Strategic Plan
O c e a n s i d e C h a m b e r o f Co m m e r c e • S t r a t e g i c P l a n 2 0 2 0
The mission of the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce is to stimulate economic prosperity and to foster a vibrant community. We believe that a strong, healthy business community is a key to maintaining a robust quality of life in Oceanside. Along those lines the Chamber’s Board of Directors and Staff have worked diligently to formulate and communicate a vision that is centered on a strong and vibrant business community. In this document, we have outlined the Chamber’s key areas of service as well as our six areas of focus for the next three years to expand and improve our service to our business community.
Key Areas of Service ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Providing Networking Opportunities Promoting the Community Business Education Creating a Strong Local Economy Representing Business Interests
Continuing Excellence The Chamber is committed to maintaining its reputation of excellence in bringing high quality networking and educational opportunities to our local businesses. We will continue to explore opportunities to bring new and exciting programs to our members and will adapt to the evolving needs of our business community. We are also committed to promoting Oceanside through the production of a wide variety of compelling publications, a strong web and social media presence and high-quality events. We will continue to use these avenues to connect our business community with potential customers in the business-to-business and business-to-consumer markets.
Potential for Growth We have identified six areas in which the Chamber is uniquely qualified to bring value and have an impact on the local business community. These areas are centered on providing strong business representation and supporting the creation of a healthy local economy and workforce. Our vision for 2020 is focused on the following areas. ▪ Public Policy ▪ Economic Development ▪ Workforce Development ▪ Military Outreach ▪ Neighborhood Business Outreach ▪ Food Service Industry Support
The 3-Year Plan The following is an overview of our six focus areas, including a brief background statement, a vision as to where we plan to be in 2020, along with 3-Year goals and related strategies for each area. We offer a standing invitation for Oceanside Chamber members to join in one or more of these task force groups and help us accomplish our 2020 Vision. 2
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PUBLIC POLICY Background: As the leading voice of business in Oceanside, and with strong connections at the various levels of government, the Oceanside Chamber is well positioned to bring the concerns of our business community to the legislative bodies that are impacting business. Vision Statement: The Oceanside Chamber is recognized as the articulate, respected, effective voice of the Oceanside business community. 3 Year Goals: 1. Ensure that all businesses have fair representation in the City’s districting/ re-districting processes. Related Strategies: a. Help businesses learn how to navigate the system with regard to district representation. b. The Chamber will work with councilmembers from each district to make sure that business has a city-wide voice. 2. Ensure businesses are represented in the political decision-making process at various levels of government. Related Strategies:
a. Expand communication with local businesses on issues impacting them. Create targeted communications to the business community based on policy areas that are relevant to their industry. Be vocal about our work. b. Meet regularly with each councilmember. Learn about issues of individual importance to each councilmember and their district. c. Communicate the Chamber’s position on issues before and after votes. Report back on how votes went and what the Chamber’s position was. d. Hold focus groups to find out issues of importance to our business community. Regularly check the city council agenda and identify areas where business will be impacted. Coordinate efforts with like-minded organizations to have a stronger and united voice on behalf of business. e. Work more closely with the California Chamber of Commerce to identify legislation that can be influenced by our involvement. Make trips to Sacramento to testify before committees when needed. f. Rally our business community to step up on issues, and ask for their involvement at appropriate times. 3. Review Chamber’s Public Policy Guidelines regularly to make sure Chamber Staff has latitude to move quickly on important issues. Related Strategies: a. Assemble a task force to begin reviewing public policy guidelines. Modify existing guidelines as needed and expand to include critical policy areas that have not yet been addressed. O c e a n s i d e C h a m b e r o f Co m m e r c e • S t r a t e g i c P l a n 2 0 2 0
b. Address current and emerging issues to maintain our Public Policy Guidelines as a living document. 4. Provide a strong voice for business in the council/mayoral election process. Related Strategies: a. Through the Chamber’s Business and Community Political Action Committee, we will continue to hold candidates forums to learn the various candidates’ positions on issues relevant to business. b. Continue to host candidates forums for the various elected offices. Modify the candidate forum format as needed to best work with the new district structure. c. Explore opportunities for candidate development and training. Help develop leaders to serve on public commissions, committees and in elected offices. d. Identify candidates that are supportive of business issues and interests.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Background: The City of Oceanside currently has a full time Economic Development team. As a Chamber, we will seek opportunities to assist in the retention and attraction of business. Vision Statement: The Oceanside Chamber plays a leading role in the City’s economic prosperity. 3-Year Goals: 1. Maintain strong position on keeping our industrial and commercial zoned land from being rezoned.
