1/20/17 Ocean City Today

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JANUARY 20, 2017



LIONESS MILESTONE Ocean City organization celebrates four decades of raising funds to help those in need – Page 29


County clears path for developments along Route 50 Design recommendations, not requirements, created

By Greg Ellison Staff Writer (Jan. 20, 2017) The road to expanded development along the Route 50 corridor got shorter at a public hearing Tuesday after the Worcester County Commissioners approved changes to the commercial design guidelines that govern construction along the gateway to Ocean City. The most significant of these is that the design guidelines that have governed major development along the gateway to Ocean City since 2009 ‘We came out will be exactly with two good that — guidelines documents that — rather than rereflect comprise quirements. In presenting and what’s best the recommendafor the county.’ tion of a task force appointed Deputy to consider the Director of design plan upPlanning date, Deputy DiPhyllis rector of Planning Phyllis Wimbrow Wimbrow told the commissioners that the group had been meeting since last February. On the task force were David Disk, John Peters, Keith Fisher, Mark Cropper, Marlene Ott, Elbert Davis, Merry Mears, Steve Engel and Wayne Lambertson. In addition to Wimbrow, planning commission staff member Jennifer Keener and County Attorney Maureen Howarth were part of the meetings. “We came out with two good documents that reflect comprise and what’s best for the county,” Wimbrow said. The design guidelines apply to commercial development projects totaling 10,000 square feet of gross floor area or significant building additions to existing properties. “Generally throughout the docuSee GUIDELINES Page 3


GIVING BLOOD Pictured are just a few of the more than 300 people who donated blood during the 19th annual Ocean City Blood Drive, sponsored by the Blood Bank of Delmarva, at the Ocean City convention center on 40th Street, Wednesday.

OC one step closer to natural gas Sandpiper main crosses bay to resort last weekend after delays; conversion planned

By Katie Tabeling Staff Writer (Jan. 20, 2017) After working non-stop last weekend, Sandpiper Energy has succeeded in running its natural gas main across the Isle of Wight Bay to First Street. In the past few months, residents saw crews from Sandpiper Energy crews laying a new gas main downtown that will eventually allow resort consumers to convert from propane to natural gas. “Natural gas is one of the safest, cleanest and most affordable energy options,” said Shane Breakie, the director of natural gas energy services for Chesapeake Utilities, the parent company of Sandpiper. “[It’s] in abundance and the commodity cost is expected to stay low for the near future.” Installation plans for the main began over a year ago, and construction was first slated for early 2016. However, it was delayed by permit issues, which pushed back construction to October 2016. Breakie said that now that the natural gas main has been installed, Chesapeake Utilities will begin the process of switching the island’s distribution system from


Sandpiper Energy’s natural gas main has connected from West Ocean City to First Street and St. Louis Avenue in Ocean City.

propane to natural gas service. “Over 350 customers in Ocean City have already been contacted to begin the survey process,” he said. However, the utility company realizes that there will be limitations because of the summer season. “The conversion process is time-intensive and safety is See CHESAPEAKE Page 3

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