposition to Measure 74, saying, “Now is not the time to give up. Now is the time to use every tool at our disposal to curb this problem.”

After asking if he was free to go, Myers said to Wichers, “No”. Wichers said Myers then added, “You have a choice to make, we can take you to jail in Grants Pass, and hold you in jail. Then we will get a warrant and come back here and rip your place to pieces.” Myers then explained, “Or, you can sign a consent, and we will come in, and if we don't find anything that's a violation, we will go away. Even if we find a violation, you will not go to jail tonight.”

He also mentions a confidential informant he likes, and must trust, because he seems to believe his every word. He wrote, “The informant stated that 99 percent of cardholders cheated in one way or another and that the majority of them were doing it to avoid the law, so they can sell marijuana.”

Wichers told the OCC that the Police took his cell phone, almost immediately, after he walked beyond his gate to speak with them. He also told us he could find no reference in Myers' incident report that the police had confiscated it, essentially preventing him from contacting anyone, including his attorney. After he signed the consent to search, they proceeded to destroy the garden and take all the patient's medication, claiming he was out of compliance. He did not go to jail. RADE did another “compliance check” in September, explaining to the OMMP grower that they had an anonymous tip that they were “out of compliance” and asked to search the property. The grower, unfortunately, agreed, and the RADE team proceeded to confiscate their medicine. As in the Thomas case, the report drafted by Det. Myers made mention of the courteousness of the RADE officers, indicating the grower had, again, “appreciated their kindness”. In almost every RADE case the OCC checked, medicine was destroyed not long after the confiscation was made. They keep only enough to prosecute the case, and make wild over estimates using wet medicine and leaves that are not usable. No good records of the destruction are available, sparking unsubstantiated rumors in the Southern Oregon marijuana community of local police “trafficking” marijuana in California. Myers, of course, denies any targeting of lawful OMMP patients. However, he wrote an Opinion-Editorial for the Grants Pass Daily Courier newspaper that belies his claims, and shows his true feelings.

He felt threatened by Measure 74, stating, “I would hope that other Oregonians will join me and never agree to compromise ourselves by legalizing something that is a threat to the public welfare at large, especially children.” One problem, Det Myers...It IS ALREADY legal in Oregon! And, there is NO evidence that medical marijuana legalization threatens our children, or the public welfare. That is just empty propaganda akin to the reefer madness of the 1930's. He seems to not appreciate that “factual information”.

Fam Jam Cont. From Pg 5. “Ever since we made that switch, it's just grown incrementally every time” She said. The purpose of Fam Jam is two-fold. They support local charities, and they provide a place for musicians to come together and play. A small donation is requested at the door of five or ten dollars at each event. Those donations, and revenue from a raffle, go to the charity chosen for the event. Michelle said, “We pick a local nonprofit and we raise money for them. And all the musicians donate their time and their energy. We get a Cricket (L) and Frankie lot of local Ras Hernandez playing at Rosso's. businesses to donate gift certificates, free massages, clothing, and [other items]. The artists also CD's and T-shirts and other things.” Their most recent charity was “Good Grief America”. According to their literature, “Good Grief America's” mission, “Is rooted in the rebuilding of Main Street and challenging the corrupt power of Wall Street.” They are working to get the money out of Bankers and Investors hands and back into the local economy, where it can do the most good. Though they have raised over 20,000 dollars for local charities since they began, Bellamy explained the main focus of Fam Jam, “The main thing we are trying to do is create awareness, [to show] Cont. on Page 15

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Cannabis Connection

42 Members of WA Legislature Ask DEA To Reschedule Marijuana By Steve Elliott, Toke of The Town History was made on January 25th as 42 members of the Washington Legislature petitioned the head of the Drug Enforcement Administration to reschedule marijuana from its current Schedule I status to a less restrictive classification to allow for its medical use. "I don't think a state legislature has done this before," Seattlebased activist Philip Dawdy told Toke of the Town. Among the lawmakers signing the letter to DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart was Rep. Timm Ormsby, brother of federal prosecutor Michael Ormsby, U.S. Attorney for Eastern Washington. Ormsby, along with Western Washington U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan, last year oversaw a federal crackdown on medical marijuana dispensaries in the state. The letter follows a petition already sent by Washington Governor Christine Gregoire and Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee to the DEA requesting marijuana's reclassification to Schedule II. "We write in support of the petition that Governor Chafee and Governor Gregoire recently submitted to initiate rulemaking proceedings for the reclassification of medical cannabis (also known as marijuana) from Schedule I to Schedule II of the CSA [Controlled Substances Act]", the letter begins. "We are also concerned that qualifying patients with serious medical conditions who could benefit from medical use of

National News cannabis do not have a safe and consistent source of their medicine that has been recommended by a licensed health care professional in our state," the legislators wrote. "The divergence in state and federal law creates a situation where there is no regulated and safe system to supply legitimate patients who may need medical cannabis. "More to the point, it is clear that the longstanding classification of medical use of cannabis in the United States as an illegal Schedule I substance is fundamentally flawed and should be changed," the lawmakers wrote. "The federal government could quickly solve the issue if it were to reclassify cannabis for medical use from a Schedule I drug to a Schedule II drug so that it can be prescribed, which we believe the petition provides substantiated peerreviewed scientific evidence to support. "The solution lies ultimately with the federal government," the letter reads. "We urge the DEA to initiate rulemaking proceedings to reclassify medical cannabis as a Schedule II drug so qualifying patients that WA capitol building: follow state law Photo by Keith Mansur may obtain the medication they need through the traditional and safe method of physician prescribing and pharmacy dispensing." The signature of state Senator Jeanne KohlWelles leads of the signature section of the letter, as rightly it should, given all the incredibly hard work she's put in for the medical marijuana community in Washington state. But if that last part serves to increase your paranoia about a possible Big Pharma takeover of the cottage medical marijuana industry, yeah... me, too. So the letter, as historic and groundbreaking as it is, is probably also a double-edged sword when it comes to safe access for patients. Printed by permission from www.tokeofthetown.com. Š 2012 Village Voice Media.

Arizona Governor Gives Up Medical Marijuana Fight By Phillip Smith Stop The Drug War Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) said last Friday she would no longer block medical marijuana dispensaries from opening in the state. The news came in a statement announcing that the state would not try again after a lawsuit she filed blocking implementation was dismissed in federal court earlier this month. Brewer said she will direct the state health department to begin accepting and processing dispensary applications once a separate legal challenge over state regulations is settled. The pending state court lawsuit was filed on behalf of Compassion First, a group formed to advise those opening dispensaries, which has challenged restrictive health department rules restricting who can operate a dispensary. "The State of Arizona will not re-file in federal court a lawsuit that sought clarification that state employees would not be subject to federal criminal prosecution simply for implementing the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act (AMMA)," Brewer said in the statement. "Instead, I have directed the Arizona Department of Health Services to begin accepting and processing dispensary applications, and issuing licenses for those facilities once a pending legal challenge to the Department's medical marijuana rules is resolved." Brewer also sent a letter to Ann Birmingham Scheel, acting US Attorney for Arizona, seeking clarification of the federal government's position regarding state employees who participate in regulating dispensaries. Brewer had tried and failed to gain that same clarification in her lawsuit. "It is well-known that I did not support passage of Proposition 203, and I remain concerned about potential abuses of the law," Brewer said. "But the state's legal

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challenge was based on my legitimate concern that state employees may find themselves at risk of federal prosecution for their role in administering dispensary licenses under this law." Now that the lawsuit has been dismissed, implementing the dispensary provision of the law is "the best course of action," Brewer said. "The State of Arizona was fully implementing the provisions of Proposition 203 last spring," Brewer said. "That's when Arizona was among a host of states that received letters from the US Department of Justice threatening potential legal ramifications for any individual participating in a medical marijuana program, even in states where it had been legally approved," she reminded. "Would state employees at the Department of Health Services, charged with administering and licensing marijuana dispensaries, face federal prosecution? This was the basis for calling a 'time out' in order for the State to seek a straightforward answer from the court. With our request for clarification rebuffed on procedural grounds by the federal court, I believe the best course of action now is to complete the implementation of Proposition 203 in accordance with the law." But Brewer warned that she would shut things down in a hurry if it appeared state employees were really going to be prosecuted for their role in regulating the program. "Know this: I won't hesitate to halt state involvement in the AMMA if I receive indication that State employees face prosecution due to their duties in administering this law," she said. Phillip Smith is an editor for StoptheDrugWar.org: the Drug Reform Coordination Network. Vistit them online at www.stopthedrugwar.org

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Book Review: CANNABIS INDICA: The Essential Guide to the World’s Finest Marijuana Strains By Justin Jenkins OCC Basically, in this day and age, the moment you’re done researching all the marijuana strains that exist, I’ll bet your weight in gold (or at least Acapulco Gold) that your list is already incomplete. After what I’ve dubbed the “indoor revolution” during the early to mid-80’s began, the humble little marijuana plant has went from a handful of pedigrees to veritable encyclopedias of strains. So much so that the commonly known marijuana strains that existed in the 70’s and 80’s either; a) don’t exist anymore b) considered a “land race” now c) existent only in the fact they have now become only a portion of some of our main genetics. The reason I do bring up the indoor revolution is because an interesting thing happened with it; the proliferation of the Indica plant. Because of its short stalky nature, the ability to be a large producer in little space, relatively short grow time, and the appealing “sweet” flavor of the buds, it is no wonder it became such a dominant facet in our diamond of an industry. One unfortunate side effect though is that it has led to the ever so dwindling population of Sativas in our gardens, but I’ll get back to that later. I am not a Johnny-come-lately to the world of strain guides. My oak bookshelf contains many leather-bound editions (ok, maybe just paperbacks). Cannabis Indica: The Essential Guide to the World’s Finest Marijuana Strains

