Folk Prints Conference Program 2018

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Darin Christa Paul


















Copperworks Consulting Inc. Dennis Tara Mike

PAST PRESIDENTS Rachel Barreca Alex Sinclair Scott Merrifield Paul Mills Aengus Finnan Sam Baijal

Doug McArthur Warren Robinson Carolyn Bigley Bill Marshall Magoo Jim McMillan

PAST EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Peter MacDonald Erin Benjamin

PAST ESTELLE KLEIN AWARD RECIPIENTS Magoo Anne Lederman Sadie Buck Harvey Glatt Mike Stevens Arthur McGregor Paul Mills Grit Laskin Sharon, Lois & Bram

Bernie Finklestein Stan Rogers Richard Flohil Ken Whiteley Sylvia Tyson The Friends of Fiddler’s Green Ian Tamblyn Jackie Washington Estelle Klein

BOOKKEEPER.............................................................Lynn Rae PHONE: 1-866-292-6233 or 613-560-5997 FAX: 613-560-2001 MAILING ADDRESS: 508-B Gladstone Avenue, Ottawa ON, K1R 5P1 Please visit for ad rates, formats and sizes, Submissions and pictures welcome! We cannot guarantee inclusion of your submission in Folk Prints (but we’ll try!). Please send submissions in text format only. If you have pictures, call us before sending them. Design by Lisa Palfrey Printing by Orion Printing

The views expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of Folk Music Ontario. Questions or comments regarding Folk Prints should be brought to the attention of Alka Sharma at Articles and photos may not be reprinted without the express written permission of the author and/or photographer. Cover photo courtesy of Corina Kennedy. 2018 Estelle Klein Award recipient Bill Garrett. We acknowledge that the land on which we gather is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, and most recently, the territory of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation.








Executive Director’s Message......................................................06 The President’s Message.............................................................09 Estelle Klein Award Recipient Bill Garrett.................................12 2017/18 Board of Directors........................................................16 The FMO Taylor Mitchell Bursary...............................................17 Art Beat..........................................................................................18 Panelist Photos and Bios.............................................................21 2018 Silent Auction Items – Partial List.....................................26 ACTRA-RACS Rcording Artist of the Year..................................30 Bandzoogle Website Award........................................................31 Colleen Peterson Award..............................................................32 FMO Songs From the Heart Awards..........................................34 Music Canada Live Setting the Stage Award...........................36 Stingray Rising Star......................................................................38 Volunteers...................................................................40 Export Development Program...................................................42 Export Development Delegates.................................................43 Official Showcase Jury.................................................................44 FMO Official, Alternate, and Family Showcase Artists..............45 Indigenous Showcase Artists......................................................46 Lightning Talks..............................................................................52 New Members..............................................................................56 Developing Artists Program Information...................................58 Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel Floor Plans....................................60 Conference Schedule Guides.....................................................61 Conference Schedule of Events.................................................67 Annual Report Section.................................................................74 About FMO....................................................................................75 Year in Review..............................................................................76 President’s Annual Report..........................................................77 Executive Director’s Annual Report..........................................78 Audited Financial Statements.....................................................79 Draft 2017 Minutes......................................................................86


EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE BY ALKA SHARMA will be more industry-oriented and the goal is for Folk Music Ontario to become a more year-round organization. We are planning on providing professional development workshops, retreats and artists’ concert series. As well, we will continue to collaborate with various organizations to build a stronger music community.

I would like to begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is the traditional territories that include the Wendat, the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the territory of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation, and the Métis Nation. Welcome to the Folk Music Ontario (FMO) 2018 Conference! I am excited to welcome you to the Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel & Suites for our second year. It is with great pleasure that I let you know that we are presenting a third Indigenous showcase featuring Melody McKiver, Burnstick, Jay Gilday, Ila Barker and Crystal Shawanda. All the artists will also be involved with the Export Development Program. It is an amazing opportunity for many of the artists to meet festival artistic directors, presenters and buyers. FMO will be back in the same hotel in 2019. Next year the conference will be taking place from September 27 to 29. You will notice that the conference is over the weekend of Friday to Sunday rather than Thursday to Sunday. After conducting surveys and discussions with various members, and trying to create something new, the Board of Directors and the staff have decided to change up the conference. It

Every year the Board of Directors seems to exceed my expectations as they continue to work tirelessly on all the committees and working groups for the organization. They are a very dedicated group of volunteers that should be congratulated for all the hard work that they do for Folk Music Ontario. Please thank the Board Members that you see during the conference. The Conference Working Group – Rosalyn Dennett, Darin Addison, the FMO staff, and Copperworks Consulting Inc. – have been diligent in putting together this year’s conference with great panels and workshops and a fun-filled four days. Copperworks Consulting, made up of Dennis Landry, Tara Levesque and Mike Large, have been great to work with, but also know FMO inside-out in moving the organization forward. Jennifer Ellis, FMO’s Office Administrator, was on leave for some time and is now back in her position since mid-May. She truly is the bionic woman. Natasha Brown is our Volunteer Coordinator and she comes through the Ontario government’s Job Creation Partnership (JCP) program. I will take this opportunity to thank all our hardworking volunteers! Natasha has been a tremendous asset in organizing the volunteers and will be extremely helpful in guiding them over the days of the conference. Carolyn Sutherland has been our hardworking Membership Services


Coordinator and is our Export Development Program Coordinator. She has done an amazing job on both fronts. Nadia Kharyati has taken on the position of Art Beat Coordinator and has engaged many of the artists to provide musical talent in the community. Treasa Levasseur has been doing an outstanding job of being the Developing Artists Program Coordinator. She has changed the Program tremendously in a very positive manner. Thank you, members and delegates. Please enjoy the conference and the music!

Je tiens d’abord à souligner que les terres sur lesquelles nous sommes rassemblés font partie du territoire traditionnel des Wendats, des Anishinabés, des Haudenosaunees, des Métis et des Mississaugas des Premières Nations de Scugog, de Hiawatha et d’Alderville. Bienvenue à la conférence Musique Folk de l’Ontario (MFO) 2018! Je suis ravie de vous accueillir au Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel & Suites pour notre deuxième année. C’est avec grand plaisir que je vous fais savoir que nous proposons une troisième présentation autochtone mettant en vedette Melody McKiver, Burnstick, Jay Gilday, Ila Barker et Crystal Shawanda. Tous les artistes seront également impliqués dans le programme de développement des exportations, Export Development Program. C’est une formidable opportunité pour de nombreux artistes de rencontrer des directeurs artistiques des festivals, des présentateurs et des acquéreurs.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE BY ALKA SHARMA MFO sera de retour dans le même hôtel en 2019. L’année prochaine, la conférence aura lieu du 27 au 29 septembre. Vous remarquerez que la conférence se déroule du vendredi au dimanche plutôt que du jeudi au dimanche. Après avoir mené des enquêtes et des discussions avec divers membres et essayé de créer une nouvelle atmosphère, le Conseil d’administration et le personnel ont décidé de changer les déroulements de la conférence. Ils seront plutôt axés sur l’industrie et l’objectif est que Musique Folk de l’Ontario devienne une organisation qui fonctionne au long de l’année. Nous prévoyons offrir des ateliers de perfectionnement professionnel, des retraites et des séries de concerts d’artistes. De plus, nous continuerons de collaborer avec diverses organisations pour renforcer la communauté musicale. Chaque année, le Conseil d’administration semble dépasser mes attentes, car ils continuent de travailler sans relâche à tous les comités et groupes de travail de l’organisation. Ce groupe de bénévoles très dévoués devrait être

félicité pour le travail acharné qu’ils accomplissent pour Musique Folk de l’Ontario. Merci de remercier les membres du Conseil que vous voyez pendant la conférence. Le groupe de travail de la conférence : Rosalyn Dennett, Darin Addison, le personnel de MFO et Copperworks Consulting Inc. qui ont organisé avec assiduité la conférence de cette année avec des tables rondes et des ateliers de qualité, ainsi que quatre jours animés. Copperworks Consulting Inc., composé de Dennis Landry, Tara Levesque et Mike Large, est une équipe qui est formidable et surtout connaît très bien l’avenir de MFO pour faire progresser l’organisation. Jennifer Ellis, l’Administratrice de MFO, a été en congé depuis un certain temps et elle est maintenant de retour au bureau depuis mimai. Elle est la femme bionique en personne. Natasha Brown est notre Coordonnatrice des bénévoles et elle participe au Programme de partenariats pour la création d’emplois du Gouvernement de l’Ontario. Je profite de cette opportunité pour remercier tous à


nos bénévoles qui travaillent fort! Natasha a été un atout considérable dans l’organisation des bénévoles et elle sera extrêmement utile pour les guider pendant les jours de la conférence. Carolyn Sutherland est notre Coordonnatrice des services aux membres et notre Coordonnatrice du programme de développement des exportations, Export Development Program Coordinator. Elle a fait un travail extraordinaire sur les deux fronts. Nadia Kharyati a occupé le poste de Coordinatrice Art Beat et a engagé de nombreux artistes à fournir des talents musicaux dans la communauté. Treasa Levasseur fait un travail remarquable en tant que Coordinatrice du programme des artistes en développement, Developing Artists Program Coordinator. Elle a énormément changé le programme d’une manière très positive. Merci aux membres et aux délégués. S’il vous plaît profiter de la conférence et de la musique!


Welcome! Folk Music Ontario’s conference —32 years strong—celebrates our rich and diverse music community. Here, each year, we learn, teach and collaborate, greet old friends and form new bonds, and refresh, with hugs, laughter and tunes—lots and lots of tunes. FMO’s vision is a thriving, inclusive folk music community with local and international impact. Underpinning our purpose—to support the growth and development of our community and industry—is our strategic commitment to diversity and inclusivity, which you’ll see in play in this year’s conference showcases and panels. We also are intent on building a safe community. As we continue to augment our respectful workplace policies and practices, this year we have added a bystander intervention training session on Friday, September 28 at 10:30 am, which I hope you’ll be able to attend. I encourage you to learn more about how FMO is serving our members in our Year in Review summary included in our Annual Report later in this program. The work we are doing in these and other areas is the result of the committed efforts of our dedicated Board of Directors.

It has been my honour to work with this talented group over the past two years as president and nine years as a board member. I would also like to extend my warm thanks to FMO’s staff: executive director, Alka Sharma, office administrator, Jennifer Ellis, member services coordinator, Carolyn Sutherland, and bookkeeper, Lynn Rae, who are instrumental in our year-round success.

expand our way of thinking, and help each of us sort out the world we live in.

For the conference, please join me in thanking our volunteers and their coordinator Natasha Brown, Nadia Kharyati who leads Art Beat, Treasa Levasseur, heading up the Developing Artists Program, Carolyn Sutherland, wearing her second hat as Export Development coordinator, and, of course, the tireless Copperworks staff – Dennis Landry, Tara Levesque and Mike Large.

For your efforts this weekend and throughout the year, I applaud each of you. Take care of each other.

Finally, I applaud our funders and sponsors, featured at the front of this program, who support FMO’s work here at the conference and year-round. There is so much to choose from on this dynamic weekend: • FMO’s Awards Showcase at its new time at 5:30 pm on Friday • Voting for your new board and joining your fellow members at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday at 10:30 am • Bidding in the Silent Auction • Showcases, panels, receptions, networking and more As you set out your weekend agenda, I invite you to join FMO board members, past and present, at our third annual panel debate, which takes place on Friday, September 28 at 2:30 pm. This year’s topic asks panelists and session participants to recommend songs that have changed or can change the world – songs that have so much meaning they can actually teach, 9

I believe this is the essence of what we all must do—as singers and songwriters, players, promoters and presenters—professionals and volunteers alike—to help a chaotic world stay centred in the day-today and, maybe even, craft a more harmonious future.

Bienvenus! La conférence de Musique Folk de l’Ontario -32 ans de robuste existence- célèbre notre communauté musicale riche et diversifiée. Ici, chaque année, nous apprenons, enseignons et collaborons, en plus nous accueillons des vieux amis, nous créons de nouveaux liens et nous nous renouvelons avec des étreintes, des éclats de rire et une grande quantité d’airs et mélodies. La vision de MFO est d’une communauté de musique folklorique prospère et inclusive ayant un impact local ainsi qu’international. Notre objectif stratégique -de soutenir la croissance et le développement de notre communauté et de notre industrie- est notre engagement en faveur de la diversité et de l’inclusivité; vous verrez dans les présentations et les tables rondes de cette année. Nous avons également l’intention de construire une communauté sécurisée. Alors que nous continuons d’augmenter nos politiques et pratiques respectueuses dans le milieu du travail, nous avons ajouté cette année une séance de formation

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE BY KATHARINE PARTRIDGE à l’intervention des spectateurs le vendredi 28 septembre à 10 h 30, et j’espère que vous pourrez y assister. Je vous encourage à en apprendre davantage sur la façon dont MFO offre ses services à ses membres dans notre résumé de l’année en cours inclus dans notre Bilan de l’Année tard dans ce programme. Le travail que nous effectuons dans ces domaines et dans d’autres est le résultat des efforts engagés de notre conseil d’administration dévoué. J’ai eu l’honneur de travailler avec ce groupe talentueux au cours des deux dernières années en tant que présidente et membre du conseil d’administration pendant neuf ans. Je voudrais également remercier chaleureusement le personnel de MFO: la directrice générale, Alka Sharma, l’administratrice de bureau, Jennifer Ellis, la coordonnatrice des services aux membres, Carolyn Sutherland, et la comptable Lynn Rae, qui contribuent à notre succès à longueur d’année. Pour la conférence, veuillez vous me joindre pour remercier nos bénévoles et leur coordonnatrice Natasha Brown, Nadia Kharyati, qui

dirige Art Beat, Treasa Levasseur, qui dirige le Developing Artists Program, Carolyn Sutherland, portant son deuxième chapeau comme coordonnatrice du développement des exportations, Export Development Coordinator, et, bien sûre, l’infatigable personnel de Copperworks - Dennis Landry, Tara Levesque et Mike Large. Enfin, j’applaudis nos bailleurs de fonds et nos commanditaires, présentés au début de ce programme, qui appuient le travail de MFO lors la conférence et tout au long de l’année. Il y a plusieurs choix ce week-end entreprenant: • La remise des prix de MFO a une nouvelle heure à 17 h 30 le vendredi • La votation pour votre nouveau Conseil d’administration et rejoindre les autres membres lors de l’Assemblée Générale le samedi à 10h30 • Participer dans la vente à l’enchère silencieuse • Présentations, panneaux et tables rondes, réceptions, réseautage et j’en passe


Lors de votre agenda du week-end, je vous invite à vous joindre aux membres du Conseil d’administration de MFO, anciens et présents, lors de notre troisième débat annuel, qui aura lieu le vendredi 28 septembre à 14 h 30. Le sujet de cette année demande aux panélistes et aux participants de la session de recommander des chansons qui ont changé ou peuvent changer le monde -des chansons qui ont tellement de sentiment qu’elles peuvent réellement enseigner, élargir notre façon de penser et aider chacun à résoudre le monde dans lequel nous y sommes. Je crois que c’est l’essence de tout ce que nous devons faire -en tant que chanteurs et auteurs-compositeurs, musiciens, promoteurs et présentateurs– autant professionnels que bénévolespour aider un monde chaotique à rester centré sur le quotidien et, éventuellement construire un avenir plus harmonieux. Pour vos efforts ce week-end et tout au long de l’année, j’applaudis chacun de vous. Prenez soin les uns des autres.

