OC Health Care Agency June 2022 Newsletter

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Director’s Message



Marian Kettler Contributor: Julia Mayuga, Communications Intern

Dear OC Health Care Agency Congratulations to Peer-to-Peer

clinicians, mental health special-

recipient Marian Kettler. When her

ists, and office support staff. The

June is here and we celebrate

selection was announced in early

team collaborates with community

the start of summer! I truly

May she was Service Chief I with

providers including the AOT court

hope you can take or find

Mental Health and Recovery Services,

team, public defenders, district attor-

time to relax, recharge or rest

Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT).

neys and jails. The work we do can be

during the summer. I sincerely

Now in early June, Marian is marking

challenging. I enjoy the collaboration

say “thank you” for all the hard

her sixth year with the OC Health

we share to create a common goal

work you have done throughout

Care Agency (HCA) and celebrating

for our clients.”

the pandemic in serving the

a promotion to Service Chief II with

Orange County (OC) commu-

the Full Service Partnership (FSP)

nity. I believe I could go through

Coordination Office and the Mental

each program within the HCA

Health Collaborative Courts. She

and find something to praise

said serving at the HCA has been

for the work you’ve been doing.

rewarding, “I am most proud of,

Some items that come to mind

and enjoy working with, a team

are that we can be proud of our

that is genuinely passionate

COVID-19 teams who continue

about serving the community

their dedicated work on the

and helping others.”

(HCA) Team,

frontlines by providing boosters and vaccinations. Last summer

Marian said she loved over-

we faced a COVID-19 surge with

seeing the AOT program which

. . . continued on page 2

serves individuals with serious mental illness, who have been unsuccessful linking to tradi-


tional mental health

Lessons Learned from COVID-19..................................4

specialty program

Red Cross Heroes Award...........6 TEA Time...................................8 Pride Month.............................9

treatment. “This is a with a multidisciplinary team of psychologists,

. . . continued on page 3

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OC Health Care Agency June 2022 Newsletter by County of Orange Health Care Agency - Issuu