National News from Green Candy Press and edited by S.T. Oner is probably one of the few that won’t collect dust. From the moment you open the book, you are left in wonder at the absolutely breathtaking photography (except for page 114, which I think might have spider mites!) And, you’ll be delighted to see there’s not just a little one paragraph snippet that doesn’t tell you anything but maybe a hint of the flavor and an author’s over embellished flourish of words telling you how much more beautiful this strain is than the last. No, this author actually seems to have taken the time to push forward a few questions to each of the strain experts so that we are left with a better idea of some of the history, growing traits you should expect, and of course, if it’s worth smoking or not. But, to put it mildly, the best part is it’s NOT just a guide telling you about all the wonderful strains that come out of Amsterdam seed factories. Featuring over 100 different seed breeders stretching the globe from Britain, Germany, Pakistan, Spain, and of course the U.S. with many websites listed to get your own from many of these breeders. The book does say in its press release, that this is only the beginning of a series. I don’t know as of yet what is on its way, but I would ask two questions of the next book. The first is a request that the next edition is one on Cannabis Sativa. As I mentioned above, one of my biggest fears is that someday we may breed the Sativa out of existence. Because of the aforementioned reasons why Indica is so popular is also why the Sativa plant is undesirable to most growers. Some say

Sativas are just not meant for indoors; And I say Sativas aren’t meant for our climate outdoors (for the most part). Which brings me to my next query, can those of us who are blessed enough to live in areas where it’s legal to grow, get a climate-specific strain guide? For medical marijuana patients, one of the greatest pleasures in life is being able to grow your first plants. I worry that not explaining what strains work in what climate can be detrimental to those who most need the medicine for their health and a detriment to their wallet. Fortunately this book, because it does go on at length about individual strains, did single out a few strains that work well outdoor, which is one hell of a start compared to other strain guides I have read. Trust me when I say this book is well worth the purchase. It’s an amazing reference guide for pros, the quasiexperienced, and novices to at least get a better understanding of what choices they have, at least for now. If you would like to purchase your very own copy of Cannabis Indica: The Essential Guide to the World’s Finest Marijuana Strains, it can be found online on greencandypress.com, Barnesandnoble.com, as well as at Amazon.com.

Cannabis Connection

Lawyer: Marijuana Dispensaries Should Ignore Federal Threats By Steve Elliott Toke Of The Town The federal prosecutor's office sent out letters to 23 Colorado medical marijuana dispensaries in January, starting a promised crackdown on the businesses by targeting those located within 1,000 feet of schools. But one Denver lawyer who represents dispensaries is advising his clients to ignore the threats. U.S. Attorney John Walsh said dispensaries within 1,000 feet of schools have until February 27 to shut down or face federal penalties, including asset seizure or forfeiture of property, reports Meagan Fitzgerald of 9 News. Walsh's office refused to release a list of targeted shops, but promised "another wave" of letters in the future. "I think this is a colossal bluff on the part of our U.S. Attorney," said Rob Corry, who represents dispensaries. "I don't think he has the stomach or the resources for this kind of a battle." Corry said the federal prosecutor is "declaring war" on legislators and the governor who enacted some of the strictest rules for any industry in Colorado. He called it a "cowardly threat by the federal government." U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told Colorado Congressman Jared Polis in December that if dispensaries are following state law, the federal Department of Justice will leave them alone, Corry said. The Associated Press article, in error, claims that dispensaries closer than 1,000 feet to schools are grandfathered in under federal law. In fact, those were state regulations under which the businesses were grandfathered in. The regulations were passed in 2010, grandfathering in shops which were already open. One possible complicating factor, according to Denver attorney Warren Edson, is that Colorado and the feds measure differently when determining that 1,000-foot buffer around schools. While Colorado measures from the front door of the dispensary to the edge of the school's property line, federal officials measure from property line to property line as the crow flies -- representing, of course, a considerably shorter distance, and opening the possibility that shops will be in compliance with Colorado law even while violating the federal guidelines. Reprinted by permission from www.tokeofthetown.com. © 2012 Village Voice Media

Cannabis Connection

Fighting Propaganda With Facts By Justin Jenkins OCC I admit that one of the things I shouldn’t have to do is write an article on the subject of counteracting anti-marijuana rhetoric. One of the greatest things about marijuana is that it has always had the truth on its side, which should, by all accounts, make arguing our side easier but, it doesn’t. Fact is, I can hardly think of a single other subject that has had such a terrifyingly false propaganda war waged against it. And, don’t fool yourself, this is a war, just like other wars of the past that use propaganda, whether flagrantly untrue or just mostly untrue. It Preys mostly on the emotional side, i.e. “marijuana will stunt your child’s brain development and cause irreversible damage”, instead of utilizing rational and honest dialog. Our government, and businesses with an agenda, have utilized propaganda to try to confuse the American people, as well as influence foreign entities, in order to advance their business or belief. We’ve all witnessed propaganda in the past, from the Red Scare to the masters of the technique in North Korea, that is utilized to contain and control the masses. So, you’re sitting at the bar and a report comes on the T.V. from a televised propaganda affiliate saying that marijuana has now been shown to cause brain “acne”. The next day, as you are casually having a conversation with a colleague, they bring up this shiny new study and try to blind you with it. Now, they have fallen for the same trap which snared so many before; repeating what they have heard as a fact, despite how the falsehoods will inevitably be perceived as true. Hence, the goal of propaganda. So many people are so used to hearing the negatives of marijuana that it has become ingrained in their thinking. Sadly, when presented with the truth about marijuana, the duped have been hit for so many years with negatives produced by pseudo-scientific research, hearsay, and conjecture, that the actual

National News facts regarding marijuana are believed to be false. Have you ever heard the saying that the devil’s greatest trick was convincing the world he didn’t exist?

OGF Harvest Fest Cont. from Pg. 8

We must work more with facts, and not fallacy, so the number one thing we, as marijuana supporters, can do is educate ourselves and then utilize Editorial cartoons often make their points with propaganda, too!. these facts. There is one observation that I have made throughout my involvement with marijuana, people who are anti-marijuana rarely, if ever, back up their statements with fact. Your only option to counteract these eyebrow-cringing, forehead-slapping statements of the absurd is to educate, and arm yourself, for battle. No argument has ever been won by saying, “your wrong”, and then walking away without explanation. Fortunately, we have many weapons at our disposal. Currently the most widely used information hub of “all things you’ve ever wanted to know” is the internet. With this tool at our disposal, there is only one issue that may arise, and that is the absolute flood of information you must sort through. To help out in your search of knowledge, I am providing you with a short list of what I feel are the most credible web sources, in no particular order:

Toke of the Town. This has to be one

of the most current and consistently up-todate websites regarding current marijuana news. Run by Steve Elliot, Toke of the Town, unlike most news sources, utilizes facts when calling out hypocrisy and fallacy in its articles. The benefit of this website, in my opinion, is not only the refreshing honesty, but Steve’s unhindered passions in his writings. www.tokeofthetown.com

NORML. Undisputed heavyweight

champions of the legalization movement.

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The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws has been packing a punch since its inception in 1970. Founded by Keith Stroup, and currently headed by Executive Director Allen St. Pierre, NORML is lucky enough to have some of the most well informed and passionate members of the movement. Their website contains almost everything you would need to know about our dear subject. Whether it’s laws as they pertain to your state or other countries, or if you’re searching for a library full of all the useful facts and findings. Their site will be very useful in your continuing education, and this is where you may want to begin your search. www.norml.org

Marijuana Policy Project. According to their vision statement, “MPP and MPP Foundation envision a nation where marijuana is legally regulated similarly to alcohol, marijuana education is honest and realistic, and treatment for problem marijuana users is non-coercive and geared toward reducing harm.” Not exactly a new site, their main dedication is the laws and how to improve them. Whether it’s unjust laws regarding DUIs, drug testing, research, and more, these guys have their hands in it all. These are the real kings of turning fact into policy. www.mpp.org

Americans for Safe Access. When it comes to the actual

tapping and inspired many to dance. I am extremely grateful that we had the freedom to use our medicine together. The medicine competition was our biggest ever, with 34 submissions. Nebula 9 Glass brilliantly crafted the super functional and beautiful bubbler trophies that went to the winners. The Indoor competition was swept by Hunter812, whose Annihilator won first. ChemDog 4 won second, and Medicine Woman won third. All cannabis samples were tested for THC and CBD content by Oregon Green Free’s lab. The Annihilator had 25% THC and .92 CBD. The Chem Dog had 24.4% THC, and 1.1% CBD. The Medicine Woman had 21.9% THC and 1.9% CBD. The Outdoor Competition’s first prize went to Caretaker Dad with the famed Blue City Diesel. Second went to Duffgirl and Mot with Star Twek, also known as Star Trek, The Next Generation. Third went to Breeder with his "Sweety" Pie. The Blue City Diesel tested at 22.8% THC, and 1.3% CBD. Star Twek had 22.1% THC and 1.02% CBD. Sweety Pie had 22.2% THC and 1.2% CBD. Our judges were not told whether each sample was indoor or outdoor which added to the suspense as to what our judges would score best. First overall went to Hunter812 with his Indoor Annihilator, awarding him the Giant Brownie signifying he got brownie points for scoring best overall. The Hash Competition first prize went to Chris W. with his ATF Hash. The Taster’s Choice Award, which was a quick competition held at the event testing the initial first impression of the medicine was won by Gonzo and Oregon Transplant with their strain, Vortex. We couldn’t have asked for a better event or better members. Much thanks to all who helped put this event on, and those very giving good souls who donated medicine for the competitions and those who donated whatever they could think of to donate to the cause, such as Rockdog and Caretaker Dad. Oregon Green Free’s four seasons of giving is still continuing. If you would like more information please visit our website at oregongreenfree.net.

