4 Elements Magazine

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4 Elements-Let’s Play and Save the Planet

Contents: 1. Description of the project 2. Objectives of the project 3. Carbon Footprint and impressions 4. What is happening now? 5. First steps 6. Presentations 7. World Cafe 8. City Bound and collecting the trash 9. Trust Games and Land Art 10. Story Telling 11. Eggsercise 12. Intercultural Nights 13. Theatre 14. Posters 15. Impressions 16. Organizers and Participants 17. Videos of the Project


"FOUR ELEMENTS" is an exchange of young people with 7 countries of the program: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, Serbia and Romania, which will run between 22.08.2021-2.09.2021 and brings together 40 participants (32 young people and 8 group leaders) By this project we aim to increase the awareness of young people on the solutions for increasing the sustainability of the environment and a healthier life by preventing pollution and disasters, by caring for nature, by responsible consumption, by better recycling and waste management. The aim of the project is to strengthen among young people the awareness of the importance of environmental sustainability through a better management of the interaction with the 4 elements of nature (water, air, earth, fire).



1. increasing the responsibility of intervention on the planet and the safety of the population by preventing disasters caused by water, air, earth, fire.

2.Development for 40 participants from 7 countries for 10 days of new personal and civic competences to promote the prevention and control of water, soil and air pollution.

3. Strengthening the use of the creative and innovative potential of 40 participants from 8 countries in support of the environment by building board games from the recycling and over-recycling of reusable materials. 4

Carbon Footprint and impressions “I was surprised with the results since I believed I am environmentally conscious being, as I cycle everywhere and take into account the carbon footprint. However, it just showed me how much more room there is for improvement.” Zuzia Hebdzyńska

“Before taking the test I thought I was "getting on the right way" because especially when I travelled I often took into account the what was the best for the planet. Apparently my lifestyle is not compatible with the persistence of our beloved planet...” Angelo Brencich

“I would need 2.9 Earths, and housing is making a disproportionately big impact.” Алекса Станивук “hmmm, not much, but still more than it should be...” Ηρώ Σίψα “Wow, some of my habbits need to change!” Христо Валентинов

“Probably I have this result because I use a lot of paper and plastic and also car.” Flavia Nicoleta Pelmuș

“quite shocked that the number is so high, probably because of the housing and often use of plastic and paper” Polina Mykhailichenko 5

What is happening now? Air, soil, rivers, lakes, closed gulfs, lowland coasts, protected areas and sensitive ecosystems are experiencing serious environmental problems due to unplanned and careless development over the last 50 years. In 2013, the European Commission adopted a Clean Air Policy Package for Europe. This package of measures aims to achieve full compliance with existing air quality legislation by 2020 and further improve Europe’s air quality by 2030 and thereafter. EU law requires member states to monitor their waters and identify those at risk of nitrate contamination from agricultural runoff. They must also designate land areas that drain into these waters as Nitrate Vulnerable Zones, and set up ways to reduce or prevent pollution. On average, a person in Spain produces 7,6 tons of CO2, which is a rate below European average (9.5 tons) In Spain the nuclear power plants are still at the top of the energy producers, because of their high productivity.

According to the latest annual data provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, the consumption of meat products in Spain is much lower than the maximum recommended, so the levels of meat consumption in Spain are within the recommendations.

First steps The arrival day was an important day because a lot of us started to know each other since then, even from the airport.

The most important day though was the first day that started with an energizeer and with games that helped us to interact with everybody.

Let’s not forget about the house rules that were explained very well and everybody signed the paper as an agreement of following them.

Another thing we did was thinking about the project, about the hopes and fears and so we did by writing 3 of each. This way we understood how important is to think about the one next to you and try to help.

We also beneffited by an explanation of the project and also Erasmus+ introduction of the programme, Youthpass and key competence


In the first workshop of the project we had to create a poster about the cconsumerism, pollution and natural disasters in every country, that’s why we discussed and worked in mixt groups.

After the presentation of the posters we made the daily evaluation and the result is here:

City bound and collecting the trash

During this activity we had the opportunity to discover the city and while we were doing this we also collected the trash we found on our way because we want a change and all the little things matter.

World Cafe

As the team that had the main discussion subject the “earth” element, we were developing various subjects. The one that appeared like an important point for everybody was the pollution that is caused by the wrong expansion of cities, deforestation, no recycling, chemicals and many other more. Various arguments were brought into discussion here and examples of green building methods were given, and also alternatives for recycling or ways of treating the forests. More than that, an important step forward, from everybody’s point of view, included the country's laws and reglementations that should be improved because we need more than ever sustainable development for the farming branch, local businesses and education. Education is the main subject when it comes to sustainable development for the future because an educated child can spread the information with the others and the most important, an educated child will be an educated adult.

