Folk Prints Conference Program 2013

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Director’s Message . ........................................................................................................................................ 5 The President’s Message ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Panelist Photos and Bios ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Colleen Peterson Award ................................................................................................................................................ 11 Silent Auction Item List ................................................................................................................................................. 12 Estelle Klein Award Recipient Mike Stevens ................................................................................................................... 13 Songs From the Heart Winners . .................................................................................................................................... 14 2012/13 Board of Directors . ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Export Development Program (EDP) Participants ........................................................................................................... 16 The Succession Plan (TSP) Participants ........................................................................................................................ 17 New Members .............................................................................................................................................................. 18 2013 Official, Alternate and Family Showcase Artists . ................................................................................................... 19 Volunteers . ................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Youth Program Participants ........................................................................................................................................... 23 Delta Meadowvale Floor Plans ....................................................................................................................................... 34 Conference Grids .......................................................................................................................................................... 37 Schedule of Events ....................................................................................................................................................... 43 President’s Annual Report ............................................................................................................................................. 67 Executive Director’s Annual Report . .............................................................................................................................. 68 Primer for Understanding Financial Statements .............................................................................................................. 69 Audited Financial Statements . ....................................................................................................................................... 70

BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012/13 Executive Committee

President Alex Sinclair................................. Vice President Katharine Treasurer Jan Cody.............................. Secretary Tamara Kater......................................... Member-at-Large Dan Greenwood Member-at-Large Jerry Switzer.................... Directors Adam Brown..................................... Shawna Richard Flohil................................... Jane Brad McEwen................................ Scott Merrifield............................. Kuljit

STAFF Executive Director – Alka Sharma

Printing and layout by Orion Printing

Office Manager – Jennifer Ellis .........................

Mike Stevens is the recipient of Folk Music Ontario’s 2013 Estelle Klein Award.

Membership Services Coordinator – Susanne Moehlenbeck

Please visit for ad rates, formats and sizes.

Art Beat and Youth Program Coordinator – Jill Zmud ............... Bookkeeper – Lynn Rae Phone: 1-866-292-6233 or 613-560-5997 Fax: 613-560-2001 Mailing address: 508-B Gladstone Avenue Ottawa, ON K1R 5P1

Cover photo courtesy of Mike Stevens

Submissions (max. 500 words) and pictures welcome! We cannot guarantee inclusion of your submission in Folk Prints (but we’ll try!). Please send submissions in text format only. If you have pictures, call us before sending them. The views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of Folk Music Ontario. Questions or comments regarding Folk Prints should be brought to the attention of Alka Sharma at asharma@ Articles and photos may not be reprinted without the express written permission of the author and/or photographer.




Friends of Chopper McKinnon

Global Cafe


Executive director’s MESSAGE by Alka Sharma On behalf of the staff and all the volunteers, I would like to welcome you to the 27th Annual Conference of Folk Music Ontario! That’s right – we’re no longer the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals. The change in name comes at a time when there are a lot of changes happening with the organization. First off, I am happy to be the new Executive Director, replacing Peter MacDonald, who held this position for four years. I hope that I can lead the organization forward and make positive changes. I would like to thank Alex Sinclair and Jan Cody on the Board of Directors; both have been extremely helpful and supportive as I navigate through learning all that there is to know about the organization. As well, the rest of the directors on the Board have been working tirelessly on all of the committees that we have in order to keep everything running smoothly. They have been remarkable in their dedication to the organization. Folk Music Ontario would be nothing without the amazing work of Jennifer Ellis. She is hands-down, what makes the organization work the way it does… seamlessly. We would all be completely lost if she didn’t have the dedication, patience and overall good humour to get us through the year, let alone the conference. We have had great consultants helping us with this year’s conference. The folks at Copperworks Consulting Inc., based in Sudbury, have dedicated their time to Folk Music Ontario in putting this conference together. Thanks to Jill Zmud for coordinating the Youth Program and Art Beat again this year. As well, Susanne Moehlenbeck has been very helpful in coordinating the volunteers. And speaking of volunteers, we thank you for all your hard work in making sure the conference runs without any hitches. When I first started back in April, both Bob LeDrew and Martha Younie were working at Folk Music Ontario. I only worked with them for a few short months, but wanted to thank them for all their hard work before and during

my tenure. Martha came to Folk Music Ontario from the Ontario government’s Job Creation Partnerships (JCP) program. We are able to hire a new person through this program every six months. It has helped us out tremendously. Delegates, welcome to the conference! Please take advantage of checking out all the great panels, workshops and of course music that we have put together for you. I look forward to meeting you all and thank you for welcoming me into the folk community. ***** Au nom de tout le personnel et les bénévoles, je voudrais souhaiter la bienvenue à tous pour la 27e conférence annuelle de Musique Folk de l’Ontario! Eh bien oui, nous ne nous appelons plus Ontario Council of Folk Festivals. Ce changement survient en même temps que bien d’autres au sein de cette organisation. Tout d’abord, j’ai le plaisir d’entrer en poste en tant que directeur exécutif et de remplacer Peter MacDonald, lequel a été en poste pendant plus de quatre ans. J’espère pouvoir mener cette organisation de l’avant et apporter des changements positifs. J’aimerais remercier Alex Sinclair et Jan Cody, membre du conseil d’administration. Tous deux m’ont énormément aidé et soutenu au cours de mon apprentissage de l’organisation au complet. Les autres directeurs du conseil ont aussi travaillé sans relâche dans le cadre de tous les comités que nous avons, afin d’assurer que tout fonctionne sans problème. Leur dévouement pour l’organisation est remarquable. Musique Folk de l’Ontario serait inexistant sans Jennifer Ellis et son travail formidable. C’est certainement grâce à elle que l’organisation fonctionne de façon aussi... harmonieuse. Nous aurions un mal fou à nous y retrouver si elle n’avait pas le dévouement, la patience et un sens de l’humour pour un peu tout, pour nous accompagner pendant l’année,

ou même seulement pendant la conférence. D’excellents conseillers nous ont aidés pour la conférence de cette année. Les gens de Copperworks Consulting Inc., une entreprise située à Sudbury, ont consacré leur temps à Musique Folk de l’Ontario afin de mettre cette conférence sur pied. Merci à Jill Zmud d’avoir effectué encore cette année la coordination du Youth Program (Programme jeunesse) et d’Art Beat. De plus, Susanne Moehlenbeck a beaucoup aidé à la coordination des bénévoles. Puisque l’on parle de bénévoles, nous aimerions les remercier tous d’avoir travaillé fort pour assurer le bon déroulement de la conférence. À mes débuts en avril, Bob LeDrew et Martha Younie travaillaient à Musique Folk de l’Ontario. Je n’ai travaillé avec eux que quelques petits mois, mais je voudrais les remercier pour leur travail acharné avant et pendant que j’occupais ma fonction. Martha a été embauchée par l’entremise du Partenariat de création d’emploi de l’Ontario (PCEO), un programme du gouvernement de l’Ontario. Nous sommes en mesure d’embaucher un employé tous les six mois. Ce programme nous a énormément aidés. Délégués, soyez la bienvenue à la conférence! Ne manquez pas les groupes d’experts, les ateliers et, bien sûr, la musique que nous avons préparée pour vous. Je suis impatiente de rencontrer chacun d’entre vous, et je vous remercie de m’accueillir dans la communauté folk.

The president’s message

Welcome to the 27th conference of our organization, and the very first to be held under our new name of Folk Music Ontario/Musique Folk de l’Ontario. It’s our second year here at the Delta Meadowvale in Mississauga, and I hope that many of you are now familiar with the surroundings and can concentrate on having fun, rather than just trying to figure out how to get to that panel you want to hear. Speaking of new beginnings, I’d also like to welcome our new Executive Director, Alka Sharma. She, and our overworked staff, along with Copperworks Consulting, and our Conference Advisory Group, have been working hard to bring you yet one more great conference. Now it’s up to you to make the most of the experience, and to help other attendees get the most out of their experience. Talk to each other, share stories and information and advice and contacts. Talk to us, and help us get better at delivering the services that you need to make the folk biz a better place to be. Play lots of music, listen to lots of music. Listen. Listen. Listen. It’s the best way to learn. And if you bump into any of your board of directors, or your staff – especially Alka – stop and say hello. We need to know you as more than just names in a database. And while you’re busying yourself with your career plan, or your festival’s future, or your house concert series, please bear in mind a couple

of very important matters for FMO as an organization and for its members: • Don’t forget to vote before 3:00pm Saturday to elect five directors to the FMO Board for a three-year term, choosing from among the eight candidates who have been nominated. • Be sure to attend the Annual General Meeting on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. At the Gala Dinner on Saturday evening, we will honour this year's recipient of the Estelle Klein Award, Mike Stevens. Mike is not only a stellar musician, midway through a long and illustrious career, but is also the founder and guiding spirit of ArtsCan Circle, which connects musicians and artists with kids in remote native communities. He epitomizes the sense of community that we all believe in. We’ll also be celebrating the winners of this year’s Songs From the Heart awards and the Colleen Peterson Award. Watch for opportunities to catch these performers in showcases and elsewhere. Hire them. Have a great conference. ****. Soyez la bienvenue à la 27e conférence de notre organisation. Il s’agit de la première conférence que nous avons organisée sous notre nouveau nom : Musique Folk de l’Ontario/ Folk Music Ontario. Nous en sommes à notre deuxième année, ici, au Delta Meadowvale de Mississauga. J’espère que beaucoup d’entre vous connaissent maintenant bien les alentours et que vous pourrez enfin vous amuser plutôt que d’essayer de vous rendre à une activité, comme celle de ce groupe d’experts que vous voulez aller entendre. Tant qu’à parler de nouveaux départs, j’aimerais souhaiter la bienvenue à Alka Sharma, notre nouvelle directrice exécutive. Elle a travaillé fort, ainsi que notre personnel débordé, Copperworks Consulting et notre Conference Advisory Group (Groupe consultatif de conférence), afin de vous présenter une autre superbe conférence. C’est à vous, maintenant, de profiter le plus possible de cette ex

by Alex Sinclair

périence, ainsi que d’aider les autres participants à en profiter aussi. Discutez, racontez des anecdotes et échangez de l’information, des conseils et des coordonnées. Venez nous parler et aidez-nous à améliorer la prestation des services nécessaires pour donner aux affaires folk un meilleur environnement. Jouez et écoutez beaucoup de musique. Écoutez. Écoutez. Écoutez. C’est la meilleure manière d’apprendre. Si vous vous retrouvez nez à nez avec un des membres du conseil d’administration ou du personnel, ou avec Alka, en particulier, n’hésitez pas à vous arrêter et à nous saluer. Nous souhaitons faire votre connaissance, au-delà de simples noms dans une base de données. Pendant que vous vous concentrez sur votre plan de carrière ou sur le futur du festival, ou encore sur votre série de concerts à domicile, souvenez-vous des quelques points très importants pour MFO, en tant qu’organisation, et pour ses membres : • N’oubliez pas de voter avant 15 h, samedi, afin que cinq des huit candidats sélectionnés soient élus directeurs au conseil d’administration du MFO pour des mandats de trois ans. • Ne manquez pas la Réunion générale annuelle ce samedi matin, à 9 h 30. Au cours du dîner de gala de samedi soir, nous remettrons une distinction à Mike Stevens, gagnant du prix Estelle Klein Award. Mike n’est pas seulement un brillant musicien, à mi-chemin d’une carrière longue et illustre, il est aussi fondateur et âme d’ArtsCan Circle. Cela permet aux musiciens et artistes de rencontrer les enfants des communautés autochtones des régions reculées. Mike incarne parfaitement l’esprit communautaire auquel nous croyons tous. Nous célébrerons les gagnants des prix Chansons du fond du cœur et Colleen Peterson de cette année. Soyez attentifs et vous pourrez trouver ces artistes aux présentations promotionnelles et un peu partout. N’hésitez pas à leur proposer du travail. Je vous souhaite de passer une excellente conférence.

panelists Lisa Abbott

Craig Cardiff

Derek Andrews

Pam Carter

Singer-songwriter and troubadour Craig Cardiff builds landscapes of sound using live digital loops, bringing the room to a hush. Edged, folk, beautiful, melancholy and left leaning, one song breaks your heart, and the next one puts it back together. With guitar in hand, Craig can turn any setting into an intimate affair, infusing his music and lyrics with an uncompromising humanism rarely seen in today’s production-heavy climate.

Lisa has been working with not-for-profit groups from all the way back in her “bk” days (before kids) when she worked for dozens of tiny, fly-by-night drama companies in the early nineties. Short term and long term sustainability were hot topics of conversation then as they are now. Today, Lisa works with community groups executing large (and small!) scale festivals at Celebration Square in Mississauga and is delighted to be sharing some of the things she’s learned with Folk Music Ontario Members

Current president of the Mariposa Folk Foundation, Pam has also been the festival organizing chair for the last five years. Pam and her team have developed comprehensive risk management plans for the festival, which provide a simple, user-friendly written guide explaining how MFF will ensure the safety of the public during the event, and outline the roles and responsibilities of the volunteer organizers.

Derek Andrews is as arts consultant and concert producer. He is a guest curator for the Luminato Festival and his Global Café artist roster uses the Canada Council’s Career Development program to retain his management services. Derek is a passion advocate for creative approaches in music, especially when used as a tool for breaking down cultural barriers.

Annabelle Chvostek

Brent Bain

Annabelle Chvostek is a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist whose latest release, Rise, was nominated for a 2013 Juno Award for Best Roots/Traditional Album: Solo. Largely inspired by the Occupy Movement and Quebec’s Maple Spring, Rise is joyful, anthemic, and unabashedly political, revealing Annabelle’s passion for social justice work and musical activism.

Brent Bain has played an active role in Canadian music as an artist manager, agent, promoter, publicist and consultant with companies including MMF Canada, Six Shooter Records, Live Tour Artists, Jane Harbury Publicity, Planet 3 Communications and Working Title Artists. Brent offers a diverse and well-rounded knowledge of the industry in his position as Manager of Client Services at FACTOR.

Nicole Colbeck

David Barnard

Nicole Colbeck is host of Westboro House Concerts in Ottawa, ON, having presented dozens of living room concerts for over fifteen years. Nicole is also founder and artist manager at little acorn music management, in management partnership with Canadian musicians across the country... who all LOVE doing house concerts.

David is a cultural consultant with the Department of Canadian Heritage’s Canada Arts Presentation Fund. He has been deeply involved in community development and outreach, panel presentations, radio broadcasting, event planning and production, parenting, bicycling, camping and playing baseball. He deeply loves music.

Michelle Conceison

Lesley Marie Boileau

Rose Cousins’ manager Michelle Conceison runs Bostonbased marketing and management company Market Monkeys. Prior to music, Conceison led teams at advertising agencies in Boston, Chicago and San Francisco, working with major brands including AT&T, Bank of America, and General Motors. Conceison is a professor at Northeastern University and Simmons School of Management, and is the Vice President of the Board of Folk Alliance International.

Lesley Marie Boileau has been hosting the Hobbit House Concert Series in her home for the past four years as an excuse to keep her house clean... well, that, and she loves bringing amazing music to a community that really wants to listen!

Denise Bolduc

Dave Cool

Denise Bolduc is a visionary of arts and cultural events and is recognized for her involvement with numerous local, national and international multi-disciplinary activities. She served as the Aboriginal Arts Officer at the OAC, the Music & Dance Officer at the Canada Council for the Arts and was the Artistic Director & Co-founder of the Aboriginal Music Project - the first Aboriginal music organization in Canada.