ESTELLE KLEIN AWARD RECIPIENT BILL GARRETT BY PAUL MILLS Bill and I had been booked into a guitar workshop together and it immediately became apparent that our guitar styles went together like ice cream and chocolate sauce. That day was the beginning of a musical and business partnership that lasted for the next quarter of a century and a friendship that persists to this day.

The Estelle Klein Award, named for the pioneering Artistic Director of the Mariposa Folk Festival, is given each year to an individual who has made a difference in Ontario’s folk music industry and community and Bill Garrett has certainly done that. His contributions over many years are significant. Bill was introduced to folk music in the early sixties while growing up in Montebello near Ottawa. Like many early folkies, it was the music of Pete Seeger and the Weavers, and later the great Canadian icons like Ian and Sylvia and Gordon Lightfoot, that caught his attention. He soon developed a reputation as a fine picker and backed up many artists including Colleen Peterson and Bruce Murdoch. One of Bill’s fondest memories is playing on Bruce’s first album on the Vanguard label which was produced in New York by none other than Richie Havens! I first met Bill in the mid-seventies at Hamilton’s Festival of Friends. He had just moved to Toronto from the Ottawa area to teach guitar at the Toronto Folklore Centre on Avenue Road (an establishment he would later co-own with Chopper McKinnon and Steve Dark).

We started to perform together under the name “Bill Garrett & Curly Boy Stubbs”. We played a lot of folk festivals and clubs at that time but our relationship started to take on a new dimension when I began producing the CBC Radio folk show “Touch the Earth” and hired Bill to produce and host a regular part of the show called “The Songwriters.” Over the years, the segment featured a virtual “who’s who” of great Canadian songwriters – names like Stan Rogers, Connie Kaldor, Bruce Cockburn and Murray McLauchlan. His skill in finding, producing, and interviewing great songwriters made this a very popular part of the show. We also travelled across the country recording songwriters in their homes or at festivals from coast to coast. “Touch the Earth” played an important part in promoting folk music in the late seventies and Bill’s role in it was a vital one. After “Touch the Earth” came to an end, Bill went on to produce a folky country show called “Six Days on the Road” with host David Essig. Later he became the producer of the CBC Radio variety show “The Entertainers” and continued to produce and promote the music of some of Ontario’s and Canada’s best folk and roots artists. In 1990, Bill left Ontario to work as the Executive Producer for Performance at CBC Montreal but he was back in Toronto in 1995 where he, along with Grit Laskin, Ken Whiteley and me, helped to form Canada’s first and only record label dedicated to folk music – the 12

Borealis Recording Company. Borealis is still going strong. With Bill and Grit at the helm, over 50 artists and more than 250 albums in its catalogue, it continues to be a significant force promoting Canadian folk and roots music. Later on, he was a key player, again with Grit Laskin, in starting up the Canadian Folk Music Awards. He and the other founders were collectively frustrated by the lack of recognition given to folk and roots music at the Juno awards.The CFMAs fixed that! In addition to all of this important behind-the-scenes work that Bill has done and continues to do, he is still active as a great musician and independent record producer. He and his partner Sue Lothrop still perform together and, as a producer, Bill has close to 100 albums to his credit with artists such as Amos Garrett, Sharon, Lois & Bram, Nancy White, and Terry Tufts. It’s been and continues to be a wonderful career and Bill continues to make a difference. Congratulations to Bill Garrett on being given this prestigious and so well-deserved award!


…or has your contact information changed? Please take a moment to send us your new details, by e-mail ( or by snail mail to: Folk Music Ontario 508-B Gladstone Avenue Ottawa, ON K1R 5P1 Be sure to include your name, postal address, phone number, email address, and website. Thanks for helping us keep our records straight!


Katharine Partridge PRESIDENT

Preetam Sengupta


Dave Cool


Amie Therrien SECRETARY

Katharine was one of the founders of Shelter Valley Folk Festival and has given presentations on governance, strategic planning, and green initiatives at FMO and Folk Alliance conferences. Katharine is a communications and stakeholder engagement specialist, managing a consultancy advising international clients on sustainability issues.

James Keelaghan


Preetam runs Letting Artists Make Art (LAMA), dedicated to helping musicians make a living through their music. LAMA fills in gaps on the business side so artists can focus on creativity. Preetam is also singer/songwriter, writing and singing solo and in a band called Crash Bamboo, and works closely with Northstarr Entertainment.

Rosalyn Dennett


Dave is the Director of Artist & Industry Outreach at Bandzoogle. From 20072011, Dave was the Program Director at the St-Ambroise Centre, helped to found the Montreal Folk Festival, and gave away over $15,000 in bursaries to musicians. In 2006, Dave directed the NFB documentary film “What is INDIE? A look into the World of Independent Musicians.”

Darin Addison

2017/18 DIRECTOR

Amie Therrien is the owner of Balsam Pier Music based in Toronto, Canada. She manages The Young Novelists, The Bombadils, and Mike Edel and provides freelance artist services and management consulting to a broad range of artists. Amie is also on the boards of Folk Music Ontario, Music Managers Forum and is the Programming Coordinator for Folk Alliance International.

Rosalyn has worked with Folk Music Ontario as showcase artist, showcase presenter, panelist, emcee, host and more. Her experience working in the non-profit sector for MusicOntario, CIMA, Music Canada Live, Ontario Live Music, and the CFM would be an asset to any organization, and her dedication to music can be seen through her successful career as an artist. Darin has worked in artist management, booking, publicity, and promotion with artists including Olenka and the Autumn Lovers, Sara Craig, Crash Test Dummies and The Pursuit of Happiness. Darin worked as Publicity Manager for London Ontario Live Arts Fest and hosted a weekly radio show at 94.9 CHRW. He has been Artistic Director for London Ontario’s Home County Music & Art Festival since 2013.

2017/18 DIRECTOR

Jan has produced music and arts conferences, as well as festival events across Canada. Much of this involved working with host cities and municipalities to develop and meet legislation regarding safety and workplace standards, as well as insurance requirements.

Christa Couture

Christa Couture is a touring artist, a non-fiction writer, a digital producer, cyborg and halfbreed and more. She is currently an associate producer for CBC Digital, and she also manages the Indigenous music platform, label, and performance series Revolutions Per Minute.

Jan Cody

2017/18 DIRECTOR


For over 25 years James Keelaghan has been a touring singer songwriter. He writes about the history of working people, ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances and the landscape that forms such a large part of the Canadian artistic psyche. James is also the Artistic Director of Summerfolk Music and Crafts Festival in Owen Sound.

Paul Fortune

2017/18 DIRECTOR

Max Merrifield

2017/18 DIRECTOR

Liz Scott

2017/18 DIRECTOR

Alex Sinclair

2017/18 DIRECTOR


Paul’s passion for Folk music saw him as a long time volunteer of the Summerfolk Music & Crafts Festival, board member of the Eaglewood Folk Festival, and more. With 24 years experience in Sales, Marketing and Strategic Planning, Paul operates Forch’s Record Store in Cambridge, offering Canadian and international Folk/Americana artists and promoting live music.

In 2010, in memory of her daughter, Canadian songwriter Taylor Mitchell, Emily Mitchell established The OCFF Taylor Mitchell Bursary for participants in the Performer Stream of the Developing Artist Program. Initially funded for five years (2010-2014 inclusive), the bursary has recently received additional funding, allowing it to be awarded through the 2019 conference.

By day Max Merrifield is the Executive Director of Northern Lights Festival Boréal, one of Canada’s original music and arts festivals. By night, Merrifield is hip-hop and spoken word artist Silvertongue, and a show promoter with Cage Call Underground Hip-Hop. Merrifield is also the current chair of Myths & Mirrors Community Arts and a board member of Folk Music Canada.

One young performer is chosen to receive up to $500 towards costs associated with attending the conference and participating in the performer stream of the Folk Music Ontario youth program. All candidates chosen by jury to participate in the program are eligible for the bursary. The recipient is determined according to need by a group of musical mentors who knew and loved Taylor. The award was renamed the Folk Music Ontario Taylor Mitchell Bursary in 2013.

Liz has hosted Irish Mountain House Concerts since 2001. She spent four years as Artistic Director at Eaglewood Folk Festival. Liz presents shows in Meaford, Owen Sound and Collingwood and helps books acts into Blue Mountain Resort. Through Serendipitous Music she has provided support for booking, publicity and promotion. In 2013 Liz also now organizes Fred Eaglesmith’s annual Charity Picnic.


This year’s recipient of the FMO Taylor Mitchell Bursary is Chloe Lukia Pilar. Chloe and the other Developing Artist Program performers will be performing in the Ticketpro Developing Artist Showcase on Saturday, September 29, 2:30-4:30pm in the Erin Mills room of the Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel and Suites. Developing Artist Program participants and alumni will also be performing in their own private showcase room on Friday and Saturday night from 11:30pm-3:00am in Room 231.

Alex is a long-time musician and songwriter with deep roots on the Ontario folk scene, both as a solo artist and with the folk group Tamarack. Alex also works as an administrator/ bookkeeper for the likes of Borealis Records, and sits on the board of the ArtsCan Circle.

If you are interested in contributing to the FMO Taylor Mitchell Bursary fund, please contact the Folk Music Ontario office at 1-866-292-6233.


ART BEAT AND FOLK MUSIC ONTARIO Art Beat is an outreach program that Folk Music Ontario (FMO) started in 2006 and has been running strong since its inception under then President, Aengus Finnan and executed by staff at the time, Erin Barnhardt. It connects performers with schools, senior homes, correctional institutions, health care facilities, etc. This program is a voluntary service and no fee is charged to any of the schools or organizations who choose to host a workshop or concert.

This shows how valuable this program is for not only the community, but the artists that volunteer their time during the FMO Conference to provide music, camaraderie and a sense of community. This is what Folk music is all about! At this coming year’s Folk Alliance International (FAI) Conference taking place in Montréal, QC from February 13 – 17, 2019, FMO will collaborate with FAI to present Art Beat during the first few days of their conference. More details to come.

FMO has had many artists come through in performing at various institutions and we have had amazing testimonials from the artists and some of the organizations and schools.

FMO thanks all the Coordinators that have continued for the success of Art Beat and continue to move it forward to thrive. It is one of many programs that we are proud to recognize. This year’s Coordinator is Nadia Kharyati and you can find her during the conference to find out more details of the Program.

ARTIST TESTIMONIAL 2017 From Abigail Lapell, Performer at Mary’s Home Emergency Shelter It was great getting to participate again and, as in the past, one of the most meaningful parts of the conference for me personally. It’s a nice antidote to the hustling and selfpromotion that can be such a big part of these weekends and made me feel proud to be part of a bigger music community, contributing to other communities in town. VENUE TESTIMONIAL 2017 Amanda VanOudenaren, Brampton Civic Hospital Just wanted to send a huge THANK YOU to everyone at FMO and to Graydon and Laura [The Young Novelists], for such a wonderful event yesterday.

Old Man Luedecke, Art Beat circa 2007


PANELISTS ALEX SINCLAIR Alex is a long-time musician and songwriter with deep roots on the Ontario folk scene, both as a solo artist and with the folk group Tamarack. Alex also works as an administrator/ bookkeeper for the likes of Borealis Records, and sits on the board of the ArtsCan Circle.

CARMEN ELLE Carmen Elle is an experienced musician/ songwriter. In addition to working as a musician, Carmen has written and spoken about her experiences with Anxiety and Depression. She has been featured in Nylon Magazine, Vice, MTV and the Toronto Star speaking out on behalf of musicians who struggle with mental health.

AMANDA POWER Amanda Power began with UNISON Benevolent Fund in 2015 as Development Manager, and in 2018 was appointed Executive Director by UNISON’s Board of Directors. In her leadership role, Amanda brings almost two decades of experience and extensive knowledge of event management, sponsorship, marketing, promotions, and industry releations to UNISON.

CATHERINE SABOURIN Catherine is a freelance audio engineer based out of Ottawa. Catherine’s favorite workstation is in a festival setting. What better way to spend a day then in the nature with multiple great bands? She strongly believes that every artist she works with has stories to tell and messages to get through, and that music is one of those powerful things that allows them to do that.

AMANDA RHEAUME Amanda Rheaume is an award-winning Métis singer-songwriter with a slightly gritty roots-pop Americana sound. She performs internationally at major country and folk/roots festivals, theatres and clubs in Canada and Europe. In 2014 Amanda received a Canadian Folk Music Award for Aboriginal Songwriter of The Year and a Juno nomination for Aboriginal Album of the Year.

DEREK ANDREWS Music Programmer at Hugh’s Room Live and Cultura Festival, and Artistic Director of Mundial Montreal, Derek’s Global Café supports artists such as Kobo Town and Suzie Vinnick. Derek is President of the Toronto Blues Society, sits on the Toronto Music Advisory Council and is an advocate for creative approaches in music as a tool for breaking down cultural barriers.