Related Strategies: a. Seek Chamber representation on the Planning Commission, Economic Development Commission and Downtown Advisory Committee. b. Closely monitor the City’s Planning Commission, Economic Development Commission, and Downtown Advisory Committee, as well as City Council agendas for any items that may involve a request to rezone industrial and commercial land. c. Be quick to respond and lobby for the protection of our industrial and commercial land.
2. Explore opportunities to allow for vacant commercial properties to be rezoned accommodating light manufacturing/maker businesses.
Related Strategies: a. Support and encourage alternative and creative uses where obsolete commercial/retail space exists. Support experience oriented retail.
3. Develop a strong policy on improving jobs to housing ratio. Related Strategies: a. Support City initiatives that will help existing businesses grow and create jobs. b. Oppose unnecessary and burdensome business regulations on a city and statewide level. 4
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c. Support City’s Economic Development Division in business attraction and retention efforts to bring desired industry clusters as defined in the Economic Development element of the General Plan Update. d. Identify where Oceanside workers are commuting (which companies/industries). What are the attractive, emerging companies and jobs here in San Diego County, and how can Oceanside attract such companies? e. Support and promote business-to-business “Shop Local” practices – Encourage the city to shop local when choosing businesses bidding on contracts. f. Encourage the establishment of co-working spaces in Oceanside as well as incubator spaces for biotech and “maker” businesses. g. Support economic development through the “creative economy” by encouraging production and distribution of cultural, artistic and design goods and services. h. Continue to support City’s business visitation program to provide proactive interaction with employer base. i. Partner with the City in supporting local manufacturers; hold workshops to connect manufacturers to resources (employee training, capital, advocacy). j. Look for opportunities to promote businesses that have positive associations with the City. Develop testimonials that can be used to market Oceanside as a business-friendly community.
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Background: Numerous organizations are involved in the preparation of local students for the workforce. As the primary representative of the Oceanside Business Community, the Chamber will play a leading role in the development of our future workforce. Vision Statement: The Oceanside Chamber actively supports the development of Oceanside’s future workforce. 3-Year Goals: 1. Develop a strong role in enhancing the relationship between the education community and local industry. Related Strategies: a. Continue Chamber involvement in education initiatives such as The Oceanside Promise and Community Alliance for Youth Success (CAYS), to discover opportunities to support workforce programming. b. Work with area high schools and colleges to connect their students to local employers. c. Connect Oceanside employers with employee training and hiring resources. d. Promote project-based internships for high school students among Oceanside businesses (photography, videography, social media, etc.). O c e a n s i d e C h a m b e r o f Co m m e r c e • S t r a t e g i c P l a n 2 0 2 0
2. Serve as a catalyst to bring various entities together in support of workforce development. Related Strategies: a. Partner with California State University San Marcos on a Senior Experience project to reach out to employment related non-profit agencies to inventory their services and find needs the Chamber can fill.
