Jun/Jul 2013

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Jun/Jul 2013 Vol. 4 Issue 3



Police Log

76% of Physicians Support Medical MJ

Maryland Becomes 19th Medical State!

The Dragon's Lair: Buy Local, For Local! Oregon Legislation Moving Ahead

Five Southern Oregon SAP's Raided


"Tur tle", Febr uar y's CHAMPs champion, blowing a piece at The Dragon's Lair in Grants Pass. See the stor y on Page 4! Image Š Keith Mansur, OCC

Recipes: Peach Cobbler Cannabis Pesto

Bladder Cancer and MJ

M a ny N ew S t a t e s M ov i n g A h e a d O n M e d i c a l M J L aws !

7 Pest Remedies For Your Garden

WA Re l e a se s D r a f t Re g s on legal MJ

Colorado Gov. Legalizes Dispensaries

Oregon Adds PTSD To OMMP Conditions!

Connecting the Medical Cannabis Community Across Oregon

In This Issue

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Cannabis Connection


Oregon News Oregon Governor Signs SB 281 Allowing PTSD Sufferers to Use Cannabis

Page 3

Raids on Five Southern Oregon Safe Access Points

Page 3

The Dragon's Lair: Buy Local, For Local!

Page 4

OMMA Records Taken By Feds

Page 4

Other Legislation Moving Ahead in Salem

Page 5

I-Five O - Oregon Marijuana Police Log

Page 6

Oregon News Nugs - News From Around The Beaver State

Page 7

National News Colorado Gives Marijuana Dispensaries Legal Status

Page 8

Maryland Goverenor Signs Medical Marijuana Defense and Study Bill

Page 8

Liquor Control Board Releases Draft Regs For Recreational Marijuana Sales in WA

Page 8

Michigan Medical Marijuana Act Trumps Per Se Driving Law

Page 9

Medical Marijuana Bill Heads To IL Gov. Quinn's Desk After Senate Approval

Page 10

Nevada: Governor Signs Cannabis Dispensary Measure Into Law

Page 10

New Report: "One Million Police Hours: Making 440,000 Marijuana Possesion Arrests in NYC, 2002-2012

Page 10

National News Nugs - News From Around The Nation

Page 11

Medical News 76% of Physicians Worldwide Support Medical Marijuana Legalization

Page 12

Bladder Cancer and Medical Marijuana

Page 12

Study Finds Marijuana Helps Control Blood Sugar, Waistlines

Page 12

Cannabis Pesto Skillet Cornbread

All On Page 13

Chocolate Chip Almond Shortbread Double Dose Peach Cobbler

Cultivation 7 Ways to Keep Pests Off Marijuana Plants

Page 14

Organic Marijuana

Page 14

Clinics & Information A Listing of Oregon Clinics, Organizations, and Cannabis Friendly Businesses

Page 15

OREGON CANNABIS CONNECTION is a bi-monthly publication for the medical cannabis community in Oregon. Published by K2 Publishing Co. in Southern Oregon, we strive to inform the public on the value of medical marijuana, as well as provide news, information, and opinions concerning marijuana laws, legalization, and medicine. All information in our publication is intended for legal use by adults only. Our publication is advertiser supported and over 21,000 copies are available FREE at over 225 locations throughout Oregon.

Subscriptions are available within the U.S.A for 18.00 per year. Please visit www.oregoncannabisconnection.com to subscribe. Correspondences to: K2 Publishing P.O. Box 5552, Gants Pass, OR 97527 Email: info@oregoncannabisconnection.com To advertise or distribute, please contact Keith at 541-621-1723. Next issue is August 8th, advertising deadline is July 24th

Cannabis Connection

Oregon Governor Signs SB 281 Allowing PTSD Sufferers to use Cannabis By Bonnie King Salem-News.com As of Jan 1, 2014, veterans and others with PTSD, will be able to get their Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) cards. Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber showed his support of Veterans and others suffering from PTSD when he signed Senate Bill 281 on Thursday, June 6th, allowing the legal medical use of Cannabis (marijuana). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) was added to the list of "debilitating medical conditions" as defined by Oregon statute with the Governor's signature. It will take until January 1, 2014 for the law to take effect, and it can't be soon enough for those who have been waiting years. Thousands of Oregonians suffer 24/7 from the many symptoms of PTSD. Far too many "self-medicate" using alcohol or an over-abundance of prescription medications, just to alleviate the many times very disabling symptoms. Cannabis has been proven to help those suffering from many mental conditions including depression and rage. It helps people sleep at night, and increases a dreary appetite. It is not the answer for all ails, nor is it for everyone. Neither is any other herb or medication. The facts support Cannabis as a healthier choice for those suffering than most other alternatives. Todd Dalotto at the March 2013 ACMM Meeting speaking with Tawana Nichols, the OMMA Progam Manager.

Oregon News Raids On Five Southern Oregon Safe Access Points Gov. Kitzhaber signing a bill in his office. No photo's were available of the SB 281 signing. Image Wikimedia

Dr Phil Leveque has spoken numerous times on the subject, as he has treated at least 1,00 Veterans suffering from PTSD and knows first hand of their successes with Cannabis. The bill was introduced in January, sponsored by Senator Boquist at the request of Todd Dalotto (Chair of the Advisory Committee on Medical Marijuana). It passed the Oregon Senate on April 18, 19-11. It passed the Oregon House on May 30, 36-21. The Governor signed it on June 6, 2013. Every individual deserves to live their life as freely, and painlessly, as possible. This addition to the OMMP conditions is a huge step in that direction, and a very strong message from the Governor's office that where Veterans are concerned, he can walk the walk. This law will benefit all Oregonians, and stand as an example for other states as they participate in the new age of rational decisions concerning Cannabis. This is a big victory, and every one's a winner. Bonnie King has been Publisher of SalemNews.com since August '04. She is a photographer and video producer, writer, editor and mother, which she considers her greatest position. Bonnie has served in a number of positions in the broadcast industry. Bonnie has a depth of understanding that reaches further than just behind the scenes, and that thoroughness is demonstrated in the perseverance to correctly present each story with the wit and wisdom necessary to compel and captivate viewers and readers alike

By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection On May 23rd, five cannabis safe access points were raided in the Oregon cities of Medford, Gold Hill and Eugene. Capping a nearly two year long investigation, the local MADGE (or Medford Area Drug and Gang Enforcement) team, spearheaded the raids with participation from 18 different law enforcement agencies or groups. Raided were Puffin' Stuff, Southern Oregon NORML, & The Green Compass in Medford and The Compass in Gold Hill. 4 arrests were made in the Medford region. The Greener Side in Eugene was also raided and 1 arrest was made. In Medford, police arrested Dave Bond of Puffin' Stuff, Mike Shanno of The Green Compass, and both Lori and Lee Duckworth of Southern Oregon NORML. The Duckworths were charged with 11 counts each of Conspiracy to Commit Unlawful Delivery of a controlled substance within 1000 feet of a school and 11 counts each of Conspiracy to Commit Unlawful Manufacture of a controlled substance within 1000 feet of a school, or 22 counts each. Bond was also charged for 4 counts each of the same charges, totaling 8. Shanno was charged with 4 counts of each Conspiracy to Commit Unlawful Delivery of a Controlled Substance and Conspiracy to Commit Unlawful Manufacture of a Controlled Substance, no school involved, also totaling 8. Enormous bail amounts were placed on the Duckworths and Bond, over a half a million dollars. Although arrested on a similar number of charges as Bond, Shanno was released from jail due to overcrowding only a couple of days after his arrest. In Eugene, Chelsea Hopkins was arrested, but was released the following day. Happening the day before a State Furlough day, the Duckworths and Bond ended up spending 7 days in jail, getting out after their bail was reduced to 5,000 on Lori Duckworth, 10,000 on Lee

Page 3 Duckworth, and 20,000 dollars on Dave Bond. Chris Conrad of The Medford Mail Tribune reported, “They each were initially lodged in the Jackson County Jail on $550,000 bail. The raids happened on a Thursday, a day before a state furlough day — when the courts are shut down — making it impossible for them to see a judge the next day. The following Monday was Memorial Day, so the court was closed again. In effect, the Duckworths were blocked from appearing before a judge for four days because of the circumstances.” Conrad also reported that Medford Police Chief Tim George said he did not know about the furlough day, writing, “George said the department was unaware of the furlough day until the day of the raids. He said the steep bail was out of police control, because the state sets the bail for drug crimes.” That is an amazing stance for the Police Chief to take. He did not know it was a State furlough day? He did not know his officers would not need to be in court on Friday before Memorial Day when he needs all hands on duty to patrol? Really? The Duckworths, Dave Bond, and many others, think differently.

Supporters protesting outside Medford City Hall May 24th. Image Keith Mansur, OCC

At least 100 people came out to protest in Medford, and over 35 in Eugene, on the day after the raids. Patients, growers, caregivers and others all gathered in front of Medford City Hall and demanded their release. All the local TV news outlets covered the Medford protest, making it their top story of the night. On the day of their release from jail, all the TV stations were positioned in front of the county jail waiting for the 3 suspects to be released, and Cont. on Page 6

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Oregon News

Cannabis Connection

The Dragon's Lair: Buy Local, For Local!

OMMA Records Taken By Feds

By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection

By Johnny Green The Weed Blog

We reported on The Dragon's Lair in our August/September 2010 issue of the OCC. Since then, the Southern Oregon retail location has made a few changes and become deeply rooted in locally made products, including glass, clothing, accessories, soaps, foods, music and more. Working towards his ideal business model, owner Yusef Guient is trying to change the culture of commerce in his own small way.

Many of the products from The Dragons Lair are local, including: Imagine Peace soaps, Headdy Hats, Art by Joshua Morton, Sister Hoops hula hoops, Local Music Shirts and CD's. Images by Keith Mansur, OCC

hoping the front of the store...can be all local.” They have locally made products from all over Southern Oregon. They sell Singing Bird Family Farms honey, Enclothe TShirts, Imagine Peace soaps, Sister Hoops hula hoops, original art by Joshua Morton, Headdy Hats, and more! Of course, they also have the largest selection of local Indie music around! Just a bit of the selection at The Dragons Lair, where you can watch glass blowing live during First Friday events. Image by Keith Mansur, OCC

By focusing on locally produced items, earth friendly products, local art, local bands (through both promotion, local apparel and local Indie band CD's), The Dragon's Lair hopes to encourage other businesses to do the same. Although the margins can be lower than selling foreign made items, and local music is not everyone's fancy, they fill a niche market that is growing rapidly...Buy Local, For Local! “The local thing is a bigger vision of the change we want to see,” Guient explained to the Oregon Cannabis Connection. “We're selling tickets, music, local products... and trying to help people have access to all the local stuff that's available.” For Guient, it's not about the money. “It's about creating this killer vibe,” he said. “Also, maybe we can inspire more local businesses and to get them to put their crafts to work,” he added. “Eventually I am

month (except Summer). With a custom glass blowing room in the back of the store, artists are able to blow glass on site while visitors watch (see cover photo of Turtle). They even have a custom panel truck they can set up for live glass blowing demos during local music festivals. Recently, they had the February 2013

Above all else, The Dragon's Lair sells a lot of locally made glass, much of it “Functional Art”, as Guient says. With pieces from Darby, Carsten Carlile, Nate, Chaz and many others, they easily have the most elaborate and extensive art glass collection in Oregon. Many of the pieces are functional, but most people would never use them, for fear of breaking a $3,000.00 piece of art! Pieces like “Fire Discs” by Darby, “Rasta Man” by Carsten Carlile, and “Satyr” by Chaz (See Images) should not be passed around a smoke circle, for sure. But, for those who love glass art, these pieces are for you!

