Soft Drugs Create Hard Problems - Magazine

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"Soft drugs create hard problems" is a youth exchange with 42 young people from 8 countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Northern Macedonia, Spain and Romania. The mobility will take place in Busteni between April 12-21, 2022. The aim of the project: is to increase the role of young people in preventing the use of illegal soft drugs and in effectively combating the effects of their use Objectives: 1. increasing the degree of civic education for 34 young people aged 16-24 and 8 group leaders from 8 countries in 8 days to raise awareness and reduce the risks of drug use at the individual and societal level 2. development through creative and innovative methods within 8 days for 42 participants of new civic and personal competencies in applying solutions for better information in the 8 referral communities on the negative effects produced by the use of light drugs at the physical level, psychic and social 3. promoting among young people from 8 communities through nonformal education an active and healthy lifestyle as alternatives to the reintegration into society of young people directly and indirectly affected by light drug use.

The program of activities is dynamic and uses a diverse methodology based on non-formal education techniques. The mobility provides knowledge and socialization activities, team building and understanding of cultural diversity. There will be 6 thematic workshops that will debate and fix notions related to light drug use, causes, effects and solutions, each with a well-defined purpose and specific methods: presentations, debates, “world cafe", video creation and theatre. They will be complemented by intercultural evenings, visits to the region, outdoor activities and socializing games and team building activities.

The mobility takes place in Busteni between April 12-21, 2022 and will be followed by a period of 3 months necessary for the dissemination of results and monitoring the evolution in changing behavior through new questionnaires in the community. The project takes place in a context in which young people aged 16-24 are increasingly faced with the use of soft drugs that affect young people as consumers, collateral victims and passive witnesses. The project wants to increase the role of young people in preventing and combating the use of soft drugs, understanding here cannabis, ethnobotanicals and the mixtures that contain them together with the so-called "new substances". Documentation of young people showed that:  15.2% of young Europeans (over 16 million) are cannabis users, 8% use light ethnobotanical drugs, and 54% of them switch to strong drugs  57% of young people consider access easy, over 60% want to legalize soft drugs, and about 80% easily buy them on the street and consume them at parties and clubs.  over 90% are aware that they are breaking the law, only 41% consider themselves informed of risks, only 30% of young people consider the risk high, and 15% consider it zero  as a direct effect of light drug use, in 2018 1 million young people were hospitalized, the success rate of rehabilitation centers is below 20% and 8800 young people died The partners have established a common profile for the selection of participants which includes: -member / volunteer in partner associations or referral communities -age between 16-24 years - average knowledge of English to allow integration into activities and active contribution in workshops -team spirit, empathy, active participation and responsibility for individual and team tasks -thematic motivation, understanding the learning needs and interest for personal development and improving skills to find solutions and then the opportunity to use the results for personal purposes, in association and community to achieve the proposed objectives

-An attitude of respect, tolerance and peaceful coexistence in a strong intercultural environment having in addition the desire to find solutions to the identified cases and then apply them in the community

The program of activities is dynamic and uses a diverse methodology based on non-formal education techniques that combine new or used methods in previous projects and adapted together with partners and young people for this topic. The mobility provides knowledge and socialization activities, team building and understanding of cultural diversity. There will be 6 thematic workshops that will debate and fix notions related to light drug use, causes, effects and solutions, each with a welldefined purpose and specific methods: presentations, debates, “world cafe ", video creation and theater. They will be complemented by intercultural evenings, visits to the region, outdoor activities and socializing games and team. The final products will be presented at the high school in Busteni on the last day. The activities from the dissemination and exploitation phase of the results will include actions for the dissemination of the final products and the application with the support of the associations for sending the supports in the association and community. Daily evaluation-reflection activities, visibility and monitoring will complete the program. The activities in the dissemination and exploitation phase of the results will include actions for the dissemination of the final products and the application with the support of the associations to send the support to the association and community. Daily evaluation, reflection and monitoring activities will complete the program.

City Bound

During this activity, we had the opportunity to discover the city, but also the opportunity to go to a beautiful waterfall hiden in the forest.

This activity aims the communication between locals and young people from the exchange.

We were divided in 6 teams, and we had some very interesting tasks around the city.