Cont. on Page 15

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Glass blowing at Dragon's Lair Glass in Grants Pass, OR Photo: G. Katz for OCC

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National News Nugs California Supreme Court to Review Dispensary Ban The California Supreme Court issued an order January 19th indicating its intent to review two controversial medical marijuana cases that have resulted in the suspension of several local dispensary ordinances across the state. As a result of today’s order, Pack v. City of Long Beach and City of Riverside v. Inland Empire Patient’s Health and Wellness Ctr., Inc. have both been vacated in anticipation of the High Court’s ruling. The Pack decision held that some dispensary regulations may be preempted by federal law and the Riverside decision held that localities could legally ban distribution altogether. Arguing that Pack was erroneously decided, ASA along with the American Civil Liberties Union, the Drug Policy Alliance, and the County of Santa Cruz filed a brief on December 12th requesting that the California Supreme Court review the case. It will likely be at least a couple of years before the Supreme Court rules on the cases. In the meantime, advocates will be urging their local governments to adopt regulatory ordinances that establish the means by which California’s hundreds of thousands of patients can obtain a medicine that is legal under state law. A third medical marijuana dispensary case, People v. G3 Holistic, was also granted review by the Supreme Court, as well. Printed by permission from theweedblog.com

Mendocino County Ends Marijuana Grow Licensing Program A major source of funding for the Mendocino County Sheriff's Department is going up in smoke over the county's decision to cancel a medical marijuana permit program. County officials have calculated the sheriff's department will be losing more than a halfmillion dollars in revenue after the Board of Supervisors voted last week to end the program of issuing permits to cannabis collectives.

National News that a dog sniff around a car during a routine traffic stop was not a search.

The permits allowed the collectives to grow up the 99 plants at a time, but also required deputies to conduct monthly inspections. The San Francisco Chronicle reports that sheriff's officials collected $663,230 last year in fees for the inspections.

Image from sidart.net

Supervisors voted to stop issuing the permits after representatives from U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag's office warned that Mendocino's law was at odds with federal law.

Florida Tries Again For MMJ For the second year in a row, legislation has been filed to legalize medical marijuana in Florida. However, this is the first time that a bill allowing marijuana for medicinal purposes has been filed in both the House and the Senate. While the House bill has a handful of cosponsors, the sole sponsor in the Senate is Sen. Larcenia Bullard (D-Miami). House Joint Resolution 353 and Senate Joint Resolution 1028 propose that the question of allowing marijuana for medical use should appear on the 2012 ballot as a statewide referendum. If approved by at least 60 percent of the voters, the state constitution would be amended. However, neither bill has been scheduled for a hearing at this point

US Supreme Court to Hear Dog Sniff Case The US Supreme Court’s decision to review a detection dog’s search of a Florida home will have implications for other contraband detection work and investigative techniques that use dogs, said a privacy group on Jan. 10. The U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 6 decided it would review Florida v. Jardines, that addresses whether a dog sniff at the front door of a home is a search that requires probable cause, said the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC). The case follows another involving a traffic stop and a canine search of a vehicle, Illinois v. Caballes, in 2005. The Supreme Court held in that case

However, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that Caballes was inapplicable in the Florida v. Jardines case. In Florida v. Jardines, a drug detection dog sniffed the outside door of a suspected marijuana grow house, which lead to the house being searched. The Florida Supreme Court said the dog’s outside odor detection was "a substantial government intrusion into the sanctity of the home and constitutes a 'search' within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment." EPIC said the case implicates the government's use of "enhanced" investigative techniques designed to detect contraband. “Because these techniques are imperfect and also allow the government to search for material that is not illegal, EPIC has argued that a Fourth Amendment probable cause standard should apply,” said the organization. The U.S. Supreme Court could hear oral arguments on the case in April, with a decision possible by the end of June.

Washington Puts Legalization Measure on Ballot By Phillip Smith

The Washington secretary of state’s office announced Friday that an initiative to legalize, license, and regulate marijuana has been certified for the November ballot. Washington is the first state this year to have a marijuana measure qualify for the ballot. The measure, Initiative 502, would legalize marijuana for adults and regulate and tax it much like liquor. I-502 is sponsored by New Approach Washington, which has garnered an impressive list of sponsors and endorsements. But not everybody in the Washington marijuana community is happy with it. Sensible Washington, which has twice tried unsuccessfully to get its own initiative on the ballot, is critical of I-502, and so are some elements of the medical marijuana community.

Cannabis Connection Friday’s announcement came after the State Elections Division, using a random sample, determined that sponsors had nearly 278,000 valid signatures, easily enough to cover the minimum 241,153 required. The initiative campaign had turned in 354,608 signatures. The initiative now goes to the state legislature, which can pass it, reject it, or ignore it. If the legislature rejects or ignores it, it then goes to the voters in November. At least one state will have a chance to legalize marijuana this year, and it could soon be two. In Colorado, the Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol has turned in nearly double the number of signatures needed for its initiative to make the ballot and is awaiting certification from state officials. By Phillip Smith. Printed By Permission from Stopthedrugwar.org

79-Year-Old Iowa State Senator Drafts Medical Marijuana Bill By Steve Elliott

A new call for Iowa lawmakers to consider legalizing marijuana for medical uses is coming from an unlikely source. State Senator Gene Fraise, a 79-year-old Democrat from Fort Madison, has drafted a bill on the issue. Fraise, who has been in the state Senate for 26 years, is chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and is a member of several corrections-related committees, reports the Associated Press. Senator Fraise is a busy man; he's also vice chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee and serves on a justice budgeting committee. The Iowa Board of Pharmacy recommended in 2010 that state lawmakers reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II drug to allow its medicinal use, but the Legislature apparently hasn't been able to summon up the cojones to act on the recommendation. Fraise said he's personally undecided on the issue. But he said introducing a medical marijuana bill will force a conversation and help lawmakers come to a consensus on the topic. It's unclear if or when the bill might be discussed. Reprinted by permission from www.tokeofthetown.com. © 2012 Village Voice Media

Cannabis Connection

Fighting Propaganda subject of medical marijuana, this should be your go-to site. Founded in 2002 by Executive Director Steph Sherer, ASA successfully shifted the national focus and dialog about medical marijuana, from the stand alone subject of its legality, to one based on a patients right to access and as a civil right. Providing information from the history of marijuana to current legislation and court cases, ASA will in time become one of your most valuable sites of reference. www.safeaccessnow.org

Drug War Facts. Staggeringly honest

in their approach to inform the public about marijuana and all drugs, even I admit this site has caught me off guard. This is about as dry as the facts get. Brutally up front with their information, this is the site that may in fact prove you wrong, but they are impossible to argue with. There is no opinion on this site, it’s just stats, figures, and research papers. This should be your reference guide when fact checking other websites. Just be warned, they may not be on your side on some subjects, but that is why I trust them the most. www.drugwarfacts.org A few others that deserve mention:

www.freedomisgreen.com www.cannabisnews.com www.drugpolicy.org www.saferchoice.org www.leap.cc www.schoolsnotprisons.com All of these sites are filled with up-to-date facts and information you will find useful. Now, we all know and love the internet, but it gives the opportunity for an informational quagmire to exist. Sometimes the best places and best ways to get your information to benefit any argument is in a good old fashioned book. I always find myself in the position of saying no book is meant to stay on your shelf. Once you’ve obtained the

Don't Miss our Cultivation Section Starting on Pg. 20!

National News information between its covers, you should be willing to pass that information on to others. It is easier at times to just hand over a book and say, “read this and you’ll know”, than it is convincing another person that what you’re saying should be taken as true. My suggestion to you would be to pick-up, read, and pass on at least one of the following books:

Marijuana is Safer: So why are we driving people to drink? Written by Steve Fox, Paul Armentano, and Mason Tvert. Delving into the depths of social and public health, the government’s role, and marijuana’s safety track record, Marijuana is Safer should be called “pot soup for the soul” for its comforting affirmations. Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts: A Review of the Scientific Evidence. Written by Lynn Etta Zimmer and John P. Morgan. The Journal of the American Medical Association said it best with this statement, “Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts raises issues and reviews the literature comprehensively and in a highly accessible manner. As such, it is an important contribution to the marijuana and drug policy literature and deserves a wide audience.” This book’s straightforward approach is about as no-nonsense as it gets. Almost anything quoted from this book will get the response, “Dammit, you’re right!”, by any adversary.

The Emperor Wears No Clothes.

Written by Jack Herer. You should always know your enemy and why they are the way they are. Facts are all well and good and we should all know them, but sometimes the bigger question lies in the shadows, “Why are we even at this current state?” Prohibition has a very seedy and sorted history, and Herer explains this to the point where, if you aren’t outraged by halfway through the book, you’re probably the CEO of a paper mill or a nylon rope factory. Your research in my honest opinion should start here. I just want you to keep in mind that no matter your opponent, always keep your cool. I know it seems I’ve been repeating this statement, but I have always found truth in believing that ignorance breeds anger.