AMIE THERRIEN Amie Therrien is the owner of Balsam Pier Music, based in Toronto, Canada. She manages The Young Novelists, The Bombadils, and Mike Edel, and provides freelance artist services and management consulting to a broad range of artists. Amie is also on the boards of Folk Music Ontario and Music Managers Forum, and is the Programming Coordinator for Folk Alliance International.

DIVYA BHATIA Divya Bhatia is an independent music programmer and producer. Festival Director of Jodhpur RIFF (India’s premiere roots music festival), and is also Creative Producer and International consultant at G5A, Mumbai. He regularly presents and produces national and international music projects and tours them in India and abroad. DIYET Diyet performs as a trio, Diyet & the Love Soldiers, with husband and collaborator, Robert van Lieshout, and multi-instrumentalist Bob Hamilton. Living with feet firmly planted in two worlds, Diyet’s adventurous life is on full display in her music. She often says, “Yesterday, fishing for our dinner on the ice, the next day, on the stage singing for you!”

BARRIE MARTIN As President of Haliburton County Folk Society, member of the Performing Arts Round Table and a founding member of the SPARC steering committee, Barrie Martin has been active helping to shape the music scene in the Haliburton Highlands. Barrie owns and operates Yours Outdoors and provides consulting services in environmental education, outdoor recreation, and community development. 21

PANELISTS DORIS MICULAN BRADLEY Doris Miculan Bradley is a ProfessorProgram Coordinator at The School of Hospitality Tourism Management, George Brown College, and serves as President for Grapes for Humanity Canada. Her career includes restaurateur at the CN Tower’s 360 Revolving Restaurant, certified sommelier and chef, wine judge, author, import agent and brand ambassador.

ISKWE Named one of CBC Music’s Top 10 Artists to Watch, Juno-Nominated Iskwé’s unmistakable sound weaves her Cree and Métis roots with poignant politically charged lyrics. Pulsing energy with powerhouse vocals, keys, and drums blend with visual projections and trip hop breakbeats to produce captivating live shows. JAN CODY Jan has produced music and arts conferences, as well as festival events across Canada. Much of this involved working with host cities and municipalities to develop and meet legislation regarding safety and workplace standards, as well as insurance requirements.

ELSA MIRZAEI Elsa Mirzaei is an artist, educator and promoter from Ottawa. They are the current facilitator at Project Soundcheck, an Ottawa-based initiative that aims to prevent sexual violence at music festivals through bystander intervention education. Through Project Soundcheck, Elsa has taught bystander intervention to countless festival teams including Ottawa Bluesfest and Up Here Festival.

JANE HARBURY Jane Harbury has been committed to the Canadian music industry for over 50 years. Harbury is the founder of Jane Harbury Publicity (JHP), which has handled publicity for numerous venues, festivals, and productions and a range of top recording artists. In 2011, she was honoured to be named the inaugural Unsung Hero by the Canadian Folk Music Awards.

FOONYAP FOONYAP is a classically-trained violinist and vocalist and has toured extensively throughout the UK, Europe and Canada, garnering acclaim everywhere they have performed. Alongside their performance at major feminist arts festivals across Canada, FOONYAP is a regular panelist and speaker on creative entrepreneurship and the particular challenges they have overcome as a queer, femme, non-binary POC.

JEN MCKERRAL Jen McKerral serves as the Music Outreach Officer at MFM, developing and delivering grassroots programs aimed at educating, developing and exporting Northern Ontario musicians, songwriters and entrepreneurs. Jen also performed as one-eighth of Pistol George Warren, co-founded and co-programs Up Here Festival, and helped establish Sudbury’s newest professional recording, mixing and mastering studio, Deadpan Studios.

HEATHER GIBSON Heather is the Executive Producer at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, ON, responsible for all genres of music programming (except Orchestra). She presents over 125 shows a year in four venues ranging in capacities of 160 to 2060. IRISH MYTHEN Irish was born in Ireland and now resides in Prince Edward Island. Her latest self-titled release gained her recognition around the globe with nominations and wins coming from Music PEI, East Coast Music Association, Folk Alliance International and Socan. Write-ups in Australian Guitar Magazine, Rollingstone and many other online publications worldwide have helped plant Irish firmly on the map of ‘Must See Artists.

KEVIN HUTCHISON Kevin Hutchison is EVP at Knox Hutchison Entertainment Insurance where he specializes in risk management for the film, television and live entertainment industries. Previously, he led high-profile financial and strat egic initiatives with Fortune 500 brands. He is a university lecturer and an alumnus of the Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference.


PANELISTS LIANA WHITE Liana White is the Executive Director of the Canadian division (CFM) of the American Federation of Musicians of the US and Canada. For over 20 years White has provided assistance to musicians; most specifically White’s vast artistimmigration knowledge is often relied upon by mainstream media and the Canadian music industry.

MIKE SCHWARTZ With over 12 years of experience, Mike Schwartz has battled the hardships of the working musician’s lifestyle and has established himself as the Trusted Authority of Musican Wellness. He is an author, lifestyle coach, and well-known speaker, inspiring everyone to embrace healthier choices and focus on progress rather than perfection.

LIZ SCOTT Liz Scott is the Artistic Director at Mariposa Folk Festival and has hosted a house concert series since 2001. She has worked as promoter, presenter, tour manager, and agent, and sits on the Folk Music Ontario Board of Directors. She also spent years producing small grassroots music concerts in rural Ontario.

NICOLE COLBECK At Westboro House Concerts in Ottawa, Lifetime FMO member and former board director Nicole Colbeck has been hosting house concerts since the mid-nineties. She works and consults with artists (little acorn music management) and runs “coffee|music chats”, a monthly roundtable series focused on music industry, business and branding.

MAGOO Magoo is a singer/songwriter, an award winning children’s recording artist, stage host and a fashionable fellow. He is a ‘Hat’ with the Blue Skies Music Festival and has hosted Blue Skies for the past 40 years. He was honoured with 2017’s Estelle Klein Award. He has volunteered with ArtsCanCircle since 2003 and is the current Chair.

PAUL MILLS Paul Mills, a musician and record producer, has been part of the Canadian folk music scene for close to fifty years. He has produced over two hundred albums working with artists such as Stan Rogers, Sharon, Lois and Bram and Ron Hynes. Recently Paul was inducted to the Order of Canada. PREETAM SENGUPTA Preetam runs Letting Artists Make Art (LAMA), dedicated to helping musicians make a living through their music. LAMA fills in gaps on the business side so artists can focus on creativity. Preetam is also a singer/songwriter, writing and singing solo and in a band called Crash Bamboo, and works closely with Northstarr Entertainment.

MARIE ZIMMERMAN For the past 13 years, Marie Zimmerman has worked for several different festivals—as Artistic Director, planner and publicist, emergency plan architect, volunteer coordinator, treasurer, and MC. She is one of the founding members of the Guelph Fab 5, a collective of local arts festivals. Currently, she is the Executive Director of the Hillside Festival.

RANDI FRATKIN Randi is a former board member of OCFF/FMO, and has also served on the board of Folk Alliance International twice, including a year as vice-president. She has been the artistic director of Mariposa, Kingfest, and Winterfolk; co-chaired the two Juno Roots categories for over ten years; chaired showcase committees for both OCFF/FMO and FAI; and fills in time by maintaining a paediatric dental practice in Toronto.

MICHAEL MARTYN Michael Martyn has worked in the arts across Canada for 30 years as a creator, performer, administrator, teacher, technician, and much else. His third album, Rude Mechanicals, has just been released on 112 Records. Michael’s day-job as General Manager of the Huronia Cultural Campus includes work as a multi-disciplinary presenter.


PANELISTS REBECCA COTTER Rebecca is an established event professional: currently the Event Supervisor with the Town of Oakville, the owner of the event supplier company Water-on-Wheels, and a post-secondary event management instructor. Her experience spans a variety of leadership roles in both the public and private event sectors and she looks forward to sharing her wisdom.

(Coachella Music Festival, Stagecoach Music Festival and Virgin Music Festival), House of Blues (Edgefest) and Republic Live (WayHome and Boots & Hearts). SANDY IRVIN Sandy Irvin is the Artistic Director for Folkus Concert Series, held each winter in the beautiful Almonte Old Town Hall. A longtime arts volunteer and community advocate, Sandy has also worked for Stewart Park Festival and the GG Awards. Ask her about the Community Presenters’ Network, a group of small town halls who collaborate.

ROBERT BAIRD Robert is president of BAM! Baird Artists Management Consulting and a former president of NAPAMA (North American Performing Arts Managers and Agents). He was Vice-President of Festivals and Events Ontario and is currently President of Ohio Arts Professionals Network. He coordinates showcases at APAP|NYC and his column appears in the IAFE magazine “ie”.

SAVANAH SEWELL Savanah Sewell is the co-founder of The Grickle Grass Festival, Winter Spectacular and London Girls Rock Camp. Her production days have lead her to The Toronto International Film Festival, Way Home Festival and many arena and club shows. Savanah has also been organizing the family area at Home County Music & Art Festival for the last 4 years.

ROSALYN DENNETT As a founding member of folk group Oh My Darling, Rosalyn’s passion for music lead her to work as a coordinator for MusicOntario, CIMA, and Music Canada Live, manager at, Licensing and Outreach at the Canadian Federation of Musicians, and on the board of directors for Folk Music Ontario.

SHANEEN ROBINSON-DESJARLAIS Shaneen Robinson-Desjarlais as been an award-winning journalist for more than 15 years. A highly sought-after master of ceremonies, promoter and speaker, Shaneen aspires to continue working with Indigenous Elders, youth, women and artists and continue to share information that should be of importance to all Canadians. She is the new Indigenous Music Development Program Coordinator at Manitoba Music.

SALLYANNE HADZALIC Sallyanne Hadzalic lives in Toronto with her eight year old and housemate. She is an American Sign Language - English Interpreter and works for a respite agency. Volunteering for Pride Toronto since 2009 in a variety of roles, the last four years she has co-led the Family Pride team. Family Pride provides familycentred programming for LGBTQQ2S and allied families, and aims to provide programming for babies up to tweens, including information on resources and programs for familes. For fun she tries to knit and loves to ride her bicycle.

SHOSHONA KISH ShoShona is an Anishinabekwe community organizer, producer, activist & touring musician with the award winning band, DIGGING ROOTS. As an artist and curator she has collaborated on a wide range of projects at home and abroad with the likes of Canada’s National Art Centre, the Women of the World festival and the Anishinaabe Music Alliance. ShoShona serves as President on the Board of Directors for Folk Music Canada.

SAMANTHA SLATTERY Samantha has been working in the music industry throughout North America and the UK for almost two decades. Her career has focused primarily on concert promoting, working for some of the largest promoters and festivals, including Mean Fiddler (Reading & Leeds Festivals), AEG Live 24

PANELISTS SUE URQUHART Sue Urquhart is the Executive Director of CAPACOA, the Canadian Arts Presenting Association, and has more than 25 years of experience in management positions in the arts. Sue was the Director of Programming for PEI 2014 Inc., the organization responsible for the Sesquicentennial celebrations for that province.

TIM OSMOND Tim Osmond originally quarterbacked the development of the volunteer presenter component of Home Routes, a non-profit arts organization that plans house concert circuits across Canada. This season alone, as Artistic Director, he delivered sixty-six artists to over 750 concerts that he planned between September and April.

SUSAN WHEELER - HALL Susan Wheeler-Hall is a family therapist who, for more than 30 years, has specialized in helping clients learn how to live well with chronic pain and significant illness. Susan herself lives with a progressive neuromuscular disorder and to accommodate her abilities she now works with clients virtually. Susan is an award-winning writer, hosts a podcast, and teaches online.

WENDY MOORE Wendy Moore has been a professional touring musicican for over 20 years with her groups The Celtic Rathskallions and Moore & McGregor. She has also had a long time interest in fitness and nutrition.


2018 FMO SILENT AUCTION Friday and Saturday September 28th and 29th from 10AM to 8PM* FMO’s auction is a major fundraiser each year, and as a not for profit organization our amazing donors make that possible. This year our partners have worked hard to choose items based on the interests of our members and our volunteers have carefully curated the offerings to include the “essentials” and a few irresistible surprises. Below, our auction table at time of printing. Long & McQuade Guitar Collector’s Vintage Violin Travel/Teaching Guitar 30th SOCAN Awards Gala Mariposa Folk Festival Women’s Blues Review at Roy Thompson Hall Northern Lights Festival Boréal Jane Harbury CD Collection The Strawb’s at Hugh’s Room Live Borealis Records Collection Tune Up Your Body: Spa Day Tune Up Your Gear: MEC Package Forch’s Essential LP Collection Master Session: Pitching with Yes Yes Marsha FMO Lifetime Membership The Young’uns at Hugh’s Room Live Summer Fest Super Pak! 21st Maple Blues Awards at Koerner Hall Bandzoogle Membership The Good Lovelies at NAC Tune Up Your Fun: Henderson Craft Brewery Tour for 10! Tottenham Bluegrass Festival Master Songwriting Session Recording Studio Package FMO Conference Registration FAI Conference Registration The Local Kibblery Pet Emporium Gift Basket Bee-utiful Essentials Gift Basket Canadian Music Week Registration *auction closing and winner’s pick up Saturday at 8pm



Brampton-born alt-folk songwriter AHI (pronounced “eye”) has traveled over 100,000 miles, armed with an acoustic guitar and a voice like “gravel on silk”. Delivering heartfelt stories with the ease of an old friend, AHI’s distinct blend of folk, soul and rock has earned him features in Billboard, NPR and American Songwriter.


Truly an explorer of wide musical territories, David Woodhead has a melodic and subtle approach to the electric bass. His name appears on more than 250 recording projects and he’s worked with many influential artists including Perth County Conspiracy, Stan Rogers, Oliver Schroer, Gil Scott-Heron, and David Sanborn.


Paul Mills, a musician and record producer, has been part of the Canadian folk music scene for close to fifty years. He has produced over two hundred albums working with artists such as Stan Rogers, Sharon, Lois and Bram and Ron Hynes. Recently Paul was inducted to the Order of Canada.


Skye Wallace is what happens when a classically trained singer with east coast roots discovers punk rock in their youth. Named one of Canada’s best female artists by Chart Attack and a “national treasure” by Sad Mag, Skye Wallace is based in Toronto when not exciting audiences across Canada and beyond.