In the water team we discussed about all the water we are polluting this element without even realizing. In particular, we discussed about these topics: the trash, like plastic, that is constantly thrown into the waters; the fact that water Is not infinite; the amount of drinking water that rich and poor countries have. We understood that these are real problems and in this moment someone is suffering for them. A way to solve these problems is giving money, knowledge and tools to poor country. Moreover, it's also important introduce taxes and punish the offenders. But the most important thing is raise awareness the people by media.

My element was air. We talked about that element in the way that we separated this element into specific ways. First, we considered definitions or synonyms about air then we considered the use of that element. In the end, we discuss problems and solutions in every particular country. This world cafe was so productive.

At word cafe we discussed fire with each team. We started with either the destructive power of fire or the good sides of using fire and how it helps people and civilization to develop. Destructive side includes air pollution from burning the fuel, wildfires which harm biodiversity and ecosystems. But fire also helps people, fire helped our humanity to start developing, with fire we managed to cook some food that was impossible to eat before. Fire was used for heating and also was a key point that sparkled the industrial revolution and after that we described in which ways we could prevent the damage that fire can do.

Trust games and Land Art

We went to the forests for some trust games, which really helped to increase the level of integration within the group. We then made some land-art works in order to boost our creative side.

Trust games

Land arts This land work is a depiction of the extreme consequences of human behaviour. The shapes of continents are no more recognizable, due to the sea level rising and arid mountains are represented by bare rock. But even so, humans ignore climate change and still focus on fighting each other: "mushroom clouds" can be observed.

We created a land art exposition connecting four trees representing the four elements. We collected some material from the forest in order to symbolize the elements The first tree symbolizes the Earth, that's why we put some mushrooms at the base of the tree. These days water is very polluted, so that's why we used plastic bottle to depict water on the other tree. Also, we put some sticks and leaves at the base of the next tree to make it seem like fire and we attached a balloon to the last tree, because in our opinion it's the best way to "catch" the air.

This piece of art represents the four elements: water, air, fire and Earth. Their symbols are drown on the stones just in front of the big fire and the rudimental materials used highlight the philosophy behind the entire nature-based construction: be 100%compostabile.

Life, Death, Shrooms Our piece of art represents the 4 elements in their common forms. At the bottom of the structure we see a bonfire starter which represent fire, disorder, chaos. The road from the bottom to the top represents choice. Along the path you have a combination of mushrooms, some poisonous, some healthy. These represent the choices we do in our daily life, good or bad. Along the road you can also find a red wire. It represents the string of life. Which has a dedicated path, but it can be cut at any time. At the top we have a construction made out of greens, which represent live in its purest form, as well as indicates that life is above everything. In the hearth of the sculpture we have a bone, which reminds us that death is a natural occurring thing, and we should acknowledge it. P.S Art is the eye of the beholder, so if you don’t like our art, take a piece of the mushroom and look at it again… if you survive. This is not a medical advice from a professional.

A long time ago a strong emperor built a large castle, but he did not respect nature and it took revenge on him, destroying everything over the years. Only the throne remains and makes us ask ourselves: who is the true king: nature or man? Our piece represents how 4 elements interact with each other. Wood symbolizes bonfire - energy, near the bonfire is a river, which represents life, rocks represent earth - stability. There is also a stick with a leaf on it which we made to create a 'rain' which waters soil and can help to extinguish the fire. On 4 rocks you can see symbols of 4 elements from out project. Earth is made from leaves, air - from mud that had dried up, fire - from red leaves (color of fire) and water - from blue pieces of balloon which we used in another game. The air flews freely Through our land art feeding us with the energy of the Woods and the positive vibes of the participants in the project.

Story Telling

The Cowbear

“There is a new big Company in the world, Extension X. The owner of this Company is Elon Axe. His purpose is to cut all the trees in the world to give to every person a bigger house, so this way the people can have a huge garden for their animals. He did It. But, what happened? Somebody started to notice that the bears, losing their home, were coming out from woods and staring to the farmer's cows. In few time bears and cows got close, mixed with each other. A new animal was born: cowbear. The people discovered that the cowbears milk had a lot of food quality. Every woman drank it because It made the skin like silk. All this lasted for a year, until humanity discovered that cowbears milk was toxic. The symptoms were very common: coughing, fever, tiredness. But It caused death and there was no cure. All the people in the world died. Elen Axe was the last one. He came back to his home and found in his bed a cowbear that said to him: "You took my house. Now I take yours"

The Little Things ACT 1

Bears are killed, birds need to relocate Hristo starts complaining about the seat and and the warms need to find other accuses Adriano of kicking the glass. Adriano houses. The trees effectively disappear, responds and Bea is complaining. making the land flat and not suitable for There are four people sitting in the spaceship natural life. Animal environment is destroyed. ACT 4 traveling far, far away. ACT 2

Hristo is an alcoholic. He is in a shop choosing what to buy. He takes 1 bottle of Rakia to share with his friends in a bbq in the forest. During the night he get drunk with Adriano and before coming back home he left the glass bottle on the ground. Adriano gives it a kick and breaks it.