ENERGIZERS Everyday, after waking up, our participants had to play a little game to get some energy for the daily activities. All countries had to come up with an energizer specific to their country.

DAY 1 – No energizer, it was the arrival day. Most of the teams arrived in the afternoon so all the participants were fresh.

DAY 2 – Day started with the energizer “Hey Joe!” made by the Romanian team. A little game-story about a man named Joe whose job was to press buttons. As the story goes you should go faster and faster and you should press imaginary buttons with different body parts simultaneous.

DAY 3 – A nice and sunny day who started with an energizer made by our friends from spain. This was an Among Us like game where everyone should imitate the impostor except the person in the middle who doesn’t know who is the impostor and he/she should guess who is the impostor. If the impostor is caught then it goes in the middle and another impostor is chosen.

DAY 4 – The greeks presented us a dynamic energizer

DAY 5 – Our day started with the Macedonian version of hip hip hooray.

DAY 6 – The energizer was organized by the Latvians girlsand it was a latvian dance.

DAY 7 – The Czech team showed us one of the most interesting energizer. This was a game wich involved a deck of cards. Every participant will sit down on a chair and will get one of the four symbols present in a deck of cards: heart, diamond, spades, clubs. After that the person who shared the symbols will extract every card in the deck one by one and if the symbol of the card coresponds with your symbol you can move to the next chair. If the chair is occupied by another participant you can sit on the participant. If you sit on a participant he is blocked and can’t move until you move to the next chair. The first one to get back to his initial chair wins.

Day 8 – We’ve done a short energizer because we had lot to do in that day.

DAY 9 – It was the last day, we went to a trip to Brasov and then we started packing our things so we didn’t need to do any energizer.


Eggsercise was a fun activity were we had to build a shelter for our eggs because we wanted them alive after a story fall. Unfortunately no team figured out how to make the perfect shelter and all eggs were declared DECEASED.

LAND ART The beauty of art is being authentic and what is more authentic than nature itself? Land art is an activity which consist in Creating pieces of art from what you find in your surroundings. You are only allowed to use brenches, leaves, and other materials from nature without harming the environment.

This story is about a guy named Boris, he was using drugs, he was having a girlfriend, who didnt know about his addiction, when she find out about his addiction, she immediately broke up with him. Boris got depressed and sad, so he used like 6 types of drugs and he overdosed and died. The mountaint and cross represents the story

The Time - The clock express the infinite cycle of addiction and need for drugs in Drugs addicts mind

“passing out” represents a man affected by drugs, unconscious and shows the effect on the body

It’s called brainstorm and it represent the brain of a drug user. The branches are the dead brain cells in their brain from all the drugs

"The green dream". A smoking person dreaming a big weed (Marijuana). Green eyes describe the dream.

" Drug head" It's a man who does drugs and his eyes are not the same shape because of drugs. Same with the teeth, some are missing. Also he is smoking a lot of cigarettes.

"The prison" There is a girl who got caught by selling marijuana and she is in the prison as a punishment. The circle that she is inside represents the prison.


The first poster wants the people to see the soft drugs that we have

in our lives without even realizing it. One of them is coffee, a simple soft

drug in appearance but it can cause insomnia, fast heart rate,

dehydration and anxiety. Alcohol is another soft drug that adults and

even youngsters use without consideration. Alcohol is a depressant,

which means that it slows down the activity of the brain, and can be a

serious cause of behavior problems. Smoking is a vice you can rapidly

get in and hardly get out of. Smoking is a starting point to lung cancer

and teeth problems. The team also took in consideration the usage of

marijuana, or “weed” which is not supposed to be addictive, but it

certainly has numerous bad effects like lung inflammation and the

reduction of cognitive function.

The second team made the poster about the legislation. Caffeine is

legal at any age, on the other hand alcohol, nicotine and CBD-s have an

age restriction which is usually 18+. The percentage of male consumers

is higher than the female consumers and they usually start at age 15.

They do that because of poor environment, low economical status. Some

of the affections are the easy addiction, the slower mental development,

the skipping of school and hobbies and the health damage. Statistics

have shown that 2.1% of people are usingmarijuana right now, 3.9% are

recent users and 15% have tried in their life. Another drug is cocaine and

2.2% of people are using it now, 1.3% are recent users and 2.7% have

tried it in their lifetime. Almost the same thing happens with MDMA,

opium, amphetamine, heroin, and any other drugs.

