Octagon Issue 8

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Sacramento Country Day School



May 26, 2015

Organizations announce their new leaders

Blast from the Past In celebration of Country Day’s 50th anniversary, a past editor-in-chief of the Octagon is being featured in each issue.

By Annya Dahmani Reporter

The Medallion, Octagon and Student Council have chosen their new leaders for the next school year. On the Medallion, positions will remain the same. Juniors Gracie Strumpfer and Aidan Galati will continue as co-editors-in-chief. “(Next year), we’ll step up our design,” Galati said. “Also, since it’s not a 50-year anniversary yearbook, we can focus on making it better looking.” A new position, social media editor, will be filled by freshman Nina Dym. The position was created to make the yearbook more personal to each year, according to Dym. “We know a lot of students use platforms such as Twitter and Instagram,” Dym said. “Our idea is that people will tweet and post photos on Instagram of memorable moments throughout the year, whether that’s during basketball season, on the class trips, Ancil Hoffman, etc. It’ll make people more interactive with the yearbook and get people excited.” The Octagon has named juniors Manson Tung and Madison Judd as coeditors-in-chief of the print edition. Tung and Judd have been on the staff for three years and are both currently page editors. Junior Zoë Bowlus, who has also been on Octagon for three years, will be editor-in-chief of the online edition. Bowlus is currently the business manager and sports editor. She will remain sports editor next year as she assumes her new role. “I think that (Tung, Judd and Bowlus) all have very different kinds of strengths which help a lot with the balance of the Octagon,” said senior Aishwarya Nadguada, current online editor-in-chief. “I think they’re all enthusiastic about it. Zoë is a very meticulous individual, and she is always on top of everything. She is also good at communicating with people, which is very important for the online.” Judd, like Galati, wants to improve. “(Our goal is) to have a theme color or topic for each issue,” she said. Bowlus wants to have some more fun things on the Octagon’s website. “For example, (adviser Patricia) Fels and I were looking at examples of award-winning websites and there was this thing called Song of the Week,” Bowlus said. “I want to do something where each staffer writes up something about a song.” New officers have been chosen for Student Council as well. Junior Serajh Esmail will be student body president, and juniors Jacob Sands and Jag Lally will share the vice-president position. According to Esmail, Student Council will fundraise more next year. Student Council has also added a social media editor position, which will be filled by junior Julia Owaidat. “(I’m) running the Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter accounts,” Owaidat said. “On Snapchat we’re going to put up videos of us setting things up. On Twitter we’ll be reminding people of things and advertising spirit things and sport events. Our goal is to get people pumped for stuff we do.” At press time, The Glass Knife literary magazine’s positions had not yet been announced.

Headmaster Stephen Repsher opens fourth-grader Gavin Sutley’s car door. Repsher has greeted lower-school students in the morning since he arrived in 2003. (Photo by Adam Ketchum)

Head will retire in 2016 Repsher plans to travel, read, teach Spanish

By Madison Judd Page Editor


ith the end of the school year rapidly approaching, seniors are starting to ponder their futures. But this year, they’re not alone. Since the beginning of spring, headmaster Stephen Repsher has been contemplating his own future. Over those few months, Repsher decided that he will retire in June 2016. “When thinking about the end of the year and graduation - which is a lot like retiring for the seniors because they are in a way retiring from Country Day - I also started to think about my own retirement,” he said. Repsher also discussed the decision with his wife, Paula. They thought that it was important for her to spend more time with her parents, who are 80 and 78. “That freedom would allow her to travel back and forth to Texas,” Repsher said. Repsher’s retirement was announced on May 12 in a schoolwide email. Once retired, Repsher said that he wants to spend time overseas with his wife, “as finances permit.”