Several days later, the clouds are in their full beauty. The rains begin and continues for the rest of the story. The land, the environment and the trees that normally were used as a natural barrier disappeared. The rain, occurring in the hilly area leads to landslides, the mud goes to the populated houses, leading the people with no hope for the future.

They were very drunk and started having fun Human and laughing about the situation.






4 people are sitting in the spaceship. Several days later, the sun is in its full beauty. One of the rays lands on the glass bottle and is Adriano and hristo are complaining again, sayong that’s not their problem. reflected onto the dry ground. The ground catches fire and day by day, more Bea says you are the porbelm because and more forest burn. Although the firefighters you don’t understand that little things do their best, of natural environment is matter damaged and biodiversity is lost.

1.Once upon a time there were two people alone in this world; they were cold and hungry. They were bored and so they started fighting, throwing rocks at each other and they kept fighting for days, but one day two rocks met and they saw sparks. That’s when they realized that rocks are actually harder than human heads and one of them said: “why are our heads clashing then and not the rocks”? “Maybe because we never tried that before”. “Let’s try then” and they tried and that’s how fire was born. 2.Since then humans understood all the benefits of fire; the food started to taste better and their minds to develop. Cold was not a threat anymore and fireplaces started to populate the earth. Beasts started to fear humans and not the other way round; humans enjoyed this comfort, without realizing that they would turn into the beasts they hated.

The fire’s story

3.Once the beasts were dominated, humans found themselves without an enemy and they discovered that their own friends could fit this role. But this time they had a powerful weapon: fire; bullets replaced the stones, bringing more deaths than wounds. What humans built with fire they destroyed it with fire; it wasn’t about survival anymore but about power and greed for power. 4.Nature was in between with nobody by her side. Factories were built and the environment was paying for that. Fires were spreading everywhere, destroying habitats, species and little by little human lives as well, without them even realizing. Fire gave humans power and they got drunk with that. 5.Until one day, intoxicated with the power fire gave them, they were starving for something bigger: In the confusion of the power war, only two people remain on earth and they had to choose. To fight until everybody dies or to start using fire rationally. What would you choose?

The Earth

We are here. But what is "here"? We have no idea where we are right now. We can't see anything and it's hard to breathe...I can't fill up my lungs. The air is so strange. I'm scared and I don't remember how we got there. We are walking around, trying to understand what is happening but everything around us is gray. Finally we stumble on a familiar silhouette - something that resembles a building, a regular two-storey house. It doesn't look like we are on Earth. What kind of dystopian world are we in? Not only can't we see a thing but also we don't know what is this ground. It's not earth, it's something else. I can't walk properly on it. Yesterday was fine. It was a little bit cold outside so I had to turn the heater on after I came from a night shift in a coal mine. It's hard to work there but the coil is essential for many things. We burn it so now it is a main source of electricity. I desperately want to escape this place. I complain so much about my life but now I understand what I've lost. I miss my life. And my car, my beautiful Chevrolet Camaro. With her here maybe we would have a chance of escape. It's an old baby but even if she produces a lot of gas, she's still a champ. Anyway, we're still searching. We're still looking for some clues that may provide us with answers to where we are. I think we see a stranger far away from us. It's good to know that there are some other people: — Where are we? Do you know what's going on? — What do you mean? We're on Earth. — What? What has happened here? — ...Humans....

Spicy Mermaids

For this storytelling activity we decided to choose the breaking news at BBSEANews because it's a different style of comunication. During the process of activity we have developed the group spirit while we create awareness about the actual situation of the plastic in the sea. All of this inside the magical context of the Atlantis with a huge ironic critice.