The Lifers, led by sisters Liv and Anita Cazzola, are an art-folk/rock collective from Guelph, Ontario. Their intertwined voices dynamically convey vulnerability and strength, confronting the fragility of our world and ourselves. Their latest release “Honey Suite” employs conventional instruments in unconventional ways. Folk music has never sounded so immediate.


Dave Cool (yes, his real name) is the Director of Industry Outreach at musician website builder Bandzoogle. He has spoken at dozens of conferences including SXSW, CMW, ASCAP EXPO, and FMO, and has been interviewed by The Economist, Newsweek,, and CBC for his insights on the music industry.


Janine Stoll is a graphic and web designer, singer-songwriter, and the co-founder of Ladybird Animal Sanctuary; a thriving animal rescue charity. Janine offers design services to artists and small businesses globally. As a musician, Janine has toured extensively and has released seven albums as a solo artist and with her band The DoneFors.


Michael is a very lucky soul. He loves his job as one of Canada’s premier album/music designers. Losing his legs in a crooked 2017 card game has not slowed this dynamo one bit! He is as busy as ever producing two weekly hour-long web radio shows as well as making Canada’s music look fantastic.


COLLEEN PETERSON SONGWRITING AWARD The Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award was established to help support and promote the work of Ontario-resident emerging singer/songwriters in the genres of roots, traditional, folk and country music. The annual recipient is chosen by an Ontario Arts Council (OAC) selection panel from nominations put forward by juries for Stingray Music’s Rising Stars competition and Folk Music Ontario’s Songs From the Heart competition. The Ontario Arts Council (OAC) is pleased to announce Lora Bidner as the recipient of the 2018 Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award for her song “3,000 Volts”. Congratulations, Lora!


Lora Bidner is a compelling, three-time SOCAN foundation award winning, Canadian screen composer, singer-songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. Her 2015 album To the North garnered positive reviews from CBC radio 1, Exclaim! Huffington Post and more media outlets as well as an IMA nomination for her song 3,000 Volts. Having completed a Masters of Music Technology at the University of Toronto in 2017, Lora participated in a residency at the Canadian Film Center in the Slaight Family Music Lab in 2018. Lora is currently composing for several multi-media productions and working on a new album. For more info on Lora visit




“NEON VELOUR” Rooted in passionate vocal harmony, Tragedy Ann tackles topics from love-drunkenness to hospital visits with equal intimacy. Liv Cazzola’s multiinstrumental menagerie and Braden Phelan’s dynamic guitar flavours provide a lush backdrop to powerful narratives, reminding you that you do indeed love the accordion—you just never heard it played this sweetly.



“SING TO THE MOON” After making her mark on the festival and college circuits across North America, Darrelle London has discovered the joy of making kids’ music the whole family will love! Her new album, Sing to the Moon, is a whimsical journey towards bedtime, with a mix of original tunes, and old classics with a twist.



“SNOOZE” Rooted in passionate vocal harmony, Tragedy Ann tackles topics from love-drunkenness to hospital visits with equal intimacy. Liv Cazzola’s multiinstrumental menagerie and Braden Phelan’s dynamic guitar flavours provide a lush backdrop to powerful narratives, reminding you that you do indeed love the accordion—you just never heard it played this sweetly.





“TWO SISTERS” Missy Bauman creates dreamy drug folk-- a powerful femme flavour to folk. Her debut album received recognition from the Canadian Songwriter’s Hall of Fame, with what Rrampt describes as “…an exploration of the etheral. This is the work of a truly talented artist. [Missy is] a smart songwriter, and an interesting one.”


“BELLWOODS PARK” Shawn William Clarke is an award winning Canadian indie-folk songwriter, twice nominated as Songwriter of the Year in NOW magazine’s Best of Toronto poll. His recent release, TOPAZ, was inspired by 80’s Gordon Lightfoot, Kenny Buttrey’s drumming on Neil Young’s “Harvest”; and the existential dilemmas we faced in modern times.


“SLEEP BABY SLEEP” Composer, bandleader and internationally touring performer, Lenka taps into her Czech and Jewish roots for inspiration as she melds innovative expressions of traditional song with her own compositions. Her 7 solo albums and international collaborations demonstrate a desire to bridge cultures through music, constantly seeking new possibilities.



“PICTURE OF YOU” Campbell Woods released “Oxford Street” in April 2017 and has been performing across the country. Compared to Townes Van Zandt and John K. Sampson, he writes powerful songs, simply delivered. “Oxford Street” debuted at no. 4 on the earshot folk/roots radio charts and has been nominated for a Toronto Independent Music Award. 34


Emma Jane Julien is currently an Account Representative at Re:Sound Music Licensing, the Canadian organization that advocates for music creators, educates music users, licenses broadcasters/businesses and distributes royalties to creators - all to help build a thriving and sustainable music industry in Canada.


Brampton-born alt-folk songwriter AHI (pronounced “eye”) has traveled over 100,000 miles, armed with an acoustic guitar and a voice like “gravel on silk”. Delivering heartfelt stories with the ease of an old friend, AHI’s distinct blend of folk, soul and rock has earned him features in Billboard, NPR and American Songwriter.


On her third album, Wasted Time , the much-travelled Canadian singer/songwriter continues to redefine the image of the troubadour, observing the world with biting wit and heartbreaking honesty. She is multi-award winning songwriter across North America, including the 2017 Colleen Peterson award and 2017 Kerrville New Folk, Texas.



NAC Presents brings over 100 concerts by Canadian emerging and established musicians annually to the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. Since 2010 we’ve brought incredible talent across musical genres to all four NAC performance venues. NAC Presents is Canadian popular music’s national stage, presenting the breadth Canada’s musical heritage, diversity, and future.


The first Executive Director of FMO, Erin now leads Music Canada Live – the voice of Canada’s live music industry. Erin serves as the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports’ Co-Chair of the Ontario Live Music Working Group, the OMDC’s Music Industry Advisory Committee and is a board member the Unison Benevolent Fund, MEGAPHONO and the Ottawa Blues Festival.


Award-winning performer Ian Tamblyn has released several albums of his own work and produced albums for many others. He was the 2003 recipient of the Estelle Klein Award. He most recently played in the National Arts Centre production of Brian Doyle’s Up to Low in his role as music director and band leader.


A passionate singer/songwriter and soulful performer, Leela Gilday has a voice that comes straight from the heart. Confessing her stories to her audiences with a gutsy voice and open stage presence, Gilday weaves her experiences as a northerner, a member of the Dene nation, and a traveler into a beautiful world that transports the listener.


STINGRAY RISING STARS PROGRAM Stingray Music is proud to support emerging Canadian music talent through its Stingray Rising Stars program. The objective of this program is to contribute to the careers of up-and-coming musicians in all genres through showcase opportunities, bursaries and potential airplay on Stingray Music channels. Since its introduction in 2000, over 1,000 artists have directly benefited from the Rising Stars Program.

Stingray Musique est fier de contribuer au développement de la musique émergente canadienne grâce au programme Prix Étoiles Stingray. L’objectif de ce programme est de soutenir les artistes d’ici, dans tous les genres musicaux, et de contribuer à l’avancement de leurs carrières en leur offrant de la visibilité, des bourses et une diffusion potentielle sur les chaînes Stingray Musique. Depuis sa création en 2000, le programme Prix Étoiles Stingray a récompensé le talent de plus de 1000 artistes.

Stingray Music is available in over 11 million households across Canada. It offers over 2,000 music channels in a variety of genres curated by experts music programmers around the world.

Stingray Musique est disponible dans plus de 11 millions de foyers au Canada. Le service offre plus de 2000 chaînes dans une variété de styles musicaux, programmées par des experts du monde entier.


LA MUSIQUE AU. RYTHME DE VOTRE VIE. Congratulations to the winners, Mathieu Péloquin Senior Vice-President Marketing and Communications – Stingray Music





The O’Pears are a Toronto-based contemporary folk trio made up of Lydia Persaud, Jill Harris and Meg Contini, three songwriters who weave stories that stir the spirit and capture the timeless character of folk music.

Polaris prize nominated bilingual duo Georgian Bay features the soaring vocal harmonies of multiinstrumentalists Joëlle Westman and Kelly Lefaive. Fearlessly fusing elements of electronic, jazz and chamber music to their folk roots, Georgian Bay’s music explores the human experience through shadow and light, and celebrates the courage within.





As the Director of Programming and Special Events, Syma has been part of the revitalization of Union Station project with Osmington (Union Station) Inc., since 2013. Her goal is to connect with all major and grassroots arts and cultural organizations within the City and internationally, to create continuous contemporary programming in one of Canada’s most iconic buildings!


Nik is the General Manager of the Ottawa Music Industry Coalition (OMIC), the first (and only) city-based music industry trade association in Ontario. Representing over 180 artists and music businesses at all stages of their development, OMIC offers professional and industry development, export opportunities, advocacy and research on behalf of its membership and the wider Ottawa music community.


Greg is credited with being the first to break many prominent Canadian and international recording artists. Warner Music Canada hired Greg as A&R Manager in 1990. Since his departure from Warner, Greg has ventured into artist consulting and personal management. In 2000, he teamed with the late Doug Kirby to manage artists at the booking agency LiveTourArtists.


THANK YOU TO OUR 2018 VOLUNTEERS! The Board and staff of Folk Music Ontario would like to thank the many volunteers who give their time and efforts to make sure the conference runs smoothly. We couldn’t do it without you - thanks! Maureen Adams Izzy Ahrbeck Jennifer Arima Lynn Armstrong Randelle Ashley Gareth Auden-Hole Missy Bauman Don Bird Al Bisschop Erik Bleich Sam Boer Steven Buchko Shawna Caspi Sharon Courtney George Crotty Andrea de Boer Ben de la Cour Pete Eastmure Ali Eisenhammer Gary Eisenhammer Christophe Elie Jon Farmer Mark Fossen Kevin Galloway Wendy Galloway Will Gillespie Eniid Goodman

Sara Gougeon Oisin Hannigan Steafan Hannigan Ben Hefferman Wayne Hosick Frank Iacobucci Lauren Jewell Gisele Kashul Heather Kilner Adele Landry Valentyna Levchenko Kim Logue Christhian Lozano Brenna MacCrimmon Bill Marshall Alex Mason Robyn Stevan Matamoros Arthur McGregor Erica McKay Dylan McMullin Alyson McNamara Julie Mercier Bill Milligan Shelley Montreuil Emily Mountjoy John Muirhead Tristan Murphy


Cassie Norton Kit Paulson Ragnar Paulson Braden Phelan Dianne Pittman Andrew Queen Olivia Roberts Susan Robinson Emily Rockarts Daniel Rougeau Michelle Rumball Jen Scriven-Jonk Orit Shimoni Alissa Skorik Nancy Solway Kirsten Sontag Ivan Stille Heather Styka Gautam Subra Noah Sullivan Elly Tose Katrina Urquhart Sytske van der Veen James Walters Tony Wohlfarth Peter Woods

EXPORT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 2018 As part of its mandate to foster and develop Ontario’s folk music industry, Folk Music Ontario presents the 2018 Export Development Program. The program involves inviting Export Delegates—key buyers and music industry people—to attend the FMO conference. We are very pleased this year to welcome delegates from across Canada as well as the United States, England, Scotland, Europe and India. The goal of the program is to connect Export Delegate connected with artists showcasing at the conference, particularly artists considered export-ready. There are three key Export Development Program initiatives that help connect the delegates, mentors and artists: • Meet & Greet: this mixer provides an opportunity for delegates and artists in the program to network during the event • One-on-one Business Meetings: we matchmake more than 700 meetings over two days, ensuring that artists are meeting with delegates who fit their music and career goals • CD Library: Export Delegates browse a library of CDs so they can easily access the music of artists taking part in the Export Development Program. In addition to these invite-only activities, our 27 Export Delegates also participate in panels and take in showcase performances throughout the weekend. The Export Development Program is managed by Carolyn Sutherland with Folk Music Ontario.



DIVYA BHATIA Jodhpur Rajasthan Int’l Folk Festival Mumbai India

KAREN PROEME Karen Proeme Productions Tilburg Netherlands


DOUG COX Vancouver Island Music Fest Comox, BC W CDA

LISA SCHWARTZ Philadelphia Folk Festival Philadelphia, PA NE USA

BEV BURTON Killer B Music/ Cambridge Folk Festival Cambridge England

ED GERRARD Impact Artist Management New York, NY USA

LISA WHYTOCK Active Events/ Showcase Scotland Glasgow Scotland


EDDIE CHAVEZ NBC Universal Media Los Angeles, CA USA

MANDI COLLIER Whirly Girl Music Los Angeles, CA USA

CARLY BRADLEY Folk on the Rocks Yellowknife, NT N CDA

GEORGETTE BIVINS 411 Music Group Los Angeles, CA USA


CRAIG GROSSMAN Green Room Music Source St. Paul, MN MW USA



CRAIG SHELBURNE The Bluegrass Situation Nashville, TN USA


NEIL PEARSON Sounds Just Fine Shrewsbury England

DAVID AGNEW The Met/ Manchester Folk Festival Manchester England

JAMES LESLIE Skyline Artists Agency Nashville, TN USA

SANDER KAHU Viljandi Folk Music Festival Tallinn Estonia TROY GREENCORN Stan Rogers Folk Festival Canso, NS E CDA

DAVID HAYMAN Supergroup Toronto, ON CDA/USA 43


Marilena has worked in many areas within the music industry, and has always been a passionate supporter of the performing arts. Marilena is currently at National Arts Centre working with NAC Presents as the Programming and Rentals Officer. She overlooks the majority of local programming, community and national rentals, as well as managing most of the NAC Presents shows.


Born in Belgium, Charlotte Corbisier holds a double masters in Art History and Cultural Communication. In 2016, she departed to discover Canada. She became involved with APCM as an assistant to the Communications Director and in April 2018, she accepted a permanent position at APCM as the new Communications Director.


Tiffany Ferguson is the Executive Director of Women in Music Canada, the national non-profit association dedicated to fostering gender equality in the music industry. Tiffany was previously the Program Manager of MuchFACT, Canada’s ground-breaking music video grant program. She worked with the organization for over a decade, starting as Program Coordinator.