He also wants to catch up on his reading. Although he doesn’t have a specific list of books in mind, Repsher said that he will always stay current with his reading on the latest trends in education. Repsher also plans to reread some classic works in Spanish literature because he taught the subject for 13 years before becoming an administrator. He said his favorite authors include Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortazar, Ana Maria Matute, Miguel de Cervantes and Federico Garcia Lorca. He is also considering returning to the classroom to teach Spanish. However, he probably won’t teach at Country Day. “I wouldn’t teach here not because I wouldn’t love to, but because past headmasters usually get in the way,” he said. Repsher moved to Sacramento in 2003 to start his headship at Country Day. When Repsher was applying for the headmaster position, he immediately felt comfortable with SCDS, he said. “When I got here, it just felt like a perfect fit,” he See Repsher, page 5

Smelly cork boards to come down

By Emma Williams

“There’s not really anyone to blame,” Repsher said. Editor-in-Chief “There are sometimes issues like this that nobody could predict.” When it became clear that the Forbo-brand cork The school has decided to pay for the removal and replacement of the odor-emitting cork boards that boards were giving off the gasoline-like odor, they have kept the new middle-school office unoccupied were inspected by the manufacturer. That inspection determined that for five months. the boards were in fine Removal will begin on June 8 and “There are sometimes issues like condition. last about two weeks. “(The boards were) Sandy Lyon, head of middle this that nobody could predict.” according to school, who will be working in the —Stephen Repsher, headmaster installed the design and installanew office, describes the odor, which tion criteria, and there’s is given off by the linseed oil in the nothing wrong with the material,” Repsher said. cork boards, as “pungent” and “headache-inducing.” The boards will be replaced with drywall and a “The manufacturer who came out said (that the smell 4-foot-tall tackable surface that will extend across is) just the way the product is.” Robert O’Connor, an attorney at Hanson Bridgett most of the wall at eye level. The exact cost of the remodel isn’t definite, but LLP who specializes in construction law, said that the final figure will be “several thousand,” according construction disputes are “notoriously fact-specific,” meaning that liability in a case such as the school’s to headmaster Stephen Repsher. This money will come from the original budget for could be hard to pinpoint. “If (the problem with the cork boards is a prodthe construction of the Middle School Center for uct defect), then the owner may have legal recourse Science and Technology, he said. “We have contingencies in the budget for these against the general contractor, supplier or manufackinds of things,” Repsher said. “We were already turer of the product,” he said. “However, if the product is not defective, and the $150,000 under budget, so this little amount won’t cause any problems.” See Cork board, page 5 But why is the school responsible for paying?

Quincey Tidey Grieve, ‘86, was editor-in-chief during her senior fall semester. When Grieve was a freshman, she was on staff with her sister, Ashley Tidey, ‘83. Grieve graduated from UC Berkeley and later taught middle-school English at SCDS. She was also middle-school head in ‘06-07. She now lives in Washington, D.C., and is associate director of middle school at St. Stephen’s and St. Agnes School in Alexandria, Virginia. Q: What were some big issues when you were a student? A: Off-campus privileges. The school didn’t have the legal position to give us these privileges because of building and parking restrictions at the time. Going to The Gourmet, a sandwich shop around the corner from school (now Fins Market & Grill), was a big deal since we didn’t really have off-campus privileges. But in the end, much to (former dean of students Daniel) Neukom’s dismay, we took the problem of off-campus privileges into our own hands. Also, I remember being very up in arms about getting in trouble for going barefoot. I definitely pushed the limits on that rule! Q: What was having a sibling on staff with you like? A: My sister was editor-in-chief when I was a freshman on staff. It was weird because we had completely polar personalities. She had a more quiet personality, and I had a more rebellious personality. I guess I wasn’t as intimidated by her wisdom as I should’ve been, too. Q: What was your favorite article? A: When I was a senior, I did a story about homosexuals with the help of a lesbian alumna who was attending UC Berkeley, Jane Sooby, ‘81. We went to San Francisco and visited gay bars in the area. It won some awards, although I’m not sure which (ones). —Katia Dahmani For more of the interview, visit scdsoctagon.com.

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