Cosmo Divulga - "Hearing our Heroes"

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“ Hear i ng OurHer oes �

pat r i ot i s mt hatc anonl ybef el tt hr oughwor k i ngwi t h v et er ans .Whenwev i s i tt heVAHos pi t al andav ett el l s uswemadet hei rday,ors omeonet el l sust hat ourgener at i oni sdoi ngt her i ghtt hi ngbyhonor i ngv et er ans , eac hofourmember sget sagoodf eel i ng.Ourpr ogr am hasal l owedmeandt enot herofourmember st o s hak e hands and s pend t wo days wi t h Pr es i dent Geor geW.Bus hands omet r ul yamaz i ngpeopl ef r om al lov ert hec ount r yatt heWar r i orOpeni nT ex as .Our pr ogr am hasopenednew door sf ormanyofourmember s ;i nwor k i ngc l os el ywi t hel ec t edof f i c i al sandot her bus i nes sowner sourmember shav ebeenof f er edj obs andi nt er ns hi ps .Hear i ngOurHer oeshasal l owedust o meetnew peopl e,v et er ansandot herl eader si nour c ommuni t y.Ourmember swi l l al l t el l yout hat t heyhav e f oundanew s ens eofappr ec i at i onf ort heev er yday t hi ngst hatAmer i c anst ak ef orgr ant ed,ourmos tbas i c f r eedoms .Wor k i ngwi t hv et er ansi snotonl yapr i v i l ege but al s oal i v i ngl es s ont hat f r eedomi snot f r ee.Hear i ng OurHer oeswass t ar t ed and s etup t o ex pand t o s c hool sal lov ert hec ount r y.Youdonotneedt or ai s e anymoneyt os t ar tupyourownc hapt er .T heev ent s andpr ogr amsi neac hc hapt ermaybedi f f er ent ,but ourmi s s i oni st hes ame.

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