There are millions of medical marijuana patients around the country, and as medical marijuana programs expand in the states that allow it, there will be continue to be more and more everyday. Many of these patients don’t care if people know about their decision to use cannabis to help their condition(s). However, there are many others that feel that it is a matter that shouldn’t be made public knowledge. After all, it is medical information, which many consider to be a private matter. I get e-mails all the time from people asking if law enforcement can access their information. These people don’t have anything to hide in regards to criminal activity, but due to certain stigma’s surrounding medical marijuana, they don’t want people to know. Employment discrimination and housing discrimination because of medical marijuana are real things, and medical marijuana patients understandably try to avoid it. When I was a medical marijuana patient, I definitely didn’t want my landlord to know or my boss to know, for fear of poor treatment. I wish it wasn’t so, but sometimes you can’t protect people from their ridiculous beliefs. To answer the question posed in the title of this article, yes, law enforcement can and does access medical marijuana patients/growers/caretakers information. Just this last week federal agents forced the Oregon Health Authority to hand over almost two dozen people’s information. I was lucky enough to get a hold of the warrant, which was kind of scary to read. At the end of the day, the agencies that house state medical marijuana programs get a lot of funding from the federal government, so they will bend over at the drop of a hat.

"Fire Disks" by Darby (L) and "Rasta Man" by Carsten Carlile, true Art Glass! Images by The Dragon's Lair

If you are interested in glass blowing, how it's done, and would like to see it for yourself, Dragon's Lair Glass has a public glass blowing event they call “First Fridays” on the first Friday of each

CHAMPs Glass Games overall winner in house doing demonstrations. Turtle was awarded the Top 10,000 dollar prize at the nations largest

Cont. on Page 5

I have heard of similar stories out of other medical marijuana states. In the case of Oregon, even Oregon State Police access the database of medical marijuana patients to verify information. Law enforcement knows that it sends a chilling effect to potential Cont. on Page 5

Cannabis Connection

Other Legislation Moving Ahead in Salem By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection With SB 281 passing in Oregon, which adds Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to the list of qualifying conditions in the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act (OMMA), you might think we have made a lot of progress in Salem. But, the truth is, more legislation is still in the works, including a dispensary bill, HB 3460, and a bill reducing penalties for possession. With only weeks left in the session as we go to print, the legislature is making serious headway on HB 3460, which would allow for dispensaries in Oregon. Anthony Taylor, Director of Compassionate Oregon, has been working the halls in Salem trying to push the bills through. On the dispensary bill, HB 3460, Taylor said, “We are guardedly optimistic that we will get a floor vote on it this session.”

Oregon News C felony, allowing judges and prosecutors to reduce the crime to a misdemeanor. Possession of 2 to 4 ounces would be reduced to a class B misdemeanor. The changes make sense. Our jails do not need to house marijuana possession suspects. Taylor explained, “It should save the state 3 to 5 million dollars by the second biennium.” “40 was referred to Ways and Means committee, and subsequently to the Public Safety committee, where we believe we have the votes to move it through the whole committee,” He added. “Because it already passed the Senate once, and I think we have the votes in the house, we believe it will pass”

Taylor was very upbeat on SB 82, explaining it should make it through the legislature. The bill removes the current drivers license suspension requirement in the law when a person is arrested illegally possessing any amount of marijuana. “We are optimistic it will pass, and do not expect the Governor to oppose it,” Taylor explained.

Check Out Our Recipes on Page 13!

SB 40 would change possession charges for over 4 ounces from a class B felony to a class

Cont. From Pg 4 glass blowing convention this spring. He made a mask comprised of the five basic different style of glass pipes commonly used and called it “The Face Of The Pipe Movement”. The Live Rogue venue is small, but that gives everyone a good seat!

man, you ought to come down here and play a First Friday some night.” The back room at Dragon's Lair Glass which hosts the jams only holds about 20 people. It is the smallest venue you will ever hear a music performance (short of your own living room). Tickets are usually given away to contest winners on social media and other outlets. Turtle blowing a piece during The Dragon's Lair First Friday event in April. He won the CHAMPs Glass Blowing Convention first prize in February. Image Keith Mansur, OCC

Cont. From Pg 4 medical marijuana patients. I personally know many people that would like to become medical marijuana patients, but they don’t want to chance having their information and/or name out there. It’s a truly sad thing.

Could it be the Oregon legislature is no longer blowing smoke? Image © OCC 2013

The Dragon's Lair

With all of these bills making headway, and SB 281 passing, it has been the most successful legislative session for marijuana advocates since the OMMA was passed in 1998. With a possible referral of HB 3371 to the ballot as an initiative, we may take it all the way home, LEGALIZATION!

OMMA Records Raided

This is why we can never stop fighting for full legalization. Law enforcement will no doubt still try to harass people, but it won’t have the same effect. Members of the public that are not familiar with medical marijuana see law enforcement as going after people that are abusing the system, and whether it’s true or not, they are sympathetic. That same sympathy won’t be there for law enforcement if they try to subpoena customer records for frequenting legal retail outlets – which may or may not even keep records of customers. Support legalization in your state, and if you are in Oregon, support HB 3371 and tell your legislators to do so too! Reprinted by permission from www.theweedblog.com. © The Weed Blog 2013

Page 5

Using a huge blow torch and glass tube, Turtle amazed visitors with the techniques and skill involved in the production of a beautiful glass pipe. You walk away understanding why a really nice pipe can be expensive...it takes a lot of time and skill to create. With the addition of Satyr by Chaz JB Nelson, who has experience doing music promotions in Southern Oregon from a decade ago, Dragon's Lair Glass has delved more deeply up the local music scene. He started a music event on First Fridays, called Live Rogue Fireside Acoustic Concert Series which focuses on local musical talent. The event compliments Dragon's Lair Glass' already heavy local music support and festival sponsorship. “The idea originally sparked when Alcyon came in and we were hanging out in the back late one night, and he was enamored with the fireplace.” Nelson explained. “I said, 'Hey

Though some Dragon's Lair employees were skeptical, Nelson thought that was the attraction of the event. “The smallness is what's going to make it.”, Nelson said he had explained to his doubters. Dragon's Lair is planning to release a CD from their fireside shows.. Gary Potter of Lost Forest Recordings has recorded all the events and plans to compile a CD featuring songs from each performer. Talent like Alcyon Massive, Joe Ginet, Marko, Ras Cricket, Brian Zach, Brynna Dean, Frankie Hernandez, and many others, the Live Rogue Acoustic Concerts are a unique event, if only due to the venue size! The event takes a Summer hiatus and will be back in the Fall. Dragon's Lair Glass is doing the right thing in Grants Pass, Oregon. If you want the largest selection of local music from Southern Oregon, the most amazing glass in the State, and to support a Buy Local For Local economy, you can visit them Tuesday through Saturday at 210 NW 6th Street in Grants Pass, Oregon or call them at 541-4795617. You can find them online at www.dragonslairglass.com and on Facebook, as well. You can also find them at many of the local music festivals, sometimes doing glass blowing demos on site!

Oregon News

Page 6 $175,000.

I-Five-O Oregon Marijuana Police Log



By far, the majority of the busts were out in the Eastern Oregon region, we like to call the "Lakeview District". As usual, the summer months have a decrease in action by LEO on the highways. May 2, 2013 – Portland An Oregon State Police (OSP) traffic contact south of Portland led to the arrest of a New York man on marijuana-related charges. The initial contact led to the discovery of about 72 lbs. of marijuana. On May 2, 2013 at about 2:50 a.m. an OSP trooper observed multiple traffic violations northbound on Interstate 5 south of Portland near milepost 282 involving a 2012 Mitsubishi passenger car. The trooper made contact with the driver and identified him as being age 21 and from Syracuse, New York. Subsequent investigation during the contact led to the discovery of approximately 72 lbs. of marijuana in the trunk of the vehicle. The approximate value of the marijuana is $145,000.

Both suspects were taken into custody and lodged in the Klamath County Jail for Unlawful Possession and Delivery of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana, and Conspiracy to Commit Unlawful Delivery of Marijuana. According to Klamath County Sheriff's Office, both are no longer in custody pending future appearances in court. April 17, 2013 – Baker City An Oregon State Police (OSP) trooper arrested a Caldwell, Idaho man after stopping the vehicle he was driving along Interstate 84 near Baker City and discovering approximately 4 pounds of marijuana concealed in the vehicle. The OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation. According to Sergeant Ty Duby, on April 17, 2013 at approximately 8:32 p.m., an OSP senior trooper stopped a 2001 Hyundai Sonata driven by a man from Caldwell, Idaho for speed and equipment violations eastbound on Interstate 84 near Baker City. Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop led to the discovery of approximately 4 pounds of marijuana, hash and hash oil in the car's trunk. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $10,000. He was taken into custody and lodged in the Baker County Jail for Unlawful Possession and Delivery of a Controlled Substance - Marijuana. May 24th, 2013 - Lakeview Two California residents are facing charges following an Oregon State Police (OSP) traffic stop north of Lakeview during which an OSP trooper discovered approximately 8 pounds of marijuana inside wrapped birthday gift boxes. The OSP Drug Enforcement Section is continuing the investigation.

The suspect was arrested for Unlawful Delivery and Unlawful Possession of Marijuana and was transported to the Clackamas County Jail where he was lodged.

On May 20, 2013 at approximately 6:39 p.m., an OSP trooper stopped a 1990 Ford van displaying Minnesota license plates northbound on Highway 395 near milepost 139 for a speeding violation. The van's two male occupants were identified as both being from Sonoma, California.

Lakeview District April 6, 2013 – Klamath Falls

Subsequent investigation related to the traffic stop led the trooper to discover approximately 71 pounds of marijuana and other evidence concealed inside the vehicle. The marijuana was found in several large duffel bags in the back of the vehicle and has an estimated value of

Image by Keith Mansur, OCC

Southern OR. Raids Cont. from Pg 3. again the story topped all the news. Not sure the last time that happened in Medford, if ever. Even the Medford Mail Tribune (MT), not known as a big medical marijuana supporter, actually printed an editorial on June 2nd entitled “Above and beyond the call”. In the Editorial, they write: “No matter what you think of medical marijuana, and without making any assumptions about guilt or innocence, it's fair to say local police agencies displayed an excess of zeal in raiding local pot dispensaries late last month... In addition, the Duckworths face charges of conspiracy to deliver marijuana within 1,000 feet of a school, & in their case, a private preschool on North Oakdale Avenue that opened after they established a dispensary on West Sixth Street. Proximity to a school adds stricter punishment under state drug laws...

