Protecting the Oceans:

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Protecting the Oceans: A South - South Dialogue on Innovative Strategies and Good Practices to Address the Impacts of Climate Change On the occasion of the COP20 marking the launch of PHAKISA Programme, South Africa In observance of the 70th Anniversary of UNESCO and the UN Year for Small Islands Developing States (SIDS)

Sal贸n Armendariz, Hotel Estelar, Lima, Per煤 30th November - 1 December 2014

2 BOARD OF DIRECTORS -Dr. Viktor Sebek, president and CEO -Mr. John Hussa

-Prof. Paulo Botta -Dr. Gysbert Wessels, Chief Financial Officer designate -Captain Dieter K. Rudolph, US Navy (retired), Director of Science

POLICY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Mr. Heherson Alvarez Climate Change Commissioner, Office of the President of the Philippines

Mr. Francois Baird Founder, Baird’s Renaissance and Co-Chairman Baird’s CMC South Africa, and USA; Chairman, Edelman, Africa

Mrs. Ivonne A Baki Former Minister of Foreign Trade, Industralization, Integration, Fisheries and Competitiveness, Ecuador, Former President of Andean Parliament

Mrs. Nancy Bakir High Commissioner for Arab Civil Society of the League of Arab States, former Assistant Secretary-General of the League of Arab States

Lic. Vinicio Cerezo Former President of Guatemala

Mr. Miguel Chissano Chairman, Mozambique Maritime and Border Commission

Mr. Jose Ramos-Horta Former President of East Timor, 1996 Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Senator Loren Legarda Chair, Climate Change Committee and Environment Committee, Senate of the Philippines

Mr. Koichiro Matsuura Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Japan, Former Director General of UNESCO 1999 to 2009

Vice Admiral Nikolai Mikheev Former Deputy Commander in Chief of the Navy of the Russian Federation

Mr. Pedro Pires Former President (2001/2011) of Cape Verde,

Vice Admiral Ashot Sarkisov Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation

Her Highness Sheikha Hissah Al Sabah Royal Family Kuwait

SCIENTIFIC AND ACADEMIC ADVISORY BOARD Cecile Alvarez Director Earthsavers, UNESCO Dreamcentre, Manila

Dr. Paulo Botta Director — Institute on Contemporary Middle Eastern Studies, Catholic University of Cordoba, Argentina

Dr. Salvano Briceno Former Director of the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDRI)

Dr. Corazon Claudio President, Earth Institute Asia, Inc. & Business Sector Representative, Philippines Council for Sustainable Development

Rear Adm. Richard Cobbold Governor of London Nautical School 1997 to present

Kiyoshi Daimatsu CEO of Furrex Co. Ltd in Tokyo, Japan

Ariel Gonzalez Director of the Argentinian Center on International Studies

Rashit Ibreev Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Mr. Nasir Khattak Chief Operating Officer, Climate Institute, Washington DC



Engr. Edwin T.F. Khew Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS), Chairman of the Singapore Standards Council

Prof W. Andy Knight Director, Institute of International Relations, the University of the West Indies

Ali Mohammed Former Secretary — Ministry of Environmental and Mining Resources, Kenya

Mr. Yoshito Okinaga Chairman and President of Teikyo University, Tokyo

Capt. Mario Palacios Dean — Maritime Faculty of the Pacific University of Guayaquil

Rear Adm. Roberto Patruno Former IMO/UNEP Director of Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea

Dr. Sonia Roca Chancellor, Pacific University, Guayaquil

Captain Dieter K. Rudolph, US Navy (retired) Former Chair of Arctic Military Environment Cooperation (AMEC)

Dr. Juan Rusque Alcaíno Former National Director of Fisheries of Chile

Olinda Salguero Director, Fundation Esquipulas, Guatemala

Prof. Vitaly Shelest Ukrainian Academy of Sciences

Mr. Gaudioso Sosmena Head of South East Asian Institute on Strategic Studies, Manila

Prof. Angela Wagener Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences

OFFICERS AND STAFF Dr. Viktor Sebek President and CEO

Mr. John Hussa Prof. Paulo Botta Dr. Gysbert Wessels Chief Financial Officer designate

Captain Dieter K. Rudolph Director of Science

Dr. Corazon Claudio Coordinator of the Scientific and Academic Board

Mr.Jaime Orejarena Cuartas, Environmental Adviser and Director of Programs

Mr. Harindra Abeyasekera, Coordinator for South Asia, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Mr. Yoshihito Okinaga, Coordinator for Japan, Chairman and President of Teikyo University,Tokyo

