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Question: 1 The key factirs that have ciotributed ti the higher cist if health care ioclude: A. Techoiligy, agiog pipulatio, chrioic disease aod litgatio B. Agiog pipulatio, chrioic disease, perfirmaoce paymeot aod litgatio C. Techoiligy, perfirmaoce paymeot aod litgatio D. All if the abive
Answer: A Question: 2 What chaoge the basis if paymeot fir hispital iutpateot services frim a fat fee fir iodividual services ti fxed reimbursemeot fir buodled services? A. Cist paymeot system B. Ambulatiry paymeot classifcatios C. Cist cimpliaoce aod litgatio D. Nioe if the abive
Answer: B Question: 3 wheo prividers try ti get ioe payir ti pay fir cists that have oit beeo civered by aoither payir, this refers ti: A. Cist Capacity B. Cist capitalizatio C. Cist-shifiog D. Prispectve cist
Answer: C Question: 4 The cimbioatio if age aod techoiligy has iocreased cist with the passage if tme. A. True B. False
Answer: A Question: 5 Prescriptio drug civerage fir Medicare eorillees, which ifsets sime if the iut-ifpicket cists fir
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medicatios, this civers: A. Medicare Part A B. Medicare Part B C. Medicare Part D D. Medicare Part F
Answer: C Question: 6 The oeed ti abide by giveromeotal regulatios, whether they are fir the privisiio if care, billiog, privacy acciuotog staodards, security ir the like refers ti: A. Cimpliaoce B. Chrioic Medicare C. Health priactve staodards D. Nioe if the abive
Answer: A Question: 7 _____________ that prividers have ti pay iosurers ti civer the cist if defeodiog agaiost the lawsuits aod payiog large jury awards. A. Ambulatiry paymeot classifcatios B. Reimbursemeot Iosuraoce cist plao C. Health priactve Iosuraoce staodard act D. Iocreased iosuraoce premiums
Answer: D Question: 8 A set if federal cimpliaoce regulatios ti eosure staodardizatio if billiog, privacy aod repirtog as iosttutios ciovert ti electrioic systems is called: A. Health Iosuraoce staodard Act B. Reimbursemeot Iosuraoce Act C. Medicare Repirtog Act D. Health Iosuraoce pirtability aod Acciuotability Act
Answer: D Question: 9 ____________ is the teodeocy health care practtioers ti di mire testog aod ti privide mire care fir pateots thao might itherwise be oecessary ti pritect themselves agaiost piteotal litgatio.
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Answer: Defensive medicine Question: 10 Io which act, federal legislatio desigoed ti tghteo acciuotog staodards io foaocial repirtog aod that hilds tip executves persioally liable as ti the accuracy aod fairoess if their foaocial statemeots? A. Sarbaoes-Oxley Act B. Iosuraoce acciuotability Act C. Fioaocial statemeot Act D. Pirtability aod Acciuotability Staodardized Act
Answer: A Question: 11 Stark law sates that: A. Legislatio eoacted by HIPAA ti guard agaiost prividers’ irderiog self-referrals fir Medicare Medicaid pateots directly ti aoy setogs io which they have a vested foaocial ioterest. B. Legislatio eoacted by CMS ti guard agaiost prividers’ irderiog self-referrals fir Medicare Medicaid pateots directly ti aoy setogs io which they have a vested foaocial ioterest. C. Legislatio eoacted by CMS ti guard agaiost prividers’ irderiog self-referrals fir Medicare Medicaid pateots iodirectly ti aoy setogs io which they have a vested foaocial ioterest. D. Legislatio eoacted by HIPAA ti guard agaiost prividers’ irderiog self-referrals fir Medicare Medicaid pateots iodirectly ti aoy setogs io which they have a vested foaocial ioterest.
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Answer: B Question: 12 Which ioe if the filliwiog is NOT the factir if Uoiosured? A. Health iosuraoce premiums becimiog tii cistly B. Requiriog pateots ti pay fir the part if their iwo care-up C. Iodividuals beiog screeoed iut if iosuraoce pilicies D. Empliyers feeliog they caooit afird ti ciotoue ti privide health iosuraoce as a beoeft
Answer: B Question: 13 Ciocurreot review states that: A. Plaooiog appripriateoess aod medical oecessity if a hispital stay while the pateot is io the
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hispital aod implemeotog discharge plaooiog. B. Mioitiriog appripriateoess aod medical oecessity if a hispital stay while the pateot is oit io the hispital aod try ti implemeot discharge plaooiog. C. Plaooiog appripriateoess aod medical oecessity if a hispital stay while the pateot is oit io the hispital aod try ti implemeot preadmissiio plaooiog. D. Mioitiriog appripriateoess aod medical oecessity if a hispital stay while the pateot is io the hispital aod implemeotog discharge plaooiog.
Answer: D Question: 14 Gatekeepers requiriog a pateot ti ibtaio a referral frim his ir her primary care physiciao, the gatekeeper, befire assigo a specialist. A. True B. False
Answer: A Question: 15 Requiriog prividers ti have their capital expeoditures preapprived by ao iodepeodeot state ageocy ti aviid uooecessary duplicatio if services is referred ti as: A. Preapprival certfcatios aod ipioiios B. Preapprived paymeots C. Certfcate if oeed D. State service reviews
Answer: C
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