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NOVEMBER 12, 2016

Published Since April 1995 Serving DeKalb, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale Counties • www.facebook.com/ocgnews

UPS to create 1,250 Thurmond to lead DeKalb, Mann re-elected Sheriff jobs in Atlanta “DeKalb will become a national model” By Mackenzie N. Morgan


for this election on a promise to restore trust and transparency to DeKalb County’s government. He drew a cross-section of supporters from throughout the county, many of whom have known and supported him since he served as Georgia’s labor commissioner and as a state representative. Michael Thurmond stands with his wife and daughter Photo by Glenn L. Morgan/ “We have new vi- OCG News The crowd cheered as ton, the first female Presision with new leadership Thurmond spoke, likendential nominee of a major and we’re getting ready to ing the event to a “family U.S. political party. move in a new direction.… reunion” filled with Demo“Hillary is going to pull DeKalb will become a this thing off!” Thurmond national model,” Thurmond cratic leaders and supporters. He encouraged everysaid several hours before told supporters gathered for one to remain optimistic, Clinton conceded in the wee an elections watch night at despite Republican Donald hours of the morning. the Marriott Hotel in downThurmond will take the town Decatur. “We’re going Trump’s commanding lead over Democrat Hillary Clin- reigns from Interim CEO to have a government that is effective, efficient and transparent.” See DeKalb, page 6

emocrat Michael Thurmond swept the race for DeKalb County’s Chief Executive Officer on nited Parcel Service Inc. election night, becoming (UPS), a package delivery the new leader of more than company, will create 1,250 700,000 residents. Supjobs and invest more than $400 million to establish a regional sorting and distri- porters gave Thurmond 80 bution hub in Atlanta by the end of 2018. percent of the vote, just as they did with the re-election “I am very pleased to see that UPS, a Fortune 500 company and mainstay in of Sheriff Jeff Mann. Thurmond defeated Atlanta for many years, will plant deepRepublican challenger, Jack er roots in our city with this new hub of Lovelace, a retired busioperations,” said Atlanta Mayor Kasim ness manager, in the Nov. 8 Reed. “This investment in southwest election. Atlanta will not only create 1,250 new A veteran politician and jobs, but strengthen our position as an international hub for logistics supported attorney who most recently served as DeKalb County’s by the world’s busiest passenger airport and the many global companies who call School Superintendent, Thurmond is credited with Atlanta home.”

 UPS will create supervision, admin- putting DeKalb’s troubled istrative and warehouse positions for the school system back on track. Thurmond campaigned new sorting and distribution hub. 
“Georgia demonstrates an enduring commitment to industry leaders and job creators. With this investment, UPS will use Georgia’s location, transportation inhe new city of Stonecrest frastructure and logistics sector to reach in east DeKalb County customers more quickly and more effiwill now go on maps evciently. UPS is already making a substanerywhere. Resident in the Stonecrest tial economic impact in the Atlanta area footprint passed the referendum with and we look forward to the company’s continued success,” said Governor Deal. 59.42 percent of the vote in a special election, which was held on Nov. 8 
UPS employs more than 14,000 during the General Election. Georgia residents in package delivThe city of 50,000 residents will ery operations, ground freight, aircraft operations, data center management and become the largest municipality in DeKalb and the ninth city to join contract logistics. Product and technolmetro Atlanta’s growing cityhood ogy development, global transportation movement. network planning and other corporate Stonecrest initially will offer its staffs are based in metro Atlanta.

 residents three government services: “UPS has proudly made its global code enforcement, parks and recreheadquarters in Atlanta for more than ation, and planning and zoning. two decades,” said David Abney, UPS Jason Lary, who led the camchairman and CEO. “This strategic paign to incorporate the city, said he capital investment will feature state-ofthe-art technology. When combined with was thrilled the referendum passed. the strong transportation connections and He and other proponents touted talented labor pool that Atlanta provides, self-governance and the ability to bring economic development to the UPS is building flexibility to meet the area as key factors for creating the growing needs of our customers and new city. our business in Georgia, and around the Lary thanked supporters who world.”

 helped to make the city a reality. Invest Atlanta President and CEO “We could Lary said next steps Eloisa Klementich said she is excited that for the new city include: UPS plans to expand its operations in The governor’s appointment of a Atlanta. Community Commission who over“This new facility represents a see the transition. The commission significant economic investment on the will be comprised of local residents and business owners in the StoneSee UPS, page 7 crest footprint. Interested residents


Residents approve City of Stonecrest


may nominate themselves, however, those who are interested in seeking an elected office in the new city may not participate on the commission. Office seekers will have a chance to present their case to the public from Nov. 9 to midMarch 2017. An election will be held in March 2017 for the city’s mayor and five-member council, Lary said. Each council seat will represent 10,000 residents. Elected officials will take control of the city on April 1 and the Commission will be dissolved.

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