The Dragon

Once upon a time a dragon made of a hundred birds lived his life peacefully. He was born to explore the world and went for a trip. At the beginning he was able to roam freely anywhere he wanted without any restrictions. After travelling for a long time he found a beautiful place and he decided to have a nap there. He fell asleep for a thousand years. He woke up suddenly after a very loud sound and a heavy tremor at the ground. He discovered it was a volcano eruption. And then he started to travel again. At the beginning he wanted to visit all the places that he loved to visit his old friends. But just as he started flying around he understood that the same thing had changed. The birds were talking to each other and asking to know more about the situation. The only thing that they could understand is that they were ill and slowly they were dying. The birds thought that they had lost their ability to see. But soon they discover that they were flying inside a toxic cloud that took a heavy toll on them. A lot of them were missing not because they were lost but because they were dead. The world that he remembered was totally changed for even. The air wasn't clean and he even found that his favorite places were destroyed and his friends missing. Only humans could be seen anywhere. Humans and their creations. Fire, huge metal buildings and the water was black. He understood that his survival was in danger because as he traveled a lot of birds were dying. Giant pieces of rotating steel were hitting his body and many more birds died. The last dragon birds were trying to find a solution to their survival. But it was futile. Nobody was able to defeat the human creations. Even nature surrendered to human iron fist.

Once upon a time there was an 8th continent. It was called Iropa, a beautiful sunny picturesque place, with very fertile soil, magnificent gigantic mountains. There flowed an incredibly long river, connecting many civilizations on the continent. Thanks to her, people could travel and trade stocks, use her water to heal and for many other goods. One day darkness came to the land, it changed people's way of thinking : nature wasn't considered as a mother anymore, so they felt free to enclave her, to use her goods as much as they could. Greed poison their souls. The river suffered the most, with the time she was losing her splendid color and her healing powers. Everyone started throwing anything they didn't need anymore at her. Years later a mysterious illness began to spread. Healing was almost impossible. People remembered that once they used the river's water and their ancestors believed she could do wonders. So she was their last hope, they once again started drinking from her water, but she betrayed them when they needed her the most. She couldn't save them, she gave them from their own poison (medicine). So at the end the whole continent was polluted and poisoned. There were no longer conditions for living so after the disaster other civilizations believed the land was cursed and no one tried to find the lost continent of Iropa.


Ned’s promotion

Once upon a time there was Bruce who had a friend called Ned and they had a really good reason to celebrate, because Ned got a promotion at work. so they decided to go to the woods near the city of Bușteni that is well known for its gold mines. They wanted to make a bonfire to have a barbecue. They also brought one champagne and four bottles of beer. They were laughing the whole night, remembering the old times. Bruce congratulated Ned on his promotion and around 1 a.m. they wanted to go home. They wanted to clean after all, so Bruce and Ned started to pick up the trash. They picked up most of the trash but they left the papers there because they thought that they were biodegradable. They also left some food and the fire was not completely taken down and a bear smelled the food and accidentally when trying to steal some food put the papers into the fire. The fire immediately grew and started to spread because of the wind. This resulted in 18,6 million hectares of land destroyed, around 6 500 buildings burnt to the ground and at least 34 people killed. This left the Island of Australia with a very spare population of koalas and kangaroos. The next morning both guys acted carelessly and left most of their improperly extinguished bonfire and the trash trails of paper left behind started burning. This process continued up and down the forest and it reached surrounding villages and it was creeping to the nearby town. Even though some people were evacuated, the smoke that was carried out by the wind made them unable to breathe. This catastrophe led to the death of more than 100 people, destroyed more than 500 homes, and the extinction of rare species living in the area, such as koalas, kangaroos and reptiles.


One of the activities of the project was meant to help us realise how important is to work in teams for building something. The game was based on creating a mechanism that will protect an egg if you throw it from 5 m. Everybody came up with ideas and plans for the future experiment.

Intercultural Nights

In this project every country had to bring some traditional food or drinks and to present them. Romania Spain


Because the project took place in Romani, a night was dedicated only for romanian food and culture around the BBQ.

Every country had a presentation of the culture or interesting things but it was made by another country and in this way we shared more impressions.






Boss to Mayor: Listen, my friend, I have a New initiative that’ll be very lucrative. It may have some side effects, but it doesn’t matter to us, because we’ll have a lot of money to fix it eventually. Mayor: If you say so, I’ll trust you, but you have to pay a lot for me to keep your name positive in the eyes of the public. Boss And His Child ENTER in the Factory. Child to the father: Daddy, what do you do in the Factory? The father: It’s my new plastic container Factory. Child: Wow! Look at all the Smoke. It goes so high.(Cough). One of the workers does a mistake. The boss doesn’t care anymore about His Child. Boss to workers: Work harder. Do it faster ! Come on... The air becomes red. People are protesting in front of the Factory. The boss and the Mayor stay in front of the Factory. Man protesting: You are bastard! My Child is dead because of your Factory! The boss And the Mayor have money job. The boss doesn’t care about His Child. The Child coughs very badly. The air kills the Child. Air: Once I brought life, now I bring death. Force of nature have a great power And can affect all the people. It’s in our hands to Take care of the earth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_T01QdkILo4


