Apr/May 2013

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Police Log

Apr/May 2013 Vol. 4 Issue 2

Worm Castings: Natures Greatest Organic Fertilizer

Josh Brewer Files Multi-Million Lawsuit Against MPD Kentucky Approves Industrial Hemp Production Do-It Yourself Fabric Pots

Global Marijuana March Is May 4th!

Weed Country: Another "Non-Reality" Reality Show


More bills about marijuana have hit Salem than ever before, with a few good ones and a bunch of stinkers, too. Check inside for more.



Recipes: Ganja Tofu Manicotti, Snockered Doodles, & More!

Recent Research On Medical Marijuana

Bill In U.S. Senate To Reduce Mandatory Minimums

2012 S.O. Cultivator's Cup

OHA Director Appears At ACMM Meeting

Oregon Legislation Moving Ahead On Cannabis!

Connecting the Medical Cannabis Community Across Oregon

In This Issue

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Cannabis Connection


Oregon News Betsy's Not Even Close While Testifying Against Oregon's PTSD Bill

Page 3

Oregon Legalization Bill Moves Forward

Page 3

Crock Canna-Butter Snockered Doodles

All On Page 16

Ganja Tofu & Spinach Manicotti

OHA Director Dr. Goldberg And Rep. Buckley Appear Before ACMM

Page 4

HB 3460, A Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill, Gets A Hearing

Page 4

2012 So. Oregon Cultivator's Cup

Page 5

Global Marijuana March Is May 4th

Page 5

Oregon News Nugs - News From Around The

Page 7

Bananas/Sour Cream Coffee Cake

Cultivation Do-It-Yourself Fabric Pots

Page 17

Worm Castings: Natures Greatest Organic Fertilizer

Page 18

Beaver State

I-Five O - Oregon Marijuana Police Log

Page 8

A Listing of Oregon Clinics, Organizations, and Cannabis Friendly Businesses

National News Another "Non-Reality" Reality Show On Marijuana

Page 10

Bill Introduced In U.S. Senate To Reduce Federal Mandatory Minimums

Page 10

Pew Poll Finds Majority Support For Marijuana Legalization

Page 11

Cop's Free Speech Rights Violated For Supporting Cannabis Law Reform

Page 11

National News Nugs - News From Around The

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Medical News Recent Research On Medical Marijuana

Clinics & Information

Page 14

Industrial Hemp Nutritional And Industrial Uses Of Hemp

Page 15

Kentucky To Be First State To Legalize Hemp Production

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OREGON CANNABIS CONNECTION is a bi-monthly publication for the medical cannabis community in Oregon. Published by K2 Publishing Co. in Southern Oregon, we strive to inform the public on the value of medical marijuana, as well as provide news, information, and opinions concerning marijuana laws, legalization, and medicine. All information in our publication is intended for legal use by adults only. Our publication is advertiser supported and over 21,000 copies are available FREE at over 225 locations throughout Oregon.

Subscriptions are available within the U.S.A for 18.00 per year. Please visit www.oregoncannabisconnection.com to subscribe. Correspondences to: K2 Publishing P.O. Box 5552, Gants Pass, OR 97527 Email: info@oregoncannabisconnection.com To advertise or distribute, please contact Keith at 541-621-1723. Next issue is June 10th, advertising deadline is May 24th

Cannabis Connection

Oregon News Todd Dalotto also testified. He explained, in a simple way, why the system has failed to consider PTSD and left so many Oregonians at risk of arrest or prosecution for marijuana possession.

Betsy's Not Even Close While Testifying Against Oregon's PTSD Bill All But One Give Compelling Testimony at SB 281 Hearing

By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection A hearing was held by the Oreogn Senate Judiciary Committee on Senate Bill 281 April 3rd. Once again powerful testimony was given again in defense of patients who use medical marijuana to treat their Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. The bill would add PTSD to the list of qualifying conditions under the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA). After many years of trying through “expert” panels, the courts, and administrators themselves, SB 281 has become the best chance we have to add PTSD to Oregon's medical marijuana program. Nearly a dozen people testified during the hearing, most in favor of the bill and only one against. Medical marijuana advocates came out in force and provided compelling testimony, while the lone opponent, Sen. Betsy Close (R - Albany), gave testimony that seemed more like an anti drug rant aimed at tweeners from the local elementary school. Leland Berger, attorney and one of the original authors of the OMMA, testified on behalf of Compassionate Oregon. He broke down the problems with the OMMA concerning adding additional disorders to the list of conditions allowed under the OMMA. Much as he did before the Health and Human Services Committee weeks ago, Berger detailed the failure of the current process, and pointed out conflicts of interest and the years long effort which has been thwarted at every step, which eventually resulted in this legislation. Two amendments that were recently introduced became an unexpected topic of many speakers, the Dash Two and Dash Three amendments. The Dash-2 amendment would issue a warning to PTSD sufferers in the OMMA that they are committing a Federal felony by possessing medical marijuana and that

Attorney Brian Michaels, member of the ACMM and supporter of SB 281, at the March ACMM Meeting.

also possessing a gun would add another felony charge. It was introduced by Sen. Boquist, who originally introduced SB 281 at the behest of Todd Dalotto, founder of CAN Research and the chairman of the Oregon Advisory Committee on Medical Marijuana (ACMM). Berger explained, “When we're talking about enforcement of the marijuana laws Nationally, and in Oregon, certainly as to possessory offenses, overwhelmingly the prosecutions are in State court, so the only reason to include this kind of a warning...is to dissuade people from getting protection from arrest and prosecution under State law and that entirely defeats the purpose of the medical marijuana act” The Dash-3 amendment would require patients under OMMA to re-apply every sixty days for their card. This was introduced by Sen. Jeff Kruse (RRoseburg), who shows again that he opposes the OMMA with proposals like this. On Kruse's amendment, Berger said, “I couldn't find anything anywhere in Oregon law that requires a physician to meet with a patient every sixty days to prescribe schedule two controlled substances.” Rick Bayer, retired Internal Medicine physician and co-petitioner of the OMMA, relayed to Berger his feelings about the amendment. Berger recalled his comments to the committee, saying, “He described it as a proposal to limit the medical marijuana program to the one percent, and anybody earning less than forty thousand dollars a year couldn't afford to go to a physician every sixty days.”

Dalotto explained, “The rules are proven inadequate for insuring a fair review and decision making process for the following reasons: Lack of protection against bias, prejudice, and conflict of interest, in both the panel selection criteria, as well as the decision to approve or deny petitions; Lack of the requirement of the decision to be based upon scientific evidence; The meetings of the expert panel were not public hearings; And the lack of consideration of the effect of [the] Federal ban on research with cannabis by the DEA, FDA, and National Institutes on Drug Abuse.” Dalotto also expressed his dismay about the Dash-3 amendment, specifically. He advised the committee that the OMMA administrators just recently caught up the backlog for issuing registration ID cards and are, for the first time ever, issuing cards within the 30 day period mandated by Oregon statute. He told the committee, “Just the administrative headache of turning over an application in 60 days unfathomable, not to mention the effects upon the lowest income [patients] and uninsured for having to go see a doctor every 60 days just to sign some paperwork.” Brian Michaels, an attorney and a member of the ACMM also, testified that the legislation would protect people that are already medicating with marijuana from being prosecuted for treating their illness. He also could not wrap his mind around the Dash Two amendment on Federal laws and firearms. Michaels said, “I find Dash-2 to be almost humorous...I want to know a connection, and I don't see it, why [firearms] would be something the Oregon Health Authority would talk about in its literature to its participants...we are talking about firearms and I'm not sure why that would be the issue.”

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Oregon Legalization Bill Moves Forward Oregon's HB 3371 moves through committee despite Oregon State Sheriff Association's opposition and Rep. Andy Olson's “Reefer Madness”.

By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection For the first time in Oregon's legislative history, a bill pertaining to cannabis made it out of committee and on to the next phase of law making. House Bill 3371, a bill that would legalize cannabis and treat it like alcohol, passed out of the House Judiciary Committee with a vote of 6 to 3, with Rep. Wayne Krieger (R Brookings) being the only republican to vote with the five democrats. Chair, Rep. Jeff Barker (D - Aloha), indicated they had essentially already decided to move the bill forward, making the hearing a formality, saying, “If you're here on the marijuana hearing, we're going to have a Sen. Jeff Bar ker very brief hearing on that...this bill is going to be moved to Revenue [Committee], where they will have the substantial policy debate.” Even though it was basically a formality, the testimony was insightful, and gave a preview of a few of the arguments that might be made in upcoming hearings. Only 3 people offered testimony supporting the bill: Anthony Johnson of New Approach Oregon, the backers of the legislation, David Kopilak, the drafter of the bill and an attorney for Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, and John Horvick with DHM Research, a public opinion research company. One person, Sheriff Pat Garrett of Washington County, offered testimony against the bill of behalf of the Oregon State Sheriff's Association.

Most of the people following the original panel testified about how PTSD has either affected them or someone they love. In every case, marijuana was the one medicine that alleviated their symptoms the most. Their testimony was compelling and included panelist from as far away as The proponents presented first, with Medford. Cont. on Page 6 Cont. on Page 6

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OHA Director Dr.Goldberg and Rep. Buckley Appear Before ACMM By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection The Oregon Advisory Committee on Medical Marijuana held their quarterly meeting in Salem on March 11. It was a historic meeting, with a State Representative and the Director of the Oregon Health Authority both presenting to the panel. Todd Dalotto, the ACMM Chairperson, has been requesting the program administrator or somebody with decision making authority to come answer questions from members of the committee. Finally, for the first time, the Director of the Oregon Health Authority showed up and addressed the panel. Dr. Bruce Goldberg spent an hour before the panel, with almost all of the time spent answering questions from the panel. Most notably, Chair Dalotto asked Dr. Goldberg if he can do anything to facilitate more recognition of the ACMM and their recommendations. For years the legislature, OMMA Administrators, and other leaders have disregarded most of the ACMM's proposals and advice. Dr. Goldberg responded to his questioning, saying, “I really value what you can provide in terms of two things, and I believe they are in the statute, and that's how you can help provide advice about how we can have an administratively effective program.” “The other piece is [also in] the statute and talks about setting fees, and I also understand that that's where there has been a little bit of friction over the last year,” Goldberg added. “I would actually be prepared to talk about that.” After many questions, and long, well thought out answers, it was apparent Dr. Goldberg was a policy man, and a politician. No solutions were really considered, not even Dr. Goldberg, OHA Director, reasonable addresses the ACMM March 11th ways to communicate better. Hopefully his initial comments were sincere, and he will listen to the ACMM and take their advice in the future. Also appearing before the committee was

Oregon News Rep. Peter Buckley. A longtime supporter of the OMMA, Buckley had a brief message for the committee, submit legislation to the legislature that will fix the OMMA fee structure, which was increased last year as a budget balancing proposal by the Republicans. He only spent a few minutes speaking. “I came to this meeting to basically encourage you to please give us a proposal to make the fees more progressive and to make the fees work for low income Oregonians,” Buckley said. “It was never the intention of the legislature to remove low income Oregonians from the medical marijuana program, and I could go into sorted details of how we ended up where we ended up, but I won't” The committee appreciated his request and made plans to get him a proposal as soon as possible. When asked how soon he needed it, Buckley replied, “How about Tuesday or Wednesday of this week? No really, though, the sooner the better, I think.” Tawana Nichols, the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program Manager, addressed the committee and updated them on the current statistics from the program, including how much was diverted by the new laws and higher fees.. She is always at the meetings and does an admirable job trying to administer a difficult and underfunded program. “Currently our cash balance is at a little over 2.8 million and the biennium of revenue is 12.4 million, and the amount that has been transferred to support the other programs mandated by the Ways and Means Committee is a little over [5 million].” Tawana said. “It's not anything extra...it's the amount that has been mandated” Two members of the ACMM resigned, Stormy Ray and Dr. Alan Cohn. Ray had served on the committee in some capacity for over 8 years. There replacement are yet to be named. Hopefully the ACMM can get some “teeth” to help them do their job which is directed by statute. Unfortunately, it will take help from outside the committee to do that. Having Rep. Buckley come and ask for a legislative proposal to fix the new fee structure gives me hope that some in Salem may be listening. Now if the Director of the OHA can give a little assistance, we might have something that may begin to work. The next meeting for the ACMM will be held in the Medford area on Friday June 14th from 10a.m. To 2:30 p.m. (Location TBA). It has been years since the meeting was held in Southern Oregon, and I encourage those who can, attend. Check the OMMP website for more information or at www.mercycenters.org

HB 3460, A Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bill, Gets A Hearing By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection Oregon's legislature is moving ahead with a number of bills dealing with cannabis, as the coverage in this issue of the Oregon Cannabis Connection demonstrates. One of the most noteworthy bills is House Bill 3460, which would establish a regulated system of dispensaries in Oregon. HB3460 would amend the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA) to allow for licensing and regulation of Medical Marijuana Facilities, or MMF's. It would not change most of the current language of the OMMA, but would instead: Add additional provisions allowing for the existence of MMF's; Reimbursement to growers for all their costs, including labor; Mandate quality and potency testing of medicine that is sold at Facilities; Require patient approval for the sale of any of their cannabis by their designated grower to a MMF. Allow for MMF licensing fees to fund the new program operation; Provide a avenue for growers in Oregon to be reimbursed legally and equitably for efforts; Offer legal protection to MMF's from local law enforcement by allowing marijuana facilities in Oregon's Revised Statutes. Read the full text at www.leg.state.or.us/13reg/measpdf/hb3400. dir/hb3460.intro.pdf A House hearing was held on April 8th in Salem by the Health Services Committee.

Cannabis Connection Impassioned testimony was given from dispensary owners, patients and caregivers, and even Rep. Peter Buckley (D- Ashland), in support of the bill. Only 1 person testified against it. One man with moving testimony was Tom Chamberlain, who has a quadriplegic son from a car accident. His son used very strong prescription medications, which caused horrible side effects and actually made his life worse. But, he was able to stop or reduce the medications by using marijuana. After his son, Joe, applied for an Oregon medical marijuana card, Chamberlain said, “To say I was a skeptic at first would be an understatement, but, I have to tell you, today he has weaned himself off nearly all of his drugs.” “Joe isn't going to be able to grow marijuana by himself, and lord knows he's not going to grow it in my garage, but each month I take him to the marijuana outlet, they're everywhere in Portland, to get what I thought was legal,” Chamberlain continued. “I thought it was legal to go to an outlet, I didn't know, until recently, it was illegal, nor did I know that the products he was purchasing weren't tested.” A patient testified about the difficulties he has with the grower model of medicine production. Mark Imhoff, who suffers from a number of severe ailments, uses marijuana for his relief, said, “The dispensary model, to me, is a much safer and better alternative to the grower model for several reasons.” “Using a dispensary is no different than going to a Fred Meyer Pharmacy, or anyplace else, and picking up a prescription drug...I'm allowed a selection of medicines and products and services that can be tailor made for my symptoms.” Imhoff explained. “I know that my medicine is tested for chemical composition, potency, and whether it contains pesticides or herbicides...I know exactly what I'm getting, such as a prescription obtained from a pharmacy is safe, it puts my mind at ease.” Geoff Sugerman, of The Sugerman Goup lobbying firm, has been instrumental in moving the bill forward. With his expertise and knowledge in the halls of the Capitol in Salem, Cont. on Page 9

Cannabis Connection

2012 S.O. Cultivators Cup By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection The 2012 Southern Oregon Cultivators Cup (2012 because that is the harvest being judged) was held March 2nd in Medford Oregon. The event was the brainchild of Phil Carvalho of Patients Choice Clinic Services and held at a great venue in downtown Medford. Two of the winners were determined based upon testing results from Green Leaf Labs, a sponsor of the event, and three of the winners were based upon votes, where the attendees chose their favorites. Photo: Keith Mansur for OCC

Oregon News BHO/concentrates were entered, so the tables were covered with great photos and information on each entry.