Mr. Oscar Restrepo Internal Auditor

Mr. Prof. Raymundo Pereira Legal Adviser

Mr. Nelson Zamora Castro Webmaster and IT Manager

Mr. Luis Enrique Escudero Diaz Media Designer

Mr. Simon Romero Angulo Manager for the Caribbean, Central and South America

Mr. Camilo Felizzola Graphic Designer



Message from the President of OSI I am delighted that we chose Lima as the venue of the inaugural conference and launch event for our organization to kick-start development of its projects and activities within the framework of South-South Dialogue. The fact that this forum is taking place on the eve of the 20th Conference of Parties (COP20) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) signifies that OSI is not reinventing the wheel but rather seeks to disseminate and exchange good practices and innovative strategies with its partners throughout the world. We do so because we believe that people from Africa, Asia, Central America and the Caribbean, and South America can learn much from their respective successes and failures and, and are keen We are also excited to enter into a strategic alliance with the to see the good practices replicated. Government of South Africa and the provincial Government of KwaZulu-Natal, in the wake of Operation Phakisa, announced With the current economic crisis still looming large, we consi- by the President Jacob Zuma. Having worked for several deder that the only efficient move forward is by forging, encou- cades in 26 countries of North and Sub-Saharan Africa, I look raging and strengthening public private partnerships (PPP). The forward to making my own personal contribution to this proprivate sector has a great deal to contribute and the imminent cess. Also, we look forward to working closely with the Pedro launch of our corporate advisory board will signify one impor- Pires Institute on Leadership, established by the former Presitant step in this direction. OSI is also in the process of setting up, dent of Cape Verde and our eminent member, Mr. Pedro Pires a screening committee within its scientific and academic board in linking the continents of Africa with the countries with large to certify products which are environmentally friendly; this will populations of African descent in the Central America, the Cariassist in protecting the coastal and marine environment, as well bbean and South America. My special thanks go to the Climate as building communities that are more resilient, better prepared Change Commissioner Heherson Alvarez and the indefatigable and able to respond to natural disasters and adaptation to cli- Mrs. Cecile Guidote Alvarez for carrying the torch of OSI in Soumate change.

th East Asia and in the UN system, and to the President Vinicio I wish to place on record my deepest thanks to our political Cerezo whose Fundacion Esquipulas has been our chief ally in leaders, members of our Policy Advisory Board, as well our Central and South America, including linkages with “Presidential eminent scientists and I look forward to a joint meeting of our Mission� of 20 former heads of state of Central and South Ameboard members on the eve of the OSI Conference. The Con- rica, whose second Forum I had the pleasure in attending earlier ference will be streamed live, and the results will be published in November in Asuncion. electronically and disseminated through social media after the Last, but not the least, I express my sincerest thanks to our fiConference. nancial sponsors without whose cooperation our work would not have been possible. We look forward to the launch at Lima of what we call Mission 150, because it will unfold in some 150 countries following our establishment of focal points in Africa, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Tokyo and Cartagena de Indias in Colombia.

Viktor Sebek


Message from Congressman Sam Farr

The state of the world’s oceans will determine the health of the global community. Whether that be economic health, environmental health, or sustainable agricultural productivity, the world’s oceans affect our very quality of life. It is almost too late for the global community to “right” the “wrongs” we have dumped upon this life-giving force of water. But “right” it we must. That is why I am so supportive of OSI for bringing together governments, scientists, and advocates to work cooperatively in setting a higher order of best practices for ocean use, conservation and preservation.

Rep. Sam Farr Nov. 2014


Message from H.E. benigno s. Aquino iii, President of the Philippines

My warmest greetings to the Climate Change Commission and its partners in establishing the Ocean Security International as you hold your 1st Planning Meeting. Climate change has an undeniable impact on our lives and presents us with profound challenges in disaster management, urban planning, and various other ecological disciplines. The global nature of this phenomenon requires greater solidarity among the members of the international community, and our reinforced ties with Colombia now build upon our shared endeavors of sustainable development. As we synergize our initiatives to promote renewable energy and protect our precious water resources, we also forge deeper political, cultural, and socioeconomic ties with the region of the Caribbean and Latin America, with whom our country is linked by history. May this assembly advance our cause to safeguard our ecosystem and keep our communities safe from the consequences of natural calamities. Through continuous dialogue with other nations and greater investment in agriculture, tourism, and infrastructure, the Philippines remains steadfast in our manifold mission to secure inclusive growth for our peoples. May our collective insights and passion for renewal empower our joint efforts and ensure a better future for us all. I wish you an insightful, productive gathering.


