JUNE 28, 2019 Stay connected
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Published Since April 1995
Serving DeKalb, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale Counties
Stonecrest’s “Zero Tax Boy” mascot wins World Series State Rep. Karen Bennett
State Rep. Nikema Williams
GLBC: U.S. Supreme Court’s gerrymandering decision sets stage for 2020 Census push By OCG Staff Georgia’s black lawmakers are blasting the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision to remove itself from adjudicating partisan gerrymandering cases, saying that politicians now have a “green light” to continue taking advantage of manipulating the boundaries in the redistricting process. The Georgia Legislative Black Caucus (GLBC) issued a statement calling the June 27 decision another step toward disempowering voters: “Today’s U.S. Supreme Court (5-4) decision not to adjudicate gerrymandering cases sends a clear and present warning that politicians will select their voters, versus the right of voters to select their politicians,” State Rep. Karen Bennett, who chairs the GLBC, stated. The leadership of the GLBC views this ruling as a green-light for partisan politicians to continue taking advantage of the annual redistricting process. The court set aside the principles and values of freedom and equality in today's ruling. This era of judicial restraint in the political process continues to disempower voters. First, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, then Shelby County v. Holder and today's decisions are clear indications of the courts being out of touch with disenfranchised voters. Since Shelby County v. Holder, several states, most notably Georgia, have gone to great lengths to disenfranchise voters using techniques such as exact match, closure of polling locations and broken voting machines to name a few. The court's decision only encourages these nefarious activities with its current practice of judicial restraint.” The court’s conservative majority wrote that federal judges have no place in determining state electoral maps and that that was a job for voters and elected officials. In the majority opinion, Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the following: “Federal judges have no license to reallocate political power between the two major political parties, with no plausible grant of authority in the Constitution, and no legal standards to limit and direct their decisions.” With Republicans currently controlling both chambers of the General Assembly and every statewide office, the GOP majority holds the power to draw district lines to their benefit. Democrats could do the same if they overtake the Legislature in the 2020 elections. The GLBC says getting people to participate in the 2020 U.S. Census is now more urgent than ever before. The census, the caucus said, will be key in determining how Georgia’s lawmakers prepare to redraw the state’s legislative and congressional districts. The caucus is urging everyone to participate: “As the 2020 U.S. Census approaches, GLBC leadership asks that its members and constituents be ignited by this ruling. We ask that communities in urban and especially rural Georgia ensure they are
SEE CENSUS page 11
Stonecrest Mayor Jason Lary and Jaymeon Render
hen 8-year-old Jaymeon Render paraded across the stage as Zero Tax Boy at Stonecrest Mayor Jason Lary’s State of the City Address, many probably thought he was just a boy dressed as a superhero. Few knew they were looking at a baseball champion. Render, a Stonecrest resident, is a right fielder and pitcher with the Bullpen Braves, an 8U, AAA, USSSA tournament baseball team in McDonough. During the week of June 17 -21, the team played in a Southeastern 8 and under, USS-
Jaymeon Render
DeKalb installs 3,500 new water meters DeKalb County has installed more than 3,500 water meters as part of its New Day Water Meter Exchange and Upgrade Initiative. The county has reached 10 percent of its goal to replace 30,000 water meters during the first year of the initiative. “The initiative has reached an important milestone in improving the accuracy of water billing service in DeKalb,” said DeKalb CEO Michael Thurmond. “The new meters are durable, efficient and include smart technology to accurately track customer water usage.”
SEE METER page 11
DeKalb is on track to replace 30,000 water meters during the first year of the New Day Water Meter Exchange and Upgrade Initiative.