Volcker Rule Restricts Banks' Activities with Hedge Funds and Private Funds
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com | 510-857-5896 | customersupport@onlinecompliancepanel.com
Description : As part of the Dodd-Frank Act, Congress adopted a ban on proprietary trading and restricted investment in hedge funds and private equity by commercial banks and their affiliates, the so-called "Volcker Rule."
The Volcker Rule included in the Dodd-Frank Act prohibits banks from proprietary trading and restricts investment in hedge funds and private equity by commercial banks and their affiliates. Further, the Act directed the Federal Reserve to impose enhanced prudential requirements on systemically identified non-bank institutions engaged in such activities.
Congress did exempt certain permitted activities of banks, their affiliates, and non-bank institutions identified as systemically important, such as market making, hedging, securitization, and underwriting. The Rule also capped bank ownership in hedge funds and private equity funds at three percent. Institutions were given a seven year timeframe to become compliant with the final regulations.
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com | 510-857-5896 | customersupport@onlinecompliancepanel.com
Why should you attend ?
The proposed rule includes a number of specific exemptions, described as ‘permissible covered fund activities or investments’.
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com | 510-857-5896 | customersupport@onlinecompliancepanel.com
Objectives :
Why Paul Volcker introduced this rule What does it apply to and when is it effective? What activities are covered by this Rule and which are exempt? Which assets classes are affected by the Rule? How do you comply?
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com | 510-857-5896 | customersupport@onlinecompliancepanel.com
Who can Benefit ?
Banking Executives Hedge Fund and Private Fund Managers Accountants Finance Managers Treasury Managers CFO's CEO's Anyone involved in the Fund management process and reporting Internal and External Auditors
www.onlinecompliancepanel.com | 510-857-5896 | customersupport@onlinecompliancepanel.com
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www.onlinecompliancepanel.com | 510-857-5896 | customersupport@onlinecompliancepanel.com