Message from Wendy Watson Wright Executive Secretary, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO

UNESCO - 1, rue Miollis - 75732 Paris cedex 15, France - fax: +33 (0)1 45 68 58 12 - contact phone: +33 (0)1 45 68 39 83/84 E-mail:

June 2, 2014 Viktor Sebek President and CEO/Presidente y Director Ejecutivo Ocean Security International Suite 2001 Edificio Cartagena de Indias Calle 13 No.1-­‐25

Subject: Congratulations to OSI on its inaugural conference: Protecting the Oceans: A South -­‐ South Dialogue on Innovative Strategies and Good Practices to Address the Impacts of Climate Change The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO welcomes the objective of this Ocean Security International conference focusing on ocean and coastal sustainability in a changing climate. Climate change and variability and their impacts on sea level rise, ocean warming and stratification, coupled with increased vulnerability to natural hazards, expose coastal areas to increased risk, and increasingly threaten biodiversity and ocean ecosystem services. Sea-­‐level rise from climate change is projected not only to expose coastal areas to increased risks, including coastal erosion and flooding, but also to cause loss of habitat and livelihoods for people. While today climate change adaptation has become a global priority, impacts and responses will occur at the local level. A focus on communities is therefore imperative so as to ensure that adaptation aligns with local priorities, is based on community-based observations, and uses synergies between science and traditional knowledge as a springboard for addressing emerging challenges.

The exposure of more people to the risks of natural hazards continues to increase as a result of population growth, unplanned or poorly planned urbanization, alteration of the natural environment, substandard dwellings and public buildings, and inadequate infrastructure maintenance. Knowledge concerning global climate change and natural hazards must be enhanced, particularly to fill gaps in the knowledge required by policy-makers to protect people, livelihoods and ecosystems. Chairperson


Dr Sang-Kyung BYUN Principal Research Scientist Climate Change & Coastal Disaster Research Dept. Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute

Prof. Peter M. HAUGAN Director, Geophysical Institute University of Bergen Allegaten 70 5007 Bergen

Capt. Frederico Antonio SARAIVA NOGUEIRA Directorate of Hydrography and Navigation Rue Barão de Jaceguai, s/n° Ponta da Armação

Prof. Adoté Blim BLIVI Chef de Recherche Head of CGILE Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche



This should include enhancement of local capacity for risk assessment; education; public awareness; and communication for disaster preparedness and climate change adaptation and mitigation. This is an area where the objectives of both OSI and IOC/UNESCO converge. Actions should stimulate and expand interdisciplinary and intersectoral partnerships, including networks on risk reduction and adaptation at the local, regional and international level. Building the resilience of vulnerable communities, while reinforcing local response strategies rooted in traditional knowledge, is essential for climate change adaptation and will also serve for disaster preparedness. The OSI initiative is to be applauded, since it includes those elements and is based on public, private and civil society sectors’ strong south-south cooperation. At the international level, the IOC has since 1960 been promoting international cooperation and coordinating programmes to improve sustainable management, protect the marine environment, and enhance the knowledge base on climate change, as well as to ensure solid science-policy-society interfaces for informed policy-making. In addition to pursuing its mandate, IOC will work to ensure that the ocean is included in the forthcoming climate negotiations, in particular COP-20 in Lima and COP-21 in Paris next year, in full cooperation with its UN and non-UN partners. Sincerely,