Photo: Keith Mansur for OCC

Apparel vendors, medicated food vendors, glass vendors, and more provided samples of their wares, and some even demonstrated their products. 42 Degrees brought a table full of glass and a “Torch Tube”, which is a water pipe that holds cannabis concentrate, water, and the butane (seemed dangerous!). Once lit, the pipe ejected a flame which heated the bowl allowing you to smoke...It was a self lighting pipe! The food vendors had samples of their many products available, as well. They are wonderful tasting, and wonderfully medicated. Winning the Best Edibles category, Angel's Edible Medibles was actually providing “award winning” treats to the attendees all night!

time covering the event. Thanks to Phil Carvalho for taking the time and effort to put together the event. We await next years event with anticipation.

Global Marijuana March Is May 4th!

Photo: Keith Mansur for OCC

The winners of the “King Of The Lab” choices for high THC were: Best Bud - G-13 by Frankstein Farms at 22.61 % THC BHO/Concentrate - G-13 wax. Frankenstein Farms at 80.72% THC Patients choice winners which were voted on: Best Bud patients choice vote Purple Williams Wonder x Athena BHO/Concentrate patients choice vote - ATF Butter

Green Leaf Labs set up a display on the stage with a card explaining the facts about each strain and test results. 33 strains of bud and 4

Best Edibles patients choice vote - Angels Edible Medibles It was a great evening and we had a great

CannabisCulture.com and its magazine, Cannabis Culture.

By Kristi Anderson Oregon Cannabis Connection

Oregon represents the march well, and have events in four cities this year. This action is happening in Salem, Eugene, Portland, Medford.

The Global Marijuana March (GMM) is an annual rally held at different locations across the planet. It refers to cannabis-related events that occur on the first Saturday in May, or thereabouts, and may include marches, meetings, rallies, raves, concerts, festivals and information tables.

Salem plan: MERCY will assemble for this event, starting at 11am, at the far end of the mall across from the steps of the Capital Building, Salem, Oregon and march begins at High Noon. Visit http://mercycenters.org/events/MMM.html for map and more. In Eugene: The W-V-NORML / CanLibSoc / EEH / ECTV Coalition will assemble 10:30am, at the FSP (Free Speech Plaza), 8th & Oak, do a lap around Saturday Market, back to FSP and begin the speeches at noon. The speakers this year are: Brian Michaels a prominent Criminal Defense Lawyer practicing in Oregon with extensive experience in Marijuana cases.

Photo: Keith Mansur for OCC

Utilizing the upstairs portion of a private club, the visitors were welcomed by a expansive room with many tables for the patrons to sit and enjoy the music spun by VIP Entertainment. Food (non-medicated type) was also provided for visitors. Smoke filled the room and people mingled and walked about, visiting the vendors set up at the edge of the room.

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Canadians marching in Toronto, Canada, the original city to organize a global march

The Global Marijuana March also goes by the name of the Million Marijuana March (MMM). It began in 1999. Hundreds of thousands of people have participated in over 750 different cities worldwide since 1999. There are local names for the event too. Such as: World Cannabis Day, Cannabis Liberation Day, Global Space Odyssey, Ganja Day, J Day, Million Blunts March, etc.. The Global Marijuana March is a celebration embracing cannabis culture as a personal lifestyle choice. Participants unite to discuss, promote, entertain and educate both consumers and non-consumers alike. One of the main organizers since 1999 is Dana Beal and his Cures-Not-Wars.org website. Another of the main organizers is

In Portland: Oregon NORML usually gathers in Pioneer Courthouse Square to march at High Noon through downtown Portland, accompanied by a police escort. To volunteer or for questions about the march and rally, please call the Oregon NORML message line at (503) 239-6110 or visit http://www.ornorml.org. In Southern Oregon/Medford: The march begins at High Noon at 332 W. 6th St Medford, march ends in downtown Alba Park. Music by Frankie Hernandez Band & The Herbal Crew & more TBA. Redeye & The Herbal

Don't miss your chance Crew playing in to show your support for Medford last year cannabis law reform and ending the prohibition of 75 years with others around the world!

Oregon News

Page 6 Security.”

PTSD Testimony Cont. from Pg 3. One Iraqi War vet, Jared Townsend, told how he lost 5 friends due to pharmaceuticals and how medical marijuana has allowed him to be productive, testifying, “Today I am here for five of my friends that couldn't be here, and the reason they died was because they were prescribed pharmaceuticals from the V.A. In massive doses, and they ended up overdosing and dying.” “At that point I chose not to take pharmaceuticals anymore, practically in fear of my life, and ultimately that's why I believe I have been able to be a productive member [of society] again,” Townsend explained. Another Iraqi War veteran testified how marijuana has helped him. He uses medical marijuana for the PTSD he developed, although his records show he has his recommendation for his back pain. Since the V.A. will not recommend medical marijuana, but will allow vets living in legal marijuana states to use it, he sees the State's role as pivotal. “For them to deny me, but yet you guys [also] not be able to pass this to help us...I am really at a loss for words,” the vet explained. The final person to testify, and the only opponent, was Freshman Senator Betsy Close (R Albany), an appointee who replaced moderate republican Senator Frank Morse last October. Senator Close provided testimony which was Sen. Betsy Close backed up by a 35 year (R-Albany) old Reader's Digest article entitled “Marijuana Alert: Enemy of Youth”, and the 1978 International Symposium on Marijuana, held in Reims, France. Sen. Close stated, “A close relative of mine...was a Phi Beta Cappa in Wisconsin, he got a B.A., was a very bright man and was in graduate school in California when he began to smoke dope...At 40 he could no longer add...and he now has COPD, a bronchitis/emphysema disease that is fatal, there is no cure...He was never able to conceive a child, and he lives on Social

“This research found that with brain scans, [from] research on Rhesus Monkeys, that the synapses in the brain began to widen and there is brain damage...the reproductive organs are effected, the sperm count goes down, the number of eggs that are released by women decreases, and that would explain why my relatives were never able to conceive a child.”

Legalization Bill Cont. from Pg 3. Johnson and Kopilak briefly explaining the reasons for the legislation and why they felt it was time to act now. Johnson started by explaining it is time to regulate marijuana similar to alcohol and stop wasting money on prohibition. The bill would limit marijuana to adult consumption and provide for licensed and taxed retail locations that would check I.D.'s and pay taxes to the State.

The overwhelming evidence presented at the first hearing, which was held before the Health Care and Human Services Committee earlier this session, completely contradicts Sen. Close's testimony. In fact, almost every view she expressed would have been more appropriate to present to the HHS committee which was tasked with the question of health effects of adding PTSD to the OMMA. But, her argument was not even about PTSD. She was simply expressing unqualified opinions on marijuana and how it sterilized her relative and made him stupid. She provided decades old studies conducted by bias organizations, and likely obtained from a biased source, as the basis for her beliefs and testimony. In Fact, the title of the 1979 article is taken directly from the original 1930's “Reefer Madness” campaign. It was the title of the first comic book ad by the Association of Comics Magazine Publishers supporting the “Reefer Madness” propaganda pushed by Harry J. Anslinger's and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Luckily, the committee was not in the same state of mind as her unfortunate relative who's life was apparently destroyed by marijuana. They moved the bill forward and scheduled a work session. Hopefully it will see the Senate floor soon.

Anthony Johnson of New Approach Oregon ponders the information at the Citizens Initiative Review of M-74 in 2010

Johnson explained, “House Bill 3371 will generate millions of dollars to the state of Oregon, create jobs, and will divert that money to help fund education, public safety, and substance abuse programs and mental health programs as well as provide more money for the general fund.” Kopilak explained that when drafting the bill they received substantial input from activists, legislators, law enforcement, business entrepreneurs, and others to try and address their concerns and gain broad support. He also explained that, due to the political winds, it would be smart to act sooner rather than later. Kopilak pointed out, “The window of time in which the legislature can act and play a forward looking role is, I believe, short. If current trends continue and the legislature fails to act in the near term, Oregon may find itself with a new law or constitutional amendment, through the initiative process, that none of us wants.” John Horvick dropped some polling numbers on the committee that were hard to ignore. With 50% of the entire nation supporting legalization in recent polls, and Measure 80 in Oregon garnering 47% of the vote, things are changing fast. DHM research conducted a poll in late March of likely 2014 voters in the Beaver State. “We found that support for marijuana legalization continues to increase with now 50% saying they support legalization,” Horvick said. “Perhaps the most significant finding in our survey is that voters overwhelmingly believe that marijuana legalization in Oregon is inevitable.”

Cannabis Connection few years. He expressed concerns about Federal grants being lost, home growing, increased DUII caseloads, and even the “social costs” being more than the “tax revenues”. Sheriff Pat Gar rett But, most ...Oops, wrong yahoo! notably, Sheriff Garrett complained that his office would be overworked by enforcement of legal marijuana and also lose revenue from their inability to confiscate and sell off the property of people previously involved in marijuana crimes.

“Section 39 of the act clearly assigns local police officers, deputies, and prosecutors to enforce the provisions of this act, yet it is very concerning the act fails to assign any resources anticipated from the act to go to those law enforcement agencies.” “If today, local law enforcement investigators investigate a black market marijuana cultivation or distribution enterprise, it leads to forfeiture of property and proceeds from the criminal conduct, the proceeds from forfeiture go to the local investigating agency to help fund other investigations, and to help pay for the investigations high cost in staff and equipment...Section 40 appears to disallow that option for provisions of this act and instead require such proceeds go to the school fund.” As I mentioned, Sheriff Garrett has raided every Safe Access Point in Washington County and confiscated money, property, and spent hundreds of man hours within his department investigating what some considered model access points for Oregon's medical marijuana patients like Human Collective and Serene Dreams. Ignoring his other unsupported testimony, it is hypocritical to say you wont have the manpower or funds to enforce the provisions of legal marijuana in a county that spends more time investigating marijuana crimes than any other jurisdiction in Oregon. The hearing ended as promised, with a vote to move the bill on to the Revenue Committee, but they did so without a “Do pass” recommendation, thanks mainly to Rep Andy Olson (R - Albany). Chairman Barker voiced a few concerns, but generally showed support for the measure overall, and even quipped at one point, Rep. Andy Olson (R“Those of us who Albany) grew up watching Reefer Madness are getting old or dying off.”

81% in the DHM survey believe marijuana will eventually be legal in Oregon, to which Horvick said “As a public opinion researcher, this result stands out, and I believe sends a signal to where the voters attitudes are heading.”

His comments obviously irritated some, and Rep. Olson interjected his own view of Reefer Madness when he came out against the “do pass” recommendation stating, “All you have to do is Google right now and go over to the British Medical Journal and read what they've done over the last several years with their issues out there. “

Sheriff Pat Garrett testified last, and is not in support of the bill, which was no surprise. Every Safe Access Point in Washington County has been shut down by the Sheriff's Department in the past

“They identify that marijuana, in itself, increases the risk of psychosis, I don't want that here in this country.” Olson said. “They also identified that teen marijuana usage may cause damage to

Cannabis Connection

Oregon News Nugs Another Midwest Amtrak Bust Tracked To Oregon Another man from Oregon riding on an Amtrak train in the midwest was arrested. Traveling to Minnesota from Oregon, 22-year-old Andrew Sorenson of Portland was arrested in North Dakota on April 3rd after authorities found more than seven pounds of marijuana in his luggage.

Oregon News Heraldnet.com also reported that Cole will find another location in downtown Prineville to rent, and that his dispensary will remain open. According to the article, they serve about 700 clients from the surrounding area, which include Deschutes, Jefferson, and Crook counties.

Portland Resident Raising "Stink" About Marijuana “They're too close,” Gloria Peterson told KATU News. “They're way too close for this to be happening. There needs to be some sort of zoning regulation that there has to be some sort of distance, I believe, between a marijuana grow and a neighbor.”

WDAY TV reported that Grand Forks County sheriff Bob Rost said U.S. Customs received information that a suspicious person got onto the train in Portland. They then alerted local law enforcement.

Peterson's neighbors are growing medical marijuana. With a distinct and sometimes strong odor, medical marijuana gardens can overwhelm small neighborhoods, but, apparently, there is nothing the Petersons can do.

Officers boarded the train in Grand Forks and, with the help of a K9 unit, they found and seized 7.5 pounds of pot reportedly was worth about $44,000.

KATU reported that City Hall officials, the Portland Police Department, the Department of Environmental Quality and Multnomah County Health Department all said they couldn’t do anything about it.

Just last February the OCC reported on a similar incident when a man was arrested in Wisconsin for 7.4 pounds of marijuana. He also was traveling on Amtrak and local Wisconsin authorities were also alerted by officials in Oregon he was coming. Just a thought, don't carry marijuana on Amtrak.

Prineville Cannabis Club Gets The Boot The landlord of the Prineville based Crook County Compassion Clinic/Club evicted the tenants in March, citing a threatening letter sent from U.S. Attorney for Oregon Amanda Marshall, reports HearaldNet.com. Ryan Cole opened the medical marijuana facility last fall in a building owned by the Prineville Veterans Club. But, recently, the Veterans Club received a letter from the U.S. Attorney's office with a similar tone as one sent in June of 2011 to dispensary operators and landlords around the state, stating that the sale of marijuana is illegal under both Oregon and federal law, and landlords of medical marijuana dispensaries can possibly be subject to civil or criminal penalties, which can include forfeiture of their assets. The Club's Building Committee Chairman, Dave Schwab, said, "It was just enough of a fear that, 'What if we were the first one? and we decided we didn't want to take the chance of losing all our property," reported Herladnet.com. "He, himself, was a great tenant; we hated to do it," Schwab added.

