"From Trash to Cash" was a youth exchange with mobility in December 2019 in Busteni, Romania The project context was given by 2 important action directions to address needs identified in the preliminary phase: -youth unemployment that grown worryingly up to 50% in some of the partner countries,unemployed youngsters do not have enough self-confidence, sufficient skills and entrepreneurial education to start their own business. - the wastes are not sufficiently and responsibly recycled, the recycling is in the partner countries below the European Union average, the upcycling is unpopular, and the non-exploitation of the waste creates environmental pollution and diseases at the human level Through this project we aimed to increase young people's awareness of the opportunities for waste recovery by upcycling and the development of business plans that can use the opportunities for transforming waste into objects that can be valorized. The partnership included 42 youngsters and group leaders from eight European countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Poland, Spain and Romania. The young participants were pupils, students and unemployed with an interest in entrepreneurship. The project activities were getting to know eachother and trust games, teambuilding and group dynamics, cultural and study visits in the surroundings, intercultural and thematic evenings. There were 5 workshops based on preparatory phase documentation and one "From Trash to Cash" workshop in 6 steps to create 7 business plans based on upcycling. The methodology was dynamic and diverse and based on nonformal education. It included games, presentations, lectures, roleplays and simulations, workshops, visits, theater, video creation, entrepreneurial education. The projects was rated by participants and partners as “very successful” and we are happy to thank to sending organizations: Get Involved – Bulgaria; EYC Breclav – Czechia, Youthnet Hellas – Greece, Attiva Mente –Italy, VCS Skopje – North Macedonia, Fundacija 4youth – Poland, As. Intercambia Malaga – Spain. Also our gratitude goes to Andreea, Cornel and staff from Vila Cristina for hosting us with friendship and to our friend Tolea for being as usual a great facilitator.
Fabiola and Bogdan Chiriacescu on behalf of ODEN Nehoiu
Workshop about recycling and upcycling in our countries
When we think about the experience of the very first workshop we had in the youth exchange about trash and waste “From trash to cash” in the beautiful city of Busteni the Macedonian team immediately fell in love with the warmth it produced and the love that was in the air. People from 8 countries gathered together in a small town, in a cozy warm pension called “Villa Cristina” whose owners were great to us with greater facilitators of the project we have to give a thumbs up to the very first workshop that brought us together and made us closer to each other. To be frank, we did not know each other. We had no idea who was who and which country was he/she representing. All we shared till then was morning coffee and a breakfast table. Maybe a “hello” or “good morning” but you could feel the shyness around everyone. But still, all we knew was that we had a task and somehow we had to complete it. That very same day our facilitators gave us a task. A rather hard one, because firstly, no one wants to talk openly about the situation of waste in his/her country and secondly, they separated us from our comfort zone. Which turned out to be great. Why? Because we all got the chance to get out of our comfort zone and actually start talking to each other. This was a great opportunity to improve our language, to get more comfortable around each other and also have a share of fun together while doing something meaningful.
Our task was simple: Create a collage (poster) explaining in a really short and clear way the recycling and waste situation in your country and other EU countries. So we shared some values, shared some information, shared lots and lots of fun and comfort around, shared information, some of us were online getting the right information/facts and some of us were the “moral support” but even that counts. While doing all this, we divided the tasks. We were a group of around 4-5 people, different countries, different nationalities and different opinions so we decided it was for the best to divide everything- dividing brings force in this case! And that is what we did. Each and everyone of us had a task. So, someone was gatheri the materials, someone was gathering the information’s, someone was writing down the information’s in a small piece of paper. After we had all the
information we started completing the task, after all it was a huge responsibility and we could not manage to throw it all away so we held tight to each other’s abilities and gradually started performing the task.
As hard as it was and it sounded it was really easy to achieve the goal to make something real based on real facts and latest information, but the interesting part was the information’s provided and gathered. Seeing the true colors of every country in their recycling abilities we saw that not every country was capable of gathering, using, reusing and raise the economy by using trash which was really sad. For example, our country, Macedonia has only 30% (gathered from 2007 till now) of recycling and the numbers are really low seeing the waste and trash that is produced. During the workshop we found out that we have some really good detective/researching skills so we used them for the better and gathered some more information’s to use in our poster.