Wendy Watson-Wright Executive Secretary


Message from President Vinicio Cerezo President of Guatemala 1986-1991

MESSAGE FROM VINICIO CEREZO, FORMER PRESIDENT OF GUATEMALA, CREATOR, PROMOTER AND ONE OF SIGNATARIES OF CENTRAL AMERICAN PEACE ACCORDS. PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER OF ESQUIPULAS FOUNDATION FOR CENTRAL AMERICAN INTEGRATION. MEMBER OF POLICY ADVISORY BOARD FOR OCEAN SECURITY INTERNATIONAL (OSI). Desde Guatemala, uno de los 19 países megadiversos del mundo y a su vez uno de los más vulnerables ante el cambio climático, nos sentimos orgullosos de seguir formando parte de esta iniciativa internacional y contribuir al fomento del intercambio de buenas prácticas, el fortalecimiento de la cooperación sur-­‐sur y la práctica del diálogo intercontinental para afrontar de manera conjunta los desafíos más apremiantes del cambio climático, asegurando la conservación de los recursos naturales y el vulnerable balance ecológico. En Centroamérica, con tal solo el 1% del territorio del planeta se posee el 8% de la biodiversidad global, la región es también una de las más vulnerables a pesar de ser de las que menos contamina. La concepción del ambiente que compartimos como un bien público regional también es un factor de integración. Es por ello que desde la Fundación Esquipulas, se trabaja de manera comprometida para la preservación del medio ambiente a diferentes niveles y perspectivas, como el trabajo en red con otras organizaciones regionales, sumando esfuerzos para desarrollar una conciencia centroamericana verde, promovemos y participamos en proyectos medioambientales, así como incidencia política con los actores y tomadores de decisiones claves para legislar a favor de nuestros recursos y su adecuado y sostenible manejo. Estamos convencidos que solamente sumando esfuerzos y trabajando en función de propósitos comunes intercontinentales podemos generar las transformaciones que necesita nuestro planeta, asumiendo nuestra misión histórica de heredar un planeta en equilibrio a las futuras generaciones, pero también contribuir a que podamos convivir en mejor armonía con la naturaleza, el cambio climático es una realidad y vemos todos los días los efectos que está produciendo en nuestro diario vivir. Me siento profundamente satisfecho por contribuir con esta iniciativa. Como funcionario público, mientras ocupé la Presidencia de la República impulsé la creación del Sistema de Áreas Protegidas, siendo la más importante la Biósfera Maya, por lo que National Geographic tuvo a bien reconocerme, en esa época ser verde no estaba de moda y tenía altos costos económicos y políticos, se comprendían poco este tipo de esfuerzos. Sigo contribuyendo desde varios espacios para tener alta incidencia política en una visión sostenible del desarrollo, pero sé que no es suficiente, hace falta mucho más. Como miembro del Policy Advisory Board, me siento muy entusiasmado que como antesala a la COP20 OSI lleve a cabo la Conferencia Inaugural de Lima, y que logre establecer un programa de largo término que contribuya a definir nuevos modelos de desarrollo con visión sustentable. El Futuro es hoy. Vinicio Cerezo Presidente de Guatemala 1986-­‐1991 Creador, Promotor y uno de los Firmantes de los Acuerdos de Paz en Centroamérica Fundador-­‐Presidente de la Fundación Esquipulas para la Integración Centroamericana


MESSAGE FROM VINICIO CEREZO, FORMER PRESIDENT OF GUATEMALA, CREATOR, PROMOTER AND ONE OF SIGNATARIES OF CENTRAL AMERICAN PEACE ACCORDS. PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER OF ESQUIPULAS FOUNDATION FOR CENTRAL AMERICAN INTEGRATION. MEMBER OF POLICY ADVISORY BOARD FOR OCEAN SECURITY INTERNATIONAL (OSI) Guatemala is one of the 19 countries with greatest mega diversity in the world, and yet one of the most vulnerable to climate change. We feel proud for being part of this international initiative and thus contribute towards interchange of good practices, strengthening of South-­‐South cooperation and the practice of intercontinental dialogue to confront in a joint fashion the challenges of climate changes, thus ensuring the protection of natural resources and delicate ecological balance. Central America has only 1% of the territory of our planet and yet 8% od the global biodiversity. It is one of the most vulnerable ones in the world even though it is one of the regions which least pollutes. We view environment as a common regional asset which we also consider to be a factor of our integration in Central America. It is for this reason that Fundación Esquipulas is fully committed towards preservation of environment at different levels and from different perspectives, such as working through networks together with other regional organizations in order to develop a Green central American conscience, promoting and participating in projects on protection of environment. We also work with political establishment, with those who take key decisions in order to legislate to protect our resources and thus ensure adequate and sustainable management. We are convinced that it is only by joining forces and working together towards common goals that we can generate the transformation which our planet needs. We must assume a historic mission to pass on to future generations a planet enjoying an equilibrium, and also living in better harmony with nature. Climate change is a reality and all of us witness everyday the effect which has on our daily lives. I feel a great pleasure to contribute towards this initiative, As a holder of high office, whilst I was the President of the Republic, I provideg the impetus towards creation of protected water areas, of which the most important is the Maya Biosphere, for which the National Geographic gave me a recognition. It should be noted that at that time being “green” was not fashionable and resulted in high economic and political costs, and such efforts were not well understood. At present, I keep on contributing from different platforms to keep political commitment towards a sustainable vision of development. However, this is not enough, much more needs to be done. As a member of OSI Policy Advisory Board, I am greatly enthused by the fact that the OSI inaugural conference in Lima is being held on the eve of COP20 and am confident it will establish a long term program to contribute towards defining new models of development with sustainable vision. The future is today . Vinicio Cerezo President of Guatemala 1986-­‐1991 Creator, promotor and one of the signatories of Peace in Central America Founder President of Fundación Esquipulas for Integration of Central America



