Black History
Trinity Village honors life of neighbor with memorial bench 3
Greater Piney Grove celebrates centennial with forum, exhibit 6
Coming Up
Atlanta-Fulton Public Library sets adult nutrition classes 4
FEBRUARY 15, 2014
Winter Storm Round 2: Metro Atlanta much better prepared
By Valerie J. Morgan
hile most people slept as Atlanta’s winter storm moved in during the wee hours of the morning, Kenley Waller was up preparing to go out into the cold. Waller, who took a nap at his downtown Atlanta restaurant, got up at 3:30 a.m. to start his catering orders. He scrambled hundreds of eggs and made several pans of bacon, turkey sausage, grits, home potatoes and biscuits and gravy. After cooking all the food, he loaded his van and set out on the icy roads that everyone in the metro Atlanta area had been warned to avoid. Waller delivered meals to hungry Georgia Power crews and others who had to work during the storm, as well as a private academy for students. While many other businesses were closed, business was brisk for Waller. “I learned from the last time to be prepared,” said Waller, owner of Kenley’s Catering & Sandwich Shop. “It was so much better this time because we didn’t have all of the gridlock on the roads like last time. I was able to drive everywhere that I needed to go without any problems.” Waller wasn’t the only one prepared for the storm. Atlanta, as a whole, was prepared for Winter Storm Round
Meteorologists had predicted that 6 to 10 inches of snow would cover North Georgia by Feb. 13. Metro Atlanta, however, got just enough snow flurries to make things pretty. A quarter-inch to half-inch of snow covered rooftops, lawns, pastures and roads, creating picturesque scenes throughout the area. In Rockdale County, for example, horses stood in the snow munching their breakfast of hay. In DeKalb County, ducks took a swim on a lake in The Southland subdivision. By noon, the sun shone and the white stuff began melting away, making slush of the salted roadways. Some people, struck with cabin fever after being stuck in the house for three days, walked to get a little exercise.
See Snow, page 5
100 Black Men of DeKalb sets stellar youth summit at Arabia Mountain High
Tracy B. Martin
Kevin “Khao” Cates
By Valerie J. Morgan
rayvon Martin’s father, Tracy B. Martin, will be among the special guests at the 100 Black Men of DeKalb’s Ninth Annual Youth Summit. Martin will be joined by Super hip hop Music Producer Kevin “Khao” Cates, Mary Pat Hector, and Criminal Defense Attorney Mawuli Mel Davis. The summit, open to middle and high school students throughout DeKalb County, will be held Saturday, Feb. 22, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Arabia
Mary Pat Hector
Mawuli Mel Davis
Mountain High School. “The goal of this year’s summit is to encourage and inspire young people to take a stand against the ills of society,” said Cornelius Stafford, president of the DeKalb 100 Black Men. Tracy Martin will share stories of his son, Trayvon, and discuss how he would like his son’s legacy to be remembered. Two years ago, Trayvon Martin’s death sparked an outcry across the country after the black 17-year-old high school student was gunned down by George Zimmerman,
a mixed race Neighborhood Watch volunteer. Martin, who was unarmed, was walking home in the rain with a pack of Skittles and ice tea when Zimmerman shot him, claiming he had an altercation with the teen. Zimmerman was acquitted of the murder. Supporters continue to rally in memory of Martin, who would have turned 19 on Feb. 8. Kevin “Khao” Cates, who has produced for recording artists T.I., R. Kelly, Jezzy and Ruben Studdard will perform live at the youth summit. Cates is also founder of Bridge DA Gap foundation, which was created to help young people cope with troubling life issues. Cates will be honored for his work during the conference. Mary Pat Hector, president of Youth In Action and the recent winner of The McDonald’s 360 Award, also will be a guest speaker during the summit. Attorney Mawuli Mel Davis, a partner at the Davis & Bozeman Law Firm in DeKalb, will speak
on “The Consequences of the Thug Life.” Davis has been dubbed “The Liberation Lawyer” because of his reputation as an activist attorney wherever it exists. The summit will include several breakout sessions for students, including one entitled “My Posse,” which will focus on helping youths to select the right peers. “Discover Your Voice” will focus on helping youths to discover their passion, purpose and the problems they were created to solve. “The Code” will expose youths arm them with strategies to manage the risks and consequences of being Life” will highlight the school-toprison crisis in urban communities and what society can do to reduce current trends. In addition to the breakout sessions for youths, there will be See Youth Summit, page 5