The third poster is about soft drugs in different countries. For example,

in Latvia there is not legalized any soft drug. There, the consumers are

usually in school, men, between 15 and 44 years old and do not have

high education. Some of the affections are addictions and health

problems. There are anyway people who use illegally marijuana (high

usage). Those who tried marijuana have also tried another type of

drugs, most of teenagers knowing where to buy them from.

In Macedonia the laws are easy for smoke, vape and drinking

alcohol, or some LSD or MDMA. The consumers are between 18 and 45

years old, men being the gender majority, causing some serious health

problems. The drugs are prohibited by law because they are dangerous

and harmful for non-smokers.

In Romania easy drugs or ethnobotanics are not legal. Usually the

consumers are between 13 and 65 years old, mostly males and with low

life quality level. There are soft drugs like marijuana which are legal, but

somehow it can still get you in prison. There are also harmful parts of

using drugs the country is facing like overdose, suicide and addiction.

Statistics have shown that even teenagers and adults are using drugs

and there have been 45 deaths because of drugs, the last counting being

in 2019.

In Spain it depends on the drug but the only drug allowed is

cannabis and only for personal and medical use, it is illegal to sell it.

People can have till 100g of cannabis, but only for personal use. The

biggest percentage of cannabis consumers is between 15 and 24 years

old. It can cause brain damage and problems with memory and hearing.

In Czech Republic every soft drug is illegal, but you can grow 2

plants of marijuana for personal use. You can buy cannabis but only if

you have a medical paper, and you can buy CBD without THC. The male

consumers are a majority and the most used drugs are cannabis in 26%,

MDMA in 5% and magic mushrooms in 3.8%.

In Greece soft drugs are illegal for entertainment reasons and in

2018 cannabis was legalized for medical reasons. Consumers are

mostly youngsters, especially university students. There are also some

examples of underage students smoking weed. A lot of people are

buying drugs from the streets and there are stores selling CBD

products. Statistics have shown that 30% of drugs should be legal for

personal use, 33% should be illegal, minor offensive, 25% illegal,

criminal offensive and 22% have no answer. There are many cases of

depression, committing crimes, suicides and violent behavior.

The fourth poster is about soft drugs in different countries too.

For example, in Greece the most used drugs are cannabis, cocaine

and MDMA. Cannabis is mostly used by people in ages 25-34(5.6%).

Cocaine is mostly used by people in ages 35-44(0.8%). MDMA is mostly

used by people in ages 15-24(0.5%). Generally, drugs are consumed

more by men than women.Drugs are illegal in Greece, although

cannabis was legalized in 2017 for medical purposes only.

In Latvia the most used drugs are cannabis, cocaine and MDMA.

Cannabis is mostly used by people between 15-34(10%). Cocaine is

mostly used by people in age 15-34(1,2%). MDMA is mostly used by

people in age 15-34(0.8%). Drugs are illegal in Latvia, but somehow

Latvia’s government started decriminalization process.

In Romania the most used drugs are cannabis, cocaine, medicine

without prescription and ecstasy. Most drugs are consumed by the

people between 15-24 years, and on the second place are situated the

people between 25-34 years. Women that consume drugs are in 0.1%

and men 0.9%. Most important problems that affect youngsters are

depression, stress, unsocial life. Drugs are banned in Romania although,

cannabis is being cultivated by farmers with permission of the minister.

Chocolate, cigarettes, coffee, and alcohol are allowed.

In Czech Republic the most used drugs are cannabis, cocaine,

MDMA and amphetamines. All of them are used by people in ages 15-34.

Generally, drugs are consumed by men (73%). Drugs are illegal in Czech

Republic but some of them are used for medical purposes.

In Macedonia the most used drugs are cannabis, MDMA, cocaine

and amphetamine. All drugs, including poppy and medicinal cannabis

are prohibited by law. Drugs are used mainly by men (84%) as opposed

to women (16%). Distribution by age: unfinished primary school (5,88%);

primary school (31%), high school (60,9%), higher education (2,1%). The

means of consumption are intravenous, snorting, smoking, orally, etc.