Dave Cool (yes, that’s his real name) is the Director of Artist Relations for Bandzoogle, a website and marketing platform for musicians. Through blogging, social media, and traveling to conferences, he keeps an open dialogue with the indie artist community about the challenges they face, and what strategies they can use to advance their careers.

Jon Brooks

Kev Corbett

“I write songs to inspire calmness and hard hope in those who’ve looked into, and seen, what is in their hearts. I also write songs to terrify those who have not.” Jon Brooks is a three-time Canadian Folk Music Award nominee for ‘Songwriter of the Year’ and is a Borealis Recording artist.

Kev Corbett trained as percussionist, toured heavily as a bassist, fell into songwriting, teaches drumming when not on the road, and is stunned that it all seems to be working. He enjoys long tours, new songs falling off the moon, and espouses a path-is-the-goal approach to both writing and touring.

Jonathan Bunce

Rose Cousins

Jonathan Bunce has been participating in the music community in Toronto as a musician, writer, editor, presenter, organizer and advocate since the 1990s. He’s been renowned far and wide as the founder of the Wavelength Music Series and for his work with organizations such as the Music Gallery, the Images Festival and Coach House Books.

PEI native, Halifax-based songwriter Rose Cousins has released three albums, including her most recent JUNOwinner “We Have Made a Spark”. In addition to winning at the CFMAs, ECMAs, and Nova Scotia Music Awards, it was Polaris Prize longlisted, among NPR’s Top 10 Americana & Folk Albums, and featured media worldwide. Her songs have also appeared in numerous television shows.

Cindy Doire

Graydon James

Ali Eisenhammer

ShoShona Kish

Graydon James is a dad, musician, author, and former tap dancer. He has toured Canada with his band (Graydon James & the Young Novelists) and his wife (Laura Spink), played many festivals, released several albums, published a novel, and is currently tackling potty training. He’s working on a new album, a play, a novel, and a few government grants.

Cindy Doire is a bilingual, internationally touring artist with three award-winning solo albums. She is also one half of the CFMA-nominated duo, Scarlett Jane, recently back from a 60 date national tour. Blessed with a true voice and the gift of crafting songs, she can whisper in your ear and startle your heart and then pin you against the back wall with a wail to shatter your soul. Ali began volunteering in her teens and has volunteered for the Shelter Valley Folk Festival for the last 10 years. She has been a member of the festival Operating Committee and the Volunteer Coordinator since 2008. Recruiting and working for the retention of volunteers is part of that commitment.

ShoShona Kish is a multidisciplinary artist who has fused her art school training with her first loves, music and songwriting. She is the co-creator and front woman for the Juno-nominated group Digging Roots. In addition to her work with the band, she is also a passionate advocate for First Nations arts and arts education.

Gary Eisenhammer

Millie Knapp

Gary has over 25 years’ experience working in the field of occupational health and safety. He has been a volunteer with the Shelter Valley Folk Festival for 10 years; the past 5 years as the Business Co-ordinator and member of the Operating Committee.

Millie Knapp (Anishinabe) has cultivated an extensive international First Nations business and community network, served as a panel and advisory board member, and delivered numerous keynotes on media, publishing, the Native women’s experience, and as an Aboriginal entrepreneur. Millie is currently the Executive Director of the Toronto-based Association for Native Development in the Performing and Visual Arts (ANDPVA).

Nathan Garber

Nathan Garber is widely recognized as a consultant, teacher, and author, for innovative, leading-edge thinking and challenging conventional ideas about how to build strong boards of directors. He brings more than 40 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, as a manager, board member, funder, and governance consultant.

Yves Lambert

In 1976, Yves Lambert was one of the founding members of La Bottine Souriante. For 26 years he was a major figure in the band. In January of 2003, pushed by the wind, he put his boots on and went searching for new musical adventures, creating the Bébert Orchestra in 2004, and later the Yves Lambert Trio in 2010.

Heather Gardner

Heather’s life-long obsession with music and its love affair with advertising, television, film, video games and new media led her to Vapor in January of 2009. Over the past four years, Heather has worked on several television series, video games and feature films, and on ad campaigns for Samsung, Nissan, Visa, ING Direct, Walmart and MasterCard, just to name a few.

Mary Jane Lamond

Mary Jane Lamond is a sharer of songs, stories and spirit. This sharing has garnered her numerous Juno Award nominations, critical acclaim, and a worldwide audience. Mary Jane’s latest record, Seinn, is a powerful collaboration with Wendy MacIsaac and showcases traditional and original compositions among the melancholy of Gaelic song and the joy of fiddle tunes.

Eve Goldberg

Eve Goldberg is a compelling performer and teacher with a “watercolour voice” and solid guitar style who has appeared at festivals, theatres, folk clubs, and house concerts across North America. She also helps run The Woods Music and Dance Camp and is the founder of the Parkdale Ukulele Group in Toronto.

Joey Landreth

As an in-demand guitarist, Joey’s found himself filling some prestigious positions on stage and in the studio, from stadiums to house concerts. Some of his more notable employers include Doc Walker, Emerson Drive, Steve Bell, The Wyrd Sisters, Dallas Smith, and Deric Ruttan. Now, after almost ten years as a hired gun, he’s stepped into the spotlight as frontman and songwriter of Winnipeg’s new alt-country outfit, The Bros. Landreth.

Andrea Higgins

Andrea Higgins is Head of Music Supervision & Licensing at Arpix Media, having personally music supervised multiple seasons of Flashpoint, Heartland, Bomb Girls, The Listener, coordinated all live performances in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and more. Andrea’s work has been recognized with a 2008 Gemini Award for Durham County and a nomination in 2011. As a musician, she is known mostly for her drummer self, having been voted “Best Drummer” by Now Magazine.

Bob LeDrew

Bob LeDrew is a social media and PR consultant in Ottawa and a veteran of the old OCFF wars, from which he returned with a piece of shrapnel in his knee and a monkey on his back for folk music. When he’s not trying to learn new chords on the ukulele, he’s half of BobCat House Concerts, a series that’s approaching its 7th year in “business”.

Michael Hill

Mike Hill is the Artistic Director of the Mariposa Folk Festival, a position he has held since 2006. A graduate of both York University and the University of Toronto, he was a teacher in Scarborough and Orillia for over 30 years, specializing in music.

Anne Lindsay

Christian Hurst

Anne Lindsay is equally talented as a violinist/fiddler, composer, singer-songwriter, producer and arranger. She has won numerous awards including: Solo Instrumentalist and Producer of the Year (CFMAs) and Jazz Violinist of the Year (National Jazz Awards). In addition to her three award-winning CDs, Anne has played on a gazillion recordings and has performed in every shape and colour you could imagine.

Christian has worked in music for more than twenty years and is currently focused on artist management and development, production, publishing and community building and advocacy initiatives. He currently manages Kinnie Starr, Digging Roots, By Divine Right, Bidiniband, Evren and Cobario. He is the founder and principal of Granitewish Entertainment, dedicated to building powerful artist brands through passion, vision and focus.

Chelsea McMullan

Chris Lusty

Chris Lusty is the former president of the Mariposa Folk Foundation. In his other life, Lusty is a self-employed scientific software author and has recently completed his MBA. He resides in Orillia.

Chelsea McMullan is a Canadian filmmaker and artist whose films and projects have premiered at TIFF and the New York Photography Festival. Her award-winning shorts have been featured in Nowness, Dazed Digital, Vice and Vogue Italia magazines. Chelsea is a member of the artist co-operative What Matters Most and was the artist in residence at Fabrica, where she made the Genie Award-nominated documentary Derailments. My Prairie Home is her third collaboration with the NFB.

Magoo (K. Bruce McGregor)

Magoo is a singer/songwriter, an award winning children’s recording artist, well known stage host and a fashionable gentleman. He is the Chair of the Blue Skies Music Festival and has hosted Blue Skies for the past 36 years. He is a past president of the OCFF, and the current Chair of ArtsCanCircle. Magoo is on Facebook and Wordpress, search: Fashion Tips For Tuesday.

Jorge Miguel

Jorge Miguel is a Spanish Canadian Flamenco guitarist, composer, producer and presenter. He has released 3 CDs and performed over 1000 shows from Nova Scotia to the Yukon. Jorge also teaches Music Business parttime at Seneca College’s IMP Program, likes RVs and running really far.

Amy Mangan

Amy Mangan has worked extensively with Orillia nonprofit arts organizations, fundraisers, bars and clubs, cultural festivals, indie record companies and more. She’s filled many roles with the Mariposa Folk Festival since its return to Orillia in 2000, including Artistic Liaison and Showcase Coordinator, and is a key member of the Artistic Committee. Currently booking talent for the iconic Toronto music venue, Hugh’s Room, Amy produces and hosts “Mariposa Music”, a weekly folk/roots radio show with Bayshore Broadcasting.

Joanna Mills

Joanna Mills is the host and artistic director of O’Hara House Concerts in Toronto, ON. Since 2010, her living room has been graced by more than 20 Canadian and international artists from the acoustic/roots tradition. As a folk musician herself, Joanna has insights to offer from both sides of the stage.

Mark Marczyk

Paul Mills

Mark Marczyk is the ringleader of the Lemon Bucket Orkestra, Toronto’s infamous Balkan-klezmer-gypsyparty-punk-super-band. With LBO as the cornerstone, Marczyk has been integral in developing the urban folk movement in Toronto, co-founding the Fedora Upsidedown collective and organizing both public and private events that explore the many exciting urban spaces often overlooked by the average citizen.

Paul Mills, a musician, musical arranger and record producer/engineer, has been part of the Canadian folk music scene and recording industry for over forty years. He has produced over one hundred and sixty albums working with artists such as Stan Rogers, Sharon, Lois & Bram, and Ron Hynes. He operates his own recording studio called “The Millstream”.

Lea Marin

Mitch Podolak

Producer Lea Marin’s film credits include a wide range of short dramatic films, documentary series and features that have screened at international festivals and on television, including: The Portrait, directed by Oscar-nominated filmmaker Hubert Davis; the interactive documentary co-production The Next Day; and Astra Taylor’s Examined Life. Prior to returning to the NFB in 2006, Marin was a line producer for the Discovery Channel series Mega Builders.

Mitch Podolak hosted CBC Radio’s Simply Folk from 1987-91. He primarily conceived and implemented the Winnipeg and Vancouver Folk Festivals, Winnipeg International Children’s Festival, West End Cultural Centre, Barnswallow Records and Home Routes, and assisted in the formation of the Edmonton and Calgary Folk Festivals, and the Stan Rogers Folk Festival.

Andrea Ramolo

Bill Marshall

Since releasing her debut album in 2008, Andrea Ramolo has become known as a “tireless road warrior”, having played more than 150 shows a year all over Canada, the US and Europe. Her second album granted her a CFMA Nomination for Best Emerging Artist. Andrea is also part of the roots duo Scarlett Jane with musical partner Cindy Doire. They were nominated for two CFMAs last year and have been receiving critical acclaim from the media.

Bill is a multi-festival volunteer having started 38 years ago at Summerfolk. Each year he is seen in different roles at Hillside Festival, Northern Lights Festival Boréal and Summerfolk. He has been a first-aider for 33 years with 15 as risk manager and sole on-hill patroller. He has sat on the Boards of both the OCFF and The Folk Alliance.

Bob McCarthy

Bob McCarthy is a volunteer management consultant who designs results-oriented initiatives for organizations in volunteer and youth engagement. Bob created the year-round Toronto International Film Festival TIFF Volunteer & Intern Resources program. He was international consultant for the Dubai International Film Festival. He has designed and implemented community radio volunteer engagement programs, as well as provided the tools for various arts, culture and music festivals to have worldclass volunteer systems.

Amanda Rheaume

Arthur McGregor founded Rooster’s Coffee House at Carleton U., managed Ottawa’s Commercial Tavern, drove taxi, was a founding director of the Ottawa Council for the Arts and a director of the OCFF, founded and runs the Ottawa Folklore Centre, is a founding director of the CFMAs, and performs solo, with his wife Wendy Moore (Celtiçity) and in the children’s group The Celtic Rathskallions. He has received Ottawa Folk Festival’s Helen Verger Award and FMO’s Estelle Klein Award.

In 2010 Nicole Rochefort established AIM: Artists In Motion. AIM is an independent booking agency representing all genres of music. With a focus on building artists’ touring careers, AIM brings a new energy and approach to the concert touring industry. Nicole is an instructor at The Harris Institute and former director of the Board for Folk Music Ontario.

Rheaume is a powerful vocalist with just a touch of grit and an instantly-accessible roots-pop-Americana sound. Born and raised in Ottawa, playing over 180 shows a year, she tours Canada & Internationally and has performed for the troops in Afghanistan three times. Amanda also owns a web design and social marketing company called Light Switch Creative.

Nicole Rochefort

Arthur McGregor

Angela Saini

Jeremy Von Hollen

Liz Scott

Mark Watson

A proud regular in Toronto’s music scene, Jeremy is the Music Supervisor on the internationally renowned teen drama Degrassi, as well as the Music Coordinator / Assistant Music Supervisor on many other shows, documentaries and shorts. He takes pride in listening to whatever he is sent – good or bad – and hopes to keep expanding my music collection and tastes.

Originally from Calgary, AB, Angela is known for her strong and soulful voice. Nominated for “Best Female Artist” in the International Acoustic Music Awards and a Toronto Independent Music Award in 2012, she has toured across the country three times and recently returned from her first Dutch tour. In 2001 Liz heard a story on CBC and thought house concerts sounded like great fun. This summer she celebrated the 100th Irish Mountain show. A joyous hobby. Recently retired from teaching, she now books a few artists, promotes some theatre concerts, is AD at Eaglewood Folk Festival, and dabbles in the Fred Eaglesmith Travelling Show. All fun.

Since its inception in 1998, Mark Watson’s Toronto-based artist management company, Watson Entertainment, has earned several industry awards including two certified gold records and two JUNO nominations. Watson has been the driving force behind countless international tours as well as major film and TV placements. His roster includes 3-time JUNO winner David Francey and PEI artist Ashley Condon. Mark also sits on the programming committee for the Burlington Sound of Music.

Joanne Setterington

Indoor Recess has earned its stripes as a company that offers creative, detail-driven, and a comprehensive approach to media and entertainment industry relations. Built on a combination of experience, energy, ambition, creativity, intuition, compassion, drive and innovation, the company’s reputation for being a leader in its field has attracted an impressive list roster of international music, film, comedy and event clients.

Dr. Jay Weiler

Currently practicing chiropractic in Waterloo, ON. Dr. Weiler and his Guidonian Therapy Clinic focus on wellness and rehabilitation within the arts community. His undergraduate studies in violin at Wilfrid Laurier University provided the foundation for his performing career with folk, traditional and world music groups that he continues when not practicing professionally.

Candace Shaw

Liana White

Bon vivant Candace Shaw likes whiskey (neat), language (salty), and people who pick up the tab (frequently). As a writer, emcee, artistic director, and arts administrator she has been active in the music industry for 20 years. She currently works at Harbourfront Centre and runs the music website

Liana White is the Executive Director of AFM’s Canadian office, now operating as Canadian Federation of Musicians (CFM). White’s position entails many initiatives to assist musicians in the various aspects of their careers. However, White is mostly recognized for being an authority on artist work permit requirements for US and Canadian musicians.

Nick Sherman

Nick Sherman grew up across Northwestern Ontario, but has also called Winnipeg and Toronto home until settling again in his birthplace, Sioux Lookout, ON. Nick took an interest in music at an early age, listening to his grandfather play guitar on the traplines near North Caribou Lake, ON. As he grew up, he started performing in various bands, ranging in style from acoustic blues to punk rock and metal.

