Ocean Grove Voice 3 December 2008

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December 3-16, 2008

An Independent Voice for Ocean Grove


BRIDGE DECISION ‘WORST POSSIBLE’ Latest AFL recruit Jordan Jones gets the support of his mates after getting picked by West Coast.


JORDAN Jones has become the latest Ocean Grove footballer to be snapped up by an AFL club – being picked by the West Coast Eagles in the 2008 draft.


OCEAN GROVE NEWS: 0400 721185 

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The 18-year-old defender was pick number 52 in the draft after impressing for Geelong Falcons and the Vic Country side. Continued page 18

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VOICE CONTACTS ADVERTISING ads@oceangrovevoice.com ADS PH: 5255 3925 Michele 0431 149020 Leigh 0412 781101 ADS FX: 5255 3925 PO Box 54, Ocean Grove 3226 NEWS AND LETTERS news@oceangrovevoice.com NEWS PH: 5256 3955 Alan 0400 721185

News in brief

Santa run

OCEAN Grove CFA is once again doing a Santa run on Christmas Eve, in the same new format that was trialled last year. Due to the ever expanding boundaries of our town and the increasing number of families/houses moving to the town, the CFA changed the way Santa visits the children. The Santa run on Christmas Eve now stops at allocated positions in the town where people can come and visit Santa. Details and times that Santa, the fire truck and Santa’s helpers will arrive will be in the next edition of the Voice.

Boot sale

A CAR boot sale is being held at Ocean Grove Park in Presidents Avenue on December 6. The boot sale, which raises money for ongoing park improvements for the community, starts at 8.30am and finishes at 12.30pm. Donations welcome for the Park stall. There will also be a sausage sizzle and refreshments. For information about booking a site contact Wilma on 5255 2302. Site fees are $12.


Footbridge location partly based on ‘talk with a mate’

‘Worst outcome’ THE State Government’s approval of VicRoads Barwon Heads Bridge reconstruction plans is “the worst possible outcome”, according to local councillor Jan Farrell. State Government Roads and Ports Minister Tim Pallas has given the green light to reconstruting the bridge in March, despite three years and extensive submission by local campaigners. The plan is to reconstruct and adapt the existing road bridge in keeping with heritage values and current building standards and it also includes the building of a separate, contemporary, yet according to VicRoads “a complementary pedestrian bridge” alongside the road bridge to accommodate the growing number of pedestrians, cyclists and anglers. However, local objections which included the siting of the footbridge – on the seabound side of the bridge, the erosion of sand dunes on the Ocean Grove side, the loss of beach and parking on the Heads side, and the damage to the visual character of the bridge, have gone unheard. Cllr Farrell and bridge campaigners have been told that VicRoads it will now go ahead regardless. “I think that it is probably the poorest decision they could have made,” said Cllr Farrell. “If you measure a project in outcomes they may have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in consultations and engineering and advice and they’ve come up with the worst outcome possible. “I would think that there would be significant political outcomes for the local member, Michael Crutchfield.” Objectors and council met with VicRoads last Tuesday, just ahead of the minister’s decision. “I think what was quite scary about the meeting on Tuesday was the arrogance of VicRoads and their architects. “The most cutting thing for me was when Michael Harbour was talking about the fishing platforms being upstream and not downstream. “The engineers were asked how they made that

decision. I’ve got a mate who’s a fisherman, he said. “I was incredulous about that. I said why didn’t you ask local fishermen? There was no response. Why wouldn’t you go and stand on the bridge for day? I think that’s what really wrong. It’s a patriarchal view that they know what’s best.” Cllr Farrell said there does remain an opportunity to take the issue to the supreme court. “But I’m not aware of anyone doing that, so far. They can only argue on the basis of process,” she said. Key campaigner Bernard Napthine was doubtful that more could be done. “Unfortunately I think there is no real avenue open to us – except going to the High Court,” he said. “I am trying to find out if the Minister forPlanning Madden can simply make this decision or if it needs to go to Parliament. If it has to be a parliamentary amendment to the COGG planning scheme then in theory the Upper H o u s e can slow or even stop this…but I am not holding my breathe. “So a community wake over the “loss” of our beach and car park etc may be our way of saying to the Gov what we think. Not only is this a missed opportunity it is a bad decision, not supported by the people and we take offence when they say they consulted us. Both Peter McMullin and Michael Crutchfield have not performed their role of representing the community views on this. “The whole process has been a sham and to be honest once the Geelong Road option was rejected my personal view was that anything else would be second best – alas we have been given the third best and in years to come people will wonder why we let it happen.” The existing road bridge, originally built in 1927, is rapidly reaching the end of its operational life. The results of a 2006 bridge inspection gave the bridge four to six more working years.



Grove to get its first auto car wash OCEAN Grove is getting its first automatic car wash. The two bay laser auto wash is being installed by local builders Burchell Constructions for owner Peter Freddi at his Splish, Spash Auto Spa car wash on the industrial. Estate. Peter told the Voice that the new service would be up and running by March, initially as one bay and would make use of the second bay according to demand. The new car wash will have an extensive stateof-the-art water reclaimation aspect, recycling in the region of 80-85% of water used. Splish Splash was first built in 1997 and was the first building on the industrial estate. Peter Freddi on the site of the new auto wash. As well as Ocean Grove’s Graeme Burchell and his team, David Page of Page Green and Associ- ing are also involved in building the new car wash. ates Structural Engineers and Creecy’s Concret- Other refurbishments will also be carried out.

Foster feathered YOUNG Ellen Copperwaite has been getting a little help with nurturing an unwanted Cockatiel chick - a foster budgie has stepped in to look after the hatchling. Ocean Grove Primary pupil Ellen, 12, has been having some success in breeding young budgies, thanks to a knowledgeable dad Glen, and was aware that cockatiels perhaps don’t take their parenting too seriously. So Ellen cleverly put the baby cockatiel with a mother budgie that was rearing her own. The up shot is the budgie has taken the orphan under her wing and has been treating it as one her own. Left: Ellen Copperthaite the cockatiel and his step brother.






Club Grove put in plans for new bistro Club Grove general manager Michael Lewis.

CLUB Grove has submitted a proposal to build a new bistro with children’s playroom, a coffee shop, two function rooms, a dedicated member lounge, reception, expanded TAB and increased car parking. General manager Michael Lewis said the design is “contemporary to blend in with the local

residential environment and allows for the Club to better service the needs of our community including community organisations.” The application, which has been posted outside Ocean Grove Bowling Club entrances, has been submitted to council and residents have until December 10 to make comments.




your voice We want your views. Write to: news@oceangrovevoice.com or The Editor, Ocean Grove Voice, PO Box 54, Ocean Grove 3226 Editor Alan Barber

CONTACTS NEWS AND LETTERS news@oceangrovevoice.com NEWS PH: 5256 3955 0400 721185 ADVERTISING ads@oceangrovevoice.com ADS PH: 5255 3925 0431 149020 ADS FX: 5255 3925 PO Box 54, Ocean Grove 3226

Ocean Grove Bowling Club recently hosted it annual Probus tournament. The event always attracts fields for the event.

Give teen bowls a roll “TEEN Bowls” is an opportunity for teenagers to have some fun with a difference during the school holidays at the Ocean Grove Bowling Club. Local youngsters are invited to participate in a program designed to give them some exposure to Lawn Bowls. The first session will be held on Friday, 19th December at 11.00am and will involve a brief demonstration followed by a game and a sausage sizzle, all free of charge. Following this, commencing on Friday 9th January and the next 3 Fridays will be a competition for teams of 4 and the club will supply prizes for the winners. No experience necessary, ages 13 – 19, bowls provided, players can wear runners,

Port Phillip Heads (Pt. Lonsdale) Add one hour during Dalight Savings. Add 15 minutes for Barwon Heads Bridge.

Voice Tide chart Mon Dec 1 Time 0220 0755 1351 1957 Mon 8 Time 0621 1208 1904

Tue 2 Ht 1.49 0.54 1.21 0.13

Mon 15 Time 0137 0700 1310 1911 Mon 22 Time 0006 0647 1252 2004

Tue 16 Ht 1.56 0.59 1.30 -0.03 Tue 23 Ht 0.48 1.32 0.23 1.23

Ht 1.28 0.36 1.15

Time 0252 0831 1429 2032 Tue 9 Time 0016 0704 1256 2015 Time 0229 0752 1405 2005 Time 0053 0731 1341 2104

Wed 3 Ht 1.48 0.51 1.22 0.15 Ht 0.56 1.24 0.31 1.19 Wed 17 Ht 1.59 0.50 1.33 -0.01 Wed 24 Ht 0.60 1.25 0.25 1.23

Time 0325 0907 1507 2105 Wed 10 Time 0116 0754 1351 2130 Thu 18 Time 0316 0845 1459 2058 Thu 25 Time 0145 0818 1433 2204

thongs or bare feet and it is all free. For further information, contact Peter Nixon at the club on 5255 1540 during business hours. Our Club Championship singles are down to the semi finals for both the ladies and men. Playing off in the ladies after 4 well fought quarter finals are Val Crumbie verses Lorna McMahon and Pat Virtue verses Marlene Sutton. In the men’s Ron Jones plays Gary Burkett and Peter Patterson plays Peter Nixon. If you wish to view the current pennant ladders or view any other info about our club, go to our website at www.oceangrovebowls.com.au.