Page 15

Fam Jam Cont. from Pg. 10 that these non-profits even exist and increase awareness that they have these amazing services. It's also a goal to raise money, but we're not going to turn anybody away if they want to come experience the Fam Jam and they don't have any money in their pocket.”

events. Paul West has been a, “Behind the scenes visionary”, explained Bellamy. He helps with the organizational ideas and is a major catalyst for the events. And, John Anderson, who helped with the sound during the last Fam Jam, was a huge asset. The venue for their events change frequently, as they try to have an impact on different communities, businesses, and charities. If you have a venue they might be able to use, please contact them. For more information on Rogue Fam Jam, check out their

Bellamy was recently on the local TV news Photo by where she Keith Mansur for OCC explained how its not just about the A good sized crowd came to Rosso's in money they raise. Medford for the January Fam Jam. She told KOBI Facebook page at TV, “We are bringing purpose to why we http://www.facebook.com/ play music and raise awareness for a TheRogueFamJam or you can email them cause that is really important in the valley. It brings a purpose to what we are at roguefamjam@gmail.com doing as artists.” Of course, the musicians deserve a huge shout out. The most recent event, held at Rosso's Trattoria in Medford, included A litany of bands, including Lovebite, Rogue Suspects, Craig Wright, Frankie Hernandez, Ras Cricket, Andy Casad, Gene Burnett, Lost Maven, and The Herbal Crew. Of course, Michelle Bellamy also played, and sang a beautiful duet with Frankie. Bellamy has not done the organizing alone. She has help from a few people, including “Tease” owner Julie O'Dwyer. Although “Tease” is now closed, O'Dwyer has continued to be an important part of Fam Jam's success. Bellamy explained, “We're basically in partnership doing the Fam Jam together. She helps with a lot of the coordinating, [helping to determine] which non-profits we raise money for.” Bellamy added, “She helps with the door and doing the raffle at the event.” Many others also help, including Mathew Michael, who has been handling their newsletter and sound for some of the

Alcyon Massive performing at the 2011 Jefferson State Hemp Expo. Photo: Keith Mansur for OCC

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JAMA: Long-Term Exposure To Cannabis Smoke Is Not Associated With Adverse Effects On Pulmonary Function By Paul Armentano Deputy Director of NORML Exposure to cannabis smoke, even over the long-term, is not associated with adverse effects on pulmonary function. That’s the conclusion of a major clinical trial published today in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Investigators at the University of California, San Francisco analyzed the association between marijuana exposure and pulmonary function over a 20 year period in a cohort of 5,115 men and women in four US cities. Predictably, researchers “confirmed the expected reductions in FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in the first second of expiration) and FVC (forced vital capacity)” in tobacco smokers. By contrast, “Marijuana use was associated with higher FEV1 and FVC at the low levels of exposure typical for most marijuana users. With up to 7 joint-years of lifetime exposure (eg, 1 joint/d for 7 years or 1 joint/wk for 49 years), we found no evidence that increasing exposure to marijuana adversely affects pulmonary function.” The study concludes, “Our findings suggest that occasional use of marijuana … may not be associated with adverse consequences on pulmonary function.” To those familiar with the science of cannabis, JAMA’s findings should come as no great surprise. They are consistent with previous findings reporting no significant decrease in pulmonary function associated with moderate cannabis smoke exposure. For instance, according to a 2007 literature review conducted by researchers at the Yale University School of Medicine and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine (and summarized by NORML here), cannabis smoke exposure is not

Medical News associated airflow obstruction (emphysema), as measured by airway hyperreactivity, forced expiratory volume, or other measures. Further, in 2006, the results of the largest casecontrolled study ever to investigate the respiratory effects of marijuana smoking reported that cannabis use was not associated with lung-related cancers, even among subjects who reported smoking more than 22,000 joints over their lifetime. (Read NORML’s summary of this study here.) “We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use,” the study’s lead researcher, Dr. Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles stated. “What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect” among marijuana smokers who had lower incidences of cancer compared to non-users. A previous 1997 retrospective cohort study consisting of 64,855 examinees in the Kaiser Permanente multiphasic health checkup in San Francisco and Oakland also reported, “[E]ver- and current use of marijuana were not associated with increased risk of cancer … of the following sites: colorectal, lung, melanoma, prostate, breast, cervix.” Separate studies of cannabis smoke and pulmonary function have indicated that chronic exposure may be associated with an increased risk of certain respiratory complications, including cough, bronchitis, phlegm. However, the ingestion of cannabis via alternative methods such as edibles, liquid tinctures, or via vaporization — a process whereby the plant’s cannabinoids are heated to the point of vaporization but below the point of combustion –- virtually eliminates consumers’ exposure to such unwanted risk factors and has been determined to be a ‘safe and effective’ method of ingestion in clinical trial settings. Paul Armentano is the Deputy Director of NORML and the author of Marijuana is Safe, So Why Are We Driving People To Drink

Cannabis Connection

Israeli Researchers Recommend Medical Marijuana

More than two-thirds of cancer patients who were prescribed medical marijuana to combat pain are reportedly satisfied with the treatment, according to a comprehensive study conducted for the first time in Israel. The study - conducted recently at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, in conjunction with the Israel Cancer Association - involved 264 cancer patients who were treated with medical marijuana for a full year. Some 61 percent of the respondents reported a significant improvement in their quality of life as a result of the medical marijuana, while 56 percent noted an improvement in their ability to manage pain. In general, 67 percent were in favor of the treatment, while 65 percent said they would recommend it to other patients.

the option only in the advanced stages of the illness, according to researchers. "The treatment should be offered to the patients in earlier stages of cancer," the report notes. The study shows that 39 percent of respondents were initially advised of the treatment by friends, other patients or the media, rather than by their doctors. According to the study, "The treatment should be offered to patients by trained medical teams because we are dealing with an effective treatment." Side effects resulting from the regular use of medical marijuana were defined in the study as "moderate." Dizziness was the main side effect documented by the researchers. According to Miri Ziv, the director of the Israel Cancer Association, "Medical marijuana has become one of the treatments available to cancer patients in Israel in recent years [and therefore] the association believes that the issue should be regulated by the professionals in the field." In recent years, the number of medical marijuana users in Israel has increased by some 66 percent per year, according to the study. To date, medical marijuana has been approved for use by about 6,000 Israelis suffering from various illnesses, the report states.

The findings were presented earlier this month at an Israeli Oncologists Union conference in Eilat. The study was led by Dr. Ido Wolf, the director of oncology at the Sheba Cancer Center, with the assistance of researchers Yasmin Leshem, Damien Urbach, Adato Berliz, Tamar Ben Ephraim and Meital Gerty. According to the study, the most common types of cancer for which medical marijuana is prescribed are lung cancer (21 percent ), breast cancer (12 percent ) and pancreatic cancer (10 percent ). Researchers found that an average of 325 days passed between the time that patients were diagnosed with cancer and the time that they submitted permit requests to grow or possess medical marijuana. About 81 percent of those requests cited pain resulting from the illness. Some 8 percent of patients requested medical marijuana to combat nausea, while another 8 percent complained of weakness.

While many legal issues related to medical marijuana use remain unresolved, Health Ministry officials believe that once the issue is fully regulated, the number of patients treated with medical marijuana will reach 40,000. Of the 12 farms authorized to cultivate medical marijuana in Israel, at least seven are currently active, according to the report. Under directives from the Health Ministry, the distribution centers currently in operation are entitled to NIS 360 a month, per patient, to supply medical marijuana. They are entitled to another NIS 24 for rolling cigarettes and NIS 100 for delivery. Patients who hold medical marijuana permits issued before 2009 are entitled to grow up to 10 plants at home, with a maximum height of 1.5 meters. Permits issued during the past two years only allow patients to possess medical marijuana, in keeping with the quantities prescribed. Reprinted by permission from www.haaretz.cm

Most cancer patients who are currently being treated with medical marijuana are advised of A serene scene at High Hopes Farm near harvest.

Cannabis Connection

Medical News

Page 17

A Look At Medical Marijuana By Adriana A Noton

Current OMMP Statistics As of: 1/12/2012 - Source: OHA

There are many ways to treat chronic illness and other medical problems. One aspect of health that is controversial and widely debated is the subject of medical marijuana. Many cite this plant as a type of miracle drug that will help patients with a wide variety of health problems. Others claim that there is little clinical evidence that the plant is useful. It is a complicated issue that is worth exploring. Most will be surprised to learn that this plant has been a widely used substance for thousands of years. Many experts trace it's use back nearly ten thousand years into ancient China, Egypt, and India. It has been utilized not only for medicinal reasons, but also as an important industrial and spiritual aspect of daily life. It is now used all over the world in a wide array of ways. Across the world, different countries have approached this issue in a wide variety of ways. Most still subscribe to the criminalization of the plant, including the United States for the most part. Other areas of the world treat it as a minor crime, while others still have completely decriminalized it for individuals who use it in a responsible and approved manner. The United States have taken the "no tolerance" stance for many decades, however, this approach has recently come under fire. Many states have taken the route of approving the medicine for medicinal purposes. These states allow qualified patients to acquire a prescription from a doctor. They may then purchase the medicine from certified dispensaries. Others may be able to grow their own crops from home with a license. Unfortunately, these state laws are trumped by federal laws, which has led to some tricky situations in many instances. Also known as cannabis, the potential medicinal values of this plant lie in chemical cannabinoids found in it, which include THC, or the most potent active ingredient. There are many ways to place the beneficial compounds into the system. Most will choose to smoke the plant in a wide variety of ways, but others prefer different options. It can be eaten, or introduced into the system through patches, candy, drinks, and even lip balm and salves.

See our Clinics and Information Listings on Page 23! Find the products & services you need in one convenient place.

A Map of the United States showing the medical marijuana legalization efforts. A large part of the country has adopted laws legalizing it medically or reducing penalties for marijuana. (Note: it is still illegal under Federal laws)

Although it is a topic of debate, many individuals with very serious health problems will claim that cannabis is the preferred and safest way to find relief. For instance, it is widely used by cancer patients as a way to combat the damaging effects of chemotherapy. It may also be an ideal choice for those suffering from Alzheimer's disease, the AIDS virus, glaucoma, and degenerative muscle diseases among many other potential uses. This option may be ideal for those who wish to avoid narcotic prescription drugs, however, its use is limited in the United States. One will have to check their local laws in their area before considering its use. Those who live in states that have not passed laws in favor will have to look elsewhere for relief. Although many states do allow it's use, a person will need to get a prescription from a doctor. There will also be various laws in place depending on the area, so be sure to check into the local laws in order to make sure that all applicable stipulations are met.