ABIGAIL LAPELL Toronto songwriter Abigail Lapell draws from roots, indie and punk traditions. Her latest release, Hide Nor Hair, won a Canadian Folk Music Award for Contemporary Album of the Year. She’s toured across Canada, the U.S. and Europe, performing on vocals, piano, harmonica and finger style guitar.

AMÉLIE ET LES SINGES BLEUS Amélie et les singes bleus is a gathering of musical antics, a fusion of styles similar to Paris Combo or Pink Martini that pays tribute to French music from everywhere. Four times nominated for the Trilles Or awards; their spontaneous show allows you to enjoy and relive great melodies.

BIG LITTLE LIONS Big Little Lions deliver their signature pop-folk shimmer and irresistible rhythms with a new lyrical edge inspired by the polarity of our world with their new album, Alive and Well.


BOOGAT Boogat is a Juno Awardwinning Canadian-Mexican musician from Montreal who blends hip-hop with Latin music styles such as Cumbia, Salsa, and Reggaeton. He has collaborated with artists such as La Yegros, Kid Koala, and Lemon Bucket Orchestra among others.


CAMPBELL WOODS Campbell Woods released his debut record, “Oxford Street” in the spring of April 2017. He’s been on the road ever since, performing everywhere from Vancouver to Halifax to Nashville to Austin. As a songwriter he’s been compared to Townes Van Zandt and John K. Sampson. Powerful songs, simply delivered. “Oxford Street” debuted at no. 4 on the earshot folk/roots radio charts and has been nominated for a Toronto Independent Music Award.

CY Cy is an immerging progressive-folk ensemble hailing from the jagged Acadian coastline of South-Western Nova Scotia. Their first album, Deuxième Nation, merited them a Music NewBrunswick Award for Folk Artist of the year in 2017, and was also nominated for an East Coast and Nova Scotia Music Award.

ELLEN FROESE Hailing from a dairy farm in central Saskatchewan, young hip-swinger-folksinger Ellen Froese is not Joan Baez or a sheep, but the vibrato in her voice may suggest otherwise. Whether performing a traditional tune, a rock ‘n’ roll classic or an original, the multi-instrumentalist does it with an air of authenticity – all tempered with a healthy dose of selfdeprecation.

GABRIELLE PAPILLON When you come to your knees / when you hold what you need / you will know what to keep,” sings Gabrielle Papillon near the end of her most adventurous album. Hailed as “one of the finest new songwriters in Canada,” (Tom Power, CBC), Papillon’s sweeping album is packed full of thoughts like this, wise and poignant, empathetic and understanding, open to interpretation.

CONNIE KALDOR Connie Kaldor carved a career in the canadian folk music scene with her original music, irreverant sense of humour and legendary live show She has 14 albums, Juno Awards, the Order of Canada and songs that are the closest the prairies have to anthems.

DIYET & THE LOVE SOLDIERS Diyet & The Love Soldiers’ melodies and stories are deeply rooted in Diyet’s Indigenous world view and northern life. Her songs are an interpretation of a northern reality: hard, raw and will break you if it can but at the same time, always beautiful, gentle, strange and intensely alive.

FOONYAP FOONYAP is a solo vocalist, multi-instrumentalist, and classically-trained violinist, born and raised in Calgary, Alberta. FOONYAP’s work is a hauntingly beautiful blend of folk and electronic that incorporates their Chinese heritage, be it through dark soundscapes mirroring anxious longing, or powerful electronic rifts reflecting painful life transitions.

IRISH MYTHEN By vote, the three most requested artists to return to Mariposa Folk Festival have been 1) Joni 2) Gordon, and 3) Irish Mythen~ Mike Hill, AD Mariposa Folk Festival.



JOHNSON CROOK Toronto roots-rock band Johnson Crook share a love of pure, honest music stemming from their small-town backgrounds. Drawing inspiration from groups like the Eagles and the Avett Brothers, each member contributes equally, injecting their unique personalities into the overall sound built on four voices.

JOJO WORTHINGTON JoJo Worthington is a soft tour-de-force. A burst of light. Her latest work, ‘Two Lines’, is a surge into new territory. Her Kate Bush-like vocalizations and refreshing take on the ukulele are pushing this experimental-folk musician to create some of the most forward-thinking music of her generation.

KALYNA RAKEL Kalyna Rakel combines jazz and folk sounds with the gritty soul of the delta blues. Often compared to Janis Joplin meets Amy Winehouse, she presents her moving original songs backed by a band of some of Canada’s top musicians.

LEAF RAPIDS Leaf Rapids is the latest project by singer songwriter Keri Latimer (from Juno recipients Nathan). “Leaf Rapids followed with something so hauntingly beautiful that words do not do justice. Theremin, soothing vocals and a perfectly performed bass part made for a spellbinding, sublime performance.” - Liverpool SoundCity Festival live review.

LES POULES À COLIN Despite their young age, Les Poules à Colin have been playing together for over nine years and it shows in their sparkling complicity. The group’s sound is a seamless blend of their strong folk upbringing and North American influences. Their repertoire is a mix of original and traditional pieces, primarily in French but with some English compositions, revealing gorgeous vocal, instrumental and rhythmic prowess.

KYM GOUCHIE AND NORTHERN SKY Kym Gouchie is an Indigenous roots singer/ songwriter from the L’Heidli T’enneh /Prince George. Kym fearlessly leads her band Northern Sky, featuring some of Northern BC’s finest musicians, as they create compelling and stunning live performances of her genuine and heartfelt songs that serve to elevate the human spirit.

LEE WATSON Like a brushstroke across a canvas, Lee Watson’s songwriting sweeps through musical landscapes, warm and knowing.”Strikingly beautiful music that will stop you in your tracks.” - Tom Power, Host, CBC RADIO Q.

LOS POETAS Originally their musical gaze was on 1970s Nuyork Salsa and the era of boom bap Hip-Hop that would come out two decades later. Now, Los Poetas look beyond the music of their parent’s generation towards the indigenous roots of spoken word, drum and melody and the bridge to today where we call them rap, beats and hooks.



NEW TRADITION MUSIC 2018 Juno Nominee, New Tradition Music Is an interactive performance project that explores the concepts of tradition and modernity through spoken word, music, songs, dance and design. The original compositions incorporate ancient instruments such as the 2000 plus year old indigenous kuisi bunsi flute (a.k.a. Colombian gaita) with more recent instruments such as the turntables to bridge ancestral musical styles with urban cultural expressions.

OUTSIDE I’M A GIANT Floating down from Quebec’s upper Gatineau, the ethereal sounds of Outside I’m a Giant draw inspiration from songwriter Jeremi Pierre Caron’s riverside hideaway. Point Comfort (2017) combines deepvoiced vocals, acoustic guitar, pedal steel, violin, mandolin, bass clarinet and harmonica. Lingering contemplation of nature and human nature is in abundance here.

RACHEL BECK Glowing with catchy pop hooks, Rachel Beck’s distinctive piano melodies and emotive vocals are captivating audiences across Canada. The PEI songbird’s stunning debut lures the listener into an ethereal and enveloping soundscape, as the songs take one on a journey from regret and grief to wonder and joy.

SAFE AS HOUSES Safe as Houses is an alternative-folk band from Kitchener-Waterloo recognized for their poetic lyrics, tight musical performances, and haunting fivepart harmonies. Their influences include a variety of artists from genres spanning folk, rock, and classical. Their sound is harmonic, haunting and powerful folk.

ORKESTAR KRIMINAL Ancient gangster tunes from Eastern Europe... and beyond! After an awardwinning debut album, and a multitude of festival performances, the biggest criminal punks in world music are releasing their 2nd full-length “Ryobra” on Coax Records, with producer Josh Dolgin (Socalled).

POLKY VILLAGE BAND Created by two courageous Polish ladies, singer Ewelina Ferenc and dancer Ala Stasiuk, Polky Village Band is not your typical “polka band” but an authentic and energetic Polish folk music group. By adding a uniquely Canadian, multicultural flavour, they bring their own original sound to traditional forms.

RESPECTFULCHILD respectfulchild (敬兒) is the solo instrumental project of Gan from Saskatoon on Treaty 6 Territory. They build experimental ambient soundscapes through slow progressions of meticulous improvisation using just a violin. With a sound that has been likened to artists such as Brian Eno, Nils Frahm, and Owen Pallett, the lone presence of respectfulchild is able to bring quiet to even the noisiest of rooms.

SHAWN WILLIAM CLARKE Shawn William Clarke is an indie folk songwriter, twice nominated as Songwriter of the Year in NOW magazine’s Best of Toronto poll. His recent release, TOPAZ, was inspired by 80’s Gordon Lightfoot, Kenny Buttrey’s drumming on Neil Young’s “Harvest”; and the existential dilemma’s we face in modern times.



SHREEM X CELTIC REMIXING Shreem delivers a new sound, blending Celtic, electronic, and other contemporary music styles with hard-hitting drums and powerful, warm melodies. Shreem’s live performance is reminiscent of an East Coast ‘kitchen party’ that incorporates looping, vocal sampling, electronic percussion, beat boxing, and a live fiddler making it NOT your average ceilidh!

SINA BATHAIE Toronto based composer and Santur player, Sina Bathaie, is known for his unique style and approach toward Persian contemporary music. Born in Iran, Sina started learning Santur as a child from his father, Master Javad Bathaie, and followed his passion for music by practicing Persian classical repertoire (Radif) with the Oud and explored the concept of rhythm by learning Tonbak (Persian Percussion).

THE O’PEARS The O’Pears are a contemporary folk trio made up of songwriters who weave stories that stir the spirit and capture the timeless character of folk music. A striking mix of tight a cappella and rootsy instrumentation, their latest album explores lessons learned about love and loss with an intimate sincerity.

TOMATO/TOMATO Tomato/Tomato is a genre-bending power duo that perform an eclectic mix of folk and country that will have you rolling down your windows and singing at the top of your lungs. Their live show includes jaw dropping multitasking, dynamic guitar arrangements, and soaring vocal harmonies.

SILLA AND RISE Silla and Rise blend Inuit throat-singing and futuristic dancefloor beats. Cynthia Pitsiulak and Charlotte Qamaniq (Nunavut) are Silla. Rise is Ottawa’s Rise Ashen, a Juno-nominated globalgrooves producer. Together, they were also nominated for a Juno in 2017 for their self-titled Debut. They perform their dazzling fusion extensively as a trio.

THE LIFERS The Lifers, led by sisters Liv and Anita Cazzola, are an art-folk/rock collective from Guelph, Ontario. Their intertwined voices dynamically convey vulnerability and strength, confronting the fragility of our world and ourselves. Their latest release “Honey Suite” employs conventional instruments in unconventional ways. Folk music has never sounded so immediate.

THE SLOCAN RAMBLERS The Slocan Ramblers are Canada’s roots band to watch. Rooted in the tradition and fearlessly creative, The Slocans have quickly become a leading light of Canada’s music scene, built on their reputation for energetic live shows, impeccable musicianship and their ability to convert anyone within earshot into a fan.

ZACHARY LUCKY Zachary Lucky is unapologetically oldschool country, armed with a husky, baritone voice. Hailed as a master storyteller by No Depression and The Globe and Mail and recently nominated for solo artist of the year at the 2017 Canadian Folk Music Awards.



BENJAMIN DAKOTA ROGERS Benjamin Dakota Rogers is a contemporary alternative folk artist from Brantford, ON. Using his voice, guitar and explosive fiddle he is creating music that draws you in with stories and spokenword poetry. Benjamin’s sound is hard-driving powerful folk with a contemporary edge.

BRADEN GATES Beyond any specific tune, Gates’ gifts as a wordsmith, or his talents arranging fine melodies for acoustic strings, there’s an intangible quality to the man’s work—call it sincerity—that makes you want to listen. His tunes remind you again why we’re all called to explore art at some time or other, for that sense of sharing the common human experience.

JORDANE Jordane is a tranquil force that suggests the Great American landscape: SaintLawrence River, the Great Lakes, Quebec’s north shore. From the small village of Les Escoumins in Quebec’s High North, Jordane has a unique voice tone that mesmerizes, in the manner of a nordic Gillian Welch.


THE SWINGING BELLES The Swinging Belles, a swing band from St. John’s NL, are intent on getting both kids and adults to kick up their heels and have a swinging good time with the whole family! This 2016 Juno Award winning band wows any crowd with songs, stories, puppets and lots of laughter!

WILL STROET JUNO nominee Will Stroet, the star of the TV series Will’s Jams on CBC Kids, inspires kids to be active healthy creative and engaged in the world through educational music in English and French. Will has performed more than 1,600 shows across Canada and in China.


MELANIE BRULÉE Ontario’s favourite bilingual show-off is back with a new Americana/ Spaghetti-Western album written equally in Ontario and Nashville. Part rockabilly cowgirl and part cabaret singer, Melanie Brulée now performs alongside ‘Her Bad Manners’, an ensemble as rich in analog tone as she is blessed with stage presence.


BURNSTICK Plains-Cree guitarist, Jason Burnstick, and Francophone-Métis singer-songwriter, Nadia Gaudet-Burnstick, are two performers whose voices and languages blend together with ease. Jason carries with him his arsenal of Weissenborns, lapslide guitars and hardedge songwriting, as Nadia shines with enchanting vocal harmonies and insightfully honest lyrics.

JAY GILDAY Jay has searched for himself in the depths of folk, blues, traditional, rock and soul music. The quest continues as Jay takes his experiences from the roads of Canada, the daily roller-coaster of life and weaves them into song. Jay’s live performance is executed with a trained voice and a passion to drive it backed up by a heavy hitting guitar.

CRYSTAL SHAWANDA The celebrated artist has built a decade-long career on her emotional performances, scoring major acclaim and fervent fans along the way. She was even the subject of a reality show, “Crystal: Living the Dream” on the CMT television network. On her 5th studio album, Shawanda has pinpointed her essence as a blues singer.

MELODY MCKIVER Melody McKiver is an Anishinaabe multidisciplinary artist located in Sioux Lookout on Treaty #3 territory. Melody is a viola performer, integrating electronics into Western classical musical training to shape Anishinaabe compositions for the new millennium. Melody turns a critical eye towards the realities of colonization, using their art to celebrate the diversity and resilience of their own culture.