Peterson told the reporter, “My sinuses burn, my throat burns, my eyes burn from it.” Apparently, there is a local nuisance ordinance covering bad smells, but it does not apply to medical marijuana grows, which are protected under the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act. But, that may change if Sheriff Mike Winters of Jackson County has his way (See the following News Nug)

More Marijuana Bills In Salem Chief Tim George of Medford Oregon is backing a bill that would limit the number of marijuana growers to only three per location (or tax lot), and not allow them within 1000 feet of a school. HB 3055 had its first committee hearing on Monday, April 8th before the House Health Services Committee, and Chief George was there. Currently, the law is open to some interpretation, with some grows having hundreds of plants. Some interpret the law to limit a grow to 96 plants. Many argue that only each grower is limited to four patients, but the actual, physical grow “site” can hold as many growers as the landlord dares. HB 3055 will imit a grow “site” to no more than three growers, with four patients each. The most “mature” (12 inches or taller....I know...right?) plants that would be allowed is 72, or 6 plants for each of the patients, with three growers growing for four patients each. It also limits the distance a grow can be

from a school, mandating 1000 feet or more. Another Bill, HB 2919, is a dispensary/research bill that was introduced weeks ago. This bill would create an elaborate dispensary/research system, a new “Commission” to oversee the program, and limit the licenses for the dispensary producers to 18 in the entire state. HB 2919 creates numerous layers of bureaucracy, and establishes a number of levels of licenses “Greenhouse”, “Outdoor”, and “Indoor” sites, as well as more convoluted scenarios. Most notably, HB 2919 limits the number of producers that will be authorized to produce cannabis for the dispensaries in the State to 18. 18 growers supplying all the dispensary medicine in the state? Can you say MONOPOLY! And with James Bowman of High Hopes Farm testifying in favor, I think we can see who has their eye on the money. The bills were moved on to a work session and will likely move on to the next committee assignment, which is Ways and Means. With HB 3460 in the pipeline as well, the limits of 3 Chief Tim George cards may be too small, since Medford Police it will be current growers with excess amounts that are likely to supply the medical marijuana facilities under that bill. OCC believes HB 3460 is the way to go, and is the best way to provide patients without access the medicine they need. See page 4 for more on 3460. You can read all the current bills at http://www.leg.state.or.us/ and go to Bills/Laws in the main menu.

Page 7 Josh Brewer Sues The Medford Police For Wrongful Marijuana Bust Josh Brewer's residence was raided by Medford police in September of 2009, without just cause and proper evidence. He was convicted by a jury in 2010 but Brewer appealed the case and the Oregon Department of Justice granted their appeal in January of last year. The OCC reported on his story in earlier issues and followed up in our Feb/Mar 2012 issue when his appeal was granted. A civil suit was filed on March 28th against the city of Medford, Mayor Gary Wheeler and the Medford Police Department. Brewer is seeking $1 million for alleged violations of his First, Fourth and 14th amendment rights and another $1 million for alleged malicious prosecution in a suit he filed March 28 in Medford's U.S. District Court. According to Glass, police lied, falsified information and even threatened his client in their efforts to get him convicted of felony drug and weapons charges. This all came after police discovered Brewer and his cousin were growing medical marijuana at their home on Spring Street in Medford. Both were Oregon medical marijuana cardholders. Police had entered their home in an unrelated case. A couple of days later, police raided his home, arrested him, and confiscated his medical marijuana, which was unusable and still drying. The police claimed a gunshot had come from the home, though police never produced a witness to that alleged fact, and also refuse to perform a gun shot residue test on Brewer, which he had requested at the time of his arrest. "They made a lot of false statements...We depend upon our police officers to be truthful," Foster Glass, Brewer's attorney, said to The Mail Tribune. "It's a real shame when police betray that trust by concocting false evidence." "We have the right to redress our grievances," Glass added. "This is so absurd. You don't threaten to throw people in jail if they talk to you."

Oregon News

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Unlawful Possession and Delivery of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana. He was released from their custody on a later date.


Oregon Marijuana Police Log


Feb 1 – Williams (MADGE) On February 1, 2013, detectives from the Medford Area Drug and Gang Enforcement (MADGE) team and the Rogue Area Drug Enforcement (RADE) team executed a search warrant in Williams culminating an illegal money laundering and marijuana distribution investigation. MADGE detectives initiated the investigation in Jackson County and developed information involving the suspect when a drug-sniffing dog alerted investigators to a package that contained $28,000 in cash in heat-sealed plastic bags at a shipping facility in Medford. The suspect resides in Josephine County. Detectives from MADGE and RADE served the search warrant at the residence and seized approximately 161 pounds of marijuana, small amounts of heroin, cocaine, psilocybin mushrooms, 23 firearms, scales, packaging material and other evidence. The suspect was not at the residence when detectives served the warrant, but the ongoing investigation led detectives on February 11 to a Grants Pass-area motel where he was located and taken into custody without incident. RADE detectives obtained a search warrant for the motel room and subsequently seized a small amount of heroin and other items of evidence. He was lodged in the Josephine County Jail.

Feb 6 – The Dalles (OSP) A North Dakota man is facing charges in Wasco County after his arrest February 6th when an Oregon State Police (OSP) trooper discovered he was in possession of approximately 6 pounds of marijuana in his vehicle when stopped for a traffic violation along Highway 197 north of Interstate 84 in The Dalles. The OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation.

Feb 27 – Baker City (OSP) An Oregon State Police traffic stop of a van traveling 98 mph along Interstate 84 in Baker City led the arrest of two Utah residents after the trooper found approximately one pound of marijuana concealed in the van. On February 27, 2013 at approximately 6:56 a.m., an OSP trooper stopped a 2006 Kia Sedona van displaying Utah license plates for traveling 98 mph in a 65 mph speed zone eastbound on Interstate 84 near milepost 304. The van was occupied by two men, both from Odgen, Utah. Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop led to the discovery of approximately one pound of marijuana in two separate bags concealed in the rear portion of the van. OSP was assisted during the traffic stop by Baker County Sheriff's Office.

Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop led the trooper to discover a total of approximately 6 pounds of marijuana in sixteen separate sealed bags in the car's trunk. A Sherman County Sheriff's Office drug detection canine assisted during the stop and seizure. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $15,000. The suspect was lodged in the Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facility for

On March 5, 2013, RADE detectives and team members, assisted by patrol and criminal division members from OSP along with officers from the Grants Pass Department of Public Safety, arrested two people attempting to purchase a large amount of marijuana for the purpose of resale near Grants Pass. A 42 year old man and a 24 year old woman were both arrested for Money Laundering and Unlawful Possession of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana. After both were lodged in the Josephine County Jail, a search warrant was obtained for the couple's residence in the town of Rogue River. RADE and the Medford Area Gang and Drug Enforcement (MADGE) team executed the search warrant and seized ten mature marijuana plants, three firearms, marijuana packaging material and equipment, approximately one pound of marijuana and other items of evidence.

March 5th – Cottage Grove (OSP)

The suspects were taken into custody and lodged in the Baker County Jail for Unlawful Possession and Distribution of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana. The driver was also cited for Exceeding the Posted Speed to wit: 98 mph in a 65 mph speed area, and No Operators License.

An Oregon State Police (OSP) traffic stop Tuesday morning along Interstate 5 near Cottage Grove led to the arrest of two Minnesota men after a trooper found approximately 26 pounds of marijuana in their vehicle. The OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation.

Feb 27 – Salem (OSP)

On March 5, 2013 at approximately 9:41 a.m., an OSP senior trooper stopped a 2008 Pontiac G6 displaying Minnesota license plates northbound on Interstate 5 near milepost 175 for a traffic violation.

A traffic stop by Oregon State Police (OSP) along Interstate 5 in Salem led to the arrest of a California man after the trooper found approximately 15 pounds of marijuana inside the vehicle. The OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation. On February 27, 2013 at approximately 9:30 p.m. an OSP troopers stopped a 1996 Toyota Tacoma pickup displaying California license plates northbound on Interstate 5 near milepost 253 for a speed violation. The driver was identified as a resident of Willits, California. Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop led the trooper to discover approximately 15 one-pound bags of marijuana concealed inside the pickup. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $35,000. The suspect was arrested without incident and lodged in the Marion County Jail for Unlawful Possession and Distribution of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana.

Feb 27 – Bend (OSP)

On February 6, 2013 at approximately 11:35 p.m., an OSP trooper stopped a 1994 Honda Civic displaying North Dakota license plates for a lane change violation observed eastbound along Interstate 84 near milepost 87. The car's driver was identified as a resident of Minot, North Dakota.

March 5 – Grants Pass (RADE)

An Oregon State Police (OSP) traffic stop along Highway 20 east of Bend led to the arrest of a Utah man after the trooper discovered approximately 16 pounds of marijuana in the vehicle. The OSP Drug Enforcement Section's continuing investigation has reached a point allowing release of this information. On February 27, 2013 at approximately 9:25 a.m., an OSP senior trooper stopped a 2006 Toyota Corolla displaying Utah license plates for equipment and lane use violations eastbound on Highway 20 near milepost 9. The driver was identified as being from Kearns, Utah. Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop led to the discovery of approximately 16 pounds of marijuana concealed in the car's trunk. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $35,000. The suspect was cited and released to appear in Deschutes County Circuit Court for Unlawful Manufacture, Possession and Distribution of a Controlled Substance Marijuana.

The vehicle's two male occupants were identified as residents of St. Paul, Minnesota. Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop led the trooper to find approximately 26 pounds of marijuana concealed in a duffle bag in the car's trunk. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $65,000. Both men were taken into custody and lodged in the Lane County Jail. Both were arrested for Unlawful Possession and Delivery of a Controlled Substance Marijuana.

LAKEVIEW DISTRICT Feb 28 – Klamath Falls (OSP) An Oregon State Police (OSP) traffic stop along Highway 97 on the north end of Klamath Falls led to the arrest of a Yakima, Washington man after the trooper discovered approximately 13 pounds of marijuana in the vehicle. Two other persons were cited and released in connection with the investigation. OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation. On February 28, 2013 at approximately 3:07 p.m., an OSP trooper stopped a 2005 Dodge Stratus displaying Washington license plates with three occupants northbound on Highway 97 near milepost 271 for a traffic violation. The three occupants were identified as Washington residents.

Cannabis Connection Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop led the trooper to discover and seize approximately 13 pounds of marijuana concealed in the car's trunk. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $30,000. One suspect was cited and released to appear in Klamath County Circuit Court for Unlawful Possession and Distribution of a Controlled Substance – Marijuana while another suspect was lodged in Klamath County Jail for Unlawful Possession and Distribution of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana. The female passenger was released without being cited or arrested.

March 1 – Lakeview (OSP) An Oregon State Police (OSP) trooper's traffic stop and marijuana seizure last Friday near Lakeview led OSP Drug Enforcement Section detectives to a Gold Hill-area location where 39 more pounds of marijuana was seized and a third person was cited. On March 1, 2013 at approximately 10:20 a.m., an OSP trooper stopped a rented 2012 Chevrolet Sonic displaying Utah license plates eastbound on Highway 140E near milepost 13 for a lane use traffic violation. The vehicle's two female occupants were identified as both being from Boise, Idaho. Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop led the trooper to discover over 5 pounds of marijuana concealed in the vehicle's trunk. Both women were arrested for Unlawful Possession and Distribution of a Controlled Substance Marijuana. The OSP Drug Enforcement Section continued the investigation leading detectives to a Gold Hill area residence in the 100 block of Jacoby Street. A search conducted at the location yielded an additional 39 pounds of marijuana and other related evidence. The male resident was cited and released to appear at a later date in Jackson County Circuit Court for Unlawful Manufacture, Possession, and Distribution of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana.

March 11 – Lakeview (OSP) An Oregon State Police (OSP) traffic stop on Highway 395 near Lakeview led to the seizure of over 8 pounds of marijuana and charges for two Idaho men. The OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation. On March 11, 2013 at approximately 4:13 p.m., an OSP trooper stopped a 2001 Ford Expedition displaying Idaho license plates for a traffic violation on Highway 395 near milepost 128. The vehicle's two occupants were identified as Idaho residents. Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop led the trooper to discover over 8 pounds of marijuana in an ice cooler in back of the vehicle. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is approximately $20,000. Both men were cited and released to appear in Lake County Circuit Court for Unlawful Possession and Distribution of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana.

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HB 3460 Dispensaries Sugerman knows how to get things done. He sat down with me for a few minutes while on a fundraising trip in Southern Oregon before he testified before the committee. A concern of many is patient rights when any changes are proposed to the OMMA. I asked how patients should feel about HB 3460, and if they should be worried about diverted medicine. “It actually puts the patient in somewhat of a better position than they are in today, because it gives them a way to have a discussion with their grower about what's happening with their medicine, and a grower cannot give their medicine to a Medical Marijuana Facility without their authorization.” We asked Sugerman about the fee structure, and what might be expected from the Health Authority, given their broad powers in this bill. “We gave broad rule making authority to the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program to actually help us implement the laws,” Sugerman told the OCC. “The Health Authority is right now in the process of looking at how much it will cost them to run the program...right now they are estimating that it will cost them somewhere around a half a million dollars annually.” Their estimates are based on only 150 licensed MMF's the first year, which would put the fees around 4,000 dollars for each location. What the fee might be if there are 300 locations, or 450? That's a good question, and the OHA will have the power to adjust it accordingly. We also asked Sugerman how it might affect the current OMMA and the patient and grower relationships.

Oregon News relationship between patient and growers, other than the authorization piece of it...We really saw that there was an issue out there with nearly 200 of these facilities operating in the State without licensing and regulation and that is the very specific issue we are trying to address,” Sugerman said.

HB 3371 Legalization the brain for life.” Olson touted other studies from the Journal, saying “[A study showed] one marijuana cigarette equates to one pack of tobacco cigarettes on the impact on your lungs...and then also there's another study that identifies that it permanently lowers the I.Q.” Reefer Madness, indeed. If Rep. Olson had taken the time to investigate a bit, he would find thousands of studies on cannabis, most of them showing that cannabis does not cause significant harm, and is safer than alcohol. In fact, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has published more regularly “cited” and peer reviewed studies which are supportive of cannabis than against it. Google can be a powerful tool, indeed, when in the hands of someone that knows how to use it. At the mercy of a novice with an agenda who also has a little power, it can be dangerous.

See our Medical Section on page 14!

“We don't do anything that touches the

Cont. on Page 18

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National News

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a passing car! That was creative editing, for sure.

Another "NonReality" Reality Show On Marijuana “Weed Country”, a new reality series about a famous marijuana region in California, premiered Wednesday February 20th on Discovery Channel. In this newest take on the marijuana trade, Discovery Channel takes viewers on a journey through the old “Emerald Triangle” of Northwest California and its new regions, which stretch clear into Southern Oregon's southern counties where I reside.

As it turns out, I was right, as the producers actually exposed themselves later on in the episode.