Firstly, we had many ideas on how to make the poster so the first 20-25 minutes were brainstorming about the poster and the look of it, but in the end we decided to get the ideas together and make them best friends and that is how the last result came to life. We decided to use our countries flags to create the poster and under each one to put the percentage of the recycling situation and each and everyone of us painted our flag. If you could have had the chance to see the process you would be amazed at how much a person can find in no time and how much a person’s ambition can work it up in the last minutes.
During the workshop we discovered that we have some hidden skills like: painting and drawing. It took us by surprise to be honest. We had the chance to connect during this workshop, to build a friendship and to work together without any conflict. To put an end to it all, all I can say is that we had lots of fun, we enjoyed our time working together, sharing ideas and being near each other in a way that you don’t get to be anywhere else. These kind of workshops give you a better idea of what real connection is, what real friendship is and what real time working for the better is. “Create a poster to create connection between people”. Be part of a youth exchange to know the real value of friendship and connections.
What do we consume?
On the first of day of activities we started to dive into the topic of consumerism. After discussing the state of recycling and upcycling in our countries, we started to concentrate on what we – as individuals – consume every month, every week and every day. The preparation for this workshop started already before the project itself. Everyone wrote a diary for a week about the products we consumed and the trash we produce because of that and we also gathered magazines and flyers from our home countries. Most of us don’t normally pay too much attention to that and simply buy and throw away the packages, so for some it was surprising to see how much it actually is. Our consumption can maybe constantly expand, but what about our planet? What are the consequences for the environment?
After thinking and discussing our usual weekly consumption with our team members, we started to make collages from the leaflets and magazines. It was interesting to see that although everyone from the group was from a different country, the consumption did not differ very much from each other and most of the products we used were the same, including the brands.
This topic isn’t the most positive one one because too much waste and overconsumption is an issue in most European countries. Nonetheless, the whole atmosphere in the session room was very calm and creative. The teams cooperated very well, helped each other out with the materials and ideas and at the end presented their collages in front of the whole group.
Impact of consumerism and wastes on environment and human health For this exercise we gathered in the activities room to change it into the World Café. On every table there were served another issue to discuss. Customers weren't sitting bored on the same places, instead they were mingling between the topics enthusiastically and taking part in heated debates. The main topic in our cafe was Consumerism. In the end we discussed its impact on individuals and on society as well as solutions to it. We also touched the issue of environment being harmed by consumerism. Each of us passed the 5 stations by rotation and at the tables Antonis, Alex, Rocco, Kaltrina and Angelka were moderators. The best ideas were written down on a motley charts so the future generations can take advantage of them. The World Café has become a new favourite place of meeting and discussing important topics. 1.Impact on individuals The modern society doesn’t understand the problem of consumerism, which is destroying our world. We are consuming resources at an alarming rate. Over-consuming leads to addiction which leads to further cultural and social problems. The teams decided that consumerism inflicts us mentally and physically. That we are forced to consume to “survive” in our daily life. That consuming can be necessary or non-necessary: Water-Jacket; Bread-Car
2.Impact on environment People from all over the world consumpt in a daily basis . But the last decades the problem is that people are ‘’ultraoverconsumpting’’ and every thing in nature has its trade off. The victim in that situation is our nature. The bad effects are affecting the environment in a lot of categories.The sad fact is that we consumpt more and more and the environment gets even worse as the time flies. Because a lot of people want to consumpt even more the people’s rubbish and the industrial wastes are becoming more and more and the environment gets even more hurt.