Lori Duckworth, Executive Director of S.Oregon NORML, speaks to the media and victims of the S.Oregon garden raids in 2011

since 2007, and Doddridge replied:. “I would say it would cost around a grand to do a buy...Also think about the attorneys pay, judge, bailiffs, etc. I have seen 9 attorneys in court standing around waiting for their case to be called. Such a waste!” A third problem I see for the police and local D.A. is the lack of criminal intent. None of these people were doing anything wrong in their minds. They were operating under the OMMA trying to supply sick people with medicine.

The way the arrests were conducted, however, suggests police went out of their way to make the process as unpleasant as possible for those they arrested.” Medford Mail Tribune, June 2nd 2013

In fact, Lori Duckworth explained to the OCC years ago that she had invited local law enforcement, including the Medford Police and Jackson County Sheriff, to come to their facility and see what they do, no secrets.

Another problem the “zealous” police have, which has garnered a lot of attention, are the costs involved in the investigation and raids.

The police never came. Their only visits to the Southern Oregon NORML facility were in response to their burglar alarm going off.

Rep. Peter Buckley of Ashland was quoted by Conrad at the MT, “The idea that we have law enforcement spending two years in these raids that happened is an incredible waste. Let's regulate these things to make it easier for law enforcement to tell whether a dispensary is operating under the regulations of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program."

Chief Tim George stated in a police arranged media news conference, “This is not about the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program. They were selling marijuana for a profit, and that is against the law."

I asked Howard Wooldridge of Citizens Opposing Prohibition (or COPS) what the cost might be for 19 controlled buys. He is a retired police officer fighting against drug prohibition. Wooldridge was unsure, so he asked a colleague who would know. He emailed David Doddridge, a former LAPD Detective (21 years) & Law Enforcement Against Prohibition speaker

If that was his concern, why didn't he visit their facility when invited? They are doing this over a difference in interpretation of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act. Also, Chief George, I have a few more questions for you. Could you have closed them down after one or two controlled buys? Why make 11 buys over so long a period? If he was concerned about the school nearby and sale of a “controlled substance”, why did the investigation take nearly 2 years?

An Oregon State Police (OSP) trooper's traffic stop earlier this month led to the arrest of two Minnesota residents in Klamath Falls after the trooper found approximately 71 pounds of marijuana concealed inside their vehicle. The ongoing investigation by the OSP Drug Enforcement Section has reached the point allowing release of information related to the arrests. On April 6, 2013 at approximately 2:35 p.m., an OSP trooper stopped a 2001 Chevrolet Silverado displaying Minnesota license plates for several traffic violations on Klamath Avenue just off Highway 97 near milepost 275 in Klamath Falls. The trooper identified the two occupants as a man and woman both from Biwabik, Minnesota.

Cannabis Connection

Subsequent investigation during the traffic stop led the trooper to discover two wrapped birthday presents contained a total of approximately 8 pounds of marijuana. In addition, an ice cooler had approximately 10 ounces of frozen hash oil. Estimated value of the seized marijuana is $20,000. Both men were cited and released to appear in Lake County Circuit Court for Unlawful Possession and Distribution of a Controlled Substance.

MPD Chief Tim George

At 1,000 dollars per buy, and 19 buys in all, is that a smart way to spend 19,000 dollars of the Medford Police's budget? Would a visit to the locations be more cost effective, with a simple warning that they believe the operation is not legal, which would have likely scared them all into closing down? If the Oregon Legislature passes a dispensary bill, or legalization bill, will Jackson County continue their prosecution of these cases? Oh, and one last question Chief George,...as Lori's daughter, Brandi, asked,” Do you feel like an American?”

Cannabis Connection

Oregon News Nugs Only Small Changes Likely To OMMA Fees A proposal to change the fee structure of the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program made little headway in Salem during the legislative session. It appears only indigent patients will get relief from the increased fees, which the split legislature came up with last year in order to balance the budget. At the Advisory Committee on Medical Marijuana (ACMM) in March, Rep. Peter Buckley (D-Ashland) approached the committee to address the increased fees placed on the OMMP last year and spoke. “I came to this meeting to basically encourage you to please give us a proposal to make the fees more progressive and to make the fees work for low income Oregonians,” Buckley said. “It was never the intention of the legislature to remove low income Oregonians from the medical marijuana program, and I could go into sorted details of how we ended up where we ended up, but I won't” Unfortunately, it appears only indigent patients will get relief. Even when the ACMM was finally asked for a proposal, it was greatly ignored. The most recent info we could get shows the structure may end up like this: Regular: maintain at $200 (for estimated 70,690 cardholders for $14,138,000) SNAP: reduce to $60 (for estimated 35,000 cardholders for $2,100,000) OHP: reduce to $50 (for estimated 2,500 cardholders for $125,000) SSI: set at $30 (for estimated 13,932 cardholders for $417,960) Grow fee: maintain at $50 (for $1,925,000) Change fee: reduce to $30 (for $516,000 ) Total proceeds expected from OMMP Fees: $19,221,960.00 !!

More Oregon Raids in Polk, Marion and Lincoln Counties in May A Racketeering investigation that lasted four months culminated in the arrest of five people in the Salem area on Tuesday May 28th. The authorities accuse Christian Florin of operating illegal medical marijuana dispensaries across Marion, Polk and Lincoln counties. The raid served search warrants at nine different locations in Salem, Keizer and Lincoln City. Along with the dispensaries, police discovered marijuana grows at three of Florin’s own homes, located in

Oregon News Salem, Keizer and Lincoln City. Also arrested were Zachary Chorney Phillips of West Salem, Darin Bernards of West Salem, Edward Bennett of Dallas and Marjorie Teufel of Lincoln City. Early this year the “Garden Shed”opened on Salem-Dallas Highway, where he was accused of selling marijuana to the public for street value. Phillps, Bernards and Bennett were employees. Florin also kept a dispensary in Lincoln City that was run by Teufel, according to police. He would sell marijuana he had grown at his three homes at both these locations, the sheriff’s office said. In total, authorities say they seized eight guns, 300 plants, $7,000 in cash and 30 pounds of processed marijuana with a supposed estimated value of $100,000. Investigators found at one location a “Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) marijuana production lab”, as they called it. Authorities treated the scene like a meth house, bringing in the Oregon State Police Hazardous Incident Team. The RSO lab was considered dangerous because it uses chemicals (butane) and heat to extract THC from marijuana, the sheriff’s office said. All five face various counts including racketeering, unlawful manufacture and delivery of marijuana. The Polk County Interagency Narcotics Team led the investigation and were also assisted by the Corvallis Police Department, Benton County Sheriff’s Office, the Yamhill County Narcotics Team and the Lincoln County Narcotics Team.

Sentencing in Southern Oregon Raids of 2011 A federal Judge sentenced 2 of the growers arrested in 2011 for operating large grow operations in the Jackson County, Oregon area. On May 28th Brian Simmons was sentenced to 15 years in prison for manufacturing and distribution of marijuana. Arrested in October of 2011 following a number of raids in the area, Simmons was alleged to have had over 1,600 pounds of marijuana at two grow locations, along with over 500 marijuana plants, many of which were ready to harvest. The D.A.'s office said the operation made more than $740,000 in 2009 and 2010 and had fully quadrupled in size by 2011. One co-defendant in the case, Michael Grantski, was acquitted. Another man, Michael Peru, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 18 months. In another case from October 2011, Robert Hisamoto was sentenced to four years in prison in Federal Court. Local authorities raided the grow site and home of the local martial arts instructor also in October of 2011. Police allegedly found well over 200 pounds of marijuana,

Raid in 2011 on Brian Simmon's garden in Jackson County, OR. Image Keith Mansur, OCC

much of it already packaged for sale. Police spotted Hisamoto's nearly 200 plant grow in mid-summer, and when they returned in the Fall, almost every plant had been harvested, prompting a search warrant. Patients had accused Hisamoto of absconding with their medicine, having told them it had all been lost to mold the previous year. He said he would make it up to them in 2011, but the medicine was confiscated in the raids. Two people handling one of the grow sites, Charlie and Madeline Reader, were earlier sentenced to 33 months and 18 months in prison, respectively.

A Rogue Revival: Documentary Film on So. OR Music Scene A new documentary is available about the Southern Oregon music scene. “A Rogue Revival: A Compelling Story of the Power of Music and the Changes it can Create” is a short film explaining the unique vibe of the musicians, musical style, philosophies, and cooperation that makes the area special. Produced by Bellamy Love Productions, it is a special project by fellow musician, philanthropist, and filmmaker, Michelle Bellamy. She sheds welcome light on the up-and-coming musical talents in the region with a montage of music, video, interviews, and narration that truly catches the Irie spirit of movement in Southern Oregon. The film is about 30 minutes and features 11 bands and artists: The T Club, State of Jefferson, Frankie Hernandez, Alcyon Massive, Oregon Transplant, Indubious,

Page 7 Outpost, Monk, Ras Cricket, Marko and Synergy. With interviews of artists and video of performances, Bellamy weaves a inspiring story of the areas music scene. She is able to convey the deeply felt A Rogue Revival, a documentary film by cooperative Bellamy Love attitude of the Productions bands in the film with her close access to the bands. “Allow me to take you down a road of history with this family,” she explains in the opening moments of the film. “This is my musical family and I want to share with you the love they have given me, and so many others.” Her artists open up and share their feelings with her, and show their love for the music, other artists, and the fans. From a few bands years ago to a thriving music scene, Bellamy explains the evolution of the movement and provides insight into the reasons for vibe. You can see the video online at http://vimeo.com/67435077.


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Page 8 On May 28th, Colorado Governor Bill

Colorado Gives Marijuana Dispensaries Legal Status By Steve Elliott TokeSignals.com Ritter (D) signed legislation that will regulate the state’s medical marijuana dispensaries through a system of local and state licenses, but still allow individual localities to ban dispensaries. Currently there are an estimated 1,100 medical marijuana dispensaries throughout Colorado — the most in any state other than California, which does not have statewide dispensary regulations. Colorado officials estimate that about half of current dispensaries will be able to comply with new regulations.

National News "By approving a statewide system of dispensaries through which patients can safely acquire CO. Gov. Hickenlooper : marijuana, Image Wikimedia Colorado is taking a significant amount of revenue away from the dangerous, illicit, and unsanctioned market created by prohibition," said Karen O'Keefe, director of state policies for the Marijuana Policy Project. "Instead, patients will now be able to obtain marijuana from a sensible and orderly system of law-abiding and regulated providers. The scope of this newly regulated industry makes it the largest ever in the United States." Under the regulations, dispensary owners will be subject to licensing fees and criminal background checks. Dispensaries will be required to grow 70 percent of the marijuana they sell and, like liquor stores, could not operate within 1,000 feet of a school. A state-regulated medical marijuana program is up and running in New Mexico and similar programs will soon be operational in Rhode Island, Maine, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C. — but the number of sanctioned dispensaries to be allowed in each of those states is fewer than 10. Colorado's law will authorize hundreds, and potentially more if future demand increases. A Rasmussen telephone poll released May 15 showed that there is also plurality support among Colorado voters for further expanding the state's marijuana laws. Forty-nine percent of likely voters said they support taxing and regulating marijuana like alcohol, with an additional 13 percent still undecided.

