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Serving DeKalb, Fulton, Gwinnett, Henry and Rockdale Counties
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august 15, 2013
DeKalb sheriff disciplines deputies, changes how civil warrants are handled By Valerie J. Morgan
DeKalb County Sheriff Thomas Brown is changing how civil warrants are executed following a videotaped arrest involving four DeKalb deputies who verbally abused an Ellenwood family while serving a warrant at 1 a.m. The YouTube video made national news after it went viral with more than 300,000 online views. Concluding an internal investigation, Brown announced Aug. 12 that deputies will now issue civil arrest warrants once a week by 11 p.m. He also said his department will make criminal background checks on individuals to help them better assess cases before deputies go out. Brown announced the changes as he handed down the disciplinary action he took against the four deputies who cursed and threatened the Ellenwood family.
The incident happened on July 26. The family refused to open the door to their home for more than 30 minutes, saying they were fearful. When they did open the door, deputies stormed in, cursing them at gunpoint. The family captured the incident on video and uploaded it on YouTube. “I will tell you that I was very appalled by what I heard. It is not what I expect from my deputies who are serving civil, nonviolent warrants,” Brown said at a press conference following an internal investigation. “I have a problem with the lack of leadership shown by the incident commander. I think he needed to have been in charge of the situation. I think he needed to understand what he was dealing with when he got on the scene and had he been armed with what he was dealing with then it See Sheriff, page 11
DeKalb County Sheriff Thomas Brown
Photo by Glenn L. Morgan/OCG News
Gold medalist Gabby Douglas inspires youths at empowerment breakfast By Joshua Smith
STONE MOUNTAIN—Gabrielle “Gabby” Douglas, 17, was the breakout star of the 2012 London Olympic games. With gold medals in both, individual and team all-round competitions, and not to mention her face on the Kellogg’s Corn Flakes cereal box, Douglas may have anticipated mainly fielding questions concerning life as a gymnast from the audience she recently visited while in Atlanta. But she didn’t seem to mind the inquisitiveness of the very young at heart: “What’s your favorite color?” one little girl asked excitedly. With a pleasant smile, Douglas, the first African-American gymnast in Olympic history to become the individual all-around champion, answered “yellow.” The Youth Empowerment Breakfast with Douglas, hosted by DeKalb County Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton as part of the commissioner’s Youth Leadership Academy, drew a crowd of more than 200 youth to the sold out Aug. 10 ticketed event at Stone Mountain Park’s Marriott Evergreen Resort. “It was a phenomenal event. Gabby really inspired the youths who attended,” said Barnes Sutton. “Our theme for this year’s breakfast was Releasing the Power Within…Moving Forward. No person better exemplifies moving forward than Olympic Gold medalist Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Douglas.”
Photos by Joshua Smith/OCG News
L-R: Fox 5 anchor Karen Graham, Gabrielle “Gabby” Douglas and Commissioner Sharon Barnes Sutton discuss life, gymnastics and motivation.
Gabrielle “Gabby” Douglas
At the breakfast, Douglas talked about everything from her favorite color and what she does for fun (which is going to the pool and amusement
parks), to working with renowned coaches and meeting her role model, U.S. Olympic gymnast Dominique Dawes. After sharing her personal story of triumph, Douglas took pictures with fans, signed autographs and received gifts. “I love meeting young gymnasts and the amazing people that tell me I inspire them,” said Douglass. “This is such a blessing to be in the position I am in. I love to tell young girls and anyone really, just to strive for your goals. It’s your shinning moment at that point, so don’t let anyone or anything take that away from you.” Interim DeKalb County CEO Lee
May attended the breakfast with his two daughters, gymnasts in training, Ryann and Reagan. “My daughters have a picture of Gabby up on their wall. They use it as motivation when they go to gymnastics class in Tucker,” said May, who delivered the greetings at the breakfast. “This is a great moment for us to share together. I know they will use this day as continued motivation when they go to practice.” Douglas said she has special ties to Atlanta. “I love coming back here to Atlanta. It’s amazing here,” said Douglas, who is a native of Virginia Beach, Virginia. “My favorite and amazing aunt (Bianca, known to Douglas as “Tia”) lives here, so it’s always such a joy to come here and hang out with her.” The breakfast served as a time to honor the work the Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) is doing in the community. YLA, created by Commissioner Sutton in 2008, hosts workshops on crime prevention and public speaking, and provides mentoring and leadership training to students in the 10th through12th grades. This year’s class of students includes about 35 students from high schools such as Stephenson, Arabia Mountain and Druid Hills. For more information on YLA, visit www.dekalbyouthleadershipacademy. com or call 678-478-3550.
DeKalb kicks off football season with “Battle of the Borders”
By Joshua Smith
eKalb County is adding something extra to football season this year. It will host its first ever high school classic with two of DeKalb’s best teams playing two top teams from Florida during Labor Day Weekend. Officials say they are expecting thousands of spectators to attend the “Battle of the Borders High School Showdown” at Hallford Stadium in Clarkston. Chick-fil-A is sponsoring the Aug. 31 event. DeKalb’s Martin Luther King Jr. High School will take on Blanche Ely High of Pompano Beach at 5:15 p.m. Stephenson High School will play Miami
Gardens’ Norland High School at 8:30 p.m. “DeKalb County is one of the toprecruited districts in the Southeast. Florida has a national reputation as a hotbed for top talent. It should be great competition to see these teams take each other on,” said DeKalb County Athletics Director Horace Dunson. Stephenson’s Head Football Coach Ron Gartrell says his squad is ready to take on Norland. “We always like to establish the running game, but with some new staff, See National, page 11
How to get your DeKalb high school football tickets The 2013 – 2014 high school football season kicks off on Friday, Aug. 23, 5:15 p.m., when Clarkston High School will take on Arabia Mountain High School at Hallford stadium in Clarkston. This year, DeKalb County and Decatur high school football fans can buy their game tickets online at Ticket Tracker. “This is a great website. It’s very similar to Ticketmaster,” said DeKalb County Athletics Director Horace Dunson. “We wanted to be more proactive and embrace technology. Buying tickets online will cut down on long lines at the gate.” Game tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for students. The Ticket Tracker website is