ocg news jan. 3, 2020

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JANUARY 3, 2020

News 24/7

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Published Since April 1995

Serving DeKalb, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale Counties

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12 couples get hitched at mass wedding on New Year’s Day


welve couples were married in a mass wedding on New Year’s Day at Rockdale County’s Chief Magistrate Judge Phinia Aten’s chambers. Judge Aten performed the

Photo by Glenn L. Morgan/OCG News

nuptials for the couples, whom she said came from as far as Cobb County, and then hosted a reception with a wedding cake. The ceremony and celebration were provided at no charge to the couples who registered in advance.

Aten said she was delighted to perform the ceremony and thanked staff members who volunteered to assist her with the celebration. “They(the couples) decided that they wanted today, New Year’s Day, to be their wedding

anniversary,” Judge Aten said. “I’m so happy that I was able to make that happen. I normally do weddings of this sort on Valentine’s Day. However, I started thinking that we are not only entering a new year, but a new decade.”

DeKalb County sheriff’s race heats up, qualifying begins Jan. 6


ith qualifying for the DeKalb County Sheriff’s special election set Jan. 6-8, the race is already heating up. The special election, scheduled March 24, is expected to draw several contestants running against Melody Maddox, who was just sworn in as sheriff on Dec. 16, 2019. Maddox moved up as sheriff from the No. 2 position as deputy chief, an appointment made by former Sheriff Jeffrey Mann as he prepared for his exit,

announcing his retirement with more than a year left to serve. The moves set the wheels in motion for the upcoming special election, which must be held because there are more than 6 months remaining on Mann’s term. Maddox said she is ready to run. If she is successful in winning the March 24 special election to complete the rest of Mann’s term through December 2020, she will then have to run in the May 19 primary to earn a full four-year term as

“My focus has not been on who else is running or how many times I must run. I’m focused on what I must continue to do for this community.” - Sheriff Melody Maddox

DeKalb County Sheriff Melody Maddox


Rockdale Democratic Party gears up for 2020 elections The Rockdale Democratic Party is getting organized to get the vote out in preparation for the 2020 Presidential and local elections. Qualifying for local races will be held March 2-6. The Presidential Preference Primary will be held on March 24. The general primary and nonpartisan local elections will be held on May 19. Several seats in Rockdale County will be up for grabs. Offices include Board of Commissioners Chairman (Oz Nesbitt); Post I Commissioner (Sherri L. Washington); Clerk of Superior Court (Ruth Wilson); Sheriff (Eric Levett); Tax Commissioner (Tisa Washington); Coroner (George Levett); Chief Magistrate (Phinia Aten) and Probate Judge (Clarence Cuthpert). All incumbents are seeking re-election, Party Secretary Cheryl Board said. Non-partisan offices for election include Supreme Court justices, Court of Appeals judges; Superior Court Judge (to succeed Robert F. Mumford); State Court Judge (to succeed Nancy Bills) and Rockdale County School Board Posts 1 through 5. “It’s going to be a busy election season. We’ve got a lot of activities planned to educate

residents and get out the vote,” said Board. Scheduled activities for the party include phone banking, canvassing and providing voter education to ensure people know where early voting sites will be. The Party also will be organizing rides to the polls. Other activities include a quarterly breakfast with state officials, a Mardi Gras gala and a bowling tournament featuring the candidates running for office. The party’s “Politics After Dark” monthly meeting series will continue on the second Monday. The party’s new campus location will be announced at the upcoming Politics After Dark forum on Monday, Jan. 13, where the party’s new headquarters will be announced. Richard

Winfield, who is running for Senate in Georgia’s 10 District, will keynote. The party will have its first general meeting of 2020 on Saturday, Jan. 25, 9 a.m. During the meeting, elections will be held for Post 2 Precinct captains, At-Large Precinct captains and open board seats including 2nd Vice Chair and Secretary. Post 2 precinct captains, or post holders, are those who are registered democrats and live in one of the 17 precincts. They must be willing to represent their precinct and keep their precinct informed of all democratic processes and events. Seats for at-large precinct captains will be reviewed for reappointment by the Board. Open board seats include vacancies for 2nd Vice Chair and Secretary. Eligible candidates must have served as Precinct Captain for at least 30 days prior to the election. Secretary duties include taking the minutes of the meetings, sending notices and keeping documentation current. The 2nd vice chair position is responsible for membership and recruitment and assists the board in decision making processes. Must be post


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