My book on thoughts are things 2 copy

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Compiled by Ophelia Summers Chamberlain

Facing life’s changes and challenges doesn’t have to be stressful . Sometimes , because of the stress, we feel the challenge is bigger than what it actually is. it’s like making a mountain out of a molehill. To start, lets face our fears. Lets be bold, and brave for once, and challenge our fears. Doing this we will overcome them, and not let them dominate our lives, ourselves.

Challenge yourself, and overcome you anxieties. While facing your fears, looking them at an eye to eye level, ask yourself, “what are they?” Once you have given them a name, take the time to confront each and every one of them. Think you can still do it? How about trying this: Make yourself a list of at least nine things you have done, being brave about the challenge they possessed. Be grateful for the times you were challenged, and you were brave. If you did it before you can do it again! Ready to boldly go where you’ve never gone before? Tell yourself, “YES, I CAN DO IT!” Change is good, and good luck to you!

By Nile Queen Asset

Table of Contents:

1. Just exactly what are the Laws of the Universe? 2. The Laws of Attraction 3. The law of cause and effect 4. The Law of vibration 5. How does these laws dictate to your everyday lives. 6. There is no such thing as bad Luck. 7. Becoming aware of these laws can make all the difference in your life. 8. Just what exactly is thought? 9. Replace your belief system. 10 .Change your thinking 11. Change your story

Just exactly what are the Laws of the Universe? Universal Laws: Universal laws also referred to as spiritual laws and laws of nature, are the unwavering and unchanging principles that rule our entire universe and are the means by which our world continues to thrive and exist.. The Laws of Attraction: It is believed that energy (thought) attracts like energy (thought) that flows through the universe. All things that exist within our universe are composed of energy, or vibration. The law of attraction keeps it flowing effortlessly and perfectly. The Law of cause of and Affect: States that any action produces or returns a result or outcome in exact proportion to the act or cause which imitated it. Also referred to as sowing and reaping or karma. The Law of Vibration: States that anything exist in our universe whether seen or unseen, broken down into and analyzed in it’s purest and most basic form, consists of pure energy or light which resonates and exists as vibratory frequency or patterns.

The Law Of Vibration Just as a pebble creates vibrations that appear as ripples, which travel outward in a body of water, your thoughts create vibrations that travel outward into the Universe, and attract similar vibrations that manifest as circumstances in your life.

The Laws of Attraction

It is believed that energy (thought) attracts like energy (thought ) that flows through the universe.

Each is radiating energy out into space and this energy is determined by the emotional state of mind of the individual. You are a living magnet. What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thought pattern.

Every thought you are pondering now, is vibrating at a very personal frequency and by the powerful law of attraction (the essence of that which is like unto itself, is drawn, that thought is now attracting other thoughts that is its vibrational match. And now those combined thoughts are vibrating at a frequency that is higher than the thought that came before.

And they will now by the law of attraction attract another and another until eventually the thought will be powerful enough to attract a “real life� situation onto manifestation.

The Law of Cause and Effect This brings us to the next major and all that operates in a life each and every day. That is the Law of Cause and Effect, which means that the relation between two things when one thing makes something else happen. Some people refer to it as “reap what you sow or what goes around , comes around”. However you look at the meaning it means the same. The term cause and effect is merely another term for the law of attraction.

Just as an rose can only produce a rose, the choice of YOUR actions, can only produce the effect that are congruent with the actions performed. The law of Cause and effect is unchanging, unwavering, deliberate, and precise in it’s application and delivery. It knows no prejudices and delivers in exact proportion the same to all, regardless of belief, age, gender, origin, or religion based on the seeds that you choose to plant. (cause & thought).

Unlike man made laws, the Law of Cause and Effect is capable and delivers back to you, the results of whatever action or inaction you choose to take. (or not take).

With all that said, take a look at your own life. Look at the results you see around you. Look at the events, conditions and the circumstances in your

own life. If you really think about it , it is a direct manifestation of your inner consciousness or thoughts. The quality and consistency of your thinking is the cause of your external circumstances. What those thoughts attract and produce in your life are the effects.

Becoming aware of the Universal Laws & How does these laws dictate to your everyday lives. We are unaware of how the universal laws work behind the scenes in directing our lives. These laws pull the string on your entire life. It determines the experience in your life along with the people you attract into your life. These laws determine everything you do and manifest into your life. Becoming aware of the laws is the first step to understanding how they manifest into your everyday life. Awareness is the first key to understanding. What you don’t know can really hurt you. Failing to recognize how the laws work can mean a whole world of difference. Hold conscious intentions Focus on its “realness” Think, speak and act as if you already have it Take action on the way and means to make it physical” as they show up.

