7/14/17 Ocean City Today

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JULY 14, 2017



OC TUNA TOURNAMENT Annual competition, now in its 30th year, kicks off Friday and runs until Sunday – Page 41


‘Disorderly’ signs to be up by Sept. Car event crackdown involves notices and enforcement of new state car exhaust law



Harold Miller of Pocomoke City shares a laugh with his son, Gabriel, 9, while the two kick around a soccer ball last Sunday on the beach near 15th Street.

By Katie Tabeling Staff Writer (July 14, 2017) Two years after the original ordinance was passed and largely ignored, numerous Ocean City business owners now have until September to post signs on their properties reminding members of the public that disorderly conduct is illegal. It is one part of the Police Commission’s plan to crack down on bad behavior during car events. “This is not a penalty for the businesses. It’ll allow us to work to keep the peace and allow us to have better control during the events,” Mayor Rick Meehan said during Monday’s meeting. “We passed this ordinance, and people forget very quickly until the impact of the events is felt again.” It was September 2015 that the City Council passed an ordinance that requires all “public places” with See FINE Page 3

Beach replenishment contract awarded Great Lakes Dredge Co. will begin $12.7 million project year earlier than planned

By Brian Gilliland Associate Editor (July 14, 2017) The U.S Army Corps of Engineers announced Wednesday that it has awarded a $12.7 million contract to Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company to add 900,000 cubic yards, or nearly a million tons of sand to Ocean City’s beach this fall. The beach berm, which is the wide, flat beach in front of the Boardwalk and dunes, is an engineered beach that is an element of the overall coastal storm risk management project in

Ocean City. “Most people may not realize it, but the beach at Ocean City enjoyed by so many visitors is actually an engineered beach that is designed to be part of a system to reduce coastal storm damages,” said Army Corps Project Manager Justin Callahan. “This renourishment is an important part of the long-term commitment to maintaining this coastal storm risk management project and we’re delighted to be able to begin work later this year.” The corps routinely hires contractors to perform this type of work, though smaller jobs are often handled by the corps’ own dredges Currituck and Murden, Chris Gardner, corps

spokesman, said. Beach replenishment is part of the long-term construction schedule of the coastal storm risk management project. It is generally carried out every four years, but will begin ahead of schedule this year to repair the impacts to the project from a January 2016 winter storm. This contract includes roughly $2.5 million of recently allocated funds, Gardner wrote in a release, to allow the beach to be restored to its full design template, rather than restored to conditions that would have existed prior to the winter storm. The coastal storm risk management project template in Ocean City See SAND Page 5

This sign will be posted on properties that have parking fronting Ocean City’s main roads.

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