Most youngsters who consume drugs face problems such as domestic

violence, depression, peer pressure and bullying.

The last poster is about soft drugs in our lives. In Spain, Romania, Latvia

and Czech Republic soft drugs are not legal. In Spain, you can grow and

smoke drugs in your own home, in Czech Republic as well. In Romania

and Latvia you are not allowed to have drugs in any way. The most

important problem that affects youngsters are related to getting a job,

quit education and health.

WORld CaffE

This activity is more relaxing than other activities. It's just about

talking. But talking in a better and interactive way. Everybody knows

that the best disscusions are coming along with a coffe or with a cup of

tea. So, in this activity four volunteers stayed at a table with a different

topic about soft drugs. Everybody, except the four ones, needed to go to

another table after 5 minutes, with the condition of not going to a table

they went before. Everybody was included in conversation, and they

came up with new and original ideas.

The topics were:

• Solutions to prevent soft drugs consumption – Mateusz

• Effects of soft drugs consumption – Darija

• Causes of soft drugs consumption – Camila

• Who is responsible for the prevention and the combating of soft

drugs? – Konstantinos

Solutions to prevent soft drugs consumption

The most important solution is to educate people about drugs

applying positive

approach from very young age. Dont scare people

with drugs, rather let them know what this is about (reasons to use,

effects, possible and very likely consequences and how to deal with

them). It can be accomplished by educating in schools, but also by

organizing workshops or educating in non formal way. Although getting

knowledge is must do to prevent, It is also good to hear other people’s

experiences. Experience is the best teacher as we use to say. Spending

time in good social circles isn’ less important, other’s influence forms

us as a persons, so better spent time in good and positive environment.

Showing people how to deal with their problems in life can also help

with prevention of using drugs as cheap and easy way of dealing with

life troubles. Other than that, healthy lifestyle, doing sports and healthy

family relations are also very important.

Effects of soft drugs consumption

At this table, we talked about a lot of effects, more exactly,

psychological effects, social and physical ones.

Psychological effects: depression, stress, different view of life,

anxiety, happiness, mood changes, therapeutic, consciousness,

schizophrenia, paranoia, 3rd eye, dementia, confidence, losing your

mind, hallucinations

Social effects: hurting others, social circles, fun memories,

distancing, illegal behavior, financial problems, loosing of family

connections, absence of school / work

Physical effects: chance of cancer or other diseases, dental

problems, death, lung problems, insomnia, eating disorders,

losing/gaining weight, heart problems, hair loss, energy, weakened

immune system, aging, sense damage, scars

We also talked about how it can cause an addiction but some of

them can also cure diseases. The effects of soft drugs can also be

making the person who takes them more brave which can lead to

injuries, either to themselves or others.

Causes of soft drugs consumption

Family issues, peer pressure, fame or success, curiosity, mental

health (stress, depression, anxiety), lack of information or knowledge, to

get rid of sadness, to avoid problems, the background (environment),

social media influence, for fun, running addiction in family, a break up,

bullying, concentration, abusive relationship, sexual abuse, bad


Who is responsible for the prevention and the combating of soft drugs?

The individual, family, friends, school, teachers/professors,

scientists, governmen, police, media, influencer, people/stores selling

drugs, phycologists, counselors.


We had a debate night where we had to speak our opinion pro or

against about some topics:

1.Legalization of Soft Drugs in European Union countries is justified only

under state monopol.

Aginst side: they don't see the reason why they should be the only

one in the country to provide the people, the private companies could do

it better.

Pro side: they think that the state is kinda responsible for the drugs

and for the people who consume them, just imagine that the drugs can

be find in every store then anyone could consume them and I would be

too dangerous.




should tolerate consumtions of

soft drugs în the case of acreditated musicians and actors.

Against side: they don't think that drugs help artists to become

better at their job just because they use them.

Pro side: they think that musicians sing for hours and some of them

use soft drugs to go through the hole performance and to help them to

do better.

3.Alcohol should be considered legally soft drug and should be

prohbitedîn European Union.

Pro side: they think that it becomes addictive.

Against side: they think that

alcohol is bad and cause bad things

but if alcohol is prohibited everyone

will buy it anyways but illegally from bad people and the money won't

get to the state anymore but to bad people.