Jackson County Sheriff SWAT team posed with their assault truck: Photo from the Jackson County Sheriff's website.

In the episode, only six minutes is spent on patients, and only one of them spoke about the difficulty of access to medical marijuana. The two patients were sincere, but hardly typical. One is a Mom who was treating her epileptic son, and the other is an ex-cop from New York City, now living in California, who's condition is helped greatly by cannabis. Utilizing creative editing, the Discovery Channel went to great lengths insuring an exciting first show. They filmed a “staged” assault by the Jackson County Oregon's SWAT team on an imaginary grow site, supposedly for training purposes. They filmed numerous aerial shots of Oregon grow sites, many of which were clearly legal grows with just 24 plants in some gardens. All the while, officers, including Sheriff Winters of Jackson County Oregon, comment on the size and scale of the grows.

After only one episode, it is obviously a typical “non-reality” reality show similar to both Moonshiners and Cops (fair notice: I hate reality TV). Not only does it put a bad light on medical marijuana, it sensationalizes the cops, the growers, and the distributors into a prime example of bad “reality” television. A major focus of the first episode was on law enforcement officers in the “Triangle” area, and certain Sheriffs to be exact. Some have launched a crusade against marijuana, medical or otherwise. They also focus on a couple of growers in Northern California who grow and supply medical marijuana to locations south of the “Triangle” and the many issues they face.

Their editing went overboard when one of the growers starring in the show, Mike Boutin, was headed to Redondo Beach California to deliver a parcel of medicine, a trip the show called a “drug run” down the coast. The narrator explains during the drive that “bandits”, as well as police, are problems for couriers on that highway, and of course a suspicious car begins to follow Boutin. He pulls over to the side of the road to let the car pass with a look of concern of his face....The next sound you hear is the sound of a gun cocking, like Boutin is “prepared” for anything! Cut to commercial! Of course, the car drove right on by. “That's Bullshit!”, I screamed out loud. I don't think he would be carrying a gun, and I'm damn sure he wouldn't cock it unless there was a serious threat, not just

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When Boutin returned home, and his German Shepard did not meet him at the driveway, he displayed extreme concerned. He had left his wife alone with the dog for two days. Boutin explained that if his dog was not there to greet him upon his return, he would get very suspicious. In fact, he was so suspicious, he went to the wood pile...by the house...and grabbed a loaded handgun...from the wood pile...not his car...where he was supposedly “cocking” a hand gun earlier in the trip! That makes no sense, at all! He would have brandished the gun already in the truck from the moment he stepped out to look around.

Cannabis Connection

Bill Introduced In U.S. Senate To Reduce Federal Mandatory Minimums By Steve Elliott TokeSignals.com Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, and Rand Paul (R-KY) on Wednesday introduced the Justice Safety Valve Act of 2013, S. 619, which will provide federal judges more discretion in sentencing all cases by allowing them to sentence below the mandatory minimum, if appropriate.

The most ridiculous law enforcement statements came from Sheriff Mike Winters, who hates marijuana and thinks it is the downfall of America. He seems to believe he can end the war on drugs, even if he does it alone. In reference to those who believe in marijuana legalization and controlling it like alcohol, Winters said, “I don't believe it. I've seen a decline, in my opinion, of America from great to good. I don't want to see it decline.”

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) (top) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) are working together, unheard of lately. Photos Wikipedia.org.

“Drugs are going to be the downfall of this country, and I'm going to stop it,” Winters further exclaimed to the camera. Discovery Channel even edited a segment together with images of Mexican cartel busts, a body on gurney, and images of weapons. It made it appear the medical marijuana grows were creating the problems. In the scene, Sheriff Winters even implied “people” are using MS13 gang members to protect their gardens and that there had been “officer involved” shootings. MS13 gangs protecting OMMP grows? That's just ridiculous. I know a lot of medical growers, none have heard of such a thing. As for “officer involved” shootings, From what I found in the past five years in Jackson County, only two marijuana grows that were raided and had shots fired. In both cases, only the police fired their weapons. In one instance from August 2010, a man, who was believed to be from a Mexican cartel and growing illegally on BLM land, was shot dead by police after they spotted him near the grow. According to reports, the man never fired a shot at police.

The proposed bill would provide greater flexibility in federal sentencing, and judges would no longer be handcuffed to giving out federal mandatory minimum sentences. The existing “safety valve” mechanism only applies in drug cases, but just under one fourth of drug law offenders have benefitted from it. The Justice Safety Valve Act of 2013 would widen the existing safety valve application to all offenses. “Passage of this bill will hopefully mean more judges won’t give low-level drug law offenders draconian sentences reserved for drug kingpins,” said Jasmine L. Tyler, deputy director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA). “Research has shown that more than half of all federal drug law offenders had little or no criminal history but they make up more than half of all federal prisoners.”

The other was a raid on a legal Oregon medical marijuana garden last fall in Gold Hill, Oregon. The only shot fired was, again, by the police, and fired The use of mandatory minimum accidentally. The Cont. on Page 13 Cont. on Page 13 sentencing has been

National News

Cannabis Connection

but only 48% of women.

Pew Poll Finds Majority Support for Marijuana Legalization

For the first time since the Pew Research Center started polling on the question 40 years ago, it has found that a majority of Americans favor legalizing marijuana. In a Pew poll released Thursday, 52% supported legalization, with only 45% opposed. The Pew results are in line with other recent polls on the topic. Five polls released in December showed marijuana legalization hovering on the cusp of majority support. Those polls had support at 47%, 48%, 50%, 54%, and 57%, respectively. The Pew poll found majority support for marijuana legalization among Democrats, independents, and liberal and moderate Republicans. There was also majority support among all age groups except those before the Baby Boom generation.

The poll also found considerable skepticism about enforcing the marijuana laws, with 72% agreeing that "government efforts to enforce marijuana laws cost more than they are worth" and 60% saying that the federal government should not try to enforce marijuana laws in states where it is legal. Drug reformers liked the poll results. "I've always tended to be cautious in claiming that we've hit the 'tipping point' on marijuana legalization," said Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. "But we're there now. And I'd say we're trailing marriage equality by just a halfstep, even if far fewer elected officials are willing to join publicly with us as yet."

The Pew poll has lots and lots of informative detail. Visit the Pew website at http://www. peoplepress.org/2013/04/04/majority-nowsupports-legalizing-marijuana/

The gender gap continues to be evident. Some 57% of men supported legalization,

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Cop’s Free Speech Rights Violated for Supporting Cannabis Law Reform St. Louis police officer Gary Wiegert has served over three decades protecting Missouri’s largest metropolitan area, but now his rights are under attack. Sergeant Wiegert’s experience on the force led him to believe that Missouri should decrease penalties for marijuana possession. A believer in small government, Wiegert has been lobbying for the St. Louis Tea Party for a few years before picking up another client, Show-Me Cannabis Regulation (SMCR). Unfortunately, the sergeant’s higher ups decided to put the kabosh on his lobbying once they got wind of his work to reform Missouri’s cannabis laws. Fortunately, however, Sergeant Wiegert isn’t one to give up his First Amendment rights without a fight. St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist Bill McClellan commenting on SMCR hiring an active police officer to lobby for cannabis law reform: Colorado and the state of Washington recently legalized the recreational use of pot. A number of states have already legalized its medicinal use. I got an email last week from “Marijuana Majority” with the news that state legislative committees in Hawaii and New Mexico have approved bills to decriminalize marijuana possession.

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More startling — and much closer to home — was the news Thursday that St. Louis police Sgt. Gary Wiegert has joined Show-Me Cannabis as a lobbyist. Show-Me Cannabis favors treating pot like booze. Regulate it and tax it. Wiegert is a sergeant in the Third District. He is also past president of the St. Louis Police Officers Association. Show-Me Cannabis is not his only client. He also serves as a lobbyist for the St. Louis Tea Party. The Show-Me press release touted his police background and his work with the Tea Party. As the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported, the St. Louis Police Department wasn’t too pleased with one of its own working to lessen penalties for marijuana possession: Police Chief Sam Dotson said Friday that political lobbying by a veteran sergeant for a pro-marijuana group is “not what is expected of our officers.” ...Wiegert also lobbies for the St. Louis Tea Party. Later in the day, Dotson released a statement saying in full, “Sgt. Wiegert is not representing the Department. His comments are his own and not what is expected of our officers.” The Post-Dispatch followed up on the story, reporting that Sergeant Weigert is planning on suing the department: A St. Louis police sergeant who moonlights as a lobbyist for Show-Me

Page 11 Cannabis pl ans to take the department to court for allegedly stifling his pro-pot politicking. News that Sgt. Gary Wiegert was registered Wiegert of the St. as a lobbyist Seargent Louis Police Dept. was told for the to zip it by his bosses organization that advocates for legalizing marijuana raised eyebrows last week and prompted Police Chief Sam Dotson to release a statement denouncing Wiegert’s views as his alone and “not what is expected of our officers.” But it didn’t end there, alleges Wiegert’s attorney, Albert Watkins. Watkins said Wiegert’s superiors on Friday issued a verbal “gag order” asking him to refrain from any political statements until they could meet to discuss his lobbying activities. Watkins said the department also today revoked Weigert’s approval to work a secondary job as a lobbyist. It was a tremendous coup for the cannabis law reform movement to hire an active St. Louis police officer to lobby for marijuana law reform in Middle America. Sensing the importance of such a hire, the local law enforcement establishment acted quickly to violate Sgt. Weigert’s free speech. While the higher ups are going to try and argue that their permission to lobby was only revoked due to a technical violation (supposedly because he didn’t get a business license for his address), it is clear that they are only punishing the sergeant because of his support for cannabis law reform. It isn’t just a coincidence that the department allowed Sgt. Wiegert to lobby for the St. Louis Tea Party for a few years and only had a problem with his lobbying activity once he started working for Show-Me Cannabis Regulation. We are proud to support the efforts to hire Sgt. Wiegert and assist him in his battle to protect his free speech rights. It is a shame that a dedicated officer’s rights are being trampled, but the Sergeant isn’t going to take this violation lying done and we are going to help him every way that we can. Please consider making a donation to help us aid Sgt. Wiegert in this important fight for freedom. Supporting Sgt. Wiegert, can only help give other police officers the courage to speak out against the failure that is cannabis prohibition. We all know that we need more law enforcement officers like him, willing to speak truth to power. Visit http://nationalcannabiscoalition.com/donat e/ to make a donation. Anthony Johnson is the executive director of the National Cannabis Coalition and their parent division, the American Victory Coalition. He also serves as a Board Member of Show-Me Cannabis Regulation, an organization working to end cannabis prohibition in Missouri.

Tr y Out Our Recipes On Page 16 !

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National News

National News Nugs

If states such as the traditionally conservative Alabama are beginning the discussion around alternatives to our failed prohibition of marijuana, the collapse of the drug war machine and its war on a green plant cannot be too far behind.

Marijuana Legalization Bill Introduced In Alabama

Will Maine Be The Third State To Legalize From NORML

By Erik Altieri, NORML Communications Director Many traditionally write off the Southern United States as an area dead to cannabis law reform, but one Representative is behind a new effort that can change all of that. In April, Rep. Patricia Todd (D-Birmingham) introduced House Bill 550, the Alabama Cannabis and Hemp Reform Act of 2013. This measure would legalize the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana and the cultivation of up to 12 mature marijuana plants by those over the age of 21. It would also authorize the Department of Revenue to establish marijuana retail outlets. You can read the full text of the measure here. As many of you have seen, yesterday, Pew Research released new polling data that revealed, for the first time in data from a US based polling firm, that Americans support legalizing marijuana by over 50%. The survey found that 52% support legalization and only 45% were opposed. This is no longer just an issue relegated to states such as those on the West Coast and Colorado, traditionally considered bastions of marijuana law reform, this support is now nationwide. As it very well should be, marijuana prohibition is a failed policy that squanders hundreds of millions of tax dollars a year, inversely affects society’s underprivileged, violates civil liberties, and fuels a violent, criminal black market responsible for countless deaths on our border as well as our local communities.

Maine's Capitol NORML is pleased to be working with Represent ative Diane Russell to support historic legislation — LD 1229 — that would make Maine the third state to tax and regulate the adult use of marijuana. This is common sense legislation that would put Maine at the vanguard of a reform which is not only supported by more than half of the country, but would also save the state precious law enforcement resources, create a new job and tax producing industry, stop the arrest of non-violent citizens, enhance protection of civil liberties, and help keep marijuana out of the hands of Maine’s children.

This measure already has an unprecedented amount of legislative support behind it. LD 1229 was introduced with 35 co-sponsors, including Democrats, Republicans, an Independent, and two Tribal Representatives. We are hearing from our folks on the ground that this is in no small part due to the outpouring of support they have been receiving from their constituents on this measure.

MMJ Now Available In Czech Pharmacies From Marijuana Policy Project On April 2nd, in pharmacies across the Czech Republic, medical marijuana was made available to patients suffering from cancer, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, or psoriasis. Marijuana is available by prescription only, and must be imported from the Netherlands or Israel since a cultivation program is not yet included in the law. The Czech Senate overwhelmingly voted in favor of a medical marijuana bill earlier this year, and President Vaclav Klaus signed the bill into law on February 15. The law does not mandate that medical marijuana be covered by health insurance nor does it allow for home cultivation by patients. Regardless, the country has some of the most lenient marijuana laws in Europe. Possession of five or less plants is merely a misdemeanor, and fines for possession of 15 grams or less are on par with parking citations.

Illinois Lawmakers Pen Strong Support For MMJ Bill From Marijuana Policy Project As Illinois lawmakers consider granting qualified patients legal access to medical marijuana, Rep. Lou Lang (D-Skokie) and Sen. Bill Haine (D-Alton) took time to support House Bill 1 in the State Journal Register.

Cannabis Connection But patients using medical marijuana should not be treated any differently from those who use prescription drugs obtained from a pharmacy. Together, these polices recognize public will, the safety concerns of our communities, and above all else, the needs of those suffering Illinois residents for whom marijuana is the best medicine in providing relief to help them manage untreatable pain in their daily lives.” We’ve come a long way, but we need your help to get over the finish line. If you live in Illinois, please ask your legislators to support medical marijuana, then send this message to your friends and ask them to do the same.

MMJ Bill Introduced in N.Y. From Drug Policy Alliance New York State Assemblyman Richard Gottfried and Senator Diane Savino introduced a bill that would create one of the nation’s most tightly regulated medical marijuana programs. If passed, New York would join eighteen other states – including New Jersey and Connecticut -- and the District of Columbia in allowing patients with cancer, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS and other serious illnesses to access to medical marijuana under the supervision of their healthcare provider. The entire program, including the registration of patients and the licensing of producers and dispensaries, would be subject to strict state regulation and oversight. Julie Netherland, the Deputy Director of the Drug Policy Alliance’s New York Policy Office, offered this statement:

If we want to see Maine become the third state to legalize marijuana in 2013, we need to redouble our efforts. Below you will find a few simple actions you can take to help push LD 1229 over the top.