Let’s decompose the environment to some elements that construct it to see more specific the effects:
Ground:This category is close to the humans. So some bad effects to the ground is that a lot of people/animals leave their houses to not live in a heavily polluted place. Also, a lot of forests disappear due to consumption purposes (paper,hotels,Christmas trees).An another fact is that a lot of accidents happened that costed a lot of human/animal lifes and makes the places that they occur unable to live for decades(Chernobyl). Also a lot of wars are happened and happening that also cost lifes.Another bad effect especially to the animals is that they may confuse the wastes with food and eat them ,fact that may cause serious health problems to them or even worse put their life in danger. Air:Big cities are heavily polluted because of the downfall of the quality of the air due to consumption , so also the quality of life of the peoples is getting down , and they seek even more the nature at places that are not so much crowded. The number of the acid rains increases by the time .The climate changes , the temperature is going up a lot of places (that are not supposed to) are acquiring tropical climate. Water:The level rise is one of the biggest problems humanity faces.A fact is that Maldives are facing the disappearance if we continue to consumpt with the same rate we consumpt today in 2100 (Maldives are the most flat country in the world). Also a lot of sea creatures are dying due to people throwing plastic waste to the seat.The frustrated part about that is that we find inside the dead fish plastic.From that we can underastand that a lot of people eat fish with plastic.Another fact is that a lot of beaches are getting banned for swimming.A big percentage of water becomes undrinkable.
Ecosystems:A lot of ecosystems faces the danger of disappeared or at least a big percentage of them.Also the number of indangered species are increased.A lot of lakes have been extinct and a lot of animals have lost their lifes. Universe:We also throw rubbish to the universe so he pollute that too. Others:Another facts are that waste due to consumption can be found everywhere.For example someone who wants to go to the top of Imalaia imagines an extraordianary view but in the reality maybe it’s attention would be distracted from the huge number of waste witch are in Everest.Also a lot of people are immigrants and that facts makes their lifes more difficult and maybe when they go to another country they will face racism.So we see that racism and xenophobea may grow because of that.
We see that the negative effects to the environment are too many and we are in a very tough position. The rhythm we consumpt things are very big and the regularity of our lifes are distracted a lot.We must think that we are not own the earth and respect it because we are OWNED to the earth . 3.Impact on society We want to buy things that our friends buy but not do what they do. (we want a new Iphone but not necessary go to the gym) The society becomes more and more materialistic, priorities change. Our economy is based on consumption. The things you own end up owning you. The wrong idea that happiness comes from overconsumption. Consumption patterns affect the future generations. Consumption is related to jobs and economic growth. The development of technology caused by consumption makes the prices go down. Valuable goods can improve the quality of our life (books, healthy food, etc.) The society doesn’t know how to live without consumption. We consume more because we want to be better than others. We buy unnecessary things in order to be more comfortable. For example: we don’t need five different jacket but we want them. Promoting unrealistic plans and imagescan seriously put us in thought of having essential and valuable things missing in our lives. Society = Consumption. Society is a reflection of consumption. Consumption is reflexion society. We consume more to achieve higher social status. Our consumption indicates what we value.
4. Solution from society With this discussion, we have come to a few conclusions. First, that too much consumption can be a big problem nowdays. People are affected by things like: - commercials - fashion - sales - society pressure from their friends, people they know So, people start buying things they don't really need and they don't really use. We have also thought of a few solutions. INFORM To inform people in kindergarten, schools and work about the consequences of too much consuming. So, education is very important. Society should make sure to inform everyone. DONATE If we have something old, but still usable, we can donate it to charity or to friends who don't have as much money to buy it themselves. Society may make more containers which can be used for donating. SHARE If you have a product that someone else needs, and you don't plan using it the next few days, borrow it to them! Some other solutions include volunteering in projects like this one and becoming more aware about consuming. Except that, the government may try it's best and inspire people to resell products, rather than trash them. It is a benefit for everyone.
5. It was exciting to discuss the individual solutions on the same subject with this working group ... you could say a thousand words, but they are all summed up in a question: "do I need it or do I want it?"
Outdoor Activities The second day started with a city bound game in BuĹ&#x;teni. After having our energizer we split into mixed teams of six people. Each team had to complete some tasks and discover the city from different perspectives. Everyone had the chance to get to know this beautiful city, take photos and have a great time. In this project we had to do some simple staff like taking a photo with a fruit but also each team had to discover the history behind the statue of the soldier at BuĹ&#x;teni by talking with locals. After succeeding in tasks we had a hike on the mountains for the nature lovers. Everyone was there to see the beauty of the waterfall and have some relaxing time among trees.