D’Arcy Wickham

An exceptional facility with all styles of guitar picking has highlighted decades of performing experience, and was recognized by an OCFF “Songs From the Heart” award in 2007 for his song “Feather Fingers”. Recent achievements have included being a Canadian finalist in the Mountain Stage Newsong Contest in 2009, and performing at Winterfolk in 2009 – 2013.

Laura Spink

Rob Wozny

Laura is a mom, hydrogeologist and vocalist/percussionist for the folk-rock sextet, Graydon James & the Young Novelists. Graydon and Laura also perform as a duo and are the proud parents of an amazing 2-1/2 year-old son. She’s toured across the country, played numerous festivals and is currently working on the third full-length album with the band.

Rob Wozny is a relentless champion for the independent musician specializing in brand management, publicity and radio promotion. With almost 20 years of communications experience including senior positions with corporate and non-profit organizations, plus senior editorial roles at CTV News and Global News, Rob understands what the media wants and leverages that experience in the best interest of the artists he works with.

Ian Tamblyn

Ian Tamblyn has been writing since the age of seventeen. He has released 32 CDs and albums – all independently – and has received and been nominated for several awards including Folk Music Ontario’s Estelle Klein Award (2002). In 2007 and 2009 Ian held teaching and guiding positions in the Canadian Arctic with a group called Students on Ice. For 12 years Ian worked in schools through MASC.

Michael Wrycraft

This cuddly, larger-than-life Juno Award-winning Graphic Designer/Emcee has a twisted sense of humour and a massive passion for music. Michael’s client list includes Lightfoot, Cockburn, Stan Rogers, Rush, Johns Cage, Gorka, & Cash, Blackie & the Rodeo Kings and Yoko Ono. Tickle your weary eyeballs at

Welcome Reception and Keynote Address by Sarah Harmer Friday, October 18, 6:00pm - 7:30pm Hazel McCallion A/B/C 10

Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award The Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award was established to help support and promote the work of Ontario-resident emerging singer/songwriters in the genres of roots, traditional, folk and country music. The annual recipient is chosen by an Ontario Arts Council (OAC) selection panel from nominations put forward by Folk Music Ontario’s Songs From the Heart competition jury. The Ontario Arts Council (OAC) is pleased to announce Leila Goldberger as the recipient of the 2013 Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award for her song “Sisters”. Congratulations, Leila!

Leila Goldberger An emerging artist on the Canadian music scene, Ottawa’s Leila Goldberger has been writing and performing her own songs since high school. A published poet and formally trained fine artist, Leila is inspired by the simple things in life, and believes that creating music is about being yourself and having fun. She notes that her writing process usually involves her dog, Juniper, who always proves to be a captive audience.


Posters CD Covers Brochures Leaflets Business Cards & More! l


324 Notre Dame Ave. Sudbury, ON P3C 5K5 Tel. 705.671.1111 Fax 705.671.9108


SILENT AUCTION Be sure to check out the 2013 Silent Auction, taking place in the main lobby of the Delta Meadowvale, next to the Registration area. Following are some of the fabulous items that you can bid on: No.





Long & McQuade Musical Instruments Epiphone – John Lennon J-160E Acoustic Guitar (includes hard shell case)



Long & McQuade Musical Instruments Epiphone – DR500 Masterbuilt Acoustic Electric Guitar (includes hard shell case)



The Corporation of Roy Thomson and Massey Hall


Matt Andersen – 2 tickets for Saturday, March 1, 2014 concert at Massey Hall


Folk Alliance International

2014 Folk Alliance Conference Registration, Feb 19-23, 2014 in Kansas City, MO



Hugh’s Room

Amelia Curran – 2 tickets and $75 dinner voucher for November 14, 2013 show



Jane Harbury Publicity

CD package from various Jane Harbury Publicity clients



Paul Mills Productions

10 CD package from various artists produced by Paul Mills


8 Borealis Records

The Stan Rogers Collection CDs plus DVD – New box set of re-mastered Stan Rogers albums plus re-mastered DVD of a live performance. Will be released in November and shipped to auction winner



CD package of various Stony Plain Artists


Stony Plain Records


Holger Petersen

Autographed copy of “Talking Music” by Holger Petersen (retail price $25.00)



D’Arcy Wickham

Five 30-min. guitar lessons from D’Arcy Wickham



Powerstick (for charging phones and mobile device), toque, scarf and admission for two to 2013 SOCAN Awards on Nov 21 at Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto



Michael Wrycraft

Glen Reid Acoustic Guitar



Strellmax Ltd

Men’s Sweater - red chunky round neck sweater in medium



Strellmax Ltd

Men’s Sweater - grey chunky button front hoody sweater in XL


16 Northern Lights Festival Boréal

Gift Package festival tote bag containing two 2014 weekend passes (July 4-6, 2014) two reusable festival beverage mugs; two reusable festival water bottles; two festival t-shirts, two CD’s of past festival performers TBD

17 Tottenham Bluegrass Festival

Two weekend passes with camping; one denim festival shirt female small; on denim festival male large; one festival blanket (folds-up, waterproof and insulated)

18 Shelter Valley Folk Festival

Limited edition collection celebrating SVFF’s 10th Anniversary. Includes an official t-shirt, cap, guitar picks, keychain and essential fest flashlight – all exclusive to SVFF’s 10th!


Westin Bristol Place Hotel

One night stay with breakfast for two – redeemable during 2014 FMO conference!


Laura Bird

Tea Gift Pack



Mariposa Folk Foundation

Two 2014 Mariposa Folk Festival weekend passes



Folkway Music (Guelph, ON)

Store Gift Certificate



Seventh Fire Records

12 pack of vinyl 7” series



Revolution Recording

10 hours of recording time


25 Ottawa Chamber Music Society

Two tickets to Art of Time Ensemble Nov 28, 2013 OCMS performance in Ottawa (Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band); two CDs



Ottawa Chamber Music Society

Two 3-day passes to 2014 Ottawa Chamberfest; two CDs



Ottawa Folk Festival

Two 1-day passes to 2014 Ottawa Folk Festival


TBD $60.00




Two tickets to Oct 24th Babes4Breasts concert in Ottawa; compilation album



Maple Blues Awards

Two tickets to 2014 show



Grit Laskin

Guitar Makers Canvas book signed by Grit Laskin




Professional services



Yvan Vollé

Two tickets to Dec 3rd National Arts Centre show in Ottawa; CD



Steam Whistle Brewing

Tour of the Steam Whistle brewery in Toronto




In her work shaping the modern folk festival, Estelle Klein was steadfast in her belief that folk music should be eclectic. It would be challenging to find a more eclectic musician than Mike Stevens, the 2013 recipient of the Folk Music Ontario Estelle Klein Award. For years, Mike Stevens has been recognized as a virtuosic instrumentalist, a groundbreaking performer and an innovative humanitarian. Mike has always been an innovator with the musical form. Who else thought to take the harmonica into bluegrass music, going on to win the music admiration

of Roy Acuff and Bill Monroe? Who else has used harmonica looping and other techniques to create avantgarde soundtracks for photographers, dancers and many others? As a kid growing up near Sarnia, Mike took up the harmonica in his teens. Without much of a local music scene, Mike spent hours playing on his own, feeling like it was therapy. Responding to an ad in the local newspaper, Mike auditioned for a bluegrass band seeking a new member. Being the only person to respond to the ad, Mike was offered the spot and quickly adapted his musical style to bring the harmonica into a bluegrass band. A few years later, he crossed paths with bluegrass legends Jim & Jesse and the Virginia Boys at a festival, only to embark on a whirlwind journey that brought him to the Grand Ole Opry for more than 300 appearances. After more than a decade in the bluegrass world, Mike went on to pursue his solo career, signing to Borealis Records and touring internationally to critical acclaim. As a teacher, his books have been distributed worldwide, providing instruction about his groundbreaking style of harmonica playing. In 1999, Mike travelled to Goose Bay, and was taken aback when he crossed paths with a group of

Aboriginal children sniffing gas. In an effort to connect with the children, he began to play music for them. From this event, Mike found the inspiration to do something different. He filled his basement with unused instruments, set up a music library, sent 40 harmonicas to the local school and recruited teams of people to join him in his musical mission to help inspire and give hope to at-risk Aboriginal youth through teaching song. Thus ArtsCan Circle was founded. In his groundbreaking work as founder of ArtsCan Circle, an organization dedicated to helping Aboriginal youth through music and art, Mike created a new model for engaging musicians and communities. As well, he has helped many folk musicians connect with their capacity to bring music to non-traditional environments and use their creative expression to help others. From community leader, to humanitarian, to musician – Mike has pushed the boundaries that define folk music. His open heart, creative vision and pioneering spirit have left an indelible mark on the Ontario folk community – one that will influence us for generations to come.

welcome ceremony Garry Sault is an Ojibway elder from Mississauga’s New Credit Nation. His people signed over twenty pre-confederation treaties with the Crown which cover most of the Golden Horseshoe. He is a veteran and served in the United States Navy. He resides on the New Credit First Nation with his wife 40 years and enjoys spending quality time with his grandchildren. Garry is a storyteller and has welcomed chiefs, premiers, environmentalists, a prince (!) and many more to the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the New Credit. Please join us in the Main Lobby on Friday, Oct. 18, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. for the welcome ceremony.


GALAXIE Rising Stars Program Galaxie, Your Musical Universe, is proudly committed to supporting emerging Canadian music talent through its Galaxie Rising Stars Program. The objective of this program is to help provide opportunities for up-and-coming musicians in all genres by providing showcase opportunities, monetary awards and potential airplay on the Galaxie channels. Since its inception in 2000, over 900 artists have directly benefited from the Program.

Galaxie, Votre univers musical, est fier de contribuer à l’émergence des musiciens canadiens grâce au programme Prix Étoiles Galaxie. L’objectif de ce programme est de supporter les musiciens canadiens émergents, dans tous les genres de musique en leur offrant de la visibilité et des bourses pour aider à l’avancement de leurs carrières. Depuis sa création en 2000, le programme Prix Étoiles Galaxie a récompensé le talent de plus de 900 musiciens d’ici.

The Galaxie music service is available in over 10 million homes across the country. The service offers 100 music channels programmed by experts in a variety of genres. No ads, no talk, just great music.

Galaxie est disponible dans plus de 10 millions de foyers au Canada avec les services de télévision numériques. Le service offre les 100 chaînes programmées par des experts en musique. Sans publicité, ni interruption.

Congratulations to the winners, Lisa Doganieri - Marketing Manager – Galaxie

SONGS FROM THE HEART WINNERS 2013 Galaxie Rising Stars – English Bill Candy – Idle Never More

At home in the studio or on stage, Bill Candy is an accomplished guitarist, vocalist and producer. Bill has excelled as a songwriter and performer, having two CDs to his credit and a third in the works for 2013.

2013 Galaxie Rising Stars – French Yaovi Hoyi (YAO) – Pensées-soleil

Multidisciplinary artist, YAO is comparable to a modern troubadour. Through a soft blend of spoken words, jazz and blues, he takes the essence of his style through his texts which he considers to initially be poems and short stories intended to be set to music and sung. Artiste pluridisciplinaire YAO est comparable à un troubadour des temps modernes. À travers un doux mélange de slam, jazz et blues, il tire l’essence de son style à travers ses textes qu’il considère comme étant tout d’abord, des poèmes et histoires courtes destinées à être mis en musique et chantées. Sub-category winners Children’s Multicultural Humorous Political Instrumental

Mike Whitla – Trees Need the Sun John and Sheila Ludgate – Northern Soul John Jackson – Drinkin’ Time Ian Tamblyn – Take the Mountain Down Chris McKhool and Kevin Laliberté – Monti’s Revenge


Board of Directors Alex Sinclair (President)

Shawna Caspi

Alex is a long-time musician and songwriter with deep roots on the Ontario folk scene, both as a solo artist and with the folk group Tamarack. Alex also works as an administrator/bookkeeper for the likes of Borealis Records, and sits on the board of the ArtsCan Circle.

Shawna Caspi is a touring singer-songwriter based in Toronto who is working on her third CD, slated for release in 2014. She currently manages social media for Borealis Records and has worked with the Ontario Arts Council, Roots Music Canada, Queen of Puddings Music Theatre, Bravo!FACT, and CARAS.

Katharine Partridge (Vice President)

Richard Flohil

Richard Flohil is a publicist, writer and concert promoter who has been involved with more than 100 artists’ careers in a 45-year career. His current clients include Stony Plain Records, Loreena McKennitt, Shakura S’Aida, Ian Tyson and an impressive roster of young up-and-coming performing songwriters. He is currently writing a book titled “Louis Armstrong’s Laxative, and 100 other Mostly True Stories From a Life in the Music Business.”

Katharine is FMO’s vice president, serving in her second term. She is a founder of Shelter Valley Folk Festival and current vice-chair. In her other life, she is a communications and stakeholder engagement specialist advising international clients on sustainability issues. She has worked as a magazine journalist and prior to that as a stage manager for Canadian theatres.

Jan Cody (Treasurer)

Jane Harbury

Jan’s focus has been in the arts and music industries, developing programming, marketing and outreach programs for clients and partner groups. As ED of the CCMA for a decade, her role included producing a national awards program and TV broadcast, overseeing the Hall of Fame process, and financial management of the organization. Jan is currently the ED of Shelter Valley Folk Festival.

Jane began her career as manager of the renowned Riverboat in Yorkville. She founded Jane Harbury Publicity (JHP) in 1988. Clients have included the Juno Awards, NXNE, Ontario Place Forum, BMG Music, The Chieftains, Borealis Records and Bluebird North, among others. Client roster includes Hugh’s Room and singer/ songwriters, including Amy Campbell, Steven Taetz and Andria Simone.

Tamara Kater (Secretary)

Daughter of an instrument-builder father and a community activist mother, Tamara grew up surrounded by musicians and people building community organizations. A passionate music enthusiast, Tamara has worked in arts management and community outreach for more than two decades. Within the folk music circle, Tamara has worn the hat of agent, artist manager and festival director. She is the Executive Director of Folk Music Canada.

Brad McEwen

Brad McEwen is the founder and AD of the Mill Race Folk Society Music. He is a musician who has performed throughout Ontario and the UK. He has served on many Cambridge city council-appointed advisory committees and cofounded the Grand River Folk Community. He has served for over two years on the FMO Board and advocates strongly on behalf of both festivals and traditional music. Brad has received arts and culture awards, including the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal.

Dan Greenwood (Member-at-Large)

Dan Greenwood, inspired by his passion for music, worked on behalf of songwriters and publishers for over twentyfive years in various roles at SOCAN, Canada’s performing rights organization. As SOCAN’s Vice-President of Corporate Planning and Business Change, he was responsible for strategic and corporate planning and operational change (re-engineering).

Scott Merrifield (Past President)

A founder and past Artistic Director of Northern Lights Festival Boréal, Scott was also involved in OCFF in its early days and gave workshops at early conferences. Since 1992, he has been presenting approximately 8 house concerts per year in Sudbury. In 2008, Scott retired from his job as Director of Policy & Planning for FedNor, where he delivered community-based social and economic development programs throughout Northern Ontario, including extensive work with Aboriginal communities.

Jerry Switzer (Member-at-Large)

Jerry is the chair of Tottenham Bluegrass Festival (1991 to present) and legal counsel for several arts organizations, clubs, charities, foundations and associations. In addition, Jerry is a Director and Officer of community organizations relating to business and cultural event. Jerry is involved in the musical community at all levels, and is a songwriter and performer in musical groups and bluegrass bands.

Kuljit Sodhi

Kuljit Sodhi is the creator and leader of the very successful world music ensemble Galitcha. After ten years of civil engineering Kuljit embraced music full time in 2002. Since then Galitcha has traveled around the world sharing music made in Canada. Kuljit divides his time between practicing, writing, promoting and performing his music.