President of Pedro Pires Institute on Leadership,Former President of Cape Verde As the President of the Pedro Pires Institute for Leadership, I am also the firm believer in good governance everywhere in the world, but especially on our continent of Africa is a prerequisite for economic and social prosperity and even sound environmental management. It is for this reason that I greatly welcomed the work of OSI globally and in Africa, in promoting South-South Cooperation. I look forward to attending the forthcoming OSI Lima conference, organized on the eve of the 20th Conference of Parties to the United Nations framework Convention on Climate Change, bringing some good practices and innovative replicable programs to the rest of African, Asian/ Pacific and the Caribbean and Central and South American sisCape Verde, which I had the honor to lead as its President for

ter nations.

two terms, is a small island nation with an arid climate, little rainfall virtually no natural resources. Therefore, it is extremely important to preserve our ecosystem by implementing policy and innovative techniques in environmental management.

I would like to take this opportunity, as Ambassador of UNCCD for Drylands , to also raise awareness about the land degradation and drought that is gaining ground worldwide in a accelerated way. More than one billion people, including 42% of the

Throughout Cape Verde’s history, our economic survival has depended on how we manage our coastal and marine resources, especially through recent steady growth of our tourism industry. We are an active member of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) group, and keen to develop alternative sources of energy, not only to reduce the dependence on expensive oil, but also to make our own contribution to reduce emissions of gases and thus reduce the risk of climate change. Through investment by the European Investment Bank and African Development Bank, a few weeks ago 45 million Euros of funding to design, build and operate onshore wind farms on four islands in the Cape Verdean archipelago has been granted. The ground-breaking project is seen as a model for renewable energy projects in Africa at large.

world’s population is very poor and 32% moderately poor, are directly affected by soil degradation. Thus, I plea that we adopt environmentally friendly attitudes and public policies aimed at combating desertification and its negative effects on our planet. Finally, I welcome the recently announced “Phakisa Operation” of the South African President which envisages marine and coastal economic development as the backbone of its deliverables towards the 2030 National Economic Development Plan. I sincerely hope that we could also lead a program exploring closer links between Sub-Saharan Africa and nations of the Caribbean, central and South America with substantive population of African origin. I am convinced the OSI Lima Conference will be a success and I look forward to working with my colleagues and OSI President on delivering the proposals for concrete programs which will be designed in Lima PEDRO PIRES, PRESIDENT OF PEDRO PIRES INSTITUTE ON LEADERSHIP, Former President of Cape Verde - November 2014


Message from Heherson Alvarez

Climate Change Commissioner Message from Climate Change Commissioner Heherson Alvarez

15 Message from the Deputy President of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Administration of the President of Kazakhstan

message from erali lukpanovich

the Deputy President of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, Administration of the President of Kazakhstan


message from Academician Ashot A. Sarkisov Message from Academician Ashot A. Sarkisov Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Member of OSI Policy Advisory Board


message from arystanbek mukhamediuly Message from the Minister of Culture and Sports of the the minister of culture and sports of the Republic Of ofKazakhstan republic kazakhastan


Message from ADV.DAWIE CROUS

Message from Chairman of Environmental Ocean Security Technologies (EOST), South Africa Chairman of Environmental Ocean Security Technologies (EOST), South Africa


Introduction The international conference being held in Lima marks the inauguration of a long-term program of Ocean Security International (OSI) on South-South Dialogue, addressing issues that have an impact on ocean security and related global concerns, such as climate change. OSI is an offshoot of the Tri-Continental South-South Dialogue on defying Disasters that took place in 2012 under UNESCO patronage with the partnership of UNISDR at Rio Plus 20 and Doha in 2013. OSI is pleased and honored to have joined forces with the Government of South Africa in supporting the initiative entitled “Operation Phakisa”, launched by the President Zuma in order to find solutions to challenges identified in the National Development Plan 2030 such as poverty, inequality and unemployment. The lynchpins of Operation Phakisa is an enhanced use of the economic potential of South Africa´s three oceans whilst paying due regard to environmental concerns, and health, which OSI also regards as an important aspect of ocean security.