ILA BARKER With soul and voice well beyond her years, soulfolk Ojibwe artist Ila Barker captures audiences with her sweet melodies and dynamic presence. Fusing authentic and timeless notes, this folk artist will surely connect and leave a lasting impression. Ila’s second studio album is to be released Summer 2019.

LIGHTNING TALKS Thank you to all the Industry experts who agreed to come on board for the 2018 “Lightning Talks” sessions. Our attendees had the chance to pre-register for some individual meeting time with the industry expert or festival representative of their choice. This year’s Lightning Talks experts are: ALEX MALLETTE Folk Alliance International Alex handles sales, sponsorships, in-kind agreements, fundraising, and strategic partnerships at Folk Alliance. Alex is uniquely suited to the role with a combination of music performance and industry background. While living and performing in New York, he also worked in the US Office for Midem, the world’s premier music industry conference.

BLUE SKIES FESTIVAL In many ways Blue Skies remains the mid-summer picnic it started as. The same focus on the music, the same sense of sharing with the community, the same gorgeous site. Somehow, we’ve managed to hang on for all these years, and it’s all in many ways thanks to the guy who had the original idea way back in ‘73. BRIAN GLADSTONE Winterfolk Festival Brian Gladstone has been involved in the Canadian roots music scene for thirty-five years as an artist, performer, singer-songwriter, producer, festival director, artistic director, and activist. As an artist he has released five albums. Brian is the founder and active director of Toronto’s Winterfolk festival, now going into its seventeenth year.

AMANDA POWER Unison Benevolent Fund Amanda Power began with UNISON Benevolent Fund in 2015 as Development Manager, and in 2018 was appointed Executive Director by UNISON’s Board of Directors. In her leadership role, Amanda brings almost 2 decades of experience and extensive knowledge of event management, sponsorship, marketing, promotions, and industry relations to UNISON.

BYRON PASCOE Edwards PC Law Byron Pascoe is a music lawyer. He works with musicians to help them review, understand and negotiate music agreements, including record label, publishing, placement, producer, band and management agreements. Byron also prepares agreements that his musician clients want others to sign, and he enjoys being one of many players on a musician’s team.

ANDREW KARIS ACTRA RACS Andrew Karis’ role at ACTRA RACS is to ensure that artists are fairly compensated for their work. For the past 6 years, he has worked directly with recording artists to help them collect their royalties and understand their rights. Andrew also has over 10 years of experience in the music industry working in music supervision, marketing, and nonprofits.

CHERYL PRASHKER Goderich Celtic Roots Festival Cheryl Prashker moved to Philadelphia in 2003 to work in the office of Northeast Regional Folk Alliance Conferences (NERFA). Cheryl was then elected to the Board of Directors and served as Board President for 6 years. Cheryl is now the General Manager of the Goderich Celtic Roots Festival and the Artistic Director for the Festival and College.

ANGELA KOZAK FACTOR Angela Kozak joined FACTOR in 2010. Angela has previously worked as a music writer for Chart and Shameless, and holds a Bachelor of Journalism degree from Ryerson University. She moved to South Africa immediately after graduating and spent a year working at a graphic design firm and cage-diving with great whites.


LIGHTNING TALKS CHRIS THOMPSON Manager Chris is a partner and artist manager at Alt. Music (Management & Booking) where he represents a roster of various clients. Chris has experience in several roles within the music industry including working as a booking agent, social media manager, and event management, for clients such as Republic Live, AEG Presents and Coalition Music.

ERIN BENJAMIN Music Canada Live The first Executive Director of FMO, Erin now leads Music Canada Live – the voice of Canada’s live music industry. Erin serves as the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports’ Co-Chair of the Ontario Live Music Working Group, the OMDC’s Music Industry Advisory Committee and is a board member the Unison Benevolent Fund, MEGAPHONO and the Ottawa Blues Festival.

DAVID BARNARD Canadian Heritage Senior Program Advisor, Canada Arts Presentation Fund, Department of Canadian Heritage. Agent of change, transformative designer, arts advocate, s%#t disturber; these are some of the other titles bestowed upon David. Radio host and producer, facilitator, event planner and programmer, are some of the other things he’s done over the years. Being a great papa is his biggest job at the moment.

JAN HALL Folk Routes Radio Jan Hall is the host/producer of Folk Roots Radio, a syndicated radio show specializing in high quality in-depth interviews with artists about their music. She also hosts a music video series, the Sun Parlour Coffee House Sessions, recorded in Kingsville in southwestern Ontario. JEAN PAUL DE ROOVER Live From the Rock Festival Jean-Paul De Roover works hard for Thunder Bay’s music community as a festival coordinator, promoter, artist and advocate, and has recently become the Artistic Director for Live from the Rock Folk Festival in Red Rock, ON. When he’s not touring as a solo artist he’s at home being a dad.

DEREK ANDREWS Music Programmer Music Programmer at Hugh’s Room Live and Cultura Festival, and Artistic Director of Mundial Montreal, Derek’s Global Café supports artists such as Kobo Town and Suzie Vinnick. Derek is President of the Toronto Blues Society, sits on the Toronto Music Advisory Council and is an advocate for creative approaches in music as a tool for breaking down cultural barriers.

JERRY SWITZER Tottenham Bluegrass Festival Jerry is the chair of Tottenham Bluegrass Festival (1991 to present) and legal counsel for several arts organizations, clubs, charities, foundations and associations. Jerry is a Director and Officer of community organizations and a member of the South Simcoe Ramblers bluegrass band. Jerry is involved in the musical community at all levels, and is a songwriter and performer.

DEVIN LATIMER Trout Forest Festival Devin Latimer is a faculty member at the University of Winnipeg, a performer with JUNO-award winning band Nathan (Nettwerk) and Leaf Rapids (Black Hen Music), as well as the artistic director of the Trout Forest Music Festival, booking an average of 30 acts for the annual all Canadian 3-stage weekend festival.

JORY NASH Performer / Industry Expert Jory Nash is a 4 time CFMA-nominated singer songwriter. His 9th album WILDERNESS YEARS has just been released. Jory is a music producer, concert presenter, tour organizer, grant writer, music royalties expert, and songwriting teacher, and loves to chat about all these things.

EMMA JULIEN Re:Sound Emma Jane Julien is currently an Account Representative at Re:Sound Music Licensing, the Canadian organization that advocates for music creators, educates music users, licenses broadcasters/businesses and distributes royalties to creators - all to help build a thriving and sustainable music industry in Canada. 53

LIGHTNING TALKS JUSTIN NORDELL NERFA Justin worked at PFS a decade ago before taking a job with a recording studio in Texas. Upon returning to Philly, he worked with the Pennsylvania Ballet, Philadelphia Film Festival, FringeArts, etc., before returning to PFS as Executive Director in 2015. It didn’t feel like taking a new position, it felt like coming home.

MIKE SCHWARTZ Wellness Expert With over 12 years of experience, Mike Schwartz has battled the hardships of the working musician’s lifestyle and has established himself as the Trusted Authority of Musician Wellness. He is an author, lifestyle coach, and well-known speaker, inspiring everyone to embrace healthier choices and focus on progress rather than perfection.

KIMBERLY SINCLAIR SpinCount Kimberly Sinclair built SpinCount into an award-winning radio promotions and publicity firm. Her clients are routinely nominated for key awards such as Grammy’s, CRMAs, JUNOs, Polaris Prize, CFMAs, and provincial M.I.A. awards. Kimberly served on the board of directors at MNS & ECMAs.

NEIL PEARSON Sounds Just Fine Neil is a freelance producer, project manager and artist-development specialist working in singer/songwriter, folk and the wider roots genres. He works with artists and organizations on a range of commissions, projects, programming and touring collaborations with both UK and international partners.

LIZ SCOTT Mariposa Folk Festival Liz Scott is the Artistic Director at Mariposa Folk Festival and has hosted a house concert series since 2001. She has worked as promoter, presenter, tour manager, and agent, and sits on the Folk Music Ontario Board of Directors. She also spent years producing small grassroots music concerts in rural Ontario.

TIM FRASER Home County Folk Festival A graduate of Fanshawe College’s Music Industry Arts program, Tim started his career at Canada’s oldest independent folk label, True North Records, as the Digital Marketing Manager. Today, Tim is a booking agent with Degy Entertainment and the new Artistic Director for London’s Home County Music & Art Festival.

MAURA BROADHURST / MYRON KOZAK Ontario Arts Council The OAC is an arm’s-length agency of the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. The OAC’s grants and services to professional, Ontariobased artists and arts organizations support arts education, Indigenous arts, community arts, crafts, dance, Francophone arts, literature, media arts, multidisciplinary arts, music, theatre, touring, and visual arts. MAX MERRIFIELD Northern Lights Festival Boreal Max Merrifield is a board member of FMO and is Executive/Artistic Director of Sudbury, Ontario’s Northern Lights Festival Boréal. He is also a musician, dabbling in hip-hop, spoken word, and beyond.


NEW MEMBERS Folk Music Ontario welcomes the following new members who joined us since the last issue of Folk Prints: NEW ONTARIO INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Danielle Allard, Kanata Kate Ashby-Craft, St. Mary’s Marc Audet, Deep River Brenda Beaudoin, Belmont Albert Bisschop, Toronto Elise Boeur, Toronto Lesley Bonisteel, Trenton Liv Cazzola, Guelph Jack Cole, Kitchener Noelle Coughlin, London Renee Coughlin, London Evan Dawe, Sarnia Leonardo Dell’Anno, Toronto Gene Donefer, Kingston North Easton, Rockland Katherine Fischer, London Emily Jean Flack, Dorchester James Gould, Toronto Diandian Gu, Toronto Sarah Hiltz, Toronto Raha Javanfar, Toronto Noel Johnson, Toronto Pat Johnson, Athens Simon Jutras, Sudbury Ken Kawashima, Toronto Anwar Khurshid, York Emma Lamontagne, Ottawa Marion Law, Toronto Barbra Lica, Toronto Laurie Lockhart, Toronto Zachary Lucky, Orillia

Kim Orchard, Grafton Pascale Padilla, Toronto Annie Parry, Tiny Byron Pascoe, Ottawa John Pilat, Sarnia Nicky Potter, Toronto Justin Ralph, Oxford Station

NEW OUT-OF-PROVINCE INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS Lara Antebi, Montreal, QC Daniel Bellegarde, Montreal, QC Sean Burns, Winnipeg, MB Aleksi Campagne, Greenfield Park, QC

Carson Ritcey-Thorpe, Hamilton

Gabriel Campagne, Greenfield Park, QC

Tangi Ropars, Toronto

Paul Campagne, Greenfield Park, QC

Jordan Safer, Toronto

Bill Collier, Verdun, QC

Joel Saunders, Toronto

Noah Derksen, Winnipeg, MB

John Schneider, Ottawa

Terry Eagan, Waltham, MA

Jennifer Scriven, Campbellford

Heidi Fleming, Montreal, QC

Lee Serviss, North Gower

Jeremy Flynn, Gatineau, QC

Louis Simao, Toronto

Anna Green, Garden Bay, BC

Alissa Skorik, Mississauga

Jim Hale, San Rafael, CA

Mike Stevens, Toronto

Suzanne Jaroszynski, San Rafael, CA

Kimberly Sunstrum, Ottawa

Connie Kaldor, Greenfield Park, QC

Louise Taylor, Toronto

Mara Levine, Edison, NJ

Gaurav Vaz, Toronto

Nicolas Mognon-Loyer, Gatineau, QC

Samantha Walker, Welland

Patrick Murray, Riverview, NB

Hillary Watson, London

Declan O’Donovan, Whitehorse, YT

Valerie Wedden, Tichborne

Robints Paul, Montreal, QC

Susann Weinelt, Toronto

Robert Teehan, Van Nuys, CA

NEW ONTARIO ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERS Accessible Media Inc., Toronto JKB Communications Inc., Brampton Newmarket Folk Society, King City

Jérémie Trépanier, Gatineau, QC Mary Beth Waldram, St. John’s, NL Monika Wall, Winnipeg, MB Brian Weadick, Yellowknife, NT

Rutland Collective, Toronto


Traverse Music Management, Owen Sound

Gathering Time Associates, Malverne, NY

Kyris M, Toronto Bob MacLean, Guelph Meredith Moon, Uxbridge Joanne Morra, Toronto Janie Renee Myner, Vankleek Hill Kalyna Newton, Toronto Graham Nicholas, Toronto

*Updated: September 4, 2018 56

DEVELOPING ARTISTS PARTICIPANTS SAFFRON A Saffron A is a solo artist from Brantford Ontario. Most of her songs start as poetry, and she uses music to convey her words on a deeper level to a broader audience. Her music sits where emotion and intellect intersect. Her songwriting has been recognized as unique by both the Toronto Songwriting School and the Barrie Folk Society.

GABRIEL CYR Gabriel Cyr est un auteur-compositeur-interprète originaire d’Ottawa. Il porte une voix unique et un style rafraichissant qu’il amène dans le monde francophone. Ses compositions sincères et émotionnelles prennent par surprise et accrochent à tout coup. Sa musique est influencée grandement par des artistes tels que Radiohead ou Louis-Jean Cormier. En juin dernier, il remporta un concours lui permettant de lancer sa chanson originale auprès du public. Il planifie maintenant lancer un premier extrait dès cet automne. Un artiste à ne pas manquer sur la scène francophone!

CASSIDY HOUSTON Cassidy Houston is a singer-songwriter from Red Rock, a small town on the north shore of Lake Superior. Armed with piano and guitar, Cassidy shares her passion for her craft and community, performing at events including Live from the Rock Folk Festival (2017) and the recent Thunder Bay Buskers Festival.

CHLOE LUKIA PILAR Chloe Lukia Pilar’s’ voice has been likened to maple syrup and beautiful sky blue chicory flowers. Influenced by the music of Joni Mitchell, Eva Cassidy, Loreena McKennitt, Ani DiFranco, and Layah Jane, Chloe’s passionate lyrics complement her floating melodies. Chloe is currently training in classical voice technique, pursuing a Bachelor of Music at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Whether accompanying herself on guitar or piano, she claims the stage by singing from her heart. She’s performed at Open Mic in New York, Toronto, Halifax, and on Vancouver Island. Most recently, she played a set at the Mariposa Folk Festival and opened for Ava Wild at the Burdock in Toronto. As well, she was a featured performer, sponsored by Long & McQuade at the Flying Canoe in Courtenay, British Columbia.