The next day after the energizer of Spain we had a walk to a near area of the mountain. There we had the chance to come closer to each other by playing trust games. The first game was named cars and each person was paired with someone else and the one had to lead the other while having the eyes closed by using hand touch. The purpose of this game was that both the car and the driver had to enjoy their ride while avoiding any accident. In order to succeed this the car had to completely trust the driver and the last one had to have completely control and guide carefully the car.
The next was named drunk bottle and this time the person who was supposed to act like a drunk bottle meaning that was blind and unstable had to trust not one but 5 people. Some people really find difficulties on this game and were scared to completely let themselves. But this doesn’t stop them from trying and eventually have fun all together. These games really helped us feel more comfortable and be more open one to another. The last outside exercise was a really creative one and had to do about land art and recycling topic. Every team had to create a piece of art using only materials that were found in the forest but keeping in mind not to cause any damage to this natural environment. Every team used its imagination and made some really interesting things varied from Christmas trees to ground signs which were related to the eco-friendly way of thinking. It was really interesting to observe everyone trying to explain each other’s creation. Everything was the great result of the efficient cooperation of team’s members. A great example that through cooperation and teamwork people can create amazing things.
Intercultural evenings are when each country represents typical drinks, food and dances that others can learn from each country. It is very interesting and you can learn in a non-formal and fun way. It is a wonderful way to learnt about others countries. The intercultural nights was about food and dances from each country were during 3 nights, Friday, Saturday and Sunday as well. The first night was the presentation of Italy, Poland, Bulgaria and Greece. Italy brought salami, sweet wine, chocolate but we missed the pizza. The most famous of Poland was the drink, vodka with milk. It was curious but it was really good. Greece also brought a lot of food, and its drink was very strong, Tsipouro. You must drink water later. Then we could dance a typical dance from this country, all together!! Also Bulgaria was in the same night, they represent with typical food and drink as well, they brought rakia a typical alcohol from there that can reach up to 70 degrees but what not too much they brought was only 40 degrees...
The next night was Romanian night, the country when we were enjoying and learning a lot about the topic “Trash to Cash�. We could tasted the typical way to do barbecue and eat outside atzero degrees. We ate some meets and typical food and we think all people had fun.
The last night was the other countries, Spain, North Macedonia and Czech Republic. Everybody was expecting the spanish sangria it was the drink most demanded of the night. Only the tortilla was missing.
We can tasted from North Macedonia bread with tomatos and also chocolate that was incredible. Czech Republic brought severals brochures from the main cities of the country (Prague, Brno, Ostrawa...) to have a little knowledge about them. Moreover we could try from them some sweets, they brought some kind of cake filled with vanilla that was one of the best food of the nights. To sum up, everything was perfect, but the most important thing was the people. We were a big family and we helped each other. We have realized that it doesn’t matter where you are from, there are no differences between us. And, to be honest, we tasted very responsible alcohol and we recycled all the trash from the tables and used some cans or carton for next “upcycling” workshops. Now we have friends all around Europe, and in some case lovers.
Another intercultural episode, maybe the funniest was meeting SANTA, yes, a real one. It was a memorable evening, we decorated the room and even had a Christmas tree. Santa prepared gifts for everyone but with the condition to tell a poem, sing a song or make a promise for the next year.
Can we valorize better trash and wastes ? That was the question for teater workshop. We activated in 8 teams and each of us had to prepare some sketches to show good examples and bad examples of attitudes we have as a consumer home, at school or at work, in holidays and in a youth project. Sketches wwere played to show bad things first and then corrected ones so we could understood that we have to clean places where we learn and work or have holidays, to select trash, to take action when the others are bad consumers and to be examples for the others around. Even if we had a lot of fun, we understood that we need to respect everybody around us and most of it, our planet.
Yes/no debate
BUSINESS PLANS The core of the exchange was to create in teams Business Plans based on upcycling and to understand that we literally can transform trash into cash.The main steps were explained before the workshop by our facilitators, we got handmades and templates. We used our creativity, imagination, entrepreneurial skills and sense of humour to transfer our ideas and materials we had in all sort of objects, jewelleries,clothes and even board games. Of course some of our plans can be considered crazy, ireal or unsustainable, but important is that we learnt how to do it and and for sure some of us will apply new competences in reality.