20 The OSI program aims to forge closer links among the countries of Africa, Asia and the Pacific nations, Central America and the Caribbean and South America through identification of common concerns, lessons learned, environmentally sustainable solutions, exchanges, and replications of innovative strategies and good practices, including cross-cultural, inter-cultural and indigenous sustainable cultural lifestyle/ practices initially on climate change adaptation, a primary concern affecting them. The Lima Conference will be held on the eve of and on the first day of the 20th Conference of Parties of the Framework Convention on Climate change (COP 20, Lima). Following the inaugural Lima Conference, a review of compliance with targets will be held in 2015 at a comparable conference to be hosted by a city in South Africa or the Philippines. Henceforth, from 2016, it is envisioned that follow up conferences will be held alternating between a Central American/Caribbean/South Americancity,

. and cities in Asia/Pacific and Africa. There is already an existing twin city agreement between Makati City, Philippines and Medellin, Colombia, brokered by OSI and its partners in the Philippines. Between the inter-sessional periods, OSI will promote and monitor the continuing exchanges of innovative strategies and good practices and support or promote projects that address issues of regional cooperation.

OSI wishes to place on record its gratitude to the Government of South Africa for the sponsorship of the Conference and the initial phase of OSI´s work in the countries involved in South - South dialogue.


The OSI program aims to forge closer links among the countries of Africa, Asia and the Pacific nations, Central America and the Caribbean and South America through identification of common concerns, lessons learned, environmentally sustainable solutions, exchanges, and replications of innovative strategies and good practices, including cross-cultural, inter-cultural and indigenous sustainable cultural lifestyle/practices initially on climate change adaptation, a primary concern affecting them.

The Lima Conference will be held on the eve of and on the first day of the 20th Conference of Parties of the Framework Convention on Climate change (COP 20, Lima). Following the inaugural Lima Conference, a review of compliance with targets will be held in 2015 at a comparable conference to be hosted by a city in South Africa or the Philippines. Henceforth, from 2016, it is envisioned that follow up conferences will be held alternating between a Central American/Caribbean/South American city, and cities in Asia/Pacific and Africa. There is already an existing twin city agreement between Makati City, Philippines and Medellin, Colombia, brokered by OSI and its partners in the Philippines. Between the inter-sessional periods, OSI will promote and monitor the continuing exchanges of innovative strategies and good practices and support or promote projects that address issues of regional cooperation.


Rationale of the Conference Countries and local governments can learn a great deal from each other in addressing global and local concerns and issues. While some good practices are already being communicated and exchanged on regional level , more work needs to be done to promote exchange and replication between and among south-south tricontinental partnership regions. The OSI program, which this Conference is inaugurating, aims to promote such exchanges and replications. In order to move beyond presentations and debate to actions, OSI, acting as a catalyst and facilitator, will promote the funding of concrete projects that have been proposed by the participants during the Conference and the program. This will be pursued principally through Public Private Partnership (PPP) which is one of cornerstones of OSI strategy, and of which the partnership with Governments and institutions in the Philippines and South Africa is a good example.


Expected Outcomes The inaugural Lima Conference is anticipated to adopt a Lima Declaration, which will recognize, promote, and help replicate, as appropriate, the innovative strategies and good practices that are presented on urbanization and climate change adaptation, including mitigation, risk management and disaster response, protection of the environment, eco-tourism, waste treatment, green energy, and other related global and regional ocean issues and concerns such as fish kills, over fishing and contamination of seas. OSI will endeavor to facilitate funding of some projects and activities, organize visits and exchanges amongst countries involved in the South-South Dialogue, and encourage the private sector to invest in some of the good practices. The Lima conference will also discuss modalities for establishing a standing committee, which will coordinate continuing exchange of innovative strategies and good practices among interested cities and provinces with an emphasis on private public partnership PPPs Proceedings of the conference, including the Lima Declaration and poster exhibit materials, will be published in electronic form for dissemination to the participants and the general public.

Structure Conference Co-chairs: Dr. Viktor Sebek, President of OSI, Commissioner Heherson Alvarez, Climate Change Commission, the Philippines, Mr. Vinicio Cerezo, former President of Guatemala, and President of Esquipulas Foundation for economic and social integration of Central America Steering Committee: Dr. Viktor Sebek, Commissioner Heherson Alvarez, Dr. Cora Claudio Program Committee: Dr. Viktor Sebek, Dr. Cora Claudio. Conference Rapporteur: Dr. Stephen F. Lintner, Independent Advisor on Environmental and Social Sustainability (Former Senior Technical Advisor, World Bank)

24 Participants Participants will include policy and decision makers, program implementers, and technical experts of the countries that will be involved in the South-South cooperation, as well as similar types of participants from the supporting national governments, business sector, and civil society (academic and non-governmental organizations). Participants from other regions with an interest in South-South Dialogue are also welcome to participate.

