“wellness.” This spa specializes in ancient Oriental treatments with a modern approach, focusing on the ideal objectives of balance and mental, physical and spiritual healing. Merapu Svaasthya’s main therapist is Dr. Thomas S., M.D., Dipl. Acup. This certified acupuncturist studied at the School of Medicine at the University of Vienna. He has extensive experience in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, and has treated more than 10,000 patients with acupuncture, auriculotherapy (stimulation of the external ear) and traditional Chinese medicine. There are several treatments at Desa Seni worth noting. First, Ear Candling, which places herbal smoke in the ear canal, clears sinuses, ear infections and headaches. The Desa Seni Signature Body Massage focuses on the pressure points of the body with a combination of techniques that last about an hour and a half. The Balinese Boreh is a mix of warmed spices used to clear skin and soothe muscles. Finally, the Javanese Lulur Body Scrub works to purify and exfoliate the skin for two hours. Treatment packages you might be interested in looking into are Deepen Your Yoga Practice, Detoxification Get Away, Revitalizing the Soul, Rebalancing the Self and Smoking Cessation. Desa Seni uses 40 percent of its property as an organic farm for its restaurant, which features traditional Indonesian cuisine. Through the farm, the resort produces about 80 percent of what it serves, covering the rest with ingredients from other local farmers and businesses.