Thu 4 Ht 1.46 0.49 1.21 0.19 Thu 11 Ht 0.67 1.20 0.25 1.26 Ht 1.58 0.41 1.35 0.04 Ht 0.69 1.18 0.26 1.25

Time 0358 0942 1546 2135 Time 0226 0851 1454 2240 Fri 19 Time 0401 0937 1553 2147 Fri 26 Time 0249 0911 1531 2301

Fri 5 Ht 1.44 0.47 1.19 0.23 Fri 12 Ht 0.74 1.18 0.19 1.35 Ht 1.55 0.33 1.34 0.13 Ht 0.75 1.13 0.26 1.28

Time 0431 1016 1627 2207 Time 0344 0955 1603 2345 Sat 20 Time 0445 1028 1650 2235 Sat 27 Time 0402 1007 1630 2355

Sat 6 Ht 1.41 0.45 1.17 0.29 Sat 13 Ht 0.77 1.17 0.12 1.44 Ht 1.51 0.28 1.31 0.24 Ht 0.77 1.10 0.25 1.32

Time 0506 1050 1711 2243 Time 0500 1103 1711 Sun 21 Time 0526 1117 1754 2321 Sun 28 Time 0513 1103 1726

Sun 7 Ht 1.37 0.43 1.15 0.37 Sun 14 Ht 0.75 1.20 0.04

Time 0543 1127 1802 2326

Ht 1.33 0.40 1.14 0.46

Time 0043 0603 1209 1814

Ht 1.51 0.68 1.24 -0.01

Ht 1.45 0.24 1.27 0.36

Time 0606 1205 1900

Ht 1.39 0.23 1.24

Ht 0.75 1.09 0.22

Time 0043 0609 1156 1815

Ht 1.35 0.70 1.11 0.19



AFTER years of planning and 18 months of construction Ocean Grove’s eagerly-awaited Bellarine Aquatic & Sports Centre is opening on Sunday December 14. From 12 noon until 6pm there will be free entry and activities for the whole family. Have a swim in the new pools, try aqua aerobics, group exercise or the other free activities in the sports stadium. The kids can check out the water adventure park and play with “Croc” the pool inflatable. There will also be a jumping castle, games, giveaways, a sausage sizzle and

Pool set to open Bay FM will broadcast live from the centre. The Bellarine Aquatic & Sports Centre, located in Shell Road Reserve, is a partnership project involving the City of Greater Geelong which provided $5.5 million and the State Government which contributed $2.5 million. It includes the following facilities: 8-lane 25-metre pool with ramp access, program pool space for all levels of Learn to Swim, toddlers’ pool, kids’ mini water adventure park, outdoor recreation space, and a disabled/family change area as well as individual change cubicles.


clubs and associations

Linda Ryan and Marilyn Pattison with John Calnin of Rotary.


Matthew and Renee Wade with John Calnin of Rotary.

Pride of Workmanship

Secretary Brigadier David Gilroy presented Certificates of Appreciation to Michelle Bailey and Joanne Blythe at the RSL Annual Luncheon at Club Grove. The awards were for outstanding service to the R.S.L. Welfare in their work with the local Nursing Homes.

Clubs meet Mondays

Ocean Grove Bridge Club, 7.30pm, Marcus Hill Hall, Bellarine Highway end of Banks Road. Also Wednesdays and Fridays 1pm. Enquiries - Marg Wylie 5256 2550 Bellarine Table Tennis Club, 7.30pm - 9pm. (juniors/seniors) at the Memorial Hall, 123 The Avenue, Ocean Grove Ph.52551641.

First Monday of every month Ocean Grove Ladies Probus, 10am: Ocean Grove Golf Club. Contact Rita Pitt on 5255 1115 or Thelma Evans on 5255 1806. Bellarine Fly Fishing Association, 7.30pm: Bellarine Secondary College. Contact Tony on 0409 545929.

Third Monday of every month Ocean Grove RSL. 2.30pm at Club Grove. Committee meets at 1.30pm, The Terrace. Ocean Grove Garden Club. 1.30pm: St Peter’s Church Hall, Draper Street. Enquiries, pls contact June McLellan on 5255 1399

IN a double header for awards at Rotary in November, the club honoured quality service and dedication to the workplace with the Pride of Workmanship Awards. In another double, Linda Ryan and Marilyn Pattison from Ian Pattison Jewellers received the awards. Linda has served in the store for 10 years, while Marilyn is an apprentice jeweller who achieved honours in her first year. The VCE Youth Awards were presented for the second year, to twins Matthew and Renee Wade from Year 10 at Bellarine Secondary College. Matthew thanked the club for the award, and spoke of his passion for creative writing and his plans to head to Melbourne after Year 12. Renee seeks to study Community Services with a Diploma in the area of youth. Tahlia Justice, last year’s recipient said the award has helped her in many areas. Tahlia impressed the members with her address and development over the past 12 months. The Rotary VCE Youth Awards are designed to assist students with any expenses for the Year 11 and 12 studies.

Ocean Grove Men’s Probus. 10am-12noon at the Ocean Grove Hotel, Collendina. Guest speakers., make friends. Visitors welcome. For details please contact Geoff on 5255 4355. Third Wednesday of every month Ocean Grove on Barwon Probus Club, 9.45am, St Peter’s Ch Hall.

Fourth Wednesday of every month Ocean Grove Angling Club. 7.30pm: Minerva Close sporting oval club house. Contact: Jason Bowers 0418 737 808

Last Wednesday of every month Cancer Support Group, 10am, Community Health Centre. Ocean Grove Stamp Club, 10am: Senior Citizens Hall, 101 The Terrace. For more details contact Dianne on 5255 1372.


Fourth Monday of every month

Tai Chi - 6.30 pm. Uniting Church Hall, The Parade. All welcome. Christine McKay 5255 1948/0417 508 857. Bellarine Table Tennis Club, 10am-12 noon(adults only) at the Memorial Hall, 123 The Avenue, Ocean Grove. Ph. 52551641.

Combined Probus Club of Ocean Grove, 10.30am to 12..30pm: Surfside Centre, inquiries 5255 5515. Friendship is our theme.

Ocean Grove Nightlights CWA, 7.30pm at the Senior Citizens Hall,

Tuesdays Bellarine Table Tennis Club,10am-12 noon (adults only) at the Memorial Hall, 123 The Avenue, Ocean Grove. Ph.52551641. Bellarine T.O.W.N, 6pm: Uniting Church Hall, cnr Eggleston Street and The Parade. Contact Glenda 5255 5463.

First Tuesday of every month

First Thursday of every month Fridays Uniting Church Outreach Coffee Morning, 10.30am, Hibiscus Cafe.

Fourth Friday of every month Ocean Grove 4 Villages Mixed Probus Club, 10.30am, the Surfside Centre. Meet new friends, visitors welcome. Call 5256 2037



Buliders to start, and then stop DZINE expects to contractors back on the Target building site by early week – but only working for a less than a fortnight before the Christmas shutdown forces another stopage. The construction firm is just in the process of settling a take over of the site from the Marsx Property Group. A company spokesman told the Voice it was confident it would have a presence back on the site by the Monday next week.

“We are due to settle on Friday 8th December. Every indication is that the settlement will go through. “We believe it will mean we will be back on site on the 10th but we will not be able to get much done before the Christmas break up on the 19th” The spokesman said the most they could do was to tidy site and make it secure over the holiday period until they resume again in the new year.

Sp t the difference?


No action in 184 days


FREE OPEN DAY Sunday 14 December 12.00noon – 6.00pm BE THE FIRST TO • Bay FM live broadcast on site TRY OUT ALL THE • Games and giveaways NEW FACILITIES! • Heaps of activities • Sausage sizzle • Plus much more! Bring the family along to the free event and go into the draw to win a free one month membership or a free term of Learn to Swim.






Joan Brophy and Eileen Sheppard, helping out at the Oxfam book sale.

Oxfam reaps rewards of Grove book sale

Plenty of bargains to be had at the Oxfam book sale. LOCAL Oxfam members have been staging an annual book sale at the Uniting Church for more than a dozen years. Last year they pulled in nearly $6,000 from the proceeds of the kindly donated new editions. The Ocean Grove branch meets bi-monthly, every second Monday of the month and has 16 members.