Coffee Power Genius ideas come from simple things. That’s the way we came to our idea. Every day we drink coffee, right? Not everyone but most of us. We get up, make one, drink it and when we finish we throw it and call it “trash”. But that “trash” is the most important thing in our business. Everyone deserves second chance even if people call it “trash”. When our idea was born on 8 th December 2019 we started to think how to produce it. We were six managers coming from 6 different countries and with different cultures. Each of them makes coffee in a different way. When we combined our ideas about coffee waste we decided to create a way to transform “coffee trash” into cash
Our idea is to reborn the coffee waste instead of throwing them away or, in the best case, recycle them. We will provide another value. We are planning to collect the espresso waste from cafeterias. Our product will be used in different ways: to clean the water, to create cosmetics and fertilizer. We are planning to upcycle one of the most common everyday waste that until now it is only thrown away as common waste.
Our product will create three different products and each will be have different customers. Cosmetics will be aimed at individual consumers( men and women). The fertilizers will be for individual customers and for the industry, although more direct for the industry. For last, the water purification filter will be aimed at large companies. 17
We will need three kind of resourses: human, material and financial resourses. Human resourses: we will need some people to pick up the coffee grounds from the coffee shops, stuff and managers. Material resourses: our main material would be the coffee grounds, a factory, silicon, sugar and different tools. Financial resourses: we plan to finance our project by crow-funding, and our relatives. Our expectations about the results are very good because we are improving and promoting natural thing, good for our health, our pocket money du to the low price, and good for the environment. The main risk could be accorded to the high cost our company hase to face for the publicity of our products, we are a beginner small company operating in a huge market.
CORKY “Eco-corky is always the key”
Story “One day we visited Italy, there was very beautiful. At lunch time we went to the local restaurant to try traditional food and suddenly, while we were eating, the manager came to me and said “You have to try this red wine, it’s a present from me”. We drank it and it was really tasty and good. When we looked at the bottle, we saw the cork. It has a very beautiful ship on it so we decided to keep it for ourselves. We were very impressed of the manager so we asked him for his name. His name was Jossepe. On the next day we came again to the restaurant and there we saw some different faces that were sitting with Jossepe. We saw these girls, we went to say “Hi” to them and we noticed that they are working on some project to motivate people to be creative. “The main idea is to recycle, reuse and reduce”, said Jossepe, because many corks from the bottle of wine can be used. We decided to stimulate the kids, middle-aged peopleto be creative and make things from corks, whatever they want, and after that we put them on gallery and sell it to people. The point of all of this is 18
that you can express yourself and make the others happy with corks. Also, with the money that we earn we finance recycling companies with the trash that was not used. From trash to cash.” PART 1 -
The idea Our main idea is to use the trash and turn it into Christmas decorations and not only. Our organization is consisted in the development of the imagination of middle-aged people, to stimulate them and become more environmentally friendly. We are the first company in Busteni that cares for the environment in its main and only goal. Etnitcs and values are our principal mission while recycling, reusing and reducing.
Added value As an added value, we could say that we are contributing with the problem of recycling and giving to the trash a second chance.
Name, logo, slogan Corky – because we create small decorations from cork Slogan – “Eco-corky is always the key”
PART 2 -
Future customers Potential customers: middle-aged people who are not at risk of social exclusion, we provide a task that helps them to develop their creativity. Additionally, everyone is invited to get any of our products, or any public organization that wantsto collaborate with us. - Commercial strategy As human resources we need middle aged persons, as we said before. About material resources, we get the corks from donations of restaurants and recycling centers. Our financing resources are very diversified with donations. European Union subsidies and also for 19
the establishment of the company we need a crowd-funding. The competition is not too big because there are not too many companies doing this, so we thought that it was a good riche market. As expected results, we want to influence on society from two points of view, first helping others giving them a chance to get out of social exclusion, and second, contributing to reduce waste and make upcycling things.
Digloo– Dog house Idea: We are six members, everyone from a different country. When we first gathered, we brainstormed about ideas for our product. In Romania we have seen a lot of dogs and thought that it would be great to provide them all with a comfortable and warm place to sleep. So that’s why we decided to start a company for building dog houses. And it’s not only a house – it comes with a blanket, dog toys and more. It’s a whole new home.