Those who begin to explore the topic of medical marijuana will find a debate that has been raging for a long time. Many patients swear by its use, while others cite a lack of clinical evidence for its benefits. Those who live in a state that allows it's use should begin exploring the local laws and make an appointment with a doctor to discuss the pros and cons associated with its use. We provide information on Medical Marijuana License Canada [http://www.canadianmedicinal.ca]. Our purpose is to assist people who are suffering from medical conditions by providing information on the use of Medical Marijuana Canada [http://www.canadianmedicinal.ca]. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6242904

Industrial Hemp

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Many Uses of Hemp Arizona Industrial Hemp Council The three primary components of industrial hemp, seeds, fiber, and hurds, and have a multitude of beneficial industrial uses (historical, current, and potential), including:

SEEDS - the seeds are a highly nutritious food for both humans and animals, and yield hempseed oil for nutrition, soaps, cosmetics, paints, varnishes, etc. · Food: Hemp oil is mostly valued for its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). At 80%, the hempseed oil contains the highest concentration of total PUFAs in the plant kingdom, the majority of which are the two essential fatty acids (EFA) linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3). Its balanced EFA ratio, which closely matches human nutritional requirements, makes hemp oil a suitable ingredient in a variety of food, supplement and personal care products. Added to the value of hemp oil is the presence of a rare fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which is used to treat ailments such as neurodermatitis, arthritis and premenstrual syndrome. · Chemicals: Like flax seed oil (also called linseed oil) or cottonseed oil, hempseed oil can be processed into a number of valuable products such as biodiesel, soaps, cosmetics, paints varnishes, etc.

extensively used on large sailing ships due to its strength, resistance to salt water rot and UV resistance. The original "Levis" brand jeans earned their reputation for strength and durability while made of hemp canvas. Nowadays hemp textiles are increasingly viewed as an environmentally sound alternative to cotton and dominate the alternative natural fiber market in clothing and fashion wear. Due to its porosity and absorbency, hemp fabrics take dyeing very well, and are compatible with natural mineral and plant based dyes. Currently, everything from diapers to bedsheets are available made of hemp and hemp blend fabrics. Major manufacturers such as Nike, Two-Star Dog, Indigenous Designs, Artisan Gear and others enjoy success with their various hemp textile products. · Composite Fibers: Natural fiber composites are now emerging as a realistic alternative to wood-filled and glassreinforced composites, especially in automobiles. The can deliver the same performance at lower weights, or be 25-30% stronger at the same weight. Moreover, they exhibit a favorable non-brittle fracture on impact, another important requirement in the passenger compartment. The aerospace and aviation industries are also attracted to natural fibers due to the reduced toxicity of synthetic substances when they burn. It has been claimed that many people have died in what would have been survivable crashes, except for the fumes inhaled from toxic substances burning.

HURDS - from the woody core of the stalks, FIBER - the durable natural fiber from the stalks can be used for textiles, clothing, canvas, rope, cordage, for archival grade paper, & composite fibers replacing heavier toxic fibers (e.g. fiberglass), and building materials made with recycled plastic and fiber. · Textiles, Rope & Cordage: The strength, absorbency and comfort of hemp fiber is unmatched by any other natural fiber. Historically, hemp rope and canvas was

and the bulk of that stalk, can be used for paper, animal bedding, oil absorbent, soil amendment, chemicals, plastics, & fuels (ethanol, methane, co-firing with coal), etc. · Paper: During the processing of hemp, a large quantity of waste material is produced. It was recognized rather early that this material could be used as a feedstock for papermaking. In 1916 the USDA published a report entitled "Hemp Hurds as a Papermaking Material" in

which the authors used chemical pulping methods to reduce the material to fibers. After subsequent bleaching, the material was formed into paper. The resulting paper was judged to be of a sufficient quality to meet the specifications of the US Government Printing Office. In fact, the strength and fold endurance exceeded a typical wood-based material produced at that time. The fiber yield from the hurds ranged between 35 and 44%, which, when corrected for the weight of dirt, corresponds to 38 to 47% yield. A chemical analysis of the hurds suggests they are 55% cellulose and 25% lignin, similar to many hardwoods. With modern process optimization, it is likely that the fiber yield would be nearly 50%. The value of the bast fibers as a component in paper pulp is widely acknowledged. An analysis of the bast fibers shows that they are composed of 70% cellulose and 8% lignin. Given that this material is chemically quite different than the hurds, it likely would have to be processed separately, but would likely have a 70% yield to fiber. If one does a weighted average of 50% yield for the hurds and 70% for the bast fibers, one obtains a value of 55% fiber yield from retted hemp stalks. · Plastics: Hemp hurds also serve as a renewable source of raw material for the production of plastics, and are much cleaner and more environmentally attractive than petroleum.

Cannabis Connection

ship compatibly with gasoline in pipelines. Chemicals produced from biomass are all oxygenates, which are difficult to produce from oxygen-free petroleum. Introducing oxygen into petroleum increases risk of explosion, compared to the inherent safety of biomass oxygenates. Mixed alcohol fuels can be added directly to motor fuel. They're an alternative oxygenate for making clean-burning fuels and especially attractive in light of the recent California ban on methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE ) that has contaminated ground- and drinking water. Biomass-derived fuels do not contribute to global warming because the carbon dioxide cycles, the CO2 released to the atmosphere during biomass combustion, is offset by the CO2 taken from the atmosphere (through photosynthesis) by the plants used to create the biomass.

· Fuels:

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Use of the hemp hurds as a biomass for fuel production is attractive for a number of reasons: Biomass-produced fuels, animal feeds and industrial chemicals are economically competitive, for example: (1.) A mixed alcohol fuel would sell for 70 cents a gallon today compared to 80-90 cents a gallon for MTBE and $1.10 to $1.20 for ethanol. (2.) Biomassderived ketones such as acetone can sell for 65 cents a gallon rather than the current market price of $2 a gallon for ketones from conventional petrochemical technology. (3.) Carboxylic acids from biomass technology can sell for 10 cents a pound compared to 20 cents a pound for the conventionally produced version. Unlike ethanol mixtures, mixed alcohol fuels

NOTE: Above is only a brief summary of the beneficial uses and attributes of industrial hemp. More data is readily available by typing "industrial hemp" into any Internet search engine, and following the links to a multitude of sites. We particularly recommend these: North American Industrial Hemp Council www.naihc.org Hemp Industries Association www.thehia.org VoteHemp.com www.votehemp.com Kentucky Hemp Growers Cooperative Association www.hempgrowers.com HEMPTECH The Industrial Hemp Information Network www.hemptech.com


Cannabis Connection

Medical cannabis consumption can be unpredictable, always start with a quarter serving and give it time. Effects can take up to an hour and sometimes longer. If you By Lynn-Benton Ganja Girls have doubts, you should contact a cannabis clinician about dosage.

Air Crisp Peanut Butter Snack Crisps

Cannabis Cooking Oil By Onlinepot.org Ingredients: 48 ounce bottle of Canola cooking oil 1 large cooking pot 1 ounce of nuggets or a quarter pound brick weed (or as much trim as you can fit in there.) A metal wire strainer (to drain the oil) A large funnel that fits in the cooking oil bottle Directions: Empty the entire bottle of oil into the large pot. Heat on medium heat on stove until the oil it hot but NOT boiling...about 200 degrees, or just below boiling is great. Crumble up marijuana into shake, and pour seeds, stems, and all into pot. If you have nuggets, break it up into small bits, like shake. Keep stirring well about every 10 minutes or so for the next 2 hours. Do NOT allow the mixture to boil, but try to keep it hanging just below the boiling point. Do not allow any boiling bubbles. If you see any remove from heat immediately and turn the heat dial down – SIMMERING. If you let it boil, it'll scorch everything and the oil/weed will turn a nasty black color and then you really will have a funny taste in your mouth. Remember to watch the heat and stir stir stir! After 2 hours, the oil may appear greenish, and possibly a little brown. This is normal as the resin has been properly extracted from the leaf products. You'll want to let the oil cool for half an hour before carefully straining the oil through the strainer. Pour the oil into an equally large container - be sure to squeeze the weed well to get all the oil out (make sure that no weed or seeds have sifted through). Funnel the oil back into the bottle.

Maturing Bud in the editors garden in 2010


Canna Hummus

No Bake Cookies

By Marie J. Burke Author of “Treating Holistically with Cannabis”

By Darla Ruff www.YellowJuanaCake.com

Ingredients: 2 cups cooked garbanzo or chick peas beans ½ cup of lemon juice 1 lemon skin grated ½ cup canna oil 2 cloves of garlic ¼ cup tahini butter salt and pepper paprika and extra canna olive oil for garnishing

1 cup peanut butter 2 cups powdered sugar 1/2 cup canna butter 1 cup crisp rice cereal 1 teaspoon vanilla 6 oz. Chocolate chips 1 Tbs. shortening (optional) 1-3 Tablespoons Activated Kief (200 degrees for 20 minutes in oven)


While rolling the balls the peanut butter mix will get sticky if left out for too long. Just put it back in the refrigerator and it will get firm again. To keep them from sticking to the cookie sheet I use parchment paper.

Ingredients: 1 ¾ cups white sugar ½ cup milk ½ cup cannabis infused butter ½ to 4 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder ½ cup crunchy peanut butter 3 cups quick-cooking oats 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Directions: In a medium saucepan, combine sugar, milk, butter, and cocoa. Bring to a boil, and cook for 1 1/2 minutes. Remove from heat, and stir in peanut butter, oats, and vanilla. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto wax paper. Let cool until hardened. Note: Start timing when the mixture reaches a full rolling boil; this is the trick to successful cookies. If you boil too long the cookies will be dry and crumbly. If you don't boil long enough, the cookies won't firm up properly.

Directions: Combine ingredients, chill. Roll into balls, chill. Melt 6 oz. Of chocolate chips and 1 tablespoon of shortening. Roll balls in chocolate. With fork shake excess chocolate off. Optional, Sprinkle with walnuts or sprinkles. I use a double boiler to keep the chocolate hot without burning it.