Join in the festival

THE second annual Ocean Grove Festival is planned for January 17 and the organisers have been busy working out how to make this year’s even better than last year’s inaugural event. Right now they are want stall holders and volunteers to make contact. The stalls will be in the Terrace, right in the heart of the action. Volunteers are also needed for helping on the day. Tasks include thing like helping in the kids area (they need an up-to-date working with children check), setting up in the morning, packing up in the afternoon, working at the information stand. All help is appreciated – go on be a part of the event. For more information please contact Huib at ogfestival@gmail.com



Hot award for home builder OCEAN Grove-based builder Hotondo Homes has won a prestigious HIA housing award. The homebuilder in the industrial estate has scooped the 2008 HIA-CSR Victorian Housing Award for Custom Built Homes up to the value of $200,000. The awards, held on November 7 at Crown’s Palladium Ballroom, recognised excellence in design and construction of housing. The awards were announced before a crowd of 1000 industry leaders from across Victoria. Judged by industry professionals, the awards acknowledge the talent of designers, builders and building companies who plan and construct quality new housing. Hotondo won the award for a house it designed in Ocean Grove. The house was built on a small site with severe site restrictions the aim of the project was to create a sun-filled, well appointed 3 bedroom home with 2 bathrooms and double garage. The HIA Victorian Housing Awards recognize the achievements of those who lead the way in the construction, design, innovation and technol-

Nick & Allie Barker from Hotondo Homes Ocean Grove with the Award ogy of housing. Each year, the HIA Awards program receives acclaim for its fairness and attention to detail. HIA awards are held in the highest regard within the Australian Housing community and have grown to become the state’s most distinguished Housing awards program. Allie said the award was “huge” and helped put them firmly on the map. Nick and Allie have been working from Ocean Grove since 1990 and have been with Hotondo Homes for four years.



Funds for fast rescue STATE Member for South Barwon, Michael Crutchfield has secured nearly $14,000 in funding for Barwon Heads/13th Beach Surf Life Saving Club from this year’s Community Safety Emergency Support Program (CSESP). Mr Crutchfield said the funding would help the Barwon Heads/13th beach Surf Life Saving Club secure a first response service.

“This will boost its response capacity by enabling club members to utilise a Thundercat surf rescue boat,” Mr Crutchfield said. In total, 12 Life Saving Victoria clubs and Australian Volunteer Coastguard flotillas, will buy more than $1.6million in extra emergency equipment by matching more than $311,000 in CSESP grants with their own contributions.

Ablett patron of Rainbow Riders GARY Ablett jnr is the newest patron to Connewarre based children’s charity Rainbow Riders, joining Australian Cycling great Cadel Evan’s in lending profile to this cause. Rainbow Riders helps disadvantaged and disabled children and young people by using horses as a therapy tool and giving young people one on one counseling. The charity is unique in Australia and is being considered as a potential pilot program to help other disadvantaged children Today, Rainbow Riders works with 65 high needs children every week. Gary encourages Ocean Grove people and holiday makers to get behind Rainbow Riders and help. For details see www.rainbowriders.com.au


Organisers Sandra Anastassiou and Jennifer Hermecz.

Host for aspiring local businesses

Shelley Kempe and Kempe and Katherine Chernov. The owner of a large Ocean Grove house recently threw the doors open to up and coming home food and craft makers in a bid to help them test out their work in a small marketplace. Twenty mostly Grove and Point Lonsdale home businesses occupied Kenton off Tuckfield Street and enjoyed a steady flow of visitors during the two days it ran. Owner and co-organiser Sandra Anastasssiou said the event attracted about 400 visitors.

Kirsten Macdonald.




News in brief Rotary market

Stylist makes to 20

THIS weekend is the Community Market at Kingston Park from 9am-1pm. It will feature even more stall holders with an increased range of products providing an excellent and timely value for money Christmas gift shopping opportunity. For the kids there is a jumping castle, face painting, the camel rides are back and this month only a hands on display by the Marine Discovery Centre. The popular Katt Beames returns from a successful tour in WA as our guest busker.

Pet Accessories & Supplies

Treats, Food Collars, Leads, Bedding & Lots More! Open 7 Days 9am - 5.30pm

Shop 2a/85 The Terrace, Ocean Grove (Opp. The P.O. Boxes) Ph: 0352 561 562

Trisha Hay receives her finalist award.

AN Ocean Grove hairdresser has made it to the top 20 in a national styling competition. Trisha Hay, stylist and co-owner of Salon Moshka, has reached the top 20 in the American Crew FACE OFF competition, the Black + White Magazine’s international Photographic and Grooming Competition. Over 800 stylists entered FACE OFF from all over Australia. Trish and the other 19 Australian finalists will all gather in Melbourne in February 2009 to learn who will make up the final three. The final three competition finalists and their models will then receive an all expenses paid trip to the United States to take part in an exclusive American Crew photo shoot in LA. FACE OFF is an annual Black + White Magazine international photographic competition, showcasing the best of men’s grooming. Salon Moshka co-owner, Sandra Pearce said: “We are all extremely proud of Trish’s achievement. “To be the only stylist selected throughout the Geelong region is a great effort and it’s a testament to Trisha’s work. “We have a dedicated team who all work to ensure our coastal salon is at the front of innovation and style within the Geelong region.” Salon Moshka has been operating in Ocean Grove since 1982. Trisha said “I am so excited to be voted one of the top 20 finalists throughout Australia and I can’t wait until February, to have a chance at the major prize.”

Sadness at loss of Joe LOCALS are mourning the loss of popular engineer Joe Di Cecco, who died last week after a long battle with throat cancer. Joe, who grew up in Apollo Bay, also had a home in Ocean Grove and was well liked and respected by friends and business colleagues in the area. In particular his own personal generosity was highlighted earlier this year when friends in the building trade turned the tables on him and rallied to get his family home renovations done, knowing that Joe was very ill. In a bid to improve things for Joe and his family, the team’s brief was to put in a complete kitchen, new toilets, a laundry – and typically they did more. All while Joe and his family were in New Zealand. Many of the builders had never previously met Joe - but they knew him by the time it was finished. Joe and Bronwyn (who was in on the surprise) returned to find work completed – and some of Joe with his wife Bronwyn. They are pictured the 55 tradies there to greet them. having arrived back from a holiday in New Zealand and finding that builders had completely Joe who was also a Colac Otway Shire councillor is survived by Bronwyn and four children. renovated their kitchen in their absence.


Helping shape a culture

a day in the life - leigh middleton

I FIRST came to Ocean Grove in the late 60’s. A mate’s family had a pre-fab down here. I caught the train down to Geelong and hitched to Ocean Grove. Back then the only surf shop was David Banes and Jimmy McKewan’s. David Furzer was making boards next to C J Keane’s in Orton Street, later to become Noahs’ Surfboard Factory. I have one of Furzer’s boards in my collection, it is a little 5’10”, single fin. Collecting old boards is something I do only if they are of interest to me. Boards changed so fast it is interesting to be able to show people what we rode. Some shapes did not last very long (between 1967 and 1972) and are hard to find in good condition. To me it’s about “if you don’t know where you have been then how do you know where you are going’. Trial and error was a great thing back then. A typical week now is shape on Saturday, go down the coast and pick up repairs on Sunday, pick up any local repairs and start to glass late Monday morning. The week is then spent going between dings and glassing and sanding, organising materials that may have come from interstate and talking to anyone that comes to the factory about my collection of photos, boards and magazines. I don’t think I am a collector, just someone who does not throw anything away if it is to do with surfing. So a lot of things are laying around. I’ve only recently started to get things framed. I was one of a group of people that started the 13th Beach Boardriders. Back then there were

Leigh Middleton at his industiial estate workshop. only young teenagers surfing. It is amazing how it has changed now to family groups. It has all been helped by the diversity of equipment available now. I have surfed most of the North coast of NSW and QLD and had job offers in Noosa, worked in retail and been a sales rep for a few wetsuit and accessory companies. This year I got to Noosa four times. But this (Ocean Grove) will always be home.


S 16


ummer Fun

Ok we all like to get away for a holiday but Ocean Grove and the surrounds are up with the best when it comes to summer activities. Here’s the perfect day. Wake up early and head over to Henderson Dive for your first scuba diving lesson. After that healthy exercise you’ll have worked up a good appetite why not treat yourself to lunch at tKalamata at Lighthouse Olive Grove. The afternoon offers something completely different, a trip out to North Geelong and some family fun at the Geelong NAS Karts. Can you recommend a better day out?

at the Lighthouse Olive Grove

NEW SEASON’S MENU LUNCH 7 DAYS - BREAKFAST SAT & SUN DINNER FRI & SAT 650 Andersons Rd Drysdale (mel ref: 471 K4) BOOKINGS p: 52511101



Mocean Grove Mo Bro 2008 Kev Bowers is pictured above with expert judges Peter ‘Jumpy’ Fankhauser and Gary Stephens. Jumpy said of the entries, “Very good, they put quite a lot of effort in.” Left are members of the Mocean Grove team, just a night away from a clean shave. MOVEMBER came and went, raising funds, awareness and a few eyebrows along the way. Best of all Beyond Blue and Prostate Cancer Research and their campaigns will benefit from the month of wearing moustaches. That means all blokes and their nearest and dearest - will benefit from the cash and exposure Movember brought. Movember boxes were around town filling up with donations. Ocean Grove Hotel donated 50c per drink and

raised $300 for Movember. Club Grove did a reverse shave. The four people involved in that shave were general manager Michael Lewis – who had a mo for about 3 months, Steve ‘Chooka’ Piec who’d had a mo for 38 yrs – his daughter has never seen him without one, Barney Meddings, who’d had a mo for 40 years, and Noel Sherwell – who’d been moustached for 36 yrs They aimed to raise $350, but actually raised over $400. Club Grove then topped that up to $600.

