AUGUST 18, 2017
ANNUAL POOR GIRLS OPEN Ladies-only fishing tournament a fundraiser for American Cancer Society – Page 39
Eclipse tip: No eyewear? Don’t stare It will burn your retinas and could ruin your camera, too, without right protective gear
GALLEON ARRIVES Hundreds watch as the 170-foot, 495-ton wooden replica of a Spanish galleon, El Galeón makes its way from the ocean, through the inlet, past the Route 50 bridge and to dock on Chicago Avenue between Third and Fourth streets. Tours are available between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. until Aug. 27.
Odds? WMO angler beats them all Stevensville man reels in third-heaviest white marlin in event history on last day
By Lisa Capitelli Managing Editor (Aug. 18, 2017) When an 86pound white marlin came to Harbour Island Marina on 14th Street last Wednesday, the smart money figured the odds of it taking the top prize were better than good with two days remaining in the 44th annual White Marlin Open. And they would have been right were it not for Glen Frost of Stevensville, who, as far as odds go, had to be one of the more unlikely
winners of the tournament in some time. First, he landed a 95.5-pound white marlin to win the Open and more than $1.6 million on Friday, the last day of fishing. Secondly, it was his first marlin ever, and third … but more on that later. “If I was a betting man, which I’m not, I would have sworn 86 pounds would hold,” said Jim Motsko, White Marlin Open founder and co-director. “Yeah, I was surprised. [The 95.5pounder] was a big, fat fish. It’s the third-heaviest ever in 44 years. “We had several white marlin over 70 pounds [tournament minimum], which shows it’s a healthy stock when you see big fish,” he added.
Mike Donohue of Wilmington, Delaware, reeled in the 86-pound white while fishing on the Griffin out of Palm Beach, Florida. Anyone who’s followed the tournament over the years knew it would rank comfortably among past winners — the average weight of the past 10 top white marlin is a little over 82 pounds. Frost’s near-record catch came aboard the Wire Nut, out of Ocean City, one of the 327 boats that headed offshore on the final day in hopes of besting that 86-pounder. The big white took Wire Nut’s bait around 12:50 p.m. in the Baltimore Canyon. Frost jumped on the rod and See MILLION Page 4
By Brian Gilliland Associate Editor (Aug. 18, 2017) The skies won’t darken completely, the stars won’t come out and the temperature will remain the same along this coast when the first total solar eclipse visible in the U.S. since the 1970s takes place Monday between 1:20 and 4:05 p.m. More importantly, even the darkest sunglasses can’t totally protect eyes from the bright light. “Staring at the sun can cause permanent damage or complete blindness if you’re not careful,” Bob Lingo, president of the Delmarva Space Sciences Foundation, said. “Using binoculars can blind you instantly. Don’t look at the sun for any amount of time on that day.” ‘Using binoculars A partial eclipse, which is what the can blind you shore will experi- instantly. Don’t ence with an esti- look at the sun mated 80 percent for any amount of our star being of time on covered by our that day.’ moon Monday afternoon, can still be — Bob Lingo interesting, but in order to witness the full effects, Lingo said, the viewer would have to be in the path of totality. Unfortunately, the path is significantly to Ocean City’s south, passing near Charleston, South Carolina. During the totality, or when the moon completely covers the sun, is the only time it is safe to look at the event without proper protection. Even then, totality is a fleeting thing. Proper eye protection means using glasses that conform to the International Organization for Standardization’s 123122 standard, sometimes labeled as 123122:2015. The ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization headquartered in Geneva, SwitzerSee MOON Page 8