Hristo starts complaining about the seat and accuses Adriano of kicking the glass. Adriano responds and Bea is complaining. There are four people sitting in the spaceship traveling far, far away. ACT 2

Hristo is an alcoholic. He is in a shop - choosing what to buy. He takes 1 bottle of Rakia to share with his friends in a bbq in the forest. During the night he get drunk with Adriano and before coming back home he left the glass bottle on the ground. Adriano gives it a kick and breaks it. They were very drunk and started having fun and laughing about the situation. ACT 3

Bears are killed, birds need to relocate and the warms need to find other houses. The trees effectively disappear, making the land flat and not suitable fo natural life. Animal environment is destroyed. ACT 4

Several days later, the clouds are in their full beauty. The rains begin and continues for the rest of the story. The land, the environment and the trees that normally were used as a natural barrier disappeared. The rain, occurring in the hilly area leads to landslides, the mud goes to the populated houses, leading the people with no hope for the future. Human environment is destroyed. ACT 5

Several days later, the sun is in its full beauty. One of the rays lands on the glass bottle and is reflected onto the dry ground.

4 people are sitting in the spaceship. Adriano and hristo are complaining again, sayong that’s not their problem.

The ground catches fire and day by day, more and Bea says you are the porbelm because more forest burn. Although the firefighters do their best, of natural environment is damaged and you don’t understand that little things matter biodiversity is lost.


In a post apocalyptic world where water has become so scarce to nearly disappear from the planet, the last group of friends found themselves having to decide how to split the last drop of water. This is the story of how they failed. Each member of the group has its own reasons to get the water: the farmer needs it for its cultivations, the scientist for its work, the mother for its child, and the retired soldier for its dying dog They argue vividly without understanding that in the end it will be their own fight to destroy the last resources Somebody: In a post apocalyptic world where water has become so scarce to nearly disappear from the planet, the last group of friends found themselves having to decide how to split the last drop of water. This is the story of how they failed. Water already on the stage Mother alienated with the baby; Farmer crazy with the axe; Scientist freaking nervous with the pieces of paper; Dog with the Rambo (AliExpress edition) Farmer: I need the water, I need the water The mother: I want to protect my child, I need water, please! Let me die, but let him stay alive. The scientist: Why would you let your child live in this world, how can he help us? I need this water for a very important project, I need it to develop a better world.


P: You see what you've done. You are the one that has created me. It's your fault. You are responsible for all the future destruction I'm going to do. You know, you're so selfish and careless. You don't notice me now but I'll make you. Eventually you'll understand that you are the monster, not me. N: Who are you? P: Oh, I am fire! N: So what? I don't care. P: For now yes but I'm going to destroy your life. N: Do whatever you want. My home is far away. P: You think I won't come to your home? Ha! You are such a fool! You're underestimating me. Let me show you what I can do.*Fire spreads on trees* S: It hurts so bad to burn...Why me? I don't deserve to be tortured. I had been living here long before you came. I am providing you with oxygen, I give you life, I give sanctuary to animals in this forest. Why me? N: It's not my fault. I didn't do anything. And you're just one tree. Nothing important. S: It's not just me. It's the whole forest that is going to burn. You're making her stronger. Put her down before it's too late. P: Now is too late. You started it but you can't end it on your own. Looks who else you endangered. *Squirrel monologue* A: I'm so hungry and sad. There's no one left and nothing to eat. You don't care at all, don't you? You just continue to leave and enjoy your life like nothing happened. Because of your ignorance my family, my friends and other animals are dead. Look what you've done to my sister! The same is going to happen with your home but you're too selfish to realize it. P: You can't escape me. N: There's fire everywhere! M: What's happening? What do we do? N: We have to run away! Quickly! Take the car keys! M: They're in kitchen! *Fire spreads on Magda and she dies. Nikola falls to his knees and starts crying* P: I've warned you. But you didn't listen and now you suffer the consequences. Don't ever play with fire. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_2XCcCiaoU