On Sunday night hundreds – still being counted – was raised when Mocean Grove held its end of Movember party at Ocean Grove Pizza and Pasta. The total will be announced in the next edition of the Voice. Thanks to all the generous businesses in Ocean Grove that donated goods to be auctioned and raffled. Huge thanks to them and to Joe and the team for use of the venue. Movember will be back next year, watch this space.

Mo town, and mo down The big shave: Before and after

Michael Lewis, Steve ‘Chooka’ Piec, Barney Meddings, and Noel Sherwell all sacrificed their Mos at Club Grove in aid of the Movember cause.


Jordan’s an Eagle JORDAN Jones has become the latest Ocean Grove footballer to be snapped up by an AFL club – being picked by the West Coast Eagles in the 2008 draft. The 18-year-old defender was pick number 52 in the draft after impressing for Geelong Falcons and the Vic Country side. Jordan came up through the Cobras under 12s and 14s, and progressed though the under 16s to play senior footy for Grubbers. He joins ruckman Ayce Cordy, another Ocean Grove footballer, who was picked by the Western Bulldogs under the father-son rule. Ayce was already in Arizona training with the Bulldogs while the draft was being announced on Saturday. Last year Guy O’Keefe became the first Cobras to reach AFL level when he was taken on by the Bulldogs. Jordan, who was a state basketballer who gave away his other sport to concentrate on Aussie rules, said he was thrilled with the result. “Just amazing, unbelievable. “I am very happy going there. I went over there for this year for the championships. Jordan who has impressed the Eagles despite having to fight off a niggling shoulder injury was due to club reps in Geelong on Saturday afternoon. He told the Voice he had hoped he would get a chance with the Subiaco club.


“When they approached me I was really keen to go over there, I love Perth, I think it’s a cool place. I’m really excited.” The 189cm defender says he isn’t yet sure how the club will play him. “I’ll just go over there and get real fit and see what happens,” he said. Jordan chose footy over basketball in about 2006 and he feels that it has paid off. “It’s been a dream and I’ve been wishing it would happen but it’s still not sunk in that it’s happened. Maybe when I get over there and start training with the boys it might sink in. But not yet.” Just the same as Jordan wasn’t intimidated as an under 18 playing at senior level for Grubbers he’s Ocean Grove’s Jordan Jones has been picked by no daunted by what’s ahead of him. West Coast Eagles in the AFL draft. “No, it’s going to be great. It’s a great opportunity, I’m really looking forward to it.” Jordan was also full of praise for the club that Selected under has helped him get this far. the father-son “We(Grubbers) have had a couple (of players rule, Ayce Cordy drafted) over the last few years which has been is already training good for Ocean Grove footy. We’ve got good junwith the Bulldogs ior development down there with Grove, hopein Arizona. fully a few more will come out. “They have been a great help to me.” Jordan heads to Perth on Thursday and will be there until Christmas. After a two week break he will be moving to Perth full time.

Brendan sets off on a once-in-a-lifetime voyage OCEAN Grove’s Brendan Dunn has set off on a once-in-a-lifetime voyage – on board the Young Endeavour Training Ship. This Monday Brendan flew out to Adelaide after being selected to take part in the South Australia to Geelong leg of the pioneering youth opportunity. Brendan’s trip is being sponsored by Barwon Youth. “I just think it will be an excellent experience. It’s the sort of thing, a once-in-a-lifetime experience that not many people can say they’ve done. “Just stoked that I’ve got the chance.” Brendan was put in touch with the opportunity through his attendance at the Ocean Grove Friday Night Drop in. The young crew will learn not only how to sail a 44 metre, square rigged tall ship, but develop skills in teamwork, leadership and communication. Sailing with 23 other youth crew from all over Australia will enable meeting and making new friends for life. The ship will dock at Cunningham Pier ini-

tially on December 11 and provide a half day sail in Corio Bay for other community groups within the region. The voyage will officially end on Friday December 12 with a ceremony to held at the Pier Restaurant, a police helicopter, water police and the Police band Code 1 have been invited to attend. Further information on the Young Endeavour can be found at the website : http://www.youngendeavour.gov.au or through the Barwon Youth site: www.barwonyouth.org.au

The Young Endeavour Training Ship.



Park comes alive for Christmas

THREE thousand locals and holiday makers are expected to gather in Ocean Grove Park from 7pm on Sunday 14 December for the Carols in the Park this year. After the phenomenal success of the 2007 event, this year will be bigger and better than ever Carols coordinator Jon Mamonski says. “Come and be part of Ocean Grove’s largest annual family event.

“Let’s celebrate peace and joy this Christmas and as a community, we can sing our hearts out,” says Jon Mamonski. Ocean Grove Carols in the Park is presented by the Combined Churches of Ocean Grove and is produced on a large stage with over 40 singers, orchestra, and crew. This year’s special guests are the principals,

children and cast from next year’s Queenscliffe Lighthouse Theatre Group’s blockbuster Broadway musical “The Sound of Music” and the very popular 93.9 Bay FM’s Paula Kontelj will be host. There’ll be a major light show for the kids with Santa expected to drop by and everyone can sing along with the many popular carols. You are also encouraged to bring an unwrapped gift for a Cottage by the Sea needy child, to be put under the giant Christmas tree with its lights to be lit at sunset. This year, there will be ‘hi-tech’ electronic candles provided by Ocean Grove KFC that are ‘fire ban proof ’ and safe for children of any age to hold and along with the printed program, will be available to all who come along and donate $2 each or $5 a family towards the running costs of Ocean Grove’s largest family gathering. The Ocean Grove Carols in the Park is truly a community event staged completely by local volunteers and involves the Ocean Grove Police, CFA, St John’s Ambulance, Service Clubs, local retailers and Ocean Grove Park management who will have a BBQ, drinks, tea and coffee on hand. Bring family and friends and don’t miss Ocean Grove’s largest family event on Sunday 7:30pm, 14 December in Ocean Grove Park, Cnr President Ave. and Draper St. Web Site – http://www.oceangrovecarols.org. Carols in the Park is proudly supported by the Ocean Grove Voice.








Woodlands healthy habits WOODLANDS Kindergarten Ocean Grove is the latest to achieve the Victorian State Kids – ‘Go for your life’ Award in the City of Greater Geelong. Woodlands kindergarten will proudly display the Kids-‘Go for your life’ outdoor sign to show that they are leading the way in promoting healthy environments for young children and families. In meeting the Kids Go for your life Award criteria the Woodlands Kindergarten has been actively engaged in ensuring that the Physical Activity and Healthy Eating principles of the Kids-‘Go for your life’ Program are part of kindergarten policy and practice. Lee Troop, triple Olympian and the local

champion of the Kids-‘Go for your life’ program in Geelong addressed the young children, teachers and community at a presentation for the kindergarten. In presenting the awards Lee commended the kindergarten, and their families on their commitment to implementing healthy eating and physical activity strategies for children. At today’s presentation, Lee reminded the local children and families of the important link between healthy eating and daily physical activity by telling them ‘ not to forget that a healthy body creates a healthy mind and what goes into our body is just as important as being physically active - so do some daily physical activity but as well tap into water and plant fruit and vegetables

Lee Troup talks to Woodlands children about healthy eating.

in your lunch box every day’, which are key messages of the Kids-‘Go for your life’ Program. Woodlands Kindergarten is amongst an increasing number of early childhood services and Primary schools across Geelong and joins four other Ocean Grove early years settings that have achieved the state government Kids – ‘Go for your life’ award. Cllr Jan Farrell extended her congratulations on behalf of the City of Greater Geelong to the children, parents and teachers involved for their achievements. Cr Farrell said, “It certainly seems that the Greater City of Geelong is leading the way to create healthier children in Geelong who enjoy healthy eating and physical activity everyday.



Bike ‘n’ breaky

Our lady star of the sea Ocean Grove held a Travelsmart Breakfast to celebrate the great achievements the school has made with this project - and the Year 6 $1,000 bike leadership program. The healthy breakfast started 8.15am with many children starting the day with exercise through getting to school by walking or riding. The school also presented two of its students with brand new bikes thanks to an initiative from Bike Victoria. The wining students had to meet a set of criteria including regularly riding or walking to school, completing Bike Ed or road safety education, make a personal commitment to ride to school and have demonstrated strong leadership qualities. The winning year six students were Will Gant and Claire Demeo.

Winner: Claire Demeo.

Winner: Will Gant.




