Octagon 2018-19 Issue 8

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VOL.42 NO.8 • Sacramento Country Day School • 2636 Latham Drive, Sacramento • May 28, 2019


four middle school teachers, two lower school teachers, learning specialist Kelley Brown and hen junior Larkin Barnard-Bahn chief financial officer William Petchauer. “We weren’t really dead set on changing the founded the high school a capella schedule; we were trying to have a conversaclub last year, she anticipated the club’s small size (only five mem- tion about a better option for our students,” Jacobsen said. bers) would lead to some problems. The issues with the current schedule began But she didn’t foresee the biggest challenge to appear, Wells said, with another idea in the — finding time to practice. Swim practices, chorus rehearsals and strategic plan — organizing lunches at which school publications keep students too busy teachers in the same subject matter but at difto practice after school, so the club rehearses ferent grade levels could discuss their teaching twice a week before school, inconveniencing methods and material. According to Wells, there was nearly no members who need to complete homework or time when teachers from different grade levsee teachers. els could meet. Their lunches were taken up But next year, those problems may disappear with the addition of a flex period, a by faculty meetings, student-teacher meetings, club meetings and more. 35-minute period after elective. “Our task became to alleviate time and The flex period was designed to allow students and teachers to accomplish tasks that space pressure for students and teachers,” are currently pushed into lunch, elective or af- Wells said. Jacobsen said one of the committee’s additer school, such as getting help from teachers, tional goals was creating a schedule suitable going on field trips (although the flex period is not after or before lunch), practicing for up- for both the middle and high school. Another was accommodating different coming concerts or holding club meetings. teaching styles. Music teachers, she said, preThe flex period is one of four major changes in the new high school schedule, announced fer to meet with their students daily, while Jacobsen said she and the art teachers and don’t by head of school Lee Thomsen on May 8. need to meet with students evThe decrease in the number ery day and would rather teach of classes per day, the length for longer periods of time. We had to of classes and electives and the Jacobsen added that due to put on our addition of passing periods are students being late for class or the three other changes for the adult hats on and leaving to get water or go to the high school. sort of say, ‘We restroom, she gets only 40 minIn the middle school, there are the adults and utes of teaching time, which will also be a flex period, shortrarely gives her students time to er periods and passing periods, we are the profesdo homework in class. but the middle school elective sionals and we’ve However, she said doing remains the same length and studied this.’” homework in class is valuable takes place at the same time as —Chris Kuipers because it can help her identify in the current schedule. comprehension issues early. According to head of high After considering teachers’ school Brooke Wells, the initial desires, the committee examined the schedpush to change the schedules came through ules of various high schools in the area, and the areas of growth identified in the school’s some teachers on the committee informally strategic plan released this year (such as the polled their classes about the current schedule arts, emotional well-being and STEM — sciand changes under consideration. ence, technology, engineering and math). History teacher and committee member “The (planning) committee always wanted Chris Kuipers said though student opinion to look at the schedule, because if we wanted was valued in reshaping the schedule, there to add, for example, a better computer science was no all-school or all-high school poll about program or better drama program, the schedthe proposed changes because the collective ule kept getting in the way,” Wells said. wisdom of educators outweighed that of stuAccording to dean of student life and math dents. teacher Patricia Jacobsen, the scheduling com“It was what we believe is best for students, mittee that proposed the new schedule was so we had to put on our adult hats and say, ‘We formed in the summer and began meeting in are the adults and we are the professionals and September. we’ve studied this,’” he said. The committee was open for all teachers However, students did fill out a Google poll to join, according to Jacobsen, and ultimateabout changing the schedule at the beginning ly included committee chair Wells, head of of the school year. middle school Rommel Loria, head of lower In a May 21 Octagon poll of 59 freshmen, school Christy Vail, five high school teachers, sophomores and juniors, 43% favored chang-