Poseidon: People of Atlantis don't worry the virus is not gonna harm you. The plastic is good, the other fishes had just a bad irritation, but I assure you no one died. Reporter: what do you have to say about the fishes that are upset and write a lot of messages on twitter about this disturbing subject Poseidon: The fishes have to calm down, like I said the plastic is good, no one is going to die, look I have the numbers of the people that died ( shows the numbers, but under them the real number of people that died is revealed by mistake. Poseidon agitated change the subject so the people get distracted from the real problem) Poseidon: I think there's been a mistake, you know I would never lie to you, my people. Let's move on with the next question. Reporter: So how do we know that you don't do this for money, cause we all saw the actual numbers of deaths. Poseidon: you have to trust me, all the thing i do is for the greater good, for the fishes, i don't do it for the money I can asure you ( then the money get out of his pocket and the people start to get mad) In the middle of the dialogue an angry fish comes and makes a scandal. Angry fish: youuu murdererr....don't listen to him, he's a killer, he's lying about everything, my family is dead because of his indifference, we all gonna die soon. ( the mermaids try to get her out of there very hard, but this fish seems to have a lot of strenght so she continues to call him a killer).... killer you're gonna kill us ( the the angry fish leave) Poseidon: all lies I would never, nev..... what, what is happening I cannot breathe..( then he dies because of his indifference) A mermaid: then everybody died( and everybody really died) -PLASTIC IS NOT FANTASTIChttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4u6gMBz8K4

A long time ago Humans discovered fire and from then their lives changed forever! At first they used fire to heat themselves and to cook. But humans are greedy and they are always looking for more power. Blinded by greed they created weapons of war. And then they started turning against each other. But nobody can restrict nature in the end. If you play with the fire you are going to be burned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kmMkoJ4z3I

The sketch's aim was to raise awareness of topics such as the direct link between nature's devastation and human unlimited exploitation of its resources as well as the state's failure to protect it from such a devastation This latter implies a Justice which is not fair, sacrificed on the alter of profit and, first and foremost, corrupted. The first scene displays an earthquake that causes severe material and human losses. Subsequently, a trial takes place when the arguments of the the accuser ( Mr business) with the help of his lawyer (Mr. Pineapple) on one hand and Earth personified and her assistant, Mr. Banana on the other. During the break called by the judge, Mr business' lawyer first tried and then achieved to corrupt Earth's lawyer. The end is disentanched as the final verdict sentences Earth to death forgetting that doing so the entire humanity would collapse too.


The first act takes place in a European conference, where it is decided which country will grow which plants. The distribution is finished. But the play is focused in Bulgaria where the person in charge, Zicko Psenicko, after a call to a person with great power, decides to follow only monoculture practices. In order to do that, the government has to be convinced to cut a big part of the forest. Zicko Psenicko arranges that as well in an inappropriate way, against the environmental protection laws. In the next act, we become witnesses of the consequences when a huge flood destroys the crops, properties, and even people and a lot of animals are killed. Unfortunately, Zicko Psenicko not only did not acknowledge his mistakes, but he does not seem to have realized that these consequences will affect him as well over time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-yR-pk1ZWU


Board Games

The game consists of a wheel with an arrow that you have to turn. the circle in which the wheel is located is divided into zones, each representing one of the 4 elements. All you have to do is turn the wheel and answer the questions of the area where the arrow stops. there can be several types of questions, for example the true / false ones, the a,b,c,d ones, etc.

The game I played is called Ludo, most likely everyone has heard of it. It can be played by 2-4 people. There are 4 houses that represent the 4 elements: earth, fire, air and water. You have 4 pawns to take to the base, add a pawn on the board, if the dice show you the number 6. When you reach a circle occupied by another player's pawn, that pawn is taken out of the game and replaced if the player rolls 6-point dice. What it has in addition to the classic rules is the question mark box, if you fall on that box you have to answer a question about earth, fire, water and air.

Snakes and ladders is a common game that was adapted to the subject of the project, 4 elements. What is new in our version? Despite the fact that the play board is built by recycled objects, at some points on the board you can find some traps. The traps work like this: when you arrive on the trap, you have to pick one of the floppy disks where it can be found one environment related question. If the answer is right, the game continues from that position. If the answer is wrong, the player has to move 5 slots back. P.S. The question’s answers are hidden on the floppy disk. Trashopoly is a game similar to monopoly. The player who chooses the paper must recycle 12 pieces of paper to win. in which taxes are paid for example to lucky or unlucky areas if you end up in a lucky box you wake up one of the lucky cards that will help you shuffle one of the pieces of garbage from the player but the unlucky cards force you to leave a piece of garbage specified on the card and which can be won by a lucky player who lands on the area without a taxi.

We used QR-codes as answers for 10 questions which were related Our rulesitas: 1. The one who finishes first wins the Gamesito. 2. You need to find 2 persons as stupid as possible and make a team of 3. 3. 85% nudity is required. 4. The main task is to answer questions one by one. 5. If your answer is wrong you go back to the first question and your teammates create a challenge for you. As a decoration for QR-codes we reused some materials that were presented on the table.