Adam Brown

Adam Oliver Brown grew up in the 70s Folk scene of festivals, concerts, mummering and Morris dancing. He has since co-founded the Maple Morris youth dance troupe and performs regularly with them and Thames Valley International. He was a past director of the Ottawa Folk Festival and artsScene Ottawa-Gatineau. Currently Dr. Brown is also a professor of Biology at the University of Ottawa where he helps sharpen the minds and wits of future ecologists and environmental scientists.



Rebecca Anderson

Joan Kornblith

Rebecca Anderson grew up in the Nova Scotia folk music scene, from festival site crew to co-ordinator at the Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival. In 2002, Anderson and husband Matt Large founded Hello Darlin’ Productions. The duo has been taking Montreal’s music scene by storm ever since, promoting more than 40 concerts a year, hosting the Wintergreen Concert Series, and co-producing the Folk Festival on the Canal.

Joan Kornblith has been a program presenter and music correspondent at the Voice of America in Washington, DC since 1992. Her programs are broadcast around the world via TV/AM/FM/satellite and on the Internet. Joan also writes and produces music features that other VOA reporters translate into 40 languages for broadcast and web use. She serves on the board of the Americana Music Association and Folk Alliance International.

Erin Barnhardt

Matt Large

Erin Barnhardt is the Membership and Outreach Development Manager at the Canadian Arts Presenting Association (CAPACOA), and pleased to be managing our mentorship program for emerging arts leaders, called The Succession Plan (TSP) at the OCFF Conference this year. Previously, Erin was the Executive Director of Folk Music Canada, and also worked for Folk Alliance International and the OCFF.

Matt Large is president of Hello Darlin’ Productions, a multi-service arts presentation company located in Montreal which specializes in folk, bluegrass, blues and Americana artist representation and concert presentation (over 400 since 2004). Matt is also the bandleader for noted Quebec bluegrass band Notre Dame de Grass and the founder and artistic director of the Festival Folk sur le Canal, now in its fifth consecutive year.

Francis Xavier Edwards

Art Menius

F.X. Edwards has more than 25 years experience as AD and GM of the Mission Folk Music Festival. He was a founding director and 20 year board member of the Harrison Festival Society (Harrison Festival of the Arts), founded and managed a subscription-based classical concert series, produced a cultural festival for the Western Canada Summer Games, and worked in various aspects of the performing arts field.

Art Menius is ED of The ArtsCenter, a four-decade-old non-profit teaching and presenting organization in Carrboro, NC. It serves 89,000 people annually with classes, music, theatre, and arts in education, and presents 60-70 folk music concerts per year including Canadian artists such as The Barra MacNeils, Garnet Rogers, Genticorum, April Verch, and Ennis. Art was the first President of The Folk Alliance and served on its board in 1990 and 2007present.

Aengus Finnan

Aengus Finnan is responsible for the Touring, Residencies, Ontario Arts Presenters, Travel Assistance, and Theatre Audience Development project grants for the Ontario Arts Council. He previously served as Board President of Folk Music Ontario (OCFF), created the Art Beat outreach initiative, and was founding Artistic and Executive director of the Shelter Valley Folk Festival.

Tim Osmond

At his Home Routes desk in Winnipeg, Tim Osmond takes banjo breaks instead of smoke breaks. As well as being an accomplished bluegrass banjo player and Artistic Director/co-founder of Home Routes (www.homeroutes. ca), since 2005 he has hosted “Sunday Drive”, a weekly bluegrass/old-time radio show on CJUM 101.5 at the University of Manitoba.

Tamara Kater

Daughter of an instrument-builder father and a community activist mother, Tamara grew up surrounded by musicians and people building community organizations. A passionate music enthusiast, Tamara has worked in arts management and community outreach for more than two decades. Within the folk music circle, Tamara has worn the hat of agent, artist manager and festival director. She is the Executive Director of Folk Music Canada.

Matt Silberstein

Matt is a Talent Buyer for the Iron Horse Entertainment Group, which presents upwards of 450 shows a year in Northampton, MA and throughout New England, including many Canadian acts. The Iron Horse Music Hall, its primary venue, will soon celebrate 35 years of presenting some of the biggest names in music. In his spare time, Matt cohosts a radio show on WRSI, and plays in country/western Swing group called Salvation Alley String Band.

William (Biff) F. Kennedy Jr.

Kennedy is the President/Managing Director of Charterhouse Music Group in Philadelphia. Founded in 1990, it provides radio promotion and marketing campaigns for the AAA/NPR/Americana radio music community, and consults a diverse roster of record labels, managers and artists in their career development. Prior to the formation of his own company, Biff spent 14 years as Manager of Radio Promotion and Marketing for CBS/Epic Records in Philadelphia.

Debbie Slade

Debbie has been director of Brock University’s Centre for the Arts since 1987. During this time, she has earned a reputation as one of the most respected university/community presenters in North America, and has helped to expand the scope of programming at the venue from 12 shows to more than 70 productions annually. Slade has helped many artists get their touring legs through booking, commissioning and giving them their first exposure to wider audiences.



Michelle Szeto

Chuck Wentworth owns and operates Lagniappe Productions which has been producing festivals across the USA for the past thirty years. Lagniappe’s festivals present diverse styles of music such as folk, roots, Americana, blues, bluegrass, old timey, Cajun, Zydeco, rock, rockabilly, swing, country, jazz, New Orleans, African, Latin, French Canadian, Norteno and many others, often in the same festival.

Director of marketing and public relations at Paquin Entertainment Group, Michelle Szeto oversees the global initiatives for iconic performers such as Buffy Sainte-Marie and Randy Bachman, along with Juno-nominated singer-songwriter Del Barber. Pivotal in the development and expansion of the company’s tour marketing management services, Michelle has launched successful tour campaigns for clients including Canada’s Royal Winnipeg Ballet, Blue Man Group and Aerosmith.


Equipped with an extensive knowledge of arts and music, and career as a DJ/Producer, TK has been applying his broad range of artistic sensibilities to the role of Arts & Culture Program Manager of Pride Toronto since 2010. He is happy to offer fresh perspectives on how artists, be they part of the queer spectrum or allies, can work within the community of Pride festivals. TK is gearing up to deliver an extra special celebration as Pride Toronto becomes the host for World Pride in 2014.

the succession plan (TSP) The Canadian Arts Presenting Association (CAPACOA) is pleased to partner with Folk Music Ontario and Folk Music Canada again this year to deliver a specialized program for emerging and midcareer mid-career presenters, artistic directors, administrators and other arts professionals – called The Succession Plan (TSP). The TSP seeks to advance professional and personal development by providing participants with the tools and support they need to become leaders in their community.

Julie Fowler

TSP participants and mentors meet daily for one-on-one meetings, peer group discussions and are fully integrated into all of the Export Development Program’s networking activities. We are pleased to welcome such an exceptional group of arts professionals to the TSP program at the annual Folk Music Ontario Conference:

Tanya Gallant

Julie Fowler is the Executive Director of the ArtsWells Festival and the Island Mountain School of Arts in Wells/ Barkerville, BC. Passionate about finding ways to celebrate and promote artists, she has helped to create two award-winning festivals, The Art Matters Festival at Concordia in Montreal and the ArtsWells Festival, which just celebrated its 10th season.

Tanya Gallant is the owner/founder of Cameleon Productions, a music industry & event production company based in PEI. With over a decade’s experience producing award-winning events, she has worked with artists of all levels and genres, through collaborations with the ECMAs, Atlantic Canada House (Vancouver Olympics), Contact East and Radio-Canada, among others. Currently, Tanya’s focus is on artist development and programming.

Max Merrifield

Max Merrifield is the recently appointed Executive Director of Northern Lights Festival Boréal in Sudbury, ON. Merrifield has been with the organization for three festivals as staff, and for a lifetime as a volunteer and festival lover. He is actively involved in the local arts scene in many ways.

TSP Participants Julie Fowler, ArtsWells Festival (Wells, BC) Tanya Gallant, Festival of Small Halls (Charlottetown, PEI) Max Merrifield, Northern Lights Festival Boreal (Sudbury, ON) Erin Whitney, Newfoundland and Labrador Folk Arts Society (St. John’s, NL)

Erin Whitney

Erin Whitney loves a festival. She has organized and attended music, theatre and dance festivals across the country, and just can’t get enough of the energy and buzz. Erin has only recently come over to the folk side, and is studying towards a Masters in Folklore at Memorial University while working with the Newfoundland and Labrador Folk Arts Society and Festival.

Mentors Aengus Finnan, Ontario Arts Council (Toronto, ON) Art Menius, The ArtsCenter (Carborro, NC) Michelle Szeto, Paquin Entertainment Agency (Toronto, ON) Please visit us at for details about upcoming editions of the TSP!


NEW MEMBERS Folk Music Ontario welcomes the following new members who joined us since the last issue of Folk Prints: New Individual Members – ONTARIO Joey Balducchi, Hamilton Michele Bateman, South River Douglas Bayley, Waterloo Ian Bell, Paris Lora Bidner, Ottawa Robert Birnie, Toronto Chris Blachford, Toronto Jay Boemher, Toronto Gordon Bolan, Toronto Caitlin Borkowski, Utopia Don Bray, Orillia Christian Bridges, Toronto Drew Brown, Mississauga Joseph Cang, London, ON Jane Carmichael & Kevin Kennedy, London John Carroll, Kemptville Adam Carter, Hamilton Sue Chater, Toronto Aviva Chernick, Toronto Shawn Clarke, Toronto Peter Cliché, North Bay Sebastian Cook, Toronto Evelyn Cream, Toronto Anthony Damiao, Waterloo Alan Deil, Toronto Sydney Delong, Oakville Peter Dixon, Perth Jill Duvnjak, Burlington David Francey, McDonald’s Corners Ben Giroux, Ottawa Lukas Grant, Ottawa Donna Green, Toronto Judy Greenhill, Guelph Andrew Griffiths, Burlington Vince Halfhide, Ottawa Blake Halladay, Grimsby Steve Hanna, Perth Terry Hart, Ajax Trevor Howard, Oakville David Keeble, Lanark Kevin Kennedy, London John Kirby, Burlington Beverly Kreller, Toronto Normand Lapointe, Toronto Melissa Larkin, Demorestville Stuart Laughton, Burlington Brian LeBlanc, Hamilton Marni Levitt, Toronto Josephine Longo, Toronto Kayt Lucas, Toronto Mike Lynch, St. Catharines Patrick Maloney, Toronto Isaac Matthews-Hanna, Perth Zola McAdie, Toronto Suzie McKenney, Toronto Peter McKinnon, Ottawa Ambre McLean, Guelph Craig Mills, Toronto Kathleen Mills, Toronto Emily Mitchell, Toronto Shelley Montreuil, Perth

Jessica Moore, Toronto Lisa Olafson, Toronto Melissa Payne, Peterborough Michael Lopez Phillips, Bracebridge Lesley Pike, Wingham Alison Porter, Toronto McConnie Providence, Etobicoke Stefanie Purificati, Toronto Pearl Rachinsky, Toronto Alexander Reid, Washago Kristine Schmitt, Toronto David Sereda, St. Catharines James Sloan, Toronto Linda K. Smith, South River Murray Thiessen, Thunder Bay Vishwas Thoke, Mississauga Margaret Toner-Gaston, Kanata Jerome Tucker, Stouffville Ben Turcotte, Port Elgin Katrina Urquhart, Midland Vandana Vishwas, Mississauga Kim Wexler, Toronto, ON Liana White, Toronto Oliver Wickham, Toronto Anthony Wilson, Toronto Britta Wolfert, Searchmont Alyssa Calder, Toronto New Organizational Members BoB Spelled Backwards, Maberly Flamenco Caravan. Thunder Bay Harlan Pepper, Ottawa JD Elder and Associates, Hamilton Launch180, Toronto Sarah Burnell Band, Carp

New Out-of-Province Individual Members Rusty Ford, Vancouver, BC Anne Louise Genest, Parksville, BC Deborah Holland, Vancouver, BC Brendan McLeod, Vancouver, BC Sandy Andina, Chicago, IL Michelle Conceison, Boston, MA Claire Morrison, Winnipeg, MB Rhianna Saj, Stonewall, MB Julian Warme, Winnipeg, MB Christie Warren, Winnipeg, MB Rob Wozny, Winnipeg, MB Terry Kelly, Halifax, NS Kimberly Sinclair, Milton, NS Karen Dahlstrom, Brooklyn, NY Maureen Adams, Darnley, PE Meaghan Blanchard, Charlottetown, PE Timothy Budde, Montreal, QC Robert Cole, Montreal, QC Sarah Frank, Montreal, QC Luke Fraser, Montreal, QC Speedy Johnson, Montreal, QC Kevin Labchuk, Montreal, QC Aly Neumann, Montreal, QC Dawn Pritchard, Chelsea, QC Evan Stewart, Montreal, QC Tim van de Ven, Montreal, QC Ariane Zita, Montreal, QC Paddy Tutty, Saskatoon, SK New Out-of-Province Organizational Members Marcato Digital Solutions, Sydney, NS The Doll Sisters, Rocky Mountain House, AB Updated: October 2, 2013


showcase artists


AVIVA’s raw, unguarded vocals soar over atmospheric, meditative textures. She compels with the intimacy and humor of her stories. Joined by an ensemble of veteran world, jazz and indie musicians and vocalists, and sung in Hebrew and English, the adventure transcends the bounds of culture, faith, and language.

Graydon James and the Young Novelists

Jorge Miguel Flamenco Ensemble

Exclaim! dubbed their first EP “unpretentious brilliance” and this six-piece folk-roots band has won critical acclaim ever since. Stephen Fearing described them as having “tight arrangements, great dynamics, and good songs with beautiful three-part harmonies” and their live show captures audiences with both barnstorming sing-alongs and poignant ballads.

Jorge Miguel is a Spanish Canadian Flamenco guitarist and composer; his new CD “Guitarra Flamenca/ Flamenco Guitar” is an exploration of the depth and breadth of Flamenco Guitar. The Jorge Miguel Flamenco Ensemble combines the three pillars of Flamenco, the guitar, the dance and the song.

Laura Cortese

Laura Cortese writes with the vivid eloquence of an artist schooled in the lyrical rituals of folk music. You can hear pop in her deftlywritten hooks and rock in the syncopated pulse that propels even her gentlest melodies. Her band’s lush string arrangements propel each song irresistibly forward.

Lemon Bucket Orkestra Bryce Jardine

Singer-songwriter Bryce Jardine, originally from London, Ontario and now living in Toronto, and his band perform a blend of original indie-roots-folk rock with broad and eclectic musical influences. His debut album “The Kids Are Gone” features Serena Ryder, members of The Beauties and City And Colour.

david sereda

Whether a cappella, solo at the piano, or with his stellar ensemble, david sereda’s joy of singing is irresistible. He blends folk, gospel, soul and pop with a theatrical flair. From emotional bulls-eyes to laugh-out-loud lyrics, “David Sereda’s range as a singersongwriter is breathtaking.” (The Chronicle-Herald, Halifax, NS)

Karyn Ellis

This “must-see” artist (Globe and Mail) is a gentle powerhouse of a songwriter whose shows are as witty as poignant, as playful as bittersweet. Karyn was twice nominated for the Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award and is regularly heard on the CBC. She tours Canada, UK/Europe and this year for the first time, Japan.

Harlan Pepper

Formed in 2008, Harlan Pepper is a band of young men from Hamilton who play like old musical souls. Their debut LP, fittingly titled Young And Old, was released on Six Shooter Records in 2011 and channels the ghosts of vintage AM radio.