JESSICA WEDDEN Jessica Wedden is an upbeat fiddler, trick fiddler, step dancer, composer, 2016 Canadian Folk Music Award nominee based on CD recorded at age twelve, 2017 CNE Rising Star Talent Competition semifinalist and 2018 Canadian Songwriting Competition semifinalist. Jessica performed for Ottawa’s Canada-US InterParliamentary Group and opened for Ashley MacIsaac!


DEVELOPING ARTISTS MENTORS AMANDA RHEAUME Amanda Rheaume is an award-winning Métis singer-songwriter with a slightly gritty rootspop Americana sound. She performs internationally at major country and folk/roots festivals, theatres and clubs in Canada, Germany, Austria, France, Denmark, England, Scotland and Ireland. In 2014 Amanda received a Canadian Folk Music Award for Aboriginal Songwriter of The Year as well as a Juno Nomination for Aboriginal Album of the Year.

BINAESHEE-QUAE (LOON CLAN) Binaeshee-Quae (Loon Clan) is a singer songwriter, actor & community arts enthusiast from Biigtigong First Nation. She works with many different mediums but the voice is the “heart of her art”. Her music is often described as haunting and intimate; her “sound” sways between root and bud with onomatopoeically crafted lyrics. MIRANDA MULHOLLAND Miranda Mulholland is a Canadian Singer-Songwriter, Musician, Label Owner, Artist Advocate and Founder and Artistic Director of the newly minted Sawdust City Music Festival in Muskoka. Currently she is a member of Harrow Fair and Belle Starr. Her touring and recording credits include Great Lake Swimmers, Bowfire, The Jim Cuddy Band and many more. She studied Opera Performance at The University of Western Ontario and McGill University. Miranda sits on the Board of Governors, Massey/Roy Thomson Halls. RAE SPOON Rae Spoon is a non-binary musician and author. They have released eight solo albums spanning folk, indie rock and electronic genres and have toured across Canada and internationally. They have been nominated for two Polaris Prizes and a Western Canadian Music Award. Rae also runs Coax Records, an indie label with over fifteen releases so far.

TREASA LEVASSEUR Treasa Levasseur has been the Folk Music Ontario Developing Artist Program coordinator since 2014. She is also the Canadian Representative for Folk Alliance International, a Juno-nominated singer-songwriter, a columnist on CBC’s The Next Chapter, and has hosted stages and led choirs at many festivals over the last few years. Treasa is proud to call Hamilton home, and cherishes her FMO community.

WESLI Melding Haitian Streets Sounds, Ritual Vibes, Reggae Rebellion. Since stringing his first oilcan for a guitar, musician-songwriter Wesli took seemingly disparate elements, and tinkered til they powerfully grooved. Wesli takes Haitian traditions (vodou), street styles (rara), and links them with everything from reggae to quirky Acadian hip hop.






thursday, September 27, 2018 ROOMS






Vista Foyer








9:00PM 11:30PM-2AM All-Night Jamming

Registration and FMO Board Voting (2PM-10PM)

Erin Mills Vista Salon A&B Mississauga Ballroom Foyer

FMO Welcome Reception EDP Artists

Mississauga Orientation (closed Ballroom session) (2PMB&C

EDP Delegates Orientation (closed session)


Mississauga Ballroom A&D York Ballroom

FMO Presents Official Showcases (8PM-11PM)


FMO Presents Official Showcases (8:15PM-11:15PM) Instrument Lockup & Drop Boxes (7PM-10PM)

Arista Dundas Cawthra Lakeshore Britannia

Ticketpro Developing Artists PGM Meet & Greet lSupper (closed session)

Ticketpro Developing Artists PGM One on Ones (closed session)

Dixie Pearson Ontario A Ontario B Eglinton

Volunteer Green Room

Folk Music Ontario Conference Schedule - SUBJECT TO CHANGE - Updated september 10, 2018


Ticketpro Developing Artists Mentor Showcase (11:30PM12:45AM)





SOCAN Songwriting Masterclass


EDP One-on-One Sessions (closed session)


Ticketpro Developing Ticketpro Developing Artists Workshops 1 Artists Workshops 2






FMO Board Presents: All You Have To Do Is Listen...

The Chicken and Egg of Accessibility

Building a House Concert Touring Network, Presented by MusicOntario

Sexual Violence Prevention at Music Festivals

Ontario B



Silent Auction (10AM-8PM)

Ticketpro Developing Ticketpro Developing Artists Program One-on-Ones (closed session) Artists Workshop 3 Friends of Bill W.



FMO Awards Showcase, Presented by Canadian Federation of Musicians


Folk Music Ontario Conference Schedule - SUBJECT TO CHANGE - Updated september 10, 2018

Volunteer Green Room

Indigenous Women In Music, Presented by Manitoba Music and FACTOR

Meeting of House Concert Presenters

Being Queer In Folk Music



EDP Delegate Mixer (closed session)


Long & McQuade Presents Lightning Talks - Festival ADs

Curating Family Entertainment at Your Festival

Festival Risk Management - Presented by Knox Hutchison Entertainment Insurance

Ticketpro Developing Artists Workshops Peer Mentor Speed Panels


FMO Song Swap Campfire

Hands on Sound Workshop Presented by MusicOntario

Instrument Lockup & Drop Boxes (9AM-11PM)

Musicans United to Protect Bristol Bay Showcase

Scottish Showcase


Registration and FMO Board Voting (9AM-10PM)


Ontario A




AIM Artist Booking Showcase


Silent Auction (10AM-8PM)

Nutrition for Musicians

Breakfast (8:30AM-10:30AM)







York Ballroom

Mississauga Ballroom A&D

Mississauga Ballroom B&C

Mississauga Ballroom Foyer

Vista Salon A&B

Erin Mills

Vista Foyer


FRIday, September 28, 2018



FMO Presents Official Showcases (8:15-11:15PM)

FMO Presents Official Showcases (8-11:30PM)

All-Night Jamming

8-11:30PM 11:30-2AM


Private Showcases on Music Floor 11:30 pm - 3 am

Quick dinner on your own (or with friends!)











Scottish Showcase


Borealis Reception

Meeting of FMO Festival Board Chairs (closed session)

Meeting of FMO Festival Artistic Directors (ADs only, closed session)

Friends of Bill W.

Folk Music Ontario Conference Schedule - SUBJECT TO CHANGE - Updated september 10, 2018

Volunteer Green Room




Silent Auction (10AM-8PM)


Long & McQuade Presents Lightning Talks - Industry

Mental Health Panel, Presented by Unison Benevolent Fund

Festival Administrators Round Table (closed session)

How Festivals Can Engage with Multiple Disciplines

Networking & Touring from a Remote Location

Instrument Lockup & Drop Boxes (9AM-11PM)9

FMO Open Jam Session

Indigenous Artists Showcase Presented by Manitoba Music and FACTOR

Ticketpro Developing Artists Showcase


Women in Music

Ticketpro Developing Artists Mentor One on Ones


Ontario B

Ticketpro Developing Artists Workshop 4



Playing in the US

Breakfast (8:30AM-10:30AM)

Silent Auction (10AM-8PM)


Ontario A









York Ballroom

Mississauga Ballroom A&D

Mississauga Ballroom B&C

Mississauga Ballroom Foyer


Registration and FMO Board Voting (9AM-10PM)


COAX Records Showcase


Vista Salon A&B

EDP One-on-One Sessions (closed session)


London Music Office Showcase


Erin Mills

Vista Foyer


SATURday, September 29, 2018



FMO Presents Official Showcases (8:15-11:15PM)

FMO Presents Official Showcases (8-11:30PM)

Winning Bidders! Pick Up @ 8:00PM

All-Night Jamming

8-11:30PM 11:30-2AM


Private Showcases on Music Floor 11:30 pm - 3 am

Quick dinner on your own (or with friends!)




SUNday, September 30, 2018 ROOMS








Vista Foyer Erin Mills Vista Salon A&B Mississauga Ballroom Foyer Mississauga Ballroom B&C Mississauga Ballroom A&D

Gospel Sing-Along EDP Artists CD Checkout (closed session) FMO Awards Brunch

EDP Delegates Wrap-up (closed session) Estelle Klein Award Interview

York Ballroom Mavis Arista

Instrument Lockup & Drop Boxes PICK UP ONLY (CLOSES AT 1PM SHARP)

Dundas Cawthra Lakeshore Ticketpro Developing Artists Program Wrap-up (closed session)

Britannia Dixie Pearson Ontario A Ontario B Eglinton

Folk Music Ontario Conference Schedule - SUBJECT TO CHANGE - Updated september 10, 2018 64


2018 PANEL DESCRIPTIONS - FRIDAY SOCAN SONGWRITING MASTERCLASS Friday September 28th 2018 10:00AM - 12:00PM ERIN MILLS SOCAN is excited to once again present an interactive songwriting “Masterclass” workshop at the 2018 Folk Music Ontario Conference on the process of songwriting. The workshop host will lead the group through the process of songwriting (including co-writing, structure, writing within and out of the folk genre, finding inspiration, etc.), allowing participants to gain valuable insight into the craft of writing a good song. This workshop is part of SOCAN’s A&R strategy in craft development created in effort to help members improve their songwriting and reach new heights in their careers.

CURATING FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT AT YOUR FESTIVAL Friday September 28th 2018 10:30AM - 11:30AM ONTARIO A Everyone who’s ever attended a music festival with a small child knows that the family area and its performers can often be a respite for sweaty kids bored with all the “grown up” music you’re making them sit through. But so many festivals are realizing that a well curated family entertainment area can prove to be a draw for ticket-buyers and not simply a nice bonus. Find out how to search out the cream of the crop of family performers, how to provide entertainment that is so much more than a craft table and face-paint. Make your family area the reason people come to your festival!

NUTRITION FOR MUSICIANS…. AND OTHER FOLKS Friday September 28th 2018 10:30AM - 11:30AM LAKESHORE Wendy Moore has been a professional touring musician for over 20 years with her groups, The Celtic Rathskallions and Moore & McGregor. She has also had a long time interest in nutrition and fitness. Having taken nutrition and personal training courses and worked with top nutrition specialists, Wendy enjoys the challenge of staying healthy, fit and energetic at home and while touring nationally and internationally. This session will give you some tips on how to be and look your healthiest while on stage, on tour and in all your marketing material!

SEXUAL VIOLENCE PREVENTION AT MUSIC FESTIVALS Friday September 28th 2018 10:30AM - 11:30AM ONTARIO B In 2014, the Ottawa Hospital released a study showing that large festivals and events have an increased risk for sexual assault. Since then, more surveys and studies have shown the same a survey by the Montreal Women’s Council released last summer showed over half of women have experienced some form of sexual harassment or assault at a large festival. What are some of the best practices to reduce the rates of sexual violence at music festivals, and support those who have been made to feel unsafe at a festival?


HANDS ON SOUND WORKSHOP Presented by MusicOntario Friday September 28th 2018 2:30PM - 3:30PM ERIN MILLS Are you a musician looking to brush up on all things sound engineering? Join one of FMO’s own sound techs, Catherine Sabourin, to discuss all things gear, and how to make sure you get the best sound production experience at every gig, whether you’re the one onstage or on the team behind the scenes. Dig into all of the nitty gritty – whether big picture or the basics, this session welcomes questions from folks at any stage of their career in the music biz. FMO BOARD PRESENTS: ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS LISTEN... Friday September 28th 2018 2:30PM - 3:30PM LAKESHORE Too much noise? Time to tune up the music. Each year FMO board members, past and present, gather to discuss topics that reflect the importance of our music and our community. At this year’s session we want to hear about songs that can and/or that have changed your world. Is there a song so powerful, it changed what you thought? Or maybe it taught you something you just didn’t know? Bring on the folk, rock, pop or rap and let us hear what songs you think have so much meaning they can actually teach, expand our thinking, and maybe help how each of us interacts in this world. Pack your songs and musicmakers and be ready to share.

2018 PANEL DESCRIPTIONS - FRIDAY FESTIVAL RISK MANAGEMENT Presented by Knox Hutchison Entertainment Insurance Friday September 28th 2018 2:30PM - 3:30PM DIXIE Entertainment Insurance Tornadoes and lightning and drunkards - oh my! As a music festival you have to prepare for any and all possibilities. Not only do you want your audience to leave having had an amazing festival but you also want to keep them safe in the event of something terrible happening. Organizers take the credit for everything good or bad and you need to make sure you are prepared. This panel will discuss how you can be best prepared for the worst so your audience can enjoy the best. BEING QUEER IN FOLK MUSIC Friday September 28th 2018 2:30PM - 3:30PM ONTARIO A Traditional folk music has a rich history in Canada sharing stories passed down through generations. During the Depression, folk music reflected the social realities of common people. The folk revival of the 60s, rooted in the social activism, spawned Canada’s first true wave of international artists. How are queer artists challenging and influencing folk music today?

