JUNE 2, 2017
RAVENS’ FANS FLOCK TO OC Parade features pep band, cheerleaders, floats, team mascot, this Saturday – Page 41
Cruisin’ may shift gears to earlier schedule Mayor recommends moving custom car event to less crowded spring weekend
By Katie Tabeling Staff Writer (June 2, 2017) The Cruisin’ vintage and custom car event left Ocean City two weeks ago and this week resort of-
ficials began considering how to reign in not just the rally itself, but also the number of hangers-on who seem to create a disproportionate share of the associated problems. “My early recommendation is to move the event to a less crowded weekend, whether it’s April or March,” Mayor Rick Meehan said. “But there’s been no decision in changing Cruisin’
yet. We want to look at this at 2,000 feet before we do anything.” Ocean City officials apparently took the first steps to alter the car show during Tuesday’s closed session. Behind closed doors, the mayor and City Council received a briefing on the event from Police Chief Ross Buzzuro, Emergency Services Director Joe Theobald, Public Works Director Hal
Adkins, Special Events Superintendent Frank Miller and Tourism Director Donna Abbott. This year’s Cruisin,’ its 27th year in town, drew 3,300 registered vehicles to resort-sanctioned activities such as the Boardwalk parade and car shows at the inlet parking lot and the convention center. See SHOW Page 5
Wind farm outfits take PSC’s deal Companies pledge to meet jobs requirement and work out of ports in Maryland
By Brian Gilliland Associate Editor (June 2, 2017) Both US Wind and Deepwater Wind have agreed to the terms and conditions set forth by the Public Service commission as part of its May 11 decision to allow both wind farm projects to proceed off the coast of Ocean City. Deepwater Wind was the first to issue a response to the commission for its Skipjack project, to be located about 17 miles off the coast straddling the Maryland-Delaware border. “In accordance with [the] Public Utilities Article … and the terms of Maryland Public Service Commission Order 88192 dated May 11, 2017, Skipjack Offshore Energy LLC hereby accepts the approval of its Nov. 30, 2016 application to the commission and the designation of the Skipjack Wind Farm as a Qualified Offshore Wind Project as established in the order,” a letter signed by Jeff Grybowski, CEO of Skipjack, wrote in part accepting the offer. Deepwater operates the first working wind farm in the nation at Block Island, Rhode Island. Because the Skipjack project is offshore of both Maryland and Delaware, it must conduct meetings with officials from both states before its wind farm See TURBINES Page 7
Lt. Col. Richard Tanner, USMC (Ret.), performs “Taps” as the finale to Ocean Pines’ Memorial Day event on May 29, held at the Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines.
Dare hospitalized after medical incident
By Katie Tabeling Staff Writer (June 2, 2017) Ocean City Councilman Dennis Dare was hospitalized on Sunday evening, and city officials are unsure when he will return to City Hall. Mayor Rick Meehan said that Dare suffered an “unknown medical incident” during a small party at an Ocean City residence around 6 p.m. Dare was taken to Atlantic General Hospital, where he stayed overnight in stable condition. He was transferred on Monday to University of Maryland
Medical Center’s shock trauma center in Baltimore for further testing. By Tuesday’s work session, Meehan said that he “had no idea” when the councilman would return. “I do get periodic updates from Liz [Dare’s wife] and he’s alert and awake,” Meehan said. “He may have been watching the work session from his hospital room.” Dare has a long career in Ocean City government service, having worked with five mayors and roughly 30 different See COUNCILMAN Page 5