Kim Wempe

Jay Aymar

A powerful performer with smoky vocals & an undeniable stage presence, Kim Wempe has been stomping her way across every stage in the country. On the heels of her 2010 ECMA win & a 2011 ECMA nomination, her new album “Coalition” is an unapologetic leap into a whole new sound.

Jay Aymar is a Canadian folk songwriter who tours over 150 shows a year. A 2010 CFMA Emerging Artist nominee, a song covered by Ian Tyson and long list of industry insiders as fans. He’s forging his own path in the Canadian folk roots scene. Thinkin’ songs for thinkin’ folks! 19

The Lemon Bucket Orkestra is Toronto’s infamous Balkan-klezmergypsy-par ty-punk-super-band. The guerrilla-folk party-punks have spread raucous joy around North America and Europe on street corners and bar tops, at massive festivals in intimate village courtyards, on airplanes and in train stations. Where will you see them next?

Mary Jane Lamond and Wendy MacIsaac

Whether it’s the mesmerizing Gaelic vocals of Mary Jane, or the superb and true musicianship of Wendy on the fiddle, these ladies have been making their mark with traditional audiences worldwide for over two decades.

showcase artists

Megan Bonnell

In dreams, the real and the surreal interweave in a dizzying dance; elements of one exist within the context of the other. Indeed, the foiling of these forces is and has always been truly fascinating, and because of the parallels they share, so too is “Hunt & Chase”, Megan Bonnell’s debut long-player.

T hree Little Birds

Stephanie Cadman

An accomplished artist, Cadman’s professional reputation extends throughout North America and around the world. Her trio fuses her virtuoso fiddling and awardwinning step dancing with both original and traditional Celtic songs. Her new album (produced by Daniel Lapp) will be available in fall 2013.

T he Bros. Landreth

Beautiful slide guitar and lush instrumentation are married with sibling harmonies and heart-onyour-sleeve song writing to deliver their own take on alt-country flavored pop. Specializing in love gone bad and cowboy lullabies.

Three Little Birds present a rousing revival of the topical folk song in the lyrical tradition of Phil Ochs and Buffy Sainte Marie. Charming with a touch of irreverence, the allfemale trio tells you exactly what’s on their minds through twists of irony and sweet harmonies.

Tony McManus Samantha Martin and T he Haggard

From Gospel Blues to Rock n’ Roll Samantha Martin & The Haggard have the type of soul very few acts can imitate. Samantha’s voice and songwriting are the real deal; she has the ability to make the hair on your arms stand up with a single note. Don’t miss her

Sarah MacDougall

Sarah MacDougall is a 2012 WCMA winner for Roots Album of the Year and nominee for Songwriter of the Year. Originally from Sweden, Sarah now resides in Canada’s Yukon, however her intense domestic and international touring schedule keeps her on the road most of the year. Sarah’s unique voice, complex melodies and captivating live show should not be missed.

Suzie Vinnick

T he Strumbellas

Saskatoon native Suzie Vinnick owns the stage with her powerful presence, blistering guitar work and a voice that can melt butter. A finalist in Memphis at the 2013 International Blues Challenge, she has won 10 Maple Blues Awards, was the winner in 2012 of CBC’s Great Canadian Blues Award and has received 3 Juno nominations.

The Strumbellas brings wheat field harmonies and hot July thunder to every show. This six piece band pounds out a bluegrass-inspired Americana that rivals punk for sweat, blood, and ruckus. Their Juno-nominated debut album “My Father And The Hunter” is equal parts melancholy heartbreak and blow-the-barn-doors-off spunk. Their sophomore album will be out October 22nd.


Swamperella plays Cajun and Zydeco dance music in all of its raw and traditional glory and all the while the unique personality of the band comes through in every waltz, two-step and bluesy note on the accordion and fiddle. 17 years and four CDs later the band continues to thrill audiences young and old with the authentic music of Louisiana.

T he Sweet Lowdown

Drawn together by mutual passion for old-time music, hard-driving bluegrass, sweet harmonies and well-wrought songs, award winning Victoria acoustic roots trio The Sweet Lowdown pays homage to its musical roots while simultaneously breaking new ground. 20

Traditional, celtic and other music and song interpreted in a vibrant and unique way on guitar, delivered with passion and virtuosity creating an emotional involvement that draws the listener into a fresh take on the music whether familiar or new.

Yves Lambert Trio

The Yves Lambert Trio showcases the unique connection between maturity and youth by creating a new world of poetry and celebration. By reviving undiscovered songs and adding their own brand of energy, multicultural ambiance and colourful sounds there’s really nothing quite like the Yves Lambert Trio. Riches de leur expérience des dernières années avec le Bébert Orchestra, Lambert, Rondeau et Gauthier forment un Trio pour la tournée de 23 concerts dans le cadre du réseau d’été de l’Est du Québec en 2010. Fortement encouragé par un public charmé et aussi par le plaisir du défi musical, la formation Trio continue Ils nous offrent des sonorités novatrices. Sur les musiques traditionnelles du Québec et du monde.

showcase showcaseartists artists showcase artists

Alternates Alternates

Emily Kohne and Murray T hiessen

Bon Débarras

Bon Débarras is the result of the unexpected meeting of three dynamic creators involved in music, dance and poetry. The trio opens a door to their recollections of America and their music is at the intersection of various traditions. Their energy taps into the rhythms of today and ventures boldly on the multi-faceted road to tomorrow’s dreams.

Kim Beggs

Kim Beggs is an award winning, original talent who makes music that transcends style and fashion: profound, moving, poetic phrasing and stage presence, accompanied by beautiful harmonies and crack, intuitive instrumentation. “A voice as cool and as refreshing as the Yukon river delivers songwriting of the highest order” says Maverick Magazine (UK).

Joining together to share their love of music, Emily and Murray are an original folk duo with years of solo experience. Murray’s impressive fingerpicking and Emily’s bouncy originals on the piano have created a blend that is sure to please a crowd of various tastes!

Durham County Poets are a roots/ folk band that grew out of the Chateauguay Valley in Quebec. Since the release of their first album “Where the River Flows”, the Poets have been gaining momentum and garnering a following.

Poor Angus dynamically interprets the music of past and present, performing original and traditional Scottish, Irish and East Coast themed pieces, transforming them into thoroughly original arrangements. This Hamilton, ON ensemble expresses their admiration for Celtic music in a manner which appeals to both traditional purists and modern audiences.

Selected to showcase but unable to attend: David Myles, Jeremy Fisher, Royal Wood, Tim Chaisson

Kate Rogers Band Durham County Poets

Poor Angus


A band that refuses to be pigeonholed in any particular genre, The Kate Rogers Band has taken their boisterous mix of pop/folk/rock/ cabaret to audiences from Toronto to Glasgow and just about everywhere in between - the brand new album “Repeat Repeat” is the perfect foil for Rogers’ undeniably affecting vocals.

Indie chamber folk band Morlove weaves an intricate fabric of vintage keys, steel strings, violin and cello, layered with vocal harmonies and peppered with percussion. A perfect balance of odd time signatures, timeless melodies and thoughtfully penned lyrics, Morlove is the collaborative creation of Miss Emily Brown and Corwin Fox.

Youth Program Showcase Saturday, October 19 2:00-3:30pm



Emma Phillips


Isaac Matthews-Hanna


Flights and Falls


Ben Turcotte

showcase artists showcaseartists artists showcase


Family Alternates

Alternate Family Showcase

Gary Rasberry and T he Big Idea Band

Gary Rasberry. Philosopher. Poet. Imagination Consultant. Musician. Artist. Educator. Insecure Extrovert. Reluctant Enthusiast. Risktaker. Scaredy Cat. Small animal with fast metabolism. Currently touring with The Big Idea Band doing shows for my latest release What’s the Big Idea?!?

Robert Davis

The Robert Davis Kids Music & Comedy Show takes a big hunk of music & a little chunk of comedy & turns them into a whole lotta fun! Families have a good time with all the fun, catchy songs, kid friendly jokes and magical surprises sprinkled throughout the show.

T he Celtic Rathskallions

The Celtic Rathskallions’ interactive and entertaining performance includes Celtic songs and tunes performed on a wide variety of musical instruments: Celtic harp, tin whistle, bodhran, bagpipes, autoharp, guitar, banjo, oboe, English horn and many more. The show includes Ontario-style step-dancing, and an original Celtic story dramatized and set to music.

THANK YOU TO OUR VOLUNTEERS! The Board and staff of Folk Music Ontario would like to thank the many volunteers who give their time and efforts to make sure the conference runs smoothly. We couldn’t do it without you! Thanks! Margaret Almack Kelly Ambrose Rachel Barreca Douglas Bayley Andy Bernstein Don Bird Lesley Marie Boileau Ashlyne Botelho Lynne Cavanagh Aimee Charbonneau Steve Clarke Lee-Ann Cowan Jessica Deutsch Kathy Dorner Nancy Dutra Jill Duvnjak Andy Frank Andrew Frost

Susan Gesner Gayle Gibson Marianne Girard Lloyd Greenspoon Gabrielle Harvey Dael Horhota Wayne Hosick Frank Iacobucci Emma Jane Julien Kaia Kater-Hurst Mo’ Kauffey Jesse Kline Tara Knight Eric Lilius Kristin Lindell Kim Logue David Ross Macdonald Bruce Madole

Marlene Madole Bill Marshall James McDonald Matt McKechnie Andrew Robert McLaren Emily McQuarrie Bev Mills Hannah Shira Naiman Sonny Ochs Dwight Peters Sue Peters Dan Plunkett Anita Princl Dawn Pritchard Steve Pritchard Dieudonné Rakotomamonjy Beverly Ricardo Cesar Ricardo


Remy Rodden Willow Rutherford Ethan Smith Matt Smith Will Staunton Brett Stewart Danny Sullivan Elizabeth Szekeres David Thiel Margaret Toner-Gaston Katrina Urquhart Billy Walker Matt Warry-Smith Julia Watson Suzy Wilde Din Yalonen Martha Younie Ania Ziemirska

YOUTH Program participants

Caitlin Borkowski

Caitlin is 18 years old and from Utopia, ON. Music has always been important to her, and she’s planning to attend Durham College’s Music Business Administration Course in the fall of 2014. Caitlin’s interests are the booking/promotion and managing end of the music industry.

Ben Turcotte

Emma Phillips

Emma has been singing, writing, and performing her entire life. Playing the guitar, ukulele, and piano, she first started focusing on original music at 14 and has spent the past four years honing her craft. She was lucky enough to perform in Toronto’s LabCab Festival this past summer. When not writing music, Emma devotes her time to musical theatre.

Ben Turcotte is an 18-year-old singer/songwriter from Port Elgin Ontario. He has won many music competitions over the past four years, and was hired this past summer to perform at Summerfolk. He released his first full album, “In These Notes”, in June 2013.


Ariana Gillis is a Canadian singer-songwriter born in Hamilton, ON. In 2011 Ariana launched her CD with a live appearance on the US satellite station Sirius XM. The show was hosted by Dave Marsh, author of more than 25 books on rock and roll and known as the “dean of American rock writers” who admits to being her biggest fan.

Flights and Falls

Brian Kobayakawa

Lucas and Elena first jammed in their high school guitar club at the age of fourteen. Two years later, when a school showcase called for entries, they wrote their first song, and became Flights and Falls. The boyfriend-girlfriend duo have since performed at venues around Toronto, and have begun recording their debut album.

Bassist/composer Brian Kobayakawa co-founded The Creaking Tree String Quartet, which released four albums, won four CFMAs, and were nominated for four Juno Awards. A busy session player and sideperson, his discography lists over 60 albums. Currently he performs with Serena Ryder, Corin Raymond, Treasa Levasseur, and David Baxter.

Treasa Levasseur

Treasa is a longtime FMO member, and is proud to say she is a 3rd time participant in the Youth Mentor program. She has released four projects since her debut album, and has received multiple MapleBlues nominations, as well as a Juno nomination for “Low Fidelity”. She is a proud new member of Hamilton’s vibrant music scene, and a founding member of the grassroots music sensation Corin Raymond and the Sundowners.

Linda McRae

Linda combines old-time sounds with universal themes of heartbreak and redemption offering an intriguing sepia postcard from the past that is vibrant and alive in the present. Rough Edges and Ragged Hearts, nominated for Contemporary Album of the Year by the CFMAs, was on the Roots Music Reports Charts for 40 weeks. Performing on banjo, guitar, accordion & porchboard, Linda’s performances and workshops include venues as diverse as New Folsom Prison.

Isaac Matthews-Hanna

Isaac Matthews-Hanna is a 15-year-old singer/ songwriter and multi-instrumentalist (guitar, piano, banjo, drums) from Perth, ON. Isaac infuses his songs with dynamics and emotion, building and developing themes both musically and lyrically. He hopes to spend the next few summers playing his music at area festivals.

Jory Nash

Jory Nash is an award-winning Canadian singer-songwriter who blends elements of folk, jazz, blues, soul and pop into an original stew of sound. Jory plays guitar, piano and banjo, has a warm, intimate vocal style and is a revered storyteller to boot. He has released seven critically acclaimed CDs and begins work on his 8th in mid-2014.


LAMA-paloozaIII. Room 205.





homecountyfest Home County Music and Art Festival 24

- 305 -

Friday Anthony Damiao Richard Garvey Sarah Beatty Anthony Damiao Richard Garvey Linda McRae Sarah Beatty Shawn Clarke

11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30

Saturday Express and Co. Richard Garvey Sarah Beatty Anthony Damiao Richard Garvey Taivi Lobu Anthony Damiao Shawn Clarke


Corinna Rose The Marrieds The Doll Sisters Red Moon Road The Marrieds The Doll Sisters The Claytones The Marrieds


Check out the Silent Auction - Main Lobby by registration Friday and Saturday Listing of items on page 12



Thanks for a spectacular tenth in 2013! a family weekend of folk, blues, roots music, arts, wellness and sustainability workshops, harvest foods and a children’s program ~ Aug 29-31, 2014

Early Bird Tickets at lowest cost released May 1 (til they’re gone) Volunteers Welcome! • 905 349 2788

9/18/2013 5:15:09 PM

The Tradition Continues. Celebrating 43 years of Music & Arts in Sudbury July 4–5– 6, 2014

Erik Lovin

SVFF ad Oct2013.indd 1

29 – 705-674-5512



Tell us what you think! Every year, we try to make the annual conference better than the year before. We need YOUR input to make that happen! We will be sending email to delegates after the conference with a link to our conference survey. Please help us to improve the conference by taking a few minutes to complete it. Thanks! 32

Jim Longo Band

Room 308 Band Members: Jim Longo, Jerome Tucker, Rich Greenspoon and Josephine Longo Jim Longo Band Room 308 Band Members: Jim Longo, Jerome Tucker, Rich Greenspoon, and Josephine Longo




















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schedule of events THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17 3:30pm – 5:00pm Blues Underground (closed session) North Studio 1 4:30pm – 10:00pm Registration and Board Voting Main Lobby This is the first stop and favourite meeting place for conference delegates. Pick up your badge and delegate bag, and say hi to the staff of Folk Music Ontario! Members are strongly encouraged to exercise their franchise by casting a ballot in the FMO board elections. 5:00pm – 6:00pm EDP/TSP Welcome / Orientation (closed session) Club Studio 3 Festival Welcome / Orientation (closed session) North Studio 6 7:00pm – 11:00pm Instrument Lockup and Drop Boxes Hazel McCallion D Tired of lugging that stand-up bass around? Artists are welcome to check their instruments in for the evening. And if you want to make sure that ADs, radio DJs and other presenters hear your music, be sure to drop off a CD and one-pager in each of the drop boxes. IMPORTANT: This room does NOT stay open all night, so be sure to pick up your instrument before closing time. 7:00pm – 8:00pm First Timers Orientation Garden Studio 1 Showcases, panels, and dinners – oh my! Where to begin?? Join seasoned conference veterans as they guide you through the sometimes-overwhelming maze of activities unfolding all around you! Moderators: Bob LeDrew, Jory Nash 7:00pm – 8:30pm Youth Program Orientation (closed session) Garden Studio 2

