What a year 2011 was!! You all helped make it a very memorable one. OL
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mission - It’s our mission as a partner to our clients to enhance security through training, elevate through industry leadership and motivate through achievement-
Delivering Security Solutions for hospitals committed to becoming a great place for employees to work, for physicians to practice and for patients to receive care-
healthcare security services technology solutions company police
ODS Healthcare Division as
OLD DOMINION SECURITY healthcare security services
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have two new web domain names for Security is Care: • Eyes, Ears and Brain • A Good Memory • Puzzles and Patterns • MBWA-Management By Walking Around • Care mated with Capability.
This new domain is
Our Job is: • Awareness • Approachability • Foresight whenever, wherever possible • Active Listening (feedback what you hear for clarity)
We want to hear your story! -
Our Clients need Confidence: • Competence • Thoughtful Observation • News-useful information • Answers to questions the may not know to ask • Our Understanding of their Company’s mission and industry We • • • • • •
all Gain Together: Reputation Pride More Opportunity Greater Compensation Satisfaction Respect
We are a rare security company because we get it and clients can sense it:
Without care, there is NO security. “No one cares how much you know
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Welcome New Team Members!
Events on the Horizon of being connected with ADP Mobil. For today’s workforce on the go, ADP Mobile Solutions empower employees by placing secure and convenient tools right in their hands.
Make pay statements easily accessible. Allow employees to access their pay statements, including earnings, deductions, and direct deposits whenever they want to—without having to call in.
Offer anytime convenience and security. With built-in security and convenience, ADP Mobile Solutions allows employees to connect with your company anytime, anywhere
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Officers’ Corner
Notes from Tidewater
Congratulations toover the following for receiving a We have rewarded $4,000 dollars to $250.00 bonusjust forfor justreferring referring a friend!!! our employees a friend!!! ! Johnson received a $250 EmployeeReferral Referral Bonus for StaffPaul that received a $250 Employee Michael Gyapong Bonus for simply referring a friend: ! Nathan Applegate received a $250 Employee Referral Bonus for Allen Morris Deleath Lewis Wayne Smith($750.00) ! Raheem Smith received a $250 Employee Referral Bonus for Cathy Cousin-Smith Pam Carson Eric White Katie Giovannini
Kenneth Honeycutt
Ken DeVore
Anthony Inzar
Sharon Crawford
Arthur French
Melvin Lightfoot
Joel Miller
Crime Clinic – May 2008
Emmett Wimbush ($500.00)
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Left to right: Major Winston Robertson–Hanover Sheriff ’s Office, Rafe Wilkinson–ODS,Troy Gray–ODS, Lt. Richard B. Hitt, Jr.–Fredericksburg the 2012 Rose Sheriff ’s Office, and Ray Ash–Ash Investigations.
the storm.
Message from William Mapp to his staff California.
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Hello ODS Team! I would like to thank my team for an outstanding job! Keeping a ship afloat can be a task during rocky seas , and my team gives 100% to making a smooth sail. Job well done to Lt. Carolyn Travis, Sherryl Punch and Carsndra Barnes, for the extra support you provide to ensure quality service. Keep up the good work!
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Diane McWilliams • Paul Casey • Joel Miller Monica Brandenburg • Kevin Evans • Nancy Harding Remon Strader • Cameron Buchannan • Destiny Hewlett James Creasey • Leah Whittle Thanks A lot, W.M. Mapp
eys to more abundant living: for others, and sharing with others. ARMC Security Team
liam A.Ward Old Dominion Security Company, Inc.
20 Under 40, Class of 2012 The future leaders of the security profession Security Director News introduces its 20 Under 40 Class of 2012
Chris Cromer
By Whit Richardson - 01.10.2012 Each year, Security Director News takes time away from reporting the news and views of interest to the security professional, and reports on the security professionals themselves.
have security professionals from the higher education (Georgetown University), healthcare (Alamance Regional Medical Center) and municipal (City of Toronto) sectors.
Our 20 Under 40 list, populated by security professionals under the age of 40, gives us the opportunity to reach out to our readers and ask them: Who are the young, up-and-coming security professionals being noticed? Who’s exhibiting the characteristics that will make a future leader of the profession?
military personnel and a former FBI employee. However, the majority of the members on this list came up through the ranks of security professionals, from such humble beginnings as being a 17-year-old loss prevention associate at Kmart to having a summer job installing security camera systems. But through hard work, dedication, and a passion for the profession, these 20 individuals have risen up through the ranks and are being noticed. You may have heard of them. They sit on boards, chair committees, and champion causes. They may very well be the future leaders of the security profession.
We were thrilled to receive more than 100 nominations for this year’s list. Hard decisions were made, but we think we’ve highlighted 20 of the most distinguished security professionals in the business today who are under 40 years of age.
Without further ado, I present Security Director News’ 20 Under 40, Class of 2012, presented in alphabetical order by last name.
Kevin Ach, Senior Director of Loss Prevention,
Jeffrey Chulick Enablement, Ernst & Young
Jeffrey Plouffe, Assistant Vice President, Security
Stuart Benson, Security, City of Ottawa
Ray Cotton, Manager of Physical Security
Jonathan Raecek, Managing Director, Security and
Jason Carroll, Director of Public Safety, Ivy Tech Community College-Central Indiana
Chris Cromer, Projects Lead, Old Dominion Security, serving Alamance Regional Medical Center
Michael Ramstack, Senior Security Manager, Covance Laboratories
Josh Carver Security, Shire Pharmaceutical
Brendan Fitzgerald Investigations, BJ’s Wholesale Club
Katherine Chadwick Johnson, Senior Analyst,
Andrew Robinson Security, City of Toronto Rob Saxton
Carlos Galvez Jr., Manager of Global Protective Services, Cisco Systems Whit Chaiyabhat, Director of Emergency
Jason White, Director of Safety & Security, Seth Mecum
University Christopher Chapeta Chevron
Siomary Melendez, Global Security Manager, Thomson Reuters
A Very Merry ODS Christmas!
Recruiting – Recruit only the best
The Wounded Warrior Project ODS is establishing a relationship with this remarkable
Wounded Warrior Project
First Impressions
What our Clients want from ODS
The type of guardians our Clients want from ODS Reliability
tify potential business opportu-
name and some minimal infor-
Conference Season! Conference Season is upon ODS:
ODS Healthcare Team Conducting R.A.D. Training
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free lifetime return and practice policy
New Technology For Our Clients
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Test your understanding! Risk Reduction: Restraints, Self-Protection, and Defense
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C. 6 to 10 feet
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Training Notes Management Tips
Keep your defensiveness in stressful situations at a low level by realizing other
supervisor development sessions.
For Supervisors best to give a solution to every problem you
error they made, be aware of your attitude and
before assuming you know the answer to the gotten input from all the parties involved
to do it in a non-stressful environment and let
learn how to develop their own problem solving skills
would want someone to treat you; even if the
Training Notes
Test your understanding! ANSWERS 5C
May Martha Martin
Margie J Lange
Mae Johnson Steven Latta Lappia Samai
Dion Milton
James Miller
Don Thomas
Joel Miller Sr Daniel Tulloh
Dale Lee Johnson
March Douglas Tabb
Justin Turner
Daniel L Jones
Julian Jarvis