“Patients and their families in New York have suffered far too long because New York continues its retrograde approach to marijuana policies, even as other states move forward with more sensible approaches. The Drug Policy Alliance stands with hundreds of patients, healthcare providers, and organizations across New York in calling for the legislature to pass this sensible and humane legislation as soon as possible. A growing body of research shows that medical marijuana can be an effective treatment for a number of serious conditions. People living with multiple sclerosis, cancer, Parkinson’s, HIV/AIDS and other debilitating conditions should not have to wait any longer to get access to a medicine that may help alleviate their pain and other symptoms. There is simply no sensible reason for patients and their families to wait any longer for relief.”

Visit NORML’s Take Action Center to easily contact your elected officials and urge them to support LD 1229! If you already have sent a letter, share the action alert with your friends and family in Maine on Facebook and urge them to join you.

The two Illinoisans comprehensibly expounded on the bill’s contents, describing a heavily monitored system that could not only serve as a national model, but also raise revenue, help offset regulatory and law enforcement costs, and finance effective antidrug campaigns. More importantly, they reminded readers that behind House Bill 1 were real people: “Medical marijuana isn’t as much an issue of law and order as it is of basic human rights.

NIH Marijuana Study Grants Available, With A Catch! Mike Riggs of Reason.com reports that the National Institutes of Health are offering a 2 million dollar grant to study marijuana, but there is one catch, it has to find only NEGATIVE impacts from the plant. According to the NIH website, Riggs reports, “If the posting's suggested research topics are any indication, NIDA--which considers any and all marijuana use to be "abuse"--is only interested in studying negative ramifications of legalization.” From the NIH website: The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) encourages administrative supplements to research that will inform social, behavioral, and public health impacts of marijuana legalization laws/policies. This Funding Opportunity Announcement will support projects with the ability to harness these “quasi-natural experiments” currently underway in the United States to ascertain the effects of these recent changes. Research topics may include but are not limited to: Health outcomes (i.e. respiratory illness, learning and memory, psychiatric symptoms, etc.); Risk behaviors (i.e. drugged driving, sexual/HIV risk behavior); Educational attainment; Crime and delinquency; Moderation of prevention intervention outcomes; Changes in state prevention policies. Secondary data applications which utilize national or state level longitudinal or panel data are highly encouraged.

Amazing, isn't it. Our own government, that controls all the cannabis to be used for research in the U.S., also requires that the studies which are done show negative impacts only. Unjust, unfair, and unbelievable!

Cannabis Connection

"Non-Reality" Reality OCC reported on the raid last Aug/Sep 2011 (see it at www.oregoncannabisconnection.com). During the raid, an officer accidentally discharged his weapon into the ground, leaving the bullet behind as a souvenir for the raid victim. Arguably the most disturbing comments from Winters came the very same day the episode aired on Discovery Channel. On the afternoon before his big network TV debut, he handed pink slips to 66 employees of the Sheriff's department, citing both cutbacks from Federal sources and an unforeseen increase in PERS (Public Employee Retirement System) funding as the problems. Of course, all of this is due to budget cuts and increased PERS funding he saw coming almost nine months ago. Dave Crosley of PERS said to KTVL TV, "We let employees know in October of 2012, what the rates would be beginning July of this year." Winters avoids responsibility for the department, and the budget, he has run for 10 years, including their new headquarters which opened last spring in Central Point, Oregon, or their new construction project on the Sheriff's old office in Downtown Medford. Not to mention, catering to Discovery Channel's producers and cameramen, flying helicopters around to locate medical grows, and wasting the departments budget filing lawsuits and appeals to stop legal Oregon marijuana patients from possessing a Concealed Handgun License. (See the OCC Aug/Sep 2011 issue for the story at www.oregoncannabisconnection.com)

National News “winning” battle according to Sheriff Mike Winters. (See update at end of article) Weed Country is terrible, and does no favors for the marijuana industry, especially in Oregon. All those wanting to end marijuana prohibition should let them know at Discovery Channel. Visit the “Weed Country” Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/weedcountrydc) nd Discovery Channels website (http://dsc.discovery.com/tv-shows/weedcountry) to see the show and to let them know how you feel.

epilepsy. He also resisted Shotwell's persistence on obtaining marijuana, not trusting his motives and refering him to Boutin's Grace Farms. But, his relationship with a shady partner, who ripped up his garden early in the year, leaves his judgment in doubt, too. All the police involved with the show acted as you would expect, with the exception of Sheriff Mike Winters in Jackson County, Oregon, and Sergeant Mike Gilley in Siskiyou County, California.

Post-Series Update:

Our portrayal of Sheriff Winters:

After watching the series to the end, my original impression was correct, it was a terrible show. The final episode finally explained to the viewers that the Mexican Cartels are the real problem, and were growing the enormous, many thousand plant, grows.

OCC Cover Aug/Sep 2011

Shotwell was so arrogant and ignorant it made it hard to take him seriously. I repeatedly laughed at him during the episodes. He repeatedly acted like he was above the law, and that making money was what it was all about. He drove 6 Instead, he proposed layoffs hours to Boutins, showed up during a televised press conference. He warned unannounced, with county residents that there another person Boutin never met, will be fewer rural patrols and an increased response with cash in hand, time on calls in some areas. and expected to get marijuana based on Messing with peoples lives inside the sheriff's a shaky conversation department and out seems from weeks before. Dispensary owners to make Winters feel powerful. He may call it like Shotwell cast a Matt Shotwell, the Vallejo leadership, but those who bad light on other dispensary owner in Image from poptower.com © Discovery Channel marijuana access understand call it hubris. points, and should With five more episodes to go, and not be thought of as typical. another show filling the time slot in April called “Pot Cops”, we can be assured that Morris was the most reasonable the law enforcement will get their “character” in the show. He seemed to be more concerned with patients than message across. How can they miss when Discovery Channel sensationalizes making a buck. He was even able to everything and makes them out to be isolate the CBD's from THC in a concentrate for a small boy suffering from heroes that are fighting a battle, and a

Lower Mandatory Minimums identified by the Congressional Research Service to be one of the driving factors in the overcrowding crisis, as the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BoP) population has increased from about 25,000 in 1980 to nearly 219,000 in 2012. The BoP is currently operating at 139 percent capacity and funding for federal prisons now makes up almost a quarter of the budget for the U.S. Department of Justice – and that proportion is projected to increase to 30 percent by 2020. The U.S. Sentencing Commission has also concluded that mandatory minimum penalties apply too broadly, are unduly severe, and are applied inconsistently in the federal system which has caused an the explosion in population and cost. Earlier in the year, while outlining Senate Judiciary Committee priorities, Leahy, a former prosecutor, said that the nation’s reliance on mandatory minimums has been a “great mistake” and should be eliminated.

The 3 “Stars” of the show, Mike Boutin, Matt Shotwell, and Nate Morris were hardly representative of most who are involved in the marijuana movement. By acting arrogant, being irate, and just downright being stupid, two of the three “characters” portrayed the movement as irresponsible, money grubbing and thumbing their nose at the law. Boutin acted ridiculous with passing cars on the road in front of his house, local police investigators, and especially his unruly neighbors who were disputing the property boundary, and who likely tore up part of his crop. He probably should be a bit more careful about his property boundaries, and maybe consider a fence? Or maybe avoid planting your medicine so close to the property boundary?

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These two stood out as fanatical about marijuana and expressed their need to try and eradicate as much of it as possible. There arrogant and aggressive attitudes only help drive a wedge between those who believe in the effectiveness of marijuana and those who have doubts about it and are scared and uninformed. Discovery Channel themselves should be berated and chastised for producing such an inaccurate and inflammatory show that did nothing more than allow them sell T.V. advertising slots for prescription medications, all while depicting a natural remedy as a problem and nuisance involving unsavory people. Unfortunately, they have started another show called “Pot Cops” which is airing in the same time slot on Wednesday nights at 10:00PM. It focuses on the Humboldt County police and their battles with marijuana growers and it does not look to be a whole lot better than Weed Country.

“Congress must reexamine mandatory minimum sentencing to determine whether they are necessary and appropriate while also analyzing the racial disparities that have arisen in the imposition of mandatory sentences,” Tyler said. “This bill is a step in the right direction. “While overdue, the recent reform of the crack-powder cocaine sentencing disparity did not do enough to alleviate mass incarceration, or racial disparities, in the federal system,” Tyler said. © 2013 Tokesignals.com, reprinted by permission from www.tokesignals.com

Thanks again to Steve Elliott and his contributions from www.Tokesignals.com!

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Recent Research on Medical Marijuana By Paul Armentano NORML Deputy Director Emerging Clinical Applications For Cannabis & Cannabinoids A Review of the Recent Scientific Literature, 2000 — 2012 Humans have cultivated and consumed the flowering tops of the female cannabis plant, colloquially known as marijuana, since virtually the beginning of recorded history. Cannabis-based textiles dating to 7,000 B.C.E have been recovered in northern China, and the plant's use as a medicinal and mood altering agent date back nearly as far. In 2008, archeologists in Central Asia discovered over two-pounds of cannabis in the 2,700-year-old grave of an ancient shaman. After scientists conducted extensive testing on the material's potency, they affirmed, "[T]he most probable conclusion ... is that [ancient] culture[s] cultivated cannabis for pharmaceutical, psychoactive, and divinatory purposes."

Medical News Modern cultures continue to indulge in the consumption of cannabis for these same purposes, despite a present-day, virtual worldwide ban on the plant's cultivation and use. In the United States, federal prohibitions outlawing cannabis' recreational, industrial, and therapeutic use were first imposed by Congress under the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 and then later reaffirmed by federal lawmakers' decision to classify marijuana -- as well as all of the plant's organic compounds (known as cannabinoids) -- as a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. This classification, which asserts by statute that cannabis is equally as dangerous to the public as is heroin, defines cannabis and its dozens of distinct cannabinoids as possessing 'a high potential for abuse, ... no currently accepted medical use, ... [and] a lack of accepted safety for the use of the drug ... under medical supervision.' (By contrast, cocaine and methamphetamine -- which remain illicit for recreational use but may be consumed under a doctor's supervision -- are classified as Schedule II drugs; examples of Schedule III and IV substances include anabolic steroids and Valium respectively, while codeine-containing analgesics are defined by a law as Schedule V drugs, the federal government's most lenient classification.) In July 2011, the Obama Administration rebuffed an administrative inquiry seeking to reassess cannabis' Schedule I status, and federal lawmakers continue to cite the drug's dubious categorization as the primary rationale for the government's ongoing

criminalization of the plant and those who use it. Nevertheless, there exists little if any scientific basis to justify the federal government's present prohibitive stance and there is ample scientific and empirical evidence to rebut it. Despite the US government's nearly century-long prohibition of the plant, cannabis is nonetheless one of the most investigated therapeutically active substances in history. To date, there are over 20,000 published studies or reviews in the scientific literature pertaining to the cannabis plant and its cannabinoids, nearly one-third of which were published within the last three years. This total includes over 2,700 separate papers published in 2009, 1,950 papers published in 2010, and another 2,100 published to date in 2011 (according to a key word search on the search engine PubMed Central, the US government repository for peer-reviewed scientific research). While much of the renewed interest in cannabinoid therapeutics is a result of the discovery of the endocannabinoid regulatory system (which we describe in detail later in this booklet), some of this increased attention is also due to the growing body of testimonials from medical cannabis patients and their physicians. The scientific conclusions of the overwhelmingly majority of modern research directly conflicts with the federal government's stance that cannabis is a highly dangerous substance worthy of absolute criminalization.

Cannabis Connection For example, in February 2010 investigators at the University of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research publicly announced the findings of a series of randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials on the medical utility of inhaled cannabis. The studies, which utilized the so-called 'gold standard' FDA clinical trial design, concluded that marijuana ought to be a "first line treatment" for patients with neuropathy and other serious illnesses. Among the studies conducted by the Center, four assessed smoked marijuana's ability to alleviate neuropathic pain, a notoriously difficult to treat type of nerve pain associated with cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, spinal cord injury and many other debilitating conditions. Each of the trials found that cannabis consistently reduced patients' pain levels to a degree that was as good or better than currently available medications. Another study conducted by the Center's investigators assessed the use of marijuana as a treatment for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. That study determined that "smoked cannabis was superior to placebo in reducing spasticity and pain in patients with MS, and provided some benefit beyond currently prescribed treatments." Around the globe, similarly controlled trials are also taking place. A 2010 review by researchers in Germany reports that since 2005 there have been 37 controlled studies assessing the safety and efficacy of marijuana and its naturally occurring compounds in a total of 2,563 subjects. By contrast, many FDAapproved drugs go through far fewer trials involving far fewer subjects. As clinical research into the therapeutic value of cannabinoids has proliferated so too has investigators' understanding of cannabis' remarkable capability to combat disease. Whereas researchers in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s primarily assessed cannabis' ability to temporarily alleviate various disease symptoms -- such as the nausea associated with cancer chemotherapy -- scientists today are exploring the potential role of cannabinoids to modify disease. Of particular interest, scientists are investigating cannabinoids' capacity to moderate autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease, as well as their role in the treatment of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (a.k.a. Lou Gehrig's disease.) In fact, in 2009, the American Medical Association (AMA) resolved for the first time in the organization's history "that marijuana's status as a federal Schedule I controlled substance be reviewed with the goal of facilitating the conduct of clinical research and development of cannabinoid-based medicines." Investigators are also studying the anti-cancer activities of cannabis, as a growing body of preclinical and clinical data concludes that cannabinoids can reduce the spread of specific cancer cells via apoptosis (programmed cell death) and by the inhibition of angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels). Arguably, these latter findings represent far broader and more significant applications for cannabinoid therapeutics than researchers could have imagined some thirty or even twenty years ago. THE SAFETY PROFILE OF MEDICAL CANNABIS Cannabinoids have a remarkable safety record, particularly when compared to other therapeutically active substances. Most significantly, the consumption of marijuana -- regardless of quantity or potency -- cannot induce a fatal overdose. According to a 1995 review prepared for the World Health Organization, "There are no recorded cases of overdose fatalities attributed to cannabis, and the estimated lethal dose for humans extrapolated from animal studies is so high that it cannot be achieved by ... users." In 2008, investigators at McGill University Health Centre and McGill University in Montreal and the University of British Columbia in Vancouver reviewed 23 clinical investigations of medical cannabinoid drugs (typically oral THC or liquid cannabis extracts) and eight observational studies conducted between 1966 and 2007. Investigators "did not find a higher incidence rate of serious adverse events associated with medical cannabinoid use" compared to non-using controls over these four decades. That said, cannabis should not necessarily be viewed as a 'harmless' substance. Its active constituents may produce a variety of physiological and euphoric effects. As a result, there may be some populations that are susceptible to increased risks from the use of cannabis, such as adolescents, pregnant or nursing mothers, and patients who have a family history of mental illness. Patients with hepatitis C, decreased lung function (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), or who have a history of heart disease or stroke may also be at a greater risk of experiencing adverse side effects from marijuana. As with any medication, patients should consult thoroughly with their physician before deciding whether the medical use of cannabis is safe and appropriate. HOW TO USE THIS REPORT As states continue to approve legislation enabling the physician-supervised use of medical marijuana, more patients with varying disease types are exploring the use of therapeutic cannabis. Many of these patients and their physicians are now discussing this issue for the first time and are seeking guidance on whether the therapeutic use of cannabis may or may not be advisable. This report seeks to provide this guidance by summarizing the most recently published scientific research (20002012) on the therapeutic use of cannabis and cannabinoids for 20

Cont. on Page 15

Cannabis Connection

Industrial Hemp Hemp Seed Oil For Body Care

Nutritional and Industrial Uses Of Hemp From GlobalHemp.com No other single plant source provides complete protein in such an easily digestible form, nor has the oils essential to life in as perfect a ratio for human health and vitality, says N C Shah in the concluding part of the article

Hemp seed oil is perfectly suited for hair and skin care. Its nutritional value, combined with its moiturizing and replenishing Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s), make it one of the best vegetable body care foundations. Hemp seed oil’s EFA complement includes polyunsaturated fatty acids, a-linolenic acid and Gamma Linoleic Acids (GLA’s). Although they are very effective in skin care maintenance, GLA’s are rarely found in natural oils. Hemp is an excellent source of GLA’s.

