discerning weeders
A Newsletter of the Okaloosa County Master Gardeners Association –– October 2010
Remember!!! MG Meeting is at Shalimar Baptist Church, October 6th, 9:00 Ferns, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms
Lynn Fabian
A number of us (veteran MGs) have been sitting in on the 2010 MG Training class. Review of the basic MG training is a lot like religion...it does a body good to go to a revival occasionally.
on earth, appearing about 435 million years ago. Ferns have no seed and no way to reproduce that does not involve moisture, otherwise the reproductive cell dries out.
Dr. Lionel Leon’s class on Botany contains so much information for a four hour class, it is impossible to hold it all with only one hearing. In Dan Mullins class on Fruit Production, he asked several times if the class remembered something from the Botany section. Seems it all keeps going back to the basics.
Gymnosperms appeared a few million years later during the Carboniferous period. The ferns were still growing and the gymnosperms were the new kids on the block.
This month’s Compost Pile will touch on plant life in broad groups: ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms. We won’t delve into the algae ancestors from which plants as we know them grew. Fossil records show ferns were the first plants present
© Okaloosa County Master Gardeners!
Gymnosperms include the conifers, gingkos, cycads and others and have seeds and pollen. Major advancement (for the plants and the planet) was possible because the gymnosperms did not need water to reproduce. It was during this time, mammals began to develop.