Our game resembles a regular scrabble game at first glance due to the similar design but the colors make it unique. It resembles the flags of several countries depending on how you look to emphasize the diversity and joy that we have come together to discuss our common problem: environment. The rules of the game are simple: you have to make words that describe the 4 elements or pollution prevention solutions for them. If you form the words of the 4 elements, ie: water, air, fire, earth, you receive bonus points.

Impressions at the end of the project Adriano Guida: It’s my first time in such a project and I really like the vibes and the environment we found because everyone is open. I learned a lot about other countries, especially about the Balkan countries. I know for sure this is not my last Erasmus+ project.

Angelo Brencich: The workshops were not as I expected them to be. At the beginning I expected something different, but even though they were childish, surprisingly, they have improved my communication skills in English, as well as my soft skills. I love to be creative even though it depends on the workshops.The accommodation was perfect, the food good. The group was just full of amazing people. The dynamics were very good, because we applied the rule of "respect”. Dani Sivianes:

I loved how we became a solid group by learning a lot about all people. Also I loved the “Intercultural nights” because each country shared their own traditions – many different than mine. The activities were so nice, we learned a lot about the “four elements” from many perspectives. I am sure that I will try other projects like this.

Aleksa I loved the creative workshops that we had done. I enjoyed the movie-making workshop the most and I improved my directing and editing skills. We learned how 4 basic elements create and develop nature and, thus, us. But, most importantly, I love the people that I’ve met.

Nikolija Trickovic

I can't believe that I am speaking now about this project in the past. Time really passed away so fast but that only shows me that I had such a great time. I am really thankful for the “baggage” that I am taking back home. Now I have extra kilograms of quality time, unforgettable memories, useful knowledge and amazing friendships. Going back home is not that sad when I know that I am bringing all of that with me in my mind.

3.Milica Rajkovic This was my first project in Romania and I really enjoyed it. I loved the beautiful nature, it was a nice change for me. Also, now I am more comfortable with my English because this was my first Erasmus+ project. I can’t wait to experience more projects like this. Thank you for the nice time!

Rossi Boycheva Excellent facilitators and organization. Very good selection of participants.

Kristian Tomic Everything was nice. Organization, activities, the group literary everything. I think that we tackled very important topics and I suggest everyone to come to Busteni. You won’t be disappointed!

Stefania Naie Most of all in this Erasmus+ project I liked the activity in which we had to make a video. All the people in this project were very communicative, friendly and involved in activities.

Raffaele Mendozza Differently from my first project here, I truly enjoyed the company of all the other countries' members. Every one of them was involved and friendly, thanks mostly to the organiser and facilitators that immediately put everyone in a very comfortable state. The activities were very interesting and each one was unique. I appreciated this kind of non-formal learning a lot. Tolea, Bogdan and Fabi were the best, because you can feel their real passion in what they do. I’m really grateful for this experience.

Flavia Pelmuș Nowadays, the topic of this project is very important for everybody and I am glad that in this particular project everyone was super involved. The vibe of the group was perfect for someone after 1.5 years of pandemic. The project was perfect from so many points of view: the atmosphere and empathy of the participants, the subject and how we actually dealt with it through the activities we have done.

3.Theodora Being dumb is like being dead.

Vasilhs Vassos

The organization of the project was really good and I really liked that we had a certain and clearly defined program each day. The Romanians were very helpful and tried to make us feel at home. The activities could provide much more knowledge and not only awareness.

Stefan Labus I don’t have to sleep a lot to be productive and I am better at thinking than doing.

1.Juan Jesús Rey Carmona (Juanje) I’ve never thought I was going to find such a wonderful group as these “personitos” are.

Marlena Kaczmarek For me the biggest value of this project are the people and our late night talks. I feel like I can learn a lot because of these kinds of activities.

Giacomo Biancotti (Jack) Before coming here I had no expectations because this was my first Erasmus+ project, but I was surprised by how interested and empathetic everyone was. I appreciated the level of involvement and seriousness shown by the participants during the workshops, and also how fun and easy going we were afterwards, in our free time.

Kamil Mikołajczak I really liked the projects involving acting and writing scripts.

Bea I really enjoyed the activities outside in the forest because we had time to get to know each other.

Alberto Roa Galvez I think this project was really important. Not only because I learned so much about the environment and how to preserve it, but also I learned about other cultures - which I think is one of the most important things you can do in life: to finally open your mind and find what the world can provide you.

Polina Mykhailichenko I enjoyed the project really much, not only because we are in the mountains, not only because our facilitators are amazing and the topic is very interesting, but also because amazing and cool people have met in one place and the energy is mind-blowing.