Now-a-days, in the USA, Canada and European countries etc hemp seed and its oil is being used for nutritional rather than its medicinal or narcotic values.

Hemp Seed Osburn (1992) states that in hemp seeds protein is about 65 per cent globulin, edestin plus quantities of albumin (present in all seeds) so it is easily digestible, further, protein is readily available in a form quite similar to that found in blood plasma. Not only this, it contains all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy human life.

Hemp Seed Oil As Paint & Plastic Hemp oil extract can also be used as an ingredient in nontoxic, biodegradable inks, paints, and varnishes. It is an ideal raw material for plant-based plastics such as cellophane.

No other single plant source provides complete protein in such an easily digestible form, nor has the oils essential to life in as perfect a ratio for human health and vitality. Pioneers in the field of biochemistry and human nutrition now believe cardiovascular disease (CVD) and most cancers are really diseases of fatty degeneration caused by the continued over-consumption of saturated fats and refined vegetable oils.

Medical Research Cont. from Pg. 14 clinical indications.

The seed are now becoming available in natural food stores. Hemp milk is not currently available in stores, but it’s a great alternative to soy or rice milk and can be made at home from the seeds. Hemp oil is pressed from the seeds and the remaining meal can be ground into a high protein flour.

In some of these cases, modern science is now affirming longtime anecdotal reports of medical cannabis users (e.g., the use of cannabis to alleviate GI disorders). In other cases, this research is highlighting entirely new potential clinical utilities for cannabinoids (e.g., the use of cannabinoids to modify the progression of diabetes.) The conditions profiled in this report were chosen because patients frequently inquire about the therapeutic use of cannabis to treat these disorders. In addition, many of the indications included in this report may be moderated by cannabis therapy. In several cases, preclinical data and clinical data indicate that cannabinoids may halt the advancement of these diseases in a more efficacious manner than available pharmaceuticals.

Many new products are soon to enter the market and cookbooks are in the works. Hemp seed can be ground into a paste similar to peanut butter only more delicate in flavour. “The ground seeds can be baked into breads, cakes and casseroles. Hemp seed makes a hearty addition to granola bars.”

For patients and their physicians, this report can serve as a primer for those who are considering using or recommending medical cannabis. For others, this report can serve as an introduction to the broad range of emerging clinical applications for cannabis and its various compounds.

Hemp Seed Oil

Paul Armentano, Deputy Director NORML | NORML Foundation Washington, DC March 14, 2012

The short list of hemp food currently on the market of USA and in European countries include: hemp oil, hemp cheese (just as good as real cheese and melts great!), hemp ice cream, hemp butters, hemp flour, hemp baked goods, hemp tofu, hemp burgers (tempeh), roasted hemp seeds and hemp beer.

As stated earlier hemp seed oil is amongst the lowest in saturated fats at eight per cent of total 1-4 per cent g-linolenic acid (GLA) and 15.25 per cent a-linolenic acid oil volume. The oil pressed from hemp seed contains 53-60 per cent linoleic acid (LA) and (LNA). Essential fatty acids govern growth, vitality and state of mind. LA and LNA are involved in transferring oxygen from the air in the lungs to every cell in the body. They play a part in holding oxygen in the cell membrane where it acts as a barrier to invading viruses and bacteria, neither of which thrive in the presence of oxygen. Beyond basic nutrition, hemp oil may help to prevent many of todays increasingly common degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, weakened immune functions, arthritis, behavioral problems, high cholesterol, multiple sclerosis, skin affections and dry skin and hair, pms, sterility and even hair loss.

* The author would like to acknowledge Drs. Dale Gieringer, Dustin Sulak, Gregory Carter, Steven Karch, and Mitch Earleywine, as well as Bernard Ellis, MPH, former NORML interns John Lucy, Christopher Rasmussen, and Rita Bowles, for providing research assistance for this report. The NORML Foundation would also like to acknowledge Dale Gieringer, Paul Kuhn, and Richard Wolfe for their financial contributions toward the publication of this report. ** Important and timely publications such as this are only made possible when concerned citizens become involved with NORML. For more information on joining NORML or making a donation, please visit: http://www.norml.org/join. Tax-deductible donations in support of NORML's public education campaigns should be made payable to the NORML Foundation.

Kentucky To Be First State to Legalize Hemp Production From RT.com The Kentucky legislature has agreed to allow industrial hemp to be produced within the state’s limits, a minor victory for many that will require the governor’s signature before the next step can occur. Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear (D) decided not to act on the law, making it become law under the KY constitution. But, even then the state won’t be allowed to simply start growing the plant to be used for anything from food to fuel: federal legislation outlaws production from coast to coast. Even with Uncle Sam standing in the way, the state lawmakers that approved the measure say they are optimistic about having Washington overturn the federal ban. The group Vote Hemp says that the states of Colorado, Maine, Montana, North Dakota, Oregon, Vermont, Washington and West Virginia have all previously approved legislation that legalizes hemp production, but the federal mandate has made actually growing the crop impossible everywhere within the US since it is still considered a Schedule I drug. With Kentucky signing on to be the latest state looking to grow, though, things could soon change on a federal level. “This historic legislation puts Kentucky in position to be first in line if and when the federal government legalizes production of industrial hemp,” Agriculture Commissioner James Comer said in a statement this week. “By passing this bill, the General Assembly has signaled that Kentucky is serious about restoring industrial hemp production to the Commonwealth and doing it in the right way. That will give Kentucky’s congressional delegation more leverage when they seek a federal waiver allowing Kentucky farmers to grow hemp.” “As soon as the governor signs the bill, I’ll be on the plane to Washington” to seek a waiver, added Comer. Of course, he did not sign the bill, and instead let it become law without his signature. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) issued a statement on Wednesday morning after the news was reported in order to thanks his fellow lawmakers for moving forward with something he says will be instrumental in kick-starting his state’s economy. “I commend the Kentucky General Assembly for final passage of Senate Bill 50. I want to thank Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture James Comer, Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Paul Hornback and the members of the Kentucky Industrial Hemp Commission for their leadership and hard work in passing this legislation,” Sen. Paul said. “Senate Bill 50 is an important step forward in the reintroduction of industrial hemp in

Page 15 Kentucky. I have pledged, along with Rep. John Yarmuth, to seek a waiver when a regulatory framework is in place. I will follow through on that pledge and I hope that Kentucky will soon start growing hemp, creating jobs and leading the nation in this industry again.” Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky.) also went on the record to urge for assistance from Washington as soon as possible to make harvesting hemp a reality. “I will continue to work with Senator Paul on a federal approach that would enable Kentucky farmers to cultivate and profit from industrial hemp in a way that does not compromise Kentucky law enforcement’s marijuana eradication efforts or in any way promote illegal drug use,” he said. Federal restrictions with regards to marijuana began in the early 1900s, but those laws in turn outlawed the production of hemp which, while related to the illegal plant, has a number of desirable qualities and little-to-know detrimental effects. “While marijuana has a potency range of 3 percent to 20 percent by dry weight of THC, industrial hemp is generally defined as having less than 1.0 percent THC,” says the Arizona Industrial Hemp Council.“Moreover, hemp contains a relatively high percentage of another cannabinoid, CBD, that U.S. Sen. Mitch actually blocks the marijuana high. Hemp, it McConnell (R-KY) turns out, is not only not marijuana; it could be called ‘antimarijuana.’”


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Crock Canna Butter

Snockered Doodles Ganja Tofu & Spinach Manicotti By Carptain Cornelius Clay

By Kristi Anderson

By The Manderson's Ingredients: Ingredients: 2 3/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon fine salt 1/2 cup shortening 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted canna butter, softened 1 1/2 cups sugar, plus 3 tablespoons 2 large eggs 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

This is the recipe I use to make my butter. It is simple and works good for many recipes. It also doesn’t stink up your house as much as making it on the stove. Ingredients: 1lb. Real butter About an ounce of sugar leaf trimmings ( may include some smaller buds) 1/4 cup of water (to keep butter from burning) cheesecloth

Directions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Sift the flour, baking soda, and salt into a bowl. With a hand held or standing mixer, beat together the shortening and canna butter. Add the 1 1/2 cups sugar and continue beating until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the flour mixture and blend until smooth.

Mix the 3 tablespoons sugar with the cinnamon in a small bowl. Roll the dough, by hand, into 1 1/2inch balls. Roll the balls in the cinnamon sugar. Flatten the balls into 1/2-inch thick disks, spacing them evenly on unlined cookie sheets. Bake until light brown, but still moist in the center, about 12 minutes. Cool on a rack.

New Recipes In Every Issue! & A Special Thanks To Our Contributors!

Medical cannabis consumption can be unpredictable, always start with a quarter serving and give it time. Effects can take up to an hour and sometimes longer. If you have doubts, you should contact a cannabis clinician about dosage.

Banana-Sour Cream Coffee Cake By J Lynn Ingredients: Cake: 1 cup canna butter, softened 2 cups sugar 2 eggs 1 cup sour cream 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 2-3 ripe bananas, mashed 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/4teaspoon salt 2 cups flour Nut Mixture: 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts

Filling: 10 ounces fresh spinach 1/4 cup cannabis infused olive oil 1 teaspoon basil 1-2 teaspoons lemon zest 1 (1-pound) package tofu 2 eggs, beaten 1-2 cloves garlic minced 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 package large manicotti shells (14) Parsley (garnish)

You will need a crock pot as well Set crock pot to lowest setting. Melt the butter almost completely. Add the trimmings and water and stir. Let simmer overnight, stirring often. Strain through cheesecloth and squeeze as much liquid out as you can. Let cool and refrigerate. Drain off excess water. Use as you would butter. Be careful though as this can be potent.

Sauce: 2 small onions chopped 2 cloves garlic minced ¼ cup cannabis infused olive oil 2 (28-ounce) cans Italian style tomatoes, drained ½ cup dry red wine 1 tablespoon dried basil 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon dried thyme

Cannabis Connection

Directions: For sauce: Saute onions and garlic in the cannabis infused olive oil for 5 minutes. In a bowl, cut up the drained tomatoes and add to the onion mixture. Simmer uncovered for 30 minutes. Add wine and seasonings and simmer for an additional 5 minutes. For filling: Wash spinach thoroughly. Chop spinach finely and saute in cannabis olive oil with basil and lemon zest until wilted. Rinse, drain, and squeeze excess moisture out of tofu; pat dry. In a medium bowl, crumble tofu and add beaten eggs, salt and pepper. Add the spinach mixture and stir. Set aside. To assemble: Pour one cup of the sauce into the bottom of a 9 x 13 baking dish. Stuff uncooked manicotti shells with the spinach and tofu mixture. Arrange the stuffed manicotti over the sauce in a single layer. Top with the remainder of the sauce making sure to cover all the shells. Cover tightly with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour.

Glaze: 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar 3/4 teaspoon vanilla 3 tablespoons milk 1/4 cup chopped pecans or walnuts Directions: Grease and flour bundt or 9 inch tube pan. For cake: Cream canna butter and sugar; beat until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Stir in sour cream, vanilla and bananas. Sift baking powder, salt and flour together. Add this to the banana mixture and mix well. For nut mixture: Combine sugar, cinnamon and nuts in a small bowl, set aside. Pour 1/3 of the cake batter into the prepared baking pan. Sprinkle with ¾ cup of the nut mixture. Spoon remaining batter over the nut mixture then sprinkle with remaining nut mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour, or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool on rack for 10 minutes, then remove from pan and continue to cool. For glaze: Mix powdered sugar, vanilla and milk until smooth, (adding more milk if necessary). Drizzle over cooled coffee cake and garnish with additional nuts if desired.


Cannabis Connection

Do-It-Yourself Fabric Pots By Habit 420 have much money for large fabric pots, which can run 50 or 60 bucks for a large one, but I was determined to stop using large “kiddie” pools as my containers. So, I got online, and checked around. What I found was a number of people who had great ideas for “containers” to grow their plants, and some not so great. Some use four bails of hay, which is pretty smart if you have the room. Others built above ground “beds” for their plants. One actually used giant tires, which seemed really gross, and I don't think I even want to try their medicine! But, I did find some folks that had made their own fabric pots. There were a number of good ideas, but I found a simple solution which will work especially well in my situation. Bottomless fabric pots. A little background first. I have a new location for my garden, but I rent, so I don't want to invest in too many permanent structures, beyond a good, permanent, garden fence. I also like to have my plants above ground because I “rack” my plants, as I call it, like a ScreenOfGreen method (or SCROG) and having them higher up allows easy access to the lower branches when caring for the plants. I want

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the plants 3 feet off the ground, and in the end, they will only be four feet high (from the base of the plant), but they will also be 8 feet around, with too many large buds to count! Care is easy, and fewer wispy small buds occur. Also, I have really good soil from my last garden, and it allows me to re-use the soil, with amendments added, along with the native garden soil. The native garden soil is wonderful in the garden and I want the plants to have access to that soil, as well. So I do not want a bottom in my pot!