Maryland Governor Signs Medical Marijuana Defense and Study Bill

Cannabis Connection

Liquor Control Board Releases Draft Regs For Recreational Marijuana Sales In WA

By Marijuana Policy Project Maryland became the 16th state to remove criminal penalties for the medical use of marijuana today when Gov. Martin O’Malley signed SB 308 as promised. The bill allows seriously ill patients to avoid prosecution when charged with marijuana possession and creates a commission to study medical marijuana laws and make recommendations on how Maryland can institute such a program. This is the first time since 2003 that additional protections were considered, and it’s an important step toward protecting medical marijuana patients from arrest and ensuring that they have safe access to their medicine. “We’re very happy that the Governor signed this bill into law MD. Gov. O'Malley: and Image Wikimedia listened with compassion to seriously ill Marylanders who use marijuana to treat their conditions,” said Dan Riffle, legislative analyst for the Marijuana Policy Project. “We look forward to the study group created here making helpful recommendations to further protect such patients.” Under the new law, individuals diagnosed with debilitating medical conditions, such as cancer or multiple sclerosis, can avoid conviction if charged with the non-public use or possession of one ounce or less of marijuana. An existing sentencing mitigation will remain part of the law, meaning patients who don’t qualify for the full affirmative defense would still have the opportunity to present evidence of medical necessity and have their sentence reduced to a $100 fine. In addition, a work group consisting of medical, legal, and law enforcement experts would be convened to recommend more comprehensive legislation next year. Advocates hope to be able to use that recommendation to pass a bill that offers patients complete protection from arrest and prosecution. The work group should have the ability to observe a well-regulated medical marijuana program run by their neighbors in the District of Columbia. In April, the District began implementation of its long-awaited medical marijuana program by accepting applications for licensed and well-regulated cultivation centers and dispensaries. That program should be fully operational later this year.

After months of discussion, debate and public input, Washington State’s Liquor Control Board - the regulatory body overseeing recreational marijuana sales in Washington State - has released its initial draft regulations for the newlylegal industry. The board will hold a public hearing on the regulations in the coming weeks as they finalize these rules, with the aim of having the first marijuana retail outlet open early next year. Here’s an overview of the draft regulations submitted:

Requires applicants of a marijuana business license to be a Washington State resident of at least 3 months. Establishes tight regulatory guidelines, such as requiring the testing of all marijuana products for contaminants (such as mold and pesticides), requiring security and surveillance systems, etc.. The Liquor Control Board will monitor the production of marijuana from its seed, to its sale. Allows for licensees to produce and sell cannabis concentrates like BHO (butane hash oil) and Rick Simpson oil, though requires the end-product to meet strict purity standards, and requires that it’s infused into food or drink items. Establishes labeling requirements, including warning labels (“keep out of reach of children”, that kind of thing), potency labeling, net weight, the name of the 3rd-party company that performed quality testing, the date of the medicine’s harvest, etc.. Puts restrictions on advertising (such as banning the inclusion of children) without limiting it entirely. Doesn’t restrict the purchase or consumption of marijuana by outof-state individuals. Those who are interested can find the draft regulations, in their entirety, by visiting https://lcb.box.com/initial-draftrules

Check Out Our Pest Remedies In Cultivation!

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Michigan: Medical Marijuana Act Trumps Per Se Driving Law By Paul Armentano NORML Deputy Director A Michigan traffic safety law that prohibits the operation of a motor vehicle by persons who possess any presence of THC in their blood, regardless of whether or not they are behaviorally impaired by the substance, may not be strictly applied to state-qualified medical cannabis patients. So decided the Michigan Supreme Court on Tuesday in the case People v Koon. In a unanimous opinion, the Court determined that legal protections extended to state-qualified patients under the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act, enacted by voters in 2008, supersede the state’s zero tolerance, internal possession law. As a result, the Court determined that state prosecutors must establish that authorized patients charged under the statute are actually impaired by their cannabis use in order to gain a DUI criminal conviction. According to the syllabus of the Opinion: “The MMMA [Michigan Medical Marihuana Act] does not define what it means to be ‘under the influence,’ but the phrase clearly contemplates something more than having any amount of marijuana in one’s system and requires some effect on the person. Thus, the MMMA’s protections extend to a registered patient who internally possesses marijuana while operating a vehicle unless the patient is under the influence of marijuana. The immunity from prosecution provided under the MMMA to a registered patient who drives

National News with indications of marijuana in his or her system but is not otherwise under the influence of marijuana inescapably conflicts with MCL 257.625(8) [the state's zero tolerance per se DUI law], which prohibits a person from driving with any amount of marijuana in her or system.” The state’s zero tolerance per se drug law remains applicable to non-patients. Under such laws, motorists are guilty per se (in fact) of a criminal traffic safety violation if they engage in the act of driving while detectable levels of certain controlled substances or, in some cases, their inert metabolites (byproducts) are present in the defendants’ blood or urine. Proof of actual impairment is not a requirement for a conviction under the law. To date, ten states — Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Rhode Island, Utah, and Wisconsin — have enacted legislation imposing zero tolerance per se thresholds for the presence of cannabinoids and/or their metabolites. (State-authorized medical cannabis patients in Arizona and Rhode Island are exempt from prosecution under these per se statutes unless the state can provide additional evidence of psychomotor impairment.) Five additional states impose non-zerotolerant per se thresholds for cannabinoids in blood: Montana (5ng/ml — law takes effect on October 1, 2013), Pennsylvania (1ng/ml), Ohio (2ng/ml), Nevada (2ng/ml) and Washington (5ng/ml). Most recently, Colorado lawmakers approved legislation stating that the presence of THC/blood levels above 5ng/ml “gives rise to permissible Cont. on Page 10

See our Medical Section on page 12!

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National News Nevada: Governor Signs Cannabis Dispensary Measure Into Law

Medical Marijuana Bill Heads To Quinn's Desk After Senate Approval

By Paul Armentano NORML Deputy Director Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval has signed legislation, Senate Bill 374, authorizing the creation of up to 66 not-for-profit [correction: facilities may be for profit] medical marijuana dispensaries.

Illinoisans looking to turn to medical marijuana to treat their illnesses saw their dreams come a step closer to reality Friday after the Illinois Senate passed HB1, aka the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program Act. If Gov. Pat Quinn signs the bill into law, Illinois would become the 19th state to approve medical use of cannabis. The Senate approved the measure by a 35-21 vote after a spirited debate that lasted over an hour. Sen. William Haine (D-Alton), the bill’s chief sponsor, said the bill would provide relief for thousands of patients who want to use marijuana to treat the pain caused by their ailments, while also being one of the strictest medical marijuana programs in the country. "We are confident a strict, controlled implementation of this for those who suffer pain with the diseases and conditions listed in the act can be well served," Haine said. "Many of us have anecdotal evidence of the value of this. Doctors' groups have endorsed this, nurses. "It is a substance, which is much more benign than, for example, powerful prescription drugs such as Oxycontin, Vicodin and the rest. The scourge of these drugs is well known. This is not true of the medical use of marijuana," said Haine, a former state's attorney from Downstate Madison County. HB1 would authorize 22 marijuana growers in Illinois and open 60 dispensaries across the state where users who suffer from a list of 33 ailments, including HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s Disease and cancer, to purchase 2.5 ounces of cannabis (with a doctor’s prescription) within a 14-day period. Growers, sellers and users would have to undergo criminal background checks and fingerprinting. But users would be subject to field sobriety tests if police believe they’re under the influence of marijuana and could lose both their driving privileges and prescriptions. Landlords and employers could also prevent prescription holders from keeping cannabis out of their workplaces and buildings. Much of the debate has centered on relieving the pain of the sick versus public safety. Haine said the restrictions to the pilot program, which would be implemented over a four year period, addresses safety concerns. Sen. Kyle McCarter (R-Lebanon) wasn’t swayed. “For every touching story we have heard about the benefits to those in pain, I remind you today that there are a thousand time more parents who will never be relieved from the pain of losing a child due to addiction which in many cases started with the very illegal, FDA-

IL Gov. Pat Quinn has said he is open minded to the idea and will hopefully sign the bill. Image Wikimedia

unapproved addiction-forming drug that you are asking us to now make a normal part of our communities,” McCarter said.

Under the new law, state regulators are tasked with overseeing the creation of licensed establishments to produce, test, and dispense cannabis and cannabis-infused products to authorized patients. Nevada voters enacted a state constitutional amendment in 2000 mandating state lawmakers to allow for

The Illinois House passed the bill last month. Quinn has said he would be “open-minded” about signing the bill into law.

Such caution is similarly expressed by the United States National Highway Transportation and Safety Administration, which acknowledges: “It is difficult to establish a relationship between a person’s THC blood or plasma concentration and performance impairing effects. … It is inadvisable to try and predict effects based on blood THC concentrations alone.” A 2013 review of per se drugged driving laws and their impact on road safety found “no evidence that per se drugged driving laws reduce traffic fatalities.”

From Drug Policy Alliance A new report released March 19th documents the astonishing number of hours the New York Police Department has spent arresting and processing hundreds of thousands of people for lowlevel misdemeanor marijuana possession arrests during Mayor Bloomberg’s tenure. The report finds that NYPD used approximately 1,000,000 hours of police officer time to make 440,000 marijuana possession arrests over 11 years. These are hours that police officers might have otherwise have spent investigating and solving serious crimes.

Additionally, the report estimates that the people arrested by NYPD for marijuana possession have spent 5,000,000 hours in police custody over the last decade. The report includes a compendium of quotes from academics, journalists, law enforcement professionals and elected officials attesting to the wastefulness, consequences and racial disparities inherent in these arrests.

MI Per Se DUI Law

NORML believes that it is inadvisable to infer behavioral impairment based on the presence of blood/cannabinoid levels alone — a position that we outline on our website, and in public testimony, also at the NORML website link.

New Report: "One Million Police Hours: Making 440,000 Marijuana Possession Arrests in NYC, 2002-2012"

The report was prepared by Dr. Harry Levine, Professor of Sociology at Queens College and recognized expert on marijuana possession arrests, at the request of members of the New York City Council and the New York State Legislature.

Reprinted by permission. © 2013 chicagoist.com.

inference that the defendant was under the influence.” State-qualified patients in Colorado, Montana, and Nevada are not provided legal exemptions from these statutes, although legislation is presently pending in Nevada to do so.

