Celebrating 19 years
Conyers gas line break shuts down Main Street ....page 3
daVIDO’s $3.75 Pizza continues legacy ....page 5
Clarkston honors State Rep. Karla Drenner ....page 7
JUNE 6, 2014
Free meals provided during summer months
rea schools and nonprofits are teaming up to provide free meals to children during the summer through the United States Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Service Program. Sports Center Academy, 5330 Snapfinger Woods Drive, Decatur and CheerTyme All Stars, 2575 Park Central Blvd., Decatur, will be offering free breakfast and lunch to DeKalb County children ages 5 – 18. Breakfast will be served from 8 – 9 a.m. and lunch will be from noon to 1:30 p.m. Both meals will be provided at the sport facilities until Friday, Aug. 8. For more information, call 770-593-3149. Lithonia High, 2440 Phillips Road, Lithonia and Tucker High School, 5036 LaVista Road, Tucker as well as Bethune Middle School, 5200 Covington Highway, Decatur, will participate in the program to provide free meals. Free meals at these DeKalb County schools will be provided weekly on Monday through Thursday and operation times for breakfast and lunch meals are 8 – 9 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. – noon. “We welcome the opportunity to serve children of DeKalb County nourishing meals this summer. Last year we served over 327,000 meals and look forward to continuing this needed service,” said Joyce R. Wimberly, executive director of school nutrition services for the DeKalb County School District. “Children still require quality nutrition during the summer months especially with the expected increase in physical activity and calorie expenditure. It is our goal to provide a source of nutrition while school is out and continue the ongoing process of readying their minds and bodies for learning during the upcoming school year.” USDA officials say the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) was established to ensure that low-income children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. Free meals, that meet Federal nutrition guidelines, are provided to all children 18 years old and under at approved SFSP sites in areas with significant concentrations of low-income children. To learn more about the USDA summer meal programs, visit www. summerfood.usda.gov. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact 1-800-8778339 or 1-800-845-6136 for Spanish services.
Photo by Joshua Smith/OCG News
Interim CEO Lee May (at podium) and several DeKalb County officials braved 90 degree weather to launch the DeKalb County Vacant Property Registry at a June 4 press conference in Decatur.
DeKalb County launches crackdown on vacant properties
By Joshua Smith
eKalb County officials are taking blight head on with the new ordinance aimed at cleaning up blight in neighborhoods. Owners who fail to register their properties with the county’s Vacant Property Registry will face fines up to $1,000 under
the county’s new ordinance. Interim DeKalb County CEO Lee May says the registry was established as a means to protect neighborhoods from becoming blighted through the lack of adequate maintenance and security of properties that are vacant. “We stand here before an ugly, vacant property with liter all around, but we are excited. We
are excited because this program will address some critical needs in DeKalb County,” said May, who was joined by several DeKalb officials at a press conference in Decatur’s Columbia Meadows to introduce the Vacant Property Registry on June 4. “This program See Vacancy, page 8
Home Depot gives Decatur Veterans’ Post 4706 a facelift
By Joshua Smith
sea of orange was in Decatur when nearly 200 Home Depot employees descended on the VFW Post 4706 at 5362 Covington Highway in Decatur. The facility, built in 1960, has been in disrepair for quite some time. The post serves about 230 members. “When Home Depot put out the call that they were looking for a project to help veterans, we were very enthusiastic and knew we needed to take advantage of the opportunity,” said VFW Post 4706 Commander Harold Roberts. “From repairing cracks, to redoing shrubbery, these volunteers are reaching out to a group of people who really needed help. And I love that they are so enthusiastic to help.” The volunteers completed several projects on June 5 including painting the entire outside of the building, painting the bingo room, planting shrubbery and pruning shrubbery, building benches, watering plants, Photo by Joshua Smith/OCG News
See VFW, page 6
Dozens of volunteers from Home Depot came together on June 5 in Decatur to give VFW Post 4706 an extreme makeover.