First period: 8:20-9:05

First period: 8:20-9:12

Second period: 9:05-9:50 Break: 9:50-10:10

Second period: 9:15-10:07 Break: 10:07-10:22

Third period: 10:10-10:55

Third period: 10:25-11:17

Fourth period: 10:55-12:05

Fourth period: 11:20-12:12

Lunch: 12:05-12:45

Lunch: 12:12-12:52

Elective I: 12:45-1:55

Elective I: 12:55-1:55

Fifth period: 1:55-2:40

Flex period: 1:55-2:30

Sixth period: 2:40-3:25

Fifth period: 2:30-3:22

SCHEDULE SWAP The above shows an “A” day on the current schedule (left) and the new schedule (right). Major changes include holding only five classes per day and the addition of three-minute passing periods and a 35-minute flex period. GRAPHIC BY SARINA RYE

ing the schedule in some way. going to be vying for the time of our kids.” After going through about 16 versions of the However, Ratcliff said he currently pulls schedule, Jacobsen said the committee recom- middle school jazz band players out of advimended the adoption of the Beta three sched- sory to allow them to rehearse with the high ule for the 2019-20 school year. school before big competitions. The new schedule will not be tested before For those few weeks, he said, a shared flex its implementation, according to Kuipers, as period could be useful. the changes are too minor and there is insufIn the middle school, Thomsen said the flex ficient time left in the year for an accurate test. period will replace advisory but also could ofThe biggest departure from last year’s fer students time to attend clubs. schedule is the addition of a flex period. Sixty-four percent of students polled on Jacobsen and Wells said a calendar will be May 21 who said they favored changing the created to alschedule suplow teachers ported the and clubs to flex period, If you’re an athlete and have to “book” certain and three of leave early, you’d only miss one flex periods. eight teachThe com- academic class, but now you miss two.” ers polled on mittee also —Lee Thomsen May 13 said designed the they strongly flex period to favored it. allow music According to Thomsen, the flex period was groups to practice every day. also added to help student-athletes. Band director Bob Ratcliff said he won’t “If you are an athlete and you have to leave know the full effect of the flex period until it early, you would only miss one academic class, is implemented, nor does he know if he will but right now you miss two,” he said. use the period until he has a better idea of the Students would be missing a class that they composition of next year’s bands. won’t have the next day, though, due to the Though Ratcliff said he would like to meet backward rotation of classes. with his class every day, he said he won’t count According to Wells, the schedule will rotate on using the period regularly. backward because it ensures teachers with “I don’t view flex time as class time,” Ratcliff said. “It’s not going to work like that; we’re all SCHEDULE page 3 >>

College Board’s new ‘adversity score’ garners mixed reactions INSIDE BY SARINA RYE

From facing controversy over the scoring of the August SAT to dealing with an admissions cheating scandal, the College Board has had a busy school year. Most recently, it unveiled a new tool on May 16 with the goal of evening the standardized testing playing field by taking into account socioeconomic and educational background. Although the development has been in the works since 2015, ac-

cording to The Wall Street Journal, the announcement came as a shock to many — including director of college counseling Jane Bauman. “It’s unusual that the College Board didn’t send the message to (high) schools until a week later,” she said. “I heard about it when the story broke (in) the New York Times.” The Times ran a front-page story about this “adversity score,” as it’s being called by the public. The College Board’s website refers to

Three-minute passing periods

Revamped 2019-20 schedule includes fewer daily classes, flex period, passing periods

it as the Environmental Context Dashboard. According to the College Board, the score is meant to contextualize SAT scores based on factors from students’ neighborhoods and schools. On a scale of 100, the average score is 50, with a higher score meaning a student has faced more adversity. The 31 factors that are weighed equally to generate the score `can be found on College Board’s website — for example, the neighbor-

hood percentage of adults with less than a high school diploma, percentage of adults with agriculture jobs and the unemployment and crime rates. Senior Yanele Ledesma was surprised when she heard about the tool. “At first I thought it was a big joke,” she said. “But I really appreciate (the score) and wish it could have come sooner.”

ADVERSITY page 4 >>

News.....................1-4 Sports.................... 5-7 Seniors................8-9 Opinion............10-12 Feature.............13-15 Backpage.............16

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