Cannabis Connection

physicians to authorize qualified patients to consume and grow cannabis. However, that law did not provide for facilities where patients may obtain medicinal cannabis. Approximately 3,800 Nevadans are presently authorized to grow and/or consume cannabis under state law. Senate Bill 374 imposes limits on the home cultivation of cannabis if patients reside within 25-miles of an operating dispensary. However, patients who are cultivating specific strains of cannabis not provided by a local dispensary may continue to engage in the home cultivation of such strains. Patients who have an established history of cultivating medical cannabis prior to July 1, 2013, also may continue to do so until March 31, 2016. The bill also amends possession limits from one-ounce to two and one-half ounces and increases plant cultivation limits from three mature plants to twelve. Medical marijuana products dispensed by state-licensed facilities will be subject to standard state sales taxes as well as a 4 percent excise tax, of which 75 percent will be directed to education and 25 percent will be directed toward implementing and enforcing the regulations. Arizona, Colorado, New Jersey, Maine, and New Mexico have state-licensed medical cannabis dispensaries up and running. Similar dispensary outlets are in the process of opening in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, DC.

"We cannot afford to continue arresting tens of thousands of youth every year for low-level marijuana possession,” said Alfredo Carrasquillo, civil rights organizer with VOCAL-NY. “We can't afford it in terms of the negative effect it has on the future prospects of our youth and we can't afford in terms of police hours. It's shocking that the same mayor who has been taking money away from youth programs and cutting other social services, is wasting tens of millions of dollars locking youth up through the NYPD's marijuana arrests crusade. We need legislative action to fix this madness." Numerous other reports have exposed the array of problems associated with marijuana arrests in New York: New York City has made more marijuana possession arrests under Mayor Michael Bloomberg than under mayors Koch, Dinkins and Giuliani combined. Nearly 70% of those arrested for marijuana are younger than 30 years old, and over 50% are under 21 years old. These young people receive a permanent criminal arrest record which can be easily found on the internet by employers, banks, schools, landlords, and others. Even though young whites use marijuana at higher rates, over 85% of the people arrested and jailed for marijuana possession are black and Latino. These arrests are costing New Yorkers more than $75 million per year. Cont. on Page 12

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National News Nugs Colorado Attorney General: Treating Marijuana Magazines Like Porn Is Unconstitutional From MPP Colorado’s staunchly anti-marijuana attorney general, John Suthers, has declared that a rule created by the legislature to treat marijuana-themed publications like pornography is unconstitutional and said the state will not defend it in court. His determination came after state marijuana regulators concluded that it was not constitutional and should not be enforced. The Associated Press reports: The magazine requirement was part of a larger set of laws enacted to state how the newly legal drug should be grown and sold. The behind-the-counter restriction was adopted after parents testified that their children should be protected from exposure to magazines touting the drug, which remains illegal under federal law. The resulting law left Colorado in an unusual position — one of only two states to allow recreational use of the drug, while also the only state to restrict the display of publications about marijuana. The state’s decision to reject the magazine restriction was applauded by marijuana legalization activists. “The idea that stores can prominently display magazines touting the joys of drinking wine and smoking cigars, yet banish those that discuss a far safer substance to behind the counter, is absolutely absurd,” wrote Mason Tvert, who campaigned for Colorado’s pot law and now is spokesman for the Marijuana Policy Project.

NATIONWIDE MOVEMENT ON CANNABIS LAWS EVERYWHERE! Ohio: Initiative Drive Begins for 2014 Ballot From – The Joint Blog The Ohio Ballot Board - as well as Ohio’s attorney general – has given final approval to an initiative drive aimed at legalizing medical marijuana, as well as hemp. The initiative is sponsored by the Ohio Rights Group, who collected the 1,000 necessary signatures to get an initiative put before the board. Now that the initiative has been approved, the group will need to collect roughly 385,000 valid signatures in order to qualify for the general election ballot. The group has until July 6th to make this year’s ballot, but can continue collecting aiming for the 2014 ballot if they miss that deadline. The initiative, if approved by voters, would authorize qualified patients aged 18 and older to possess, use, cultivate and acquire medical marijuana. The Ohio Commission of Cannabis Control would be established to determine regulations.

National News In addition, the initiative would legalize the cultivation of hemp, with oversight by the Ohio Department of Agriculture. This initiative drives comes as lawmakers in the state discuss recentlyfiled legislation to legalize marijuana as both a medicine, and as a recreational substance.

New York: Assembly Overwhelmingly Approves Medical Marijuana Measure Legislation that allows for the therapeutic use of cannabis by qualified patients, Assembly Bill 6357, was approved today by members of the New York state Assembly in a 95-38 vote. The debate now moves to the Senate where members are expected to take up companion legislation, Senate Bill 4406, in the coming days. These measures would allow for the therapeutic use of cannabis by qualified patients who possess a recommendation from their physician. They are being supported by a bi-partisan coalition of more than 50 lawmakers. Under these measures, state-registered patients diagnosed with one of over a dozen serious medical conditions — including cancer, HIV, post-traumatic stress, arthritis, diabetes, or epilepsy — would be allowed to possess up to 2 and one-half ounces of cannabis. The measure also allows for the establishment of licensed not-for-profit and for-profit facilities to produce and distribute cannabis to qualified patients. Nonregistered patients would be able to present an affirmative defense of medical necessity at trial. New York voters strongly support allowing patients to have access to marijuana therapy. According to a 2013 Sienna Research Institute poll, 82 percent of New Yorkers — including 81 percent of Democrats and Republicans — endorse the use of marijuana when authorized by a physician. This is an increase in support of 21 percent since pollsters last asked the question in 2012. Despite this widespread public support, Senate Co-Leader Dean Skelos (R-Nassau County) has stated his opposition to the measure. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo stated he opposed the measure, but was keeping an “open mind” on the issue.

New Hampshire: House Rejects Medical Marijuana Bill Changes, Will Seek Compromise With Gov.

provision, but there are a number of other serious concerns about the bill. Fortunately, the House has been very strong in its desire to protect patients now rather than expecting them to wait. You can read a complete rundown on the Senate’s changes at www.concordnh.patch.com. If you are a New Hampshire resident, please call Gov. Hassan’s office one more time and urge her to agree that patients should be protected in the here and now. It’s unreasonable that Gov. Hassan thinks patients should have to wait more than a year for legal protections and at least two years for access to medical marijuana. Additionally, if you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to sign Clayton Holton’s petition at Change.org!

Minnesota: Medical Marijuana to be Debated in 2014 From MPP The Minnesota Legislature wrapped up year one of the 2013-2014 session on May 20, but not before a bipartisan group of Minnesota state lawmakers joined patients and advocates from Minnesotans for Compassionate Care for a news conference at the state capitol to announce the introduction of compassionate medical marijuana legislation. If you're a resident of the North Star State, please email Gov. Mark Dayton today and urge him to support this sensible medical marijuana bill.

Rep. Carly Melin (DFL-Hibbing) introduced HF 1818 in the House, and Sen. Scott Dibble (DFL-Minneapolis) introduced the companion – SF 1641 – in the Senate. The bills will carry over 2014, the second year of the biennium session. Both bills have the maximum number of sponsors allowed – 35 in the House, including 12 committee chairs, and five in the Senate, including two committee chairs. Minnesotans who want to help pass medical marijuana legislation should email their state senator and representative and ask them to support HF 1818/SF 1641. Eighteen states and the District of Columbia already allow seriously ill residents to use medical marijuana with their doctors’ recommendations, and 65% of Minnesotans support a compassionate medical marijuana law. Thanks to the leadership of Rep. Melin and Sen. Dibble, Minnesota could finally join these jurisdictions during the 2013-2014 legislative session. To learn more about the legislation, MPP.org.

Pennsylvania: Medical Marijuana Legislation Introduced From NORML

The New Hampshire House voted yesterday to reject the Senate’s amendments to HB 573. Rather than sending the flawed Senate version of the bill to Gov. Hassan’s desk to receive her signature, the House has requested that a special committee be formed in one final effort to negotiate a compromise. The most talked-about issue with the bill is the removal of the home cultivation

Legislation to allow for the physicianauthorized use of cannabis is pending before state lawmakers. Representative Mark Cohen has filed legislation, House Bill 1181, to enact statewide legal protections for qualified patients who are authorized by their physician to engage in cannabis therapy. The proposal seeks to establish a network of state-regulated compassion centers to provide cannabis to

Page 11 patients. Qualified patients would also be able to grow specified quantities of cannabis in private. This measure has been referred to the House Committee on Health, but has yet to be scheduled for a hearing. You can view the full text of this proposal at NORML.org.

Gov. Cohen of PA. Image Wikimedia

According to a May 2013 Franklin and Marshall statewide poll, 82 percent of Pennsylvanians favor allowing doctors to authorize specified amounts of marijuana for patients suffering from serious illnesses. Despite this, Governor Corbett recently went on record stating his opposition to medical marijuana. He said, "This is a gateway to many other drugs. I believe we have a drug problem in this country. We have a drug problem in the state of Pennsylvania." We encourage you to contact the Governor directly and urge him to support this sensible legislation by calling 717-7872500 or emailing Governor@pa.gov. You can also quickly and easily contact your Representative and urge him or her to support this measure by visiting NORML's 'Take Action Center' at NORML.org.

Vermont Decriminalization Bill Signed by Gov. Shumlin! From MPP Vermont became the latest state to decriminalize marijuana possession in 2013. On June 6, Gov. Peter Shumlin signed H. 200, which eliminated the state’s criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana and replaced them with civil fines. This is a major victory for MPP and its legislative allies in Montpelier, who have worked hard to build support for this sensible reform. Leading law enforcement officials supported the bill, including Attorney General William Sorrell and Public Safety Commissioner Keith Flynn. H. 200 passed the House April 16 in a 92-49 vote and was approved 24-6 by the Senate May 7. The House gave its final approval to the Senate’s amendments May 13. As a result of this reform, Vermont police and prosecutors will waste less time and taxpayer money on enforcing laws against marijuana possession. Individuals caught possessing an ounce or less of marijuana in the Green Mountain State will be fined but will not receive a criminal conviction. Those under 21 will generally be sent to diversion. The next step for Vermont policymakers will be to consider legal alternatives to the illicit market for marijuana. The attorney general has publicly argued in favor of decriminalizing plants, and many legislators have openly made the case for legalization and regulation. MPP will continue working with legislators to explore policy options that will work best for Vermont when the prohibition of marijuana is repealed.

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76% Of Physicians Worldwide Support Medical Marijuana Legalization From The Joint Blog According to a survey published May 28th in the New England Journal of Medicine, 76% of physicians approve of the use of medical marijuana, despite its illegality in most countries, indicating that they’re in support of legalizing the substance for medical purposes. The study included responses from 1,446 doctors from 72 different countries including from every state in the U.S. “We were surprised by the outcome of polling and comments, with 76 percent of all votes in favor of the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes — even though marijuana use is illegal in most countries,” the survey’s authors wrote. These findings will likely come as a surprise to many, especially those in opposition to medical marijuana, claiming it has no medical value (such as the U.S. Federal Government, which classifieds marijuana as a schedule 1 controlled substance, analogous to heroin). There’s no doubt that these findings – and the continually growing support of physicians for medical marijuana – will have a huge impact on the international conversation surround medical marijuana.

