ΤιΤλος / TiTle
A walk in the garden ςυγγραφέας / AuThor
Margarita Taliadorou
ΜέΤαφραςη / TrAnslATion Rebbeca Fiori
/ series
[3358] 1124/32
Children literature [3358] 1124/32
illusTrATions Margarita Taliadorou
lAyouT - Design Myrtilo,
First Published Athens, November 2024
ISBN 978-618-205-670-7
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of the author and of Ocelotos Publications.

e-mail: ekdoseis.ocelotos@gmail.com www. ocelotos. gr

A new day begins in the small town. A magnificent orange sun rises and floods the sky with colors of red and gold. 5

On the edge of town there is a small house with a beautiful garden. In this garden, many animals live: bees, butterflies, birds, a small turtle, and a family of hedgehogs.

At sunrise, a little bee and her butterfly friend explore a magical garden, meeting cheerful animals along the way.
As evening falls, they return home, ready to dream of tomorrow’s adventures.
A gentle tale of friendship and nature’s beauty.

ISBN 978-618-205-670-7