Slogan: A Happy House for a Happy Dog Added value: A fun and comfortable dog house which is created from recycled materials brings happiness to the owners of the dog and is very practical at the same time
Future costumers: Families with a dog, especially the ones who have a dog for the first time or the ones who wish for a more happy home for their pet and want to support a green business idea
Resources: We need wood, hammer, nails and other tools so create the dog house. For the inside of the house we’ll use old clothes to make a blanket and other recycled materials to make toys for the dog and decorate the house. We need to rent a place to work. For that we want to find sponsors who want to support a new eco-friendly start-up and care about animals. First, we want to find volunteers and interns from the schools in Busteni and Romanian university students who are interested in this work and later, we’ll hire employees. Marketing plan: We made a promotion campaign, filmed a short video that will be shared on Facebook and YouTube and made a Facebook page to promote our business idea. To reach more potential customers, we will also use pictures from our first buyers and their dogs and post them on social media (Facebook, Instagram) to show our product and satisfied customers. We believe that this is the best way to reach people nowadays, because almost everyone uses social media and likes to see pictures and videos of the product. Expected results: The first few months we will operate in Romania, but we are sure that our product Digloo will be exported to many European countries soon and will become a big hit in 2020. We hope to expand in whole 21
Europe by the end of 2024 and after that start exporting to other continents as well. We want to make dogs happy in the whole world.
Antonis, Stoyan, Veronika, BelĂŠn, Joly, Ana
Our idea is to create a start up that aims to decrease the amount of rubbish and also decrease human’s footprint in the environment while contributing back to society. So after many meeting and brainstorm our team invented GreenGame. A start up that is based on the values of respect to every being in this planet and also individual human development. GreenGame’s mainly operation is by collecting useful materials from society’s recycling procedures and returning them back to society but in a very creative and beneficial way, Board Games. Our start up produces creative and 100% eco-friendly games that help shape the future by proving that upcycling can be part of our everyday life.
Eco-lopoly Our first product is a board game named Eco-lopoly. It’s about a game that fully respects the environment as it’s made up completely from up-cycled materials. That’s what makes it so unique and sets the example for the other board games companies. But we haven’t finish there. This product’s purpose is to educate the players and raise awareness in environmental issues using real facts in a really entertaining way. That’s why our main target is earth’s new generation, children and young 23
people. We truly believe that educating future generations poses an important role to society and world’s next day. We also target ecological organization and every other person who shares our values.
Resources As far as the resources needed, most of our work takes place to our warehouse where we save our useful materials. We obtain these materials by making deals mostly which schools where we install our recycling program and then collect the useful stuff. In order to thank the schools for them and also to congratulate them for their green habits, we offer back some of our games. So our main resource is humans, work space and a van to collect the materials. The amount of people varies from 3 to 5 depending the market. Finally our main challenge and that is what keep us moving is the fact that eco-friendly habits are not so popular nowadays and some people do not really care about the environment. But that does not stop us and we will keep trying for the best in this world. Team members:Jessica Marina (It), Angelos Ntenai (Gr), Noelia Cabello (SP), Vojta Kolar (CZ), Cris (PL)
Our main idea came to light from seeing all the trash and waste around us. We came to the conclusion that people would pay a large amount of money for handmade decorations or jewerely so we decided to use our skills and also clean the environment around us. We offer Christmas decorations and jewerley made from all the trash you give to us and in return we give you a small gift to light your world up and also to make you think about us thus giving us the chance for seeing your pretty face again in our shop. In our shop you can find everything from Christmas decorations for your Christmas tree or home to bags and jewerly for your loved ones. Also, we offer a happy face, a joyful Christmas spirit and lots of not so expensive products that we made with our hands with a lot of love and passion just for you. Seeing the true value that people and companies pay and show to the trash around and the world we live in, we felt the need to actually do something to change this. Our opinion is that people need warmth in their homes and we want to bring that to them. The way we are going to do it it will also reduce the waste and the trash and it will give people a reason to actually put real value to trash that they throw everyday. OUR NAME IS GOING TO BE « FUK » - WE DECIDED ON THIS NAME BECAUSE PEOPLE WILL FIND IT MORE ATTRACTIVE AND THEY WILL ENTER TO VISIT. OUR SLOGAN IS « JUST CREATE THIS » .