Indigenous seed collection AN indigenous seed collection field day is being organised by local landcare groups this month. Bellarine Landcare and Coastcare Coordinator Matt Crawley explained that seed collection is an important element in running a successful nursery and planning for revegetation projects on the Bellarine. The event is being organised by Bellarine Catchment Network, Bellarine Secondary College Landcare Nursery and Queenscliff Com-

munity Nursery. “After a previous workshop last year involving the technical aspects of seed collection, now it is time to implement the practical side,” he said. If you have always wanted to know more about seed collection and how to go about it,” Matt said, this is a chance. The event takes place on Tuesday December 16 from 9.30am to 1pm. Lunch is provided at Bellarine Secondary College Landcare Nursery

at 1pm. Volunteers meet at the nursery and will then be taken to sites around the Bellarine. Jim Robinson of Greening Australia will give a presentation about revegetation and seed collection. Jim has many years of experience in revegetation and seed collection throughout Victoria.

Booking is essential, RSVPs by December 9. Contact Matt on 5257 0417/ 0417 231 853 or email matt@queenscliffe.vic. gov.au



LIVE FROM THE QMF This weekend’s festival brought a gathering of people from a wide range of backgrounds and musical tastes; their goal the same - to catch a plethora of musicians playing wonderful music in Queenscliff. We were among the crowds on Friday evening waiting to see our local talent, creatively named the Unconscious Brothers Spectacular, who were performing live on Radio National. The anticipated arrival of well-known actor Guy Pearce on guest vocals and guitar and his college mates, The Unconscious Brothers band members kept us on our toes. The members included vocalist and keyboardist Tim Neal, Simon Dawe on banjo and drums, plus Tim Fullerton on his double bass, who was also debuting on vocals. The line-up included guest vocalist Rebecca Barnard and the

very talented guitarist Josh Owen cutting us a slice of Bill Withers, by belting out a funky rendition of “Kissing My Love”. We heard a song or two from the Unconscious Brothers archives, plus a few jazz and blues numbers, including a Junior Wells classic to delight the jiving crowd. On Saturday morning we went early to catch the local music showcase at Fishnets, and were mesmerised once again by Stephen McEwan’s range of vocals and his band of brothers, the Yes Men. The band is made up of Michael McPherson on guitar, Peter Mavric playing bass, and drummer Shamus Goble. Their line-up included a new song, which had a reggae kick, entitled “Lifes Simple Pleasures”. Continued next page.

Left: Steve McEwan. Right: Rusty, busking at the festival.



VM tribute wins out at Fishnets stage Continued from page 25 We were then treated to a medley of artists which included Ambrose Kenny-Smith from Sambrose Automobile, who played a mean blues harmonica alongside the legendary Chris Wilson on guitar and both were backed by the Yes Men. We then went over to the BrickHouse to take in a local youth contest entitled “Foot-in-theDoor”. Here we heard our own Hollie Joyce who played dark, acoustic numbers such as “Washed Up”, a love song “I Want To Be With You” and gave us her best slide guitar number, “So-Called Men”, a song about boy troubles! Her next song, “Unknown” was a great melodic tune about life, money and love and she closed with the gritty heartfelt “Keep Walking”. If her originality, individual style and passion for music did not convince the judges, the large group of people who turned out to support her most certainly would have chosen her to be the act for the day! My favourite set of the day at Fishnets, was the “Van Morrison Tribute” with an ensemble of local and other national and international musicians from all works of life. First in the line-up was Ella Thompson with “Baby Please Don’t Go”. Then came the dynamic Josh Owen and Daddy Cool/Mungo Rock legend Ross Wilson

covering a brilliant “Domino”, and other star acts such as the all-girl vocalists, Kaya performed an original and harmonic rendition of “Moondance”. The Little Stevies delivered a “There’ll Be Days Like This”, and The Wilson Pickers stomped out “Jackie Wilson Said (I’m In Heaven When You Smile)”. It was then the turn of our local favorite Stephen McEwen and the Yes Men to take us “Into the Mystic”. We also had Loren with a humorous and original take on the classic “Brown Eyed Girl” (he managed to include the lyrics of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” into the song ), James Blundell and Paul Green doing a fantastic duet with “Wild Night”. A regular treat from Japan, The Bawdies, stepped up with a version of “Gloria” and the finale “I’ve Been Working” which was played by the whole ensemble of “Friends” led by Stephen McEwen gave a massive tribute to a phenomenal musician and an end to the show. This years festival was well organized, gave us much to sample and our local talents have made Ocean Grove proud with their professional and enthusiastic approach to their art. We will endeavor to support you, as always, no matter where you perform, and so please keep making us proud! By Shaun Mitten.

Holly Joyce.



Turkey storms chicken shop It may have been a wild, wet, windy evening last Saturday and 45 years to the day since John F Kennedy was assassinated, but the vibe was certainly hot at the Piping Hot Chicken Shop. The opening act was Mitch Trickey on acoustic guitar. After having shied away from the public eye for over three years, Mitch made a great reentry and his smooth, melodic voice resounded in the room. He sang both covers, such as The Kooks “Ooh La” and his own compositions “Had To Go”, “Cornerstone” and “Get Busy Living” to name a few, ending with the Smiths “Stop Me” as an encore. Ben Jew then took to the stage with his acoustic guitar and stomp box, a piece of equipment that mesmerised me! His voice was punchy and vibrant and his versions of Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” plus Gnarl’s Barkley’s “Crazy” kept us entertained. Ben also composes his own music; one of these which had me enthralled was “Beautiful Girls”. By this stage Mock Turkey were certainly raring to go. They have earned a reputation as being great entertainers, so you would assume you are in for one hell of a show when, only two songs into the set, frontman Trent Stevens (Unx) managed to propel himself onto a chair and literally suspended himself from the rafters. After the opening onslaught there certainly wasn’t any question of whether the band’s composite sound would lift the roof off the Chicken Shop; the band were there to stay. The band played many of their own songs including “Hell For Leather” as well as their own versions of covers such as “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place” by the Animals, “Won’t Back

Down” by Tom Petty and one of the top 500 songs of all time, “Money, That’s What I Want” as well as dedicating a good few to our own Chicken Shop man, John Bowman. Trent, along with his band mates Andy, Laids, Tige and Dingo, put on a solid and energetic performance, banging out some of their best and most infectious tunes. Mock Turkey and their two supporting acts had organised a special night for the Under 18’s. Unfortunately the lack of support from this age group was particularly disappointing, especially as this group of youngsters regularly bicker that there is not enough happening in Ocean Grove to entertain them. However, the lack of youngsters did not put our great performers off and the support of their solid fan base had the Chicken Shop rocking. Mock Turkey will be supporting Peabody from Sydney at the National Hotel on 4 December and then again at the Barwon Heads Pub on Friday 12 December before Magic Dirt. By Michele Mitten.


what’s ON

oceangrovevoice.com Better Days 9 pm: Barwon Heads Hotel - Live music with Plum Crazy Sunday December 28 9 pm: Barwon Heads Hotel - Live music with Kikit Monday December 29 9 pm: Barwon Heads Hotel - Live music with Plum Crazy (TBC) Tuesday December 30 9 pm: Barwon Heads Hotel - Live music with Weathered Head Wednesday December 31 Club Grove – New Years Eve party. Hollywood theme fancy dress, with music by Class Action. Bookings essential. 8pm: Zebra Bar - New Years Eve. Live artist. Add your New Years Resolution to our Zebra Bar Time Capsule to be opened on 1.1.2010 9 pm: Barwon Heads Hotel - Live DJ

Sweet Delores, with full backing band, CD launch at the Piping Hot Chicken Shop. Friday December 5 9pm: Barwon Heads Hotel - Live music with The Hoodoo Gurus Saturday December 6 7pm: Piping Hot Chicken Shop - Sweet Delores, with full backing band, CD launch 7.30–11.30: Club Grove – Live music with In Between 9pm: Zebra Bar – Karaoke 9pm: Barwon Heads Hotel - Live music with 12.30 band (TBC) Sunday December 7 2pm: Bar Deli – Live music with Thommo 3pm: Zebra Bar - Live Music on the balcony from 3pm to 6pm with Steve McEwan Friday December 12 9pm: Barwon Heads Hotel - Live music with Magic Dirt Saturday December 13 7.30–11.30: Club Grove – Live music with Terry Broun 9pm: Zebra Bar - Xmas Party 9 pm: Barwon Heads Hotel – Absolutely 80’s Show – Brian Mannix, Scott Cann, Even Von Bibria Sunday December 14 2pm: Bar Deli – Live music with Ian Zee 3pm: Piping Hot Chicken Shop - Before The Carols with Sarah Christmas Carroll and a big line up for our end of the year show and presentation of the Chick Of Rock and Cock

Of Rock awards. 7pm: Carols in the Park, presented by the Combined Churches of Ocean Grove. Large stage with over 40 singers, orchestra, and crew. This year’s special guests are the principals, children and cast from next year’s Queenscliffe Lighthouse Theatre Group’s blockbuster Broadway musical “The Sound of Music” and the very popular 93.9 Bay FM’s Paula Kontelj will be host. Saturday December 20 7.30–11.30: Club Grove – Live music with The J Band 9pm: Barwon Heads Hotel - Live music with Weathered Head Sunday December 21 2pm: Bar Deli – Live music with Jill Meehan 3pm: Zebra Bar - Live Music on the balcony from 3pm to 6pm with Steve McEwan Wednesday December 24 9pm: Zebra Bar - Meet Santa & The Elves. Christmas Carols and Christmas Cocktails Friday December 26 9pm: Zebra Bar - Boxing Day Chill Out. Recover from Christmas Day. Relax into the holidays with laid back music, cocktails and friends 9pm: Barwon Heads Hotel - Live music with Easy Tiger (TBC) Saturday December 27 7.30–11.30: Club Grove – Live music with