Zuzia Hebdzynska I liked this project in Romania, but in particular the fact that people around Europe came together and discussed a common topic. And I find it very beautiful how we can agree on so many levels and find solutions together.

Hristo The project was very inspiring for me, making environmental issues easier to comprehend. The activities that we did I think they also helped a lot with creating a discussion accessible to everybody.

Andreea Cărăbuș I love this project because everyone is nice, open and different – in a good way. You can talk with each other even if you have different opinions and that helped us create a very close community. I learned a lot from the people here and the activities.

Kamil Szostak I really love the location of this project, Busteni, here in the mountains. I love Romania’s nature and I would love to go to Romania again.

Mona Toncheva I loved this project because I had the opportunity to use my creativity in unexpected ways. In particular, the “land art” activity was one of my favourites, considering the fact that we could use limited resources to create something original and to spread awareness about the 4 elements. And it was a joy to work side by side with such involved people!

Velina Ivanova (Lina) I liked how many different people I’ve met and how interesting the group activities can be - because of the differences between us, but, in the end, we came together to create a final project. The best thing I’ve learned is teamwork and respect for others.

Kristiyan I’ve met a lot of nice people here from very similar cultures, but different enough so we are interesting to each other.

Jorje Lopez I had a good time during the debates we engaged in, as I learned some unexpected facts about pollution and how other countries deal with it. It was interesting from an academic point of view, as well as it has shown me that cultures respond in different ways to environmental threats.

Marco Preziosi I was pleasantly surprised by how well we all worked together. We really communicated with each other and we tried to implement everyone’s ideas, even though sometimes we had to make compromises.

Anastasia Naie From the moment I saw the project's topic I knew that I wouldn't be disappointed coming here. I am glad we tried to become more informed and aware about environmental issues. We took steps to make some small changes in our way of living and I am now even more motivated to help my community do the same.

Kaloyan Kolev (Kiko) I had a lot of fun working with the others, especially in the movie-creation workshop. I am happy that my video editing skills have helped my team, and also that I’ve improved them during this activity.

Iro This project has introduced me to many beautiful people, for whom I am thankful to have met. I enjoyed working together and seeing how creative we can be, while being surrounded by nature, here, in the impressive Romanian mountains.

Magda Adamczyk This project has shown me how easy it is to find things in common with so many people from different walks of life and backgrounds and to work together towards a goal. We've created a lot of beautiful games, films and memories and I'm glad to have had this experience.

Kinga Szewczyk When I saw the infopack of this project, I had a feeling it would be a great experience. And I was right. The classes were interesting, creative and well organized. The participants were committed and inventive, which made the project so successful. I have met many new friends here, for whom I am so grateful and I can’t wait to see them again. I have some experience with YE and I can confidently say that it was one of the best projects I have had the opportunity to participate in

Andra Radu I love the people that I've met here and how they have helped me to grow. Thanks to them, I've become a better team-mate, while improving my English and acting skills. Even though this was my first Erasmus+ project, I'm sure many more will come!

Anca Ghețău I am grateful for this experience, as it has shown me so many sides of myself that I didn’t know they existed. I’ve met here another version of “Anca”, one who is more open, creative, informed and eager to help, and I think this was possible thanks to the safe and encouraging environment the participants have created. To that, I am thankful.

Nikola Vasilev I am glad I’ve been part of this project, because I’ve met a lot of friendly and clever people here. I have many fun memories and I can’t wait to come back here, to Busteni, one day!

Melania Petroiu Thanks to this project, I’ve improved my Englishspeaking skills and I’ve met a lot of people that inspire me to find out more about others’ cultures.

Organizers and Participants

Many thanks to our organizers that made this project possible and more than that, that helped us during this beautiful learning process.

Bogdan Fabi Participant countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Spain



4 Elements- Let’s Play to Save the Planet https://www.facebook.com/4-Elements-Lets-Play-to-Save-the-Planet-107607728310295/ Videos: Scary Plastic - https://youtu.be/rxJgjnCtEc0 Precious/SorryEU - https://youtu.be/vdcsdQki_90 This Earth Is On Fire - https://youtu.be/MllN_l9D2VI Cowbear Invasion - https://youtu.be/dsP27h9bRZ8 Scooby - https://youtu.be/aZrrVaAVZ5I FireIsPower - https://youtu.be/Tmfjdtg3cM4 Air Combat - https://youtu.be/PxdbrXcIsJI Acid Rain - https://youtu.be/nxX6cFL7REE Magazine made by: Flavia Pelmuș Interviews made by: Anca Ghețău ‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

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