1 minute read
Developed park on Tyndall’s list
Continued from Page 1 tunities, expanding efforts to attract and retain employees, digitizing town documents and updating the town’s strategic plan.

For the Finance Department, Tyndall said he wished to see the water Advanced Metering Infrastructure system completed and an electric rate study wrapped up. He also calls for reducing paper consumption by transitioning to electric files, integrating new credit card software and updating the current service fee structure.

Economic and Community Development Department goals included the expanding public art, updating welcome center displays, creating an internet presence for parking at Stephen Decatur Park by adding it to Google Maps and Apple Maps as a town parking lot, adding more year-round parking signage for the St. Paul’s and Decatur Park and applying for additional grants to support the towns events, public art and advertising.
For police, the town has already secured one goal in the Law Enforcement Officers Pension System, which should help address attracting and retaining officers. Other goals included improving overall technical hardware and software, reinforcing community policing strategies and increasing agency partnerships, interfacing with the public more and enhancing the body camera system to automatically record when other cameras are turned on nearby and when a handgun or Taser are removed from their holster.
Planning and Zoning departments goals include conducting community outreach to determine the town’s future growth plan, adding “code enforcement” identification to the Planning Department’s vehicle and updating the town’s various maps — municipal boundaries, zoning and GIS.
Electric Department goals included lineman and meter technician training, power plant upgrades and addressing the electric utility distribution system.
Public Works goals included continuing to assess and improve the town’s parks, playgrounds and streets, evaluating a community composting program and creating a beautification budget as well as growing the Beautification Committee, which as of Tuesday has no recorded meeting on the town’s website.
Water Resources Department goals, on top of the lift stations, include rebuilding the Well 1 pump house and installing meters in the town drinking water system.