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VOL.43 NO.1 • Sacramento Country Day School • • @scdsoctagon • September 17, 2019
School prohibits food delivery, upgrades gates to bolster safety BY ARIJIT TRIVEDI
ountry Day changed its safety protocol, updated its emergency response plan and modified the wooden gates lining the campus’ exterior this summer. To improve security, the gates were upgraded with a plexiglass screen and a metal welding. Second, visitors are now required to enter the campus through the lower and middle school office or the main office in the high school. Visitors are also required to check in and wear a badge during school hours. Finally, the administration banned food delivery services for all persons. “We modified the gates in order to funnel pedestrian and visitor traffic to the main entrances, so that we can have a better sense of who is on (the) campus at any moment,” head of school Lee Thomsen said. Thomsen said the school has been considering changing the gates and fence for a while. “In the master plan of the (new) middle school math and science building, there are drawings showing the fence going all the way around (the cam-
pus),” Thomsen said. “When I (came) here four years ago, one of the first conversations I had was about continuing the fence.” According to chief financial officer/ business manager Bill Petchauer, the gate modifications cost about $1,000. That, according to Thomsen, was the cheapest option the school considered. “We were considering doing a major overhaul (by) finishing the wall (around campus) and creating a clearer entrance to the school,” Thomsen said. “(But) it would’ve involved cutting down trees and moving the main office door. It looked like it would’ve cost $400,000 to $500,000. And when we looked at the drawings and plans, we didn’t see anything we really liked.” Jay Holman, director of the physical plant, said the gate installations took about three days to complete. Thomsen added that a major fence extension would diminish the valued open-community aesthetic. “We’re trying to balance that feeling of community with a reasonable degree of safety,” he said. “We could’ve built a 10-foot wall with barbed wire, (but
SAFETY page 3
GATES CLOSED Gates in the lower and middle school were upgraded with plexiglass and welding. PHOTO BY EMMA BOERSMA
Country Day enrollment surpasses 500 students for the first time in 11 years “For the last two years, all of the pre-K seats have been filled,” Vail said. “And all Sixty-five new families entered Country of those students in pre-K have enrolled in Day this year, making the total number of kindergarten for the past two years.” Head of high school Brooke Wells said students 507 – the first enrollment over the school’s growth is based on the number 500 since 2008. There are 237 students in lower school, of available seats in certain grades. “Our main goal is for more people to 134 in middle school and 136 in high engage and inquire with us so the total school. Director of admissions Hadley Keefe said amount of seats are filled,” Wells said. Thomsen attributed the enrollment inCountry Day was prepared for the growth and teachers were comfortable with the crease to changes by the admissions office, bigger classes. Keefe said the school is al- improved marketing and a better economy. Head of middle school Rommel Loria ready staffed for a capacity of 544 students – 250 in lower school, 150 in middle school said changes in admissions events brought (50 per grade) and 144 in high school (36 more attention to the school. “We moved the Open House to a Satper grade). According to head of school Lee Thom- urday, which got a lot of attendance from sen, the growth strategy was to focus on prospective families,” Loria said. Vail said the popularity of the pre-K class entry points (common grades to enroll at came from Toddler Country Day): pre-K, kindergarten, sixth Story Hours, which grade and ninth grade. the admissions office Thomsen said the “Our main goal is for started last year. Proschool’s capacity is more people to enspective pre-K stucapped at 544 students dents and their famiby an agreement with gage and inquire with us so the total amount lies can come to Country the City of SacramenDay and listen to stories to. If more students of seats are filled.” apply, a waiting list — Brooke Wells every Friday in the fall and the spring. will be created. Director of marketThe school currenting and communications Emily Allshouse ly has waiting lists for pre-K and fourth grade. The amount of agreed with Thomsen that better marketstaff limits the pre-K class to 24 students ing contributed to the increase. “We publish ads in Inside Publications, and the fourth grade class to 44. If a spot opens, a student from the waiting pool will Sactown Magazine and Sacramento Magazine,” Allshouse said. “However, print pubcome to Country Day. According to head of lower school Chris- lications are more old school. Most people ty Vail, the most growth has occurred in get their information online now, so we exthe lower school because it is the main en- panded our social media presence.” try point into the school and has the most Two years ago, Country Day was not grade levels. active on social media, but currently, the
NEWS 2 Senior Bill Tsui was prevented from leaving Hong Kong for 10 days due to widespread protests over a new extradition amendment.
school has Facebook, Instagram, Nextdoor, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts. In comparison to the 2017-18 school year, information about school events is now shown in ads on Facebook and Instagram, attracting more followers. Before 2018-19, Country Day’s Instagram account had fewer than 40 followers, Allshouse said. Now, it has more than 600. This year, Allshouse said she hopes to increase her focus on student experiences to personalize the account. She said she thinks the click-through rates (how often someone clicks on an ad) will exceed those of last year. The Facebook ads are targeted toward
specific demographics. Some ads are directed at Bay Area families because recently, many students have come from there due to the high cost of living, according to Allshouse. Allshouse also introduced KCRA to the school’s Garage Band and “Good Morning Sacramento” to the garden, which brought more attention to Country Day. Thomsen said his biggest concern is a possible recession. “After our peak 10 years ago, the economy went down, which decreased the number of students because paying for education was not at the top of parents’ priorities,” Thomsen said.
FRESH FAMILIES Athletic director Matt Vargo speaks to parents at the new families dinner. Sixty-five families entered this school year. PHOTO BY ELISE SOMMERHAUG
CENTERPOINT 4-5 Self-proclaimed Democrats, Republicans and independents discuss the presidential campaigns and current political issues.
SPORTS 7 Senior Jewel Turner leaves her Olympic gymnastic dreams behind, then pursues volleyball with collegiate aspirations.
ENDPOINT 8 Students reflect on work experience gained from summer internships and volunteer opportunities abroad.