APRIL 7, 2017
KOMEN RACE FOR THE CURE Sixth annual event this Saturday in Ocean City includes 5K run/walk, 1mile fun walk – Page 41
Resort officials oppose offshore wind farm Council worries windmills seen from shore will drive down city’s vacation value
By Katie Tabeling Staff Writer (April 7, 2017) Two weeks after Mayor Rick Meehan got his first glance of “dramatic” renderings of the potential offshore wind turbines, the City Council agreed to declare its opposition to how close the project
would be to the shore. Meehan invited U.S. Wind Project Development Director Paul Rich to present his company’s proposal to the council after attending a Public Service Commission hearing on March 25. During the meeting, he testified that he had concerns the wind farms would detract from Ocean City’s value. “I understand the importance of alternate energy…[but] I admit the renderings were a little more dra-
matic than what I had anticipated,” he said during Monday’s session. “I thought it was important that everybody be aware of what’s proposed.” In 2013, the General Assembly passed the Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act, which would create an 80,000-acre wind energy area between 10 to 30 miles off Ocean City’s coast. The wind energy area is divided into two lease areas, one closer to Delaware and the other near Ocean City.
U.S. Wind’s proposal contains 187 wind turbines, roughly 480 feet tall, about 12 miles off Ocean City’s shore. The turbines would generate 750 megawatts and would have two red beacons that would flash at night. Rich explained to the council that U.S. Wind’s main transmission line would come ashore near the Indian River Inlet in Delaware instead of the resort. But doing so would cost $1 million per mile to bring it ashore, See DRAMATIC Page 6
OC budget draft sticks with stable tax bill for properties is funded by taxes and other fees, and six “enterprise” funds. The enterprise funds are separate, and three of them — water, wastewater and the golf course — pay for themBy Katie Tabeling selves, while the others — the airport, Staff Writer convention center and transportation — (April 7, 2017) Once again, Ocean require support from the general fund. City officials have proposed a small The proposed general fund budget tax break for property owners in the is $84.3 million, or $3.1 million more upcoming fiscal year, and have drawn than last year. It draws $2.44 million from the fund balance to do it. from the general fund reserve, similar City Manager Doug Miller and to a savings account, to reach the total Budget Manager Jennie Knapp for- amount while keeping to a lower tax mally presented a draft revenue and rate. That money will be used to pay spending plan for the 2018 fiscal year for canal dredging, street paving, IT during the first budget sesprojects, Boardwalk Tram sion on Tuesday. The pro‘A lot of tough replacements and airport posed budget slightly varies capital projects. from last year, but manages decisions had to Ocean City’s fiscal policy to keep the tax rate to the be made to make is to keep 15 percent of the constant yield rate — the general fund unassigned to budget at rate the state says will proconstant yield.’ expenses as a backup cushduce roughly the same revion. Under the proposed Budget Manager budget, 15 percent of the enue as the year before. Because of slight growth Jennie Knapp fund balance would be in property values in the $12.6 million. past year, the state set that value at As of the end of the fiscal year 46.56 cents per $100 assessed value 2016, there was $16.9 million, or 23.1 compared to 2016’s 47.27 cents. percent, that was unencumbered be“A lot of tough decisions had to be cause of increases in revenues. Knapp made to make budget at constant said the suggested withdrawal would yield, and I don’t know it that’s feasi- slash the excess fund balance in half ble forever,” Knapp told the council. as long as revenues are met and exIn all, the total financial package penditures do not exceed the FY18 included $128 million for the upcom- budget. She cautioned that recurring ing year, including revenue and ex- expenses are looming. See REAL Page 3 penses from the general fund, which
Resort officials cut requests; drew $2.44M from reserves to balance FY18 spending
Family of Barry Berger join Vietnam Veterans of America Ocean City Chapter 1091 members during the unveiling of a plaque and granite reflection bench outside City Hall on Third Street to honor him last week. Berger was the only Ocean City resident killed in Vietnam during the war.
Fallen ranger remembered with memorial at City Hall Ocean City’s sole casualty of Vietnam War died on mission to rescue POWs By Kara Hallissey Staff Writer (April 7, 2017) It was a chilly day on March 30, yet it was hard to ignore the blazing sunshine that appeared throughout the memorial dedication to Barry Berger. Berger was the only Ocean City resident killed in Vietnam during the war
and his sacrifice was memorialized with a plaque and granite reflection bench outside of City Hall, which is fittingly where the fallen Army Ranger attended elementary school. After deciding to put his educational pursuits at American University on hold to enlist, Berger graduated Army Ranger School with top honors and was deployed to Vietnam. A few months later, on Jan. 10, 1971, Berger was on a night mission to help save prisoners of war when the See BERGER’S Page 5