Medical News Bladder Cancer and Medical Marijuana By Keith Mansur Oregon Cannabis Connection According to a new study, people who smoke marijuana may be less likely to get bladder cancer than those who smoke cigarettes. USA Today reports Kaiser Permanente researchers compared the risk of bladder cancer in more than 83,000 men who smoked cigarettes only, marijuana only or both substances. The men, aged 45 to 69, were examined over an 11 year period. “Cannabis use only was associated with a 45 percent reduction in bladder cancer incidence, and tobacco use only was associated with a 52 percent increase in bladder cancer,” the study author Dr. Anil A. Thomas told USA Today. “The theory is that there are receptors in the bladder that are affected by cannabis.” The study does not prove a cause-and-effect relationship from the link, but researchers are hopeful. This research comes on the heels of a September finding by a pair of scientists at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. Those researchers found a compound derived from marijuana could stop metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancers. “While there is a plethora of scientific evidence establishing marijuana’s safety and efficacy, the specific clinical trials necessary to gain FDA approval have long been obstructed by the federal government itself,” said Tamar Todd, senior staff attorney for the Drug Policy Alliance in comments to The Daily Chronic.

Study Finds Marijuana Helps Control Blood Sugar, Waistlines From NORML Marijuana has been used for centuries to relieve pain, improve mood and increase appetite. A new study finds that the herb also has a positive effect on blood sugar levels, suggesting it could be helpful in diabetes control. Researchers analyzed data collected from more than 4,600 patients who completed a drug-use questionnaire and provided blood samples. Nearly half had never used marijuana, about 2,000 others had used it in the past and the rest were current users.

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NYC P.D. Waste Cont. From Pg. 10 younger than 30 years old, and over 50% are under 21 years old. These young people receive a permanent criminal arrest record which can be easily found on the internet by employers, banks, schools, landlords, and others. Even though young whites use marijuana at higher rates, over 85% of the people arrested and jailed for marijuana possession are black and Latino. These arrests are costing New Yorkers more than $75 million per year.

“This report shows that people arrested for marijuana possession spend an average of 12-18 hours, just in police custody, and the vast majority of those arrested are young Black and Latino men from seven to ten neighborhoods in NYC,” said Chino Hardin, Field Coordinator and Trainer with the Center for NuLeadership on Urban Solutions. “This is not just a crisis, but a frontline civil rights issue facing urban communities of color in the 21st century. We are calling on Governor Cuomo to do the right thing, and exercise the moral and political will to address this injustice.”

Participants who reported using marijuana in the previous month had the lowest levels of fasting insulin and the highest levels of the so-called 'good' cholesterol - indicators of a lower risk for both diabetes and heart disease.

Mayor Bloomberg recently announced administrative changes to how NYPD will process marijuana arrests, but this change does not change the law itself and will not stop the arrests, so advocates continue to call upon Albany to act.

The study also found the marijuana users tended to have smaller waistlines. Large waist circumference, typically associated with obesity, is linked to diabetes risk.

The release of One Million Police Hours takes place as Governor Cuomo and leaders from the Senate and Assembly are in negotiations about the governor’s proposal to fix the state’s marijuana decriminalization law. Although the state decriminalized possession of less than one ounce of marijuana in 1977, it authorized the police to charge a person with a crime if the marijuana was “in public view.” As has been welldocumented in both studies and media reports, police in New York, and particularly in NYC, have used this loophole to charge a crime when the marijuana is in public view as a result of a police search or a demand that the contents of someone’s pockets, backpacks, etc. be revealed.

Although the U.S. government banned marijuana in 1937, its social use has continued, with an estimated 17.4 million Americans reporting regular or occasional use of the drug. Two states recently legalized recreational marijuana, and nearly half the states and the District of Columbia have legalized or decriminalized medical-use marijuana, for patients suffering from glaucoma or the effects of chemotherapy or HIV/AIDS. This new study, appearing in The American Journal of Medicine, highlights the need for more research into the short and long-term effects of marijuana in a variety of clinical settings.

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“For years, New Yorkers from across the state have organized and marched and rallied, demanding an end to these outrageous arrests. And now we learn that the police have squandered one million hours to make racially biased, costly, and unlawful marijuana possession arrests. This is scandalous,” said gabriel sayegh, New York State Director of the Drug Policy Alliance. “I’m sure we can all think of more effective things for the police to spend their time on -- imagine if NYPD committed one million hours to working with communities to stop gun violence or to pursue unsolved serious crimes. We stand with the Caucus and other leaders in Albany – both Democrats and Republicans – in demanding reform. The hour of change is upon us, and reform is long, long overdue.”

Oregon Cannabis Connection

Chocolate Chip Almond Shortbread


Skillet Cornbread By Kristi Anderson

By Dani B.

By R.A.


Ingredients: Ingredients: 1 cup canna butter, softened 1/2 cup sugar 2 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips Directions: Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 13x9x2-inch baking pan. In large mixer bowl, beat canna butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add flour and almond extract; blend well. Stir in mini chocolate chips; pat into prepared pan. Bake 30 minutes or until golden brown. Cool in the pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Cut into bars and then continue to cool completely in the pan. Store in airtight container.

Double Dose Peach Cobbler

1/2 pound bacon, chopped 2 tablespoons minced garlic 4 jalapenos, seeded and diced 3 cups cornmeal 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons salt 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 3 cups buttermilk 2 large eggs, lightly beaten 10 tablespoons melted canna butter, unsalted Directions: Preheat the oven to 450 degree F. Brown chopped bacon in a 10inch cast iron skillet. Add the garlic and jalapeno and saute until softened. In a bowl, combine the cornmeal, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and pepper and mix well. In a small bowl, combine the buttermilk, eggs, and melted canna butter. Add to dry ingredients and stir just to combine. Quickly pour the cornmeal batter into the skillet. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until firm and golden brown on top. Let sit for 5 minutes, then turn out onto a cutting board. Cut into wedges and serve hot with butter on the side.

New Recipes In Every Issue! Find MORE in the OCC!

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for shaping and rolling 1 tablespoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 12 tablespoons cold unsalted Canna butter, cut into small pieces 4 to 6 tablespoons ice water Peach Filling: 4 tablespoons unsalted Canna butter 1/2 cup sugar, plus more for sprinkling 1/2 cup water 1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg Pinch salt 10 ripe peaches, peeled, pitted, and cut into 1/4-inch thick slices (if peaches are out of season, use thawed frozen peaches) 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons heavy cream Directions:

Page 13 Medical cannabis consumption can be unpredictable, always start with a quarter serving and give it time. Effects can take up to an hour and sometimes longer. If you have doubts, you should contact a cannabis clinician about dosage.

Cannabis Pesto By The Manderson's Ingredients: 2 cups fresh basil leaves, packed (You can use sweet or geneovese basil) 1/2 cup freshly grated ParmesanReggiano or Romano cheese 1/2 cup cannabis infused olive oil 1/3 cup pine nuts or walnuts 3 medium sized garlic cloves, minced Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Special equipment needed: A food processor

For Crust: Place flour, sugar, and salt in a food processor and process for 5 seconds. Add Cann butter and process until the mixture resembles coarse meal. Add water, a few tablespoons at a time, until the dough just comes together. Remove dough and knead lightly on a lightly floured surface until it just comes together. Divide the dough in half and form into disks. Wrap each disk in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Once dough is chilled, remove from the refrigerator and roll each disk into a 9-inch square approximately 1/4-inch thick. Place on parchment paper-lined baking sheets and return to the refrigerator to chill until ready to assemble. Filling: Melt Canna butter in a large highsided saute pan over medium heat. Add the sugar and water and cook until sugar is dissolved. Add nutmeg, salt, peaches, and flour and cook for 5 minutes. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Place half of the peach mixture in the bottom of a 9-inch square buttered baking dish using a slotted spoon. Top the peaches with 1 layer of dough. Place on a baking sheet and bake until the crust is light golden brown. Remove from the oven and top the crust with the remaining peaches and cover with the other crust. Brush the top crust with heavy cream, sprinkle with sugar, and return to the oven. Bake until the crust is golden brown and the juices are bubbly.

Directions: Combine the basil in with the pine nuts, pulse a few times in a food processor. (If you are using walnuts instead of pine nuts and they are not already chopped, pulse them a few times first, before adding the basil.) Add the garlic, pulse a few times more. Slowly add the cannabis infused olive oil in a constant stream while the food processor is on. Stop to scrape down the sides of the food processor with a rubber spatula. Add the grated cheese and pulse again until blended. Add a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Serve with pasta, or over baked potatoes, or spread over toasted baguette slices.

Let cool for at least 30 minutes before cutting and serving.

Over 220 distribution points and 20,000 copies every issue. Reach the customers who use your products and services. Advertise in the Oregon Cannabis Connection (See page 2). OREGON'S ORIGINAL & BEST CANNABIS PUBLICATION!


Page 14

7 Ways to Keep Pests off Marijuana Plants For centuries, gardeners have had to deal with pests of many varieties. Whether they are birds, insects, mammals, or even other humans, cultivated plants seem to have a target on their backs. While humans don’t

Small spots on tops of leaves, a sure sign of Spider Mites, which inhabit the bottom side of the leaves (left).

really eat raw cannabis, some pests certainly seem to like the taste. If left unchecked, an infestation can end up ruining your crop. At the same time, using harsh chemical products to repel the pests can be harmful to you later on. To avoid all that, we have compiled a list of some safe and effective repellents (and other safety precautions) to keep bugs away from your plants.

1. Only use sterilized soil or fertilizer. The problem with unsterilized soil is that it can contain the eggs or even larvae of some common marijuana pests. If you grow your marijuana in that soil, you will be in for a rude surprise when those eggs hatch or those larvae start to grow up. This is particularly bad for indoor growers because there are no natural predators inside your house.

2. Use natural predators. Of course, if you’re growing marijuana outdoors, you can make use of a few pest predators. Ladybugs are notoriously beneficial to have around your outdoor marijuana plants because they love to prey on larvae and other potential

pests. You should also encourage birds to nest in the area because they often like to snack on some pernicious marijuana pests. Put out some bird houses or a bird feeder to get birds to come around. Just make sure that they stay away while the seeds are germinating because many birds do enjoy the taste of a marijuana seed.

3. Grow companion plants. Interspersing the marijuana garden with a few naturally repellent plants is certainly a good way to keep the predators away. Although the THC that marijuana produces acts as a natural repellent in its own right, it is often not strong enough to repel all plants (especially in the early stages of life). Particularly pungent plants like geraniums and marigolds will keep many leaf-eating insects and worms at bay. You can even plant some onions to ward off bigger pests like deer or rabbits.

4. Use the urine of your pests’ enemies. This might sound like a joke, but it actually works and it’s actually feasible. Many mammals like deer have keen senses of smell and if they detect a hint of bear or puma urine, they will want to stay as far away from your marijuana plants as possible. That’s because they won’t want to enter territory that a much larger predator has been roaming around in. The same is true for rabbits and fox urine. You can buy these scents at many sporting goods or outdoor shops.

Cannabis Connection

5. Build a fence. If bigger animals are a problem and the scent of their enemies doesn’t deter them, then you might need to try building a fence around your plants. Obviously, many marijuana growers don’t have this luxury and it’s really only something that people growing on private land can do.