MILITARY OUTREACH Background: The Chamber has developed a consistently strong working relationship with the leadership of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. We have fostered this relationship by outreach to active duty military through programs including the Enlisted Recognition Reception, Armed Forces Day Operation Appreciation and visits to the weekly Welcome Aboard Briefings. As a business organization with a wide variety of resources and partners, we can expand our outreach to serve veterans interested in developing their own business or seeking employment in the civilian workforce. Vision Statement: The Oceanside Chamber provides effective programming to assist our transitioning service members into our local work force. 3-Year Goals: 1. Create a mentorship program for transitioning service members. Related Strategies: a. Identify and/or invite current Military Affairs Committee (MAC) members to mentor transitioning service members to include: One on one lunches, Shadow Day(s), invitations to chamber networking events including Plates for 8, mixers and “Tuesday Coffee” events. Participation will be later broadened to include other Chamber members interested in serving as mentors. b. Base leadership will assist MAC in joining transitioning service members with mentorship opportunities. 2. Create an Internship program for transitioning service members. Related Strategies: a. Identify and/or invite current MAC members that would offer internships to transitioning service members to include paid and unpaid internships. Once the program is in place, participation can be expanded to other Chamber members interested in offering internships. b. Base Leadership will assist MAC in joining transitioning service members with internship opportunities.
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NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS OUTREACH Background: As Oceanside’s leading business association, the Chamber will make a concerted effort to reach out to the business community in the City’s various geographical areas (districts). We recognize that each district has unique needs and may provide unique opportunities for the Chamber. Vision Statement: The Oceanside Chamber of Commerce stimulates business engagement throughout the district communities within the City of Oceanside. 3-Year Goals: 1. Use Oceanside’s new district boundaries as an opportunity to serve the business communities within each district. Related Strategies: a. Assign representatives from Chamber leadership to develop, assist and oversee Neighborhood Business Outreach with local businesses in their district. b. Partner with neighborhood businesses to hold “Business Block Parties” in each district. 2. Be an active and visible resource and voice for each business district.
Related Strategies: a. Hold “Listening Tours” in each of the districts. Update businesses on issues affecting their neighborhood (i.e. economic development, traffic, land use). Discover what their unique concerns are and how we can serve the businesses. b. Partner with Public Policy Task Force to represent district’s needs before governmental bodies. c. Hold events in each district (Ribbon cuttings, Plates For 8, Beer N Braggin’, Mixers, etc.).
FOOD SERVICE INDUSTRY SUPPORT Background: Dining and drinking establishments (restaurants, breweries, coffee houses) represent the Oceanside Chamber’s single largest category of membership and also our largest potential category. Vision Statement: The Oceanside Chamber is the leading voice for and source of industry information, networking, collaboration and promotion for the restaurant owners of Oceanside. 3- Year Goals: 1. Explore opportunity to create an Oceanside Restaurant Association. Related Strategies: a. Develop a Restaurant Committee to take the lead in creating a restaurant association that would include a diverse mix of restaurants across all of Oceanside. O c e a n s i d e C h a m b e r o f Co m m e r c e • S t r a t e g i c P l a n 2 0 2 0
2. Provide informational and educational resources to help foster success in our local dining/drinking establishments. Related Strategies: a. Host workshops with content generated by CA Restaurant Association and other local resources including Small Business Development Center, Small Business Administration, etc. b. Workshops to include rules and regulations updates, cost savings programs, food safety training, etc. c. Explore co-op purchasing power with US Foods, Cisco, etc. d. Offer targeted information such as mailings and e-newsletters with information specifically for the restaurant industry. Information can be original or repurposed from industry sources. e. Assist with sourcing of employees, internships, job placement services, etc. 3. Market the City of Oceanside as a “Dining Destination”. Related Strategies: a. Develop an Oceanside Dining Guide under the Chamber’s “Best of Oceanside” branding. Guide will include listings of independently owned restaurants in Oceanside and offer advertising opportunities. b. Explore idea of hosting an Oceanside Restaurant Week or similar event. c. Partner with our neighborhood outreach effort to hold “Taste of” events in different parts of Oceanside, using new district boundaries. Possibly one event per quarter to cover each district annually. 4. Act as the “Voice of Business” for the Oceanside restaurant community. Related Strategies: a. Support restaurants on policy issues through Chamber’s Emerging Issues Committee and Business and Community Political Action Committee. b. Assist restaurants in keeping abreast of upcoming changes to laws which may impact their business.
928 N Coast Hwy Oceanside, CA 92054 (760) 722-1534