8:00pm – 9:30pm NFB Film Screening Garden Studio 1 A series of folk-related National Film Board shorts will be aired. 9:30pm – 1:00am Toronto Blues Society Showcase Britannia 9:30pm on All-Night Jamming Main Lobby FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 9:00am – 9:30am Welcome Ceremony Main Lobby Ojibway elder Garry Sault, from Mississauga’s New Credit Nation, will conduct this traditional ceremony. 9:00am – 10:00pm Registration and Board Voting Main Lobby This is the first stop and favourite meeting place for conference delegates. Pick up your badge and delegate bag, and say hi to the staff of Folk Music Ontario! Members are strongly encouraged to exercise their franchise by casting a ballot in the FMO board elections. 9:00am – 11:00pm Instrument Lockup and Drop Boxes Hazel McCallion D Tired of lugging that stand-up bass around? Artists are welcome to check their instruments in for the evening. And if you want to make sure that ADs, radio DJs and other presenters hear your music, be sure to drop off a CD and one-pager in each of the drop boxes. IMPORTANT: This room does NOT stay open all night, so be sure to pick up your instrument before closing time. 9:00am – 5:30pm The Succession Plan Hub (closed session) Club Studio 2 43

9:00am – 11:00am Export Development Program Hub (closed session) Club Studio 3 Export Development Program Roundtables (closed session) Patio Studio 1, Patio Studio 2 9:30am – 10:30am Tech Panel Garden Studio 2 This Youth Program session is open to all conference delegates. 9:30am – 11:00am Joyful Songs Campfire Main Lobby Start the conference with some uplifting songs! Host: Glenn McFarlane Emergency Planning and Insurance / Site Safety Club Studio 1 Who thought that planning a festival or a big event could be risky? The reality is, anything can happen. There is risk and liability attached to everything that we do and the festivals we produce. How do OCFF member festivals create and maintain emergency plans and ensure that they are meeting the requirements of insurers of all kinds in a shifting world of risk? Panelists: Pam Carter, Gary Eisenhammer, Bill Marshall Crowd Sourcing: “No Applause – Just Throw Money” North Studio 1 Asking your fans for financial support is not that crazy an idea. It’s being done more often than not nowadays and with great success. Besides, how well do you really know your fans? They may very well be diehards who will do anything to help. They may be rich. They may be eccentric. They may just be normal people who love you so much that they would do anything to help. This panel will discuss the perks and pitfalls of crowd sourcing and the proper way to set up a system to make the most of your own campaign. Moderator: Jory Nash

Social Justice in Music North Studio 2 Combine political messages with music and sometimes you create a force powerful enough to move mountains. Or maybe more like protect rivers, stop a quarry, fight for human rights, or raise awareness about social injustice and sometimes, even change the world. Understanding this power to inspire action means understanding our oral history. Join us for a discussion on how music can be used to spread messages to the masses. Panelists: Annabelle Chvostek, Eve Goldberg, Yves Lambert The Five Ws (and One H) of House Concerts North Studio 3 They invite us straight into their homes and onto their sofas to hear an artist in an intimate setting and we love them for it. Let’s check in with the house concert community to discuss the details of both being a house concert guest and being a house concert artist. Panelists: Lesley Marie Boileau, Nicole Colbeck, Bob LeDrew, Scott Merrifield, Joanna Mills, Mitch Podolak, Liz Scott 10:00am – 8:00pm Silent Auction – Viewing and Bidding Main Lobby 10:30am – 5:30pm Youth Program Hub (closed session) Garden Studio 2 11:00am – 2:30pm Festival Hub (closed session) Club Studio 1 11:00am – 12:30pm Fostering Diversity as a Resource North Studio 1 Are you lucky enough to live in a community made up of many different cultures, languages and ethnic backgrounds? Is there a way you could make better use of these oftenuntapped resources? This is a panel for artists, festivals or groups who are looking to engage their broader communities in new and exciting ways. Panelists: Derek Andrews, Brad McEwen, Linda McRae, Jorge Miguel, Kuljit Sodhi

Song Placement in Film/TV North Studio 2 Just because you are an independent artist doesn’t mean that your song CAN’T get into that next great TV show or movie but there are a number of things that you need to know in order to make that happen. Is your recording broadcast quality? Who do you get in touch with to make this happen and how do you approach them? How do you, and how much, will you get paid? This session explores the mysteries of song placement from the perspective of the music supervisor and the artist to help you navigate your way through this optional revenue stream. Panelists: Michelle Conceison, Rose Cousins, Andrea Higgins, Jeremy Von Hollen Music Release Strategies North Studio 3 Indie is a great place to be! Opportunities exist now that didn’t even five years ago. Artists have more control over more of their careers. At the same time does that control mean you’re doing things in the most effective way? With so many artists releasing so much music how can you set yourself apart to better compete? This panel will focus on ways to ensure that your release of new music is the most impactful it can be, and give you the biggest bang for your buck! Panelists: Kev Corbett, Karyn Ellis, Angela Saini, Joanne Setterington, Kim Wempe Festival Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Patio Studio 2 It’s pretty simple math, no volunteers = no festivals! Volunteers bring invaluable passion and resources to festivals across Ontario so ensuring proper recruitment, training and retention of volunteers is crucial to ensuring a healthy and vibrant festival community. This panel will discuss successful methods of recruitment, training and retention. Panelists: Jan Cody, Ali Eisenhammer, Bob McCarthy


12:30pm – 2:30pm Borealis Presents: James Gordon’s “Stephen Harper: The Musical” Hazel McCallion A/B/C A new one-man show written by and starring James Gordon that’s not exactly a tribute show. James Gordon puts the “ire” back in “satire” with twenty new songs, rants, visuals, puppets, and a bit of an attitude. Blues Underground Showcase Britannia Exhibit Hall Garden / Club Studio Hallway 2:30pm – 3:30pm Friends of Bill W. Patio Studio 1 This is a safe, supportive twelve-step session for our delegates. 2:30pm – 4:00pm How to Make Sure Your Fiddle isn’t a Pain in the Neck! Garden Studio 1 Did you realize that you might be playing your instrument wrong, at least in terms of ergonomics? This practical panel will help you to understand the relationship between your body and your instrument, and how not to hurt yourself and possibly endanger your livelihood. Panelists: Brad McEwen, Anne Lindsay, Dr. Jay Weiler Youth Mentor Showcase Garden Studio 3 Demo Derby North Studio 2 The consensus from your three F’s (Friends, Family and Fans) is that your music is great but what would people outside of your circle think? Is it great with a touch of “awesome” or great with a touch of “needs work”? Don’t be afraid. You’d be surprised what opening yourself up to critiques can do for your music and future songwriting. Our panel of professionals come with years of experience in the industry and will offer their two cents on your musical babies. Panelists: Richard Flohil, Amy Mangan, Paul Mills, Candace Shaw, Rob Wozny, Michael Wrycraft

Folk Music Canada: Borderline Touring, Immigration and Borders North Studio 3 As much as we’d all love to think touring can be as simple as strapping your guitar to your back and hitting the road, unfortunately the border guards often have other ideas. Ask any artist and we bet they have a story about getting turned away at the border and missing a gig. And even if you do manage to slip through, if you get caught without the correct working papers you could be putting your whole cross-border career in jeopardy. This panel will discuss touring strategies in general as well as the things you’ve gotta know when it comes to border jumping. This is a Folk Music Canada toolbox session. Moderator: Liana White Panelists: Derek Andrews, Tony McManus, Angela Saini, Ian Tamblyn Building & Strengthening Your Organization Club Studio 1 Are your board meetings too long? Are they an exercise in frustration? Do you leave meetings angry and annoyed? Do you agree with John Kenneth Galbraith that “meetings are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything”? You will leave this Nathan Garber-led workshop with practical strategies for making your festival board and committee meetings more pleasant and more productive experiences. Special attention will be paid to the unique nature of volunteer boards and how to make meetings better when you are not the chairperson. The workshop will also provide an update on the new Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act and how it will affect your organizations. 4:00pm – 5:00pm Hands On Mobile Marketing for Festivals Garden Studio 3 There are four times more smartphone activations than babies born per day! We have officially entered the post-PC era and having a strong presence on people’s phones is becoming a necessity as well as a big opportunity. Allan Isfan and William Love are the founders of FaveQuest, the company behind MyEventApps, the mobile solution used by several FMO members, FMO itself for the conference and hundreds of other events. The dynamic folk-loving team will be sharing the latest trends

in mobile and social marketing, mobile payment systems, mobile sponsorship (make money!) and fun tools you can use to inform and engage with festivalgoers (photo contests, polls, voting, social media). They will also demo the new SuperApp they created for FMO and show you how you can be part of the app to promote your events. Bring your smartphone or tablet and get ready to get your hands virtually dirty. First Timers Orientation North Studio 2 Showcases, panels, and dinners – oh my! Where to begin?? Join seasoned conference veterans as they guide you through the sometimes-overwhelming maze of activities unfolding all around you! Moderators: Bob LeDrew, Jory Nash 4:00pm – 5:30pm Folk Music Canada: Build Your Music Team North Studio 3 Build a team to support your music career. As a musician, how (and when) do you build a team to help take your career to the next level? How can you kind the key players to help you make the most of the opportunities ahead of you? Manager, agent, publicist, radio promoter, distributor, label, publisher, road manager… How and where do you start? How do you know if things are working? This panel will offer you information and insight to build the team you need, understand who does what, and clarify funding opportunities for each role. This is a Folk Music Canada toolbox session. Moderator: Tamara Kater Panelists: William (Biff) Kennedy, Treasa Levasseur, Michelle Szeto Marcato’s Folk-a-Frenzy! Speed Networking Session* Patio Studio 1 Ready……set…….network!!! Let’s see how well you’ve honed your “elevator pitch” as you weave your way through our maze of FMO’s seasoned experts. You’ll have a few precious moments to grab as much info as you can from them before BUZZ!! It’s time to move on! Let’s make some love connections. Mentors: Francis Xavier Edwards, Julie Fowler, Richard Flohil, Jane Harbury, Mike Hill, TK, Arthur McGregor, Paul Mills, Tim Osmond, Nicole Rochefort, 45

Matt Silberstein, Mark Watson, Michael Wrycraft *Sign-up sheets will be available in the registration area. Conference delegates are limited to sessions with three mentors. 5:00pm – 5:30pm Private Showcase Orientation North Studio 2 All-acoustic private showcases can be a challenge to present. Join us at this panel to make sure you know all the rules for showcasing as well as learn some tips on how to make your private showcase stand out from all the others. Moderator: Bob LeDrew 6:00pm – 7:30pm SOCAN Reception and Keynote Address Hazel McCallion A/B/C All conference delegates are welcome to attend this reception generously hosted by SOCAN, and listen to keynote speaker Sarah Harmer as she talks about her involvement as an activist in the environmental movement in Canada. 7:45pm – 11:15pm Official Showcase Hazel McCallion A/B/C 8:00pm – 11:00pm Official Showcase Britannia 11:30pm – 1:00am Youth Program Songwriters Circle Hazel McCallion A/B/C 11:30pm – 2am Global Café Showcase Britannia 11:30pm on All-Night Jamming Main Lobby

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 9:00am – 3:00pm Board Voting Main Lobby Members are strongly encouraged to exercise their franchise by casting a ballot in the FMO board elections. 9:00am – 10:00pm Registration Main Lobby This is the first stop and favourite meeting place for conference delegates. Pick up your badge and delegate bag, and say hi to the staff of Folk Music Ontario! 9:00am – 11:00pm Instrument Lockup and Drop Boxes Hazel McCallion D Tired of lugging that stand-up bass around? Artists are welcome to check their instruments in for the evening. And if you want to make sure that ADs, radio DJs and other presenters hear your music, be sure to drop off a CD and one-pager in each of the drop boxes. IMPORTANT: This room does NOT stay open all night, so be sure to pick up your instrument before closing time. 9:00am – 11:00am Folk Music Ontario AGM Hazel McCallion A/B/C The AGM is the annual opportunity for FMO members to gather and hear about the activities of the past year, and look to the future together. The Board of Directors and Executive Director present reports, the audited financial statement and the results of the Board elections. This is also a public opportunity for members to present FMO business. 9:00am – 10:30am Festival Hub (closed session) Club Studio 1 9:00am – 5:30pm The Succession Plan Hub (closed session) Club Studio 2

Export Development Program Hub (closed session) Club Studio 3 10:00am – 8:00pm Silent Auction – Viewing and Bidding Main Lobby 10:00am – 11:00am First Timers Orientation Patio Studio2 Showcases, panels, and dinners – oh my! Where to begin?? Join seasoned conference veterans as they guide you through the sometimes-overwhelming maze of activities unfolding all around you! Moderators: Bob LeDrew, Jory Nash 10:30am – 12:00pm Hear no Music, See no Music – Non-musical Festival Programming Club Studio 1 Music drives our community and every music festival in the world. Music lovers keep the wheels on our groovy bus rolling, but we all know even the most avid music lover needs a break from the onslaught of live music at festivals. Festivals have entire families in attendance so programming should be in place to reflect that. Children’s playcare, spoken word, craft workshops and more are welcome additions to any festival. This panel will discuss many new non-musical programming opportunities available and shed some light on expanding the sensory playground that is the music festival. Panelists: Jan Cody, Mike Hill A Trad-igital World – Defining Traditional Music in a Digital Modern World North Studio 1 Traditional music is the product of handing down music, information, beliefs, and customs from one generation to another and quite often without written instruction. So what happens now? The digital world offers more opportunities for Traditional Music to be shared and passed on but it also leaves it open to interpretation beyond its intended traditional use, style or function. Does this mean that Traditional Music is not the right fit for the digital world? Perhaps it’s the perfect opportunity? Through frank discussion and anecdotal conversation this panel will help make sense of it all or at the very least open up the discussion to help broaden 46

our understanding of Trad-igital Music. Panelists: Stephanie Cadman, Aviva Chernick, Yves Lambert, Mary Jane Lamond, Mark Marczyk, Brad McEwen, Jorge Miguel A Fine Balance: Music, Career & Family North Studio 2 There’s nothing like that feeling up on the stage. You’d never give it up and can’t imagine doing anything else. Except when you’re tucking your kids in at night or rolling in the grass with your family – then THAT’S when you can’t imagine doing anything else. How can you balance being on the road for weeks, even months at a time knowing there’s a whole other crowd of little faces waiting for you at home? This panel will talk about how to achieve balance between career and family – how can you make both work when it seems like they so often contradict each other? Panelists: Craig Cardiff, Graydon James, Angela Saini, Laura Spink Mon-EH! Music Funding in Canada North Studio 3 Being a musician, band, artist or even a manager in Canada is tough but thankfully Canada has some of the best music funding available in the world. Friends south of the border are envious and yet it seems that not everyone out there is fully versed on what is available to them and what needs to be done to apply. This panel will give you some insight on some of the top programs this province and country has to offer and give you some hints and advice on how to put together a solid application to help you secure some Mon-EH for yourself. Moderator: Shawna Caspi Panelists: Brent Bain, Aengus Finnan, OMDC rep Meeting of Festival Board Chairs (closed session) Patio Studio 1 In this annual gathering, FMO member festival Board Chairs share best practices, challenges and successes in their organizations. 11:00am – 12:00pm Friends of Bill W. Patio Studio 2 This is a safe, supportive twelve-step session for our delegates.

