ARCTIC AND NORTHERN WATERS, including Faroe, Iceland and Greenland – Andrew Wilkes, 2nd edition. Published in hard covers by Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson [] and the RCC Pilotage Foundation [ uk/] at £65.00. 442 305mm x 219mm pages in full colour throughout. ISBN 9781-8462-3931-1. Also available in PDF format. The new edition of the Royal Cruising Clubs Pilotage Foundation’s guide to Arctic and Northern Waters by Andrew Wilkes is not merely a rehash of the previous 2014 edition, but a comprehensive update with over 70 extra pages and well over 1000 changes and additions. The origins of this guide can be found in the reports written by OCC and RCC members following their summer cruises to the area, including the legendary HW (Bill) Tilman, the Rev Bob Shepton and Willy Ker amongst many others. This has been a serious undertaking, with much of the research undertaken by the author, ably assisted by his wife Máire, and is built on their previous experience cruising in the Arctic and transiting the Northwest Passage. Extensive cruises to the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland plus three trips to the east coast of Baffin Island provide the bulk of the information. In each of the main cruising areas the harbours, anchorages and chartlets have been updated with additional input from local harbour masters and a number of other experienced high-latitude sailors. The additional section covering Baffin Island adds a number of anchorages previously unknown (except to the locals) and contains many stunning images. When reviewing the previous edition in Flying Fish 2014/2, Jarlath Cunanne commented: ‘Preparation is the key to successful Arctic travel. The vessel and crew must be self-sufficient and self-reliant for the duration of the voyage’. This is as true now as it was then and the section on Arctic Survival, supported by first-hand accounts of over-wintering in the ice, either from choice or when forced to by events, will be of interest to those considering venturing to higher latitudes. It will only serve to reinforce the message that these are no ordinary cruising grounds. A greater number of boats visit the region each year, many with experienced skippers and crew, others new to northern waters. This guide covers all aspects of the challenges faced when cruising the region – the selection and preparation of a suitable vessel, crew, clothing and equipment, plus communications, weather, tides and currents. There is a comprehensive explanation of the various forms of ice and icebergs and how they are affected by wind and currents, and the dangers posed to a vessel in transit and at anchor. The author has been able to include numerous excellent photographs for each region, plus dozens of chartlets and sources of additional information covering everything from weather and ice updates to the latest in aids to navigation technology. 137