6. Create a repellent force field around the plants. With a permethrinbased repellent, you can keep insects away from your plants without using the synthetic spray on the plants themselves. Simply spray a ring on the ground about 6 feet away from the plant. Any bugs that come into contact with the permethrin will die or just evacuate the area.

7. Use custom organic repellents. Many growers have opted for pungent, organic repellents to keep pests away from both their indoor and outdoor plants. Concoctions like cinnamon oil, clove oil, and coriander oil have all had relative success without causing any damage to the plant. You can easily spray these repellents directly onto the cannabis leaves with no fear of any adverse reaction. Of course, different cannabis strains might have different reactions to any homemade organic repellents, and you should always test the repellents on an inconspicuous section of the plant to make sure no harm is done. Although it might not seem like it, it is actually more difficult to control pests indoors than it is outdoors. There’s really a small window of vulnerability between germination and seedling state when you have the plants outdoors. When they’re indoors, however, the pests can ravage your entire garden up until late in the vegetative state. Once you have bugs in the house, it’s hard to get them away from your marijuana plants.

Organic Marijuana Organic marijuana is the technique of using no pesticides, fertilizers. The list of growing mediums is usually a combination of natural organic material such as manure, worm castings, bat guano, seabird guano, sea kelp, steamed bone meal, blood meal, fish, oat bran and numerous composts. Best composts are fruit and fruit bearing vines (cantaloupes, grapes, watermelon, blueberries). The growing medium used can effect the taste of the marijuana, providing a concentrated source of calcium, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphates and potash. I've personally smoked organic marijuana grown in a base of rabbit manure, bat guano, worm castings and blueberry vines. They all produce a rich earthy flavor with noticeable differences. Organic marijuana growers love to experiment and achieve there own personal taste. Attention has to be paid to growing medium acidity. So many farmers use different growth material sources, configure your own mix and check for proper ph levels. Pay attention to troubleshoot any nutrient deficiencies which will be noticeable in leaf growth. In a small amount of time you'll develop a perfect mix. Organic cannabis grows slower than hydroponics, soil-less mixes or any new growing medium "but" the taste and flavour is unique, pungent, prevalent and flavourful. THC crystal content is always high.

It’s always best to try using preventative measures so that bugs never become a problem in your indoor garden.

Nothing organic is better for your plants than Sea Kelp

My friend breeds rabbits, grows raspberries, gathers sea kelp and loves the daily maintenance of farming his own mix. Knowing what's inside your marijuana is a comforting feeling adding to the high. Cerebral smokers attain higher states of buzz. No other fertilizers can produce the nutrient levels and tastes. You do not have to add any growing ingredients, everything is already in the mix. Flushing your cannabis at the end of the flowering cycle is not necessary, eliminating any chemical taste. Those two facts reduce the growing work load. Organic marijuana is more resistant to disease. The cannabis always burns clean. Environmentally friendly with no danger to you.


Cannabis Connection CLINICS, CO-OPS, & ORGS ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL SPECIALTY Serving Salem & Beyond. We've Gone Mobile and Now Offer Your Own Personal RN That Comes To You! Cards, Exams, Evals. Call Bill (503) 307-5840. CANNA MEDICINE A Grower And Patient Co-op Serving The Salem/ Corvallis Area (503) 339-6352 www.cannamedicine.org CHERRY CITY COMPASSION Connecting OMMP Patients 2025 25th St. SE Salem, OR 97302 CherryCityCompassion.org CHRONIC CARE, INC. 570 Lawrence St. Suite 101 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 344-1688, Fax (541) 344-8110 www.chroniccareinc.com

Page 15

CLUB PIT BULL 4088 State St. NE Salem, OR 97301 (503) 409-8192 Open 7 Days a Week 12pm - 6pm

HERBALIST FARMER 45 NE 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 97220 (503) 252-9088 www.herbalistfarmer.org

MARY JANE'S BASEMENT 259 E. Barnett, Medford, OR (Winco Shopping Center) (541) 690-1542 Tues - Sat 12pm - 6pm

PACIFIC CENTRAL CLINIC Douglas and South Lane Co. OMMP Clinic M-F By Appointment (541) 206-1299

COMPASSION CENTER 2055 W. 12th Ave. Eugene, OR 97402 (541) 484-6558

HUMAN COLLECTIVE II 9220 SW Barbur Blvd. Suite 106 Portland, OR 972019 (503) 208-3042

MERCY CENTERS 1745 Capital St. NE Salem, OR 97301 (503) 363-4588 www.mercycenters.org

PATIENT GROWER NETWORK PGN Lodge, Mon 5-9; Tu - Sa 2-9 4090 Cherry Ave. Keizer, OR Networking, MD Appts pgnlodge@gmail.com

COOS COUNTY CO-OP 3682 Tremont Ave. North Bend, OR 97459 (541) 751-0005

MAMA MOTHERS AGAINST MISUSE AND ABUSE www.mamas.org 3 Locations: PORTLAND OR 5217 SE 28th Ave. (Steele & 28th) (503) 233-4202 Fax (503) 233-8266

MT. HOOD WELLNESS CENTER 14325 SE Stark Portland, OR 97233 (971) 279-4116 www.mthoodwellness.com

PATIENTS CHOICE CLINIC SERVICE Phone (541) 499-5431 Fax (877) 885-9910 www.patientschoiceclinics.com

GOING GREEN COMPASSION CENTER 2999 Santiam Hwy. Lebanon, OR 97355 (541) 405-8856 GREEN BIKE DELIVERY SERVICE Serving OMMP Patients in Corvallis, Albany and Philomath Call (541) 224-4039 For a Consultation

THE DALLES, OR 319 E. 7th. St. (541) 298-4202 Fax (541) 296-2983 BEND, OR 454 NE Revere St. (503) 233-4202

OREGON ALTERNATIVE, LLC. 169 S. Old Pacific Hwy. Tri-City, OR (Myrtle Creek Area) (541) 863-4173 OREGON MEDICAL CANNABIS UNIVERSITY 2900 SW Cornelius Pass Rd. Ste. 548 Hillsboro, OR 97123 (503) 649-2999 www.omcu.net

More Listings on Back Page

ROGUE RIVER HERBAL PAIN MANAGEMENT 106 E. Main St. Rogue River, OR 97537 (541) 582-9150 www.rrherbalcenter.com SOUTHERN OREGON ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE 836 E. Main St. #6, Medford, OR 97504 (541) 779-5235 Fax (541) 779-0479 www.southernoregonalternativemedicine.com

Online at www.oregoncannabisconnection.com! Oregon's Original Cannabis Newspaper.

Events Calendar June/July 2013 Berries, Brews & BBQ's


June 8 - 16, 2013 17673 French Prairie Rd. Saint Paul, OR 97137

Now - August 25, 2013 6149 SW Shattuck Rd. Portland, OR 97221

Join us for our 4th Annual Berries, Brews, & BBQ’s Festival for Oregon Craft Brews & Barbeque! Oregon Craft Brewers will showcase their best brews! An all Amateur BBQ competition, any one is welcome to compete! Our Competition BBQ teams will compete in 3 categories daily: Chicken Wings, Tri-tip, Baby Back Pork Ribs. Join us for the two things that Dad loves most, BBQ & Brew! Bring the whole family out to enjoy a fun family friendly festival featuring: Free Admission & Free Parking! Some Ticketed Charges Apply for Activities. For more info, call (503) 633-8445 or go to http://www.fpgardens.com/french-prairie-farmbrews-bbq.htm.

Alpenrose’s Dairyville is a Portland tradition for over 50 years! Kids and adults flock to the streets of Dairyville during the summer months to explore this fun pioneer exhibit. Visitors can peak into Grandma’s Bakery, the Great Western Bank, the Dairyville School, and the post office. Kids can watch model trains chug through tiny Oregon landscapes and learn from some of the area’s train club experts. And no Dairyville visit would be complete without stopping off at the Ice Cream Parlor for a delicious Alpenrose ice cream cone. Sundays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more info, go to www.alpenrose.com.

NORML Presents a High Tea and Luncheon

June 28 - 29, 2013 At The 420 Lot 1266 Valley Heights Rd. Selma, OR

June 23, 2013 World Famous Cannabis Cafe 322 SE 82nd Ave. Portland, OR 97216 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Portland, OR - Sunday, June 23, 2013 marks the first Pacific Northwest kick off event for the newly formed National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) Women’s Alliance Foundation. “My goal is to get a chapter of the NORML Women’s Alliance started in the Pacific Northwest. With legalization already a reality in Washington and Oregon poised to follow soon, it is time to face this economic reality and prepare and protect our families. Taxation and regulation provides that protection,” declares Madeline Martinez, owner of the café and hostess of the event, “We encourage women to educate themselves about cannabis, and we hope that this event will pique the interest of those outside the cannabis community,” explains Anna Diaz, Madeline’s co-host and fellow recipient of NORML’s Pauline Sabin Award. Doors open at 11:00am and the afternoon promises to include plenty of Pacific Northwest flair, surprise guests and more. Megan, founder and creator of Kush Creams will be on hand to discuss her experiences as a canna-businesswoman. The focus of the afternoon’s discussion will be geared towards women as we move towards legalization, but we welcome all supporters who want to end cannabis prohibition now. Tickets are $75.00 and are available at the World Famous Cannabis Café. You can find this event and the café on facebook or visit www.usaworldfamouscannabiscafe.com. For more information, please call 503-208-3395.

Reggae In The Trees

Reggae In The Trees is a two-day, ALL AGES, outdoor music festival nestled in the beautiful trees of Selma, Oregon. There will be many local arts and crafts vendors, delicious local food vendors, and some of the finest music Oregon has to offer. Gates open at 10am Friday June 28th. Music starts at Noon and goes NONSTOP ON TWO STAGES FOR 48-HOURS STRAIGHT! Presale tickets are on sale now at www.541syndicate.com, Dragon's Lair, Sky High and Smokey's Delivery. For more info, go to www.facebook.com/events/420658378019506/?r ef=3.

Support The Southern Oregon Four Fund Raiser June 29, 2013 Plew's Brews 8409 N. Lombard St. Portland, OR 97203 Join The World Famous Cannabis Cafe Family at Plew's Brews in St. John's for an evening of fun to help raise money for those raided in Southern Oregon on may 23rd. There will be a silent auction, raffles, music and morem with performances by Cascadia Rising, Get Down Jones, Big Dub & J Mack, DJ Brainfood and The Libra Twins. Come join in the festivities and donate a little cash to a good cause! For more info, go to www.facebook.com/events/526251380771357/?fr ef=ts or call the Cafe at (503) 208-3395.

Pacifica's Family Fun Fest & 11th Annual Jefferson State Food Drive June 29 - 30, 2013 Pacifica: A Garden In The Siskiyous 14615 Water Gap Rd. Williams, OR 97544 Pacifica's Family Fun Fest and Jefferson State Music Fest are joining together to create a summer fun weekend for families! We'll have all of your favorite attractions for kids and parents to enjoy together, including face-painting, a petting zoo, pony rides, birdhouse building, fishing, a horseshoe tournament, a disc golf course, and camping under the stars. Plus, Pacifica Arts Guild will be showcasing handmade gifts and collectibles for sale by local artists and debuting the winner of the Esther King Price Sculpture Contest. There will be plenty of great food and live music all weekend, too! Come join us for a spectacular weekend at Pacifica Garden! The proceeds will go toward scholarships for The Caterpillar's Summer Nature Day Camps. For more info, go to www.facebook.com/events/174445192718993.

