During the last years, with their drastic technical improvement, computers have been widely spread in schools and used in in the process of teaching and learning in a variety of ways. published research in the field, have shown that both physical and virtual experimental approaches, can positively influence students’ achievements and contribute effectively to the conceptual change of their preset understanding, helping them rebuild new knowledge. however, the degree of effectiveness of computer assisted learning varies, depending on the type of the didactic intervention, on the scientific field (e.g., natural sciences), and also on the concepts within the same scientific field (e.g. speed, energy, etc.). i n school educational environments, the concepts of energy, Work and Mechanical energy Conservation are issues for which students have no common knowledge and understanding. at the same time, computer simulation (virtual experiments) in the teaching process is an excellent tool for the teacher to easily deal with difficult concepts. however, published studies that investigate the impact of using computer simulations within a conceptual change learning environment especially in teaching process of Mechanical energy and energy Conservation are scarce. this work explores the effectiveness of using computer simulations to stimulate a reconceptualization of knowledge especially of the physical concepts of Work and energy. For this reason, an appropriate didactic intervention was designed and applied using the iC ts. the investigated sample consists of 57 students of the 3rd Class of Lyceum. in order to evaluate the learning outcomes, the pupils completed the pre-test questionnaire before and the post-test afterwards. the results showed that the students of the experimental group had certain misconceptions in science and significant conceptual difficulties in energy and Work. in conclusion, responses to the instructional evaluation questionnaire indicated positive ratings of appropriateness and instructional effectiveness of computer simulation instruction as regards the conceptual understanding of the theory of Mechanical energy Conservation. With regard to conceptual change, additional testing with a new post test questionnaire may be needed, after some time has elapsed.
student’s perceptions, mental representations, iC t, constructive teaching, digital worksheets, simulation.
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