Page 19

Take the above ingredients and blend in a high speed blender until smooth. You may need to add a bit more oil or even a bit of purified water to make the correct consistency of hummus. Then take and sprinkle with paprika and olive oil. Another variation of this recipe, could add a few sundried tomatoes to the mixture. Just be sure to add enough oil or water to make it smooth. book available at www.sunnycabanapublishing.com

Check out website www.yellowjuanacake.com for instructional videos too!


Page 20

Mr. Jenkins Journal By Justin Jenkins Oregon Cannabis Connection

twelve 1000watt Hortilux Eye Super HPS™. All of them attached to recessing fixtures and hanging by adjustable pulleys to allow for growth from veg to flower.

Cannabis Connection

Welcome to Paradise Growing Q & A Column

I once bought a bulb made by Hortilux™, That the salesman said was quite deluxe, He never explained ballasts, which I think was quite callous, So basically I just wasted a ton of bucks. A while back, I was with two of my friends, farmers Jay and Blunt, hangin’ in their newly constructed horticultural haven. Among the discussions of what strains they’re working with and what nutrients they utilized to maximize the potential of those strains, I couldn’t help but be blinded by the most glaring objects that I have yet to discuss in my journal. Light. All true gardens should be built like a chain; even the strongest link is only as strong as the weakest link. Proper nutrients, a fantastic soil mix, top of the line bubble buckets, gadgets, whizzers, and buzzers will not do shit for you unless your light is also up to par. One of the standard equations that is used to estimate the amount of light you will need in the first place is: Length of your room multiplied by width, then multiplied by 40, or ((LxW)x40watts), for what is considered optimum illumination. Too much wattage and you risk burn and will need to supplement CO2 to keep up with photosynthesis; too little and you’ll have a skinny, stretched-out shell of a plant that friends might think is anorexic. Take, for example, Jay and Blunt’s garden. At approximately 15’ by 20’ with the equation given above, they would need 12000 watts to properly cast a proper beam of candle powered goodness to their garden, which just so happens to be exactly what they have. Just to give you a light rundown of what they are using is a series of Sun System™ closed hoods, as well as Loomz & Blooms Dutch Cooler Hoods™ containing

That is one of the reasons I wrote the poem above, I wanted to give you a funny little thing to repeat in your head the next time you go shopping. I’m not A well done indoor grow operation. Any number of different types saying that all of lights will work, including these, with parabolic reflectors. gardening center money during this period and it is not employees are inept, in fact very few are, but occasionally in your life you’ll bump into necessary to use high-powered, expensive bulbs. Trust me when I say it will not affect “the new guy”. So unless you want to pay extra for a warranty (which isn’t a bad idea) the quality of your end product. you might as well make sure you get it As you move up to vegetative you should be right. utilizing a mostly metal halide lighting system, their blue light spectrum seems to Jay and Blunt’s choice was to go with be most beneficial during this stage. Loomz & Blooms Switchable MH/HPS Flowering requires high intensity red light, Ballast™. I admit I had not seen this which aids in the production of buds and before; I may be behind in the times, but leaves the nodes compact. During this this ballast actually was able to read and period you should be utilizing high pressure recognize the bulb type, meaning no sodium bulbs. Maybe sometime in the physical switch. It automatically would future I’ll do an article on the other choices adjust to 600, 750, 1000, or even X light you have out there, such as LED. But until I bulbs. Obviously moving yourself up into witness their use and end results, I have no the new millennium comes with benefits to opinion on them. your wallet. Not too long ago, before the advent of the digital ballast that allows you I’m not going to sit here and tell you exactly to switch between metal halide to high what bulb and exactly what ballast you pressure sodium as well as being able to should buy. But you should at least try to adjust which watt of bulb you’re using, you build a minimal knowledge before you go would have to purchase individual ballasts out to purchase these items. Knowing at depending on what strength of light you least what you’re looking for helps you from may need. being conned into buying something you don’t need, purchasing the wrong Also, you have to understand, that at equipment, or just outright getting ripped different times you should use different off. types of light for different stages of growth. In the beginning, during your first stages of If you were trying to maximize the amount cuttings and clones, it is a good idea to just of light for minimum investment, you must go with the standard fluorescent. Proper fight against light loss. Have you ever light schedules for cuttings and clones noticed in all those pretty little pictures in should be at 24 hours to best assist in all those magazines and books; no garden photosynthesis for the production of roots. has black walls. The color black and Fluorescent bulbs will save you a ton of similarly dark shades absorb light and take away part of your investment like a leach. Make sure your walls are properly covered and sealed; a standard white Panda Film should be absolutely fine for proper light reflection back onto your plants. Jay and Blunt, they chose the optimal route. They decided to use R-TECH™ by Insulfoam, not only being a great insulation by being foam filled, they are also reflective, having a foil backing that is so strong they actually covered the floor with it and the heels of our shoes wouldn’t even bust through! Not to mention the fact that it is also insect, mold, and moisture resistant. Once you begin to cut corners, you’ll ultimately cut quality and then basically you’ve just tossed a shit ton of money into the compost heap. What Jay and Blunt have done with their garden is follow the rules, proper amount of light for the given square footage, proper equipment, and nothing halfassed.

This is a new recurring section that will handle your growing questions. Paradise Supply has offered to be our experts, providing sound advice to our readers. To submit a question for consideration, email info@oregoncannabisconnection.com and put "Question" in the subject field.

How much area are you looking to light? The best place to start is to figure out the square footage of the area you are trying to light. For high-light plants like tomatoes you will want to achieve around 40 watts per square foot for optimal growth and fruit production. For low light plants, and small leafy plants like herbs and lettuce, you will only need to achieve about 25 to 30 watts per square foot. When figuring your area don't necessarily go by the actual size of the room. You will want to measure only the plant area that you will be growing in. In other words, if the grow room is 5 x 5, but you will only be growing in a 3 x 3 area there is no reason to get a light big enough for the whole room. Using that as an example, you have a 3 x 3 growing area so you must figure out how many watts you will require to light that area. We will be growing tomatoes so we will want to achieve a minimum of 40 watts and maximum of 70 watts per square foot. Width x Depth = Square Feet 3 x 3 = 9 sq. ft. Watts x Square Feet = Desired Wattage 40 x 9 = 360 watts or 70 x 9 = 630 watts We will just round the 360 watts up to 400 watts. So, we know that we will be in the market for a 400 watt, 600 watt, or 750 watt grow light.

Which reflector should I get and why? The reflector is the most important part of a grow light. This will be the deciding factor in the amount of light reflected upon the plants and how uniform the light is. You want to have an even distribution of light over the entire growing area. Horizontal reflectors are the most efficient reflectors and are the most popular. A horizontal lamp position increases light up to 40 percent over a lamp burning in the vertical position. Smaller reflectors reflect light at a higher intensity because the light does not have to travel as far before it is reflected. Then you must factor in the size and shape of your garden. For those people who have a large garden with low light plants, the larger reflectors may be a better choice. Most reflectors have air-cooling flanges and tempered glass. Air-cooling makes keeping your grow room cooler

Cont. on Next Page


Cannabis Connection drainage.

until they have four to five full sets of leaves.

Welcome To Paradise

The fungal infection often referred to as damping-off is usually caused by excessive moisture and poor air circulation. Do not over water.

Harden seedlings to direct sunlight slowly over three days after several sets of true leaves emerge.

more easily, by exhausting the heat emitted by the bulb before it escapes the reflector.

Cover trays with a plastic dome to keep the moisture level constant, adjust vents as needed.

Scarification is the abrasive processes that some hard-coated seeds undergo in natural soils or the digestive tracts of birds and mammals.

Question: How do you germinate seeds?

Keep seeds warm to encourage germination. Most seeds require temperatures of 65째 to 75째F to germinate.

Stratification describes the warm moist conditions preceded by cold moist conditions seeds experience when left on the ground through the winter.

Keep records to allow for better planning. This really pays off later. Store seed properly to maintain viability, cool and dark is best. The refrigerator is good. Keep in plastic bags, labeled and dated. Place these bags in a larger snap lock container to prevent damage.

Do not feed until two true sets of leaves emerge. When ready, feed them well with 250-300 ppm of a good general fertilizer

The First Annual OCC Grow Calendar Special Section! Coming in the April/May 2012 Issue

Do not feed seedlings until 2 full sets of leaves appear (above). Then, use a good general fertilizer on them for 4 or 5 sets of leaves appear.

Use wide, flat containers to avoid overcrowding. 1020 cell trays are perfect. Used trays/pots should be cleaned and disinfected by soaking in 1 part bleach to 10 parts water. Potting Mix - Seeds do best in a soil-less mix, there are fewer inherent problems than with garden soil. Sow depth is 2 x diameter. Lightly tamp seeds down to make direct contact with the soil, making sure not to over compress. Prevent disease by providing air flow and


This is a REMOVABLE section printed on PREMIUM paper covering the grow season FROM MAY THRU OCTOBER DEADLINE IS MARCH 30TH The calendar will provide basic grow tips for the Southern Oregon region's grow season, including when to plant, when to start watering, fertilizing, and topping plants. The OCC Grow Calendar will be a vital tool for the beginner and provide reminders and tips to the more experienced.