We focus our products and services to everyone. We do not limit our customers but also we will pay more attention to people which are socially inclusive. Public organisations, big companies and huge shops will have our main focus. We made a promoting strategy with a video, which shows how we gather our resourses and also from who. 25
Our competition are Christmas markets and Christmas shops. The state offers financial help for this kind of small iniciative.
Our products are concentrated on the attention of detail and also provide you a variety of clothing and art with a luxury feeling. There is no age limit or gender. It’s for the people who want to be represented by a company that creates clothing with love and recycled materials. THE RESOURCES WE NEED ARE CONNECTED TO A FACTORY THAT COLLECTS RECYCLED MATERIAL. FOR THE HUMAN RESOURCES WE NEED SEWERS,MANAGERS, ACCOUNTATS AND OF CORUSE A BOSS OF THE SHOP.ALL OF THE ABOVE COULD BE POSSIBLE ONLY WITH A FRIENDLY DONATION OF 15000 EUROS.
Our product is a board game called galaxy odyssey . We tried to create this game from recycled or upcycled materials , so this is an eco friendly board game that can make the difference in the industry of board games . (Ex. CDs ,cartons, corks etc) The idea is for people to enjoy playing this board game and feel like they are in space or like they have travelled to the future . Firstly the main purpose of the company is that people have fun while playing the game . Also, we want them to escape from reality with this galactic adventure .
Our motto is “launch the adventure” But why ? It is simplye for people to remember and to understand the main idea ! SPACE As long as it takes for the poster , our marketing and design department(Angelka and Simona) did some great job !
The message is easy to get and people will surely notice the poster . The market we are targeting to is people between 6-666 years old (maybe even people that don’t use age to describe themselves) . The main purpose for the brand is to be known from a big part of the market .
Although we have to deal with huge companies and competition that at this point we can’t deal with . Our main competitors are Monopoly , Activity , secret Hitler , Ludo . So huge companies with much resources . At this point I will ask , what do we have and they don’t ?
Fresh ideas , the creativity that it takes to build a game from recycling materials and of course we are investing in Human resources because we think that people are the heart of the brand .
For promoting our brand we are about to find the resources for advertising and produce in a bigger scale from investors . Already many people find out game interesting so we are about to make a deal . The actual strategy we planned is to use internet for advertising this project . From our Facebook page we promoting already the game to friends . And we are about to start some Payed sponsorships with influencers and youtubers
,,Whenever I think of my experience in Busteni, Romania, there are three things that come to my mind: cold weather, amazing activities and friendship. This project was my first Youth Exchange ever, and a very positive experience. Although the weather welcomed us coldly, the facilitators were very warm and friendly, which made the whole stay a nice memory. Moreover, the recycling and upcycling activities we had were extremely fun. Starting from small games, energizers and discussions, we went to making a product on our own, just from recycled materials. Honestly, the final versions were quite good. As a result of this project, I can proudly say that anytime I get a chance to be a volunteer, I wouldn't doubt to say yes. Whether it's Romania or another country on the other side of Europe, It's definitely worth saying "Bye" to the comfort zone and trying something new.” (Angelka – Macedonia)
,,During the first part of the project we participants had the opportunity to discuss among ourselves about our recycling ideas and the various forms of recycling in the various countries of origin. The second part was more practical divided into 6 groups and we had to make something new and useful by trying to reuse the products delivered or brought from home. From an ecology point of view it was an interesting and useful project.” (Jessica – Italy) 31
,,It was an great adventure. I felt so nicely surrounded by Romanian divine nature and beautiful people from certain European countries. . Our organizatiors and leaders were unbelievable. That made process our „mission“ so comfortable. I felt like I'm on holiday. But we didn't. We done so so many useful things in this short period of time! Of course there were some tiny problems and misunderstandings. But we dealt with all of this mess, cause that was our project mission. And we were effective because we worked together. Thanks for it! I would love to repeat „this“ experience one more time. Regards for the kitchen chiefs!”(Michal – Poland)
