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Are you new in town or visiting Oceanside… or just curious about the waste and recycling services available? The City, in partnership with Waste Management (WM), provides a plethora of zero waste centric services to help the community waste less and recycle more at a low cost. Not only does our program offer cost savings opportunities for businesses, but it puts our City one step closer to achieving a 75-90% diversion rate! Check out the latest on what WM has to offer local businesses, residents, and visitors alike. Do your part and recycle right by familiarizing yourself with the waste and recycling services available.
WM Recycling, Food Scraps, and Landfill Services Available for Every Size Generator
Are you a commercial businesses or multi-family customer? Subscribe to landfill, food scraps, and recycling services to be compliant with local and state law. Remember, in Oceanside, recycling and food scraps services are cheaper than landfill services! This results in savings when you minimize your landfill services and maximize your recycling! Please note, residential curbside food scraps recycling starts January 2024.