Call Today For Your Ad Space (541) 621-1723

Email Keith@oregoncannabisconnection.com

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Cannabis Connection

Events Calendar Februrary / March 2012 Bend Winterfest February 16-19, 2012 704 NW Georgia Ave. Bend, OR 97701 Fine Food and Art Marketplace , family and kids area, WinterFest's reputation for great music is growing and this year will not disappoint. For two years in a row Justin and other local riders have performed death defying tricks in the Old Mill. With names like cliff hanger, double grab, back flip, no footed knack knack, rock solid, can can flip and turn down whip you will not be disappointed. Over 50 national and regional snowboarders and skiers will compete this year for our largest cash and prize giveaways yet. Snow Sculptures and Ice Carving Exhibit, For more info, call (541) 323-0964 or go to www.bendwinterfest.com. Winter Wings Festival February 17-19, 2012 3201 Campus Dr. Klamath Falls, OR 97601 The Klamath Basin of southern Oregon and northern California hosts the largest gathering of wintering Bald Eagles in the lower 48 states and tens of thousands of waterfowl. Keynote speakers in 2012 include world-renowned naturalist and field guide author Kenn Kaufman, as well as Canon nature photographer Darrell Gulin. Guided trips, workshops, presentations, free events and activities for children. Quality vendors. Field trips throughout the Klamath Basin. For more info contact (877) 541-BIRD or email info@winterwingsfest.org Sportsmen's Outdoor & Recreation Show February 17-19, 2012 Douglas County Fairgrounds Complex 2110 SW Frear Street Roseburg, OR 97471 Join the 12,000+ annual patrons who seek the latest in outdoor recreation equipment, services and supplies, while enjoying engaging attractions, seminars and hundreds of exhibits including exhibits on fishing, hunting, camping, boating, RVing, ATVing, rafting, wildlife art, taxidermy and much more. Catch a lecture, cast a flyrod and watch some demonstrations while the kids try out the archery range, shooting gallery, climbing wall and even hook a live trout in the pond! Catch this year's headliners: the "Wild World of Wolves", Fly Casting Pool and the 7th annual Southern Oregon Head and Horns Competition are joined by perennial favorites the Giant Fish Tank, the Northwest Big Game exhibit, Oregon National Guard's Matterhorn Climbing Wall and the LIVE Trout Pond! For more info, www.co.douglas.or.us/dcfair.

Portland Jazz Festival February 17-26, 2012 Portland Center for the Performing Arts Dolores Winningstad Theatre 1111 SW Broadway Ave. Portland, OR 97205

enjoying engaging attractions, seminars and hundreds of exhibits including exhibits on fishing, hunting, camping, boating Rving, ATVing, rafting, wildlife art, taxidermy and much more. For more info, call (207) 825-4143 or go to www.exposureshows.com or email to jvpate@roadrunner.com.

PDX Jazz will honor trumpeter Thara Memory as the second annual Portland Jazz Master to kick off the 2012 US Bank Portland Jazz Festival Presented by Alaska Airlines on Friday, February 17th at 7:30pm at the Winningstad Theatre. An influential performer and educator within the Portland community for over 40 years, Memory will use the occasion to present an ambitious, special program in tribute to his inspiration Miles Davis, entitled "Artfully Miles." The show will spotlight the landmark collaborations between Davis & Gil Evans, including compositions and arrangements from the albums Porgy and Bess and Sketches of Spain. For more info, go to pdxjazz.com or www.pcpa.com.

Oregon Chocolate Festival March 2-4, 2012 212 E. Main Street Ashland, OR 97520

Southern Oregon Rod & Custom Show February 18-19, 2012 Jackson County Expo 1 Peninger Road Central Point, OR 97502 Hot Rod enthusiast will enjoy this terrific show held indoors at the Jackson County Expo. Over 8,000 people attend to view over 100 cars and motorcycles. For more info, call (408) 2030999 or go to www.roguevalleystreetrods.com. The CHAMPS Trade Show February 21-23, 2012 Las Vegas Convention Center 3150 Paradise Rd Las Vegas, NV 89109 CELEBRATING OUR 26th CHAMPS SHOW IN LAS VEGAS! CHAMPS Trade Show is gearing up for the biggest show ever February 21st-23rd, 2012 at the Las Vegas Convention Center! With over 420 exhibitor booths and 140,000 square feet of floor space, CHAMPS26 events include the GLASS GAMES Masters Invitational and $26,000* CHAMPS CASH Giveaway! For info, go to www.champstradeshows.com. Jackson County Sportsman & Outdoor Recreation Show February 24-26, 2012 Jackson County Expo 1 Peninger Road Central Point, OR 97502 Join the 40,000 annual patrons who seek the latest in outdoor recreation equipment, services and supplies, while

Oregon Chocolate Festival takes place in Ashland, OR annual, the first weekend of March. It is completely dedicated to Oregon chocolatiers and their fantastic creations. This show brings together more than 30 Oregon chocolate companies who present a variety of fine chocolates and chocolateinspired products that tease taste buds of over 1500 visitors. So, don’t waste time. Mark your calendar and start planning your weekend in Ashland. Join us in celebrating all things chocolate! The festival – a weekend long event will take place at the Ashland Springs Hotel and many other locations throughout downtown Ashland. For more info, go to www.ashlandspringshotel.com. South Coast Clambake Jazz festival March 9-11, 2012 3201 Tremont Ave. North Bend, Or 97459 The Mill Casino Hotel (headquarters) and various locations. Friday Noon - Midnight, Saturday 9am - Midnight, Sunday 9am - 6pm. All event 3 day pass $70. (early bird $65 by Feb 28th) with student all event passes for $10. Day passes available as well. Eleven bands from surrounding states and Canada will play America's original music: Dixieland, Big Band, Jump & Jive, Rock & Roll, Zydeco, Blues and Doo-wop. For more info, call (541) 756-8800 or toll free at (541) 2690215 or go to www.clambakejazz.org. Southern Oregon Antique & Collectable Show March 10-11, 2012 Medford Armory 1701 S. Pacific Hwy. Medford, OR 97501 This 29 year old event is manned by an all volunteer staff that produces a quality week-end that will give show patrons a two day opportunity to stroll through booths filled with thousands of unique items from glassware, china and silver to post cards and quilts on the main floor and two balconies. For more info,call (541) 826-3039 or go to www.soacc.com.

56th Annual Portland Roadster Show March 16-18, 2012 Portland Expo Center 2060 North Marine Dr. Portland, OR 97217 Over 300 of the Northwest and Nation's Hottest Rods, Customs, Bikes, Trucks and More! The "Portland Roadster Show" represents an artistic effort wherein skilled craftsmen use the same principles of vision and achievement to produce the absolute finest renditions of automotive art to be displayed for your entertainment anywhere. All of the outstanding cars, trucks, motorcycles, vintage automobilia and model car expositions reflect an effort to integrate beauty and design with function. This principle is woven into the very fabric of the sport. For more info, call (503) 2324567 or go to www.portlandroadstershow.com. Oregon Cheese Festival March 17, 2012 311 N. Front Street Central point, OR 97502 Held under 3 tents at Rogue Creamery's Central Point facility, the festival will invite guests to shake hands with cheesemakers & other artisans. Remote parking is available & there will be a shuttle to service guests (see website for details).Activities will be provided for children including games, activity sheets and giveaways (limited quantities). For more info, go to www.oregoncheeseguild.org. Whale Watching Week at Cape Arago March 26-30, 2012 89814 Cape Arago Hwy. Charleston, OR 97420 Visit trained "Whale Watching Spoken Here" volunteers at Shore Acres State Park from 10am to 1pm to learn more about migrating Gray whales. Binoculars available. For more info, call (541) 269-0215 or toll free at (541) 888-3732 or go to www.oregonsadventurecoast.com.

To submit your event for consideration, please email info@oregoncannabisconnection.com

Cannabis Connection CLINICS, CO-OPS, & ORGS 45TH PARALLEL GROUP 1343 S.W. 30th Street Ontario, OR 97914 (541) 889-6147 AFFORDABLE INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE 403 NE Casper St. Roseburg, OR 97470 (541) 672-8366 Fax(541) 672-1798 office@doctor-george.net ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL CHOICES 4867 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-5579 Fax (503) 282-1272 www.altmedchoices.com ANDREW JONATHAN DORFMAN, MD board certified in family medicine secure electronic records, reasonable fees home visits available if needed southern OR and northern CA ajd.md@live.com (541) 512-5445 ASHLAND ALTERNATIVE HEALTH, LLC 180 Clear Creek # 103 Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 488-2202 www.ashlandalthealth.com BROTHER'S CANNABIS CLUB 1615 SE 12th Ave. Portland, OR 97214 (503) 894-8003 CANNA MEDICINE 17525 Brown Rd. Dallas, OR 97338 (503) 339-6352 CANNA RELIEF Hand Crafted Organic Cannabis Infused Healing Lotion www.getcannarelief.com CHRONIC CARE, INC. 570 Lawrence St. Suite 101 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 344-1688, Fax (541) 344-8110 www.chroniccareinc.com COLUMBIA GORGE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 1302 A Street Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 436-4161 COOS COUNTY CO-OP 3682 Tremont Ave. North Bend, OR 97459 (541) 294-8529 INSTITUTE FOR CANNABIS THERAPEUTICS PO Box 4058 Medford, OR 97501 (541) 393-8494 .instituteforcannabistherapeutics.com LINN-BENTON OMMP RESOURCE CENTER Uniting Patients, Caregivers and Growers 30942 A Ehlen Dr. Albany, OR 97321 (541) 981-2507 MAMA MOTHERS AGAINST MISUSE AND ABUSE www.mamas.org 3 Locations: PORTLAND OR 5217 SE 28th Ave. (Steele & 28th) (503) 233-4202 Fax (503) 233-8266 THE DALLES, OR 319 E. 7th. St. (541) 298-4202 Fax (541) 296-2983 BEND, OR 454 NE Revere St. (503) 233-4202 MERCY CENTERS 1469 Capital St. NE, Suite #100 Salem, OR 97301 (503) 363-4588 www.mercycenters.org MT. HOOD WELLNESS CENTER 14325 SE Stark Portland, OR 97233 (971) 279-4116 www.mthoodwellness.com NATIONAL GREEN FRIENDS RESOURCE CENTER 7958 SE Foster Portland, OR 97206 Mon-Sat 12pm-8pm (503) 777-2355 www.nationalgreenfriends.com

