Ocean City Today

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CLOSED: The Ocean City Today

PAPER TRAIL: Getting ready for the

office will be closed Friday, May 25, for the holiday. It will reopen at 8:30 a.m. Monday HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!

season has Public Works planning and buying well in advance, including loads of toilet paper -- all 9.6 million feet of it! PAGE 3

INSIDE THIS ISSUE: BUSINESS . . . . . . . . . 42 CLASSIFIED . . . . . . . . 90 ENTERTAINMENT . . . . 53 LEGALS . . . . . . . . . . . 86

LIFESTYLE . . . . . . . . . 51 OPINION . . . . . . . . . . 20 OUT&ABOUT . . . . . . . . 59 SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . 35



MAY 25, 2012


COMMISSIONERS AWARD RAISES, RAISE TAXES Diluted quorum leads to invalid initial vote; Bunting remains sole opponent NANCY POWELL ■ Staff Writer (May 25, 2012) Over the strong objection of Commissioner Madison Bunting, the Worcester County Commissioners on Tuesday gave

county employees a 2 percent raise and increased the property tax rate by 7 cents. “It’s not the time to do a raise,” Bunting said. “You could lower that 7-cent [tax increase] if you don’t give the raise.”

Bunting opposed the pay increase because of the many county residents who are struggling financially. Neither Commissioner Virgil Shockley nor Commissioner James Purnell could vote on the pay raise because both are school bus contractors and would have a conflict of interest. That left the seven-member board with

five voting members. Earlier, the commissioners had voted 3-2, with Commissioners Merrill Lockfaw and Bunting opposed, on a 2.5 percent raise, but Bunting surprised the other commissioners when he told them the vote was invalid because the law requires an affirmative vote of at least four members.

County attorney Sonny Bloxom was called into the room and, after reading the law, said Bunting was correct. “It’s the law,” he said. Angered, Commissioner Bud Church told Bunting, “You’re cutting off your nose to spite your face.” Commissioner Judy Boggs also told Bunting that he was See WORCESTER on Page 6

Wor. Commissioner Madison Bunting

Ocean City budget passes amidst feud ZACK HOOPES ■ Staff Writer


Dump truck overturns on Route 50 An accident at the corner of routes 50 and 611 early Wednesday afternoon resulted in backed-up traffic and a considerable amount of spilled sand. The Ocean City Fire Department arrived on the scene around 1 p.m. to find a green SUV in the middle of the intersection with its front end completely crumpled, and a dump truck full of sand turned on its side and lodged in a steep ditch in front of PNC Bank. According to the driver of the dump truck, owned by Rayne’s Sand and Gravel, he had been driving eastbound on Route 50 toward Ocean City when the SUV, heading west on Route 50, at-

tempted to make a left turn against the red arrow signal in order to head south on Route 611. As it turned, the SUV collided with the moving dump truck at a 45-degree angle, stopping the SUV in its tracks and causing the dump truck to veer to the right side of the road and into the ditch. A fire department spokesman said neither driver was injured. The Ocean City Fire Marshal’s Office, as well as the Worcester County Fire Marshal, was called to contain spilled fuel and hydraulic fluids. Firefighters used sand from the dump truck to absorb chemicals spilled on the highway.

(May 25, 2012) Although the debate continued, Ocean City government’s budget for the 2013 fiscal year is a done deal. The council made the final passing vote Monday night amid a continuing disagreement over just how much of an impact the reduction of the city’s property tax rate by a penny will ultimately have. During the first reading of the city’s proposed budget two weeks ago, Councilman Joe Hall made a motion to reduce the city’s property tax rate from 46.85 cents per 100 dollars of assessed value to 45.85 cents. He cited the move as a necessary gesture of trust to taxpayers and business owners. The 46.85-cent rate, as seen in the original proposed budget from mayor and Interim City Manager Rick Meehan, would have produced the same amount of tax revenue for the city as it had taken in last year – a rate known as the constant yield. Even though this year’s rate was raised significantly, it was done so to offset the considerable reduction See OCEAN on Page 8

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