Working languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese The conference will be transmitted live from Lima. You can find relevant information on our webpage We also invite you to follow us through social media: Facebook: oceansecurit Google+: +OceansecurityOrg Twitter: @Oceansecurit Instagram: oceansecurit


Protecting the Oceans: A South - South Dialogue on Innovative Strategies and Good Practices to Address the Impacts of Climate Change Sal贸n Armendariz Hotel Estelar Lima, Per煤 30th November/1 December 2014 Organized by:

Principal Sponsor: Government of South Africa In association with UNESCO, including regional offices for Asia/Pacific and South America. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO. United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. Climate Change Commission, Office of the President of Philippines. Foundation Esquipulas, Guatemala. UNESCO Dreamcentre, Manila. Pedro Pires Institute on Leadership


REGISTRATION 29 november

DAY1 30 november

6.00/9.00 PM Registration in Hotel Estelar, Lima, Perú on

30 november

8.00/8.30 AM H.E. Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO, The message read by Dr. Hubert Gijzen, Director, UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific Dr. Viktor Sebek, President of OSI


8.30/9.00 AM Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego, Mayor of Bogota “Building Resilient Cities in Response to Climate Change”

Hon. Vinicio Cerezo, Former President of Guatemala, President of Esquipulas Foundation, Member of OSI Policy Advisory Board The discussion will include summary of projects on mangrove protection and protection of marine environment in the Arctic and the Caspian Sea.


9.00/09.15 AM


9.15/9.30 AM



DAY1 "Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management" CONFERENCE

9:30/12:30 PM Presentation by Hon. Heherson T. Alvarez, Commissioner, Climate Change Commission, Office of the President of the Philippines, Member of OSI Policy Advisory Board

“The discussion will include summary of projects on climate change impact and adaptation relating to mangroves (Ecoprogreso, Colombia), to coastal tourism in small island states (University of West indies (Barbados, Trinidad, Jamaica) and the Government of Sri Lanka), Public-Private Partnership: Towards a Blue Economy despite Climate Change (The Philippines), Guanabara Bay: a critical point of climate change and Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction Management and Climate Change Adaptation into the Comprehensive Development Plans of Local Government Units, Uranium Mining In Africa: Current Trends and Climate Change”

Panel Discussion on Innovative Strategies and Good Practices Chair: Dr. Corazon PB. Claudio, President, Earth Institute Asia, Inc. & Business Sector Representative, Philippine Council for Sustainable Development; Member of OSI Scientific and Academic Board Panelists: Archbishop Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, DD of Cagayan de Oro City, Phlippines Bishop Efraim Tendero of the Philippines Council of Evangelical Churches (PCEC) Mrs. Mangala Wicramanayake, Director General, Ministry of Defense and Urban Development, Sri Lanka

Dr. Aspasia Camargo, Professor of the International Center on Sustainable Development of Fundação Getúlio Vargas, State Deputy of Green Party, State of Rio de Janeiro Dr. Lilia Casanova, executive director of the Center for Advanced Philippine Studies, a board member of the Solid Waste Management Association of the Philippines, former deputy director, UNEP´s International Environmental Technology Centre , Japan

Miss. Viviana Moura, President, Fundacion Ecoprogreso, Cartagena, Colombia Professor Andy Knight, University of West Indies (Barbados/Trinidad/Jamaica), OSI Scientific and Academic Board Member Mr. Jaime Orejarena, Colombia, OSI Director of Programs for the Caribbean, Central and South America

Prof. Dr. Fernando Carvalho, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon

Hotel Estelar, lima, peru on

Restaurant “Piso 21”


12.30/2.00 PM


DAY1 "Environmental Protection and Management"


2:00/5:30 PM Message from Miss. Wendy Watson Wright, Secretary, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO

“The discussion will include summary of projects on agroforestation to mitigate climate change, REDD and community sustainable development and zones for fisheries restoration and restoration of coral reefs to ensure sustainability of artisanal fisheries (FUNDAECO), Guatemala, and projects in the Arctic.”