12:00pm – 2:00pm Colliding Traditions - How Songs of Yesterday Inform Songs of Today Hazel McCallion A/B/C Folquébec Showcase Britannia Brampton Folk Club Showcase Garden Studio 1 Manitoba Music Showcase Garden Studio 3 2:00pm – 2:30pm Private Showcase Orientation Patio Studio 1 All-acoustic private showcases can be a challenge to present. Join us at this panel to make sure you know all the rules for showcasing as well as learn some tips on how to make your private showcase stand out from the others. Moderator: Bob LeDrew 2:00pm – 3:30pm Festival/Organizational Funding – Funders A & Q Session Club Studio 1 You have the answers, we have the questions. Join David Barnard (Canadian Heritage) and Aengus Finnan (Ontario Arts Council) as they lead an interactive session asking questions like: “What is the life natural cycle of a festival?” “Are there expectations that a festival or venue must continue indefinitely?” “How can organizations wind down, change scale or direction in a meaningful and responsible manner?” “How can funders, foundations, and other sector resources best support a more natural life cycle in the presenting ecology?” Panelists: David Barnard, Jonathan Bunce, Pam Carter, Aengus Finnan, Magoo Idle No More – First Nations Music North Studio 1 Join a roundtable led by First Nations artists and community animators about the music, the movement and community building. We’ll chat about why you WANT and NEED broader, richer Indigenous music and culture programming as part of your festival/event/season. We’ll look at how we how we can rally together to strengthen relationships, build bridges and deepen our understanding of our broader communities. Panelists: Denise Bolduc, Christian Hurst, ShoShona Kish, Millie Knapp, Nick Sherman

The Myth of the Festival AD North Studio 2 We’ve all heard the myths about festival ADs and how they book festivals. This is your opportunity to see behind the curtain and hear directly from active festival ADs about how they work, what they are looking for and how not to annoy them! Moderator: Jane Harbury Panelists: Brad McEwen, Candace Shaw NFB Film/Video Panel North Studio 3 Check out how clips of the film My Prairie Home demonstrate the integration of the musical sequences in filmmaking. Panelists: Lea Marin, Chelsea McMullan 2:00pm – 4:00pm Youth Showcase Garden Studio 1 Songs From the Heart Showcase Garden Studio 3 2:00pm – 5:00pm Ukulele Workshop* Patio Studio 2 Looking for a way to engage festival audience and build community engagement? Consider hosting a build-yourown instrument workshop featuring a Wolfelele ukelele. Geared to festival organizers, educators and classroom environments, this hand-crafted uke can be built in less than two hours. Come build your own uke at this workshop! Moderator: Wolf Kater *While this session is open to all delegates, and there is no cost, priority will be give to festivals and presenters. 2:30pm – 5:00pm Marcato’s Folk-a-Frenzy! Speed Networking Session* Patio Studio 1 Ready……set…….network!!! Let’s see how well you’ve honed your “elevator pitch” as you weave your way through our maze of FMO’s seasoned experts. You’ll have a few precious moments to grab as much info as you can from them before BUZZ!! It’s time to move on! Mentors: Rebecca Anderson, Richard Flohil, Jane Harbury, William (Biff) Kennedy, Joelle May, Arthur McGregor, Paul Mills, Nicole Rochefort, Michelle 47

Szeto, Mark Watson, Michael Wrycraft *Sign-up sheets will be available in the registration area. Conference delegates are limited to sessions with three mentors. 3:30pm – 5:00pm FMO Song Swap Campfire Main Lobby Come to the campfire and play another FMO member’s song. The only rule is that you don’t sing one of your own! Host: Eve Goldberg Festival Strategic Planning and Sustainability Club Studio 1 Strong organizations ensure long, Strong organizations ensure healthy festivals. Strategic planning and sustainability are not just business buzzwords. These are essential planning tools, without which achieving sustainability can be very difficult. Funders and partners are encouraging organizations to ask the difficult questions and deal with those realities that are preventing them from long-term sustainability. This panel will help festivals to better understand the role of strategic planning and how it can lead to a long and healthy life. Moderator: Scott Merrifield Panelists: Lisa Abbott, Dan Greenwood, Chris Lusty Cultural Diversity in World Traditions North Studio 1 Traditional music comes in so many different forms, styles and backgrounds that its diversity is nearly unparalleled in any other genre of music today. Since the traditional music community is so diverse and widespread throughout the world it begs the question “Can we all be doing a better job at bringing the community together?” This panel will use performances and discussion to not only demonstrate just how diverse traditional music is, but also to stimulate conversation on how best to build this community. Panelists: Brad McEwen, Jorge Miguel Fight Club: Inter-Band Relationships North Studio 2 Being in a band is a delicate balance of personalities and yes, even egos. When combined with the struggles of trying to make something more out of your music this can be volatile. The road alone has been enough to end

lifelong friendships and kill careers. It’s not all bad and even though tensions may arise from time to time this panel will help you to navigate these pitfalls, learn to communicate and make your current line-up one that will stand that test of time. Panelists: Joey Landreth, Mark Marczyk, Gary Rasberry, Joanne Setterington, D’Arcy Wickham

8:00pm – 11:00pm Official Showcase Britannia

How to Not Go Crazy on the Internet / Image-Based Marketing North Studio 3 Does your Facebook status still say “Happy New Year 2011!”? Do you really need to be Instagramming your road food? Do you need to post gig shots every single night? Do you need a Tumblr page AND a Facebook page AND a band website AND an Instagram account, etc.? This panel will help guide you through what you should and should not be doing online and how to best manage yourself on the Web. Moderator: Dave Cool Panelists: Cindy Doire, Amanda Rheaume, Rob Wozny

Chopper’s Room Garden Studio 3 This showcase is being held in honour of longtime Ottawa Folk DJ Chopper McKinnon.

4:00pm – 5:00pm EKA Interview Garden Studio 3 Join Estelle Klein Award recipient Mike Stevens and interviewer (and past EKA recipient) Richard Flohil as they chat together. 5:00pm – 6:00pm Borealis Reception Graydon Hall Foyer Open to all conference delegates, this reception generously sponsored by Borealis Records celebrates and honours the work of ArtsCan Circle.

11:30pm – 2:00am ECMA Showcase Hazel McCallion A/B/C Global Café Showcase Britannia

11:30pm on All-Night Jamming Main Lobby SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 10:00am – 11:30am Silent Auction – Payment and Pick-up Main Lobby Bring your credit card or chequebook when you come to see if your bid was the winning one! All items must be picked up and taken by their winning bidders. 10:00am – 11:00am Youth Program Wrap-up (closed session) Garden Studio 2

6:00pm – 7:30pm Gala Dinner Graydon Hall The annual gathering of the clan will honour the 2013 Estelle Klein Award recipient and the Songs From the Heart winners. Delegates whose registrations include the gala (check your badge!) will share food and drink and good old-fashioned face time. Host: Shelagh Rogers 7:45pm – 11:15pm Official Showcase Hazel McCallion A/B/C


EDP/TSP Wrap-up Session Club Studio 3 10:00am – 1:00pm Instrument Lockup and Drop Boxes Hazel McCallion D Tired of lugging that stand-up bass around? Artists are welcome to check their instruments in for the evening. And if you want to make sure that ADs, radio DJs and other presenters hear your music, be sure to drop off a CD and one-pager in each of the drop boxes. IMPORTANT: Be sure to pick up your instrument before closing time, and/or if you applied to have a Drop Box, come and get it! Festival Administrators Round Table: Meeting of Festival ADs, Festival Retreat Planning Session & General Networking (closed session) Club Studio 1 In this annual gathering, FMO member festival administrators share best practices, challenges and successes in their organizations. 11:30am – 1:00pm Gospel Sing-Along Main Lobby It’s the end of the weekend, and almost the end of the conference. Come and enjoy some gospel music as you say goodbye to friends old and new and hit the road for home. Host: Sam Turton

lenka lichtenberg live


Canada’s world-roots troubairitz

2012 CFMA Traditional Singer of the Year

…or has your contact

information changed? Please take a moment to send us your new details, by e-mail ( or by snail mail to: OCFF 508-B Gladstone Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1R 5P1 Be sure to include your name, postal address, phone number, e-mail address and website, as well as any business contact information. Thanks for helping us keep our records straight!


Music & Politics Coast to Coast Folk Room 307 12:15 am Fri 10/18 & 11:15 pm Sat 10/19 Melodies of India Room 311 00:30 am Sat 10/19 Global café Britannia room 1:15 am Sat 10/19

SONGS FOR THE BREATHING WALLS 2013 IMA Vox Populi: Best World Traditional Album

EMBRACE 2013 CFMA Nominee: World Solo Artist of the Year

“Like Loreena McKennitt with Celtic sounds, Lichtenberg is pushing Yiddish music beyond its klezmer stereotype into a truly inspired form of world music.” ~ Nicholas Jennings, Penguin Eggs “...deeply moving...The album is a very special achievement...” ~ Mike Regenstreif, CKUT, Montreal

lenkalichtenbergmusic 49


NEW ALBUM 2013.11.19


Danielle Lefebvre Agency


“...few have blended the traditional so seamlessly with contemporary jazz before, and even fewer have produced something so eminently listenable and satisfying as has Monsieur Maziade and his band of young turks.” –Richard Thronley, Penguin Eggs





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GUMBOTERIA 6&+ / _ 436+ /


" AB@

Swamperella soozimusic


Bringing the Cajun and Zydeco to you for 17 years . Get the new CD Leopard Skin Coat - you’ll wear it out !

....... should come with a warning�: If you want to keep that heart of yours under permanent lock and key do not listen to soozimusic. �Run�Run as far away as you can.

Hannah Shira Naiman

Check out debut album,"Tether My Heart". Original songs, played on clawhammer banjo, sung with the appalachian sound. Songs not from the mountains, but from a rocky, rugged place.


LOPEZ Phillips

Lopez‘s songs might have you believin' he's had beers with Red Sovine in a Halifax tavern. He won acclaim singing and picking with the party band JUGHEAD



Klezmer quartet will make you feel like you’re at a street party in Moldavia - No Shirt No Shoes No Tsuris!!



6*)6*5'"*!45 _ "35&, "35&, "35&, BB8" ^@ " D’Arcy Wickham and Friends Private Showcase Schedule Room 209 Friday October 18 1:00 The Sweet 11:00 D’Arcy Wickham Lowdown 11:30 Eric Nagler 1:30 Brian Blain 12:00 D’Arcy Wickham 2:00 Sarah MacDougall 12:30 Ian Foster 2:30 The Bombadils Saturday October 19 1:00 The Sweet 11:00 D’Arcy Wickham Lowdown 11:30 Eric Nagler 1:30 Ian Foster 12:00 D’Arcy Wickham 2:00 Sweet Alibi 12:30 Sarah MacDougall 2:30 Brian Gladstone




Rm 201


11:00 Brian Gladstone 11:30 Brian Litvin and JABULANI 12:00 Sarah Jane Scouten 12:30 Meaghan Blanchard 1:00 Brian Litvin and JABULANI 1:30 Sarah McDougall 2:00 Donne Roberts



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APRIL 2-6 / 2014 ECMW-0038-A-2013 Misc print ads 6.5 x 4.375.indd 1

2013-09-16 3:04 PM



“Come Into The Parlour�

Anne Walker and Friends Jane Lewis

Room 208

Sue and Dwight

Eve Goldberg Sam Turton Laura Bird

Anne Walker Saturday


11:00 Sam Turton

11:15 Taivi Lobu

11:30 Anne Walker

11:45 Anne Walker

12:00 Taivi Lobu, Sue and Dwight, Anne Walker

12:15 Sue and Dwight

1:00 Eve Goldberg

12:45 Anne Walker, Taivi Lobu, Laura Bird

1:30 Jane Lewis

1:30 Anne Walker

2:00 Eve Goldberg, Sam Turton, Laura Bird

2:00 Open Song Circle—Come and share your song!

Taivi Lobu

Build your own kit ukelele

We’ll be in the Exhibition Hall on Saturday, come see us!



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Oh my, what a year it has been. At last year’s conference, Scott Merrifield stepped down from his position as President, a role he filled for two years with skill and grace. Before I realized quite what was happening, I was selected by the Board to take his place. I was looking forward to gradually getting up to speed under the guidance of our ED, Peter MacDonald. In our first conversation he told me that he, too, was stepping down. Oh my. We managed to replace Peter with another skilled and experienced administrator, Alka Sharma. Together, she and I have taught each other how this great beast functions. Of course, we’ve been lucky to be supported by a strong board of smart, experienced, patient people who poured countless hours into making sure that the FMO ship stayed on course. And Jennifer Ellis kept the office rolling smoothly through the whole transition. I can only hope that the newly re-minted Folk Music Ontario/Musique Folk de l’Ontario understands how vital she is to our operation.

Oh yeah, somewhere in there, we received permission to change our name. The executive of the board now, or at least until the end of the conference, consists of: Kathy Partridge – Vice President, calm voice of experience, reason and intelligence. Dan Greenwood – chair of our Personnel, Policy and Governance Committee, and the person most responsible for overseeing our governance and procedures. He’s stepping down this year and I’m going to miss him, both for his endless hard work and his humour. Tamara Kater – moving from Treasurer to Secretary, Tamara continues to provide solid advice on all matters financial. Jan Cody – Treasurer. A small word for such a huge responsibility. Jerry Switzer – fine legal mind, coupled with skilled songwriting and a firm grasp of how festivals work. Scott Merrifield – Past President, and a man who knows everything. The rest of the board – Richard Flohil, Jane Harbury, Kuljit Sodhi, Adam Brown, Brad McEwen, Shawna Caspi – run our committees, contribute to advisory groups, and provide an uncountable wealth of wisdom, knowledge and experience to our board and organization. I cannot thank any of these people enough for the help they have given me, and the strength that they give FMO. Our biggest challenge, once we had found a new Executive Director? Discovering that we were heading for yet one more deficit, and one that was far larger than we ever imagined. This issue will be the one that drives every


by Alex Sinclair

action of FMO over the next year, and probably several years. We’ve done a good job of controlling expenses, bringing most parts of our operation in under budget. Where we have failed is in keeping our revenues growing to match our ambition. We’ll discuss this at greater length at our AGM, so come and join in the fun – just be prepared to offer constructive ideas for solving this problem that has plagued us now for too long. This summer, our board and staff tried to get to as many of our member festivals as they could. Our thanks go to all those festivals who hosted us so warmly, and our commitment to all our member festivals that we will continue to try to make ourselves familiar with you, and to be always open to your suggestions for making FMO stronger. Next year, we intend to get our indefatigable ED out to as many other industry events and conferences as possible, in order to raise FMO’s profile among the larger musical and government communities and to promote the importance of folk music to Ontario – and Canada. It has been a privilege and a challenge to serve as your President this past year. My thanks to the board, and our staff, and all the members of FMO for the work that they – and you – do to further the cause of folk music as both profession and lifestyle. Whether you are a singer, songwriter, promoter, publicist, festival director, radio host, CD manufacturer, or royalty collector, if you’re here it’s because you love this music. May we all grow stronger together.

executive director’s annual report

by Alka Sharma

This year saw a lot of transition. On the Board of Directors, Alex Sinclair became the President, replacing Scott Merrifield, and Jan Cody became the Treasurer, replacing Tamara Kater. On the staff side, Lynn Rae became the bookkeeper, replacing Maggie Toner-Gaston and I became the new Executive Director, replacing Peter MacDonald. It has been challenging, to say the least. Even with this transition, we have worked hard at making sure that the conference represents what is of interest to you. Speaking of transitions, we have also had the opportunity this year to change our name to Folk Music Ontario/Musique Folk de l’Ontario. With this new name come new responsibilities and challenges, which include changing all of our letterhead, business cards, website, email addresses and so forth. We have been diligently making these changes and will have everything up and running as soon as possible. Congratulations to Jacqui Ball on a great logo for our new name! Over this past summer, I had a chance to attend many member festivals, including: Mariposa Folk Festival in Orillia, RBC Royal Bank

Bluesfest in Ottawa, River & Sky Music/Camping Festival in Field, Hillside Festival in Guelph, Shelter Valley Folk Festival in Grafton and the Ottawa Folk Festival. Everyone at all the festivals has been very warm and welcoming. I look forward to attending other member festivals in 2014. The Board of Directors also attended many of the festivals and represented FMO. I will also be attending other conferences and events in order to spread the good word of Folk Music Ontario. On the financial side of things, at our fiscal year ending June 30, 2013, we discovered that we were in much more of a deficit than originally anticipated. This is mainly due to the fact that we did not bring in enough revenue, but we did manage to keep our expenses down. We are taking many measures to reduce our expenses even further, and bring in increased revenue. The Board and Staff are committed to making sure that we turn things around for 2014.


