Nobody wants to be the victim of a crime, but if you leave GPS units, phones, your purse, or other valuables visible in your vehicle you are increasing the risk you will be a victim of theft. Burlington Police report that most thefts from autos are the result of people leaving their car doors unlocked or leaving valuables in view where thieves can easily spot them. The message is, “If thieves see it, they will steal it”. By simply locking the doors of your vehicle and by taking valuable items with you or hiding them in a locked trunk, you can dramatically reduce the risk of being a crime victim.
53% of Burlington’s reported Breaking & Entering of autos were committed on unlocked vehicles!
What are thieves looking for? The answer: EVERYTHING! This includes: audio equipment, cash, purses, cell phone, tools, clothes, driver’s licenses and other personal documents, check books, luggage, cameras, GPS units, anything of value or personal identification. If a thief manages to get anything with your personal information on it, including a social security number you are now in danger of becoming an Identity Theft victim.
Quick tips for prevention
Lock doors and take keys with you. Park in secure well lit locations. Don’t leave valuables in plain sight, lock them in a trunk or take them with you.
Lock it or Lose it! The key to preventing thefts from your vehicle starts with YOU! To report a crime or suspicious activity call the Burlington Police Department at 336-229-3500 or Burlington / Alamance Crime Stoppers at (336) 229-7100.