Emerald Empire Hempfest 2013 July 19 - 21, 2013 Maurie Jacobs Park Eugene, OR The purpose of the Emerald Empire Hempfest is to unite our citizens in calling for sweeping reforms in America's laws against cannabis and hemp. This is a uniquely valuable plant: it provides high levels of key nutrients, relieves symptoms for patients suffering from an array of medical conditions, and can be made into environmentally positive products such as clothing, paper, paint, biodegradable plastics, and replacements for fossil fuels. Please join us in the fight to roll back prohibition and increase production and usage of one of the world's most beneficial plants! For more info, call Nan (541) 603-0963 or Dan (541) 5170957 or go to www.emeraldempirehempfest.com.

The MERCiful Ultimate Louisiana Party July 28, 2013 Bear Creek Saloon 40598 Cole School Rd. Scio, OR 97374 The MERCiful Ultimate Louisiana Party (MULP), is a Fundraising Event featuring Henry Turner Jr (HTJR) and The Bobbi Lynn Band.The band HTJR consists of Mr. Henry Turner, Jr. on vocals and guitar, veteran R&B drummer Ronnie Houston and Matt Burns on bass. For more on MERCY, call: 503.363-4588. For more on Scio's Bear Creek Saloon (BCS), to Discover Events, Shows, more Scio Venues, visit Zvents at www.zvents.com/scio_or/venues/show/9557225bear-creek-saloon.

Wine & Music Festival

Olympia Hempfest

August 8, 2013 126 North E St. Lakeview, OR 97630

August 24 - 25, 2013 Heritage Park 5th Ave. & Water St. NW Olympia, WA

Enjoy an afternoon/early evening of continuous music, wine & beer tasting and loads of vendors. Ride the Tour de Outback then enjoy in the wine & music festivities afterwards. We close off the streets for this fun event. For more info, call (541) 947-6040 or go to www.oregonfestivals.org.

Mark These Other Events On Your Calendar Coming This Summer!! Seattle Hempfest August 16 - 18, 2013 3130 Alaska Way W. Seattle, WA Friday from 12 noon to 8 pm, and on Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 8. Admission is still FREE, and at Elliot Bay, Myrtle Edwards Pier 70, and Olympic Sculpture Parks. Hempfest is a work-party. They want you to come to relax and enjoy their event, but they also want you to learn. When people learn the facts about Cannabis they inevitably come to our side. They want to offer the latest educational resources to help you learn about domestic production of industrial hemp, medical marijuana, pot law, and even addiction and abuse. They want to contribute to you being as informed, educated and prepared as you can be to participate in our culture and movement. The brightest minds they can find have contributed to their program this year. Find more information, go to www.hempfest.org.

Jefferson State Music Festival Presents: Hemp Expo 2013 August 23 - 25, 2013 Place: Selma, OR Southern Oregon's largest music festival is coming back to the State of Jefferson for Hemp Expo 2013. A three day music festival and educational hemp exposition featuring speakers and hemp industry advocates, 50+ regional and national musical acts on two stages, camping, vendors, food, artists, music, and more. Hemp Expo is founded on the belief that through awareness, education, and the cooperation and coordination of citizens and public officials, many complex social issues can be solved. Objective and Purpose: To host a world class music event that provides outlets for cannabis advocates to educate the public on the many potential benefits and uses of the cannabis plant. This includes religious, medicinal, industrial, agricultural, economic, environmental, and other practical applications. For more info, go to www.jeffersonstatehempexpo.com.

Admission is FREE, tho they suggest a $5 donation. Heritage Park is a 24-acre state-owned property adjacent to Capitol Lake and downtown Olympia, WA. It is the northern extension of the Washington state capitol campus. Olympia Hempfest was founded in 2003 as a gathering of 500 people on the original Washington state capitol campus in downtown Olympia and has grown into one of the major Olympia events in just under its fourth year, with a annual theme of “Helping.” Each year Oly Hempfest strives to break down the barriers and remind people about our heritage and our responsibility to be active citizens. Find more information at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/OlympiaHempfest/149429311748592.

Port Asordam Hempfest August 31 - September 1, 2013 Clatsop County Fairgrounds Astoria, OR Port Astordam Hempfest will take place Labor Day weekend on the days of August 31 & September 01, 2013 at the Clatsop County Fairgrounds in Astoria, Oregon. Port Astordam is still currently in need of the following: Volunteers, Vendors, Performers, Guest Speakers. If you would like to help with any aspect of the event, please head over to the web site and let us know at www.portastordam.org.

Portland Hempstalk September 7 - 8, 2013 Kelley Point Park Confluence of the Willamette & Columbia Rivers Portland, OR Portland's annual Hempstalk Festival in Portland, Oregon advocates decriminalization of marijuana for medicinal, industrial, and recreational use. Founded in 2005 by the Hemp and Cannabis Foundation, the festival takes place the weekend after Labor Day in September, and features food vendors, live music, guest speakers and information booths. This public event has always been free to attend. To find out more about HempStalk, visit www.hempstalk.org.

To submit your event for consideration, please email info@oregoncannabisconnection.com

Clinics & Information CLINICS, CO-OPS, & ORGS (CONT.) SOUTHERN OREGON CANNABIS CLUB 1455 NE 6th St. Grants Pass, OR 97526 (541) 660-0209 sommclub@gmail.com SOUTHERN OREGON CANNABIS COMMUNITY CENTER 332 W. 6th St. Medford OR 97501 (541) 779-1448 Fax (541) 779-1665 www.so-norml.org THCF THE HEMP AND CANNABIS FOUNDATION www.thc-foundation.org 2 Locations: GRANTS PASS, OR 558 NE F St. #1 (541) 244-4000 (800) 723-0188 PORTLAND, OR 105 SE 18th Ave (503) 281-5100 (800) 723-0188 THE GREENERY Now Delivering! Phone Hours M - Sat Noon - 5 pm (541) 295-2794 www.ashlandgreenery.org TOP SHELF LLC. 2350 State St. Salem, OR 97301 WWW.OMMPCARDSWELCOMED.COM Doing The Right Thing Everyday! Simply Caring & Sharing. WORLD FAMOUS CANNABIS CAFE 322 SE 82nd Ave. Portland, OR 97216 www.usaworldfamouscannabiscafe.org YOUR HEALTHY ALTERNATIVE MEDICAL CLINIC 3482 Liberty Road S. Salem, OR Ph. (503) 391-8388 Fax (503) 363-0276 www.yhamd.com

PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GREEN LEAF LAB The Northwest's Premier Cannalysis™ Laboratory OR (503) 250-2912 & WA (253) 772-8771 www.greenleaflab.org PAUL LONEY, ATTORNEY Practicing Medical Marijuana Law Portland (503) 234-2694 Southern OR (541) 787-0733 paultloney@gmail.com

NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS NORML AND THE NORML FOUNDATION 1600 K Street, NW Suite 501 Washington, DC 20006-2832 (888) 67-NORML (888-676-6765) (202) 483-5500 www.norml.org AMERICANS FOR SAFE ACCESS 1322 Webster Street, Suite 402 Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 251-1856 www.americansforsafeaccess.org DRUG POLICY ALLIANCE 925 15th Street NW, 2nd Floor Washington, DC 20005 (202) 216-0035 www.drugpolicy.org MARIJUANA POLICY PROJECT P.O. Box 77492 Capitol Hill Washington, DC 20013 (202) 462-5747 www.mpp.org TOKE SIGNALS WITH STEVE ELLIOT Your Source for Uncut, Uncensored, No-Holds-Barred, Non-Corporate-Controlled Cannabis News! www.tokesignals.com

EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES 42 DEGREES Clothes - Fine Glass 613 E. Main St. Medford, OR 97504 (541) 973-2311 42Degrees.info@gmail.com DRAGON HERBARIUM 4638 S.W. Beaverton- Hillsdale Hwy Portland, OR 97221 (503) 244-7049 www.dragonherbarium.com DRAGON'S LAIR 210 Northwest 6th Street Grants Pass, OR 97526 (541) 479-5617 www.dragonslairglass.com GROBOTS INTERNATIONAL, INC. "The Green Lamp" Mobile, Modular and Automatic Light Deprivation System Outperforms Any Other Light Source www.grobots.com or (800) 547-6268 MAGIC MUSHROOM / OREGON GIFTS "Look For The Giant Mushrooms" Next to I-5, Exit 136 Sutherlin, OR 97479 (541) 459-7481

OPERATION PIPE DREAMS 2021 W. Main St. Medford, OR 97501 (541) 773-3165 www.myspace.com/ operationpipedreams PANDORA'S BOX www.pandoraspipes.com 5 Locations: UMATILLA, OR 1300 6th St. #E (541) 922-9237 EUGENE, OR 2001 Franklin Blvd. (541) 485-7375 ROSEBURG, OR 1425 SE Stephens (541) 672-7473 KENNEWICK, WA 5300 W. Clearwater (509) 396-9700

RICHLAND, WA 960 George Washington Way (509) 943-7473 SILVER SPOON 8521 S.W. Barbur Blvd. Portland, OR 97219 (503) 245-0489 www.silverspoonpdx.com SMOKEY'S NOVELTIES & GIFT SHOP 2080 Lancaster Dr. NE SALEM, OR 97305 (503) 339-7320 SMOKIN DEALS www.smokin-deals.com 2 Locations: MEDFORD, OR 1246 S. Riverside (541) 767-8636 KLAMATH FALLS, OR 1939 S. Sixth St. (541) 767-8909

VICTORIA'S STATION THE STATION , LLC 120 Galice Rd. Merlin, OR 97532 (541) 471-1396 XXXSTREAM ORGANICS For All Your Soil Needs! All Organic and All Natural! Gardening and Greenhouse Consulting (541) 241-4347 www.xxxstreamorganics@yahoo.com

ENTERTAINMENT KSKQ COMMUNITY RADIO 89.5 FM "Home Grown" Radio Streaming Live at KSKQ.com 330 East Hersey St, Ste #2 Ashland, OR 97520 (541) 482-3999


STATE OF JEFFESON Performing At Festivals, Concerts, Special Events, And More! Organizers of Jefferson State Hemp Expo www.stateofjefferson.org

MARY JANE'S ATTIC 259 E. Barnett, Medford, OR (Winco Shopping Center) (541) 690-1542 Tues - Sat 10am - 6pm

THE HERBAL CREW Delivering Good Music, Positive Vibes & An Irie Feeling All Over Oregon! Check Website For Information www.theherbalcrew.com

LIBATIONS & CUISINE THE GYPSY 205 W. 8th St. Medford, OR 97501 Ph (541) 770-1212

Get a listing in this section for only $35 bucks! Email: Keith@ Oregoncannabisconnection.com

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