Keynote Speaker: Mr. Pedro Pires, former Prime Minister and former President of Cape Verde, OSI Advisory Board Member

Panel Discussion on Innovative Strategies and Good Practices: Building resilient disaster preventive communities

Chair: Professor Angela Wagener, Professor Emeritus of Rio de Janeiro Catholic Pontifical University, Member of OSI Scientific and Academic Board Panelists: Mrs. Ivonne Baki, Ecuador, Member of OSI Policy Advisory Board Representative of the Government of South Africa, tba Vice Admiral Nikolai Mikheev Former Deputy Commander in Chief of the Navy of the Russian Federation, Member of OSI Policy Advisory Board

Dr. Akbota Zholdasbekova, President, Eurasian International Studies Association, Professor, UNESCO Chair for Ethnic and Religious Tolerance, Astana, Kazakhstan Captain Dieter K. Rudolph, US Navy (retired), former Chairman of Arctic Military Environment Cooperation (AMEC) ,Member of OSI Scientific Board

Professor Vitaly Shelest, Moscow, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Member of OSI Scientific Board

Followed by cultural programme/Forum and panel on role of culture in social transformation, climate change and environmental protection: Mrs. Cecile Guidote Alvarez, Director of Earthsavers, UNESCO Dream Center, Philippines, President of the Philippine Centre of the International Theatre Institute (ITI) Member of OSI Scientific and Academic Board, Mrs. Ivonne Baki, Ecuador, Member of OSI Policy Advisory Board and Dr. Viktor Sebek, President of OSI.

Performers: Diego Carneiro, cello, Director of Amazon Art (Pará, Brazil and London) with an Andean group, Perú

DINNER Restaurant “Piso 21”

7.00 PM



Hotel Estelar, lima, peru on

1st December

"Sustainability Strategies and Measures on Waste, Energy and Related Concerns" CONFERENCE

8.30/12:30PM Keynote Speaker: High Level Representative, South Africa (TBA)

The discussion will include a summary of projects on wave energy and impact on African islands States (Reunion, Mauritius, Seychelles, Sao Tome e Principe, Cape Verde), clean energy projects from Singapore and Indonesia and mitigation efforts by SIDS across the Caribbean, Pacific and AIMS regions, and potential for increased South-South collaboration on sustainable energy

Panel Discussion on Innovative Strategies and Good Practices On the banner for the Scientific and Advisory Board - Engr. Edwin T.F. Khew while the program he is listed as Engr. Edwin Khew. Chair: Engr. Edwin Khew, Managing Director of Anaergia Pte Ltd, Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Association of Singapore (SEAS), Chairman of the Singapore Standards Council, Co-Chairman of the Energy for All Partnership (E4All), Asian Development Bank Panelists: Dr. Hubert Gijzen, Director, UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific Mr. Nasir Khattak, Chief Operating Officer, Climate Institute, Washington DC Mr. Francois Baird, Chairman of Edelman, Africa and Member of OSI Policy Advisory Board Dr. Sonia Roca, Chancellor of the Pacific University, Guayaquil, Ecuador

Hotel Estelar, lima, peru on

Restaurant “Piso 21�


12.30/2.00 PM


DAY2 Summary of the Highlights of the Conference and Presentation of the Lima on Protecting the Oceans.


2:00/3:30 PM Speaker: Dr. Stephen F. Lintner, Rapporteur of the Conference, Independent Advisor on Environmental and Social Sustainability, (Former Senior Technical Advisor, World Bank)

Panel Discussion Chair: Professor Angela Wagener, Professor Emeritus, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC)



Commissioner Heherson Alvarez Mrs. Ivonne Baki Dr. Viktor Sebek, President, OSI

2:00/5:30 PM Adoption of the OSI Lima Declaration Speakers: Dr. Stephen F. Lintner, Rapporteur of the Conference, Heherson Alvarez Climate Change Commissioner, Office of the President of the Philippines, Member of OSI Advisory Board, Representative of the Government of South Africa, Representative of the Government of Peru, Dr. Viktor Sebek, President of OSI





Map of the route from the airport to the hotel Airport Internacional Jorge Chávez

Hotel Estelar Miraflores

Key contacts Address and Telephone Number of Hotel Estelar, Miraflores: Av. Benavides 415 Miraflores, Lima – Perú, Tel. +51 1 6307777



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Sal贸n Armendariz, Hotel Estelar, Lima, Per煤 30th November - 1 December 2014 Protecting the Oceans: A South - South Dialogue on Innovative Strategies and Good Practices to Address the Impacts of Climate Change We also invite you to follow us through social media:

Oceansecurit +OceansecurityOrg @Oceansecurit Oceansecurit

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