Evidence collection and storage policies Julie Schenck Setting up an evidence collection and storage policy in a hospital can help law enforcement in its crime investigations and establish healthcare security as an integral part of the community, according to the author, who describes how such a policy helped police solve a murder.
(Julie Schenk is Manager, ODS Security Solutions at Duke Raleigh Hospital, Raleigh, NC. She is a member of IAHSS.)
Evidence- ev-i-dence noun: something which shows that something else exists or is true: a visible sign of something: material that is presented to a court of law to help find the truth about something. Evidence serves many purposes throughout its existence. • Supports investigations • Helps guarantee successful prosecution at criminal and civil trials • Can establish a department’s reputation within the community as being an honest, reputable department worthy of the community’s confidence and trust Security professionals, clinical teams, and local law enforcement officers are integral to any community. They work collaboratively for the safest and most secure environment for everyone. A positive relationship between the entities creates confidence and
trust among local residents. Residents and families want assurance that they can trust the healthcare facility to work in concert with local law enforcement to ensure safety and security. They must also have confidence that any evidence surfacing within the healthcare facility from alleged crimes is maintained securely and appropriately, according to privacy legislation and the law. Preservation of evidence comes into play inside and outside every healthcare facility. Often, evidence crosses the lines between the community and the healthcare facility. When evidence is collected within the healthcare facility, cooperation with external agencies is vital. Members of the community and law enforcement officials depend on evidence to help them determine how a situation occurred and who might be at fault. Evidence tells a story. It tells what caused injuries being treated, the severity of those injuries, and the origination of the injury (evidence) such as knives and bullet fragments. Evidence can determine what type and caliber/size weapon was used, as well as where the weapons origi-
nated. Multiple types of evidence determine if the injury is consistent with the injuries caused by particular weapons. A HEALTH CARE FACILITY’S EVIDENCE POLICY Maintaining the integrity of evidence and properly managing, documenting, and facilitating the transfer of evidence through a defined chain of custody supports external investigations. Evidence can be collected by clinical or security staff within a hospital setting. A consistent policy for managing evidence is essential. Having an Evidence Policy in the healthcare facility helps maintain the credibility of evidence. 1. The evidence policy allows strict measures to be set for the identification, collection, preservation, security and disposition of evidence. 2. The collection of evidence can occur in a multitude of places within a healthcare facility - but a majority of evidence is likely to be collected in the Emergency Department or the Operating Room. 3. The policy acts as a guide for
security officers and clinical staff, directs them on how to collect/ contain evidence depending on type of evidence and condition, how to properly document findings, and the safest and most secure method and location of storage. 4. Knowing how to properly handle evidence until it is released to another agency or disposed of is critical in the healthcare setting. Most importantly, it’s essential to understand how to maintain a solid chain of custody for the evidence. Collecting evidence under a solid Evidence Policy helps create a strong relationship with agencies outside healthcare facilities. For example, assistance with criminal investigations requires handling evidence. Security officers and local police officers depend on each other and the respective facilities for mutual aid in a variety of circumstances. Working in collaboration builds respect, trust, and understanding of each department’s operations and portrays a strong, confident, professional image within the community.
A CASE HISTORY: HOW AN EVIDENCE POLICY ENHANCED A HOSPITAL’S REPUTATION The following is an example relative to the significance of an Evidence Policy and how it benefits a healthcare facility. In a recent event, security officers at a local hospital initiated a Code Grey that locked down the Emergency Department due to a GSW (gun shot wound). The victim walked into the ED for treatment. Notification was communicated to the local law enforcement agency. The keen observation skills and immediate response of ODS security officers provided important detailed information to the local agency. This detailed account of events and information turned out to be incredibly valuable to the investigation. During their investigation, local law enforcement determined that the patient who had suffered a GSW was potentially involved in a shooting incident within the city. That shooting was currently under investigation.
The ODS security officer was able to review the hospital’s video surveillance system and locate evidentiary footage to support the local agency’s investigation. The individual was subsequently arrested and charged with murder upon discharge. The video was documented according to Evidence Policy and handed over to the Public Safety Manager. It was then exported and secured for the law enforcement agency as evidence. The recorded security video footage
was properly collected and secured, and followed a solid Chain of Custody. It is this type of dedication, teamwork and cooperation between agencies that makes the community and hospital a safer place--inside and outside the walls of the facility. For more on this story, visit the following link: http://www.wral.com/ three-charged-in-fatal-north-raleighshooting/13075804/. For information on developing an Evidence Policy, contact ODS Security Solutions.