Mondays 6.30 pm: Bar Deli – Open Mic night, combined with Curry night. 7 pm – 8.30 pm: Line Dancing at the Ocean Grove Senior Citizens Hall, 101 The Terrace. Elaine 0413 690 597 Wednesdays 1pm – 3 pm: Line Dancing at the Ocean Grove Senior Citizens Hall, 101 The Terrace. Elaine 0413 690 597 Ocean Grove Hotel – Pizza, Pasta and Pop – Food and Music fun night Fridays 6.30pm: Barwon Heads Hotel – Happy Hour in the ‘Bak Bar, 6 - 9pm Ocean Grove Hotel – Jukebox and Karaoke – celebrate the end of the working week Saturdays 9 pm: Ocean Grove Hotel – DJ Jiminy Kickit Sundays 8am – 11am: Zebra Bar - Champagne Breakfasts wth live artists on the balcony: saxophone, flute 2-6pm: Nectar Bar – Live music with Greig McInerney. Jazz blues, ballads, covers and orginals. Musicians welcome to join in. 6pm: Barwon Heads Hotel - Knockout Pool Comp

Send your What’s Ons to news@oceangrovevoice.com



‘Life is not a rehearsal’ 12W Fitness is a personal training business on the 12W Eggleston Street track to the beach. The business has evolved as a lawyer with an interest in fitness became a personal trainer with an interest in law. Personal trainer John O’Halloran has lived in Ocean Grove since 1983 and is a qualified lawyer. A self confessed sports fanatic and “fitness nut”, he reads the newspaper from the back to front. “I like seeing who is doing what in relation to sport and fitness whether it be at local, regional or at higher levels. “Over and above that, I like testing myself out, both physically and mentally. “That’s what brings me to personal training... it is taking people to a point of challenge and for some, gradually raising the bar, for some others it is maintaining the bar whilst for others it is introducing the bar for the first time. Everyone has a different level of fitness and different goals.” “The social chat during the warm up phase is just as important as the intensity phase and the warm down stretch on mats at the beach is a tonic for the rest of the day. “I was spending a great deal of time sitting at the computer during work hours doing sedentary things and I decided the office desk was no longer my forte. Two years ago, I completed a

Master Trainer course at the Australian Institute of Fitness with a specialisation in personal training. Since then I have been doing personal training and group exercise classes including weights, boxing, balance, aerobic/cardio work and coordination reflex work. A session may include a warm up walk/jog on the beach, a session of boxing and Reebok weight pole work, stair runs followed by some balance training or it may simply be a session designed to strengthen and tone muscles and increase flexibility and balance. “My main focus is providing a session that is both challenging and enjoyable. Age is no barrier, as local clients range from 12 years old to 75 years old. Sessions are conducted outdoors as well as undercover during inclement weather and Nicci O’Halloran who also holds personal training qualifications assists in group training classes.” Away from the business, John is married to Ali who is a partner in Moss Industry Florist Barwon Heads. Their main interest outside of their businesses is travel and they love grabbing a cheap flight to destinations unknown and exploring Australia. Two or three days away recharges the batteries but they always love coming back to Ocean Grove. It’s a great place to live and after all, why live elsewhere..........life is not a rehearsal.” John O’Halloran.

Snaps of people training with John and Nicci are on the business blog site: 12Wfitness.blogspot.com




The Voice Business Directory Counselling and Hypnotherapy


Bells by the Beach Holiday House 5255 5263 Rosemay Santos 0417 077 200 The Olive Pit

Screen Actors

5255 1511



0410 580 255 Dr Alastair McCallum

Lonsdale Antennas


5255 2584


Drent Architecture 5255 3312 Alterations and Repairs Michael Higgins Building Design 5255 3355

Audio Equipment & Repairs

5256 1633



Copperthwaite Plumbing

Mermaids Unisex Beauty Salon

Bins and Waste Removal

5255 1540

Bricklayers Bridal Wear Designer 5255 2034

Community Groups Vinnies

Conveyancing Surfside Conveyancing

Piping Hot Chicken Shop

5255 1566

Ironing Services Green Steam

0434 489 724

5255 2019

Men’s Hairdressing 5256 2164

5255 2264

New Homes


5255 3030 5256 1645 5254 2277

Funeral Directors 5255 5500

Furniture Bellarine Furniture & Bed R Us

5255 2288

Hotondo Homes Le Maistre Builders

5255 3779

Health and Fitness Clubs

5256 2050

Health and Wellbeing

5255 1684

Optometrists Greg Sly Optometrist Ocean Eyes Optometrists

5256 1295 5255 5655

Painters Wallington Painting Services


5255 3556 5255 1309

Nurseries McOuats Nursery

0405 022084

Panel Beating Sheen Panel Service

5256 3183

Pet Supplies

5255 1832 5256 3094 Contours 5255 3475 Doggy Dear Ocean View Health Club 5255 2572

Computer Sales and Repairs Peninsula Computer Help Shah’s Computer World

5255 3624

Men’s Hairdressing

Salon Sojourn


5254 2201


Bellarine Memories

Paddy Kinsey Bricklaying Contactors 0408 320197 Russell McKinnon Bricklaying 0407 252747

Bar Deli on the Run The Groove


0413 580990 Ian Pattison Jewellers 0407 694422

Financial Services

Beachside Blooms 0418 385 667 Flowers on the Terrace Moss Industry

Club Grove

5255 4664

Barwon Heads Hotel

5255 3456 Bellarine Bookkeeping Services 0418 363129 Lighthouse Business Services 5258 4589 Maleline Mensland Roche Accounting 5256 2764 5255 5077 5255 5844 WHK Day Neilson

Beauty Salons

Isabella Design

Homewares and Gifts Fiddley Bits


BellarineTimber & Fencing 5255 5760 Just Paling Fences 5255 4866

Bathroom Renovation

Bowling Clubs

5255 5143


ANZ Bendigo Bank

Billy’s Bins

5255 5922

Fashion and Accessories

5255 4095 Insync 5255 2943


0414 744 251

Internet Cafe


Baby and Child

Home Loans Go Loans

0416 165855 0404 022952 Pip Design 0405 399245

Ocean Grove Automotive (RACV) 5255 1050 Drysdale Car Detailing 5251 1610 Ocean Grove Engineering Little Darlings Sandi’s Spot

5255 1344

Interior Designers

Brendon Brice Electrical 5256 3732 Grove Electrical Starlight Electrical

Bellarine Audio


5255 2127 Ocean Grove Hire


Acting Classes

5255 3925 ads@oceangrovevoice.com

5256 1562


Ocean Grove Amcal

12W - Personal Training 5255 4222 5251 1596 Brian Hamilton Remedial Therapy 5255 2127 0401 560763 Marlo L’Or Massage Therapist 0413 099 543 Barefoot Media OG Remedial Massage Centre 5255 3358

5255 1331


Rachel Lafranchi Holistic Counselling 0412 439 121

5255 5556 RP Massage Therapies

0400 721185

Picture Framing

0414 893719 HLB Frames - 4/62 The Terrace

5255 5861



The Voice Business Directory


Tanning Studios

Shoe Repairs


Annandale Plumbing Copperthwaite Plumbing Hugh McLaren Plumbing

5229 5518 Tanzon

0408 037686 Singing Cobbler 5255 3456 0402 769973

5255 1257 Coastline Tattoo

Grove Shoeland



Retail Home Hardware

5255 5525


5255 1201

5251 3397


Harvey World Travel Ocean Grove Travel Jetset Travel - Ocean Grove

5255 2666

Websites 5255 2127

Window Cleaners Excel Window Cleaning

0431 939814

Women’s Wear

Ocean Grove Sushi & Noodle Bar 5255 3759 Ocean Grove Fish & Chips 5255 2951 Kairos in Grove Woodies Pizza 5255 4307 Lilly Bliss

The Voice classifieds

5255 5611

Interactive ‘Net Services 0409 542060

5256 1888 5255 4422 5255 5252

Tyres Surfside Tyre Centre

Surfboard Repairs

Seafood Bellarine Seafoods

5255 1144

Surf Shops

5255 1832 Murfs Longboards Surf Shop 5256 3153 5255 1122 5255 3040 Strapper Surf 5256 1944 5256 3094 5255 1959 Cruise Control

5255 5550

Travel Agents

Sports Retail

Res.com Prop’ty & Finance Centre 5255 1380 RT Edgar 5255 4099 Bellarine Sports

Bar Deli Hibiscus Cafe Ocean Grove Hotel and Bistro Ocean Grove Pizza and Pasta The Dunes The Groove The Mex

5255 4100


Shoe Shops

Real Estate

5255 3688 5255 1096

5255 3925 ads@oceangrovevoice.com

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5255 3925 ads@oceangrovevoice.com


OCEAN GROVE VOICE The Voice is now accepting classified advertisements. We want your garage sales, wanteds, items for sale, employment vacancies and car sales. Email ads@oceangrovevoice.com.