Making the Pots: It is amazingly simple, though a bit time consuming. You will build a cylinder from fence material with felt pond liner attached to it with zip-ties. That's it! Here's what I needed for 10 separate pots 36 inch wide by 36 inch high... roughly 150 gallon pots:

What to Buy:

1 roll of 36 inch by 100 foot fencing (I used welded wire fence with 2x4 inch squares – 60.00 bucks) 1 roll of felt pond underlayment 48 inches by 220 feet (check with your local irrigation and pond supply wholesaler...about 85.00 bucks)

First I calculated how big I wanted the pots, and how much fencing I had. I want about 150 gallons, especially with my good native soil, and that's about all the soil I had from the previous garden to fill the pots. I have 100 feet of fencing, so 10 each 10 foot sections, roughly, which is 120 inches long. For the pots diameter (width), I divided 120 inches by 3.14 (Pi), which is 38 inches, or about three feet across. 10 feet, or a few inches less, will do fine, even with the overlap to tie the pots together. I cut my fencing to about 118 inches, and cut the pond fabric to 128 inches long (its 48

Zip-Ties (2 sizes – 200 small ones 5 inches long and 100 larger ones 8 inches long...About 10 bucks)

Tools you have:

Small Screwdriver, Hammer, Tape Measure, Block of wood, Box Knife, Wire Cutters, and a Marker.

After punching a hole, thread the zip-tie through and fasten snugly.

screwdriver in place until you thread the hole with the zip-tie, and us it to guide the tie through, as it can be difficult through four and eight layers of fabric!) After all four corners are done, work your way up each side, about every foot or so, folding the fabric around the fencing and adding more zip-ties to secure it. Once you have all the side complete, roll the pot together, overlapping the ends on one side at least 4 or 5 inches. Once again, punch holes through the fabric, which can be up to 8 layers, and zip-tie the ends together. I used about 7 large ties on each closure. Voila!! Enormous, Roll the pot together and fasten with a 4 bottomless fabric inch overlap, or more. grow pots, for Use 7 or 8 large zip$15.00 each! I ties. think you could go quite a bit larger around, up to four feet. You could go shorter, as well...say, only 24 inches high. The finished pots were about 36 inches wide and 36 inches high, which is about 21 cubic feet or 150 gallons each (at 7 gallons per

Lay the Felt down, then the fencing on top

inches wide). Lay the fabric on a worktable (a used door on saw horses works well), then lay the fence on top of it, curving upward, centering it in the middle of the fabric. You should overlap 5 to 7 inches on each side. Lay a weight (book, board, etc...) on the fencing to hold it down.

The finished pot. Sturdy, big, and full of great soil!

cubic foot). Starting with the four corners, neatly fold over the fabric, overlapping all the layers, and enclose the fencing. Carefully locate the horizontal wire (wire parallel to ground when pot is upright) and punch a hole on either side of it (using the screwdriver, board as a backstop, and hammer). Don't “stitch” to close to the edge, stay a couple of inches inside of it. Carefully thread a small zip tie through each hole, going around the fencing wire, and pull tight to hold the fabric to the fence. (Warning, you may want to leave the

Next year it will be easy to break down the pots, rinse them off, amend my soil, and reload them for another great growing season. It seems like the same concept could also be used to add bottoms to the pots. Due to the extreme weight, moving a full pot is not possible, anyway. Just zip-tie on a bottom!

Page 18

Worm Castings: Natures Greatest Organic Fertilizer Worm castings are the richest natural fertilizer known to humans. That's right: as little as a tablespoon of pure worm castings provides enough organic plant nutrients to feed a 6" potted plant for more than two months. Worm castings stimulate plant growth more than any other natural product on the market. Unlike animal manure and artificial fertilizers it is absorbed easily and immediately by plants. But Worm Castings don't only stimulate plant growth: they also enhance the ability of your soil to retain water (because of its texture), and it even inhibits root diseases such as root rot. You can order worm castings in your local garden store in small bags which are about 2 gallons, or larger bags up to 90 pounds or more. What Are Worm Castings? Worm Castings contain a highly active biological mixture of bacteria, enzymes, remnants of plant matter and animal

Worm Castings look like small balls of soil, and are loaded with nutrients!

Cultivation magnesium, potassium and calcium. It also contains manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, borax, iron, carbon and nitrogen. However, the best of all is that these minerals are immediately available to the plant, without the risk of ever burning the plant. Remember that animal manure and chemical fertilizers have to be broken down in the soil before the

as much of it as you like. Benefits of Worm Castings: 1.The humus in the worm castings extracts toxins and harmful fungi and bacteria from the soil. Worm Castings therefore have the ability to fight off plant diseases. 2.The worm castings have the ability to fix heavy metals in organic waste. This prevents plants from absorbing more of these chemical compounds than they need. These compounds can then be released later when the plants need them. 3.Worm Castings act as a barrier to help plants grow in soil where the pH levels are too high or too low. They prevent extreme pH levels from making it impossible for plants to absorb nutrients from the soil.

plant can absorb them. As the organic matter moves through the alimentary canal of the earthworm, a thin layer of oil is deposited on the castings. This layer erodes over a period of 2 months. So although the plant nutrients are immediately available, they are slowly released to last longer. The cocoons in Worm Castings each contain between 2 and 10 eggs that hatch within 2 weeks. This means that the process of decomposition are continued by the young earthworms in the soil, provided that the soil is loose, damp and rich enough in organic matter for the worms to stay alive.

4.The humic acid in Worm Castings stimulate plant growth, even in very low concentrations. The humic acid is in an ionically distributed state in which it can easily be absorbed by the plant, over and above any normal mineral nutrients. Humic acid also stimulates the development of micro flora populations in the soil. 5.Worm Castings increase the ability of soil to retain water. The worm castings form aggregates, which are mineral clusters that combine in such a way that they can withstand water erosion and compaction, and also increase water retention. 6.Worm Castings reduce the acid-forming carbon in the soil, and increase the nitrogen levels in a state that the plant can easily use.

The bacteria in the alimentary canal of the earthworm transforms organic waste to natural fertilizer. The chemical changes that the organic wastes undergo include deodorizing and neutralizing. This means that the pH of the castings is 7 (neutral) and the castings are odorless (they smell like a forest after rain). The worm castings also contain the bacteria, so the process is continued in the soil, and microbiological activity is promoted.

Worm Castings are packed with minerals that are essential for plant growth, such as concentrated nitrates, phosphorus,

Worm Castings can be used as an ingredient of potting soil (as plant nutrients) for plants in and around the house. It can also be used as a planting additive for trees, vegetables, shrubs and flowers. When used as mulching material, Worm Castings will ensure that the minerals are absorbed directly into the soil when it is watered. Because Worm Castings will never burn plants, you can use

You can buy small bags like this, or large bags over 90 pounds, as well.

castings hold 2 to 3 times their weight in water. That means you water less and the pot will stay damper for a longer period. Worm castings will not burn your plants; unlike using any fresh raw manure (cow, horse, etc.) which can burn root systems if not applied properly. . . . The manure passes through the worms' digestive system producing rich organic plant food and a slow releasing fertilizer which allows for better growth." How to use Worm Castings: For Germination Use 20 to 30% Worm Castings with sand as an excellent germination mixture. It will also ensure continuous and lush growth for about three months, without you having to add any other plant food. As a Soil Conditioner If you hoe a layer of barren soil, add a layer of Worm Castings and give it some water, you will be surprised at the growth of your first season's plants.

What Can Worm Castings Be Used For? manure, as well as earthworm cocoons (while damp). The castings are rich in water-soluble plant nutrients, and contain more than 50% more humus than what is normally found in topsoil.

Cannabis Connection

Organic plant wastes usually have a carbonnitrogen ratio of more than 20 to 1. Because of this ratio, the nitrogen is unavailable to plants, and the soil around the organic waste becomes acidic. Recommendations and Quotes about Worm Castings. "Worm Castings outperform any commercial fertilizer I know of. The key factor is microbial activity. Research that I and others have done shows that microbial activity in worm castings is 10 to 20 times higher than in the soil and the organic matter that the worm ingests..." "Earthworm castings are the best imaginable potting soil for greenhouses or house plants, as well as gardening and farming. It will not burn even the most delicate plants and all nutrients are water-soluble, making it an immediate plant food. The effect of earthworm castings used in any of these ways is immediately visible. They make plants grow fast and strong." "Castings contain 5 times the available nitrogen, 7 times the available potash and 1 1/2 times more calcium than that found in 12" of topsoil. Therefore, castings are supplied with available nutrients. The nutrients are also water-soluble and immediately available to the plant. You will find that most potting soils have a nutrient life for 2 to 5 days, where worm castings will last up to 6 times as long. You will need 5 times as much potting soil to do the same job as worm castings. So in the long run, worm castings are much cheaper and do a much better job. Also,

As a Fertilizer Sprinkle Worm Castings around the base of plants or lightly dig it in, and then add water. They can also be sprinkled on a large scale with a spreader. Remember: you cannot use too much Worm Castings, they cannot damage your plants. As a Liquid Fertilizer Worm Castings can easily be mixed with water. Use 1 cup Worm Castings for every gallon of water and wait 1 week. This liquid mixture can be used as an excellent fertilizer or leaf foliate spray. It also helps to control insects. Many people prefer this method of application. We have known for hundreds of years that earthworms are the best way to improve plant growth and to increase plant yield, such as fruit. Earthworm castings are a wonder product of nature. So if you care about your soil, and your plants, then now is the time to get rid of your Miracle Gro and to use this 100% natural product. Š Reprinted by permission

Cannabis Connection CLINICS, CO-OPS, & ORGS ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL SPECIALTY Serving Salem & Beyond. We've Gone Mobile and Now Offer Your Own Personal RN That Comes To You! Cards, Exams, Evals. Call Bill (503) 307-5840. CANNA MEDICINE A Grower And Patient Co-op Serving The Salem/ Corvallis Area (503) 339-6352 www.cannamedicine.org CHERRY CITY COMPASSION Connecting OMMP Patients 2025 25th St. SE Salem, OR 97302 CherryCityCompassion.org CHRONIC CARE, INC. 570 Lawrence St. Suite 101 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 344-1688, Fax (541) 344-8110 www.chroniccareinc.com CLUB PIT BULL 4088 State St. NE Salem, OR 97301 (503) 409-8192 Open 7 Days a Week 12pm - 6pm COLUMBIA GORGE ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 1302 A Street Hood River, OR 97031 (541) 308-0306 COMPASSION CENTER 2055 W. 12th Ave. Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 484-6558 COOS COUNTY CO-OP 3682 Tremont Ave. North Bend, OR 97459 (541) 751-0005

Clinics & Information

GREEN BIKE DELIVERY SERVICE Serving OMMP Patients in Corvallis, Albany and Philomath Call (541) 224-4039 For a Consultation

OREGON ALTERNATIVE, LLC. 169 S. Old Pacific Hwy. Tri-City, OR (Myrtle Creek Area) (541) 863-4173

HERBALIST FARMER 45 NE 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 97220 (503) 252-9088 www.herbalistfarmer.org

OREGON GREEN FREE Mid-Valley Chapter midvalley.ogf@gmail.com (541) 704-7052 message

MAMA MOTHERS AGAINST MISUSE AND ABUSE www.mamas.org 3 Locations: PORTLAND OR 5217 SE 28th Ave. (Steele & 28th) (503) 233-4202 Fax (503) 233-8266 THE DALLES, OR 319 E. 7th. St. (541) 298-4202 Fax (541) 296-2983 BEND, OR 454 NE Revere St. (503) 233-4202

WORLD FAMOUS CANNABIS CAFE 322 SE 82nd Ave. Portland, OR 97216 www.usaworldfamouscannabiscafe.org

OREGON MEDICAL CANNABIS UNIVERSITY 2900 SW Cornelius Pass Rd. Ste. 548 Hillsboro, OR 97123 (503) 649-2999 www.omcu.net

SOUTHERN OREGON CANNABIS CLUB 1455 NE 6th St. Grants Pass, OR 97526 (541) 660-0209 sommclub@gmail.com

OREGON NORML PO Box 16057 Portland, OR 97292-0057 (541) 239-6110 www.ornorml.org

SOUTHERN OREGON CANNABIS COMMUNITY CENTER 332 W. 6th St. Medford OR 97501 (541) 779-1448 Fax (541) 779-1665 www.so-norml.org THCF THE HEMP AND CANNABIS FOUNDATION www.thc-foundation.org 2 Locations: GRANTS PASS, OR 558 NE F St. #1 (541) 244-4000 (800) 723-0188

PATIENTS CHOICE CLINIC SERVICE 332 W. 6th St. Medford, OR 542 Washington Ste: 102 Ashland, OR Ph (541) 499-5431 Fax (877) 885-9910 www.patientschoiceclinics.com

MT. HOOD WELLNESS CENTER 14325 SE Stark Portland, OR 97233 (971) 279-4116 www.mthoodwellness.com

TOP SHELF LLC. 2350 State St. Salem, OR 97301 WWW.OMMPCARDSWELCOMED.COM Doing The Right Thing Everyday! Simply Caring & Sharing.

OGF SOUTH CHAPTER (541) 210-8790 www.oregongreenfree.net

PATIENT GROWER NETWORK PGN Lodge, Mon 5-9; Tu - Sa 2-9 4090 Cherry Ave. Keizer, OR Networking, MD Appts pgnlodge@gmail.com

MERCY CENTERS 1745 Capital St. NE Salem, OR 97301 (503) 363-4588 www.mercycenters.org

ROGUE RIVER HERBAL PAIN MANAGEMENT 106 E. Main St. Rogue River, OR 97537 (541) 582-9150 www.rrherbalcenter.com SOUTHERN OREGON ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 836 E. Main St. #6, Medford, OR 97504 (541) 779-5235 Fax (541) 779-0479 www.southernoregon alternativemedicine.com

PACIFIC CENTRAL CLINIC Douglas and South Lane Co. OMMP Clinic M-F By Appointment (541) 206-1299

MARY JANE'S BASEMENT 259 E. Barnett, Medford, OR (Winco Shopping Center) (541) 690-1542 Tues - Sat 12pm - 6pm

Page 19

PORTLAND, OR 105 SE 18th Ave (503) 281-5100 (800) 723-0188 THE GREENER SIDE 1601 B Oak St. Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 232-6717 e-mail: info@keepeugenegreen.org THE GREENERY NOW DELIVERING! 12 - 5 Mon - Sat (541) 295-2794 www.ashlandgreenery.org

YOUR HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL CLINIC 3482 Liberty Road S. Salem, OR Ph. (503) 391-8388 Fax (503) 363-0276 www.yhamd.com

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GREEN LEAF LAB The Northwest's Premier Cannalysis™ Laboratory (503) 250-2912 www.greenleaflab.org PAUL LONEY, ATTORNEY Practicing Medical Marijuana Law (541) 787-0733 paultloney@gmail.com

NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS NORML AND THE NORML FOUNDATION 1600 K Street, NW Suite 501 Washington, DC 20006-2832 (888) 67-NORML (888-676-6765) (202) 483-5500 www.norml.org AMERICANS FOR SAFE ACCESS 1322 Webster Street, Suite 402 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 251-1856 www.americansforsafeaccess.org More on next page

Events Calendar April/May 2013 * HAPPY 420 * Operation Pipe Dreams 4-20 Sale & Party

Tour will be available on May 4, 2013, sign up NOW!! For more info, call (541) 673-5323 or go to www.umpquavalleywineries.org.