Clinics & Information

NORTHWEST ALTERNATIVE HEALTH Call Today (888) 920-6076 Offices in Portland, Eugene and Rogue Valley www.OMMPCard.com OREGON ALTERNATIVE, LLC. 169 S. Old Pacific Hwy. Tri-City, OR (Myrtle Creek Area) (541) 863-4173 OREGON GREEN FREE OGF OMMP Resource Center 10209 SE Division St. Bldg. B Portland, OR 97266 (503) 760-2671 fax: (503) 345-1157 www.oregongreenfree.net OREGON GREEN FREE Mid-Valley Chapter midvalley.ogf@gmail.com (541) 704-7052 message OGF SOUTH CHAPTER (541) 210-8790 www.oregongreenfree.net OREGON MEDICAL CANNABIS UNIVERSITY 2900 SW Cornelius Pass Rd. Ste. 548 Hillsboro, OR 97123 (503) 649-2999 www.omcu.net OREGON NORML PO Box 16057 Portland, OR 97292-0057 (541) 239-6110 www.ornorml.org PATIENTS CHOICE CLINIC SERVICE 2 Locations: MEDFORD, OR 97501 332 W. 6th St. Ph(541) 499-5431 Fax(877) 885-9910 KLAMATH FALLS 732 N. 11th St. (541) 205-6968 PORTLAND ALTERNATIVE CLINIC INC. 816 NW Hoyt St. Portland, OR 97209 Ph(503) 477-5643 Fax(888) 243-9356 Dr. Sandra Camacho Can See You Today RIP CITY REMEDIES 3325 SE Division St. Portland, OR 97202 (503) 235-6000 www.ripcityremidies.com ROSE CITY WELLNESS CENTER 6016 NE Glisan Street Portland, OR 97213 (503) 384-2251 SOUTHERN OREGON ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 836 E. Main St. #6, Medford, OR 97504 (541) 779-5235 Fax (541) 779-0479 www.southernoregon alternativemedicine.com SOUTHERN OREGON CANNABIS CLUB 1457 NE 6th St. # B Grants Pass, OR 97526 (541) 660-0209 sommclub@gmail.com SOUTHERN OREGON CANNABIS COMMUNITY CENTER 332 W. 6th St. Medford OR 97501 (541) 779-1448 Fax (541) 779-1665 www.so-norml.org THCF THE HEMP AND CANNABIS FOUNDATION www.thc-foundation.org 2 Locations: PORTLAND, OR 105 SE 18th Ave (503) 281-5100 (800) 723-0188 GRANTS PASS, OR 558 NE F St. #1 (541) 244-4000 (800) 723-0188 THE AURORA CLINIC 1847 E. Burnside Portland, OR 97214 (503) 232-3003 www.theauroraclinic.com THE GREENERY 280 E. Hersey St. #20 Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 295-2794 www.ashlandgreenery.org

VOTER POWER OF OREGON www.voterpower.org 3 Locations: PORTLAND, OR. 6701 SE Foster (503) 224-3051 EUGENE, OR 687 River Ave (503) 224-3051 MEDFORD, OR 1708 W Main St (541) 245-6634 WILLAMETTE VALLEY COMPASSION COALITION Tiff's Get Your Hemp On 2795 12th St. SE Salem, OR 97302 (503) 362- HEMP (4367)

Page 23

STUDENTS FOR SENSIBLE DRUG POLICY www.schoolsnotprisons.com U of O chapter contact samuelc@uoregon.edu TOKE OF THE TOWN www.tokeofthetown.com Village Voice Media JACK HERER WEBSITE www.jackherer.com

EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES DRAGON HERBARIUM 4638 S.W. Beaverton- Hillsdale Hwy Portland, OR 97221 (503) 244-7049 www.dragonherbarium.com

SILVER SPOON 8521 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Portland, OR 97219 (503) 245-0489 www.silverspoonpdx.com SMOKEY'S NOVELTIES & GIFTS Two Locations: 285 Liberty Rd. NE, #160 (in Liberty Plaza) Salem, OR 97301 (541) 851-1563 2080 Lancaster Dr. Salem, OR 97503 (503) 339-7320

WORLD FAMOUS CANNABIS CAFE 322 SE 82nd Ave. Portland, OR 97216 www.usacannabiscafe.org

DRAGON'S LAIR 210 Northwest 6th Street Grants Pass, OR 97526 (541) 479-5617 www.dragonslairglass.com

ST. JOHN'S CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL Head Shop 8959 N. Lombard St. John's, OR 97203 (360) 852-0084

YOUR HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL CLINIC 3482 Liberty Road S. Salem, OR Ph. (503) 391-8388 Fax (503) 363-0276 www.yhamd.com

HIGH HOPES FARM Statewide Services For OMMP Patients, Growers & Caregivers (541) 890-9357 www.highhopesfarm.com

THE PIPELINE 2 locations: ALBANY, OR 97321 1907 Pacific Blvd SE (541) 981-2364


MAGIC LAND 1461 SE Stephens Roseburg, OR 97470 (541) 733-9695

LEBANON, OR 97355 732 Park St. (541) 258-3139 www.myspace.com/albanypipeline

MAGIC MUSHROOM / OREGON GIFTS "Look For The Giant Mushrooms" Next to I-5, Exit 136 Sutherlin, OR 97479 (541) 459-7481

VICTORIA'S STATION THE STATION , LLC 120 Galice Rd. Merlin, OR 97532 (541) 471-1396

MARY'S INDOOR GARDEN DESIGN 2000 SE 87th Ave. Portland, OR 97216 (503)820-1617

X-TRACTOR Professional Filter Extraction System (541)761-4293 kim@x-tractor.com

OGF GRATEFUL GARDEN SUPPLY (503) 715-0120 www.gratefulgardensupply.com


CORVALLIS GREEN BIKE DELIVERY SERVICE Serving OMMP Patients in Corvallis, Albany and Philomath For Information Call (541) 224-4039 MEDFORD CAR CARE 1400 Avenue G White City, OR 97503 (541) 601-8581 GREEN LEAF LAB The Northwest's Premier Cannalysis™ Laboratory (503) 250-2912 www.greenleaflab.org OREGON GREEN LAB Cannabis Testing Services. Drop Locations Statewide. www.oregongreenlab.com PAUL LONEY, ATTORNEY Practicing Medical Marijuana Law (541) 787-0733 paultloney@gmail.com PROPERTY BOUNDARY QUESTION? Discreet Professional Land Surveyer Serving Oregon & Northern California Call for free estimate (541) 474-1081 Survey@charter.net SUNRISE ANALYTICAL LLC Test For THC (503) 625-6593 www.sunriseanalytical.com WOODFIRST West Coast Mobile Saw Mill Your Logs To Lumber And Quality Slabs And Lumber - Trades Considered Call Chris Johnson (541) 892-0323

NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS NORML AND THE NORML FOUNDATION 1600 K Street, NW Suite 501 Washington, DC 20006-2832 (888) 67-NORML (888-676-6765) (202) 483-5500 www.norml.org AMERICANS FOR SAFE ACCESS 1322 Webster Street, Suite 402 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 251-1856 www.americansforsafeaccess.org YOUCANNECT.COM (Formerly Budbook.org) Your Medical Marijuana Online Community www.youcannect.com DRUG POLICY ALLIANCE 925 15th Street NW, 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20005 (202) 216-0035 www.drugpolicy.org MARIJUANA POLICY PROJECT P.O. Box 77492 Capitol Hill Washington, DC 20013 (202) 462-5747 www.mpp.org

OPERATION PIPE DREAMS 2021 W. Main St. Medford, OR 97501 (541) 773-3165 www.myspace.com/ operationpipedreams OREGON ORGANIKS Your Wholesale Oregon Organic Garden Supplier www.oregonorganiks.com ORGANIC GLASS ART 164 Market Ave. Coos Bay, OR 97420 (541) 808-0577 PANDORA'S BOX www.pandoraspipes.com 5 Locations: UMATILLA, OR 1300 6th St. #E (541) 922-9237 SUTHERLIN, OR 123 W. Central Ave. (541) 459-1133 ROSEBURG, OR 1425 SE Stephens (541) 672-7473 KENNEWICK, WA 5300 W. Clearwater (509) 396-9700 RICHLAND, WA 960 George Washington Way (509) 943-7473 PARADISE SUPPLY 2 locations: ROSEBURG, OR 2141 Airport Rd. # 8 (541)672-4955 GRANTS PASS, OR 560 N.E. "F" St. (541)955-7224 PUFFIN STUFF – OMMP SERVICES 1040 Crater Lake Ave. Ste A Medford, OR 97501 (541) 499-0489 RICKS MONSTER GROW Mycorrhizal Plant Mix (800) 851-3761 www.mycorrhizal.com

GARMENT ART Direct to Garment Printing Custom Artwork Creations, Embroidery (541) 234-7639 www.garmentart.weebly.com STONED MADE CLOTHING Hand Made Oregon Apparel www.stonedmade.com

LIBATIONS THE GYPSY 205 W. 8th St. Medford, OR 97501 (541) 770-1212 PLEW'S BREWS 8409 N. Lombard St. Portland, OR 97203 (503) 283-2243 www.plewsbrews.com

ENTERTAINMENT ERIC SKYE Adventuresome Acoustic Jazz Guitar youtube.com/min7b5 www.ericskye.com KSKQ COMMUNITY RADIO 89.5 FM "Home Grown" Radio Streaming Live at KSKQ.com 330 East Hersey St, Ste #2 Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 482-3999 STATE OF JEFFESON BAND Performing At Festivals, Concerts, Special Events, And More! Organizers of Jefferson State Hemp Expo www.stateofjefferson.org THE ROGUE NEW ROCK 96.9 FM Southern Oregon's Local Music Show "Off The Hook" with Wendy King Sundays at 7pm www.969therogue.com

Place a listing on this page for only $25.00 per issue! Email keith@oregoncannabis connection.com

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