,,Definitely, one of my top experiences so far, if this isn't the top one! Sometimes, words cannot express feelings, everything was superb! From night partying to hiking and workshops! I’d love to see you all again sometime and hope there's going to be a sequel to "From Trash to Cash".” (Alex – Greece) ,,I enjoyed the exchange in Bușteni a lot - I made friends there and there were many moments I will keep in my heart, like the one when five of us went uphill and meditated with a beautiful mountain landscape all around us. A hike to the waterfall was memorable too, same as many expeditions downtown to the store with the dog, playing outside, a hike to the other side of the mountain when all the way back I kept my eyes closed and had a friend lead me, or a moment there was an official emergency alarm (with sirens wailing and notifications on the phones) that a bear is in the town - exactly when a few of our friends went to the shop. I loved lots (really lots) of uncontrollable laughter with some people - just a few words or even a glance at each other was enough to burst out laughing (at times even for hours), singing songs from cartoons in our languages, yelling at each other in Greek, playing some cool games, dancing to drum'n'bass, debating on environmental issues, or even just working alltogether with the music playing out loud, and in the end a really warm goodbye. Thanks to the organizers and everyone for the whole experience!” (Agnieska – Poland) 32
The Polish team had great time in Busteni. We enjoyed both the activities and the multicultural integration. However, fun is not the most important thing about the project. We learn about recycling, upcycling, waste, entrepreneurship, digital skills and others. We got a chance to test ourselves in cooperation in diversified teams working on a big projects for a couple of days. We took new ideas and perspectives, both on environmental as on relationships and communication. Besides that, we got a chance to get a grips of the Romanian culture. We tasted the regional food and got familiar with local customs. We also visited some nice places around, both cities as well as nature. It's was a valuable experience teaching us a lot about responsibilities.
The Czech team was happy to arrive to the lovely town of Busteni in the middle of the mountains after two days and one night in the train. We were all full of expectations and curiosity what to expect, as for the mojority of the team it was the first time in Romania and first time attending an Erasmus+ project. During the youth exchange we stayed in a nice hotel with an amazing view, we loved that! Moreover, we tried a lot of different food; our favourite one was definitely the traditional Romanian dessert papanasi! We worked hard on the business plans and upcycling products, but we also had time for a few hikes and enjoyed the evenings together with different activities. We 33
loved to let the others taste our cookies, candies and drinks that we brought from the Czech Republic and were proud to present the famous Greek personalities, we had lots of fun preparing as well as presenting it. Even though not all of us knew each other before the project, now we all became connected and maybe we will attend another project together in the future! (JOLANA-CZ)
As far as the theme of the program there was a variety of workshops that were related to environmental problems that our world faces globally and especially in Europe, how our habits and our activities are affecting the tomorrow’s world and what can we do to change this and at the same time create a startup that contributes to our personal development. I really liked the activities like the debate where we had to support one side and persuade the other one to join us and also the making of posters about overconsumption and recycling in Europe. There were also many others workshops which enable us to be creative and think of ideas that can truly pose an impact to our life. But the main workshop was about creating our own startup, from the beginning to the end. We had the chance to get a real taste of the parts needed to create a new company. Being in groups with people with different cultural backgrounds and working together was a great challenge and in the end everyone had something to present that could really be a company one day. Besides the fun we had, someone can really imagine the skills that were developed all this time like cooperation, active listening, critical thinking, discussion, public speaking, creativity, taking decisions and many more. (Angelos – Greece)
Reflecting on the experience of the Spanish team in Busteni, first we can say that the project has helped us to strengthen ties between us and with people from different countries and cultures, to break down prejudices and, above all, to learn about such an important issue as recycling, upcycling and entrepreneurship. The Spanish team went without expectations, to the adventure and we had a great time. This helped the fantastic place where the exchange took place, 5 minutes walk from the mountain and the city. Finally, for us the schedule was very well organized, with times to rest, to interact with other people and, above all, to learn and develop our qualities in the recycling and transformation of garbage into something useful.(RAFA - group leader Spain)
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’