April 20, 2013 Operation Pipe Dreams 2021 W. Main St. Medford, OR 97501

26th Annual Taste of the Rogue

Event begins at 10 am. Join us for this spectacular sale/event which includes Live Glass Blowing and music by DJ G_RAD. 10-70% of storewide!! And if you bring 2 canned food items, you get a free hotdog! All food benefits ACCESS of Jackson County. Don't miss it! For more info, you can call (541) 773-3165.

Taste of the Rogue is an annual benefit event for the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Rogue Valley, featuring live and silent auctions, fabulous food vendors from around the valley, as well as wine tastings from our local vineyards. Taste of the Rogue is proud to host wineries from all over Southern Oregon, including Troon Vineyards, La Brasseur Vineyards, Ledger David Cellars and more. At Taste of the Rogue, you can expect fine cuisine from the Rogue Valley including Taylor's Sausage, Umpqua Dairy, The Laughing Clam and many more! For more info, call (541) 479-5258 or go to www.tasteoftherogue.com.

The Four Twenty Southern Oregon Mash Up April 20, 2013 Ashland Armory Ashland, OR 97520 Come enjoy a memorable night of music at the historic Ashland Armory on April 20th!!! This is a night to celebrate and recognize a family of musicians that started a movement and a culture here in the Southern Oregon music scene. These bands are highlighted in Michelle Bellamy's long awaited short documentary entitled "A Rogue Revival." Come early to the show to watch her documentary and then enjoy a night of all these bands jamming and celebrating the family they have all created! The bands featured for The Four Twenty Southern ORegon Mash Up include: Alcyon Massive, The T Club, Outpost, Frankie Hernandez, State of Jefferson, Cricket & The Cultivators and, Buckle Rash (featuring members of Synergy). Doors open at 6:30 pm. Michelle Bellamy's Documentary starts at 7:15 and the music starts at pm. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Everyone gets a free DVD of the movie with purchase of ticket! Tickets are available at Dragon's Lair in Grants Pass, Music Coop in Ashland, and BadAss Coffee in Medford! We will have lots of great artisan vendors by Love & Light, Headdy Hats, Sacred Designs and Enchanted Art & Shalako Lee Designs! Your Wingman will be catering the event and The Bliss Bar will be there for your chocolate desires! And lastly Dragon's Lair will be rocking the beer garden! Don't miss this epic night of music!!! See you all there!

Umpqua Valley Barrel Tours April 20, 2013 Roseburg, OR 97470 Join your friends and make new friends as you tour through the beautiful back roads of the Umpqua Valley. Your bus will stop at six Umpqua Valley wineries where you will meet the winemakers and taste their featured wines each paired with just the perfect appetizer. Sample new releases and maybe taste a few new releases right out of the barrel. A second Barrel

April 20, 2013 Boys and Girls Club Grants Pass, OR 97526

Must See Oregon April 20 - 21, 2013 200 Commercial Street SE Salem, OR 97301 What better time to bring to the forefront all of our incredible Oregon destinations and attractions. Staying in Oregon for your vacation is not only rich with options but is also economical AND keeps our $ local. This showcase will provide opportunities for representatives from Oregon destinations and attractions to participate as exhibitors and to introduce attendees to all that their venues have to offer. Also, a place for Oregonians to come to one very central location and discover the vast array of options for travel, excursions, extended vacations, etc. within our state. For more info, go to www.mustseeor.com.

Illinois Valley Rivers and Forests Festival April 26 - 27, 2013 102 South Redwood Hwy Cave Junction, OR 97523 Connecting the Drops: Sustainability from Ridgetop to Riverbed. A hands-on, interactive environmental educational event celebrating the region’s natural resources, takes place at the County Building in Cave Junction. Keynote Address on Friday, April 26, 2013, beginning at 5:30 pm, followed by Reception and Student Project Show at 6:30 pm. Saturday, April 27, 2013, events begin at 9:30 am. For more info, visit Rivers and Forests Festival on Facebook, or call 541592-3731.

To submit your event for consideration, please email info@oregoncannabisconnection.com

Rogue Gem and Geology Club Rock & Gem Show

19th Annual Native American Arts Festival & Mother's Day Pow Wow

April 26 - 28, 2013 Josephine County Fairgrounds Grants Pass, OR 97526

May 11 - 12, 2013 Riverside Park Grants Pass, OR 97526

Rogue Gem & Geology Club presents this show. Friday from 9-4, Saturday from 10-5 and Sunday from 10-5. Displays, demos, prizes, silent auction, vendors. For more information, please call Mary at (541) 479-1045.

Event benefits the encouragement of native American visual and performing & cultural arts. Free to public. Call (541) 531-6104 or (541) 761-8855 for more information.

Cinco de Micro Brewfest

May 11 - 12, 2013 Downtown Medford Medford, OR 97501

May 3 - 4, 2013 200 Commercial St. SE Salem, OR 97301

Art In Bloom

The second annual Cinco de Micro Brewfest will feature your favorite local and northwest brews, local eateries and vineyards, musical entertainment and the unique opportunity to taste hard to find, spring release brews. Admission charged. Fri. 4-10 p.m., Sat. noon10 p.m. For more info, call (503) 581-7383 ext. 15 or go to www.cincodemicro.com.

On Mother’s Day weekend downtown Medford will host the annual Art In Bloom Celebration showcasing arts, flowers, local wine, beer and food. Art In Bloom is a spectacular springtime festival showcasing artists from the west coast. The event features live music, art and floral workshops for adults as well as children’s art activities, a fashion show. There are cash awards for artists and much more. For more info, call (541) 6210239 or go to www.art-in-bloom.com.

Global Marijuana March

Keizer Iris Festival

May 4, 2013 Various Locations Throughout Oregon and Beyond

May 16 - 19, 2013 6075 Ulali Dr. NE Keizer, OR 97303

The Global Marijuana March is a celebration embracing cannabis culture as a personal lifestyle choice. Participants unite to discuss, promote, entertain and educate both consumers and nonconsumers alike. This Action is happening in Salem, Eugene, Portland, Medford and around the World. Salem plan: MERCY will assemble for this event, starting at 11am, at the far end of the mall across from the steps of the Capital Building, Salem, Oregon and march begins at High Noon. Visit http://mercycenters.org/events/MMM.html - for map and more. Eugene: The W-V-NORML / CanLibSoc / EEH / ECTV Coalition will assemble 10:30am, at the FSP (Free Speech Plaza), 8th & Oak, do a lap around Saturday Market, back to FSP and begin the speeches at noon. The speakers this year are: Brian Michaels a prominent Criminal Defense Lawyer practicing in Oregon with extensive experience in Marijuana cases. Portland: Oregon NORML usually gathers in Pioneer Courthouse Square to march at High Noon through downtown Portland, accompanied by a police escort. To volunteer or for questions about the march and rally, please call the Oregon NORML message line at (503) 239-6110 or visit http://www.ornorml.org. Medford: Begins at High Noon at 332 W. 6th St Medford, march ends in downtown Alba Park. Music by Frankie Hernandez Band & The Herbal Crew & TBA.

Iris fields burst into color during one of the valley’s largest events. Fun Center at Keizer Station, Keizer Iris Run 3k, 5K, 10K & Half Marathon and Saturday Parade on River Road. Check out the website at www.irisfestival.com with a calendar of events or call (503) 393-9111.

Rockaway Beach Kite Festival May 17 - 19, 2013 New Ocean's Edge Wayside Rockaway Beach, OR 97136 Sponsored by The American Kitefliers Association, the annual Rockaway Beach Kite Festival will feature professional and amateur kite flyers on May 17th through the 19th at the New Ocean’s Edge Wayside. The American Kitefliers Association is the largest association of kiters in the world and travels all over to spread the joy of kiting to people of all ages and skills. This event will offer contests for anyone wanting to experience the thrill of a kiting competition in a friendly, unofficial environment. Participants can compete to win awards for having the nicest kite, the kite that drags on the ground the longest before becoming airborne, and many other events. Children can join in the fun as they build and learn to fly small kites during special classes. Anyone who wants to bring their own kite to fly is welcome and encouraged to do so. The Rockaway Beach Kite Festival will also feature live

music, kite exhibitions, an array of vendors, and tasty meals all weekend. Come hungry, and bring a camera to photograph the beautiful kites that will grace the skies along the beach at the New Ocean’s Edge Wayside. For more information and photographs of last year’s kite festival, visit www.rockawaybeach.net/kite-festival.htm.

Sumpter Valley Railroad Steam Train Excursion May 25 - 29, 2013 12259 Huckleberry Loop Rd. Sumpter, OR 97877 Take a Trip back in time on the Sumpter Valley Railroad. Two trips per day at 10am and 1:15pm Saturdays and Sundays Memorial day thru the end of September. In 1970 a group dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of the railroad’s history, started the slow task of rebuilding this important piece of Oregon’s heritage. Equipment was acquired from all over the nation, rails were laid, and the first train of the Sumpter Valley Railroad Restoration rolled out of McEwen station on July 4, 1976. The trains are still running a quarter century later, though quite a lot has changed since the restorations humble beginnings. The railroad now stretches over five miles from McEwen to the historic gold town of Sumpter. Passing through beautiful countryside. Each piece of restored equipment has its own story to tell, ranging from the last surviving Sumpter Valley clerestory coach built in 1882 to the “youngsters” of the railroad, identical twin steam locomotives constructed by the American Locomotive Company for the SVRy in 1920. The Railroad’s ever growing collection of railway artifacts encompasses a large part of the countries narrow gauge past, with cars from as far away as Pennsylvania and Alaska. Call today to reserve your tickets (888) 523-5855 or (541) 979-8884, or go to www.sumptervalleyrailroad.org.

Mercy's Annual Wake n Bake June 1, 2013 Near Monmouth, OR MERCYs Annual Wake-n-Bake (WaB) to be held at an Invite-only location near Monmouth, OR. We have a new spot for our WaB. Expect the usual - Communing Friday evening, a Green pancake breakfast Saturday morning (8am – 10am-ish) and Net+working til at least 1pm, Monday. Bring gloves – in case a Work Party breaks out! All other work-related resources will be provided. To get invite / directions or, for more on MERCY, call: (503) 363-4588. For more info on the WaB, visit: http://mercycenters.org/events/Wake_n_Bake.htm.

Clinics & Information NATIONAL ORGS (CONT.) DRUG POLICY ALLIANCE 925 15th Street NW, 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20005 (202) 216-0035 www.drugpolicy.org MARIJUANA POLICY PROJECT P.O. Box 77492 Capitol Hill Washington, DC 20013 (202) 462-5747 www.mpp.org TOKE SIGNALS WITH STEVE ELLIOT Your Source for Uncut, Uncensored, No-Holds-Barred, Non-CorporateControlled Cannabis News! www.tokesignals.com JACK HERER WEBSITE www.jackherer.com

DRAGON HERBARIUM 4638 S.W. Beaverton- Hillsdale Hwy Portland, OR 97221 (503) 244-7049 www.dragonherbarium.com DRAGON'S LAIR 210 Northwest 6th Street Grants Pass, OR 97526 (541) 479-5617 www.dragonslairglass.com

ROSEBURG, OR 1425 SE Stephens (541) 672-7473

KLAMATH FALLS, OR 1939 S. Sixth St. (541) 767-8909


KENNEWICK, WA 5300 W. Clearwater (509) 396-9700

VICTORIA'S STATION THE STATION , LLC 120 Galice Rd. Merlin, OR 97532 (541) 471-1396

1300 6th St. #E (541) 922-9237

MAGIC MUSHROOM / OREGON GIFTS "Look For The Giant Mushrooms" Next to I-5, Exit 136 Sutherlin, OR 97479 (541) 459-7481 MARY'S INDOOR GARDEN DESIGN Will Get You Growing Anywhere In Oregon! (503) 820-1617 OPERATION PIPE DREAMS 2021 W. Main St. Medford, OR 97501 (541) 773-3165 www.myspace.com/ operationpipedreams

EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES 42 DEGREES Clothes - Fine Glass 613 E. Main St. Medford, OR 97504 (541) 973-2311 42Degrees.info@gmail.com


EUGENE, OR 2001 Franklin Blvd. (541) 485-7375

SMOKIN DEALS www.smokin-deals.com 2 Locations: MEDFORD, OR 1246 S. Riverside (541) 767-8636

GROBOTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. "The Green Lamp" Mobile, Modular and Automatic Light Deprivation System Outperforms Any Other Light Source www.grobots.com or (800) 547-6268

PANDORA'S BOX www.pandoraspipes.com 5 Locations: UMATILLA, OR

RICHLAND, WA 960 George Washington Way (509) 943-7473 SILVER SPOON 8521 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Portland, OR 97219 (503) 245-0489 www.silverspoonpdx.com SMOKEY'S NOVELTIES & GIFT SHOP 2080 Lancaster Dr. NE SALEM, OR 97305 (503) 339-7320

Live glass blowing at last years 420 Sale at Operation Pipe Dreams in Medford, Don't miss it this year!

XXXSTREAM ORGANICS For All Your Soil Needs! All Organic and All Natural! Gardening and Greenhouse Consulting (541) 241-4347 www.xxxstreamorganics@yahoo.com

APPAREL FLAWLESS Men's New, Pre-owned & Branded Apparel (541) 840-1280 106 S. Grape St. Medford, OR 97501 www.flawlessmensstore.com Going out of business blowout! MARY JANE'S ATTIC 259 E. Barnett, Medford, OR (Winco Shopping Center) (541) 690-1542 Tues - Sat 10am - 6pm STONED MADE CLOTHING Hand Made Oregon Apparel www.stonedmade.com

THE GYPSY 205 W. 8th St. Medford, OR 97501 (541) 770-1212

KSKQ COMMUNITY RADIO 89.5 FM "Home Grown" Radio Streaming Live at KSKQ.com 330 East Hersey St, Ste #2 Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 482-3999 STATE OF JEFFESON Performing At Festivals, Concerts, Special Events, And More! Organizers of Jefferson State Hemp Expo www.stateofjefferson.org THE HERBAL CREW Delivering Good Music, Positive Vibes & An Irie Feeling All Over Oregon! Check Website For Information www.theherbalcrew.com THE ROGUE NEW ROCK 96.9 FM Southern Oregon's Local Music Show "Off The Hook" with Wendy King Sundays at 7pm www.969therogue.com

Get a listing in this section for only $35 bucks! Email Keith@ Oregoncannabisconnection.com


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