Senior champs regain titles Sunday the 23rd November played host to the annual Ocean Grove Tennis Club Seniors Club Championship, in what proved to be tough and windy conditions for the players. Previous winner Danielle Vigilante defended her A-grade women’s title by defeating Caitlin Lennon (6-0)(6-0) in what was an impres-

sive display, as she proved too strong for her younger and less experienced opponent. In the men’s A-grade singles, James Kerr collected back-to-back trophies in a marathon match, as he defeated his teammate Nick Vicary (6-3)(1-6)(9-7.) The final remained close and exciting throughout, yet the self-proclaimed “Raining Champ” managed to get himself over the line to collect the title, even though he was taking alcohol with him out onto the court. Kerr completed his memorable day by teaming up with local coach and seniors player David Franks, to win the Men’s A-grade

doubles crown, beating Mark Thomas and Patrick West (7-6)(7-5) as the number 1 seeds prevailed in yet another tight encounter. In the Men’s B-grade championship, Dale “Bull” Murphy played consistently all day to defeat Dean Lennon in the final, in 2 close sets. The B-grade doubles title was won by Matt Ranttal and Jackson Vicary. The two boys combined well together and played quality tennis throughout the day, as they outplayed Brett Mazouris and Dean Lennon in the much anticipated final.

Surfside Volleyball

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Volleyball results for 21/11/2008 Div 1 results. This week was our semi-final night and the first match was scheduled between Phantoms, who ended up on top of the ladder, and 6 Pact, who ended up in second place. Unfortunately, due to injuries, 6 Pact was unable to field a team so Phantoms won by forfeit and have progressed straight into the Grand Final. In the second semi-final match, Bandits, who came third on the ladder, played off against the fourth place getters, S.C.M. This was a sensational 5 set match which was only decided by the last 2 points of the game. In the first set, S.C.M. were too strong for Bandits taking the set 25 points to 18. In the second set, Bandits got their act together and took the second set 25 points to 20. The third and fourth sets were closely fought with some long rallies and great passages of play. Allana Halsall, Jess Kuklych and Elise Henry picked up well for S.C.M. while the boys in the team provided the power needed at the net and they took the third set 25 points to 21. Bandits again rallied in the fourth set with some great pick ups by Julie Dew and Peter Kuklych and they won this set 25 points to 19. The fifth and deciding set was eventually won in a thrilling finish by S.C.M. 16 points to 14 taking them through to the preliminary final next week. Div 2 results Jalapenos, who finished on top of the ladder this season, faced up to the second-placed Tip Rats. We saw some exciting rallies and great spiking from both teams, but the Jalapenos were ultimately too strong, winning 3 sets to 0, and 75 points to 40 points. Michael Uldrikis and John Dodd combined powerfully on the net for Jalapenos, with their other team members provid-

ing great consistency and solid support. The Tip Rats fought hard as usual, and we saw some great blocking and spiking from Drew Atkinson. On the other court, the up and coming Surf Coast Grovers defeated Zeppelins 3 exciting sets to 1, 95 points to 75. Best players for Zeppelins were Nathan Beattie and Dave Clarey, and for the Grovers, Maddie Stewart-Teh and Josh Halton stood out in a very strong team performance. Results for 28/11/2008 In Division 1, SCM defeated 6 PACT 3 sets to 0, 75 points to 48. 6 PACT only had 5 players for the entire match, so it was a valiant and physical effort, but SCM will progress into next week’s Grand Final to challenge the ever-dominant Phantoms. In the Division 2 final to qualify for next week’s Grand Final, Tip Rats had their last chance opportunity taken by the Surf Coast Grovers in a hard-fought three set match. Grovers led all the way in the first set, with some great net play by Spencer Gray and Lachie Dickson. The Rats got off to a better start in the second set, thanks to some effective play at the net by Peter Pokorni, but the Grovers pegged them back to take the set. In the third set, we saw some strong serving by Jess Middleton for the Surf Coast Grovers, with good defensive work by all the Tip Rats, and deft touches at the net by Kevin Wells, but the disciplined Grovers prevailed to take the set, and the match. Next week’s Grand Final between the Grovers and Jalapenos promises to be a thrilling end to the season. If you are interested in playing volleyball at the Surfside Centre next season, please come along to sign up day on Friday 30th January 2009 from 7.30pm-8.30 pm, or phone Anne Kuklych on 52562039.


voice surfing

Soul pressos SOUL Longboarders held their end of season presentation night at Ocean Grove Golf Club on Saturday night. Trent Myers took the coveted Open A for the third year, despite being pushed hard by Chris Meier. The results were: Open A: 1. Trent Meyers, 2. Chris Meier, 3. Dean Cook, 4. Ben Jemmett. Over 40s: 1. Larry Hayes, 2. Andy Brown, 3. Simon Thorne, 4. Brian Tucker Over 50s: 1. Gus Angleton, 2. Chooka, 3. Greg Wilson, 4. Chris Meyers.

Junior Girls: 1. Sam Sunderman, 2. Ginny Werner, 3. Christie Page, 4. Ellie Van Driel. Junior Boys: 1. Ben Jemmett, 2. Nathan McMahon, 3. Ben Considine, 4. Myles Fletcher. Open B: 1. Chad McLaughlan, 2. Nathan McMahon, 3. Sam Sundamen, 4. Lochie Fletcher Open Women: 1. Kate Sullivan, 2. Sam Sundamen. 3. Rosie Van Driel, 4. Ginny Werner Trad: 1. Lee Considine, 2. Brent Wormesley, 3. Craig Wormesley, 4. Ben Considine President Award (Best clubman) Dave Cassells.


junior cricket


Mitchell Evans bowling against Marshall.













Michael Langdon clean bowls a Marhall opponent while his teammates look on - and celebrate below.

All to play for S

The Ocean Grove Juniors kicked off their season on the 11th of October with great optimism after some very promising efforts by all age divisions towards the end of last season. Although the Under 17’s are yet to win a game, they have been competitive in most of their matches thus far and go into the second week of their Round 5 Match against Marshall in a strong position. The Under 15’s, under the guidance of Shane Thorley and Mark Coulton, have been very impressive recording two and a half wins from four starts. Like the Under 17’s, they go into the second week of their Round 5 clash against Drysdale in a strong position to record their third win and cement their place in the top four. The Under 13’s have not put a foot wrong under the coaching of Greg Taylor, recording three and a half wins from their first four games. If they can record a win in Round 5 against Collendina, a top two position on the ladder is the likely prize for this great bunch of young cricketers. The Under 11’s kick started their season on the 31st of October and with Stephen Long and Luke Hardiman at the helm, these young grubbers can look forward to a fantastic season where enjoyment of the game, skill development and improvement will be the main aim. Under 17’s Although winless after four games, our most senior grubbers have displayed an excellent attitude to their cricket, both on game day and at training, setting a terrific example to the junior grades of commitment and discipline. After recording a technical win with a bye in Round 1, the boys have been competitive in their first three games and if they can remedy their high No Ball and Wide count, a genuine victory is not too far away. In their Round 2 against Queenslciff, a great effort of 4 for 22 by Ben Williams and 3 for 20 by Jake Budge saw Queensliff dismissed for a gettable 158. Unfortunately the boys could not

match their bowling effort with the bat and were all out for 50, with Nick Williams and Aaraon Habgood the only players to make it to double figures. Sent back in, the boys rallied and showed true grit to finish 5 for 102, with Mitchell Evans scoring a well compiled 44. Round 3 against Barwon Heads saw the boys off to a terrific start with boom recruit - Jarryn Dower, picking up a wicket with the first ball of the day. Jarryn went on to take 4 for 15 in a stellar bowling display, backed up again by Jake Budge who finished with 3 for 20. 70 sundries, however, assisted the Barwon Heads team score 194 before the close of play. In reply, Mitchell Evans and Aaron Habgood set the scene early with an opening partnership of 66, however both were dismissed just before morning tea and a mini collapse saw the boys bowled out for 120. In Round 4, the lads travelled to Geelong to play the strong Geelong City outfit. Jarryn Dower had the home team on the back foot with two early wickets, however Geelong City’s batsmen then took over finishing the day at 5 for 344. Jarryn’s final figures of 4 for 54 were just reward against a team most likely to figure strongly in the finals this season. In reply, the boys were always going to be up against it and were bowled out for 128. Mitchell Evans continued his good early form with the bat, compiling a patient 58. In their yet to be completed Round 5 home game against Marshall, the lads bowled the visitors out for 131, with Mitchell Evans snaring 2 for 11 and Michael Langdon 2 for 15. A patient batting performance is required to give the team a chance of chasing down the total and recording a confidence boosting win. Congratulations to Mitchell Evans and Ben Williams for their selection in the Under 16 Bellarine Representative Team to play Southern Leigh on the 30th of November. Good luck boys.