4.Prohibition of soft drugs is against freedom of choice.

Pro side: they think that their freedom stops when your freedom of

using drugs begins, because people that are under the influence do bad


Against side: they think that everyone should be free to do what

they want but not to affect other people, they can do drugs but to be

aware and to be.

5.Students should pass an

antidrug test before exams.

Against side: they think that is

that person's thing and fault if they

do drugs school should not be


PRO SIDE: They think that is for their safety.


In intercultural evenings, all countries present their food, traditions

and cultures. We can observe the variety of whitening habits specific to

each country.

The team from Czech

Republic presented different

types of beer, candies and


The Greek team was extremely appreciated for their tzatziki sauce

and the participants found

that it tastes good with

anything, even apples.

The Latvian girls brought the evening dessert with their country-

specific sweets.

Northern Macedonia presented various juices and snacks.





special drink, sangria, but the food was also delicious.

Each evening had to present another country in a unique way so

everyone documented the country received.




talked about Romania:

Romania made a play about Greece:

Greece danced the Latvian dance:

Latvian girls danced a

Macedonian dance:

Macedonia showed us the Spanish traditions:

Spain talked about the Czech






tastiest traditional




foreigners enjoyed:




In this video some

friends go on a trip, they think about whether or not to take some drugs

to make the evening more fun, after a long discussion in which they

remembered their last experience with various soft drugs, they decided

not to take any of them and to stay sober during the trip.


In this video,

people share their

experiences with drugs and any problems they bring, also the rehab

they have gone through to become a better person.


This video is about a teen who got

neglected by her parents and

because of that she got into taking drugs. Her parents found out and the

teen did not want to speak with them chosing to take more drugs until

she overdosed.


This video is about a doctor

who takes a drug to enhance his

surgeries rate of success. But one

time he takes a big dose and gets to high therefore he kills a pacient.


This video highlights the choices

you can make in life andthe

outcome of them. Portraying that

the good choices can and will have a better outcome for you on the long



Theater 1 The Hockey player Yuriy lives with his parents and two younger brothers in Tomsk in Siberia. He is twenty years old and a very promising ice-hockey player. His uncle in America has offered to try to find him a scholarship to study in an American college. Yuriy's father, Misha, has been unemployed for many months and at the moment, the only source of family income is from odd jobs that Yuriy does. Yuriy does not know what to do. His mother is ill, his younger brother is disabled and the family relies on him. He decided to follow his career and go to America. He had a test for playing in a local team and Stan, the trainer promised him a place in a team for the next day. After the test, he met Ismail who took him to a party where Yuriy discovered weed and had a creat night. The trainer of the hockey club called him the next day but he was so sick and he couldn’t answer

Theater 2 TheDancer Krista, 20 years old, a nice dancer lives in a tiny flat in a very poor suburb of Bratislava and dreams of living in Germany. She has read an advertisement offering jobs for dancers in Berlin. After speaking with Jana, her best friend she called the number and met a man, Will who promised to get her out of poverty saying that she will easily become famous in Berlin. She decides to trust the man and to take the chance to go to Germany. But at the airport, Will and his partner Roby kidnap her, hide her in a cellar and forced her to take drugs and do prostitution. Krista just managed to send a desperate SMS – “Help me” – to Jana who called several times without any answer.

Theater 3 TheDJ Marius is an Albanian DJ, a student in economics that works every weekend in a club in Bucharest Old Town. To resist the programme, his girlfriend who studies chemistry, Daria comes every evening bringing him drugs that she buys from a trustful couple, Maria and Tony. On a Friday night after taking his dose, Marius felt very bad and vomited all next day and in the evening he couldn’t perform. Daria checked some leftovers of that dose and discovered there were fake substances very toxic. She went to the couple of dealers to ask for explanations but nobody answered at that apartment in the next week. Marius is still in the hospital.

Theater 4 The Drummer Vasko is a very good Bulgarian drummer and his band just signed a contract for a tour in west Europe. They are very happy and after the first gig in Amsterdam, Vasko went to Red Light District to check some coffee shops. He met different people there and had a good time with some girls. The next day the band should play in Brussels but Vasko didn’t show up at the train station. All the band is concerned but they still hope Vasko will come with the next train. On the same evening, Police announce that they found an unknown body on one of the channels. Brussels gig was cancelled.