Public funding from our government partners has been stable for this year. We are particularly grateful for the ongoing operational funding provided by the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Ontario Arts Council. We are in the process of trying to bring in more private funding through sponsorships and to have companies and organizations on multi-year sponsorship deals. Earned revenues were down and we hope to change this for the upcoming year. In the spring of 2014, Folk Music Ontario will be holding a retreat for our festival members. We are very excited to be pursuing this new endeavour for our members. More details to come as we continue planning for it after this year’s conference. Folk Music Ontario is seen as a strong, caring community dedicated to the preservation and expansion of folk music. We look forward to the coming year as we work together to improve our organization and spread folk music across this great land.







 Our accumulated net worth

 Any debts or obligations we must fulfill in the future

 How much we owe

 How much people owe us (receivables)

 What things we own of significant value (buildings, equipment etc)

 How much money we have (cash in bank, GICs etc)

Key information on a balance sheet:

It answers the question: as of June 30, 2013, how much is the organization worth and how much does it owe? Do we owe more than we are worth? Therefore, financial activity after June 30th is not included with these statements.

This offers a snapshot of our financial position at a specific point in time, in this case, June 30, 2013, as that represented Folk Music Ontario's "end of year".

1. Statement of Financial Position (aka Balance Sheet)

What do these statements really mean?

At the end of each fiscal year, a designated accountant (called "auditor") reviews all of Folk Music Ontario’s financial activities. They make sure that the statements prepared by Folk Music Ontario management reflect the true picture of the finances of the organization. As well, the auditor performs a few "random" checks of various transactions. At the end of the audit process, the accountant issues financial statements that they, by virtue of their professional designation, assure are accurate.


(or All I needed to know about fiduciary responsibility I learned from Folk Music Ontario)

Board Primer for Understanding Audited Financial Statements

Income/revenues received over time period Expenses incurred over time period Percentage change from last year (are we ahead/behind?) The "bottom line" (has the organization lost money, or produced a surplus?)

 Significant changes in liquidity (if position has changed significantly, where have the changes been incurred?)

Key information in a Statement of Changes to Cash Position:

Over periods of time, the amount of cash on hand can vary. This statement helps the board understand how and why these changes took place.

4. Statement of Cash Flows

   

Key information on an income statement:

It gives an account of revenue and expenses over a period of time. It answers the question: over the last 12 months how much have we earned and spent? This statement is most helpful to compare against the previous year.

3. Statement of Operations (aka Income Statement)

 Is the organization carrying an annual and/or operating deficit? Any negative number in the "total", end of year, column indicates there is a deficit.  Does the organization have "savings"? Any positive number in the "total", end of year, column indicates there is a surplus (i.e., savings).

Key information in a Statement of Changes to Cash Position:

Over periods of time, organizations can accumulate savings (assets) and/or accumulate debt (liabilities). Much like the Statement of Financial Position, this statement shows what Folk Music Ontario is worth, after assets are balanced with liabilities. However, it shows the snapshot over a two year period and helps to explain any changes to the net worth of the organization.

2. Statement of Changes in Net Assets


Welch LLP – Chartered Accountants 1200-151 Slater Street, Ottawa, ON K1P 5H3 T: 613 236 9191 F: 613 236 8258 W: An Independent Member of BKR International

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

Auditor's Responsibility

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Folk Music Ontario which comprise of the statement of financial position as at June 30, 2013, June 30, 2012 and July 1, 2011 and the statement of operations, changes in net assets and cash flows for the years ended June 30, 2013 and 2012, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.


To the members of




4 5 6

Statement of Operations Statement of Cash Flows

An Independent Member of BKR International

Welch LLP

7 - 11


Statement of Changes in Net Assets

Notes to Financial Statements


Statement of Financial Position

Page Independent Auditor's Report

YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2013 AND 2012



JUNE 30, 2013 AND 2012

For years ended




Welch LLP An Independent Member of BKR International

Ottawa, Ontario September 21, 2013.

Chartered Accountants Licensed Public Accountants

An Independent Member of BKR International

Welch LLP

We draw your attention to Note 2 of the financial statements which describes the uncertainty that Folk Music Ontario will be continuing as a going concern, meaning its ability to continue to operate for the foreseeable future and will be able to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of operations. As disclosed in note 2, the organization's continued existence is dependent upon its ability to secure additional funding from other sources and attaining positive results in its operations. If the going concern was not appropriate for these financial statements, adjustments might be necessary for the carrying values of assets and liabilities.

Emphasis of Matter

In common with many not-for-profit organizations, the organization derives revenue from memberships and donations the completeness of which is not susceptible to satisfactory audit verification. Accordingly, verification of these revenues was limited to the amounts recorded in the records of the organization. Therefore we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to revenues, net revenue (expenses) and cash flows from operations for the years ended June 30, 2013 and 2012, current assets as at June 30, 2013 and 2012, and net assets as at July 1 and December 30 for both the 2013 and 2012 years. Our audit opinion on the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2012 was modified accordingly because of the possible effects of this limitation in scope.

Qualified Opinion

The Council derives revenues from memberships and donations, the completeness of which is not susceptible to satisfactory audit verification. Accordingly, our verification of these revenues was limited to the amounts recorded in the records of the Council and were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be necessary to fundraising revenues, donations received, net expense and net deficit.

Basis for Qualified Opinion

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion.


72 $



June 30, 2012

51,495 30,779 102,200 12,200 196,674





July 1, 2011


6,004 (39,062) (33,058)

17,801 35,064 65,000 117,865


Welch LLP





29,462 28,560 20,781 78,803

An Independent Member of BKR International


7,989 (44,380) (36,391)

22,377 37,134 54,500 114,011





28,387 16,132 25,112 69,631


40,789 19,619 28,873 89,281

6,915 (107,393) (100,478)

(See accompanying notes)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director

Approved on behalf of the Board:

NET DEFICIT Invested in capital assets Deficit




CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Prepaid memberships and conferences Deferred contributions (note 7) Loan payable (note 8)


CURRENT ASSETS Cash Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses

June 30, 2013

Net assets (liabilities) at end of year





$ (107,393)



(See accompanying notes)



Investment in capital assets

7,989 (2,336)


Net expense

Net assets (liabilities) at beginning of year

Invested in capital assets

YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2013 AND 2012






JUNE 30, 2013, JUNE 30, 2012 AND JULY 1, 2011









Welch LLP



Total 2012

An Independent Member of BKR International

$ (100,478)


Total 2013


73 (3,333)


Welch LLP


126,878 4,841 6,889 138,608

136,372 28,100 15,698 8,391 834 10,765 4,588 1,561 2,214 2,456 1,939 5,868 218,786

An Independent Member of BKR International


(See accompanying notes)

382,204 $

Net expense

124,704 8,360 7,475 140,539

144,373 28,800 18,123 6,259 10,881 5,546 6,453 4,375 3,260 3,113 2,511 2,336 5,635 241,665

2012 $ 123,412 114,406 65,350 30,918 15,500 4,475 354,061

2013 $ 103,716 99,051 61,000 29,835 15,500 9,015 318,117

Total expenses

Expenses - Programs Conference Brochure Folk Prints

Expenses - Administration Office wages and contracts Rent Professional fees Bad debts Office Postage and shipping Board of directors Telephone Interest and bank charges Utilities Fees and dues Amortization Advertising and promotion

Revenues Government grants (note 9) Conference revenues Sponsorships Memberships Foundation grants Folk Prints advertising

12,402 28,387 40,789


Welch LLP






An Independent Member of BKR International



(See accompanying notes)


12,428 (4,331) 4,576 2,070 (10,500) 2,849

(3,487) (3,761) 29,118 (6,355) 47,700 1,464



1,939 (1,394)




2,336 (61,751)







Changes in non-cash working capital components: Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Prepaid memberships and conferences Deferred contributions

Adjustments for: Amortization






YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2013 AND 2012







An Independent Member of BKR International

Welch LLP

FMO had previously issued financial statements for the year ended March 31, 2012 using a different accounting framework known as the Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. The adoption of ASNFPO had no impact on the previously reported assets, liabilities, net assets, revenues and expenses of FMO and accordingly no adjustments have been recorded to the comparative financial statements. Certain disclosures have been added to these financial statements to comply with the new ASNFPO disclosure requirements

Effective July 1, 2012, FMO adopted the requirements of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) Handbook - Accounting, Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations (ASNFPO). These are the FMO's first financial statements prepared in accordance with these accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations and these standards have been applied retrospectively. The accounting policies set out in note 4 have been applied in preparing the financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2012 and in the preparation of an opening statement of financial position as at July 1, 2011 (FMO's date of transition).


In light of this situation, management is currently taking steps to turn the organization’s operations around. These steps include staff reduction, more resources devoted to accounts receivable collection and reducing rental costs either by finding a sub-tenant or moving locations upon the expiry of the lease in February 2014. In addition, FMO has attracted new conference sponsors and have secured bridge financing to help meet cash flow requirements. Management intends to eliminate the annual operating deficit in the 2014 fiscal year and is undertaking to build a long-term deficit elimination plan.

These financial statements have been prepared on the assumption that the entity is a going concern, meaning it will continue to operate for the foreseeable future and will be able to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of operations. There is doubt as to the appropriateness of this assumption given the organization's current deficit and the deficiency in working capital. The organization's ability to continue as a going concern is dependent on its ability to obtain additional financing to meet its current working capital needs and attain profitable operations generating sufficient funds therefrom to meet current and future obligations.


FMO is a not-for-profit organization within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and is exempt form income taxes.

Folk Music Ontario (FMO) was incorporated November 16, 1987 under the laws of the Province of Ontario as a corporation without share capital. FMO serves festivals, organizations and individuals working in the traditional, contemporary and multicultural folk music industry in Ontario. FMO's head office is located in Ottawa, Ontario.


YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2013 AND 2012





- 20% - 30% - 50%

An Independent Member of BKR International

Welch LLP

Management makes estimates when determining the estimated net realizable value of accounts receivable, the estimated useful life of its capital assets and in the determination of accrued liabilities. Actual results could differ from these estimates, the impact of which would be recorded in future periods.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Canadian accounting standards for not-forprofit organizations requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period.

Use of estimates

Additions in the year are amortized at one half of these rates.

Equipment Computer hardware Computer software

Capital assets are stated at acquisition cost. Amortization is provided on the declining balance basis at the following annual rates:

Capital assets

Operating grants are amortized to revenue in accordance with the dates and terms of the respective grant agreement.

Donations are recorded at fair value as received.

FMO follows the deferral method of accounting for contributions. Restricted contributions are recognized as revenue in the year in which the related expenses are incurred. Unrestricted contributions are recognized as revenue when received or receivable if the amount to be received can be reasonably estimated and collection is reasonably assured.

Revenue recognition

Cash is initially and subsequently measured at fair value. All other financial instruments are subsequently measured at amortized cost.

Financial instruments

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations.

Basis of accounting


YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2013 AND 2012






113 113 19,393 19,619



As a result, management does not believe it is

There have been no changes in FMO's risk exposures from the prior year.

Changes in risk

An Independent Member of BKR International

Welch LLP

Other price risk refers to the risk that the fair value of financial instruments or future cash flows associated with the instruments will fluctuate because of changes in market prices (other than those arising from currency risk or interest rate risk), whether those changes are caused by factors specific to the individual instrument or its issuer or factors affecting all similar instruments traded in the market. FMO is not exposed to other price risk.

iii) Other price risk

Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value of financial instruments or future cash flows associated with the instruments will fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates. FMO's loan payable bears interest at a fixed rate. As a result, management does not believe it is exposed to significant interest rate risk.

ii) Interest rate risk

FMO transacts primarily in Canadian dollars. exposed to significant currency risk.

Currency risk refers to the risk that the fair value of financial instruments or future cash flows associated with the instruments will fluctuate relative to the Canadian dollar due to changes in foreign exchange rates.

i) Currency risk

Market risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices. Market risk is comprised of currency risk, interest rate risk and other price risk.

Market risk

FMO is also exposed to liquidity risk which is the risk that FMO may encounter difficulties in meeting obligations associated with financial liabilities and commitments. FMO manages liquidity risk through its cash flow budgeting process.

Liquidity risk

Current 30 - 60 days past the billing date Greater than 90 days past the billing date

FMO is exposed to credit risk resulting from the possibility that parties may default on their financial obligations. FMO's maximum exposure to credit risk represents the sum of the carrying value of its cash and accounts receivable. FMO's cash is deposited with a Canadian chartered bank and as a result, management believes the risk of loss on this item to be remote. FMO manages the credit risk of its accounts receivable by reviewing accounts receivable aging monthly and following up on outstanding amounts. The following table presents an analysis of the age of accounts receivable:

Credit Risk

FMO's financial instruments are subject to the following risks:


YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2013 AND 2012










14,255 20,857 35,112 28,197





37,500 2,000 -


50,000 47,500 2,200


$ 114,500


Received in year

11,701 16,496 28,197


13,805 20,044 33,849 25,860




50,000 2,000 -


Recognized as revenue in year




37,500 47,500 2,200


Balance at June 30, 2013

11,050 14,810 25,860

$ 102,200




2012 Accumulated amortization


Ontario Arts Council Department of Canadian Heritage - CAPF Ontario Media Development Corporation

53,716 50,000 -


$ 103,716


63,412 50,000 10,000


An Independent Member of BKR International

Welch LLP

$ 123,412


FMO receives government funding through contribution agreements for specific projects and general operating expenses. Funding in the year came from the following organizations.


In April 2013, FMO obtained financing from the Ottawa Festival Network's substainability and emergency funding program. The total loan amount of $12,200 was due in July 2013 at an annual interest rate of 6% and secured by a general security agreement over FMO's assets. The loan was subsequently repaid in July 2013.


Radio Starmaker Fund Department of Canadian Heritage - CAPF Taylor Mitchell Grant Ontario Arts Council Brampton Folk Club

Balance at June 30, 2012



2013 Accumulated amortization

Deferred contributions is comprised of the following:


Net book value

Less accumulated amortization

Equipment Computer equipment

Capital assets consist of the following:


YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2013 AND 2012








An Independent Member of BKR International

Welch LLP

Certain comparative figures have been reclassified in order to conform to the presentation adopted for the current year.


FMO is committed under an operating lease for office premises to February 2014. The minimum payment under the lease until maturity is $19,200.


FMO has an authorized line of credit of $25,000 that bears interest at prime plus 2.90% and is secured by a general security agreement. None of the line of credit was utilized at year-end.


YEARS ENDED JUNE 30, 2013 AND 2012







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