BUILDING A HOUSE CONCERT TOURING NETWORK Presented by MusicOntario Friday September 28th 2018 2:30PM - 3:30PM ONTARIO B Are you the kind of artist who loves the intimate nature of performing for a small group of dedicated and appreciative fans at a house concert or other small venue? Do you wish you could book more of them but aren’t sure how to connect with the network? This is your chance to learn directly from some house concert and concert series host themselves! They’ll talk you through making the connections, how they book their concerts and give some expert tips on how to spread your music across the concert circuit! LIGHTNING TALKS - FESTIVAL ARTISTIC DIRECTORS Presented by Long & McQuade Friday September 28th 2018 3:30PM - 5:30PM DUNDAS Book your meeting and get ready to hyper-learn! These lightning talks will give you one-on-one access to an industry professional of your choosing and give you the chance to pick their brains about anything you need! You must be pre-registered in order to attend these talks. Sign ups onsite will not be offered. MEETING OF HOUSE CONCERT PRESENTERS Friday September 28th 2018 3:30PM - 4:30PM DIXIE Are you a House Concert host hoping to network with some of your music-loving colleagues on the circuit? This session is your chance to get together and chat about whatever issues you feel are worth discussing, meet your other House Concert hosts, brainstorm some new ideas and whatever else the House Concert crew wants to chat about! *Please note this session is open House Concert hosts only. 69

INDIGENOUS PANEL Presented by Manitoba Music and FACTOR Friday September 28th 2018 3:30PM - 4:30PM ONTARIO A The Indigenous Panel is entitled “Indigenous Women in Music” and the description is --- From Buffy St. Marie to Tanya Tagaq to Lido Pimienta, Indigenous Women continue to shape the musical landscape of Canada. They have brought an amazing influence, not only their own communities, but to the ‘mainstream’ music industry. Join us for a in-depth conversation with three of Canada’s most influential women in music as they discuss deconstructing patriarchal thinking, decolonizing artistic practices, and reclaiming and reimagining new paradigms for the future. THE CHICKEN AND EGG OF ACCESSIBILITY Friday September 28th 2018 3:30PM - 4:30PM ONTARIO B In this seminar, music venues and festival planners will learn the differences between accessible supports and services and how they can work together to creatively remove or augment environmental physical barriers. Attendees will leave with simple take-aways that can be implemented immediately to elevate their existing standard of accessibility. As a bonus for those in attendance, one festival or music venue will receive, via random draw, the EASE (accessible customer service) online training course to provide to their staff and volunteers (a one-year license for up to 150 online seats for the course, valued at $1500). **To be eligible for this bonus draw you must be in attendance and be associated with festival planning.

2018 PANEL DESCRIPTIONS - SATURDAY NETWORKING & TOURING FROM A REMOTE LOCATION Saturday September 29th 2018 2:30PM - 3:30PM LAKESHORE Being a musician can be hard enough on its own but when your homebase is a small town in Nunavut it can be that much harder. How can you network and make contacts when there’s just nobody else like you nearby? This panel will help you learn how to promote your music and keep your business growing without your remote location becoming a negative. HOW FESTIVALS CAN ENGAGE WITH MULTIPLE DISCIPLINES Saturday September 29th 2018 2:30pm - 3:30pm DIXIE Of course you want your festival to be bursting at the seams with the best music around right? You want to discover new talent, showcase the legends and create unique musical experiences right across the board. But some festivals are finding that when you add theatre, poetry and dance into the musical mix, you can deliver a far more dynamic product to your audience. Are you interested in finding out how you can actively engage with multiple artistic disciplines at your festival? Come join us for this informative talk!

WOMEN IN MUSIC Saturday September 29th 2018 2:30pm - 3:30pm ONTARIO B Hosted by Women in Music in partnership with FMO, this meet up brings together women from across the music industry who support empowerment, equality, and opportunities for women in folk music. Industry leaders will discuss the challenges specific to women in folk music, and engage attendees to discuss solution. Founded in 2014, Women in Music Canada is the largest non-profit organization dedicated to fostering gender equality in the Canadian music industry. PLAYING IN THE U.S Saturday September 29th 2018 3:30pm - 4:30pm ONTARIO A So you wanna hop the border and grace the stages of the lower 48? Oh but if only it was that simple! There are forms and rules and about a million other things to consider when you want to tour in the U.S. This session will be an open Q&A about all those crazy details! Bring your notepads and your road plans and get those hands in the air!


INSPIRING A BETTER LIVE TOURING BUSINESS: A MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS APPROACH Presented by Unison Benevolent Fund Saturday September 29th 2018 3:30pm - 4:30pm ONTARIO B Proven over history, the music industry is not known for a conscious or especially considerate approach to health and wellness -especially with today’s music climate putting touring at the forefront of an artist’s career. While managing a new paradigm of performance, touring is extremely straining to not only the artist’s mental health, but their physical well-being too. This industry panel made up of Amanda Power (Executive Director of Unison Benevolent Fund), Chris Thompson (Artist Manager), Mike Schwartz (Lifestyle Coach/Artist), Carmen Elle (Artist) will share a mental health wellness approach to the live touring music business. LIGHTNING TALKS - MUSIC INDUSTRY ORGANIZATIONS/ BUSINESSES Presented by Long & McQuade Saturday September 29th 2018 4:00pm - 6:00pm DUNDAS Presented by Long & McQuade Book your meeting and get ready to hyper-learn! These lightning talks will give you one-on-one access to an industry professional of your choosing and give you the chance to pick their brains about anything you need! You must be pre-registered in order to attend these talks. Sign ups onsite will not be offered.




A thriving, inclusive folk music community with local and international impact.


Supporting the growth and development of the folk music community and industry.

STRATEGIES Embed Inclusivity and Diversity: By everyone in everything, every day 1. Increase & Diversify Revenue: Strengthen existing and develop new and innovative revenue streams 2. Expand Member Value: Deliver services year-round targeted to evolving member needs 3. Maximize Collaboration: Create collaborative opportunities to achieve our vision 4. Be the Advocate: Raise the profile of FMO and champion folk music

EQUALITY STATEMENT Equal opportunity is based on the fundamental value that all Folk Music Ontario members and colleagues are equal and deserve mutual respect. Any conduct that undermines the dignity of any individual or group hurts us all. Folk Music Ontario is committed to strengthening the organization by building a culture that is founded on the tenets of mutual respect, cooperation, inclusiveness and understanding. These tenets will bind our community and strengthen our relationships within the music industry to increase our joint capacity and willingness to work together on shared concerns. Folk Music Ontario activities are discrimination and harassment-free zones. Folk Music Ontario will not tolerate harassment, preferential treatment or discrimination in any form arising as a consequence of a member’s disability, age, gender, religion, race, language, physicality, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or national origin. Folk Music Ontario will not condone behavior or any form of communication that may undermine the stated fundamental value that each individual or group is entitled to. Folk Music Ontario undertakes to ensure that its governing by-laws, policies and practices reflect our commitment to equality, respect and dignity for all.


2017-2018 FMO YEAR IN REVIEW Here are key highlights of the activities of the past year, achieved through the efforts of FMO staff, Board of Directors and committees.


• Continued collaboration with 2017 Canadian Folk Music Awards as sponsor of the New/Emerging Artist Award • With funding from the Ontario Music Fund, co-sponsored FAI private showcases with MusicOntario featuring 15 FMO members over three nights • For fourth year, sponsored showcase during Megaphono festival in Ottawa • Continued collaboration with APCM (Association des professionnels de la chanson et de la musique) with a Francophone youth taking part in FMO Developing Artist Program and collaborating with APCM for upcoming singersongwriter workshops


• At FMO Conference, presented third annual FMO Indigenous Artist Showcase (sponsored by Manitoba Music and FACTOR), LGBTQ+ panel, and Bystander Intervention Training • Published Integrated Accessibility Policy to support equal access to all ripefractionpilgrim/wpcontent/uploads/2018/08/FMO_ AccessibilityPolicy_APPROVED_May_2018.pdf • Executive Director Alka Sharma joined and contributed to Folk Alliance International (FAI) panel entitled Diversifying Approach



• Delivered advocacy letters to key government/agency contacts, introducing FMO and inviting consultation • Conducted survey of member festivals to understand how different local governments support individual festivals, and shared results at Festival Retreat • Promoted FMO member interests at Mundial Montréal, FAI (showcases and exhibit hall booth), FAI’s The Exchange (Gothenburg, Sweden), East Coast Music Week, Canadian Music Week, London Music Awards and at member festivals • Alka Sharma continues as the Treasurer on the FAI Board of Directors and as a member of the OMDC Music Advisory Committee; and contributed to panels at The Exchange (The North American Market) and Northern Power Summit, a Toronto urban music conference (Beyond Boombap, exploring hip-hop in non-traditional environments)

• Secured tenant to share FMO Ottawa office, and creating new revenue stream • Presented FMO fundraising concert in London • Welcomed new sponsors to support FMO Awards program: Bandzoogle (Website Award), Music Canada Live (Setting the Stage Award), Toronto Blues Society, and others


• Released database of Canadian folk festivals available to FMO members • Held singer-songwriter workshop in London • Held 5th annual Festival Members-only Retreat in Guelph with 15 member festivals and 32 participants attending, presented with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage • Launched economic impact study of Ontario festivals with funding from Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC) • Continued to refine FMO Awards program, including introduction of two new awards, ongoing enhancement of jury process, expansion of social media campaign, and elevated presence with Friday evening presentation in response to members’ recommendation • Undertook research (baseline data collection, member survey, best practice research) and developed recommendations related to FMO’s conference model and year-round activities • Conducted audit of FMO communications practices and presented recommended best practices

*FMO’s Year in Review covers activities from November 1, 2017 to end September 2018, to align with the election cycle of FMO’s Board of Directors. FMO’s financial statements report on the fiscal year April 1 to March 31.


PRESIDENT’S ANNUAL REPORT These achievements are the result of the efforts of FMO’s hardworking Board of Directors. Since we last met, Paul Fortune was appointed to the Board to fill the remaining two years of a vacated term. In addition, FMO members Jani Lauzon, Rachel Barreca, Emma Jane Julien, Richard Henderson and Derek Andrews provided valuable contributions to our Board committees. As this operating year wraps up, Janice Cody, Christa Couture and Max Merrifield are completing their terms, with Max seeking another term through the board election process currently underway. In addition, Darin Addison and Dave Cool will step down from the board due to personal obligations. Please join me in thanking the Board and these individuals for their important contributions to the health and growth of Folk Music Ontario.

Board and Staff have been busy over the last year as we worked toward achieving Folk Music Ontario’s vision of a thriving, inclusive folk music community with local and international impact.

Join me as well in thanking our staff for their valuable work: Alka Sharma, executive director, Jennifer Ellis, office administrator, Carolyn Sutherland, member services coordinator, and bookkeeper, Lynn Rae, who are instrumental in our year-round success; and for the conference, please join me in thanking our volunteers and their coordinator Natasha Brown, Nadia Kharyati who leads Art Beat, Treasa Levasseur, heading up the Developing Artists Program, Carolyn Sutherland, wearing her second hat as Export Development coordinator, and the Copperworks staff – Dennis Landry, Tara Levesque and Mike Large.

Our annual Year in Review summarizes activities that were underway over the past year. Of these, I’d like to highlight the organization’s efforts toward our strategic priorities: • Embed inclusivity and diversity, through our new Integrated Accessibility Policy, and the conference LGBTQ+ panel, and session focused on Bystander Intervention Training • Increase & diversify revenue, including by securing a tenant to share our Ottawa office space, which will contribute much-needed funds to deficit reduction, an ongoing and frustrating organizational challenge • Expand member value, through the development of a Canada-wide folk festival database for members, the launch of an economic impact study of Ontario festivals, and the continued refinement and elevation of FMO’s Awards program, including the new Website and Setting the Stage awards • Maximize collaboration, with Canadian Folk Music Awards, Folk Alliance International, Manitoba Music and Factor, Music Canada Live, MusicOntario, APCM (Association des professionnels de la chanson et de la musique), Megaphona and others • Be the advocate, championing issues for our members and representing their interests across the province, country and internationally

Let me also join Alka in thanking our funders and sponsors. These include the Department of Canadian Heritage, the Ontario Arts Council, Ontario Media Development Corporation for the Ontario Music Fund and FACTOR. I encourage you to turn to the front of your program to recognize all of the organizations that support the work that FMO does for you. And finally, let me thank you, our members. Both board and staff reach out to you often over the year to gather your opinions and input. This engagement is valuable in helping us make decisions that create value for you. I hope you will continue to engage with us so that together we can continue to build a strong and vibrant folk community. It’s been such a pleasure to serve you over the past nine years. Warmest regards, Katharine (Kathy) Partridge President


EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S ANNUAL REPORT Both Dave Cool and Darin Addison have decided to step off the Board one-year earlier than their terms are supposed to be ending. Dave has been a great Treasurer this past year and I will miss his commitment to the Board as he is very busy with his work. Darin has provided much input for the Conference Working Group and has always been a voice of reason. Max Merrifield has completed his term on the Board, but he is re-running. He has made an outstanding contribution to the Board and leads the FMO Advocacy Committee. Please make sure that you research the candidates that are running for the FMO Board of Directors and vote! They are all dedicated and willing to move FMO forward as an organization. Public funding from our government partners has been stable for this year. We are particularly grateful for the ongoing operational funding provided by the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Ontario Arts Council. As well, thanks to Ontario Media Development Corporation for the Ontario Music Fund and FACTOR for providing funding for the Export Development Program and the conference. We have brought in some private funding through sponsorships and hope to continue to grow the private funding that we receive.

Over this past summer, the FMO staff and Board attended several member festivals, including: RBC Bluesfest in Ottawa, Mariposa Folk Festival in Orillia, Stewart Park in Perth, Blue Skies Music Festival in Clarendon, Summerfolk Music & Crafts Festival in Owen Sound, and CityFolk in Ottawa. We will continue to attend other conferences and events to promote Folk Music Ontario. FMO has once again partnered with APCM (Association des professionnels de la chanson et de la musique) to have one of their youth members, Gabriel Cyr join our Developing Artists Program at the FMO Conference, who will be mentored by Wesli.

The Board of Directors has been diligent and amazing in providing support to FMO. Unfortunately, Katharine Partridge, Janice Cody and Christa Couture have completed their terms as Board Members and will not be re-running to sit on the Board. I would like to thank them all for their dedication to the Board.

The Taylor Mitchell Bursary, which started in 2010, goes a long way to help a young musician to accomplish their dreams and further their career by attending the conference. I would like congratulate Chloe Matamoros on being this year’s recipient of the FMO Taylor Mitchell Bursary.

• Katharine was FMO’s President for the past two years and is now completing her third term on the Board. She is a busy woman and still found time to dedicate time and energy to the FMO Board. • Jan has completed two terms on the Board and she was the Treasurer for many years. I cannot thank Jan enough for her adherence to the Board and for assisting me when she was Treasurer with the finances. • Christa has been outstanding with providing amazing input to the Board and we look forward to having her host the Awards Showcase, sponsored the Canadian Musician’s Association.

Folk Music Ontario has come a long way and we hope that you will have a great time at this year’s conference.














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