Theater 5 The Dealer Andreas and Nikos are well-known drug dealers in the centre of Nicosia and they act under the protection of the head of the local police. One day they saw Yussuf, an African refugee trying to sell some “chocolate” to tourists. They get angry and went to explain to him to leave that territory. Yussuf protested telling them he has also to survive. In the evening on the way back home Yussuf was attacked by a masked person. There were 3 witnesses but they run away afraid. A policeman discovered Yussuf and helped him to reach his home. Yussuf made a declaration telling him that he thinks it was Andreas and Nikos revenge. In the morning the policeman reported to his boss the situation. In the afternoon he was fired.

Theater 6 The Driver Ricardo lives on his own in Lisbon, Portugal, in a tiny apartment he can hardly afford. He has only one friend, Alonso. Ricardo has been ill for many months and lives of social security payments from the government. As a driver, he used to work doing some deliveries but now there isn’t any offer. While he was drinking a beer in a pub watching his favourite team Benfica, two guys, Paolo and Pedro came to him to propose a job: to deliver some goods to different addresses for quite a good salary. Ricardo accepted and started to work. As there were more and more demands he ask Alonso to help him. Alonso accepted as he needed money. One night a policeman stopped them asking for papers and it was discovered that in the packages they were carrying were ethnobotanical drugs. They were both arrested. Even if they confess nobody found Paolo or Pedro as they were connected with some local politicians.

Theater 7 The Bartender Jack is a handsome guy looking every time he goes to a party to capture the attention of beautiful girls. One day he choose Helen as a potential target so he offered her a cocktail in which he added some “pills”. Helen enjoyed the cocktail and after 20 minutes she found herself kissing Jack in the girls’ toilet. Mary is another girl that dreamt of being in the hands of Jack so she had a short joint outside and then followed the couple to the toilet. Mark, a friend of Jack who saw everything went also to the toilet just in time to see Mary in a jealousy crisis hitting Helen with a bottle in her head. Mark tried to react but Jack slapped him in a volcanic way and both Helen and Mark are now on the floor. Jack took Mary and left the party. After 10 minutes Helen recovered and thinking that Mark attacked her, took the bottle and hit him in the face. Soon, everybody at the party could hear one girl shouting when she entered the toilet. Blood was everywhere…


Youthpass is the recognition instrument developed for the projects

realised in the European youth programmes. Through the Youthpass

certificate, participation in such projects can be recognised as an

educational experience and a period of non-formal and informal

learning. Youthpass foresees a process applied throughout the project

life-cycle to support the learning of participants. It also serves as a

strategy that improves the recognition of non-formal learning in Europe.

You can use the Youthpass Certificate to:

* better manage your individual training course and reflect the

results of non-formal learning;

* to obtain a social recognition of the activity carried out;

* increase your chances of employment;

* increase your chances of access to various forms of lifelong


* to brag to friends and family about what you've learned or to

compare with other volunters

Key competences

1.Multilingual competences

Multilingual competence is the ability to use different languages for

communication and to understand and express thoughts, feelings and

facts orally or in writing.

2. Personal, social and learning to learn competence

Personal, social and learning to learn competence is the ability to

learn to learn, to manage one’s own learning and to reflect on oneself. It

is about time and information management.

3. Citizenship competence

Citizenship competence is the ability to act as responsible citizens

and to fully participate in civic and social life, based on understanding of

social, economic, legal and political concepts as well as global

developments and sustainability.

4. Entrepreneurship competence

Entrepreneurship competence refers to the capacity to act upon

opportunities and to turn ideas into action that has value for others. It

includes taking initiative, creativity, innovation, critical thinking and

problem solving.

5. Competence in cultural awareness and expression

Competence in cultural awareness and expression is the

understanding of how ideas are creatively expressed in different

cultures, through different arts. It involves developing and expressing

own ideas.

6. Digital competence

Digital competence involves the responsible use of digital

technologies; communication and collaboration, media literacy, digital

content creation, safety, intellectual property related questions, problem

solving and critical thinking.


Introduction City Bound Some pictures of us Energizers Eggsercise! Land Art Posters World Caffe Debate Intercultural evenings Videos Theater Youthpass Key competences

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