There is no such thing as bad Luck. Bad Luck Picks it’s Company by invitation Only

African American Folklore For anyone who has ever said, “my luck is so bad.” To those who ever asked, “why do these things always happen to me?” For anyone who has dared to say, “I give up!” Get a pencil, a piece of paper and write this down: What you ask for you get. What you see you are. What you give, you get back, someday, somehow, sooner or later. There is no such thing as bad luck. The ancient Africans said, “with your own hands you destroy it.” We say things return to us. We do things we know are not good for us. We think things that create situations we don’t want. The only way to create success or luck is to think, speak and act in ways that support ourselves.

Just what exactly is thought? Have you ever give much ‘thought’ in regards to what your thoughts are and where they come from? Your thoughts do not think you, you think your thoughts. The power of thought plays an important role in your everyday lives. Thoughts are first energy and vibrations This energy is also referred to as “vibs”, or vibrations. Energy and vibration are used interchangeable. Thoughts are mental pictures that are in our minds They are also learned belief systems Every thought we have is not healthy for our bodies less known our minds. Understand that thoughts do not just stay in our heads. Our thoughts are fed to the universal mind and by us acting upon these thoughts they neutralize and become manifest in our lives.

Now you are wondering how can this be and why. Understanding that we are made up of energy and our bodies are like human magnets attracting whatever our thoughtful minds want. If you think this is not true think about how you have previously pursued something or somebody, giving all your energy (thought) to the situation. Your mind worked miracles if you

may say, and what do you know, bam‌ got it or them.

This is one example and maybe a positive one. Well believe it or not, it works the same way if you have a negative idea, you will begin to feed your energy (thought) to bring forth and I hate to say it but it will work and whatever it was, you pulled it off. This type of energy can be very dangerous. That is why it is important to monitor your thoughts. We must begin to understand that our thoughts are very powerful and they really do obey our commands.

Replace your belief system, Change your thinking, Change your story.

As you tell the story of your life and you do it nearly all day , everyday with your words, or your thoughts and your actions, begin telling your story in a new way. The way you want it to be.

While understanding the two most common universal laws, The Law of Attraction and The Law of Cause and effect, think about what s your story and what effects your thoughts have on your story in your everyday life. Understand that by changing your thoughts you can change your story. Begin to tell your story, think your story, the way you prefer it to be.

Began to take full control of your life and stop living your life by default. No longer be buffered around by the laws of attraction like a small cork in a raging sea. Be aware of the what the laws of attraction are, understand the law of attractions and begin to deliberately live your life in a more positive manner. To live deliberately you have to think deliberately. The really good news is that you Do have control over your thoughts. Your thoughts, once you learn to become conscious or aware of them, do not have control over you.

You are in total and complete control of them. Your thoughts do not think you, you think your thoughts.

Ophelia Summers Chamberlain

Ophelia graduated from Forest Park College with an associate degree in Human Services, along with sixty completed hours from UMCSL college of St. Louis MO in Social Work. She currently works and has been working as an occupancy assistance at the Housing Authority of Saint Louis County, addressing needs of Public Housing tenants for twenty three years. She spent six years as a manager for public housing in Meacham Park MO. Ophelia ‘s expertise is in the area of consulting on a one on one basic as a life coach. She also was a certified Parent As Teachers counselor at Saint Louis Public Schools for a period of five (5) years. There she learned to screen children for developmental delays, along with assisting parents with helpful informational resources to better their lives. Ophelia also has the pleasure to work as a Supervisor at Summer youth Camps for three years and was also a child case worker at the Juvenile Detention Center of Saint Louis County, as well as Lakeside Boys Home. Ophelia has the ability to exercise good judgment in evaluating situations and has the ability to gain and hold confidence socially with individual on all levels of development. Her inspiration and desire to work with young individuals comes especially after having witness certain destructive patterns of behavior that a great number of them have had and still exhibiting in their daily lives.

Ophelia feels she has something to offer these individuals that could impact their lives in a positive manner by influencing them to envision their lives in a positive vein; installing a sense of hope, instead of hopelessness and despair which so many of them feel and express today. Already she has counseled many young adults that were tenants of St. Louis Public Housing who have gone on to lead productive lives by realizing that “Yes they Can make it” without public assistance, that they did not have to be trapped in the same way of life as their parents before them. They are now living a life of independence as opposed to dependency……. She is married with six children and a host of grand children and great grand children.


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