Cobras under 15s line up. Under 15’s Against Wallington in the Round 1 20/20 one dayer, our talented Under 15’s kick-started their season in fine style recording a strong win. Batting first, the lads compiled 2 for 114, with Zac Henderson leading the way with 30 not out and James Bruce 28 not out. In reply, a terrific all round bowling effort by all the bowlers saw Wallington finish 5 for 66 of their allotted overs with James Bruce the star, taking 2 for 5 off 5 overs. In their Round 2 match against Barwon Heads Seagulls, the lads batted first and were all out for a competitive total of 160. Zac Henderson continued his early season good form with the bat making 54 not out, with Dylan Thorley also getting amongst the runs making 26 and Mitchell Dow a swashbuckling 20. In reply, a disappointing 48 No Balls and Wides helped Barwon Heads chase down the total with four overs to spare. Louis Coulton dazzled the Barwon Heads batsmen with his leg spin taking 2 for 29. The boys got back on the winners list in their Round 3 match against Barwon Heads Orcas in a re-scheduled one day match, restricting the opposition to 4 for 91 off 30 overs. The bowling honours were shared between James Bruce, Dylan Thorley, Jess Rappa and Louis Coulton all taking one wicket each. In reply, the lads compiled 2 for 113 with Zac Henderson leading the way again, compiling 33 not out and Dylan Thorley 30 not out. In Round 4, the boys travelled to Drysdale and batting first, compiled 8 for 192 with Zac Henderson dismissed for the first time this season for 35. Dylan Thorley was again solid, making 34 not out, ably assisted by James Bruce (24) and Louis Coulton (25). Unfortunately, the elements conspired against the boys when it was their turn to bowl and the match was washed-out resulting in a draw. In the Round 5 Match currently underway against Drysdlae B, the lads batted first and are in a considerably strong position, finishing the day at 5 for 225. Dylan Thorley finished the day 51 not out, with Zac Henderson chipping in with 37 and Tom Woodruff 34. Congratulations to Zac Henderson and Louis Coulton for their selection in the Barwon Rockets Under 14 squad this year. Well done boys - much deserved. Under 13’s Greg Taylor’s Under 13’s had a terrific start to their season with a first up Round 1 win against Barwon Heads Blues in a one-day 20/20 game. With Cameron Habgood (20 not out), Myles Henderson (19)

junior cricket

Wallington under 15s. and Jackson Kent (17) leading the way with the bat, the youg grubbers compiled 4 for 97 of their allotted 20 overs. In reply, Barwon Heads Blues finished 8 for 77, with Matthew Giibs taking 2 for 7 in his first ever game of cricket, Toby Featherby 2 for 8 and young Marty Connor 1 for 8. In Round 2 against Barwon Heads Gulls, the boys bowled first and dismissed the opposition for 93. Myles Henderson, Jake Taylor, and Lachie Barber were the chief destroyers taking two wickets each. In reply, our boys were all out for 174, with Jackson Kent finishing not out on 42 and Tom Beasley 20 not out. In the Round 3 clash against Portarlington, Ocean Grove batted first and we were all out for 188, with Myles Henderson making 32 not out, Cameron Habgood 30 not out and James Laverty 22. Portarlington chased valiantly but were finally dismissed for 168, with Ted Trevean, Jess Ellwood batting for Cobras under 15s Toby Featherby and Marty Connor finishing with against Wallington. 2 wickets each. In the return match against Barwon Heads Gulls in Round 4, the boys again batted strongly, finishing at 2 for 133 off their first 26 overs. Jackson Kent and Myles Henderson both made 20, however, it was Cameron Habgood who continued his great form with 32 not out, ably assisted by Jake Taylor who finished 21 not out. In reply, Barwon Heads Gulls finished on 5 for 78 off their allotted 26 overs with Matty Gibbs again collecting two wickets. The second week of this game was washed out resulting in the game declared a draw. In the Round 5 match currently underway against Collendina, Ocean Grove is again in a strong position, compiling 3 for 143 off their first 26 overs, with Brad Fendyk making 33 not out and Jackson Kent 35 not out. In reply, Collendina are 5 for 89 off their 26 overs. Congratulations to Cameron Habgood, Jackson Kent, Myles Henderson and Brad Fendyk for their selection in the Under 13 Bellarine Representative team to play Southern Leigh on the 30th of November. Great effort boys. Under 11’s Our most junior grubbers kicked off their season on October 31 and after 4 games the boys have really improved in all areas of their game. The two “Lachies” (Habgood and Cooper) have been setting the standard with the bat and the ball and all of the boys have bowled extremely well against much older and stronger opposition. With Stephen Long and Luke Hardiman in charge, the boys can look forward to developing their skills and having a lot of fun along the way. Go Gubbers!



cobras cricket


Cobras As in box seat THINGS are rolling along quite nicely at the snakepit, with all four grades putting in strong performances over the last two weeks. A Grade: The A’s are in the box seat against home-town rivals Ocean Grove after a good bowling and fielding performance restricted the Grubbers to 156 on Saturday. Early wickets saw the home team in trouble at tea with the score on 5/80, but to their credit the Grove middle order batted with great discipline and made the Collendina bowlers work hard for their wickets. Jamie Brennan bowled a superb spell of swing bowling to concede only 14 runs from 15 miserly overs, while Dan Earley picked up 2/48 and enjoyed bowling with the strong breeze behind him. The bowlers owed most of the credit to some brilliant efforts in the field, with four run-outs being effected for the day. The Collendina openers had to survive a tense over before stumps, and the team will need to bat sensibly next week to make sure they haul in what could be a tricky target if early wickets fall. In the previous week, records tumbled as the Cobras chased down Newcomb’s 187 with a crushing 1/318 at the Snakepit. Kade Norquay and Ben Ricardo dismantled the Bulls attack on the way to an incredible 274 run opening partnership. Both players made tons, with Norquay smashing his way to a club record highest score of 150 after bringing up the three figures. Ricardo was becalmed in the 90’s, but went on to post his first senior ton for the club, finishing the day unbeaten on 110. Corey Buxton came in at number 3 and carted 25 to cap off a huge win for the Cobras. B Grade: B Grade fought back from the brink to post a competitive total against Ocean Grove in round 6. Chris Pitfield and Blair Hodgkinson (25) put on 41 for the first wicket before the Cobras collapsed terribly to be 8/101. Des Every pulled his side out of trouble with a gritty 41, and received fantastic support from Cal Hodgkinson (31) and Peter Mohr (18*) to raise the score to a defendable 186. An early Ocean Grove wicket leaves the match firmly in the balance with Ocean Grove on 1/13 heading into the second week. In the previous round, the cobras were out sweeping water off the Newcomb pitch while the home side prayed for rain after Collendina had posted a target of 318. In slippery conditions, part-time trundler Des Every proved to be an unlikely hero with the ball, taking 2/15 from 11 overs with the new ball in his hand. Peter Mohr, Mark Johnston and Cal Hodgkinson each took two wickets as the cobras rolled the Bulls for 119. C Grade: C Grade have the runs on the board

after making 7/200 against Ocean Grove at Shell Road. Things looked dicey at 3/17 before captain Paul Donald and Leon Walsh put on 87 for the fourth wicket. Donald made a welcome return to form with 38, but it was Walsh in only his second hit for the season who dominated the bowling with an excellent 78. When Walsh fell with the score on 145, the Cobras needed some hitting to finish the day off and Trent Robins delivered with a spanking 39 not out, bringing up the 200 in an unbeaten 47 run partnership with Tim Devereaux (15*). D Grade: The D’s are now sitting in second position on the ladder after a hard-fought victory against St. Albans on Saturday. Rick Ninness continued his excellent year with 42 from the opener’s position before Leigh Treharne (36), Trent Buckland (28) and Bart Sagor (22) fired in the middle order to take the cobras to 197. Trent Buckland did the job with the new ball, taking 2/28, while Greg Evans recovered from a near-crippling training mishap to take an important 2/17 from 8 overs. With the visitors in sight of victory on 7/160, Mark Fletcher (2/30) wobbled his way through the tail to dismiss St Albans for 186 and bring home the points.

Michael Fabris bowling against Grubbers.


Above: Kade Norquay and Ben Ricardo dismantled the Newcomb Bulls attack on the way to an incredible and club record-breaking 274 run partnership.

cobras cricket

Norquay, Ricardo re-write club records



grubbers cricket


Brothers Andy and Matthew Higgins squared up against each other on Shell Road cricket oval at the weekend. The two were pitted against each other in opposing C grade sides. Andy turns out for Collendina while Matthew is a Grubber. Just to keep it in the family there was a hope their sister Melissa could have played in the game but, on this occasion it wasn’t to be.

Grubbers A Grade v Collendina.


grubbers cricket


Grubbers B Grade v Jan Juc.

Grubbers A Grade v Collendina.

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